South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem got the national and even international spotlight for one whole week, and as it turns out, she was nowhere near ready for primetime. Noem’s dumb book isn’t even out yet, but The Guardian got a copy and “spoiled” the big reveal, which is that Noem shot and killed her 14-month-old puppy, Cricket. Her justification for killing Cricket and leaving the dog’s body in a gravel pit was that Cricket annoyed her and that SHE hadn’t trained Cricket properly. Before the dog-killing story, pundits believed that Noem was possibly on Donald Trump’s VP shortlist. Post-dog-killing story, MAGA-world, MAGA-ville has tossed her aside. Incidentally, I absolutely believe sexism is at play here – in MAGA-world, you can be a violent, anti-science, dog-killing nutjob, but not if you’re a woman. Anyway, Politico is putting a bow on this week of dog-murder sociopathy:
Kristi Noem’s damage-control tour is in full swing. It appears destined for the same fate as her late dog Cricket: dead in a gravel pit somewhere near Pierre. But at Mar-a-Lago, even before the revelation about her dog, Noem had long ago been cast aside as a likely running mate, according to six people close to former President Donald Trump who, while not discounting Noem entirely, have for many weeks said she has almost no chance of being on the ticket. The Cricket saga was just the latest in one of the most spectacularly botched vice presidential contender rollouts in modern political history.
Noem will return to Trump’s turf in Palm Beach, Florida this weekend, addressing top-dollar donors with other prospective running mates at a luxury hotel. Two advisers to Noem, granted anonymity to speak freely, said they expect a Sunday show appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and additional excerpts from the book to also make news. But it almost certainly won’t be enough to turn the tide of public opinion or, more importantly for Noem, the view of her inside Mar-a-Lago.
“She is of no use,” said Scott Jennings, a former President George W. Bush political adviser, comparing Noem to other running mate contenders, including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), Sens. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) who would “have utility” on the Trump ticket.
“What does she bring?” Jennings said of Noem. “The possibility of weirdo drama. That’s it. She appeals to no constituency Trump doesn’t already have.”
As I said – there IS sexism at play here. “The possibility of weirdo drama. That’s it. She appeals to no constituency Trump doesn’t already have.” Trump has the franchise on weirdo drama and if he’s going to fully mine the weirdo-drama constituency, he certainly won’t look for it with Kristi Noem. She has the potential to become a Sarah Palin-esque figure – an idiot drama queen who speaks in word salads and relishes the murder of family pets. Plus, Politico points out that Trump hates the rumors that Noem was banging his former aide Corey Lewandowski. Now, suddenly, Trump is a moral authority on infidelity? No – Trump can’t abide a woman who cheats. Noem is being punished for acting like a man and believing she could get away with the things male politicians get away with.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
- Governor Kristi Noem (Republican of South Dakota) makes remarks at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Oxon Hill, Maryland, United States When: 23 Feb 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- Governor Kristi Noem (Republican of South Dakota) makes remarks at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Oxon Hill, Maryland, United States When: 23 Feb 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
Um, ‘scuse me Politico, but “weirdo drama” thine name is one Donald John Trump — the same man who was held liable for rape, not once, but twice; the same man who gropes his own daughter; who brags about grabbing women’s V-Jay; who said his infant daughters best feature were her legs; who slept with a porn star when his wife was pregnant; and compared his mistress to his daughter while they were in bed? I mean, I haven’t even talked about all the fraud!
That’s what they’re saying. They already have more than enough weirdo drama already. Can’t say I disagree!
He doesn’t want anyone who might pull focus from the most important person in any room: him.
Anything it takes to bring that puppy-killing monster down is okay by me, sexism, ageism, misogyny whatever. She rode her Ranch Barbie looks into politics, she can ride back off into the sunset. There is zero justification for shooting her bird dog in the face, and even less to brag about it like that makes her tough enuff.
This one might have been taken down but it doesn’t mean that the other hundred of right-wing freaks just like her won’t remain firmly in place. Also we could think “let them expose themselves like that !” but it would only lead to a normalization of their twisted behaviours.
The caucasity to wear indigenous-style jewellery on that book cover, my god.
Noticed that. The indigenous people in South Dakota won’t allow her on tribal lands.
Proceeds of crime?
Or that she slept with Corey and not him. I swear the Noem “fvck, marry, kill” meme going around was the best. And saddest.
There is some serious photo shop going on with that book cover. Did she hire Kate Middleton?
My money is on whoever does Khloe Kardashian’s pics these days.
So that’s where Kate is – she’s been in South Dakota this whole time!
Photoshopped Kristi looks great. But a clear photo shows she has terrible skin. A good complexion is a great beautifier.
Donald Trump has very limiting criteria for picking women. He likes tall slender women—so good so far. He likes women who cede attention to him. And he likes women who look elegant, feminine, stylish and well dressed. Kristi is tacky not elegant. Even if she hadn’t killed the family pet, Kristi does not fit his preferred look and demeanor.
All that and there is no way Trump would want an attention-seeking, mouthy politician like Noem as his VP. HE has to be the star, because that is how the Mango Mussolini rolls. You’re right, she’s basically the new Sarah Palin, urgh.
She’s a far cry from that Pence guy. That’s who he wanted last time.
I totally agree that she’s being rejected for acting like a man. And no one is allowed to bring “weirdo drama” to the Trump campaign except the orange monster.
45 was having an affair with Karen McDougal. He later cheated on Melania AND Karen with Stormy Daniels. Now he’s been publicly disparaging Stormy’s looks. Tthe sheer audacity! When’s the last time he looked in a mirror? Not to mention his “deal” with the National Enquirer’s David Pecker to buy negative stories about him (including paying $30k to a hotel doorman who claimed 45 had a love child) and promote terrible ones about his opponents and “perceived” enemies before the election (ie election interference). The 90+ indictments, the over $500million civil judgements against him and the pending court cases and never ending whining, lie filled monologues he calls press conferences. Oh an he has a female “assistant” with a portable printer, who travels with him and gives him positive articles written about him, which he critiques. He’s the definition of weirdo drama (amongst a whole host of other negative adjectives)
Still, its always good when MAGAs sabotage themselves. Speaking of (pun intended), the GOP are now trying to oust the anti “no fault” divorce cretin I mean Speaker of the House (of Representatives), Mike Johnson. Apologies to cretins. This all reminds me of the symbol of the snake eating its tail (I forgot what its called)…
@Chantal: you’re thinking of an ourobouros. Snake eating its own tail. 😁
This woman would eat her own young if she thought it gave her a political advantage..smh.
Apparently she also lied in the book about meeting Kim Jong Un (and called him a president rather than a chairman,” I imagine there are way more lies to be unearthed. Can’t happen to a worse person. I’m making popcorn. (RIP poor Cricket)
Oh the aching irony of the well behaved women quote on her book cover.
This all reminds me of Mitt Romney’s dog drama, remember how that blew up? That story about his dog Seamus is still unbelievable and crazy to me but at least he didn’t kill the dog (low bar for Republicans???). I guess if a male Repblican politician admitted to killing their hunting dog, it would be shocking to the public but yeah, they probably would survive the incident. This is all so ridiculous considering we know Donald Trump hates animals!
Don’t forget she also murdered a goat and some horses!