Cele|bitchy | Gerard Butler isn’t going to jail, thank God

Gerard Butler isn’t going to jail, thank God


Damn, I had almost forgotten this happened. Back in October of 2008, Gerard Butler was charged with assault and battery for allegedly putting a beat-down on a paparazzo. The photographer claimed that Gerard pulled him out of his car and hit him in the face repeatedly with little to no provocation. Gerard’s side was that the guy was stalking him and driving recklessly, and that Gerard might have hit him once to get the guy off his tail. Something like that. Anyway, last May, Gerard was formally charged with a misdemeanor and it was announced that he could get up to six months in jail. Now an LA judge has dropped the charges against Gerry, thank God:

A Los Angeles judge has dropped charges against British actor Gerard Butler over a scuffle with a photographer after a premiere party in October 2008.

A court spokeswoman said a misdemeanour battery charge was dropped after the actor, 40, finished community service.

The incident took place on 7 October 2008 after Butler, the star of war epic 300 and romantic comedy Ugly Truth, left a party for his film RocknRolla.

He faced up to six months if convicted. His lawyer has declined to comment.

Mr Butler’s manager had said the star’s driver was forced to stop the car after the photographer raced through red lights, narrowly avoiding two pedestrians.

[From BBC]

It seems kind of sudden for the charges to be dropped right now, doesn’t it? Well, Now Magazine reports that Gerry’s lawyer and the photographer’s lawyer might have worked out a settlement out of court. A spokesperson for the LA City Attorney’s Office told E! News: “The matter was resolved with a dismissal as a result of a civil compromise. The defendant settled with the victim, and also completed 50 hours of community service, which we required. Everything has concluded.” Jesus! Gerard did 50 hours of community service without me noticing? I’m such a bad stalker. I wonder how much money Gerard had to pay the guy? Probably in the 6-figures, right?

In just one more Gerard Butler-related note, he’s been confirmed to present at the Golden Globes two weekends from now. I wonder if he’ll work out a little and try to look less like a dude who has spectacularly let himself go?

Gerard Butler in Barbados on January 3, 2010. Credit: INFphoto.com


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13 Responses to “Gerard Butler isn’t going to jail, thank God”

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  1. MizzExpert says:

    OK, what’s with the butt crease? Love handles, maybe; butt crease~never! You’ve got to find yourself a new love! Come on down Grandpa!

  2. Mari says:

    whoohoo! Pass the celebratory flan!

    My bet is that he will loose about 10 lbs before the Globes. He tends to lose and gain quickly.

  3. lucy2 says:

    Holy moly, he looks terrible. He’s totally hit or miss for me – sometimes really hot, other times icky, never an in between. This is an icky time.

    Pretty sick that some paparazzi antagonize celebs to the breaking point, and then turn around and sue them. Not saying he should have assaulted him, but you know the guy did or said something that pushed too far.

  4. Bam Bam says:

    That can’t be the same guy that was in “300” where did all the muscle go! Chubby!

  5. journey says:

    i’d prefer to think that gerard hunted the pap down, slammed him up against the wall, till his little pap-feet dangled in the air, then snarled at him that “a couple punches were nothin, buddy. you keep pursuing this case and i WILL put the hurt on you!”
    because paps shouldn’t be rewarded with 6-figures for being stupid jerks and endangering peoples’ lives.

  6. wow says:

    I’m over the pink trunks and butt crease. I’m in love again.

  7. Mari says:

    @ Journey- great imagery! You had me all in giggles =)

  8. Eileen Yover says:

    Still yummy. I’d still do him in a New York Minute.

  9. Firestarter says:

    He may not be going to jail, but he should be going to the gym.

  10. LolaBella says:

    @journey: LOL @ ‘little pap feet dangled in the air’. I could just imagine this scenario and the pap totally drenched in Gerry’s spittle.

    Gerry now reminds me of Russell Crowe’s ‘situation’ after Gladiator.

  11. Goddess711 says:

    Smart pap – he’s probably going to live a cushy life with guanteed retirement plan.
    Damn – does this mean I have to get rid of the conjugal visit with Gerard fantasy?

  12. sonola trip says:

    I wonder what his 50 hours of community service was.

  13. Sage Mcvey says:

    nice post, i think this would be the book i would want to read if i were going to read up on cold reading, thanks