Prince William has been trying to wear more French labels & look like a Frenchman?

You guys, the Telegraph is talking about Prince William’s “style.” You will not even believe the main thesis of this piece either. If I asked you “what is William known for sartorially?” I think most people would say “unflattering slim-cut trousers” or “moose knuckle” or “looking drab and unmoisturized.” William is not a style icon in any way – he does not wear clothes well, unlike his father and his brother. Don’t @ me, King Charles has had impeccable style for decades. One could argue that Charles’ style was too mature/old when he was a young man, but his double-breasted suits and crisp French-cuff shirts look timeless and sharp today. Prince Harry’s style has evolved so much over the past decade too, and he’s helped out by the fact that he wears clothes well and he has the confidence and charisma to pull off anything. William just looks constipated all the time. Anyway, the Telegraph’s story is about how William is trying to style himself in a more continental way. A FRENCH way.

Pretending not to care (while secretly being very attentive to appearance) is a national sport in France. But even the chicest Parisians have noted that Britain’s Prince William has recently added pieces by French designers to his wardrobe. As we mark the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, it’s a marriage of English and French style which feels entirely appropriate.

The Prince has been photographed wearing jackets by cult French brand Sézane and knitwear by Cyrillus; the latter is one of the traditional suppliers of elegant French clothes, and has previously featured in the wardrobe of Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. The Prince’s Sézane jacket is particularly “French” because it’s a modern version of the classic worker jacket – the utilitarian item that rose to prominence in uniforms of the 1800s.

Prince William may have been taking pointers from his wife, the Princess of Wales, who has a long-held appreciation for Gallic design; see her Ballon Bleu watch by Cartier, for example. When the Princess came to Marseille to support the English rugby team last year, she could have passed for a well-dressed French woman in her white trouser suit and Chanel handbag. And it’s hard to get more French than the striped Breton top, symbolic of sailors from Brittany or Normandy, which she owns in numerous iterations.

Of course, Prince William certainly doesn’t have to take lessons in dressing well. While his taste might err on the casual side, the heir to the British throne comes from a long line of men in the Windsor family who are rightly regarded as models of elegance. They know how to promote the British style envied and copied throughout the world. It’s a form of sartorial excellence known to the best-dressed French men, who don’t hesitate to cross the Channel to have perfect suits made, whether in days gone by at Henry Poole – Emperor Napoleon III’s official tailor – or today with Jeremy Hackett at 14 Savile Row.

[From The Telegraph]

I’m sure these kinds of puff pieces are coming from Kensington Palace and William’s new dresser/valet. It’s like self-promotion for the valet, who is very bad at his job. The valet can’t even convince William to use a good moisturizer or night cream. The valet can’t even get William out of his slim-cut trousers or end Huevo’s love affair with those creepy knit ties. I realize that while Kate is out of view, it would probably look bad for William to show up in a brand new wardrobe and a whole new style, but “making the heir wear a French cardigan” is merely slapping a band-aid on this whole train wreck.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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129 Responses to “Prince William has been trying to wear more French labels & look like a Frenchman?”

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  1. Elizabeth says:

    I guess that proves William’s affair was actually with David Rocksavage, not Rose. We all know Rocksavage is REALLY into the French.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I’m not sure exactly what it implies but my mind also immediately went to “oh this is about Rose and David somehow.”

    • Mslove says:

      I can totally see Chuck saying to Peg “I wish you would be like David Rocksavage- all jolly. Why are you always so miserable?”

    • Pam says:

      Been thinking this for a while.

    • Annalise says:


      You might have been joking about William and David Rocksavage, but I think you are 100% correct. I think William is in the closet, and that his “affair” with Rose was a cover up. It also MIGHT partially explain his total lack of warmth and affection towards Kate, that he has displayed since the wedding. Probably earlier, even.

  2. Carmen says:

    It doesn’t matter what he puts on, he always looks like he needs a double dose of Ex-Lax. I can’t stand to look at him.

    • Ok he wants to look French but that will never happen. I know a few for real French men and they have some charm and charisma to back it up. My mother had a saying in German that roughly translated to he tried but he couldn’t. That’s Peg.

    • Normades says:

      Exactement @carmen. His clothes are not bad by any standard. I actually loved the green velvet suit. On anyone else it might be hot… but just not hot on him
      Also it’s ridiculous to call Kate fashionable with her skinny jeans and jeggings. Even if you’re going to classic style you can be fashionable and elegant wich neither are

    • Lindsay Barrilleaux says:

      Whenever I see this colonizing nepo arrogant egghead I think that it must be challenging to have been such a dashing young prince only to turn into what he is today.
      Talk about turning into a frog!

      Also loving that many of you call him ‘Peg’
      The coffee snortles I have snorted have been many! 😹

  3. seaflower says:

    It’s his poor posture. I can see Harry wearing that cardigan and it would look relaxed and sexy. On William its just a lump of wool, just like William is just a lump.

    • Eurydice says:

      Poor posture can be stylish, like a confident slouch. But William’s posture looks old and concave and unsure, like someone who’s not physically fit – and he carries his head forward instead of up, which makes him look like a tortoise.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        I think Huevo keeps telling himself he has a James Dean slouch, when instead he’s much more like Mr. Burns.

      • Eurydice says:

        @TigerMcQueen – lol, these fantasies are so powerful. I had a friend who used to wear the most disreputable jacket imaginable. He said it made him look like a German film director. I said he looked like he’d been sleeping in a kennel.

      • Zoe says:

        William truly does look perpetually grumpy and constipated. While not much can be done about that, fashion wise I’d like to see him bear more arm and leg. Bare with me – he rarely ever wears shorts or highlights his limbs, but they are (or at least were) nice. He has a really good body frame, and long athletic legs (or did In his more sporty days). Wouldn’t mind him getting more in touch with sportswear and show those assets he does have going for him physically rhat he hides. Even in those white jeans he wears when he plays polo the form is still there, it might not be very statesmanlike but I think it would be an improvement.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Yep. Harry has quite a bit of muscle and I assume is eating and drinking healthfully. I doubt Wills has ever lifted a barbell, as he refuses to do anything slightly bothersome to him and thinks the world will owe him anyway.

      • seaflower says:

        Reminds me of the video to EWF “September”

      • harpervalleypta says:

        While Harry was doing that obstacle course with James Corden, he managed to do the mud crawl under the wires without getting a speck of mud on his white shirt.

        Harry has that incredible core muscle strength plus wide shoulders and narrow waist. Clothes just look so good on him.

      • Minnieder says:

        Seaflower: that video makes me laugh every time!!! Funniest video ever!

  4. equality says:

    “They know how to promote the British style envied and copied throughout the world.” Um, isn’t the rest of the article about how PW is copying the French style? And isn’t the big PR for their existence that they promote the UK?

    • ML says:

      Haven’t the British followed French fashions for 100s of years? Like the Empire-style dresses of the Jane Austen period? I mean, in that case, W fits in…

    • L84Tea says:

      What the heck does “British style” even look like anyway?? Newsboy caps, hunting boots, and tweeds?

      • OliviaOne says:

        I think that is uncalled for.. tweeds and boots are about upper class middle age + living in the country.
        the UK has a lot of history and a lot offered to fashion from Mod, to Punk, to brit-pop, to finance suit tight (what Sunak wannabe) . I can only go back as I remember myself, but when I worked for fashion, the London shows were the only true place to get the latest trends (NY coming up after, then Tokyo, and now Seoul) because Paris and Milan was about the establishment.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Honestly that is just a part of it. Charles is an example of another type of British style with his Savile Row suits.

    • Shawna says:

      Good catch! I’m taking away from this that William doesn’t have what it takes to do traditional British style well.

    • Couch Potato says:

      I laught when I read that:-) Contradictions are their usual M.O. when it comes to puff stories about Keen and TOB. The part about parisians noticing Willnot’s style must be his and or his valet’s wet dream. I bet most chic parisians wouldn’t even recognise him. And don’t get me started on the british style being envied and copied. By who?

      That jacket is something my late grand uncle would wear. He was a lot of things, but elegant and chic he was not, and neither is TOB. It reminds me of the differences between finance people and Jehowa’s whitnesses I sometimes spot in my closest city. Although dressed in suits the JW stand out like a fish on land because they always look like they’re wearing ill fit hand-me downs from their grandfathers. Just like Willnot.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Erm. Don’t all of Kate’s favorite brands go belly-up? Didn’t we just read about Julian McDonald last week? Wasn’t the Burberry bag just the laughing stock of the world after it caught a stray on Succession?

      This Brits had McQueen and Westwood, I’ll give them that.

      • Nanea says:

        *The* designer for men’s fashion for a time used to be Ozwald Boateng, who dressed everyone from Keanu to Idris, and who is still quite influential.

        William doesn’t have*it* though, so he’d never work with OB to have him developing a look for The Statesman™️.

    • Water Lilly says:

      This reads more like an advert for Jeremy Hackett at 14 Savile Row 🤣

  5. Nubia says:

    He just does not look polished enough for a future King. He has no charisma,no swag,nothing. So awkward for someone who should have all the confidence.

  6. Miranda says:

    Really? REALLY?

    How do you say “bless their hearts” in British?

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    No matter what he wears, he just looks like an 🍆 with fringe.

  8. Cassie says:

    They are mocking him surely 😂

  9. The Hench says:

    “The Prince’s Sézane jacket is particularly “French” because it’s a modern version of the classic worker jacket”

    Oh, the irony!! A worker jacket for the hardly working royal heir from the country that executed all its aristocracy. Surely someone is taking the p*ss, non?

  10. ML says:

    I agree that (until he became ill) KC was well dressed for someone his age. And of course I 100% agree about Harry!
    I think one of the best “fails” of how William (doesn’t) wear clothes (well at all) is that recent garden party at BP. Peter Phillips, his cousin, wore a similar outfit and wore it well; W looked like a hunched-over funeral usher in his seemingly untailored suit.
    This French clothing blather is how KP is trying to kiss up to the French, no? Now that W -is- attending D-Day, after dithering about it, he needs to show his “global *cough* statesman credentials.

    • Becks1 says:

      In a weird way I don’t think William has a lot of confidence. I think he’s entitled and arrogant, but there is a big difference in how he enters a room vs. Harry, even before Harry left the UK (so its not just about Harry being free.)

      I don’t usually like his clothes as a threshold matter (those blue chinos paired with either a blue or brown sweater or blazer have to go) but even his most casual clothes seem to wear him, not the other way around.

      • The Hench says:

        I agree with your point about William’s lack of confidence. So many of his character traits seem rooted in insecurity. He may be the heir, the special one but deep down (VERY) deep down, he knows he is not the best looking, the most successful, the best liked, the most loved, the bravest, sportiest or cleverest one in his family.

      • Sarah says:

        I agree with you, Becks1 and Hench. I think it must be impossible to know whether people are complimenting/praising you legitimately when you are the heir, and that would mess with one’s confidence. Yet another reason why Huevo needs a good therapist, not that he’d ever do it!

      • Eurydice says:

        Perhaps he wouldn’t be so unsure if he weren’t so unprepared.

      • ML says:

        Becks, Hench, Sarah and Eurydice, I agree with all of you that he seems to be somewhat insecure, but it also seems to me that it must be something else as well? I completely buy that he feels deep down that he’s not the best, brightest, loved, etc, but he’s also at a higher level (don’t know quite how to put that: sort of being part of an elite where you have tons of history behind you and taking pride in it and k on you belong or something) than most others wherever he goes or whenever he actually does something.

      • Eurydice says:

        @ML – I think that’s the dilemma. He doesn’t have to be the best and brightest or the sexiest or most loved or anything really. William reached the pinnacle of his success just by being born. There just needs a coronation to make it official. Then he’ll be in a position that’s considered both incredibly important and utterly useless all at the same time.

        William may be lazy and incurious, but I don’t think he’s stupid. His feeble attempts at being modern and useful show that he’s aware of his dying class. And if he truly believed he was the best, he wouldn’t be so jealous of Harry, he wouldn’t be trying so hard to show that he’s better.

  11. Lady Esther says:

    I snort-laughed at all of the plaudits for Kate’s supposed French “style.” A Cartier watch or a Chanel purse (which literally anyone can and does own) and a Breton top, which no self-respecting French person would be caught dead in? It’s like the British version of what French style is about…what next, they’ll be praising William for wearing a beret with a baguette under his arm as he bicycles along to his next event?

    Kate’s supposed “style” is about the least French I can think of, but that’s for another article…

    and the kicker at the end: after the grudging acknowledgement of some timeless French cliches, it’s ACTUALLY the case that all French men go over the Channel to get their suits done, because something something British Empire! LOL

    • AMTC says:

      Perfect summation @Lady Esther

    • Miranda says:

      You forgot the string of onions around the neck!

      • Tennyson says:

        I laughed because Cyrillus was started by an airstewardess, supposedly in her back kitchen once she became a mum. 40 years ago it was to produce English- looking upper class clothes for kids, with a French touch.
        It’s more modern looking nowadays but remains a brand that comes with a brand that marks you as did Brooks Brothers for men in the USA.

    • Shawna says:

      Re: Kate’s Breton tops and William’s French “worker” jacket

      At least Kate is more of a sailor than William is a worker.

    • Eurydice says:

      Omg, I can just see it – William, a beret perched on the tippy top of his shiny head, struggling with the baguette and weaving on his bicycle, while his security guards trot along side in case he tips over.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      In my corner of Brittany the French don’t wear berets. Don’t even sell them in shops, the cyclists are all dressed in Lycra but the baguettes really are lovely. Pity you can’t buy real ones in Britain, whatever they may call them.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        @Rosa I am so jealous of where you live! That’s been my dream since I was a little girl. And speaking of baguettes, no one but no one bakes like the French.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      I’m imagining someone jokingly saying a beret would cover up a bald spot, William’s face lighting up, then the valet begging the Telegraph put out this story while he starts looking for a new job.

    • Nic919 says:

      The French style is about being chic without looking like you tried that hard to do it. Nothing about Kate screams low effort. It is try hard and over done. And wearing a Breton top doesn’t make her look French. It makes her look like an outsider dressing how and English person thinks a French person should dress.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        Exactly. Kate has none of the ease and effortless grace and femininity of French woman. The gorgeous materials and flow and understanding of balance.

        Both she and William are very stodgy and conservative, tightly wound and try hard. And those traits would be great if they were paired with a work ethic, because it would fit and have purpose. But William has that nasty temper and clenched jaw and Kate is so cold and aloof and both are workshy to a stunning degree.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I seem to remember the British press and royalists crying and screaming when Dior tweeted that Harry was wearing their designs for the coronation. Now it’s OK for William to be wearing French designers. As for the valet I’m sure he has a Harry lookbook.

    • Truthiness says:

      It’s ludicrous how predictable Will is. Harry wears such a great Dior suit that Will is now seeking an entire French wardrobe.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I love my CB commenters. I came here to say just this and someone else has already done the job. Yep, Will’s entire life now is obsessing over Harry. Sad.

  13. Jais says:

    Weird article. And what’s the name of his new valet? It’s always weird to me how they made a point to say he got a new valet but have they ever once said a name. Don’t they usually give the names of new hires? He’s going to france soon right? For the d-day thing. Is that why they’re talking about French clothes? Weird.

    • Eurydice says:

      I tried a brief research and I didn’t see a name, although I didn’t look that hard. What I did see in a Tatler article is that he’s mid-20’s, was in Elizabeth’s inner circle during Covid (whatever that means) and went to work for a sheik for a while after she died. This doesn’t sound like someone with a boatload of experience handling a royal wardrobe. It sounds more like some well-placed aristocrat’s son who needed a job coming out of university – maybe that’s why he hasn’t been named?

      • Jais says:

        I don’t know that they have to announce the name necessarily, but don’t they usually? I just remember articles about how William had hired a new valet. Which? Okay. Was it a slows news day? It was right before William went solo to earthshot that it was announced

      • Eurydice says:

        @Jais – It’s weird. There are some articles from last September that say William hired a valet over the summer. And then there are even more articles (including the one from the Tatler that I referenced) from the middle of March this year that say he hired a valet. So, is it the same valet? If so, why the 6 month gap in reporting? If not, was there a valet that only lasted 6 months and then another hire? As for naming names, I can imagine this guy is a nepo hire that didn’t go through regular channels (if they have such a thing).

      • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

        No doubt he knows his way around a gentleman’s underlinen. Nudgenudgewinkwink.

  14. Truthiness says:

    So many signs of mid life crisis, will he get a sport car next?

    • Nic919 says:

      He used the sports car for that one visit to the hospital to see Kate.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Is it midlife crisis, or is it a man who’s needed therapy all his life but never got it? But then again, some character flaws are ingrain, and no amount of therapy will change that.

  15. Nanea says:

    How much did KP pay* the Torygraph to create this word salad and publish it with a straight face?

    The Prince of Ales is one of the most sloppy dressers out there in his generation.

    I’m sure the French would react in any way to fight this stain on their reputation if they weren’t preoccupied with the EU elections, the Olympics and the war against Russia.

    *We all know KP has a slush fund for buying troll bots, financing pro-KP campaigns on SM and the like, hence series Baldimort ever and the like.

  16. Jensa says:

    My god, this is truly desperate stuff. Who on earth thinks we will buy PW as a style icon?
    (The same people who think we will buy him as a global statesman, I guess.)

    • The Hench says:

      And the ones who think we will buy him as the world’s sexiest bald man (third sexiest man overall) ….don’t forget about them.

  17. Agnes says:

    William will always scare little children and look like Lurch on Ozempic. Thank you for featuring Chef Mario’s eyerolls once again, now there’s a true king.

  18. sevenblue says:

    They can’t talk about her clothes anymore because she isn’t around, so they are talking about his clothes 😭😭 poor british media..

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Sidenote to that: I kind of feel bad for the woman who runs What Kate Wore. This must be a tough year for her and her business.

      • Square2 says:

        Don’t worry about them. They also run a blog about Meghan’s wardrobe. They might not like Duchess Meghan much but money always triumphs. Just like those two men, T&L.

        Oh, the Missing Princess totally copied-Meghan in Marseille last year.

    • Interested Gawker says:


    • Kane says:

      That’s my thought. Kate isn’t available so they are giving Will the treatment. Lol. It’s funny. They will call him “sexy pins” in a minute.

  19. HappySoul says:

    Lol! I’m French and no one talks about William’s style here. The last time we talked about him in the media, it was to make fun of his title of “3rd sexiest man”
    And Cyrillus is a very specific brand in France. It’s for the very conservative and old-fashioned bourgeoisie

    • Lau says:

      French person here so I second that by saying no thank you.
      Also the brand Sézane is only for really thin people, I tried to find a dress for a wedding (secondhand of course because it’s also crazy expensive), I couldn’t find anything fitting and I’m midsize. Not surprising that William would go around telling everybody that he now wear these brands.

    • Lulu says:

      I think in any country you could name no one thinks William even has a style, let alone talks about it.

  20. twoz says:

    What a load of merde.

  21. Shawna says:

    William’s suits were fresh, youthful, and fashionable 15 years ago. Now, they’re stale. Note that Harry used to wear similar suits back then but has moved on. At least the early style Charles stuck to was classic enough to last.

  22. Tina says:

    I will never understand how a son of Princess Diana has just zero charisma. Just nothing and its getting more obvious as he ages so badly. Charles actually can be quite charming (still a dogshit person though) but William just has nothing. Nada.

  23. Amber says:

    “Creepy knit ties” actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that one.

  24. Aurora says:

    He’s dressing like Harry. Harry regularly ditches the tie with his suits, wears cardigans and sneakers. The BM is trying to steer the public’s opinion away from the obvious.

  25. Unblinkered says:

    He may have since dropped them, but I’d say his – previous – style is leftover from the influence of the ghastly Middletons.
    If he’s wearing French clothing now suggests to me he’s being dressed by a new lady in his life. Let’s see how it progresses…….

    • Tessa says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Kate does not pick out his clothes a new lady in his life does.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I wonder if he’s getting fashion advice from a woman whose husband spends most of his time in France with his grifter boyfriend. 🌹

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Now THAT would be very funny. Doubly so if Rose is actually the smokescreen for her husband.

  26. Seraphina says:

    The guy in the last pic, with the hairnet, I know EXACTLY what he is thinking! HAHAHAH, a picture is worth a thousand words.

    • Tina says:

      I love that photo so much. As usual the photo selections for stories on this site is A+.

  27. Tessa says:

    Poor George since William takes only him on outings George will have to dress in the same style as huevo

  28. rosa mwemaid says:

    Bit of a joke in Brittany, you can tell who are the tourists by their breton tops.

  29. Joantastic says:

    Surprise, surprise! He’s taking his style a little more modern. Once again, jealous of his brother and trying to emulate. Harry has been looking so, so good in his slim cut suits and updated style. They are trying to slowly turn William in that direction. Same thing happened with Kate. When Meghan came on the scene, she got a style update. No more stacked, patent leather pumps in every color for her. Stilettos and pantsuits became her “look”.

  30. CatMum says:

    I love those kitchen photos. Chef totally looks like he’s concerned that Willie is going to chop off his own hand!

    Something Nice: this is a great charity to hilight. the amount of food waste – while people are literally going hungry – is appalling. go, Surplus to Supper!

    as to Willie’s “style” uh, yeah, no. it’s lacking. (but he has airplanes on his slippers!) Tom Cruise, loathsome scientology shill and Much Too Rich Person that he is, would never. Tom is not terribly stylish but he runs rings around Willie, and even graciously escorted Willie’s wife down the stairs, while Willie pranced about about in his little aeroplane shoes.

    I’m just glad that Harry doesn’t have to wear those suede shoes with the holes in the soles anymore. which probably came from TK Maxx. I bet it felt good to throw them away!

  31. Sunday says:

    This reminds me of that iconic scene in Fleabag when Claire is spiraling from her haircut – which looks hideous – and the only thing that makes her feel better is telling her that it looks French.

  32. Chaine says:

    His “style” is awful. He dresses like Rick Santorum circa 2011.

  33. NotSoSocialB says:

    I haven’t seen a tie that narrow since the first waves days back in the late 70s/ early 80s. Fashion isn’t *that* cyclical, huevo.

  34. I saw something on elons hellscape about William’s temper. as a five year old he threw a fit because he couldn’t blow out the candles at a friend’s birthday party. William literally threw things in this poor kid’s house.

    The problem being fundamentally he hasn’t grown out of his horrid jealousy and rage personality. He’s over indulged and entitled with no charisma to dress up his nasty disposition.

    it’s hard to put lipstick on a pig.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think its an interesting character study and a matter of nature vs nurture, especially when you compare him with Harry. People like to say that Harry should be king, should have been the heir, etc. – but if he were born the heir he probably would be more like William.

      William was raised in an institution where he was coddled, protected, and his worst tendencies always enabled. I feel like no one besides Diana ever told him “no” – either out of deference or laziness/absenteeism (Charles.)

      Now of course he is 42 and he should have worked out some of that jealousy and entitlement but again if everyone in his life is telling him he’s right and perfect and Harry is the problem – how twisted must his thinking be?

      Not trying to excuse him obviously bc he seems like a horrible person, and Charles certainly is entitled and spoiled as well – but William has this rage and insecurity that seems unique to him. IDK.

      • It does raise that age old question. In William, it’s most likely a combo of some cluster personality disorder issues combined with being the heir raised by an entitled heir with also a toxic personality.

        Diana always said Harry, even when much younger, just had a more easy going personality, and that is often so obvious even in toddlers and babies.

        Would he have been the person he is today if he had been the heir? No. I doubt he’d have stood up to the institution or married for love. But would he be the kind of dishonorable person tossing his family under the bus to protect himself and pushing his grown brother to the floor? I don’t see that in him.

        It really struck me just how William came out as this angry entitled being and then due to circumstances that was indulged and made worse.

  35. Oh come on. says:

    No matter what he wears, he is and will forever remain the bald one with the teeth.

  36. QuiteContrary says:

    If Huevo is a French style icon, I’m Coco Chanel.

  37. Monc says:

    What is that adage…’s the man that makes the suit…. d’oh!

  38. Aurore says:

    As a French woman, please don’t bring my culture into that sartorial mess!! He doen’t dress like a French man. We know how to iron a trouser!!!

  39. Mina_Esq says:

    Kate wears a lot of Sezane, so I wouldn’t be surprised if her internet shopping addiction has crossed over into buying stuff for William. I don’t think his very British valet would intentionally promote French brands.

  40. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Charles, pre illness, has definitely had a lot of moments of being a snazzy dresser within the conservative Savile Row expression he favors. His color picks/pattern mixing for things like ties and pocket squares show that someone with a good eye and (if occasion appropriate) a sense of fun/whimsy was doing the picking. Often subtle, but those who know the style can pick up on it. Very very British.

    I think his suits are hanging on him, and while it’s also very old school to just wear the baggy suits, he could probably use a refresh.

  41. Flower says:

    I think this is a puff piece directly from his Valet, who I suspect has a bias towards French fashion houses as opposed to Saville Row, which has been in decline for some time now. Sadly skills are in decline and the cost of Saville Row suits would make Peg and Chuckles look out of touch.

    This is also the launch of Bill the Prince of Wales to mirror the same launch Chuckles did @ this age when he switched to double breasted suits.

    I also think there is also an intention here to show that Bill buys Pret a porter off the peg (pun intended). And of course he still has a tailor to make the adjustments and the French fashion houses would happily tailor the suits to Peg anyway.

    From what I understand Chuckles was advised at some point to scale down on his uber expensive Saville Row suits, which in this day and age would make Peg look EXTREMELY out of touch. That said there are a plethora of Saville Row tailors now doing Pret a porter i.e. Oswald Boateng etc and a partnership like that (tastefully done) would elevate Peg with the current generation.

  42. Normal_Islander says:

    Just another post agreeing that Charles was always well-dressed. I’ve never seen anyone rock a double-breasted suit as well as him. That’s a very hard look to get right so it stands out.

    Also I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed William frequently has a camel toe *shudder*

  43. Vixxo says:

    Wish he would stop trying to make Fetch happen.
    He’s a bungling beetle and there’s nothing he can do to change that

  44. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    He looks a bit like he’s trying to be Trudeau or Macron.

  45. Gracie says:

    Maybe they think if they get voted off the island, the French will take them in lol.

    • Iolanthe says:

      The French must be shuddering . Even if you get the designer togs , you need the body , the posture , the natural elegance that the French do so effortlessly. This man is ageing really really badly .

      • Unblinkered says:

        In all the photos of him above I see evidence, for the first time, of the most enormous strain.
        Whatever is going on with her, with him, with the kids, it’s showing on his face now.

  46. Phlyfiremama says:

    So he wants to promote French vs. UK designers, eh. How come the BM excruciatingly detail the cost of what H&M wear?? Where is the contemptuous criticism while rubbing it in everyone’s faces just how much everything cost for Will & Kate’s use of public funds?? Just WHERE IS KATE AT ALL??