Katie Holmes stepped out with her parents at a NYC gala for ballet

Katie Holmes stepped out last night at the American Ballet Theatre Spring Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street. She brought her parents as her dates – Martin and Kathleen Holmes. I don’t have an ID on her dress/muumuu but it’s striking and interesting. Katie Holmes tends to have more offbeat style than people really think. That being said, I don’t know if it was the lighting or her makeup, but these photos are not the best. She looks a lot younger when she does fresh, natural styling.

Last month, Katie’s only child turned 18 years old. Suri Cruise is all grown up and doing her own thing. While there were many articles written about Suri’s birthday and remembrances of TomKat, Suri and Katie didn’t really mark the birthday in any public way. It’s widely believed/known that once Katie divorced Tom Cruise, Tom no longer had anything to do with Suri. No joint custody, no visitation, nothing. Tom probably hasn’t seen Suri in person in well over eleven years.

Incidentally, there’s some evidence that Suri has dropped “Cruise” from her name, although there’s nothing that indicates that this was a legal name change. She was recently listed on a school play as “Suri Noelle.” That’s her middle name. I mean… Cruise is actually Tom’s middle name as well. He was born Thomas Cruise Mapother.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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22 Responses to “Katie Holmes stepped out with her parents at a NYC gala for ballet”

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  1. Ameerah M says:

    I actually like the makeup – the lighting is terrible though and doesn’t do it justice.

  2. lisa says:

    Noelle is katie’s middle name

  3. Jan says:

    Yeah! Katie parents for standing by your daughter, through thick and thin.

  4. Elle says:

    In the photo with her parents, she looks much more relaxed and vibrant. Maybe the lighting was different? Or she doesn’t like being in the spotlight on her own? That is a very striking dress.

    I dated Tom Cruise’s second cousin when I was 17, we dated for about six months but knew each other for a few years before we dated. My ex-boyfriend (who comes from a very prominent family in Kentucky) met Katie Holmes during the time he and I were dating and he had nothing but nice things to say about her. Kind, polite, reserved, beautiful, etc.

  5. Basi says:

    Infinite respect for Katie and her parents! Her dad is an attorney and the mastermind for Katie escaping. Get chills when I think about that and their love for their daughter.

    She’s from Toledo and my husband and his family knew hers. My FIL is also an attorney and worked with him. Really nice family (as you’d expect)

  6. Jaded says:

    There are rumours that Tommy Davis’ sperm was used during fertility treatments and when Katie found out, it was one of the big reasons she bolted along with her increasing aversion to Scientology and its attempted stranglehold on Suri. As I recall it was just before Suri turned six which would have meant enrolling in Co$ brainwashing school. Interestingly, Davis disappeared from Co$ radar shortly after Suri was born and has had a checkered career since then working with billionaire Tom Barrack’s Colony Capital, and later with Australian billionaire James Packer’s, Hollywood studio, RatPac Entertainment. That job ended with Packer’s studio going broke so he’s now back with Barrack. That being said, it’s clear Cruise has had nothing to do with Suri for over a decade. She and Katie are well shot of him.

    • Libra says:

      On my way to Google Tommy Davis

    • CatMum says:

      That rumor has been around for years but there’s been no confirmation, and the scientology watchers are iffy on it at best.

      Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker website is the best resource out there for this stuff. He doesn’t seem to think that Tommy is Suri’s father and he has done more research on this stuff than anyone else as far as I can tell.

    • Aurora says:

      Suri is Tom Cruise’s spitting image. They might have tried fertility treatment for a while with sperm from some other dude, but she’s indeed Cruise’s daughter. Although the b4st4rd wants nothing to do with her.

  7. DeeSea says:

    Ooooh, I love the dress. If it’s not Missoni, it’s at least very Missoni-esque.

  8. Renee' says:

    I will always have a soft spot for Katie for bolting from that cult and Cruise. She saved her daughter and for that she is a hero!

  9. Shells_Bells says:

    I keep hoping now that Suri has reached 18 that she’ll write a tell all and we can get the real story. I’m sure Katie signed an NDA, but doubt that would transfer to Suri now that she’s legal. Any legal minds on here that can weigh in?

    • Jaded says:

      I’m no legal expert by any means, but I doubt Suri would have any interest in rehashing her vague memories of her father. He abandoned her in favour of Co$ despite Katie letting him have parental time with her. He showed his true colours that Suri didn’t matter, that she was an SP (suppressive person), and his adopted children with Nicole Kidman were far more important because they are fully inculcated into scientology. As a result Nicole appears to have no relationship with them at all, and that is heartbreaking. Also, it would be ensure constant Co$ harassment if she were to publicize anything about those days. These people are truly crazy cultists and would make maintaining her and Katie’s privacy a constant problem. Who needs that kind of stress?

  10. Kaye says:

    All props to Katie and her parents.

    However, in maybe 75% of the pictures I see of her, she just looks so distant. She looks absolutely absent in the first two pictures here. I mean I’d probably be locked up if I had gone through that ordeal with Cruise, but I have to wonder about her emotional health.

  11. Chaine says:

    I can’t see the dress that well, but it looks very matronly, sort of “Liz Taylor in the late 1970s”

  12. JFerber says:

    She looks very tired to me. She’s gone through such fVckery with Tom Cruise and his cult. So glad she’s come out the other side and can enjoy life with her beautiful daughter (abandoned years ago by said d-ckhead above).

  13. Ally says:

    Her face looks like it hurts and it makes my face hurt in turn.

  14. Glossop says:

    Where’s her left arm???