Truly, two weeks ago, I would not have been able to pick South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem out of a lineup. She looks like every other MAGA woman to me, like they’ve all been infected with the Kimberly Guilfoyle Variant. They all look Botoxed to hell, with cheap extensions and the same glassy-eyed wine-mom demeanor. Noem has been trying to distinguish herself from the herd by telling psychotic stories about how many animals she’s killed. In her new memoir, she revealed that she murdered her family dog, Cricket, by shooting the 14-month-old puppy and leaving Cricket’s body in a gravel pit. She also killed a family goat on the same day, and left the goat’s body in the same gravel pit. She’s so disgusting, even Donald Trump wants nothing to do with her.
Well, Noem’s book tour is just ramping up, and she’s been making the rounds of various network and cable-news shows. She’s too stupid (??) to figure out a way to just stop talking about dog-murder, which means that huge chunks of her interviews in the past week have been about Noem killing animals. Speaking of, Noem said that the Biden family should have put down Commander, their German shepherd who has been falsely accused of gnawing on Secret Service agents.
Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota, already under fire for killing her family’s 14-month-old dog and boasting about it, on Sunday took aim at another family’s pet: Commander, President Biden’s bite-prone German shepherd.
Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Ms. Noem, a Republican, suggested that Commander, who was banished from the White House last fall after bloodying a number of Secret Service agents, should also have been put down.
“Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people,” she told her interviewer, Margaret Brennan. “So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?”
Commander was sent to an undisclosed location after the Secret Service recorded 24 biting episodes involving him between October 2022 and July 2023, about half of which required medical attention.
This might sound pedantic, but I hate when people defame dogs. Commander was not accused of “attacking” Secret Service agents, a word which suggests some kind of sustained or motivated assault by the dog. Commander was accused of “biting” agents (and only agents, not staffers), and there’s every reason to believe that many of those biting incidents were nips from a puppy. The Bidens also sent Commander away six months ago – the Bidens love dogs and they have chosen to rehome their bitey dogs rather than, you know, euthanize innocent dogs because MAGA Secret Service agents lied about the dogs. This woman’s bloodlust is truly disturbing.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid, The White House.
- Washington, DC – United States President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Dr. Jill Biden, right, pet their dog, a German Shepherd puppy named ‘Commander’, while virtually meeting with United States military service members on Christmas Day, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, DC, USA. Pictured: Joe Biden, Jill Biden BACKGRID USA 25 DECEMBER 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Dr. Jill Biden, right, pet their dog, a German Shepherd puppy named ‘Commander’, while virtually meeting with United States military service members on Christmas Day, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, DC, USA. Pictured: Joe Biden, Jill Biden BACKGRID USA 25 DECEMBER 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Dr. Jill Biden, right, pet their dog, a German Shepherd puppy named ‘Commander’, while virtually meeting with United States military service members on Christmas Day, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, DC, USA. Pictured: Joe Biden, Jill Biden BACKGRID USA 25 DECEMBER 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
- Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota appears before a House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on H.R. 3397, to require the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a rule of the Bureau of Land Management relating to conservation and landscape health, in the Longworth House Office Building. Featuring: Kristi Noem Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 15 Jun 2023 Credit: Rod Lamkey/CNP/
now, she’s trying to end other people’s dogs.
oh dear
Torturing and killing animals is the first sign of pychopathy—she’s a sick twist.
My thoughts exactly. I also mourn that poor goat that was murdered at her hands. What a waste of the air that decent people breathe!
Maybe she was trying to win back over the MAGA crowd. “Sure, you think I’m scum because killed *my* dog but what if we killed *Joe Biden’s* dog? She’s dumb enough to think that.moght work!
Just saw a mock campaign yard sign on Twitter: Dogs for Biden. The only thing I appreciate about her cruel dumbass stories is that they conflate the entire GOP with her dog-killing mania.
I am completely here for a Dogs for Biden campaign! He could make great trips to animal shelters and feature ads with dog lovers telling why they support him. My new puppy and I volunteer!
Dogs for Biden has been around for a while – my dog wore that collar for the last election. My ex bought it for him, but I don’t know where he got it.
Ohh shut up.
You can’t fix stupid…or psychotic .
“We should be killing dogs” is a crazy promotion tour to go on , even by republican standards.
Her psychosis is worsening.
Keep digging that hole, lady.
Don’t say that, this bloodthirsty bitch can’t see a hole without tossing a murdered animal into it.
@Miranda, lol!!!!
you cannot make this shite up. or at least, I couldn’t! FFS. whoever said she is doing oppo on herself is correct.
since all dogs go to heaven, perhaps Cricket is engineering all of this from the great beyond!
All dogs go to heaven so this bitch won’t have to worry about seeing any of them ever again.
The more I hear from this deranged sociopath the more I think she should be Dump’s running mate after all. What better place for her to be next time her psychotic urges strike her.
That’s what I think!!
This woman should never be allowed to own another dog. She shouldn’t be allowed in a 10 mile radius of any dog whatsoever. She’s worse than cruella deville.
Can we just put down Kristi Noem? I think that’s a better solution because the dogs have a waaaay better chance of being rehabilitated than that disgusting excuse for a human being. I pity her children and any animal that has to interact with this ghoul.
I keep thinking the same thing.
I’m down. Name a date and place.
You beat me to the comment; she should definitely be put down ASAP, along with the rest of the MAGAs.
Doubling down on the “puppy-killer” branding was not the comms strategy I would have predicted here, but I love this for her. May all the Republican candidates prove equally adept.
Oh please. Noem killed her puppy & goat in a fit of rage, not because she’s a responsible pet owner. She’s a delusional psychopath.
The dog embarrassed her which enraged her so she killed it and then she went back for the goat. …..Noem has now overtaken Katie Britt as the scariest biach in the target parking lot.
I saw that latest weekend interview and she didn’t answer most questions, just talked over the interviewer.
The secret service and top levels of government were radicalized by magat/Q fringe nonsense. Commander was set up in most of the biting incidents to make Biden look irresponsible and out of touch. Hopefully this is the last news cycle for this nutjob. Even by magat standards, she is unusually dumb and vicious.
I’m a Biden supporter and even I think Commander shouldn’t have stayed in the WH as long as he did. They needed to send him home or to a family member’s house where he was around the same people all day, not a rotating set of SS agents. That’s on them and they’ve admitted they made a mistake and he doesn’t live at the WH anymore. Which is good.
You don’t have to kill a misbehaving dog, ffs.
Yah, I don’t think Biden handled that appropriately either, the dog never should have been in a situation where an incident could have happened more than once in my opinion. I think there are circumstances where you may have to euthanize a dog but from what we know it doesn’t seem like either of these circumstances were anywhere near that category of incidents.
The Bidens were irresponsibly slow to remove Commander from a too-stressful situation and to protect their employees from a known and persistent workplace hazard. That was a failure. Noem’s failure as a pet owner went in the opposite direction.
They gave an aggressive dog too many chances. She gave an aggressive dog too few chances. One looks merciful. One looks merciless. The public can relate to the Biden’s reluctance to give up their pet. The public cannot relate to her hands-on execution and subsequent lack of regret or remorse. She thought the story made her look good. She doesn’t comprehend the reason for the backlash and thinks it’s all politics.
This psychotic freak needs to shut her goddamned mouth. The End.
She looks like she doing a bad and more evil cosplay of Lisa Vanderpump.
She’s a narcissist is what I got it of it, the worst kind. Good luck to the people of South Dakota. Though, given that they didn’t care about their fellow citizens during COVID nor the women who lost their abortion rights, I’d say she’s right up their alley.
I have been booted off Twitter for a week for stating what I think should be done to her in a gravel pit in South Dakota.
I think it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t form normal emotional bonds with pets, and for that reason she doesn’t understand the backlash. Humans can form a bond with almost anything, it’s one of our defining characteristics as a species. Which is scary because sociopathic attitudes are rarely limited to just one target. She’s dangerous to people and animals and she shouldn’t be in any position of power over either.
You’re so right focusing on her reaction to the backlash. The fact that she can’t see anything wrong or admit she could have made another choice is at least as concerning as the fact she did it in the first place.
This goes beyond emotional connections to pets. It also reflects a kind of…lack of social acumen? Like, she did it, which is one thing, but actually TELLING people that she did it in a book, trading it around like a funny story, and then continuously doubling down on it when criticized is where it enters socially inept territory for me. Most people will realize at some point, hmm, this isn’t really getting the reaction I though it would, better lay low for a bit. Not her! That’s what screams narcissistic personality disorder to me. Total lack of empathy, even from a social reputation perspective.
Oh just shut up already, you psychopath.
She is so clueless. Give her all the interviews, let her talk and talk and talk herself right into her own personal gravel pit.
I’m not a bloodthirsty person per se, but if this woman ever came within 50 feet of my dog, I’d . . . see red and attack.
Which is how I imagine Dr. Biden would respond if this “person” even looked sideways at her dog.
She needs to take Commander’s name out of her psycho mouth. She’s trying to deflect from her sick cruelty – it’s the MAGA way.
Her book has more holes than her face. She compared children to a literal murderous dictator she supposedly did or did not meet.