The more we see of Rose Hanbury, the more I wonder if we’ll ever see the Princess of Wales again. The Marchioness of Cholmondeley was out in public for the second time in the past week. Over the weekend, she attended the Badminton Horse Trials and she was pointedly photographed with Queen Camilla. On Wednesday, Rose was seen out again at an event attended by Queen Camilla and King Charles: the Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire. That was where Charles and Camilla staggered around in their cheap-looking polyester robes and looked particularly grumpy.
So, yes, Rose was there with her husband David Rocksavage, aka the Marquess of Cholmondeley. AKA King Charles’s Lord in Waiting, a position the king gave David last year. I have no idea if Charles and Camilla have always been close to the Cholmondeley family or this association and friendship has warmed up in recent years. I would assume that Rose and David attended this service because of David’s position as Lord in Waiting. Interestingly, Rose and David’s son Lord Oliver Cholmondeley was also chosen to carry the king’s train in and out of the service. Oliver was also one of the pages at the coronation, as was Prince George. I know there are always paternity rumors about Rose’s kids, but all I’ll say is that when the stories first began circulating about Rose and Prince William (circa 2019), no one questioned the paternity of Rose’s sons.
Oh, and apparently Rose is wearing a hat which Kate wore on Remembrance Sunday several years ago. The vibes are definitely off and the energy around all of this is very unsettling. That being said, I do think Rose has an It Factor. She’s striking, she’s thin and leggy, and she really does have beautiful eyes.
Photos courtesy of Getty, Avalon Red.
- London, UK, 15th May 2024. The king and queen arrive in their ceremonial robes. Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral in London today. The ceremonial service is attended by holders of the Orders awards, as well as many others.,Image: 873144740, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Imageplotter / Avalon
- London, UK, 15th May 2024. The king and queen arrive in their ceremonial robes. Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral in London today. The ceremonial service is attended by holders of the Orders awards, as well as many others.,Image: 873144768, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Imageplotter / Avalon
- St Paul’s Cathedral, London, UK. 15th May 2024. His Majesty, King Charles III and Queen Camilla, wearing ceremonial robes, attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral. Established by King George V in 1917 to reward outstanding contributions to the war effort, the Order of the British Empire now recognises the work of people from all walks of life with honours such as MBEs, OBEs, Knighthoods and Damehoods. The King is the Sovereign of the Order of the British Empire. The Queen is the Grand Master of the Order of the British Empire.,Image: 873159715, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Supplied by AVALON – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon – London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: Photo by Amanda Rose / Avalon
- London, UK, 15th May 2024. The King and Queen, together with the Lord Mayor, exit St Paul’s Cathedral after the service. Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral in London today. The ceremonial service is attended by holders of the Orders awards, as well as many others.,Image: 873161111, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Imageplotter / Avalon
- London, UK, 15th May 2024. The King and Queen, together with the Lord Mayor, exit St Paul’s Cathedral after the service. Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral in London today. The ceremonial service is attended by holders of the Orders awards, as well as many others.,Image: 873161226, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Imageplotter / Avalon
- London, UK, 15th May 2024. The King and Queen, together with the Lord Mayor, exit St Paul’s Cathedral after the service. Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire at St Paul’s Cathedral in London today. The ceremonial service is attended by holders of the Orders awards, as well as many others.,Image: 873161232, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Imageplotter / Avalon
She has that unbothered aristo energy that Kate tries and fails to exude. Rose knows she belongs. Kate is still trying to prove it.
I agree. She always looks effortless. I always wondered if Kate had been more accepted, like the aristo’s didn’t make “outsiders” so uninvited, would Kate have been a better person? She may well have chased after William, but I tend to believe that she was probably a gentler, kinder person, and over time, being with William and that circle of people, it made her in to someone she maybe doesn’t recognize but continues to pursue. Like heard mentality, she did all she could to fit in? “Oh, it’s ok to be racist, heck, expected? Gotcha. Look down on lesser titled people. Ok! Easy! Say, do, act, BE this way? Ok, right on it. Please invite me to tea next week.” I feel this way with people and politics, depending on where you live, it vastly influences your ideologies, and many people just want to be a part of something greater and will do what the greater group is doing, to fit in.
Startedstruck, I doubt it. Kate was always a friendless clout chaser. Kate always chased off women even when she and Huevo were just flatmates. If Kate had had her own friend circle, her own interests, and a job or a life outside of waiting for Willy to call, I might agree. But every bit of public information about her that we’ve been told shows she’s always been an insular, mean person who only wanted to be at Willy’s beck and call until she hung around long enough to “win.”
lol. I doubt Kate was radicalized by aristos. How are you gonna get racist in your 20’s because of your friend group? You learn racism when you are young and most of the time from your family. If you are accepting the worse traits of your friend group to fit in in your 20’s, that is a choice you are making. She chose all of this because that is who she is.
The aristo’s preferred Pippa over Kate – it was said that they felt Kate was a cold fish and stand offish, plus it was clear she was a user. Pippa was said to be more friendlier and outgoing, she seemed to fit better into those circles that Kate ever did. Now saying all that, they were known as the Wisteria Sisters by Williams circle – they were seen as new money social climbers who tried to be something they are not which is partly why the real aristo’s kept them at arms length. I’ve worked with aristo’s and they can be a right snobby bunch but there are also many who are down to earth preferring the company of those who are not part of that world.
Whether Kate was raised to have racist beliefs or just started being racist to fit in with the aristos (for the record, I think its the former) – the fact is, she looked at a group of people that generally seem to have no issues being racist, homophobic, classist, etc and she thought “YES. I want to be part of that!”
Rose is also an outsider, not a true aristo. She is a former model. Her father was a website designer and her mom worked in fashion. She also has had a steep learning curve—and the hazing has begun. On Twitter, people say she looks like Kate, but older and horsier. I am sure she’d be heavily ridiculed if she were princess of Wales. It is a terrible job.
Rose looks good in the hat and the pink checked skirt would be cute if shortened. The copy Kating is just weird.
Rose is a true Aristocrat and is as aristocratic as they come. Her grandmother was a bridesmaid at QEII & Prince’s Philip’s wedding and was a childhood playmate of QEII’s.
Rose’s grandfather, Rudolph Lambart, 10th Earl of Cavan, was Chief of the Imperial General Staff, the professional head of the British Army. Also, Rose’s grandfather lead the procession at the funeral of George V.
Rose’s family has been entwined with the government and the court for centuries.
@ baytampabay yes thanks for the historical background. My understanding was always that she was very much an aristo and “modeled” because she could. Afterwards David’s family is higher up but he married no commoner
Aristos also value wit and not trying to hard style. Camilla was not high aristo but managed to maneuver the scene because apparently she had wit and was a “fun gal”.
Kate is just bland and has neither style or personality.
I think if Megan had been able to stick around longer she would have been able to make some tofs her friends because she is able to connect with people from all backgrounds. Some would of course look down on her forever but the not racist ones would recognize her “it” factor and work ethic.
Camilla is the great-granddaughter of Henry Cubitt, 2nd Baron Ashcombe and the great-great granddaughter of William Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle.
Camilla is not a high aristocrat herself but she is descended from two relatively high aristocrats due to their associations with the Royal Family.
@Digital Unicorn..Yes, people did say that more confident outgoing Pippa would have been a better choice and she appeared to be more interested in charity work, although that may have been calculated.
I think she came by her racism the old fashioned way but I would agree that trying to get accepted into a club that doesn’t want her probably sharpened the worst aspects of her personality.
I think you’re right, because this is one of the very few times I have actually spotted something that Kate had on before and remembered when she wore it, because her clothes normally all look the same to me and I’m always amazed that people can remember that she wore something before somewhere else. I think like you said the difference is that when I saw Rose in this hat I was like oh that looks nice, which I’ve never thought about Kate. Rose looks more relaxed than Kate ever does so the clothes don’t look like a costume they just look like an outfit.
Yes. I thought Rose looked exceptional in the hat. Nothing special on Waity.
It’s the styling. Kate wore that hat with one of her military cosplay suits and it was too much. I don’t love the skirt as much as some but she overall has a chill and relax vibe in her clothes. And I do think part of it, as some have mentioned, is that she is just acting natural and not overtly mugging for the cameras. Bc why should she?
We should consider that Kate saw the hat on Rose first…Kate has had all those aristos she has observed in private to copycat all these years…we don’t see them photographed before her. Waity is no original
Yes, I think Kate is more conventionally pretty, but Rose doesn’t look self-conscious and her eyes aren’t seeking out the cameras.
Kate is not a great beauty imo. But more to the point she could not conceal that she is basically a mean girl and also changed her persona to pursue William. Kate is not genuine. She copies other women’s looks like when she dressed like j e c c a.
My first thought was how her eyes are NOT searching for the cameras.Rose is easy elegance,Kate is so try hard the difference even in pictures is striking.
@Tessa – I said pretty, not beauty. And just because Rose isn’t Kate doesn’t signify that she’s not a “mean girl,” too. An aristo sneering at Kate is mean girl behavior and if Rose really did have an affair with William, that’s much worse than copying peoples’ outfits.
Rose looks fresh even when she looks like she needs a shower.
Kate looks stale even when she has been blown-out and styled to perfection.
Kate is your bog standard a pretty girl that doesn’t stand out in a crowd of pretty girls – Rose has a vibe that makes her stand out and yeah she does have lovely soulful eyes that draw the attention.
I’ve listened to interviews with her and she is intelligent and witty. She is everything Kate isn’t.
Kate wears a lot more makeup than Rose. I think Rose is more naturally quite pretty, but I don’t find either one a raging beauty. Kate has also had quite a few “enhancements” since she started dating William. Rose looks completely natural to me.
Rose was 19 when she started dating David, who was 42. I feel like she was basically groomed for this role and “knows her place” so to speak.
@Megan – I do not think it is a matter of “knows her place” as much as it is a matter of she knew what she was signing up for and she knows how to do her job as a wife of a top drawer aristocrat and courtier.
I also believe Rose and David are very happy, whatever their relationship is, it is what they both want and care for each other deeply.
Rose’s eyes always look like somebody is home there. Intelligence will out.
Sorry guys but I have to briefly bring Meghan into this conversation as an example to underline that Kate may have this normal pretty face (I’m only talking about her face, not her body) but that’s all: If Kate, like Meghan, who is beautiful even without make-up, did her own make-up and didn’t spend hours getting her face, hair etc done like she usually does, we probably wouldn’t even recognize her.
Kate does, or has done, her own makeup. That’s been one of the criticisms here since at least the wedding.
Rose doesn’t look happy, or maybe she’s just thinking about someone else … goodness knows, other than serious money, I fail to see what she saw in her much older husband. Perhaps he is a nice person?
Rose is an aristocrat through and through. Her own grandmother was a bridesmaid to the Queen, so she’s no stranger to the world she finds herself in. It’s probably why she comes across as so effortless.
Oh I’m sure she’s happy, it’s more that she isn’t gurning for the cameras like Kate does, and she isn’t *pining for the Fjords* to paraphrase Monty Python. She’s an aristo through and through and takes her role seriously. She’s intelligent, private, and involved with a number of charities that use Houghton Hall for fund-raising events. I’m sure many look at her relationship with David as unconventional but it seems to work for them.
Whilst undoubtedly she is comfortable in that aristo/royal world, again, she looks unhappy to me and perhaps pre-occupied. But I admit I haven’t looked at many photos of her. It’s one thing not to look for cameras, another to look miserable. Plus, in fairness to Kate, she’s on duty and is supposed to bring happiness to others.
On another note, I checked out Houghton Hall yesterday and many reviews state that it is overpriced and the Rocksavages are milking people. Apparently, there is another aristo mansion that is cheaper and better.
I appreciate that the house is their home and requires upkeep, but it is quite unedifying if they are gouging given their wealth.
So, I’m just gonna say that from today’s pictures I don’t see unhappiness. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn’t. But nothing in this photo is telling me that one way or another.
Rose is trying to avoid the cameras, whereas her husband is overdoing the display of normality with his wife by smiling too much.
So, Rose is basically a more attractive Camilla? I’m not cheering for her. I will admit I never like this style hat until she wore it. Also, David’s friend in Paris whom he visits often is the same man in the Netflix show ‘The Billionaire, The Butler And The Boyfriend’ about Lilian Bettencourt – L’Oréal heiress who was once the richest woman in the world when François-Marie Banier befriended her and conned her out of many, many millions of dollars’ worth of gifts. It’s a show.
It’s a good show.
A man he visits often, might David be playing for the other team? People keep suggesting that Rose’s children aren’t David’s too. I know little to nothing about this couple, help! Is that the underlying rumor? Somebody spill some tea, please! There is such a vibe going on with those William rumors from a few years ago and now with Camilla getting friendly with Rose all of a sudden. Hmmm.
It really was a good show. I found out from this blog that David’s French boyfriend is Banier and it made me rethink the whole situation about Rose’s perfect life. Banier not only conned the Bettencourt family out of millions by using an elderly lady with Alzheimer’s. He had done it with other families, and elderly women before the Bettencourts, too. He is a disgusting, deceptive, and shallow person. The fact that Rocksavage has been involved with him for years tells me a lot about him. Rose is an intelligent person who I’m sure is aware of the whole story. I can’t imagine being around her husband after knowing all this.
She does, but it comes from a long line of hereditary privilege and entitlement. I find it just as ick as a “try-hard”. If she is thick as thieves with Camila, then that makes me think even less of her, whereas before I didn’t have as much of an opinion. Anyone willing to have an affair with William is probably not somebody. I have a lot in common with either way.
I actually think it’s ballsy to show up unbothered by allegations (that seem substantiated as far as i know) that you screwed the married sovereign in waiting while his wife is sidelined with cancer.
I truly think that aristo world is toxic and see no need for the Brits and my own common wealth nation to support the ridiculous hierarchy.
As a Canadian I could not agree more. As a biracial woman I find it infuriating that I actually pay for these racists to trot about in their clown robes while disparaging the only non white royal family member and saying vile things about the continent of Africa.
They need to go. As I have also said before I think that Kate is terminally ill and the sudden multiple appearances with Rose seem suspect.
This event has hardly been covered by the BM, and no pictures of Rose Hanbury.
I wonder if it was her son holding Charles cape?
Yes! I read online its the same one who was the page at the coronation (Oliver, I think?) the one who is not in line to be GLC.
Thanks BTB, wow, some of you are right up on all this. I was going to say that Camilla is landed gentry, she not a commoner.
Camilla background is landed gentry descended from the titled aristocracy.
Camilla was a commoner. Camilla is now Royal with an HRH as a married-in.
She looks rather *cough* simple in the face to me. She does have the aristocrat IDGAF attitude down pat. The bohemian gypsy look plus she can go Sloane Ranger also.
Rose is Camilla’s bet to replace Kathy. The side hen approves👍
SideChicks, UNITE!
Bonus: Rose’s weak chin ensures she looks awful in that iconic side profile shot of her, Peggington and kkkhate. Are any of these losers worth the price of admission?
Omg you’re right, you’ve hit the nail on the head! That self confidence. You can see Kate is always tense and playing.
Kate never knows when or if husband will brush her hand from his elbow and embarrasses her in front of everyone, she walks on quick sand.
I agree with you about her constantly being on egg shells around Willnot. But, I also wonder why she also feels bold enough to pat his bum in public settings. My theory is that he tells her off in private so as to keep up his standing among any possible Kate replacement. (Shrug)
I get the feeling that rose is camillas ace in the hole for keeping William in line. Maybe Kate too: “See how easily you can be replaced?”
Camilla planned that photo o p with rose to annoy the keens.
Absolutely. Rose being at the event last week was not a story as it’s a standard aristo event but the private picture laughing and chatting together??? That was a choice. Messy messy messy.
Camilla is always planning her next move.
Had this exact thought too. It’s a game.
Exactly, it’s all a game. Between the side-by-sides of Will shoveling versus the Sussexes in Nigeria and then Camilla trotting out Rose, I think Camilla is really trying to provoke Will’s incandescendence.
On Rose’s part, imho if the international media had run the same awful photo of me for years bc the wife of the heir tried to out-aristo me, I might take this opportunity for a few glamour shots, too.
When rose trolled with those shoes at the coronation it had a lot of ‘Cam energy’. I wondered if she was playing her own game or Camilla’s game. Seeing what’s come to pass it’s unsettling to see Cam’s tentacles were firmly entrenched at the earliest edge of the ‘rural rival’ story too. The conspicuous way the Rocksavages were highlighted at the coronation was of interest too. The photo of their daughter on her pony has been scrubbed, that had been notorious enough years ago someone overlayed it on that meme with the smiling girl watching the house fire getting put out.
I believed Kate needed to be afraid of this woman but as we’ve seen it still all boils down to Camilla. She’s playing games with Charles’ entire family and Rose is a intricate and maybe even handpicked piece to control William. That makes me wonder if Carole understood this second layer to this business, particularly the Parker Bowles links to the Tatler article. William saying Diana was ‘paranoid’ when he complained of the BBC interview being arranged under false pretense by the presenter has a different feel too now.
Rose doesn’t seem to mind being the shiny object. The named and notorious shiny object. One wonders why. I like her style, she has taste and elegance.
“Rose doesn’t seem to mind being the shiny object. The named and notorious shiny object. One wonders why.”
Because it increases all traffic for Houghton Hall which cost close to $350,000 a year to maintain.
How many non-UK celebitiches had even heard of Houghton Hall before the Rose stories. How many celebitiches will now include Houghton Hall on their itinerary if they travel to England?
Come to think of it, would not Houghton Hall be a great place for the first biannual International Celebitchy Conference? If Kaiser put this up to a vote, I bet Houghton Hall would win by a large margin.
Rose looks bored out of her mind to me. Whatever is going on, I doubt she cares if she’s being used as a distraction. It gives her something to do. Like Kate, her children are being raised by nannies. She lives a life of luxury and after a while that would get tediously boring.
A second enthusiastic vote for the biannual International Celebitchy Conference. I would attend the HECK out of that – Houghton Hall or not!
@esquire. You make a good point. However, we cannot forget that all British aristocratic children and children of the British uber-wealthy are ‘raised by nannies’ as it is part of the British culture.
As far as needing something to do, I am sure Rose has her hands full with running Houghton Hall as April to September is their busy season.
With respect to “being used as a distraction”, I am Rose sure doesn’t give a British rat’s arse.
BTB: just to be clear, I didn’t say she was ‘being used as a distraction’. I was referring to another poster. I have no idea what’s going on.
@esquire – Sorry! Please forgive. I misread your post.
Yikes no thanks. Y’all can miss me with the party at Houghton Hall! Anyone gross enough to have an affair with The Incandescent Other Brother, Billy the Basher, man of a thousand rages is not someone I want to hang around with or enrich. Anyone who pals around with Camzilla – for whatever reason – isn’t someone worth knowing, IMO.
Just like I never understood all the posts here saying how people thought Camzilla would be fun to gossip and drink gin with, I don’t see the appeal of Camilla 2.0 just because she’s young and “pretty.” People sure seem to be projecting a lot of positive qualities (again, because of her looks?) onto Willy’s side piece when she’s probably as cruel, ruthless, and racist as her new buddy, the mistress queen.
@BTB: no worries at all, nothing to apologise for. I just wanted to clarify.
@BayTampaBay, I’d be there. I’ve wanted to see Houghton Hall since reading Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto.
@BTB: ha, no worries at all, nothing to apologise for. I just wanted to clarify what I meant.
@Shawna I didn’t know Castle of Otranto had a connection to Houghton Hall? I’ve read that Strawberry Hill in Twickenham is known as the gothic inspiration for the novel, but if there is a connection to Houghton I’d love to know what it is. I have always wanted to see Strawberry Hill.
@Harper, yeah, Strawberry Hill was his own baby, but he grew up in Houghton and also inherited it when he was older since his brother’s heir died! Horace is buried there. I’d want to see both properties and compare and contrast.
This is what I think too. I also believe her appearances are to create a diversion.
I think Camilla was photographed with Rose deliberately to troll William, same way I think she made such a point of visiting Charles at the London Clinic to troll William.
But I don’t think Rose’s presence at these events is trolling or meant to antagonize William. I do think Charles is making a deliberate attempt to keep the cholmondeleys close to the crown, but I think that could just be because they are closely connected aristos anyway and if Charles likes them (and it seems he does), and their oldest with be GLC to William (or I guess it could be David Rocksavage), then why not keep them close?
I wonder whose idea it is to have the younger twin featured prominently here. The older one is assured a place at “court” and again will be closely connected to William’s reign, so I wonder if this is to make sure the younger one is also seen as being connected to the Windsors? Not sure.
but anyway in general their attendance at horse shows and prominent royal events isn’t anything new, but the attention being paid now is interesting. It reminds me of a state dinner in 2019, when Tatler spent an entire article talking about why Rose was there, but it was stupid because…..Rose was there because she and her husband always attended state dinners because of his official role, which Tatler knew, so why were they talking about it?
I wonder if Rose had this hat years ago, Kate saw it at church or some other private event, a wedding or something, and then went out and bought it? That would fit with her MO.
@Becks1 – You are so correct. The Cholmondeley family has always been close to the crown going back over 200 years.
Also, KCIII and David Cholmondeley have always got on very well as both are more cosmopolitan and Eurocentric than the average Turnip Toff.
“which Tatler knew, so why were they talking about it?”
Because Tatler needed something gossipy to write about to attract the non-Tatler readers for website clicks. Tatler is definitely an “insiders” publication with only the “insiders” understanding what is being written between the lines of print.
Yes, it’s difficult to know who is doing the yanking of the chain – Camilla or the media or both? Are the Rocksavages always at these events and just no-one bothers to photograph them (in which case this featuring is a media choice) or are they now being invited – in which case it’s a Camilla/Charles choice.
My vote is Camilla’s fingerprints are definitely all over this. As someone said upthread, Rose being at Badminton is not necessarily notable but being photographed sharing a conversation and laugh with Camilla? Yes, that was not an accident. Camilla wasn’t at Badminton all day – she only turned up in the afternoon for the last section of the showjumping. I was watching it on TV and the commentators were making a point about her arrival around 2ish. Showjumping was all done and over by 3.30 so, allowing for her prize giving duties, she only had an hour or so ‘there’ but she made sure that included Rose. Given the international profile accorded to Rose and the affair by Colbert’s recent segment, that’s a real choice.
I agree. I bet the Chumleys are always at these events, but it is now considered newsworthy (or at least clickbait-worthy) due to the mistress soft launch angle. Rose is very pretty, and she is a wonderful photographer (based on the Houghton Hall insta page). She probably had the hat first, too. Oy what a kerfuffle. Meanwhile, #WhereIsKate?
@JayBlue, my thought exactly. She’ll keep on inviting her to every public event now just to taunt them.
Maybe Camilla really likes Rose having her around?
Getting Kate’s goat may just be an added bonus of a choice Camilla would have made anyway.
It seems Camilla is ensuring she has some allies in her corner to do some dirty work. Just look at how she got the media on her side after Diana’s death. This woman is known to play dirty. Harry called her out and now she hasn’t got the Sussexes to pick on, so she’s turned her claws to Baldy. I can’t say he doesn’t deserve it, this was always going to happen. Prepare to see Rose a lot more in the future…
Maybe Rose was previously not photographed as much out of respect to Kate. But well, Kate’s not around anymore. I do think the chumleys are high up enough that they could pressure the papers not to photograph them. So this is a green light. 2 pics in one week.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Rose’s quiet demeanor belies someone with a long memory. When Kate tried to bully her out and the whole “William and Rose” scandal erupted, it was a huge tactical mistake. You don’t put aristos in a situation like that, especially someone like Rose who values her privacy. Her position vis-a-vis the royal family is solid, as is her husband’s, and Camilla probably looks at it like a feather in her cap in keeping William and Kate in line. Kate’s disappeared, William is doing the bare minimum, looks like her plan is working.
Egg and Rose would make a blended family work perfectly. A divorced David could remain a lord in waiting (or whatever he is), their kids are already familiar with the royal and aristo circles and they know each other already. I don’t know if Camilla likes the idea of changing an easy-to-manipulate but dumb princess for one who is smart and knows the game, though. And yes, she looks great and effortless here. Stylish and appropriate outfit, there is charisma and It factor, just what William wants in a wife, now that Harry has it.
But why on earth would Rose want that? She’s got the money, the big house, relative privacy, a well connected husband… why would she want to be William’s wife?
That’s my question too. Who in their right mind from the old money, but left alone by the media crowd would ever want to be with the current iteration of William? He could not be less attractive, and every time he rage briefs about his brother, he is showing what a jealous ass he is.
There is no way she’d want to trade her marriage with David for Wills. It would be a major downgrade for Rose.
Well, we don’t really know her life better than the pictures of perfection on Houghton Hall’s IG. The commenters here describe David as this fascinating and intelligent person, while his actual partner is a cheating lying fraud who stole whatever was not bolted to the floor from vulnerable old people. If you get the chance, don’t miss out on the Netflix documentary about the Bettencourt family that tells David’s boyfriend’s story. Those kinds of people don’t change and David has been with him for a long time, I gather from the comments. Maybe Rose is lonely and bored in Houghton Hall after all these years, and Camilla enticed her to step into this exciting game of thrones she has been playing for decades. She is forty with kids out of the early years (cough), many of us rethink our choices at that age. New job, new setting, new challenges. I wouldn’t do it, but I can see why she would.
I like her skirt.
Declaring yourself as a stalwart supporter of the empire is just this side of proudly being titled the grand dragon of the KKK, and also, what empire? These people get more ridiculous each year pretending nothing has changed since before Queen Victoria died in 1901.
I like her skirt too. I feel like Rose is the clay mold out of which all aristo women are pressed, a subdued elegance in a tall thin package. Someone once said London at lunchtime is overrun with women who look just like that.
I have a friend who lives in Norfolk. She once saw Rose at a garden/farm store wearing jeans, a plaid farm shirt, zero makeup and pearl button earrings buying planting dirt. My friend said she is much prettier in person, has absolutely beautiful skin and looks at least five years younger than her actually age.
I’ve always thought she was very pretty. I thought Cressida was very pretty too, and a lot of people here said she was average. I think I’m culturally trained to see tall, thin women like that as conventionally attractive. But I also like that British aristos tend to not have Hollywood face.
I believe that, she’s a natural beauty.
I am a bridge troll compared to Rose, Cressida, Kate, Pippa, etc. Can’t see how anyone sees them as mid. The thing about Rose and Cressida is that they have really beautiful angles for photographing. They can be “just” very pretty for 70% of photos, stunning in 25%, and unworldly angelic for 5% of them.
@Shawna – LMFAO! Same! This is escapism and I find these women beautiful, although I barely know anything about them as people. I also just really still appreciate natural beauty in the era of KarJenner/Real Housewife cosmetic surgery generic beauty. I’m more and more finding celebrities to be completely mid because they’ve had so many procedures there’s nothing unique about them.
OMG, true story, I saw a middle aged dude standing on a corner the other day and briefly considered that it might be Brad Pitt. It really might have been. Dude was the right age and totally grizzled like BP. Probably wasn’t him but dayum age will catch up to you if you don’t at least try to be something more interesting than attractive.
Let’s not pretend Pippa would be considered anything if her sister wasn’t married to William. She looks like Carole and neither have the best facial features.
Kate has altered her looks so much that it’s hard to say what is natural. And she’s aged significantly. She can’t pull off a low makeup look like Rose seems to.
I think some people confuse Cressida with Chelsy. Cressida was always more conventionally attractive. I would say even more than young Kate.
Looks are subjective. I wouldn’t call one of them very pretty or stunning. Haha. I think most here know Cressida from Chelsy. There are a lot of naturally pretty girls out there. The horsey British tall thin look just isn’t attractive to many. The elegance is very subdued on that one .
Rose to me looks loke a pale Amal Clooney,they are pretty in a non conventional way.
Oh, this is a great comparison. Amal is exactly who Rose reminds me of! I feel they sort of look alike with and perhaps love the spotlight but in a more demure, less obvious way. And as someone commented above, it looks like “somebody is home” in their eyes/expressions.
Add Anne Hathaway to this list too! Amal, Anne, etc.
I agree on Anne Hathaway.
Good call. Anne can play her in the movie.
I always start off thinking no way would Rose deign to have an affair with William and certainly not a long-running one, surely she could do so much better…and then I remember she worked for Michael Gove and think well…maybe she could.
Yeah I always wonder if she looks more elegant and intelligent than she actually is. Her support for the arts is pretty cool though. I follow her and Houghton on instagram and I’m consistently impressed. She treats her home like a museum and has appointed herself head curator. Not a bad life at all imho.
Rose is highly intelligent and fits in perfectly with the London Set, the Badminton Set (see Jilly Cooper) and the Turnip Toffs.
not sure what intelligence has to do with anything, we firmly established that the royal family is not terribly bright, has never been, really, and I’m sure they aren’t the only ones who are using their money and position to get into fancy universities and jobs without being terribly smart. I don’t think a crowd of people who were born into centuries of privilege is going to be particularly curious and erudite. Fitting in with them seems to be more about knowing horses and cricket and whatnot – things that mere mortals, no matter how intelligent, rarely get to experience enough to be experts.
@jess – Just trying to make the point that Rose is not stupid or unintellectual.
I think it’s the fact that Rose clearly does have curiosities and passions and pursues them.
Maybe it’s fair to say ‘highly’ intelligent relative to Kate, who seems to relish acting like she’s not very bright.
I don’t think kate is acting when she seems dim. She is. And fyi undergrad degrees are not hard to get. It’s is not a sign of great intelligence when you have money.
I just can’t see her having two seconds for boring-ass William. Look at her husband, he’s older but he used to party with Mick Jagger etc. and does NOT look boring. Their house and home is a fairytale. I’m sure she’s pro-status quo given her position and privileges but Baldy has zero charisma or charm or sex appeal, and why trade down? I do believe she’s lent her name to protect the Crown somehow, but I doubt we’ll ever know exactly how.
I agree, I think she wants attention and notoriety, but only to the extent that she can control it (and issue stern legal notices to people for bringing it up). I don’t think she wants _actual william_, she’s way too cool for him.
I doubt she wants attention and notoriety, but I do think she’s all in for protecting the Crown, and that she was inveigled by the courtiers to let her name be used for some reason. But I’m a borderline conspiracy theorist who thinks Camilla was hired by the Men In Grey years ago to be Chuckie’s nanny/handler. (It’s never made sense that she would leave her hunky husband for a whiny brat like CRex, brooches only go so far.)
Camilla’s husband, Andrew Parker Bowles, divorced her after the long running affair was made completely public by the British tabloid press.
I personally believe, and will always believe, that Camilla did NOT want a divorce from Andrew Parker Bowles.
I’m always shocked that people believe Camilla didn’t want a divorce no matter what she said, because everyone else said she did if Charles and Diana did. Her divorcing first and complaining about it makes sense.
I used to agree with all of you, but when you think about Camilla’s story, it’s pretty similar. Why would Camilla want to give up the lazy quazi aristo life and catch of a husband for whiny ass Charles and global scrutiny?? Rose’s life looks perfect from the outside, but what if she is bored or wants different things in life? What is she doesn’t care that Peg is a dumb asshole? I also think that William would treat her differently than he treats Kate. I’m sure he thinks of Kate the same way his toff circle does, but she served a purpose. Rose is one of them.
Well considering Camilla’s first husband was the Warren Beatty of the horse racing set why on earth would she have willingly given him up for Charles?
Apparently Andrew was a sex god amongst the aristo’s, and Charles….not so much.
Mmm. I’ve seen comments on here before along the lines of Rose never deigning to have an affair with William and not being a social climber. Frankly, I’m not so sure about the social climbing aspect. Her mother – albeit better born class wise than CarolE – is known to have been, let’s say ‘ambitious’ for her daughters and both of them married men who were MUCH older than them but with titles.
Personally I do know someone I absolutely trust who confirmed the affair definitely happened – and for three years. It was an open secret in aristo circles. I think Rose’s mother would actually be delighted if she upgraded to Queen to be.
A picture tells a thousand words as they say. Here is Rose and her sister pictured with Tony Blair. This just feels like the girls are being showcased. It then appeared all over the UK media when it’s clearly a privately taken shot.
Both those women are very attractive, certainly a better version of the Wisteria Sisters. I’m sure TB was as happy as a clam posing with two young ladies in bikinis.
@Feeshalori – absolutely. Both of them are very attractive and, by all accounts, Rose is interesting, intelligent, creative and much harder working than Kate. She would in fact make a far better Queen.
This is interesting! But would she give up her glamours lifestyle for it? I guess from my standpoint, she has it better than the Queen. Art curator, massive home, never has to worry about money, a husband who seems to vibe with her, and she doesn’t have to be a show pony for the masses.
I wonder if she’ll have the best of both worlds, be an integral part of William’s court but not have to divorce her husband. William may not want an actual wife, just a shiny object that he doesn’t have to have responsibilities for. Maybe that gives William the best of both worlds, free to find wife number two (a new person, removed entirely from the turnip toff drama/notoriety) and a ‘helpful friend’. Also whatever Cam is wanting out of this situation is a locked box we aren’t privy to, that’s a wild card…
Maybe cam just doesn’t want to be the only side-chick queen.
“Personally I do know someone I absolutely trust who confirmed the affair definitely happened – and for three years.”
@The Hench – Do you know the dates of those three years?
FYI: I 100% believe you.
Maybe she feels like she conquered curating Houghton and wants a bigger set of properties to style and photograph…?
It sort of depends how much the relationship with Rocksavage is real, or a convenience, or real from years of convenience. If it’s the middle option, and she actually likes the work of social climbing and saving properties, she may want to trade up for a bigger portfolio.
But I doubt it. Was there any outward evidence at this stage in Charles and Diana’s marriage that Camilla wanted more than APB? It’s a lot of work, and aging is a thing even if you’re pretty and rich.
Shawna, the Escort worked very hard to smear Princess Di when she was married to King Snubby. The Escort broke the ‘rules’ of the being a mistress–be in the background and quiet. No, she definitely wanted something and being Queen was the only thing available. If she had stopped being his mistress after he married, I think that marriage would have worked. If was the non stop smearing and gaslighting by both King Snubby and the Escort that broke the marriage. Once she married King Snubby, she started smearing and gaslighting the sons–Harry particularly.
How could I construe that as anything but that she wanted the golden ring?
@Saucy&Sassy, thanks for the refresher! I literally did need someone to fill me in.
@BayTampaBay – so sorry, only just seen your question and you probably won’t catch this answer now but just in case (I’ll try and catch up with you on another thread today if poss!) I’m trying to remember how the timeline worked – at one point on here I did a whole long thing including Kate’s pregnancy with Louis, shrug gate, the crying/tights farrago. Meghan saying Kate ‘Was going through some things”, pointed signals in the tabloids about Rose sitting next to Harry at a banquet, then the rural rivals fallout and finally the church pap walk with Kate and rose together at Sandringham in Jan 2020.
So, working backwards, we think it was definitely ‘done’ by Jan 2020. The rural rivals thing kicked off March 2019 which is when Kate issued W with an ultimatum that backfired on her. Roughly I think the three years was sometime in 2016 -to mid 2019ish. Possibly ended properly by Covid. I was talking about it mid 2019 with my friend and she said it had been going on for ‘three years’ at that point but that could easily give or take a few months. Also, that’s how long it had been known in Norfolk – not necessarily how long it had been going on. It may have started secretly earlier than 2016.
Messy hair must run in the family.
The photos from when this all broke, the affair rumors, were terrible. Rose is an extremely attractive lady with big, gorgeous eyes.
I know looks are subjective, but yikes, I wouldn’t go as far as extremely attractive. To me she has a weak chin and looks like someone from the Regency era who would be wasting away on a fainting couch. But I get the sense that’s the look she’s going for. She also has horrible posture. And her hair the other day was as scraggly as a rat’s nest. Can you imagine the headlines if Meghan left the house looking like that?! I’m a curly-haired woman too and there’s natural curls and then there whatever was happening on Rose’s head.
Yeah, she definitely has a weak chin.
Was trying to reply to Go-Go Juice. Looks like I replied in the wrong place again, Sussexwatcher!
But at least she doesn’t have the horrendous eye bags that the Middleton women get
She’d, like, just had her daughter, right?
Rose’s daughter, Iris, was born 2016.
So, yep, the EACH fundraiser with the infamous photos was 2016! I don’t think many people look their best just after having kids, explaining the unusually unflattering photos of Rose (which I still think looked nice, just at a bad angle).
Not sure if that was directed at me, Shawna, but I was just referring to her in these recent photos and not being impressed.
What the $:@/$);&/ is going on over there?! Most of us here assume the rose bush trimming ended years ago…so why the sudden elevation of one side piece by the queen mother of all side pieces? That pointed photo of Camzilla and Rose and now Rose wearing Keen’s hat and her son/Huevo’s future step-son(?) holding the trains for Bloody king Chuckles and his mistress queen?
Was Camzilla just trolling William the other day? If so, why would Rose let herself be used like that?! What is going on?
At this point, Rose is leaning into it. So she doesn’t seem to mind being used. It just seems like a way to taunt the Wales.
I still think something more has to be going on because if she’s just going along for the taunting…of a woman who supposedly has cancer, wouldn’t the press have something to say about that?! Especially if she’s no longer Huevo’s side piece?
Although I guess it’s a stupid question to wonder why the UK press wouldn’t write about what kind of horrible person would be mocking and taunting a woman with cancer. They don’t write that about their mistress queen so I guess they’d leave the next generation’s mistress queen alone too. Instead they’ll write a millionth article about Meghan’s jam or scream about Nigeria.
The press is just happy for the photos. They don’t care about trolling sick people.
Ya’ll someone on twitter said maybe that hat is the actual one Kate wore. Like rose just grabbed it out of her closet one day in Norfolk.
I seriously wondered at one point last autumn if Wills had barred Kate from coming over and getting her clothes and that’s why we were seeing so many of those horrific pantsuits on repeat. And if Rose can just stroll on in and grab a hat? What a way to torture Kate. IDK but I kinda like this theory. It fits with Rose trolling with the Althuzarra shoes (and no I’m not looking up how to spell that).
Also: I wonder if Rose is the one Wills keeps coming back to (a la Camilla) even if he has other flings with London Barristers and whatnot. After all, wills chose to live by her (Camilla).
Honestly, I’m all for a good conspiracy, but I doubt the rose thing is anything more than Cams and her press goons just giving a warning sign to Willy. Remember when he almost hijacked his father/step moms big come back from cancer day?….Or when he had his people leak that cams was taking a spa week out of country, while her ailing husband was receiving cancer treatments, leaving baldingham to hold down the fort (which end up meaning doing one event towards the of the week)? Camilla most likely does and with the Harry threat from last week neutralized (at least in the eyes of the royalist) its back to the regularly scheduled toxic passive aggressive program!
Is it a ‘warning sign’ to William though or is this the outgrowth and final configuration of whatever has been going on all this time? The Rota and Rebecca English in particular are very much under KP’s thumb through some kind of legal device. William isn’t switched on enough to manage that for himself and the Sussexes were pushed out in part because they wouldn’t remove his henchman’s name from the lawsuit. The BBC went silent in their commentary during QEII’s funeral when Rose was on screen. Now the stories are rolling out in a controlled way to present Rose as a fait accompli. What if this is all going according ‘to plan’ and whatever happened to Kate’s health was not part of that plan but they’re still going forward?
I’m wondering if the continuing presence of these 2 (esp Rose), is starting the process of ‘normalising’ the ongoing appearance of Rose. For Will’s benefit.
So the public won’t question her regular appearance with the Royals, as they are a ‘close’ relationship, as demonstrated with Lord Chol… as Charles’s waiting man.
I honestly do think it’s possible. I wrote above that Rose might be the one Will’s main sidepiece even if he has other affairs. Just like his dad. Camilla is anointing her side chick in chief lol.
Distraction. Cam looks pleased as punch. What’s the terrible secret involving Egg and Bone that they’re deliberately trotting out Egg’s rumoured mistress to give the media something else to put on the front pages?
Yes, what if the family are all offended by moving heaven and earth for him in getting his super injunction and all the ducks in a row to launch Rose ‘properly’ and William wrecked the plan with some sort of other affair and then an altercation with Kate on top of it? If my theory is right Cam would be happy either way but the ‘Where’s Kate’ part seems to be a radioactive secret they hadn’t expected to happen or deal with.
DetachedObserver, I was thinking that the Escort is getting photo time for Rose in order to get Bone Idle back to work. I’ve said before, yes, she could have had a tough row to hoe after surgery, but I keep thinking she’s refusing to reenter the work force until she decides to do so. Trotting Rose out like this (and I don’t think they’re an item now no matter what they were before) is to motivate Bone Idle.
I agree @SussexWatcher. Something is going on. Something is seriously going on. And no way in hell if Kate was conscious would she not be fighting back on this.
Kate would not stand for this and would do something about it if she were able. Her rival being pushed to front and center? Never! It’s coming up to five months now, and not a peep or sight out of her. It just reeks of conspiracy and coverup.
@Saucy&Sassy, there’s no way that Kate wouldn’t have crawled out of whatever hole she’s hiding in while Meghan was getting all this attention & good press the last few weeks/months if she was just refusing to work. Something big is keeping her underground.
Lack of glamour from within and the panic vs the sussexes is bringing rose in. They wanted a white english rose. Clowns. Where’s Kate
This. Camilla knows her friends at the paper want glamorous photos. They kicked out Meghan. So why not Rose? At this point, everyone knows the rumors so pics of rose will get interest. As to where’s Kate? Camilla’s answer is who cares. But here’s two pics in a week of my friend Rose.
Yep, and it drives eyes and money towards Houghton Hall, which is beneficial to Rose.
This kind of thing will certainly generate clicks.
But seriously…, where’s Carole?
While I don’t see her as particularly beautiful or stylish , I acknowledge she isn’t unattractive by any standard. I might change my tune if I saw her in person because sometimes a casual (as in not a styled photo session) photograph doesn’t capture one’s beauty. I know nothing of her personality or work, so I can only comment on looks.
Rose is a hard worker.
OMG… the hat! Tell me THAT wasn’t intentional! 😂😂😂
I know it’s not literally the same hat, but my first thought was that it was Keen’s (daaaaaamn, not my autocorrect trying to change Keen into Kkkeen. Even autocorrect knows who the royal racists were, lolol). Anyway, I wondered if it was Keen’s actual hat, as in Rose is now getting first crack at someone’s stuff…someone who won’t be needing anything anymore. If we see Rose rocking that missing necklace then all bets are off!
Knowing Kate, she probably saw Rose in the hat first and then bought one for herself.
I’m with Harper on this one.
Ooooh… @Harper… you may very well be right!
And @Sussexwatcher… even autocorrect knows!! 😂 Maybe autocorrect can tell us where she is?!
Man her husband is looking old.
He is “old” though, right? Probably 20 years older than her…?
Rose Hanbury born born 15 March 1984.
David Cholmondeley born born 27 June 1960.
15 years age difference.
Yes. He’s 24 years older than her. Born in 1960, she was born in 1984.
@bay. That’s a 24 year age difference, not 15 🙂
@NikkiK & Becks1 – Sorry Girls!!! I have not had six cups of coffee yet! LOL! LOL!
@bay 🤣🤣🤣 it cracked me up because you were saying it with your whole chest, listing DOBs and everything lol!
David is my age and Rose is my daughter’s age. Skeery. I dated a man 23 years older after I lost my husband of 30 years. It was kind of about safety for me as the first relationship I had after losing my husband was abusive. I enjoyed the time we spent together and the activities we shared. He did not act his age. I was 50 something and he was high 70’s.
I think David and Rose’s relationship was an aristocratic quid pro quo bringing David the heirs he needed and Rose a titled husband with money and an estate to run. They are friendly, but David and his lover live in Paris. The children were probably conceived olin vitro.
IDK why Rose would want anything to do with Peggers. She has a husband who allows her to do what she wants when she wants to and the money to enjoy it.
He is in his mid 60s. I think he looks pretty good for his age.
He looks his age. This is the time when it will be harder to keep the marriage intact. They have had their children and Rose is likely wondering what she is doing with an old man because she will soon be middle-aged and that is a hard time for a woman.
@esquire: pretty sure he’s bi so they’ve had their own lives this whole time. I think she’s probably free to have her own romances and then she’s got a big title, huge estate, and their children. These are not regular people.
Thanks Mary, I had no idea about his alleged proclivities. I’ve only just discovered who she was and his surname in the past week or so.
I understand what you are saying, but she is so much younger and gossip travels. It’s common for aristos to have affairs, often when their spouse is near their own ages, but Rose doesn’t look happy to me. She’s also more attractive than the average, so, whether or not another man is in the picture, she likely wants to be truly free and whilst she’s married to him, she’s not.
It’s so shocking to me that she was dating him at 19 whilst he was 42. That is so wrong. She was barely an adult and he was already middle-aged. That’s Hollywood standards.
@Esquire, my favorite Twitter conspiracy from the original Rose affair time was that she was pregnant (with who’s baby???) and something was brokered and they got married. The articles about their marriage and engagement emphasized that they announced their engagement one day and literally the next got married and the day after announced a pregnancy. I can believe she was pregnant and a deal was worked out with a childless man (who co owns a house in France with a gay man who grifted a ton of money from the Estée Lauder heir) in an important hereditary position. I don’t know if it’s true, and it seems very Agatha Christie in the 1930s kind of plotting, but then again the aristocracy doesn’t seem to have evolved much past that.
This is exactly what she signed up for — he’s older and bi, mostly lives in Paris with his lover, she gets kids, a giant house, as much aristo juice as you can have without actually being in the Royal family (more in a lot of circles because C’s are an older family), hugely wealthy thanks to the Sassoon connection. They get their own lives and lovers, are the top of the A list, there’s zero reason for her to throw it all over for William, who is such an oaf none of the aristos would touch him as a younger man, and who is looking more and more like he pulled a Henry VIII on his wife.
@Lucy – The twin boys are definitely David Cholmondeley’s sons. They look just like him. Picture’s of the Cholmondeley twins can be found on the internet.
David and Rose dated on-and-off for five years before they married.
“Estée Lauder heir”; It was the Loreal heir, Liliane Bettencourt, not any heir of Estee Lauder.
Lucy – I’m pretty sure that’s correct, that she was 4 months (? 6 months?) pregnant at the time of their wedding. Not saying the twins aren’t her husband’s, but I’m pretty sure she was more than a little pregnant when they got married.
@SussexWatcher – You are correct. She was 4 months along when they got married. The twins were delivered early due to medical complications.
@ Lucy: LOL. I had no idea about all of this. To be honest, given primogeniture, the eldest male would have to be his in order to inherit his titles and property. I’m sure they worked that out, at least.
So I’m not at all into what she’s wearing. I just hate the pink check. Had it been another color, I would like it fine. That said, she does have a very confident and casual way of carrying herself and her eyes are striking. The hat is making me laugh. Bc when Kate wore that hat, the pictures of her in the paper were actually extremely unflattering. To the point that you know it bothered Kate. Rose wearing this hat will draw comparisons and bring up those unflattering pics of Kate again. Ice cold.
This Insta account always has the best run down. Queen Mary – Denmark- had a much more beautiful version of the skirt. @royalfashionpolice
@Jais I’m with you on this. The pink checked skirt looks dowdy. In fact the whole outfit looks dowdy.
Agreed. That skirt is wearing her, not the other way around.
I think that’s partly the point. Rose isn’t trying so very hard. That’s a flex.
Will we be getting a What Rose Wore website???
I think Camilla and the Hanburys go way back. I once saw a photo of them together for Camilla’s daughter’s wedding, I believe. But the tabs are definitely featuring Rose more now. Name recognition after KateGate therefore more clicks, or just Camilla and her editor fiends idea of a good time?
I think its a combination of name recognition and Camilla’s idea of a good time. Camilla didn’t decide two months ago to be friends with Rose like you said.
and honestly….who else were the tabloids going to feature from this service? Charles and Camilla in their ridiculous robes and then who else? I think some of this seemingly renewed focus on Rose is just because they are looking for an attractive younger woman to feature and she’s a regular at these types of events.
But that doesn’t mean there isn’t some trolling going on here.
Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowels have been friends with Timothy Hanbury (a website designer) and Emma Hanbury (née Longman), a lifestyle designer since the 1970s.
KCIII has socialized with the Cholmondeley family since the 1970s . Hugh Cholmondeley (born 1919 and father of David) was big buds with both the Queen Mother and Prince Philip.
Hmm. So here’s a question. I know they’re neighbors in Norfolk. But with the families knowing each other so well and for so long, how long has William known Rose? When did they first meet? I’d like to know that story.
@Jais – Excellent question. I have absolutely no idea. My guess is they meet through EACH, the charity Rose is highly involved with.
I highly doubt they met through a charity. that would involve William and/or Kate showing up to a charity for something that wasn’t a photo op.
My guess is they just met through mutual friends or always kind of knew each other.
Surely some club in London, if not some garden party?
Someone got a nice blowout! She looks lovely.
I think the RF has gotten the message from the British press complaining about the lack of glamour available. It’s as if the RF is saying “We heard you, we’ll get some folks under 70 to wander around doing Royal Stuff!”
Just look at the steady trickle of coverage recently…
1) Hard launch of Peter Philips and his new gf
2) Beatrice drafted in
3) Appearances by Rose at functions
I wonder who’s next?
William imo envie s peter. He is the cool single dad and can date. And he and his daughters and girlfriend all get along and they go on outings together
Lady Esther – Gabriella on the balcony at Trooping
This is so ridiculous. I’m no fan of Kate, but come on. If you ask me, Kate’s whole vibe has been off ever since last year, when she was spotted at that party at David and Rose’s house and somebody snapped that weird photo of her looking stoned/unwell. Whatever is happening with KM, this isn’t helping. Whatever is going on here is a disaster for the monarchy. I just can’t imagine being so callous.
The media has not mentioned exactly what is going on with Kate. William says we are all doing fine not that Kate is doing fine. I wonder how much longer the media will allow this.
This to me is proof that something really serious is going on with Kate, and that, at a minimum, she’s not going to be seen in public ever again. The monarchy is pretty much scraping bottom now for attention. If they could make Kate appear they would. She’s done.
Agreed, 100%. If people can’t see by now that something is seriously wrong with Kate they are not paying attention.
If she is ‘doing well’, she could be giving some updates herself by a short, informal zoom or something not doctored. Maybe she looks too unwell.
I think she is done too for several reasons. I’ve made clear that I’m not on team “she died in January and this is a months-long cover up” but I also think this is the end of her public life. I think that’s either because she is a lot sicker than they are telling us (and can’t do even basic short public appearances because she is that sick), or because William is benching her so that he can prepare for the divorce rollout (if no one has seen her in a year, and he announces a divorce in January 2025, will anyone actually care?)
Yes, she is lazy and we all know she’ll go out of her way to avoid work as much as possible. But no way would she have sat out the February IG events, the Nigeria visit, and now these Rose outings without some sort of pap stroll or something similar to try to snag attention back – unless she is too sick to do so or she has been expressly forbidden (as in, she’s being told she has to abide by all of William’s rules or else there’s no Wimbledon invite after divorce, or whatever, IDK.)
Yes, to all of this. She’s incommunicado for a reason, and whatever that reason is is the basis for all this conspiracy and cover up. I believe the preventative cancer treatment ship has sailed, especially since we’ve seen a 75-year-old man with cancer actually work. It’s nearly 5 months now and for Kate to remain so silent and unseen during all the major events that have happened these past months is not normal, it’s not in Kate’s playbook. Like @Becks1 said, a casual pap stroll or wave from a car would suffice, but this woman is buried deep for either her reasons or someone else’s. But I don’t mean that literally. I have my doubts now that she’ll even show up for Wimbledon and forget about Trooping the Color, because there’s no way Charles wants anyone to take attention from him if that’s her initial appearance. She’d have to do something before that, but at this point, I have my doubts that will happen.
@Fee: yes, re Charles getting out and about at 75 years old. That’s what has got me. As monarch, he does have more responsibility to be seen, but the total blackout re Kate is unprecedented. I doubt QEII would have approved of this. It may all backfire.
Where’s Kate? Yeah I’m back there.
No real progress report just vague statements from william
And if she’s doing well, as Willy said the other day, then where is she?! A person who’s doing fine would be seen shopping or waving from a car or doing some actual “work.” So Willy can’t have it both ways. She can’t both be doing well AND need to be hidden for another 6 months.
Kate is doing so well that she dropped her relationship with her subjects. If she could pose on the bench and record a whole video, then one would think a posed photo of her going over her get-well cards would have been next. Instead, she continues to ghost the public. I guess BBC Studios wasn’t up for round 2 of AI Kate.
It’s funny that KP was so into presenting fake versions of Kate while they knew she had “had cancer” but we didn’t, and then stopped faking appearances as soon as she announced it. Suddenly she isn’t going to the farm shop or riding in the car with Will or CarolE anymore.
@SussexWatcher: exactly, but then again, Kate is not Meghan. I can just imagine the double standards if Meghan were in Kate’s shoes.
We’ve seen the double standards the BM ran front page stories report it that Meghan hadn’t been seen in public a hundred or so days and she’d already left, she was a private citizen living in a different country!
@esquire We don’t have to imagine. Whenever Meghan isn’t seen for any number of days, they start with the whole Where’s Meghan? and Sussex Divorce!
@Heather @IG: true, we don’t have to wonder.
The WhereIsKate hashtag on Twitter brings a swarm of trolls to it, all claiming harassment of a sick woman. Of course it’s not harassment to wonder about the well-being of a public figure who has not been credibly seen since last Christmas, but it’s interesting that someone hired bots for that purpose. I’m back to my original supposition that she’s sequestered in a Swiss clinic dealing with some kind of grave disorder. If she’s in a vegetative state, I doubt Camilla would be trolling/trotting Rose out as a whatever this is. Camilla and Charles need something to take the attention off of 1.King Tampon portrait 2.Harry’s IG service success & 3.The Nigeria Sussex-palooza. William just gets laughed at no matter what he does, Edward is pathetic, Sofa is a frump, Andrew is a nuclear trainwreck … Kate had buttons and glamor that distracted attention from the pure losingness of that family. Even whispers about Rose change the subject.
Me too. I’m waiting for something to make global social media snap to attention again.
Where are the comments? Will the article also disappear?
I don’t know if it means anything or it is just that the media decided to focus on her again because Kate has disappeared. Something is definitely strange, but when Peggy is involved everything is strange.
Right? He is definitely a rotten egg.
I stan Rose’s style, she’s very chic in that old school way – like you can imagine her rocking the sh!t out of some original Chanel in the 20s/30s/40s.
As I said in my post above; she’s a talented, witty and intelligent woman who has done wonders with her husbands estate. She’s far too good for Prince Huevo!
All I could see was how comfortable she and David are. Her hand looped in his arm, she is relaxed, he is laughing. (Unlike another couple we know). Whatever their arrangement is, it suits the both of them. I can’t imagine she would give this up for psycho Bill.
Also…It makes sense for them to be at these events. They belong there. The focus on them though…that is interesting. Could be the press has nothing else or could be trolling for sure.
Colbert was right- she really is the prettier version of Kate.
Rocksavage is the coolest name ever for a heavy metal band.
Also. I am an old woman so I think he’s a fairly good looking man. Just something there that I find attractive 🤷
He is not unattractive, but he’s a quarter of a century older than she is.
Well. It doesn’t seem to bother either one of them so 🤷
I am acquainted with a few folk who have a significant age gap, male and female. I suppose whatever works for them.
There are rumors he is Gay. Hey, listen, if I could marry a gay aristo friend and get to be the curator of his art mansion and screw whoever I liked privately….I mean that is living LOL
@Merlin: I was just referring to an older poster’s comment that she finds him attractive. And we really don’t know if it bothers Rose now that he’s almost an old man. I’ve had relationships with those older and younger and things can change. I wish them good luck anyway. I don’t particularly care, LOL.
@Snaggletooth: me too – there are worse fates in life.
@Snaggletooth, I’m at the age where I can get on board with an attractive bisexual guy who wants to shower me with luxury, a gorgeous home on acres of land that doubles as a museum, nearly unlimited wealth and freedom to live my own life. That’s living for me at this point in my life.
This just shows that no one ever really cared about Kate. Which is sad. There’s no way that Diana could have just disappeared for almost six months. No way folks would have just shrugged and kept it moving. Kate is a non-entity.
It proves her ‘fans’ are just Sussex haters working for William. If they were really fans of Kate they would have been up in arms on her behalf months ago. Their only concern is going from website to website/SM and whine that no one should call her Kate Middleton anymore.
I agree. First, I feel for Kate, I totally believe she is going through an awful health crisis at the moment. But two things the past few months have shown: 1) She and her husband are lightweight clowns. People enjoyed the social media circus surrounding her disappearance. It was ‘great fun’ for a lot of people. This would never have happened to Diana. Kate has proved she’s not taken seriously; the most attention she’s ever had in her life has been at her expense. It must be a huge eye opener for them. 2) No one is missing her. Where are her fans; her project colleagues; her adoring press? Again, this would never have happened to Diana. Diana was truly inspirational and beloved. People would’ve talked about her endlessly, with concern and fondness.
Her fans are busy telling the world to leave this all alone nothing to see here!!
Waitys “fans” are hate watching the beautiful Duchess.
Diana, Princess of Wales (the real one), would have written thank you notes for every get well card she received!!
THIS!!!!! IF this were my fave, I would be PICKETING. Think about how Britney’s fans acted, how Angelina, Amber Heard, and even like Jennifer Garner’s fans acted as the rumors were coming out. I’m picking Garner because she also had this “perfect” image yet her fans NEVER reflexively defended Ben. If you care about women, you ride for the women. You NEVER assume a man is incapable of evil. If I suspected Harry was a drunk, beating up on Meghan, etc IDGAF how much their brand needs their marriage to be happy I would ride at dawn and be ready to demand his prosecution.
At best, however Kate’s fans are footsoldiers for patriarchy (just like her) and at worst she has none.
Well this soft launch of Rose is encouraging. The sooner Will and Rose get married the faster the whole institution is going to fall apart. Charles has already cleared the path. If the Brits like it, I love it 😀
This is the best drama ever. I can’t wait to read the Rota twisting themselves into pretzels to convince us how great this is. The delusion
Yes, the delusion runs deep. My 2 cents worth is that Rose may have had an off/on dalliance with Willbur but she’ll never leave Rocksavage for him. They appear to have an open marriage but a solid one, and by now William’s reputation as a temperamental rageaholic precedes him wherever he goes. He’s toxic.
LOL. You seem to know about these aristos Jaded, so I’ll defer to you.
IIRC Mary Pester (we miss you) empathically said that Rose and Willy were over and have been for quite a while – he’s moved on.
I miss Mary Pester too. I wonder if maybe they got back together after the Thomas Kingston death though. Maybe they break up and get back together all the time.
She looks lovely. Gorgeous. Poor woman’s been through hell with these rumours.
Through hell? Technically, the rumors could be true. Which would just mean there were consequences. Either way, the aristos sided with her. Kate was not able to ice her out at all. She seems pretty well insulated. Aside from colbert, the British tabs have just now started writing more about her, which is still just barely. For years, she has seemed pretty well-protected from the press. Attention towards Houghton Hall has heightened. Idk, maybe it was hell. She seems to have a lot of back-up to help her though.
I think the proximity is to reinforce that there is nothing to see here and that Rose, her husband and children are slandered every time ppl raise the infidelity gossip. Giles Coren started the rumour as a joke and has stated it’s untrue many times. I know this is anti Kate site but it’s just not ok to slander Rose. She should continue to sue media outlets that persist in this.
She didn’t sue anyone. She threatened to sue and went about her way.
Cool story. The trajectory of the ‘Rural Rivals’ story did not begin with Giles Coren.
Having said that, you go on and keep clinging to that idea like a good little foot soldier.
Also Giles Goren likes to boast about his boozy lunches with his bestie Tom Parker- Bowles so he’s hovered up loads of gossip and would be in a position to know who’s playing kiss chase peg!
@Lily – I do not think many on this site are slandering Rose. Actually, I think it is quite the opposite.
Speculating that she’s William’s mistress when there is no evidence is slander.
@BTB: agreed. @Lily: are you a lawyer? The law is never that simple. In my jurisdiction, we no longer differentiate between slander and libel, but usually slander relates to the spoken, not written, word. Public persons don’t enjoy the same right to privacy as us normal folk. Rose has a public profile, and people are drawing inferences based on that. Not everything that is disagreeable is defamatory.
@Lily, speculation presented as speculation (opinion, guesses, wondering) is not slander.
This is a gossip site for a reason. Speculation is our meat and drink here!
Why hasn’t she sued? In the U.S., you have to prove it was false and that the outlet knew it was false when they mentioned it, wrote about it, etc.
Wanting a rumor to end is not the same ballpark as actually suing, not even close. I don’t think Rose and David care deeply about the US.
It’s different in my jurisdiction. The onus is on the defendant/s (reverse onus of proof). But the law is evolving. Anyway, defamation action can always have the unwanted result of drawing attention to matters the plaintiff would rather stay hidden, amongst other things.
CBS and Colbert immediately folded their hands, poker-wise. My ex (husband, one child) is a very successful litigation expert, your goal is to get the other side to immediately stand down and that’s what happened. Neither side wanted anything to proceed and besides there was no longstanding pattern at CBS.
CBS and colbert only “folded” because of the cancer video and he felt it was a bad look to be making fun of W&K’s marriage if she was going through chemotherapy. It had nothing (or very little) to do with the threat from Rose’s lawyers.
Too bad William reacted so strangely to the rumors then. I’d take it up with him. Omid Scobie wrote that Christian Jones was so stressed about these rumors that he begged Omid to give Dan Whooton excerpts of his yet to be published book. And the next week Whooton was writing vicious stories aimed at Meghan. If William hadn’t so clearly traded nasty information on Meghan to get whooton to drop the affair story then maybe it would have blown over.
Giles Coren didn’t start sh*t. Multiple people were talking about it. Dan Wootton was writing about it and then, he stopped after getting H&M slander stories in exchange. I don’t care if Will cheated on Kate with Rose. I care they threw Meghan, who was pregnant at the time, under the bus to hide the rumors. The fact is this is all started by Kate who tried to throw Rose out of the aristo friend group, then the journalists started to dig for why. When Tatler did a piece on Kate, they got their aristo neighbors on record, who also talked about Rose & William having dinners when Kate is out of the town.
Giles Coren took back one tweet he wrote about everyone knowing about the affair. He wasn’t the multiple sources all these tabloids were using.
I read somewhere that the Charles Spencer’s daughters were also gossiping about the Rose Hanbury affair
People on this site tend to venerate Rose based on her IG and the fact that they don’t like Kate, so no, not a lot of slandering going on.
For me, the curiosity stems from the fact that rose has always been part of what happened with Harry and Meghan. That the rumor led to William doubling down on the smear campaign. Even now, Harry’s suit with the sun goes on despite the fact that he was asked to stand down bc it was stressing out CJ. It’s all so tawdry. She has a style that seems to be her own and does interesting things on her estate. Unlike Kate, she does not have to do royal work so she is seen less, which adds an air of mystery. The tabs are taking advantage of that for clicks. Add in the fact that she seemed to troll and copy keen Kate’s hat…She’s copy-keening Kate’s act of copy-keening😂 Messy.
Rose’s brother was the one who started the whole thing by telling someone about William coming over to dinner whenever Kate was away.
Which made people pause. And put two and two together.
And while Dan Wootton published that strange “Rural Rival” story that saw the Turnip Toffs icing out Kate, Nicole Cliffe wrote that infamous Twitter thread, which then created a whole series of sub-tweets, with Giles Coren chiming in with his “posh Jew” comment that was deleted shortly after, and included Hadley Freeman, who was back then writing for the Guardian.
And Tom Sykes, who has firmly been in William’s camp for quite some time when he at least used to be neutral/fair towards Meghan, wrote back then that he had heard things. Not only is he well-connected, but also has an aristocratic background.
So it’s not a case of anyone here slandering Rose, or starting rumors.
Meh- she’s fine looking in an aristocratic way but I hate how our culture pits women against each other based on their looks. They’re both lovely. And the only reason to compare them is because Rose may have slept with Kate’s husband. That to me makes Rose far less attractive. Like her or not Kate has little kids and sleeping with a married father of littles ain’t a good look no matter how cool your hat or shirt is. Camilla is awful and if she’s orchestrating anything with Rose then more evidence of how gross Camilla is. You’d think the BRF would’ve leaned by now that the side chicks are not good for the monarchy no matter how much they’re legitimized. And for sure the press is covering Rose because she’s a lot more interesting than any of the bland stuffy royals we’ve all grown bored with. But keep trying British press. You still don’t have a Meg or Harry level star and ps – where’s Kate and why don’t you care?
But was it ok for Kate and her mother to lay out the honey trap for William who was likely still grieving for his mother? For the Middletons to manipulate William into marriage? He might be the next King, but he was taken advantage of by the Middletons because Charles was too busy with his Camilla-will-be-Queen PR-offensive to care that William spent his formative years hanging out with grifters pretending to be multi-millionaires selling cheap online party tat.
I have no sympathy for Kate at all. When you manipulate to get what you want, the piper comes calling. To be clear, I don’t like William’s character. He’s lazy, cunning, cruel, imperious and devious. But that doesn’t give the shady Middletons a pass, either.
I agree. William was stalked and trapped by the Middletons. I don’t like the man but I can sympathize that he was chasing a family and the Middletons delivered. That alone must have done his head in. As kids (and yes teenagers are kids), we are biologically pushed to find a family. Chuck and Cams aint it so William had to go elsewhere. Harry found his family in the millitary. At the end, it all goes back to Chuck not knowing how to be a parent. His kids were left to find their own ways. One of them made it…the other not so much.
My impression is no one else wanted to marry William. And the pressure was on from QE2. He needed to make a decision, in order to secure the Windsor line with some kiddos. So Willy went with Waity. Reminds me of when you find yourself in the mood to buy a new top or dress, go to Marshalls, and don’t really like anything in the store. Still you try on several, and go home with the best they have. Then, you end up never wanting to wear the thing, and eventually donate it to Goodwill. (Am I the only one this happens to?)
Wills made a choice to marry Kate. He could have stayed a bachelor until he found someone he wanted to be with and who wanted to be with him. At the end of the day he chose to marry Kate. It didn’t seem like it was secret what she and her family were doing. And it didn’t seem to be a secret that he simply settled on last woman standing. Too lazy I guess to do the hard work and took what seemed like the easy way out.
So traps were laid and choices were made. At the end of the day, 2 horrible people played each other and well, look at them now.
@PinkOrchid – YEP! I do this all the time. That does seem to sum up their marriage. LOL
You know her family did that, for sure @ESQUIRE? Or you read it on a gossip site that has never liked Kate? It is mind-blowing to me how much hate she receives after Harry’s own book and retelling showed she didn’t actually do anything at all to Meghan. She does what her husband tells her to do, that’s it that’s all. She could have NEVER defended Meghan or reached out to the press about anything without her husband’s permission. He’s controlling and rigid as we’ve seen with our own eyes since they started dying engagement interviews. Now his alleged mistress, an aristo by proxy of colonization who is most likely as racist and misogynist as the rest, who is married to a geriatric, is suddenly the 2nd coming of Diana and soooo beautiful? What a joke. Kate is a submissive woman who does her husband’s bidding and now had cancer. Yet this site is still bashing her…. It’s very sexist and strange.
“a submissive woman who does her husband’s bidding”
Yet every call to provide proof of life for Kate on ‘this site’ has been deemed to be “bullying her” by “Kate supporters”
“He’s controlling and rigid as we’ve seen with our own eyes”
How did you type all that and still managing to tell yourself Kate is 100% making her own decision to step out of the public view, take responsibility for the Mothering Sunday photo and should “just be left alone”?
That’s just a deflection to a completely different issue – unless you’re suggesting that it’s OK for William to cheat on Kate because her family may have manipulated him into marrying her.
I’m confused by the reactions here to this Rose/Kate comparison. The general tone is usually “down with the monarchy,” but here Rose is considered superior because she’s a “true aristocrat” (as if that’s actually worth something), that it’s ok for her aristo set to sneer at Kate because she’s a commoner (as if only Kate can be a mean girl), and it’s ok for Kate to be cheated on because an aristo will make a better Queen than a commoner. I know people are having fun with speculation, but it still sounds weird to me.
@Lulu, information in the public domain bears my theory out and the material facts. It’s called inference, not soeculation. As for Kate’s cancer – do you know she has it? See, we are just opining here. So, yes, I have formed the opinion that the Middletons played William, which is why the relationship appears to have cooled.
Well the whole British Royal family is weird so welcome to the party! LOL!
@Eurydice yeah I agree. I think Rose seems more interesting than Kate, but that’s a low bar. And I like her general style and i follow Houghton on IG. But there is a veneration of her in some of these comments that doesn’t seem warranted based on what we know. Maybe its just a way to poke fun at Kate? But there’s a lot of projection. We don’t know that she’s intelligent, we don’t know that she’s funny or nice, we don’t know a lot of things about her.
I wouldn’t want to be part of the aristo set in the UK whether that means hanging out with Kate OR with Rose 🤷♀️
but I think part of it is that regardless of what WE may think, Kate certainly looks at someone like rose and wants to be her in their aristo circles.
As for Kate having agency – eh. She has plenty of agency. Kate may not have been able to reach out to the press to defend Meghan, but you know what she could have done? Invited Meghan over for tea or a glass of wine. Offered Meghan a ride when they were going to the same place. etc. And per Spare, Kate did nothing like that.
What a strange take. William is a future king who dated someone age-appropriate, not some hapless high schooler being seduced by an older teacher. He had plenty of protection, privilege, and people capable of putting their foot down if they believed he was being victimized. To have no sympathy for a woman with cancer based on that is… a choice.
Not to mention that even if every single thing you said is true, she deserves divorce, not cheating and cancer. Also, two wrongs don’t make a right.
“I’m confused by the reactions here to this Rose/Kate comparison”
Well this is a gossip site where 1+1+1= 111 and everyone must defend their position on how they came up with “111”.
Many of the Rose/Kate comparisons go back to 2019 threads and beyond. I would say that 90% of the participants on this thread just want to know the truth with regards to Kate, Rose, Camilla, KCIII and Peggington. All ideas (comments) presented on this thread are just conjecture as no one really knows the real truth and what is is presented by the Tabloid Media and force-fed to the public is just bizarre.
@Jess: as I made plain, you are assuming whatever the royals state is true, whilst dismissing my opinion. That’s a strange take!
I never said anything about their alleged divorce and I don’t believe I ever have. You must be mistaking me for another.
I don’t have sympathy for Kate. She’s led a charmed life and no one gets to demand it all. I believe our own [Australian] Olivia Newton-John said that, a great lady.
I feel sorry for those who deserve my sympathy. She’s not one of them and I’m not convinced we are being told the truth.
On the other hand, you are making a point that because William is so privileged, that he could never have been taken advantage of by middle-class grifters. Strange take, that one … also, royal protection officers are not there to vet William’s dates. They are only there to ensure he is not physically harmed.
@Eurydice: perhaps I was a bit too loose with my language. But, please don’t infer something that wasn’t said by me. I admit that I dislike the Middletons. I won’t become their apologist because their daughter is apparently unwell. But, no, I have never even crossed the Rubicon into the cheating rumours.
As for common Queen Kate, yes, I do have a problem with it. I’m Australian and William is my next King. I don’t want to support a common monarchy – if we must have one. That’s why I’m respectful of H&M for doing their own thing.
I think all monarchies are devaluing the currency having commoners marrying in. I live under the Constitutional monarchy and in my country it gives republicans a good argument as to why we ought to become a republic. Why can’t any family be on that balcony? Give almost any British family the funds and privilege the Windsors get and it would be the same.
Diana was a blue-blood but she had the common touch. That is why she was so loved.
@BTB: it’s exhausting … but I will say that when you read about royals carefully, many opinions are more than conjecture, they are drawn from inferences, to some extent anyway.
I’ve had fun, but off to work. Have a good day/night everyone.
@Lulu – even Kate’s hagiographer / stenographer Katie Nicholl recorded how Kate changed her college, major, date of entry into college, and gap year plans to stalk William. Many sources recount how Kate was ridiculed by William’s friends as the mattress, etc. And who is speaking about Rose as if she’s Diana 2.0? Yes, the press is bored and opportunistic, but no one here is treating her like Diana. We just think she’s more interesting than Kate.
@esquire – at this point, not marrying commoners would really, really lean into inbreeding.
William didn’t force Kate to publicly act like a bitch toward Meghan on video for the world to see, like during the funeral walkabout. Whether or not Kate and Carole trapped William into marriage doesn’t justify her awful bitchy behaviour toward Meghan and the start of the smear campaign that continues to this day. William didn’t have a fit over the tights, Kate did. So enough with pretending Kate is a victim here. She was also an awful person toward Beatrice and Eugenie when Kate and her sister much older than the York sisters.
This is a working shot to Kate and William that the Rocksavages are here to stay, epically when William becomes king and David becomes his Lord Chamberlain.
If I was Rocksavage I would be pissed off right now being dragged into the whole drama created by Camilla and the rest. You live your aristo life, on stolen lands, with ample stolen food.. no care in the world.. You married a hot, young, desirable in your circles woman to father your children… No one knows you much other than your own circles and possible some aristo-obsessed plebs. Life is good.
And suddenly, newspapers, articles, gossip… then they pull you in further to use you as a pawn in the media shield.. Inside you are wondering “When am I being thrown under the bus?”
In every photo, Rose looks drugged.
That’s just her Pre-Raphaelite vibe.
10,000%. Rose looks like she came out of a Pre-Rafaelite painting, it’s her look.
I think it is also an “above it all” attitude which many British aristocrats seem to have and/or project.
Rose may be board as sure she has been to the Badminton Horse trials many times.
She’s just not playing to the cameras like Kate does, she can’t be arsed.
Naah.. that is just every uk aristo chosen look. They feel it looks “So bored to be here, could be anywhere else” and that shows how upper class you are.
I like Rose’s whole look, honestly. She doesn’t need to be model beautiful to be striking. I love her hair and the fact that she lets her natural curls do their thing, more or less. Yes, even if they get a little frizzy sometimes (curls do that when it’s humid or misty). She has beautiful eyes. And as others said, she has that aristocratic ease and confidence. She wears her clothes whereas with Kate, the clothes wear her.
What she is like as a person? I have no idea. She might be a snotty mean girl. I don’t want to be friends with her and I obviously never will be. But if she’s going to be in the public eye, I certainly don’t mind looking at her.
That’s where I am, I’m entirely on board for a ‘Rose era’. I suspect they will thread a needle that sees the Rocksavages remain married and Rose drafted more and more into a role of ‘helping’ in situations where ‘Kate can’t manage…’ seamless and practical since their ancestral role in court reverts back under William and David is Lord in Waiting under CIII anyway. All very civilized and the Cholmondeleys don’t lose anything by it in their own affairs, they’ll add on ‘Crown responsibilities’ rather than decoupling themselves.
She could function as William’s unofficial hostess for palace events. She has experience and knows all he right people. It really is taking on a crown responsibility.
This is a VERY interesting theory
This is all so weird and twisted.
Kate has pretty much been erased from the narrative.
And just think only 6 months ago, “Kate is the Savior of the Monarchy!” articles were coming out weekly…and now silence. Its very very sus.
And no one seems to care. That is scary and crazy.
Kate who?
I hope I’m not threadjacking but reading the comments reminded me about Cam’s gadabout to India and I’m wondering if there is a connection between that and KC not seeing PH this time round…as in, Cam was angry about PH spending time with KC without her and it was a warning shot to KC that she can come and go as she pleases (or perhaps not exactly connected to PH one-on-one meeting but serendipitous with her desire to get away)…and if KC meets with PH again without her, she’ll again leave…it goes along with the “KC didn’t see PH because of his insistence on Cam not being present”. And if this has been covered before or this is obvious to everyone or if it’s bonkers…sorry!
Between that and openly saying she was tired of CIII’s feeling sorry for himself in his illness and won’t be told she can’t take a vacation, complaining she had been shut out at that visit and then the way Charles recoiled at his own portrait as she gleefully said to the artist “Yes, you got him.” I think Cam did throw her weight around over the IG visit and pushes Charles’ buttons for control, revenge, advantage and her own amusement.
I think she’s beautiful. The rumours must’ve been hell, for both of them. But let’s face it – she does stoop. We think Kate has bad posture, but so does Rose. It seems to come from a place of shyness with Rose, almost as if she doesn’t want any fuss or drama; given what’s gone on these past years, who can blame. But she is English Rose through and through. None of the hard edges of Kate.
English rose through and through? Shy? Plain, pale, and shady. She didn’t seem to mind when the rumors were out. She seemed to feed them. Why not just say NO then. Oh I think she’s harder than Kate . Come out Kate wherever you are.😆🙈
Is it possible that the woman with William at the farmstead was Rose?
That seems too nuts to be possible, but I will say that yesterday one of the photos of Rose struck me as looking a lot more like the farm shop woman than Kate ever did.
Her ears, hairline, chin, cheeks when smiling all look like that woman, although I’d say it looks more like her 5 years ago, which is when those rumors were still going strong.
Very weird that KP confirmed that video, which clearly was not ever Kate. I can’t imagine they would pull something like that, but look at them now.
Eyes wide shut palace.
I don’t think so but who ever it was also had digitally manipulated features layered over her, akin to rotoscoping. *No one* has the elf ears, heavy weird mass of flopping hair and fuzzed out complexion that woman was shown having. That points to The Sun using a lookalike rather than obscuring the identity of a known person like Rose.
IG, I remember the people on the background being more in focus than whoever the woman was. Lol another KP special.
I don’t know about having digitally altered features. the AI cleanup added features that might not have been there, though. Of course it wasn’t Rose, but the point is it looked more like her than it did Kate.
Did you notice they suddenly can take real photos again? the pics of Harry were crystal clear.
I don’t think so. IMO. I think people would have recognized her. I believe it was Will and a fake-Kate. They were testing the waters to see if they could get away with a fake-Kate.
I’m not sure about the Farm video but who I did suspect was her was the “back of head” photo where they were supposedly taking “Kate” to an appointment while William was on the way to the Commonwealth. I saw a photo comparison of Rose’s head turned that same angle and it was pretty spot on.
I remember that. Maybe the “Kate” double shares Rose’s features, a delicate face with high fine boned cheeks, small chin, etc.
I think one of the women who work as a Kate double had more of those features than Kate, too.
I feel like something is definitely going on. And William may very well be back with Rose. I do think she is really natural and beautiful. Maybe Rose is bored with her life? Who knows. But I feel there is definitely something going on with all of this.
the obsessive defense of Rose in the comments is weird. I like her style and her artistry, but she’s a Tory.
As for how happy she and her husband are, she was pregnant when they got married and 19 when they started while he was 42. Let’s not rewrite that to be some great thing when if it were anyone else, we’d acknowledge how wrong that is.
Do you think Peg is back with her? A lot of people say no way would she change her life for William because of Houghton Hall bla bla bla but is it really that hard to imagine her aspiring for the crown? And no way do I think Kate would be just perfectly fine watching it all go down like this. Just no way.
I don’t think she was ever with him to begin with. I think she knows something about someone he’s had a fling with or a flirtation. It’s her knowledge that has upset Kate.
@Julianna, the narrative that she doesn’t aspire to the crown is so so so very familiar , because Camilla played that tune, too.
Spoiler: she was dying for it.
So I’m not buying that old tune. as for William and Rose, it seems wildly improbable.
But what we do know is the media, Cams son, and others all knew about this affair and it went on for a while. Plus, contrary to many others, I can see William falling in love with Rose and I can even see Rose being in love with William. We see him as Harry’s angry brother, but he was an art history major at some point. She’s softer and more emotionally available than Kate, and I imagine William’s always wanted that and needed it, esp after losing his mom so young.
So I’m not writing it off as impossible. At some point, we have acknowledge the story being told the way the other story was told. The ‘Charles would never marry Camilla, oh well now that Diana’s been killed he will but she will never be princess of wales or queen’, cut to today: she’s queen.
No one would have imagined Camilla would be Queen one day. But she is.
I personally do not think Rose and Peggington are back together.
I think the tabloids are desperate for clickbait and a photograph of Rose and Camilla together is high revenue generating clickbait.
Why would knowing upset Kate? That makes no sense . Something supposedly caused Kate to try and oust her from the group. I don’t know that knowing about the affair is enough.
Can you hate people just because of their politics? There is some nuance, surely. I’m centrist. Centre right on some issues, some to the left. Perhaps you’d like me half of the time, or just a third!!
Excuse me? Where did I say I hated her?
Not sure why you’re making this personal about your politics, but since you want to know: yes I am proudly against Tories because I am against neo fascism, racism, stripping the country of healthcare services, Brexit, the toxic tabloid culture in Britain, anti immigration and anti education policies.
No, there is not any nuance for me when it comes to global autocracy v democracy. I have picked a side and I suggest others do as well.
By the way, Elon also claims to be a “centrist,” as do most of the really toxic racists out there these days.
Looking at your comment, no, you didn’t say you hated her, sorry for that, but you listed it as a trait that should be considered as a downside to her character. I really don’t do black and white politics like that. And I’ll tell you for why. With a family that defected from Communist Eastern Europe, and were brought up in a with one side politics to the point their lives were in danger and their family ripped asunder, there are many I know who bear the mental and physical scars of fascism proper. The UK is not a fascist state. We’re lucky. Otherwise you’d not be free to write your opinion and neither would I.
And effectively with your “centrist” remark you’ve called me a “really toxic racist”. Thanks for the simplistic view. I’m proud to be on the middle ground because the “big ideas”, the extremes of one side against the other, have caused the biggest problems across the totality of History.
@sparrow, this started out with you accusing me of saying something I never said.
Then you proceeded to lecture me about how your political position was “nuanced” and presumably better than mine.
Seems like you got triggered by me not liking Tories. And that’s fine! But my view isn’t going to change.
I am fine with taking a stand. the geopolitical landscape of rising fascism after the Russian invasion in Ukraine has caused even historically neutral countries to take a stand. This is the state of global politics today. It’s not just about the U.K. “centrism” as a term has been co-opted by bad actors and autocrats as a means to do harm in this environment.
Technically, @withtheamerican said most of the really toxic racist are centrists. Personally, I’d argue racists can be anywhere lol, centrists and non-centrist alike. That doesn’t necessarily include you @sparrow. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. And now if someone has big ideas that are “extreme”, they’ve caused the biggest problems across the totality of history. Okay. Good times here lol. I mean I’d argue that big extreme ideas have also led to some much needed progress in the world. But anywayzzzz, going back to Rose, the topic of the thread. Some people are gonna side-eye her for being a Tory or Tory-adjacent. Which I guess also means centrist? Some people aren’t. Personally, I’m always squeaked by the fact that she walked into a state dinner with Sarah Vine who has written some truly terrible and yes racist things about Meghan. At least she didn’t hug her like Beatrice did with Piers😂. We don’t know much about rose. She’s aristo, has good style, is excellent at Houghton Hall and walks into dinners with Sarah vine. Which is a canny way to show that she has tabloid protection. Maybe she secretly hates Vine. We don’t really know. Appreciate those like @baytampabay and @hench who have more details on the history.
I think we really need to get back to discussing the fun and interesting things like:
What kind of knickers does Rose wear? LOL!
Well, we know she owns a big black hat 🤷♀️ And some Altazurra shoes
Sure, but think of the tiaras!
The royals and aristocracy are conservative and problematic but I’ll forgive them all this if they leave the Sussexes alone and turn royal watching back into nattering over clothes and jewels like the good old days. Charles married Di when she was 19, a ten year age difference. I don’t think people condone either situation but that sort of eye raising situation along with R&D announcing their established pregnancy so late part of the reason they are gossip fodder in the first place. Princess Anne possibly isn’t very different to Princess Michael in her many attitudes except she had the common sense not to wear a blackamoor brooch in public. I still ‘love’ watching Princess Anne and her clothes. Sophie’s motorcade killed someone, the BRF is making life unsafe for H&M, C&C are self absorbed, William might have *redacted*, and that still hasn’t put off many people from being spectators. If we can go back to basic enjoyment watching with Rose as a shiny object I’m on board
Hahaha think of the tiaras! I agree with everything you’ve said. I’m pretty much in the same place, I was commenting generally about the sort of wild defense of Rose and David and the age difference which is bigger than Di and Charles.
I’m fine with her as someone to look at, she does it better than Kate and I appreciate her taste in art.
I mentioned her being a Tory because… yeah. 🙂
With regards to an age difference between couples….with some couples it is a problem and with some couples it is not a problem. It depends on the couple.
Withtheamerican – I agree completely with your original post. It’s amazing how many people can testify to how witty and intelligent she is 🤔
Yeah, I’m not going to elevate a weak-chinned toff to sainthood. The Cholmondeleys may deny it, but I’m guessing that there’s some stuff in Houghton Hall that was obtained nefariously.
And no one should be queen in 2024. This whole system is terrible.
If the Bland one continues with her disappearing act it won’t be a case of #Where’s Kate? but Who’s Kate?
She’s thin and leggy. I don’t think that’s enough to be striking. She doesn’t sound like a nice person and I don’t know that she’s a hard worker as she clearly has lots of help. I don’t like Kate, but I suppose they needed someone to hold Charles skirt and you might as well go with someone who’s going to start gossip to deflect from the mess of the monarchy. I think Kate maybe capable of coming out, but isn’t because she’s negotiating.
I’m with you on negotiations! This is her chance to get a better deal – sort of like Melania when Trump moved to DC.
Why believe Giles coren when he said it was a joke? Tom Sykes claimed to hear it from an Earl’s daughter. I think Kate is okay. Well physically. She’s able to come out and they(Charles and Camilla) want her to.
Right? Like, he backtracked after getting a call but that doesn’t mean much. There’s a bunch of corroborating reporting as well.
This comment section is getting wild! 🫣
I am loving every minute of it!
Mentioning Giles coren means you are a deranger. No one seriously thinks he started anything when Twitter screencaps with time stamps can prove it was Dan Wootton and others who started this discussion.
Pics of rose line rota rat pockets and cam has been in bed with the rota almost as long as she has been in Charles’s bed. Featuring rose also spites Will-not. Win. Win.
“cam has been in bed with the rota almost as long as she has been in Charles’s bed”
That’s the key to the code for A LOT of what’s been going on…
That’s true IG – I’ve always thought she’s the biggest viper in the nest.
Why is the husband laughing his head off and Rose looks nervous if not a bit terrified. She looks like she is hanging on to her husband for security, and he’s paying no attention whatever and finding something just hilarious. Since the family has an inherited position at “court” I believe they’ve always appeared at things like state dinners and state occasions. Rose and her husband would have started attending when her husband inherited the title.
Rose is a woman who strode down the hallway at a state banquet at Buckingham Palace with Sarah Vine, of all people, in the midst of the affair rumors. Shy and terrified she is not!
To me the body language from Rose is that she is avoiding looking directly at any cameras and wants to get out asap. First time I have seen them linking arms, and this is to show the world that they are STILL together. David Rocksavage is putting on a fake laugh to make it look as though they are terribly happy and at very much at ease.
I think Cams is bringing Rose into the fold publicly because she (and everyone in that circle) knows K is done. It does seem like the Rocksavages marriage is solid, but they might agree to a new arrangement if it means Rose would be Queen. Cams is probably trolling W with all this chumminess, but I think her moves are more focused on ‘saving’ the monarchy by brokering a deal that aristos would find appealing.
I think she is absolutely just trolling him.
I mean Rose isn’t an ugly woman by a long shot but…striking? Really???
Also kinda weird (general comment- not against you, Kaiser) people are trying to push her as some gorgeous, “good” alternative to Kate but…if rumors are true she still willingly participated in homewrecking (we can’t say “she didn’t know”…EVERYONE knows Prince William’s marital status)? She’s copying her sister wife’s (wooo the deja vu) copied pieces, which isn’t in a way of “I was inspired” but in away that screams “I can replace”?
I mean Kate can still suck it but to pretend Rose isn’t the other side of the same coin is wild. Put her and Kate face to face and you get the Pointing Spidermans. They’re both at the end of the day snobby “toffs”. No winners here.
lol Pointing Spiderman. This exactly though. All of these people are just awful. What a weird world they live in.
Haha Pointing SpiderMans! This whole situation is so gross, I’m beginning to feel bad for Kate. I really hope this isn’t a Cam 2.0.
Seems like a lot of people are super invested in Rose!
It’s funny bc Rose is part of the story of everything that happened to Harry and Meghan. When I try to explain to friends who don’t follow royal gossip everything that happened to the Sussexes while they were in the UK, I have to mention the rose rumors. She’s wrapped up in William’s betrayal against Harry(though William was already doing that anyways). She’s friends with Camilla. So I get the interest. It’s interesting to watch all these maneuvers by the royals and royal-adjacent. But yeah liking her style doesn’t mean we need to storm the castle for her or anything.
Kate isn’t a toff.
I would admit she has good style and pretty eyes but..that’s it. She looks like another versione of Kkhate, and I wouldn’t really call that striking, just very common looking.
Orders of the ‘Empire’….what empire? Benjamin Zephaniya promoted the change from empire to excellence for these awards and would not accept one until the empire was dropped. Many listened to his reasoning for this change and returned or did not accept medals.
I am going to do my best impression of WHoopi in the movie Ghost. Kate girl, you’re in danger.
This is strange, mistress queen the mentor. Rose Bush’s husband is alledged to be gay. See Paris Match French article from when his alledge lover was in trouble with law. If it is true he probably has no problem with his wife having lovers, male or female. They might be a lavender couple to use old language like their archaic institution.
Rose’s dear hubby is gay. Not bi. Not a metrosexual. GAY. Like so many of the upper crusty Hooray Henrys who marry someone in a quid pro quo so they can have children to carry on the family name. So you have to wonder when the rumors started about Will and Rose if they were a cover for Pegger and David. Who knows. Rose may be many things, but she is no dummy, and to give up her life for the fishbowl of being stuck walking behind Chuck and HRH the Tampon Queen is something I daresay is not in her Filofax. Meanwhile, where’s Kate?
Exactly. Kate’s marriage is nothing to be envied, but neither is this woman’s. A husband who is gay who has this whole other life in Paris. So the arrangement is she has discreet affairs to fill her needs. So Will needed the same thing for his desire to stray but not get out in the tabloids. A perfect couple for what it was: two bored, rich people hooking up for sex with an appropriate person in their social set. Unfortunately, for them the rumors got out there. She cheated with William while Kate was pregnant with Louis. What a class act William and Rose are.
She has beautiful eyes. I like her hair. Her stooped posture is worse than Kate’s, and that’s saying something. It looks like she’s put on a few pounds, which is why I think she looks prettier now than she did several years ago when her photos came out where she looked like a bird.
Agree with all of this , but I am most appalled because they trot out her son Oliver to be page boy whenever Charles needs his train carried . He is a teen , older than George , old enough to read and hear and understand all the rumours . He is a very beautiful boy ..both his twin and himself are definitely David Rocksavages progeny. Maybe he gets showcased more because his brother is the heir to the title and going to inherit the entire estate . Not by virtue of being born a few minutes earlier since they were C section babies..they picked Alexander because he was the heavier twin ..haha ..couldn’t make this up if I tried . That said it’s not healthy to have him trail the King in the wake of all these speculations about his mother.
I do NOT care for Kate but I also do not care for OVERVALUING Rose, her looks and intelligence, based on her being “a real aristocrat.” This is the same pathological elitist logic that was combined with racism to justify attacks on Meghan. It is also absurd to praise her intelligence based on her eyes. We don’t know if she’s intelligent. We have never heard her speak or express a single idea. A brief comment in an article, if it exists, is likely to be heavily edited.
I am black and disgusted by Kate’s racism but we have no reason to think this woman is any better, especially if she is a friend of this racist family.
We do know that whether Kate is extremely ill or worse, this woman is flaunting her intimacy with the royal family in a manner that is distasteful given the rumors of her affair with William. She appears to be following Camilla’s nasty playbook of dancing in the ballroom rather than just waiting in the wings for the first wife to divorce or die.
Pretty or not, and I do not find her beautiful in any way, dancing on another woman’s sick bed, grave or failed marriage is ugly behavior even if the woman herself is not a good person.
No matter how bad a woman is, it is also bad to court her family and husband while she is unable to present herself due to illness or death.
It is also grotesque to use your child to enter into a family when you know the mother of that child’s “friend” feels threatened by you and is sick or worse.
Everyone in this situation is awful including this Rose woman.
Spot on.
She worked for Michael Gove who is a Tory and a turd so that’s doesn’t say much for Rose.
Bingo. Save this comment for whenever people praise Rose. She’s an aristocrat friend of theirs which means she’s made of the same garbage values that you’ll find in Camilla, Charles, and William. An institution rotten at the core.
Totally agree with this. She is very good friends with “ niggling feelings “ Sarah Vine. Her wedding to Rocksavage was a shotgun wedding. I don’t get people thinking she’s a better alternative to Kate because carrying on with William shows bad judgment, and trying to sue Colbert over her bad judgment shows hubris and stupidity, especially after most of her circle and the entire Rota knows what happened there.
I agree with a lot of the posters on the current Peg centered news cycle is Camilla’s doing. These aristos are durrty and messy.
Diana called it, the Queen knew it-Chuckles would end it.
Wonder if Rose knows where her good friend Kate is?