My hope for Prince Harry is that he’s made his peace with the fact that his father and brother suck and there’s no hope for any kind of reconciliation. The way the Windsors behaved this week was ghastly, yet again. It’s like they’re escalating too – the less control they have over Harry, the more they “punish” him publicly. King Charles was so jealous of Harry’s Invictus service that the king scheduled his garden party for the exact same time as the service AND the king ordered the other working royals to attend his garden party. Charles and his palace goons (Camilla included) have been on a briefing spree about Harry all week as well. The Windsors are the ones making this mind-numbingly toxic, all so the royal experts can say that “Harry was snubbed and he was sad about it.” Which brings me back to my hope that Harry is teflon at this point when dealing with all of this bullsh-t. Some highlights from Katie Nicholl’s commentary to Entertainment Tonight:
Harry genuinely hoped to see his father: “He hasn’t got many other plans. He was, of course, hoping to see his family. Possibly that’s why the trip was three days… but as we now know, there will be no family meetings.”
No Windsor support for the Invictus service: “When you look at the inaugural Invictus Games back in 2014… he had support from his father and from Prince William… You could see that wonderful closeness between Charles and his sons, and you could see how happy Harry was to have the support of his older brother. When you consider that this is the 10th anniversary, this felt a little flat, I think it’s fair to say. He certainly cut a pretty lonely figure… He looked very much an outsider over here in Britain.”
Charles still claims to be eager to reconcile with Harry: Nicholl’s sources say “that the king is very, very keen to get his relationship with his son back on track. He very much wants to be close to his son again and to see more of his grandchildren, who he’s barely seen since they were born.” Because of that, Nicholl said, “There is a sense of surprise that he hasn’t made time to see his son.”
Trust issues: The “fundamental issue” remains, however, as there’s been “this breakdown of trust between Harry and the family,” according to Nicholl. “Clearly, there are still some pretty major trust issues and concerns on Charles’ part that any private meetings or conversations that he has with his son may not stay private for long,” she said. “I think Harry’s going to have to work really quite hard to repair some of that trust before he’s going to get a sort of privileged audience with his father.”
Charles handing off the Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps to Prince William: “You know, the timing is curious. I think many people will see that as a bit of a snub, really, from the palace, and perhaps a little bit of a poke in the ribs to Prince Harry. Yes, he’s over here part of the Invictus community celebrating 10 years, but he’s been stripped of his right to wear his military uniform. And now his brother’s taken over the role that I think Harry would have expected to have come to him, had he still been a working member of the royal family. So, yes, I think the timing does feel poignant. And, yes, I think it’s probably another slap in the face for Prince Harry, and yet another reminder that he’s very much out rather than in when it comes to the royal family.”
[From Entertainment Tonight]
“Clearly, there are still some pretty major trust issues and concerns on Charles’ part that any private meetings or conversations that he has with his son may not stay private for long.” How long will Charles ring this bell? How many times will Charles and Camilla go on blatant briefing sprees against Harry, with “insiders” claiming that C&C have zero trust that HARRY won’t leak things. The palace leaks constantly. Harry says his sh-t with his whole chest, on the record or through his official spokesperson. Anyway, the slap in the face stuff, the Windsors’ lack of support for Invictus, the pettiness for petty’s sake… these people keep insisting that it’s all bad news for Harry. But that palace-issued talking point is falling flat. Charles really misjudged the situation this week. Charles looked sick with jealousy, spiteful, petty and just mean. Harry looked like a king who weathered the storm.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Guests arrive to attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Guests arrive to attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- The Duke of Sussex leaves St Paul’s Cathedral in London after attending a service of thanksgiving to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Yui Mok/PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
William was always going to be colonel in chief . Harry was never in line for it.
IKR? I think Charles announced this last year as it was his role when he was POW. This is some sort of quickly planned hand over.
And now you have me wondering what Harry would have looked like as king
👑👑👑I’m thinking the same😍 PANIC IN THE PALACE 😍
I’ve been imagining that for a loooong time. These folks are very lucky it’s the 21st century. Time was the spare would have rounded up an invading army and pushed the heir right off the throne.
It seems to me like the heir is pushing himself right off the throne!
This woman says that Charles wants to repair his relationship with Harry and see more of Harry’s kids. There is no way that’s true, Charles kicked them out of Frogmore for no reason which leaves them without a safe place to stay making it harder for the whole family to be in the UK. That’s 100% Charles’ own fault.
It drives me crazy that they treat Charles and William as if they’ve been wronged. Somehow Harry is the bad guy for talking about things that happened to him, but Charles and William are not for actually doing those things.
I mean, at its most basic level, this is textbook DARVO.
It’s sad and disgusting.
Katie Nicholl is 100% the reason I canceled my long-time Vanity Fair subscription. I am so tired of US media outlets giving this toxic royal butt kisser legitimacy. Why are we importing the views of the toxic British media? She never had any actual news, she just gets her talking points from KP which regularly turn out to be lies.
Kate Nicholls sources are stale. Truthfully, she barely has any but this storyline that Charles is keen to see Harry has gone out the window. It went out the window as soon as Harry made his statement that his dad was too busy.
Kathy the phone hacker needs to stfu. The Nigerian visit really rattled them and since the rats 🐀 and company have no inside information about anything Sussex they are going on a full panic.
Harry looked very well and happy and loved. There was a large cheering crowd outside of the ceremony and he even did a short walk about. You don’t see crowds like that for his very jealous brother.
Yeah, that crowd shouting “we love you, Harry” really made him look like a “lonely outsider”.
And the Spencers and his friends were there including some powerful men and women to support Invictus and Harry. So I think Harry’s event was much more prestigious than Charles Garden Party. I’m sure it resonated more with the veterans who truly supports them.
This, exactly! He looked like the people’s king, loved and wanted! Plus, having his family from his mother’s side was chef’s kiss!
This isn’t something I have any personal knowledge about (not British or part of the aristocracy), but my understanding is that the Spencer family is like one of the 3 most important/noble families in all of England that dates back centuries. They are much more “British” than the Windsors. There’s not really a comparator and is more applicable a decade or two ago, but this is kind of like claiming someone looked like an outsider in the US while they were standing with the extended Kennedy family. Or walking into an event with Bob Marley’s family in Jamaica lol! As far as I understand, having Spencer public support in the UK is about the most opposite of outsider you could possibly be, it’s about as insidery, “heart of Britain” as you can get…
I’m not sure of the 3 most important families, but they are definitely more “English” than the Windsors. Diana had more English royal blood than the Queen. It’s said that aristos actually look down on the royals but tolerate them because they’re willing to hold the throne (not many want the BS that goes with it, similar to how none of them wanted to marry Will).
Similar to @TigerMcQueen-
The Spencers are very aristo and very OG English, yes.
It’s why Charles Spencer was bold enough to light the royal family on fire at Diana’s funeral. What were they going to do about it? Kick them all out of England??
You’re 100% right. The Spencers do outclass the Windsors.
I need someone with more knowledge than me to explain if, in fact, Harry has been stripped of his ability to wear his uniform. He was in the military regardless of his relationship with the crown so it seems he should be able to wear the uniform whenever he d*mn well pleases except for official royal events like the funerals or coronation.
I think, it is different in UK. Only those actively serving can wear their uniforms. Of course, since the royals are considered part of military, they are wearing the uniform like toy soldiers.
That’s what makes it stupid to say he was “stripped of the right” to wear it. Does that mean they “strip” all veterans of that right?
Act of Parliament 1894 “It shall not be lawful for any person not serving in Her Majesty’s Military Forces to wear without Her Majesty’s permission the uniform of any of those forces, or any dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform: Provided that this enactment shall not prevent .”
In the UK and some other countries like Canada, veterans are not allowed to wear their uniform if they are not in active service. Of course the royals make themselves an exception to this rule and permit people who have never served to wear a uniform.
Can you imagine wearing a uniform you’ve done nothing to deserve the honour of wearing? How pathetic to show off a chest full of phoney medals you haven’t earned. Birthright or not, it’s incredibly tasteless to parade about cosplaying something you are not.
I don’t think you’re allowed to in the US either. And we don’t do the fake uniform thing. that’s why you never see POTUS in a uniform. I don’t think we ever saw Colin Powell in a uniform once he was in the cabinet, etc.
I had to arrange a talk with a member of the military for a scout meeting and we had a very narrow window because he was about to retire and would not have been able to wear the uniform to the meeting (to show the stripes medals etc) after he retired.
@Becks1 – I think the 3-month rule is only for those who’ve been honorably discharged. You can wear your uniform after retirement at any time because they figure you’ve earned the right. My father wore his dress uniform to certain ceremonies after he retired and he was a stickler for the rules. But, having said that, there are also rules for when you can wear a uniform when on active duty. You have to be on-duty, going to and from work, or on a base – not just mowing the lawn or going grocery shopping. And you can’t wear bits and pieces, like just the cap.
If that’s what being an outsider looks like, they’re all gagging for it.
Right? I’m just not seeing lonely. The BM keeps saying he’s lonely, a poor lone figure alone. But we all have eyes! He looks confident and hot. He’s surrounded by Diana’s family and his invictus family. If anything, he looks happy and relaxed. These reporters are really undermining themselves when they say that they see a lonely man when absolutely no one else sees that. It’s pretty pathetic.
The media seems to have received their briefings before the service – and then they were really surprised by the turn out, especially the Spencers showing up strong.
Thanks for the heads up to avoid ET coverage of Prince Harry going to UK for IG 10th anniversary. Kittie Nicholl doesn’t have anything interesting to add to PH coverage. She sounds like she’s Chuck’s puppet.
Is this the same Katie Nichol that said baby Archie’s nursery was going to be gender neutral and painted with Lavender infused paint?
She’s also the Katie Nicholl who wrote a fan fiction article for the Daily Mail about how Harry & Meghan met, claiming it was at a restaurant in Kensington and they sipped rose all night.
Katie Nicholl also spun the fiction that Prince Harry saw Meghan on Suits and fancied her as his ‘ideal woman.’ Obviously, Nicholl was actually relaying how William felt about Meghan Markle. After all, it was W&K who watched Suits religiously. Harry had never seen or heard of Suits prior to meeting Meghan via a friend’s Snapchat.
Harry revealed in Spare that W&K were stunned and in disbelief when he told them he was dating Meghan Markle. When Harry learned that W&K were big fans of Suits, he wrongly assumed that they would love meeting and getting to know Meghan. 😐😒
Hmmm, lavender-infused paint. That actually sounds right cool. Does the scent hang in there, or…? 😉 Thanks!
They think if he is on that isle that they control the narrative.. big mistake to not realize by now that the world 🌎 focuses wherever The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are and on what they are doing? This isn’t playing out well outside of the rota propaganda which is glaringly obvious and in full panic mode screaming out the palace propaganda.
I agree, they look like fools, and they are amplifying their hysteria to the point where just average people on Twitter who don’t give a flip about any of these people are sticking up for Harry and Meghan, and calling out the obvious lies.
Found another one today in the Excess, it seems that the King is stripping Harry of the CICs position of the Army Air Corps, and giving it to Wiliam, of course Harry has never been CIC of the AAC, I believe it was there that he was taught to fly helicopters. That was Quinn
It’s obvious from all this that the Windsors don’t do anything now unless they can snub Harry in some way. They’re just taking up valuable real estate and leeching off the taxpayers. Get rid of them before they bring down the entire nation with them. They’re already a global laughing stock.
No, Harry very much looked like a fucking rock star.
Right? This almost sounds like like she made the comments without acctually seeing any photos or footage of the event.
Yes. This seems like another one of those articles written before the event even happened. Harry was far from lonely as he was supported by his Spencer family and his Invictus family, but mentioning that would go against BP’s approved talking points. The RR still hasn’t gathered that this is the 21st century and communication is instantaneous now. People live stream events and can see that the press is all about gaslighting and false narratives. They should really step into 2024 and realize the public isn’t buying the BS anymore.
Ha! Perfectly put!
That picture of him at the top of the stairs by himself – it doesn’t scream lonely outsider, it screams confidence, swagger, and yes, rock star. I said he looked like a king in the other post but rock star is better, lol.
Absolutely. The KCIII and the PoW know it too. They are incandescent with rage and frustration that Harry outshines them all without even trying — and that’s why their propaganda machine is working overtime to re-frame Harry and his event as a failure. But that only works for the people who didn’t actually see it, or who are already biased monarchists. It’s pathetic, because all they are doing is undermining themselves and the monarchy — no one cares about their events; they have no crowds cheering them on, unlike Harry.
A rock star with humility and a genuine interest in people and events outside of himself.
And this is exactly why they want to severely limit his and Meghan’s ability to freely visit and work in the UK.
Word, Snuffles, word.
The last thing Harry looked like is an outsider. Not with the cheering crowds or sweet hugs from the Spencer’s, and the vets were very vocal in their support for Harry.
I can’t decide whether the palaces leaking to the press that they’re worried about Harry leaking to the press shows just how far removed from reality they are (if they believe if) or if they think they have the public on as tight a leash as the press (if they don’t).
Harry isn’t going to leak to the press, if he wants to put out information he will do it loud and clear.
THOU DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH 😂😂 that statement from Harry was like a nuclear bomb in the Palace, be prepared for weeks of explaining, but the damage is already done, Charles is a horrible man and father 😒
(1) Britain is one country in a world of many and, frankly, it doesn’t matter much if he’s an “outsider” there. (2) I saw crowds of people cheering Harry on and his Spencer family showing up to support him, so who was really on the outside looking in?
Nicholls is another royal gossiper. Her livelihood depends on her defending the indefensible. Harry is happy, looked happy, charming and in his element supporting his achievement. What is pathetic and sad is lying to earn a living.
I was very touched and pleased for Harry that the Spencer’s showed up in force for him. BM and RF family trying to erase Diana and her memory and also consign Harry and Meghan to the same bin and it is NOT happening!
Very classist and elitist. In other words – if you’re not in the RF, then you’re an outsider. Well, the whole point of the IG is that wounded veterans are not outsiders. Harry represents that and the insiders can just wither away in their garden.
The press pack STILL thinking it makes Charles look like a strong man/King for behaving in such a spectacularly petty and spiteful way towards his own son, not to mention the veterans? Like my dear departed Dad used to say …. you can’t educate pork!!!
They Don’t, but it’s their job to try to clean up the King’s mess😒 FOR KING AND COUNTRY.
“Clearly, there are still some pretty major trust issues and concerns on Charles’ part that any private meetings or conversations that he has with his son may not stay private for long”
I am SO f*cking sick of this tired, toxic, abusive narrative. Kendrick Lamar just said it, so simply and so clear: “Don’t tell no lie ’bout me and I won’t tell truths ’bout you.” These fools.
It’s gaslighting. It’s clear Harry’s stipulated that any meeting with Charles will be without Camilla because he doesn’t want her running to her friends in the press (see the lack of details about his last meeting with his dad). She’s throwing a hell of a tantrum about it.
Yes we heard absolutely nothing of what was said, only that it happened and how long it was, that information didn’t come from Harry, it came from one of the staff.
@Sunday, you have this exactly right, and in a nutshell! Who knew Kendrick Lamar was such a sage observer of the human condition, and the serpentine relationships in the rancid British monarchy? They are all grossly dysfunctional, and Harry is the only one who seems to be aware of the dynamic and want to live a healthy life! Rock on Harry!
Another nothingburger of a fake story from another royal butt-kisser. Yawn….
Surely the bigwigs trying to bring IG to England are pissed and embarrassed about the shenanigans of KFC and Egg. This makes the entire effort look caustic.
I feel really awful for Johnny Mercer, he is still fighting to get Invictus 2027. He has to realize now that the royals and rota were always going to sink this for the U.K. In spite of the fact that it will bring a huge amount of money and attention to a city that could really use both, these people can’t get out of their own way.
If “trust” is really the biggest issue, here’s a thought: Charles could offer Harry and enormous sum of money, let’s just say 25 million pounds, for his Archewell charity in exchange for an iron-clad non-disparagement/confidentiality agreement. And guaranteed security when Harry & Co. goes to the UK. Problem solved. The money goes to charity, not H&M, and Charles can see his grandkids and Harry all he wants without the worry it will leak.
Uh, “trust” is a two-way street. Harry can’t trust Charles or William to keep their word. And forget about Ratmilla, she is in it for herself and her kids. An “iron-clad NDA” would only apply to Harry, not to the Unroyal Mafia.
Why are you so adamant about the money going to charity? Why is it so many people want anything that H&M get to go to charity? I doubt KC gives that much of his own money to any charity, including those he founded.
Where on earth did you get the notion that Chuck has any desire whatsoever to see his grandchildren? Especially his grandchildren born to a half-black American woman? Chuck doesn’t seem too keen to see Harry either since he’s always running off to Scotland, Romania or a smelly garden party whenever Harry travels to UK.
The Fail tried to push the same dumb narrative about Harry cutting a ‘lonely’ figure and even they had to reverse course and put out an article admitting that he was smiling and surrounded by his mother’s family. Sykes tried to pull the same crap and the tweet from the DailyBeast ended up with a community note pointing out the Spencers were there. This definitely seems to have been a talking point sent out to the usual suspects probably even before the event happened but the Spencers showing up and the public showing Harry so much love has really thrown cold water on this and I think they will soon regret this.
Also- saying that the service fell flat because the welfare royals weren’t there is offensive. I’ve seen so many tweets from veterans who were there who were moved by this opportunity to celebrate this great organization that has had suxh a huge impact on their lives. These rota rats need to get a grip.
Yes the obvious taking point of lonely Harry is obvious when they’re all repeating it. And it’s clearly not true. What’s also not true is that the service fell flat without the royals there. Cuz there garden party was the definition of flat.
Also stinky (sewage smell) that the attendees were complaining about😂😂.
Harry looks like breakfast no matter where he is.
You can always tell a propagandist because they don’t really provide any actual information, just offer talking points for their followers to give out when confronted by the truth of the situation.
As others have pointed out, Harry’s Invictus service appearance was the Windsors’ nightmare scenario.
Cheering, supportive crowds. People shouting “We love you, Harry — and Meghan, too!” The prime minister’s wife in attendance. Princess Diana’s family, including Earl Spencer, front and center. Harry radiating with the glow that made it crystal-clear that he’s the true inheritor of his mother’s gifts. And Harry surrounded by his Invictus family.
I love all of it for the Windsors. But mostly for Harry, who has earned the respect and love he was shown yesterday.
I’d also add “talking naturally” and “hugging and being hugged warmly” to the nightmare scenario list.
Charles seems to find himself in an affectionate hug from Zara every couple years at a horse thing, but other than that, no one in the royal family can ever look the least bit loving toward each other.
BP, KP and the Rota are handing Diana’s publicly perceived legacy to Harry on a freaking silver platter. Trying to “isolate” him? With Diana’s family and a popular charity cause? Harry already has Diana’s heart and common touch and they think snubbing him is going to work? They learned NOTHING from how they couldn’t strategize against Diana’s natural gifts, and they are repeating the same damned mistakes with Harry.
I wonder if they were surprised by the Spencer family showing up to support H along with the genuine support of the people? I’m sure they wished he looked like a lonely outsider up there, but that didn’t play out. Looking forward to Nigeria!
Heck Richard Palmer was on GB News last night saying he thought it was a mistake that Charles didn’t meet with Harry. I think this is the overall feeling in the royal rota but they will never say it publicly. If I’m not mistaken didn’t Harry say that William made fun of him for being nervous when did his speech at the inaugural games? Harry said that William was against the games. So she can miss with the nostalgia for 2014. I do wonder if she made these comments before we saw that the Spencers at the church service because Harry definitely wasn’t lonely. He had his family who truly care about him there yesterday.
I think the royals and the British media thought that they smear campaign had really made everyone hate Harry . Good king Harry shows up and everyone with common sense, especially the younger ones come out to see him and I think this rock Star reception has left these people shook . That don’t know what to do now because print media and all the talk shows having a go at him have backfired big time. Harry looks every bit the part of a global leader and the Windsors look like petty scraps under the table
Does Nicholl not see the irony?
With the same breath Nicholl said “… there are still some major trust issues on Charles part that any private meetings or conversations he has with his son may not stay private for long” she says her sources say ” the king is very, very keen to get his relationship with his son back on track …”. Who is leaking this information? King Charles should turn around and look at his office to find the leaks.
Trust? And has any word gotten out on whatever Harry and Charles discussed in their private conversation when Harry made his flying visit to “cancer-stricken” dad? Well, Camilla was outside the door, and HARRY certainly hasn’t spilled any beans. Surprisingly, apparently neither has Charles.
A “pretty lonely figure” with the Spencers seated directly next to him? Plus he knows a lot of the vets and all the IG staff! Not to mention the adoring crowds outside. He was surrounded by his chosen family. Try again, British tabs.
Harry did his country proud, his family proud, his veterans proud, and Diana proud-he carries his mother’s banner with respect, honor, and gratitude-Charles can try all he wants but Diana’s son did her justice yesterday-you may not be able to choose your family but you can choose who will be in your life and the life of your family-May God bless the entire Sussex family and keep them safe always.
Harry has done what is necessary to have a healthy relationship with his extended family, others have their own personal agenda that has nothing to do with this type of relationship..
He can carry on with as much dignity..