Monday, April 29th is Prince William and Kate’s 13th wedding anniversary. For their tenth anniversary, Kensington Palace released new portraits (which were unflattering for William) and what amounted to a denim commercial filmed in Norfolk (which had been filmed months in advance). Last year, for their 12th anniversary, Kensington Palace released a new-to-us photo of William and Kate on bikes, a photo which was taken the summer beforehand (the same time as their Christmas card photo from 2022). My point is that Kensington Palace seems to plan out all of their photo drops well in advance, and they clearly have tons of unreleased photos at their disposal. But KP probably isn’t going to release anything or say anything for William and Kate’s anniversary.
The Prince and Princess of Wales won’t publicly mark their wedding anniversary on Monday, it has been reported. As Kate continues through her cancer treatment, the couple have had some joyous occasions to celebrate through late-April and into May. Ahead of their daughter’s ninth birthday on May 2, the couple will celebrate their 13th wedding anniversary on April 29. The couple will likely mark the special day in private but, according to royal experrts, will not mark the milestone publicly.
Speaking on the latest episode of A Right Royal Podcast, HELLO’s royal editor Emily Nash explained why Kate and William will likely only mark the day in private.
Speaking of whether we can expect a new picture to mark their anniversary, Ms Nash said: “My gut feeling is that we won’t [get a new picture] because it’s not a big [milestone]. 13 years, it’s not a significant anniversary and also they’ve got a lot going on. They don’t make it an annual thing. They did put pictures out to mark their 10th anniversary [in 2021] so it’s not something I would expect them to do.”
Speaking of the couple’s decision to post a picture of their youngest son in honour of his sixth birthday on April 23, Ms Nash added: “They wanted to put something out in response to all the well wishes [and] the ‘happy birthday’ wishes aimed at Louis.”
With Charlotte’s birthday coming up next week, Ms Nash said we can likely expect a “similar approach” to how the pair marked Louis’s birthday.
Last week, when KP was finally convinced to release a photo for Prince Louis’s birthday, it was said that William and Kate were especially wary of releasing kid-photos because they had asked for privacy. And yet… the British media refuses to ever call them “privacy obsessed,” nor was Louis’s birthday photo actually about Kate or her medical situation. Nor was Louis’s photo taken recently, if you ask me. All the more reason why the Waleses could just… release an old photo, identify it as such and thank everyone for their well-wishes. That would be the mature way to handle it and negotiate the invisible contract, as well defang the conversations over KP’s lack of credibility when it comes to palace-issued media. Instead, KP is happy enough to leave the impression that Will and Kate have nothing to celebrate, especially not their marriage.
Photos courtesy of Kensington Palace, Cover Images, WENN.
- Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (Republican of New York, New York) conducts a press conference at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC on Thursday, November 19, 2020. He is accompanied by Trump Campaign Senior Legal Advisor Jenna Ellis. Giuliani wiped at his brow as the sweat poured down from his forehead. Pictured: Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani BACKGRID USA 19 NOVEMBER 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (Republican of New York, New York) conducts a press conference at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC on Thursday, November 19, 2020. He is accompanied by Trump Campaign Senior Legal Advisor Jenna Ellis. Giuliani wiped at his brow as the sweat poured down from his forehead. Pictured: Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani BACKGRID USA 19 NOVEMBER 2020 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince William And Catherine Princess Of Wales Visit Copper Box Arena in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, east London, to take part in an event with Coach Core, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Featuring: Prince William and Catherine Princess Of Wales Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 13 Oct 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- Prince William And Catherine Princess Of Wales Visit Copper Box Arena in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, east London, to take part in an event with Coach Core, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Featuring: Prince William and Catherine Princess Of Wales Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 13 Oct 2022 Credit: PA Images/ Images **North America Rights Only**
- Prince and Princess of Wales (William and Kate) attend Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II’s Royal Wedding Banquet at Al Husseinieh Palace in Amman, Jordan, on June 1st, 2023. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Amman, Jordan When: 01 Jun 2023 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Jordan’s Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II’s Royal Wedding at Zahran Palace in Amman, Jordan Featuring: Catherine, Princess Of Wales, Prince William Where: Amman, Jordan When: 01 Jun 2023 Credit: Nieboer/DDP/INSTARimages **USA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prince William of Wales and Catherine Princess of Wales during the dinner banquet on Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II and Princess Rajwa their Royal Wedding at Zahran Palace in Amman, Jordan. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Amman, Jordan When: 01 Jun 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – Parliament SquareDepartures London, England – 29.04.11 Featuring: Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN
- Prince William and Catherine Middleton kiss as husband and wife The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – Buckingham Palace Balcony London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN
- Catherine Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, leaving the Abbey in a horse drawn carriage The Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton – The Mall Departures London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: Danny Clifford
- The Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge Westminster Abbey, London. London, England – 29.04.11 Where: London, United Kingdom When: 29 Apr 2011 Credit: WENN **Only available for publication in UK, USA**
They’ve had enough photoshop scandals this year I guess.
Why not a loving pic from Xmas? Could’ve quietly cast doubts on the hospital story
Probably because a loving pic (of them together) at Christmas doesn’t exist. They’d have to photoshop it and we see how that went for them on Mother’s Day 🤷🏽♀️
Huh…I wonder why they won’t? Could it be because they no longer live together and are maybe in negotiations for a divorce.
It’s bizarre how they never share a candid picture of them both together. Either it’s a photoshopped mess (10th Anniversary Commercial) or it’s a picture of them together at an engagement. I’d take a lucky guess that they haven’t cohabited since lockdown lifted. Remember the sudden change in zoom backgrounds in early 2021? Something shifted at that exact moment. Then we seen Keen benched from the Diana statue unveiling and it has been downhill ever since.
They definitely were attending events separately by the time the commonwealth games happened. Kate met Charlotte and William flying in with the helicopter while she was in a range rover. The media was silent on that weird separate arrival.
There was also an attempt to excuse a separate arrival when George was there with Kate and he then met up with William who arrived separately. They tried to pretend he was working on a Sunday afternoon.
The media has known for years the true story but they keep quiet because of that silent contract.
Can’t remember the last time they were ever photographed together.
Well summarized, Kokiri.
Is she still alive? I have doubts.
Carmen I have no doubt that she’s no longer here. There’ll be a ‘sad deterioration’ announcement within the next couple of months.
Weird logic. Twelve years wouldn’t be considered a “milestone” one either if you are going on something like celebrating the every 10 years ones, but they released pix then. Something very odd is going on behind the scenes, because they surely have unseen pix from their wedding reception or some time.
I posted something similar below–what was the point of the 12yr photo??
Right?? She conveniently left the 12th anniversary photo out, since it doesn’t fit with her “milestone” narrative 🙄
Easy way to mislead.
Why are they so bad at this? Just release a casual photo from their lives. I really wonder what’s going on with these two. And I don’t believe the recent photos or videos are real – so where is she? Shelley Miscavige vibes here
Exactly. They could just be sitting on a sofa or something. Which makes me convinced that A. Kate can’t even sit up and B. Baldy doesn’t live with her. So suss.
They make every aspect of their jobs sound arduous, yet a staff member could post a photo in ten seconds. Nobody expects a new photo.
I actually like the bike photos. Outdoors is always best for them.
They’ll probably reuse an old photo.
How about… the Squad flooding the socials with the most awful Lamebridge-Wails couple photos they can find?
Although muting them would probably be best.
The squad should stay out of this.
They’re doing just fine hanging themselves.
Ignoring is best, don’t interfere when they’re doing such a good job of wallowing in their own mess.
Releasing an old but cute picture that the public hasn’t seen before would work. Regardless of what’s happening with Kate, it’s pretty clear that the Wales are in some sort of battle with the press over pictures.
Maybe there aren’t any unreleased cute and loving photos of them. The loving photos we’ve seen have all been staged and in all the others from various events it looks like they barely tolerate each other.
Every single photo they’ve ever released is ultra-posed & processed. Well, Kate was given an honor for that so…what do I, a mere peasant, know?
Yeah, this would be a perfect time to release a “behind the scenes” photo from their wedding. The Sussexes gave them a template in their Netflix special.
Or maybe something from their early trips to Canada, you know, when their stock was the highest.
Lordy @eurydice, you’d think they have one somewhere. Like @jay said, maybe from the early marriage years. There’s gotta be something 🤷♀️. You would think. The bigger issue is I think they planned to photoshop and manipulate family pictures for their whole reign but the photo agencies called them out and blew up their spot. They’re still reeling and p*ssed.
@Jay and @Jais, agree with you both. An unseen wedding photo would be perfect, but they’re still so pissed about the photo agencies that they’re doing the equivalent of taking their toys home in a snit and refusing to play anymore.
They’re just terrible at PR. A never before seen picture from their wedding would work.
Have they ever released a never before seen photo from their wedding? If not, then doing so now would raise more questions about K and the lengths they’ve gone to to hide her physical appearance.
Why would it? All their photos are taken a year in advance anyway. We already know that Kate is very self conscious about how she looks . The mother’s day photo was proof of that.
The milestone argument doesn’t work because there are old news articles of the Waleses announcing their 11th and 12th anniversaries. Something is not right.
Hope the squad wise enough to give it the same energy they gave Earth 🌍 sh… prize announcement.
Not releasing yearly anniversary pictures falls into their credo; “we don’t want you to expect we will do this every year.” Paraphrasing here but isn’t that Kate’s response for not showing up at some military function?
Yes, that’s their shtick, we expect to be publicly funded every year but don’t expect us to actually commit to anything in return.
It just occurred to me, given Louis’ recent birthday & Charlotte’s upcoming one. For at least two of their anniversaries, Kate with either recently postpartum or very, very pregnant, & insecure/vain as she is wouldn’t have wanted to be photographed with her husband for anniversary photos. Same thinking applies for taking photos in advance of the anniversaries, very, very pregnant & Kate too insecure/vain to want to be photographed. Not sure where I’m going with this, but just an observation.
How to tell us that this marriage is on the rocks without telling us it is.
Charles looked adoring at Camilla and he’s clearly very proud of her. Harry always looks devoted and proud of Meghan. Both men love and respect their wives. Both feel blessed they they are married to their wives. So why no festive glance captured of William and Kate to still the gossp? What do the guinea pigs know about the state of that marriage that we don’t know ?
The 10th anniversary photos look so awkward and especially so when you compare them with that recent photo of Charles and Camilla.
(Someone on Twitter added valtrex to their video, so it’s really more of a herpes commercial than a denim one).
Even the bicycle photos could have been a pose with two friends and not a married couple.
William and Kate have never seemed comfortable with each other in photos and in the last few years it’s become obvious in public settings too.
Valtrex!! ☠️
Also, “festive glance” is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you both for the laugh.
Organizing the release of cute kid or family pictures was probably Kate’s job, and since she’s in la la land somewhere it isn’t happening. We got the photo of Louis at noon because that is probably when William woke up and read his texts asking him to put one out ASAP.
I agree, although it’s more likely it’s someone on their staff whose job it is to get the OK from the principal before releasing the photos, but still, neither one can be reached right now.
I think William’s behaviour is less about Kate and more about the possibility his father passes on earlier than expected and he will have the responsibility of being king. He knows he’s not up to it, does not have the work ethic, the patience or the diligence of his father or grandmother.
Does W really even need to be “up to it” when there are so many other people (private secretary, PR team, Murdoch, Harmsworth, BBC) who will prop him up?
Great question. One I wonder about everytime I hear about the “awesome responsibility” that he will have to shoulder etc etc. ad infinitum. Its called a job. Most people have one. It can’t be too overwhelming. His grandmother managed it even when she was near death.
Maybe Willy is alread passed his peak at 41 and 3 engagements on 1 day a week is as good as it gets?
Yes, I was going to say that he’s reached his level of incompetence, but now I’m wondering if he was ever competent.
Yeah, I think we’ve already seen the way William will conduct himself during his reign. If anything, he’ll do even less because there will be no one left to tell him what to do.
The change in energy between these two in the last two years is striking. It really seemed to start after the Oprah interview, though that’s the exterior marker. It could have been anything in their private lives. I can’t see them even managing to hold hands and lean into one another now even for a photo.
I watched an old BBC doc on the princes and privacy and there were pap pics of W and K from Australia which they first threw a fit about but then allowed, but the pics themselves seemed arranged. I don’t know many young mothers who take their infant to sit on a rock wall /fence outside to play patty cake.
Bottom line is these two are so very odd. Empty vessels so obsessed with privacy but on the public dole to the tune of £127,000 a day. Yet another quality projected onto Harry and Meghan.
Totally agree Withtheamerican. It really stands out that there’s been a seismic change in the past few years.
Whatever the catalyst was they’ve gone from having an arrangement that worked on some level, to something that has ended very badly.
This is exactly my thinking. They have been so bonded though their mutual dysfunction, it would take something seismic (!) to break that bond because it wasn’t based on love but rather a clinging mutual fear and distrust.
The couples I know like that are still together, the only thing that has ever made a dent in their trauma bond has been when one scapegoated a loved one of their partner right out of the picture all together. Years later, that eventually severed any trust.
Maybe that’s why I see this correlated possibly to the Oprah interview. There’s something William didn’t know that he became aware of and blames Kate for. (Not suggesting William isn’t accountable, just talking about his own frame of mind.) William’s big issue is the press. So if he somehow blames Kate/Ma as the source some media story he wasn’t aware of, that could be a big deal to him.
💯🎯 Something has shifted in a big way in how he views his wife & her family. A complete turnaround.
I agree that the visible shift in William’s public behaviour toward her became more obvious following the Oprah interview. He was never super affectionate but he now obviously ignores as much as he can.
It was also after that interview that the zooms were moved from Anmer to Sandringham, which made no sense.
Kate has always been very artificial when it comes to “candid” photos. The video of Kate looking in the opposite direction of the crowd at the Tour de France and practicing a shocked expression really confirms that so many of the photos provided are fake as hell.
And the fashion shoot during Philip’s funeral really showed how she can make any event about herself.
(This was the first public event post Oprah interview and William looked far more peeved at Kate than Harry, which says a lot).
Kate posing for fashion shots at Philips funeral was downright embarrassing and in bad taste. And also trying to play peacemaker by walking with harry. William put a stop to it. I doubt harry was thrilled with kates behavior.
I think it’s a number of seismic events that pushed them over the edge. They bonded over their mutual hatred/jealousy of the Sussexes but as Meghan said, “she’s a nice person, but she was going through something”. That something was likely finding out about Rose Hanbury and Kate trying to bully her out of the aristo set — that came back to bite Kate on her bony ass big time. The tightsgate screw-up where Kate lied about Meghan making her cry was revealed as pure fiction, and the Oprah interview certainly shone an unflattering light on WanK, followed by Spare. By last Christmas the culminating event, whatever it was, spelled the end of their marriage. Kate disappeared under a cloud of controversy, William was shunned, lies upon lies by KP have only compounded the situation, and nothing seems resolvable unless the truth is revealed.
I’m sorry, but the strain in that marriage has nothing to do with Meghan and Harry. It long predates the Oprah interview. Remember that William left Kate alone with an infant Louis, and flew to Verbier to party with, among others, an Australian model. (Not only that, the guy who owns that nightclub, has long been rumored as being a drug supplier to William and Harry when they were teenagers). Also, Harry and Meghan were still in London as working royals, when the Rose Hanbury rumors surfaced, and the Queen hurriedly handed Kate a sash to placate her.
@Nic thanks for reminding me of the zoom events being moved after that and the change in behavior by W at Phillip’s funeral. There seemed to be a huge shift into contempt around that time period. Obviously W never treated K well, but the change in public behavior was dramatic IMO.
@Jaded, yes I often think about this last Christmas, when we know Kate and Charles were revealed as the royal racists, but also post Middleton financial debacle and the Rose issues. Christmas is always a hard time for dysfunctional families, and W and K have always been dysfunctional.
This past Christmas we also saw W and K skip KC lunch and KC skip K’s Christmas carols. So something could have been brewing there unrelated to Sussexes all together, who knows.
@ProudMary I agree that the marriage was never a happy one. I’m just talking about the huge shift in public by W to K from forgotten to disdain, which to me really shifted during the time period of the Oprah interview. It may or may not be related to that. I’m open to any thoughts about it!
William was never the most affectionate in public but Kate did the puppy dog look to him for years. She kept the act up longer than him, but it’s been dropped in the last few years.
William made his disdain toward her in public much more obvious post Oprah interview.
My guess is that the temporary truce in attacking Meghan and Harry was over once it was revealed that the crying story was fake and reversed. From there nothing was left.
@ProudMary, ITA, it started earlier, in early spring 2017.
There was the Verbier incident on top of the Rose rumors, and many here speculated that William “gave in” and gave Kate her third child as some sort of penance since he’d already said very publicly that he wanted only two, and she’d always said she wanted three. Plus she got her family order from the Queen to placate her (or to reward her for sticking around and keeping her mouth shut—likely a bit of both).
They seemed to get along somewhat better for a while because they were united in abusing the Sussexes. But that couldn’t last forever, and then there was that very obvious flinch on that Mary Berry show…Kate clearly didn’t even want him touching her. It could have just been a result of an argument the night before, or it could have been that they knew it was the beginning of the end for the Sussexes being their punching bags.
We’ll never know the sequence of events for sure, but I do agree with you that the cracks in their marriage started well before the Oprah interview.
@Nic as I wrote below to Rapunzel, I also share that theory and have felt so since it happened.
In dysfunctional families, when the scapegoat leaves, it takes years but eventually the family is left to turn inward on themselves. Someone has to be the scapegoat and it’s not going to be William, Camilla, or Charles. I’m not sold that it’s Kate yet, but that bond uniting them against H and M was severed after that interview.
Then Kates family went bankrupt and much of that grift likely exposed. It would be easy for William to convince himself he’d been used, and that would absolutely cause a rift like we are seeing,Especially in someone with such deep trust issues.
Whatever is going on with Kate right now, William wants no part in its wasn’t even present when she shot her cancer video. That’s very odd.
My theory has always been that Kate lied about Meg making her cry and the Oprah interview is when William became aware. I’m certain Kate egged on Will’s hate of H&M with lies and exaggerations because she was jealous. Finding out how much Kate lied was the last straw for Will (on top of Kate’s incompetence and the way she embarrasses him) , and I believe Kate’s been desperately trying to fix things ever since.
Rapunzel, I have had the same theory. I think that while William doesn’t care at all about hurting H or M, for him this was about trust. The one thing bonded them together was she always played along as silent in the media (although we all know her mother did not).
But this was a moment when he realized she lied TO HIM *and* Meghan had proof of it.
I also suspect he then blamed her for his own mistreatment of his own brother and SIL, though I hope no one misunderstands me as I am not suggesting he feels bad about it at all, rather that he doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions.
So William did not become aware that Kate lied about making Meghan cry from the Oprah interview. He already knew that the Meghan made Kate cry story wasn’t true. Harry very clearly states in spare that they discussed the leak with Kate and William and Kate states in front of them that she knew the story wasn’t true. So William did not learn that from the interview. He already knew. That said, I’m sure William was enraged when the truth came out. Possibly he didn’t know that Kate had actually written a note as evidence. It was humiliating for his wife to be exposed like that. Also, while not named, William may have learned from the interview that Kate said something to Harry about concern over Archie’s skin color. It’s possible he did not know that before the interview. Either way, it’s pretty clear William and Kate were riding high after the smear campaign and convinced that their shit didn’t stink. Getting exposed for treachery clearly did not draw them closer.
I’m in a slightly different camp, not by much. I think Will has never been over the moon with her and after each year he’s incrementally more and more over it. A royal time bomb. He sees the outward aplomb, grace and ease of aristos like Isabella Calthorp Branson or Rose and he’s stuck with someone quite unmagical whose achievements are rearing children and putting up with the expected royal cheating.
Jack and Eugenie dated for close to a decade and he looked thrilled to be marrying Eugenie that day.
William did not look like a man thrilled to be married at any point during that ceremony or after it was done.
Yes @Jais. pg. 351 of Spare. Dec. 10, 2018 the Sussexes had their 2nd Summit with the WanK’s. William knew and was giving evasive responses. Then W had his “aha” moment saying he might have mentioned something to the Cs during H&M’s Oceania tour. He may have not known about the apology card & flowers. Written evidence of the truth and Meghan’s friend Lindsay was there when Kate delivered them. (which is why I believe Kate even apologized)
Still believe William made the initial comments about Archie’s skin color-Kate went along with it and made some stupid comments too. William saying Africans should stop having so many children tells a lot and it doesn’t involve Kate’s concerns.imo
I don’t need a picture of them tomorrow. It’s probably hard to find an unedited/photoshopped one of them. Stenographer of the article seems to suffer from memory loss.
@Nic919 yep, Duncan Larcombe wrote a carefully worded bit about Harry taking William into a separate room in the church to do whatever. William was not racing down the aisle with his stank of rum. The BM put out stories about Harry “worrying” Meghan wouldn’t show up. Little did they know that H&M had their own personal private ceremony days prior. To H&M, they already exchanged their vows and I don’t believe Harry had a stand in for their rehearsal like William had Harry stand in for him.
That the FFK couldn’t get off of work for his wedding rehearsal/dinner whatevs, is such bs, gaslighting and one of the funniest things put out by the BM/BRF.
Yeah, according to Spare, William 100% knew before the Oprah interview. So I don’t think the interview was the trigger for the shift in their public relationship. I honestly think it was Phillip’s funeral. Kate made it all about herself, staged pics with Christopher Jackson, tried to insert herself between William and Harry so she could claim to be the Great Peacemaker of the royals, and so on. But its also possible that something was going on behind the scenes – something so significant that William refused to live with Kate anymore (or Kate refused to live with him) and the Sandringham zooms started.
Then after that we had the statue unveiling with the Middleton PR leading up to it and I think William benched her for her performance at the funeral as well as the Middleton PR.
Cancer or not these two come across as nasty and childish in how they and their offices have handled everything. The world will continue to turn with or without a photo. I personally hope they keep punishing the press, because then we will see the cracks in the contract.
“I personally hope they keep punishing the press, because then we will see the cracks in the contract.”
SAME. 🙏🏻🤞
Totally agree Truthiness. And Nic you’re right about Jack & Eugenie. I’m not the sentimental type but when he put his glasses on to see her better coming up the aisle I found it very touching.
I actually like the bike photo. It is cute and Kate looks a lot more natural and relaxed. I can see where at this point each photo release is becoming its own mini scandal, and she clearly is unhappy with her appearance, so why put something else out to be nit picked.
I think they look like two cardboard cutouts 😀
This is what I don’t understand, this ENTIRE time posting an old image would have been accepted by the public with no issue. The question of “where is Kate” might have still been floated around in some quarters but no one would have quibbled about ‘please enjoy this old image from bla di bla…” This mania to insist the pictures were recently taken when it’s clearly not true is so stubborn and ridiculous. One can only ‘nit pick’ after the Frankenphoto, KP could have avoided outing their duplicity had they simply not insisted “William took this days ago”, ” Kate took this days ago”. They (William) lied in such an egregious way and to date there’s been no one to pin the palace down over trying to fob off fantasy as fact in these false images. KP deserves scrutiny and should be made to face the music over it. They weren’t just adjusting colour, or clothing they were being deceitful in creating dishonest propaganda. Why do that at all?
And we the public have no idea if Kate is making any of these decisions. A poster in a different story suggested Fleet Street has little interest in Kate’s situation based on earlier information they are satisfied believing. The press feeling it not necessary to ask after her because William and Charles are more important. Married ins have no power. Kate could be silenced entirely, the apparatus around the Royal is built to support the establishment. Diana had her own press contacts and network of friends. Meghan had a previous and established career and firm friendships even though the firm tried to isolate her. Kate has had her mother running defense in the media but the Middletons seem to be on the ropes and quashed these days. Even if some in the media wanted to pursue Kate’s whereabouts it is clear Williams minions are exerting pressure to avoid it. William being photographed in front of a sign asking, ‘Am I manly enough?’ at an event admonishing young men to be less aggressive and misogynist when William has spent all this time attacking H&M, trying to sabotage their projects and silencing his wife and anyone genuinely interested in her well being is as ridiculous as Cam leading domestic abuse awareness events. The royals make a game of gas lighting everyone.
There is nothing clear about what’s happening with the POW. Unambiguous proof of life for Princess Catherine is long overdue.
I do not believe we will get it. After some more time passes, messages will be given out about the return of her cancer, and her decline, and then her death. Her public life is over, and her corporeal life may be over as well. We shall see.
@UNDERHILL, your occasional quip about clapping for Kate like Tinkerbell is so apt and pithy. The only people who could hope to exert pressure on KP for justice and answers on the POW’s behalf are the sort of royalists who are so thoroughly conditioned to toe the palace line they couldn’t bring themselves to do it. They’d be easily encouraged by KP’s bots to excoriate ‘Kate conspiracy theorists’ at that sort of announcement rather than have any self awareness that they’ve been lied to. They’d demand extravagant mea culpas from dissenters who told them point blank what would happen like an obedient audience at a show rather than believe the ongoing demand for proof of life is specifically to Princess Catherine’s benefit so KP can’t pull something like that.
Interested Gawker: Apt and Pithy. Thank you, that’s quite a compliment. I will return it, I am always interested in what you have to say. What has interested me lately in this whole sorry saga is how most people just want reassurance that all is well, and with the slightest prompt (an AI generated clip proclaiming Kate has cancer, but will be fine, so don’t worry) will “clap and believe”. I don’t believe anymore. I found the statements they put out, their frankenstein pictures and AI clips, to be ever more alarming.
It reminded me of when William yelled at someone walking on the same path.
If we are referring to the cycling video, let’s not forget Kate was also egging him on as he was getting mad at the photographer.
Yes Kate who is such a soothing influence egging him on in the background
Yes indeed. They bring out the worst in one another
Oh dear, what a shame, NOT
Glad to see you again. I was just wondering where our Mary P. went. Hope you are feeling well this morning/afternoon.
WanK have, through their selfishness and stupidity, painted themselves into a corner from which there’s no escaping, not unless they resolve this issue honestly and just effing divorce already. Nobody cares, the monarchy will still stumble along with Dumb and Dumber at the helm.
Hope you’re doing OK Mary Pester! xo
Hello Mary Pester! Great to hear from you.😁 Hope you’re feeling better.🙏🏾
Soooo good to see you @Mary Pester! I was worried! I hope you and your family are doing well!
Mary Pester, so happy you’re back! I’m glad you feel well enough to post again!!!!
I agree that it’s not an issue if there is no photo. Frankly, with Bone Idle sitting somewhere and (IMO) negotiating with Billy Idle, I can see her not appearing until late this year. Those two are a piece of work.
Mary Pester,
Glad to see you back!
Hi Mary! *waving* Love to see your name in the comments section.
Always nice to hear from you, Mary P. 💕
Had to make a first time post to say how happy I am to see you Mary! Not just for your tea, but your humor and dear personality!! ♥️🥰😍😻 Now I will slide back into lurking 😆
Absolutely agree IG and Underhill. And nice to see you Mary P!
Dm is desperate having photos of the keens saying how romantic when Kate tries to touch Williams rear end. This is in today’s edition
Oh, yes, unwanted PDA in public, so romantic. 🙄
William’s displeasure at Kate touching him there is more than obvious, and I must say that this is one of the only times I understand William’s point of view. I simply hate it when people (of either sex) intentionally grab or touch others against their will, and Kate just loved doing that to William knowing he couldn’t say anything in public.
Those poor kids. They didn’t ask for any of this and aren’t part of the attempted manipulation of the media and the public. Everyone’s asking questions about Kate? Release a photo of Louis, that’ll shut them up for a minute. Oh Charlotte is having a birthday too! Just in time for the anniversary. Sickening.
HeatherC, they’ve always used the kids for cover. It’s sad, but I’m starting to think that other than making sure there’s an heir and spare that’s what the kids are for from the Firm’s perspective.
William and Harry were human shields for Charles when the walked behind Diana’s coffin, the intergenerational trauma has been so intermeshed with the idea of ‘duty’ the children are locked into the firm’s machine from the start. Harry being denied ‘half in, half out’ was better for the Sussexes in the long run. To be made to render up their kids as public figures but have no way to offer them stable security and a true place in the family as a ‘working royal’ would have been a step they couldn’t course correct out of once it began, the Sussex kids would have had no privacy from the press and been scapegoats for the Walses children with no benefit to them even though they are blood royals.
++++ Harry had the power to make the escape to Canada happen. Meghan & Harry (via Tyler Perry & others) made their move out of Canada to the US during Covid happen. So happy that they are out of living in the Palace of Malice. Dealing with it almost 5500 miles away is a safer place.
Obviously don’t know what is all going on with Kate. Believe something big happened during Christmas break. The stories that Kate was expected to spend her birthday with CarolE/her parents that came out early January? Odd. No, Will is doing this, that or another thing for Kate’s bday. Were there even stories about them celebrating NYE together? Mothering Sunday? (that’s just a funny name-p.s. I’ve read the history of the name-it’s still funny to me being an annoying American) Frankenphoto shot. “William” takes a “family” photo. *cough* William’s photo is discredited. KATE DID IT. The woman that the BM has claimed never to put a foot wrong – completely messed up her own daughter’s footwear in that photo.
Strange things going on over there.
Seems that one expert’s ‘logic’ falls flat, saying they won’t release a 13th anniversary ’cause it’s a nothing special anniversary, like the 10th. Except they released a 12th anniversary photo. Did they release one in other years? If not, why did they release that one for the 12th, even if it was an old photo?
@BeanieBean, logic has never been their strong suit 😂
Whether it’s due to death or divorce, they’re not going to commemorate a marriage that’s over.
^^ This 100%
Especially since Bill has been seen attending functions seated next to other women. There is not point to pretend at this point.
It’s over.
They don’t want to put out an anniversary picture because of “privacy”? (Also because they are living separately and can’t abide each other).
Solution: post a pic of two guinea pigs cuddling . Subliminal advertising. Easy!
It was confirmed today that Meghan and Harry will be going to Nigeria in May, so I’m assuming that WandK will release an anniversary photo tomorrow. *massive eye roll*
Posting an old photo would just raise more questions about where Kate is. And where is she?
We don’t know where Kate is because she wants it that way. Vanity? Revenge? Anger? She does not have cancer. Those cells were removed at surgery. The chemo is preventative. If she is dying, which I doubt, it is not from cancer. She has had multiple chances to show her face and has declined to do so. Let’s give her what she wants. Ignore her.
We have not heard any direct confirmation from the POW herself, in a vetted, agreed upon as having happened through being mediated by a real time, verified press event or interview that any of the statements released on her behalf, her removal from public facing events and further disappearance from being seen ‘off duty’ is because ‘she wants it that way’.
Princess Catherine was last seen by the public on Christmas Day 2023. There is no way of knowing if Kate has any agency in this situation at all.
I suspect that they can’t ‘post a photo’ for a few reasons ;
1. They’re already separated and it would make them look like liars an imbeciles down the line when the Rota blood hounds can finally talk about their separation and subsequent divorce, which anyone with common sense will know started between 2017-2019. “Kate” has already damaged the Royal brand with the kill photos so anymore fake news would be catastrophic for Bill.
2. They’re currently in negotiations so Bill has no leverage to compel Kate to do anything and Kate is very much happy to play her bargaining chips to secure a better settlement.
I strongly suspect that Chuckles and the Queen gave Kate all these made up titles and awards to keep her quiet so she would not spill (which means Bill has been up to some real crazy sh!t).
I think we will not see Kate until the finalisation of the decree nisi at the very least but more likely when the decree absolute has been sealed. I also strongly suspect that we will never get details of the divorce settlement like we did with Diana.
Kate now has to support her parents and provide security around Carole’s new Buckleberry Kingdom so at the very least I am guessing we’re looking at a £40M+ divorce. Would be interesting to know who her divorce lawyers are as that would give an indication as to strategy.
I am going to guess that Kate wants to secure titles for her and her family, substantial financial support, security and (some) protection from the press. All things that Chuckles will withhold to make Bill’s life harder and insulate himself from involvement.
This could also explain why Chuckles bestowed the Duchy of Cornwall on Bill so quickly to give him access to funds and then he would not be involved in the financial side of the divorce. Bill will also have to work hard with the Private Equity guys to structure his borrowing from the Duchy over 5-10 years to afford this settlement.
All the above amounts to A LOT of spinning plates and A LOT of expensive lawyers and financiers. Bill does not strike me as the sort of person who is intelligent enough to coordinate all these issues at once, especially as he is often too busy trashing his brother and SIL in the press. Realistically we will not see Kate till the end of the year and at which point it will be for Bill and Kate to issue a Royal version of their ‘conscious uncoupling’ statement.
Most importantly their children are still relatively VERY young – especially Louis so it’s going to be an utter sh!t show for them and as we have seen Louis is already showing signs of struggling with it.
Also given Diana’s monstering post divorce and the headlines generated, I suspect that Bill wants to downgrade Kate’s Princess of Wales title and HRH (that title and ring are cursed and Camilla played a blinder avoiding it). So she will either need to disappear entirely from public life or carve a new role for herself as the mother of the future king. But given that Kate has zero charisma, personality or work ethic, I suspect she will just plump for a well heeled billionaire to secure herself and her family, which again Bill might not like.
The reality is that the Royal Family fails its divorcees HORRIBLY. The only divorcee who seems to have found a ‘reasonably’ soft landing is Autumn Phillips who is now happily coupled up with an Irish Billionaire (?) who has enough clout and influence to keep them out of the papers whilst Peter is perpetually finding himself splashed across the pages of the tabloids.