Yesterday, Prince Edward and the Duchess of Edinburgh made an appearance at the Windsor Horse Show, a five-day equestrian competition held at Windsor Home Park, which is part of the larger Royal Windsor complex. Meaning, it’s just a short distance from Windsor Castle. Queen Elizabeth II loved the Windsor Horse Show and the 2022 show was one of her final public appearances. I’m not sure people were expecting to see King Charles there this year, but that’s exactly what happened today. Charles popped around to check things out, making it his second public appearance this week.
Zara Tindall greeted the king with a big hug and kiss. Zara is probably Charles’s favorite niece? They’ve always seemed especially close, and he’s much closer to her than he is to the York princesses. It’s probably because he’s a lot closer to Princess Anne than Prince Andrew too, I would imagine. Anyway, at least someone in the family greets him with warmth and affection. It should be interesting to see, next week, if Charles makes any kind of time to see his younger son. I mean, if his schedule is so loose that he can pop into the Windsor Horse Show, surely the king can clear an hour next week to meet Prince Harry?
Meanwhile, there was an event last night in New York, one which Charles clearly did not attend. Charles’s signature charity, The Prince’s Trust, has been rebranded to The King’s Trust. The King’s Trust held a fundraiser gala, which was co-chaired by trust-ambassador Lionel Richie. Charles did offer a written statement to the crowd of B-list celebrities who will go to the opening of an envelope (Emily Ratajkowski, Chrissy Teigen).
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Sophie Duchess of Edinburgh and the Prince Edward, Duke Of Edinburgh attend day two of The Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, Duke Of Edinburgh Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 02 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Sophie Duchess of Edinburgh and the Prince Edward, Duke Of Edinburgh attend day two of The Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: Prince Edward, Duke Of Edinburgh, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 02 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- King Charles III at the Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: King Charles III Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 03 May 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III at the Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: King Charles III Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 03 May 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III hugs his niece, Zara Tindall, at the Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: King Charles III and Zara Tindall Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 03 May 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III hugs his niece, Zara Tindall, at the Royal Windsor Horse Show Featuring: King Charles III and Zara Tindall Where: Windsor, United Kingdom When: 03 May 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
William who?
Given his age and medical issues, Charles should not be out there as much when “Billy Idle” should represent. Urghhh!
So his schedule isn’t very busy and he can pop over unexpectedly to the horse show. Let’s see if they use his schedule is very busy when Harry arrives for the Invictus anniversary.
Well frankly speaking that excuse can be used ANY week because people’s schedules and I would assume the Kings can fluctuate to busy or not. So to suggest that because he is ‘free’ this week it will be the same next is not something the courtiers care about.
They claim that Chuckles would be coming back slowly so if that’s the truth then he shouldn’t be busy when Harry comes in a few days. He just started back to work recently.
News on Hello . ca says he’s arranged to have a garden party on that very day.
Charles better show up for the IG anniversary service if he can show up for this. Chrissy Teigen showed up after getting a jar of ARO jam from Meghan?
This is a royal event. Invictus is not.
Okay. The Invictus Service is just being held by veterans of KC’s forces, so no importance there, I guess.
@equality: All the Royal Family care about is collecting medals and playing military dress up. They don’t care about the military or veterans. If they did they would throwing support behind the UK Invictus team. The minute Harry said he was stepping back the Royal Family social media pages stopped talking about Invictus so that means they don’t consider it a royal event.
He can go to a horse show but not the IG 10th anniversary. The world 🌎 is watching and taking mental notes.
IG was never a royal event. It’s something Harry started on his own and not in service to the queen. The queen was extremely supportive because it’s a great cause, but IG never showed up on the court circular. And let’s be honest, part of the snub by Charles and the rest of them is straight up jealousy.
Zara will always side with Charles. She knows how this all works; do not piss off the king.
I really doubt that Zara is Charles favourite niece. The Tindall’s need publicity and are desperate to make money. Zara kisses and hugs Charles because she wants to be on the front page. So glad The Times published a picture on its front page showing the back of Zara’s head as she embraced Charles. I bet she was pi**ed.
he was there to support Camilla who was competing in the veteran pony class.
It does make William look even worse than he already does though. You can hardly call this work for Charles but wee Willie W*nker hasn’t been seen in ages except to two events stacked and then a football match… with a friend.
William is not showing up because he is trying to avoid being asked about Kate. There is only so long one can lie or be evasive.
“wee Willy Wanker”
😆 i am deceased ☠️ 🤣
Out there doing the important work for the people.
What would we ever do without a monarchy???
Working for the… Other Royals! Just like giving awards to themselves, they show up for their own embiggening events. Lol. These people are so over.
There’s going to be a lot of ‘surprise’ events over the next couple of weeks! This will be funny to watch.
The myth goes that Charles suggested to Anne that she name her daughter Zara. As for popping up at this event, it doesn’t seem that Royals work on Fridays so he probably had some time on his hands. I’m going to predict now that Charles will be too busy to meet Harry next week. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if they do get to meet and hopefully it will be more that 45 minutes this time.
The Windsors are so emotionally constipated that Zara’s spontaneous show of affection for her uncle was both surprising and refreshing.
There is nothing spontaneous about Zara. Everything she does is calculated to boost the Tindall money pot.
LMAO he didn’t have a reason to avoid Harry so Chuckie had to drag his ass out of his sick bed and start “working” so he can pretend like he’s to busy to see him. BUT now how does he justify ignoring veterans during the IG thanksgiving service if he’s well enough to work lol?
Chuckie is so deeply selfish, cruel and petty that is brings me great joy to watch him hurt himself in a pathetic attempt to snub Harry.
Is Camilla competing beside all the other horses or have they made up a new classification for the King’s favourite?
I love the quiet dignity of this polite inquiry. Carry on.