While Prince Harry and Nigeria’s Princess Meghan were in Nigeria last week, they did a quiet event with Save the Children’s operations in the country. They met with Nigeria’s Save the Children youth ambassadors and checked in on the work being done. The whole event was set up by Misan Harriman, the photographer and friend who traveled with them on the trip. Misan is the Save the Children global ambassador, and he invited them to meet with the youth ambassadors.
Save the Children’s press release about the event is spectacular – go here to read. They highlight the dangers faced by Nigerian children, from early childhood disease, poverty, internally displaced children, gender-based violence, lack of access to education and child-marriage. Save the Children is also working on an immunization program in Nigeria because there are high rates of “zero dose children,” kids who have never received a routine immunization. That issue is right up Harry and Meghan’s alley, given the work they did with the Covid vaccine. Archewell also donated to Save the Children as part of the humanitarian flood response in Nigeria.
Thank you Prince Harry and Meghan for joining us in Nigeria to learn more about how we ensure children don’t just survive but thrive ❤️ pic.twitter.com/yxBHgWvL8u
— Save the Children UK (@savechildrenuk) May 16, 2024
Reflecting on the past weekend, we're excited to share these highlights from the basketball clinic in Ilupeju with Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. pic.twitter.com/ZtRPgWt10d
— Giants of Africa (@GiantsOfAfrica) May 15, 2024
Photos courtesy of Save the Children.
- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex meet with Save the Children staff and Youth Ambassadors, Maryam (23) and Purity (19) during their visit to Abuja, Nigeria. Prince Harry and Meghan learnt about the charity’s youth-led advocacy addressing issues ranging from early marriage and to gender-based violence, access to education and healthcare, and the plight of internally displaced children. The Sussexes also heard about the charity’s partnership with GSK, which aims to drastically reduce the high numbers of ‘zero-dose’ children – ie those who have never received a route immunisation – through new immunisation programmes, a fund to support local organisations and innovators, and child-led advocacy.
- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex meet with Save the Children staff, Global Ambassador Misan Harriman and Youth Ambassadors Maryam and Purity during their visit to Abuja, Nigeria. Prince Harry and Meghan learnt about the charity’s youth-led advocacy addressing issues ranging from early marriage and to gender-based violence, access to education and healthcare, and the plight of internally displaced children. The Sussexes also heard about the charity’s partnership with GSK, which aims to drastically reduce the high numbers of ‘zero-dose’ children – ie those who have never received a route immunisation – through new immunisation programmes, a fund to support local organisations and innovators, and child-led advocacy.
Every day in every way they show the Windsors how it is done with grace, inclusion and style.
Absolutely 💯 🥹
This is so true. The beauty and generosity of their work is overwhelming.
FYI: Anne is The Royal Patron of Save the Children UK and was the President of Save the Children from 1970 to 2020 if my source is correct.
I wonder if she complained. I doubt it but I still wonder.
I don’t see her stepping into that quagmire.
Anne isn’t getting involved but I will guarantee you that a call will be placed from palace on this. I really hope organizations just tell them to f$&k it.
Anne strikes me as a “no more fcuks to give” kind of person, especial at her age, so I don’t think her nose is out of joint about this. She continues to work closely with Save the Children but I think her focus now is on the Patron’s Fund which is the arm of STC dedicated to fund-raising.
Hmm. If she does, I’m not sure we’d find out. But really Meghan and Harry visiting would help raise awareness and possibly fundraising. So it should be a win-win.
If she actually cares about the cause she’ll have no problem with this. From what I’ve heard she’s a no nonsens kind of woman. She’s already heard/read the then POW (now king Chuck) complains about their parents mistreatement of him in Dimbley’s book, seen the interview where he admitted to cheat on his wife etc. I doubt she thinks Harry’s interviews and book are any worse than what Chuck himself did to his parents.
On another note; I love that the UK branch of STC posted this film.
I too, doubt it. I think Anne genuinely cares about the mission of the program and has supported STC for over 50 years. As she approaches whatever her retirement is going to look like, she likely welcomes the attention that the Sussexes can bring to programs like this. I think it’s highly likely that the Sussexes spoke with Anne prior to the meeting. Heck, she might have even been instrumental in quietly making it happen.
The article clearly states that it was arranged by STC’s Global Ambassador Misan Harriman, who is a good friend of the Sussexes. So he is the one who was instrumental in making it happen. We don’t need to rush to assign credit for the Sussexes’ good works to members of the left behind royals or attach them to any organisation that the Sussexes visit. Harry and Meghan have never needed members of the royal family to help them make things happen. It is quite possible that Anne knew nothing about this visit.
Oh, I bet her nose was out of joint. She can take it up with Misan, he is the Save the Children global ambassador
I don’t think Anne has any problem whatsoever with Harry. In Spare, he wrote that she was the person who came to meet him when he arrived at Balmoral and took him to see the late Queen, which seems what any kind, reasonable aunt would do.
More importantly, although there was a media fuss about Harry sitting behind her at the Coronation and this was supposed to be a snub, there was one small picture in the Sunday Times magazine the weekend after the Coronation that showed Anne and her husband having what looked like a really friendly conversation with Harry, all of them were smiling and it seemed as though they had gone out of their way to be welcoming to him.
i don’t think Anne would be upset by this. She is the only one over there with a damn brain in her head.
Royalists did, on the charity’s tweet about the visit, so STCUK had to restrict the replies.
Wealthy, healthy, happy, fulfilled, doing good work.
Dumb*ss, jealous, petty, racist windsors.
You could’ve had a bad b**ch.
The Windsors are surrounded by every type of measurable wealth; literal castles, land, jewels, cars, helicopters, etc. But they have jealous, grasping natures, always looking with suspicion and rage towards anyone who has something that they don’t. The Sussexes have that incredible combination of glamour and generosity that can’t be bought, so it is unattainable to the Windsors.
Harry and Meghan do charity work because they want to. The Windsors do it to justify their position.
I’m not surprised that they did a private visit.
I’m crying. They just…inspire. Lovely.
They always make time to go the extra mile these two. They prove that service is universal. They put the Windsors to shame.
These NGO’s are doing God’s work all over the Global South. There is currently a brutal, bloody civil war raging in Sudan, resulting in thousands of displaced adults and children and a massive famine. We hear nothing about it in North America and Europe but the NGO’s like Save the Children are doing the work. We should all help if we can.
Sudan is a former British colony which has experienced continuous violence and trauma since the British left them in a deplorable state. It’s a very familiar post colonial story.
A beautiful photo and wonderful statement. And a message to the RF – stop whining and just do it.
Show up, do good.
Service is universal.
It’s so easy, even if you’re tired after long flights and short nights, to touch people’s hearts and change their lives for the better.
H&M are so well-matched in everything they do, be it their philanthropic efforts, or just by being the kind souls that they are.
(and, on a superficial note, I love that M wore the Anine Bing top that she first wore in Düsseldorf)
I am in awe of all that Princess Meghan and Prince Harry can accomplish in 3 short days. It is so inspiring.
Those videos are so lovely: the voices, the faces.
Unlike the other royals, Harry and Meghan always center the organizations they’re supporting and they’re so impactful.
I look at these clips and all I could think is William could NEVER! Diana has reincarnated herself in Harry and Meghan.
So happy they visited, the Sussexes make it look easy but that was a long packed weekend ❤
Well, as the BM were all saying yesterday, “Charles must put a stop to that!” After all, he can’t have Meghan and Harry going around highlighting these worthy charities and contributing so their work can continue. No more invitations to commonwealth countries again. Then, Charles and William will feel better, and the charities will just, oh who knows and who cares about them. The important thing is that Charles and William feel better about themselves, after all, they have so little.
@swaz You are right. The Sussexes do make it look easy. Meghan is just perfect for this kind of work, she knows exactly what to say and how to handle diverse situations without showing awkwardness at all. Even though she must have felt weary she has the capacity to always look as fresh as a daisy and make everyone feel special. So ironic that Harry said that as soon as he met her he knew that she would be perfect partner for someone in his position and with his responsibilities.
Princess Diana’s greatest gift to the world is Harry. He is so very conscious of her impact and holds his mom in such high esteem. He is doing the very best that he can to continue her work while creating a legacy of good work for himself.
They were busy! Love this so much.
Cue the outrage about “How dare they! and ” Overshadowing something something!” Meanwhile back here on planet Earth, Harry and Meghan just keep it moving.
It is worth re reading the Earl Spencer’s eulogy for his sister. It will tug on your heart strings but it is also so true of Harry… he does not need a title for his special form of magic. I remember that day well, as he was speaking the silence and shock in the Abbey was tangible… when finished people inside were silent until people outside started clapping… as I say… worth revisiting or visiting if you have not read it in full.
I’d bet there’s been a spike in traffic to the eulogy over the past week. It’s fresh in everyone’s mind again.
LRB, I, too, remember that day and the suppressed anger in his voice. It was clear that he directed his anger towards the Windsors. I agree that if anyone hasn’t seen that speech, they should look it up. It was powerful.
It was awesome, and he said it all right to QEII’s face. I’ll never forget it.
I love the Sussexes as much as everybody else here. This tour was a smash success and we love to see it! One thing I notice from the pics, though, is the ladies in Nigeria tend to dress modestly – I’m not seeing any bare shoulders other than Meghan’s. What do we think? Is it better to match the local vibe or keep doing your own thing? I feel like Kate would get criticized for this. But I also loathe Kate. Lol. I’m torn! It really stood out in the event where she wore the (stunning) white sheath and is surrounded by women in their colorful headwraps and dresses with sleeves, every one of them.
It is always patriarchy saying that women cannot show their arms or shoulders and are inviting lust from men by doing so. Here Meaghan indicates that good, generous women can show their arms. I think it’s fantastic.
It’s about respecting what makes people comfortable, Pajala. Nigerians usually cover their shoulders and decolletage. I don’t know why Missan didn’t explain this to Meghan. You don’t “fight the patriarchy” by not trying to make your hosts as comfortable as possible.
I think, Meghan wasn’t on an official governmental duty. So, she can wear what she wants, because she is the boss. She is representing her own charity. Remember, when Meghan was on official tours, she was dressing conservatively. If Kate goes there with her own money on no official business, she can dress how she wants as well. It is like you going to a business trip, you are gonna follow the company dress code of course. If you are the boss, no one can tell you what to wear.
I think that there is no collective “we think” here. I also think that @AM, you seem to be taking on a lot here, and even more if you are not yourself Nigerian — but have taken on the task of policing Meghan in the guise of making her Nigerian hosts comfortable. This stands out to me because my traditions focus on making GUESTS comfortable. This is particularly true when they are invited and very welcomed guests.
I also have a different idea of relationships. No, IMO, it’s not up to Missan to “ explain” this to Meghan. In my culture, this would very much look like overstepping.
So far, we know that Meghan and Harry were openly welcomed for who they are, to the point where Meghan was formally made a princess. So Meghan and her Nigerian hosts seem fine with each other. @AM, have you seen anything published by Meghan’s hosts that suggest otherwise? If not, maybe it’s a you thing — projecting your own issues in the guise of cultural sensitivity, for people who are perfectly capable of expressing themselves.
Blithe, I think you read the room correctly. I saw (and I can’t remember where) something about others trashing Princess Meghan because of what she wore. I wish people would think sometimes before they post. If the welcome we saw from EVERYONE during the Nigeria trip was something to go by? They had no problem with what she wore. I will take my cue from the Nigerians.
Meghan is meticulous about doing research before a trip. I can’t imagine she didn’t take local customs into account.
Being authentic to yourself is better. People can sense when you’re being inauthentic by treating their cultural clothing as a costume. She worked her normal style in with the gifts she received and that resonates better that way.
People on X took a swing at this, and it was a big miss. Lots of pics of other ladies with bare shoulders in Nigeria at the same events. However, I’ve never seen a gown woman flash her behind (and more) in public the way the POW consistently does. Completely vulgar. Meghan has class and tries to fit in, such as when she said she got the memo about wearing color so she was wearing red and then so sweetly wearing the blue skirt she was gifted the prior day.
Now that you mention it – that red Oríré dress had thin spaghetti straps, so almost bare shoulders. Other outfits on their website (“produced in small batches at our studio in Lagos, Nigeria”) have crop tops, dropped shoulders, halter tops, and spaghetti straps. Hard to go wrong shopping a Nigerian brand made locally. Seemed like everybody loved her wearing the blue skirt straight away.
Nigerians understand different people have different ways of doing things. I’m sure they were more focused on welcoming & working with Meghan & Harry.
Women in Nigeria these days wear what they want, especially if you visit Lagos and what you see can almost make your eyes pop at times. Meghan was on very safe ground with her outfits in my opinion.
How insane. Do they realize how ridiculous and out of touch they sound? Besides, Harry has a personal relationship with a handful of African countries- Lesotho and Botswana, for example, countries he has visited on behalf of Halo Trust, not to mention countries working with African Parks. His connection to certain African nations is deep and personal and genuine. Harry has not been particularly associated with Kenya, so Willy should claim it right away. Perhaps he should find some reason other than Jecca Craig and going on safari to visit the continent of Africa. And wasn’t William going to exile Harry to Africa?
You know what would be utterly hilarious?
If some of those charities who used to have ‘Royal Patrons’ but no longer do just invited Harry and/or Meghan to be Patrons.
After all, a charity can invite whoever they want to be a Patron or an Ambassador. If those people happen to be ‘Royal’, so what? The whole ‘Royal patron’ thing where the Palace doles them out to members of the family was only meant to be a way to manage the administration so that the charities ended up with one Royal each to avoid popular causes getting cherry-picked by several Royals and smaller or less popular causes getting none.
If the ‘Working Royals’ are no longer holding up that end of the bargain, and the non-working Royals get more press coverage and do more work anyway, why should the charities stick with that system?