The Mail is still desperately scandalizing the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour

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The Nigerian government, specifically Nigeria’s Defense department, invited the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Nigeria and the government organized the trip and their security, with input from the Sussexes, Archewell and Invictus. Everything went smoothly, despite the hysterics and racist angst from Britain. The Sussexes jammed about two dozen events and meetings into a three-day trip, and that’s including travel. The tour was a wild success and the Sussexes reportedly received other invitations to conduct similar tours in other countries. Well, the British media is still freaking out about every single part of the Nigerian tour, and they’ve been furiously trying to find some flaw, some mistake, some association which they can exploit to make the Sussexes’ trip look “bad.” It took them more than a week, but here it is:

Meghan and Prince Harry were flown around Nigeria for free by an airline whose chairman is a fugitive wanted in the US. Dr. Allen Onyema, founder of Nigerian airline Air Peace, provided the Sussex’s with free flights during their three day tour of Nigeria to celebrate 10 years of Harry’s Invictus Games.

However exclusively revealed that he is also a wanted man in the US, facing multiple charges linked to millions of dollars’ worth of alleged fraud set down in a federal indictment filed in November 2019. Stanley Olisa at Air Peace said the Sussexes were given the ‘complimentary flights’ by the CEO, along with ‘everything they wanted’ because ‘they are royals’.

The indictment accuses Onyema of allegedly ‘using his status as a prominent business leader and airline executive to launder more than $20million from Nigeria through US bank accounts’.

[From The Daily Mail]

So, there you go. The Sussexes flew on Air Peace planes, whose founder is under indictment in the US. Imagine trying to exploit this just to make the Sussexes look bad. Hey, it’s not like the Sussexes spent Christmas with a credibly accused pedophile, a man who spent millions of dollars paying off his victim in an out of court settlement. Oh, wait, the Windsors did that. Anyway, the Daily Beast has an exclusive from “Sussex sources” about this Nigerian flight issue.

Sources in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s camp have defended the couple after claims were made in the Daily Mail that they were flown around Nigeria for free “by an airline whose chairman is a fugitive wanted in the U.S.”

The Mail said that the founder of Nigerian airline Air Peace, Dr. Allen Onyema, which provided the Sussexes with air transport during their tour of Nigeria, is wanted in the US, “facing multiple charges linked to millions of dollars’ worth of alleged fraud set down in a federal indictment filed in November 2019.”

But a source close to Meghan and Harry, speaking to The Daily Beast, has now sought to put the allegations in context, noting that the couple’s travel within Nigeria was organized by the Nigerian Chief of Defense Staff. The source also pointed out that Air Peace is the largest airline in Nigeria and West Africa, and has daily flights from Lagos to Britain’s London Gatwick airport.

The Mail also reports that at least one of the regional kings whom Harry and Meghan met has had major tussles with U.S. law enforcement; Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi, the 56-year-old Oluwo of Iwoland in Western Nigeria, has been jailed and deported twice from the U.S. and convicted of fraud.

[From The Daily Beast]

So, Nigeria’s Defense department organized the flights taken by the Sussexes and pretty much everyone uses Air Peace to get to and from Nigeria and fly within Nigeria. Basically, everyone who’s ever taken an Air Peace flight is now suspect, right?? Guilty by association! I can’t believe that the Mail whined and cried for days and the only thing they could come up with is “but the Nigerian planes!”

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57 Responses to “The Mail is still desperately scandalizing the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour”

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  1. Kathalea says:

    ‘Royal’ Nigerian tour, as they love to call it 🤣😂

    They are really salty about this one

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    This trip truly has them is absolutely glorious.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      How much money has the BRF laundered with their bags of cash?

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        I came here to say just that. Isn’t Andrew (known rapist, unapologetic friend of human traffickers), afraid to go anywhere lest the FBI be lurking about to take him in for questioning? Chuckles is known to take in bags and suitcases of cash for his “charity” from truly questionable sources. No one is sure how much cash money Liz squirrelled away in off-shore accounts. The family takes in millions from Salty Isle’s hard-working taxpayers, the family owns vast tracks of real estate but still needs more money, and then there’s that rather pesky problem of being outed for being the petty, jealous, very much racist family, who launched utter vileness on purpose against Meghan. And all the mail can come up with $20M in fraud by a Nigerian, lol! Perhaps take a look over those fancy castle fences. Where’s Button Girl?

      • Elizabeth says:

        KCIII (while Prince of Wales), Pedo Andy, Prince Michael (from the Russians), and god knows who else.

  3. Bad Janet says:

    Charles took a million pounds from Osama Bid Ladens family. I literally do not care that the family disassociated themselves from their terrorist relative, because taking a gift of that size is completely inappropriate. And they wanna complain about Meghan accepting free make up as gifts and redistributing it to her staff, or taking a ride on a plane as part of a work appearance, but a million pounds in literal money and much more in actual gifts they aren’t supposed to take is ok? F*** off with these double standards.

    • Lily says:

      Let’s not forget the 80 million worth jewelry they got as gift that is not with the other in the royal collection wich is basicaly not theirs. No one asking them where it is how could they just take 80 million worth of jewelry and no one ask them but Harry and Meghan breath and they are screaming murder

  4. Miranda says:

    Damn, that’s the airline we flew on during our trip to West Africa! Should I just report to The Hague now?

    Wait, I’d better investigate first and make sure that no one on the board of KLM ever bounced a check.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They act like that publication and all its Royal and government minions are not criminals, or that they don’t associate with them frequently. I wish someone would go after the criminal Tory government like they do a family that lives in another country and actually pay taxes.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      @Miranda: you in trouble, Girl!

      • kirk says:

        Don’t know about reporting yourself to The Hague, but looks like US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Nigerian President Tinubu earlier this year, and US gov is sponsoring an AI conference in Lagos later this year. So whatever Camilla’s DailyFail has scoured the internet so diligently for doesn’t sound serious:

        Since I never give DailyFail my eyeballs for any reason, please feel free to share any valid update on what sounds like a dusty old indictment involving alleged phony letters of credit that US gov is not pursuing with any vigor whatsoever. 😒

    • Oh come on. says:

      @ Miranda 🎯

  5. Lily says:

    Cool now can we scrutinise the so called “working royals” as much as the British media scrutinise everything Harry does? Cause if we did Britain might actually consider becoming a republic

  6. Feebee says:

    I couldn’t help but think isn’t Prince Andrew also wanted for a chat by the FBI? Granted not “wanted” wanted but still.

    The daily fail never ceases to find new ways to surprise.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Oh my god. Yes. Their senior royal who led the way into church is wanted by the FBI.

      Anyone who attends the Church of England better submit to the FBI.

  7. Scooby Gang says:

    So if the Toxic British Media had been allowed access to cover this NOT a royal tour, would they have flown the same airline?

    • one of the marys says:

      Excellent question. Are they now campaigning to have Air Peace banned from landing in London? From British air space?

  8. Jen CF says:

    Yeah, the Brits are trying to scare off other countries that might want to invite the Sussexes for an Invictus trip. Such haters!

    • Dee(2) says:

      Is it really going to be successful though? Since leaving the EU Britain has had to redo a lot of trade agreements, some to less than favorable terms than they had previously. I really don’t think that the gravitas and weight is there anymore to really throw around to these countries to threaten them. I mean what are they threatening them with? Loss of access to the royal family? Okay. This is where their hubris and longing for the empire really gets them in trouble, you can’t keep acting like you are the Britain from 1920 in 2024.

    • May says:

      @jencf, that was my first thought. They (the royals, British media…) have been unsuccessful at stopping the Sussexes’ association with Invictus and their efforts on its behalf so they are targeting the countries they visit.

  9. Joanne says:

    Doesn’t that same airline fly into Heathrow? Does that make the Windsors complicit for allowing that to happen?

  10. val says:

    Babyyyyyyy! One thing us Nigerians love is some pizzaz, and the Duke and Duchess, brought it. Kate and baldy could never, and they know this which is why they are screaming at the ocean.
    Bwahaaaa, I am loving every second of their jealousy!

  11. Chantal1 says:

    To the BM – “Shut up already, damn!” – intro to Housequake, another underappreciated jam by the late great Prince (Sign o’The Times album).

    I guess the BM are desperately clinging to this latest false narrative bc the Sussexes are back in the states and who knows how long it will be before they make another public appearance for the BM to have more conniptions over. I am really enjoying the real time “fact checking” of these bs non scandals that’s been happening lately, which further decimates the BM’s credibility.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I’ve been wondering if we were going to get some more Jam on Instagram or just a live ARO site soon.

  12. They are angry that they have no control of the Sussexes so they try to find something bad to attach to them. I believe that the man who owns the airline has been cleared after the investigation but that’s a detail they leave out.

  13. Chantal1 says:

    To the BM – “Shut up already, damn!” – intro to Housequake, another underappreciated jam by the late great Prince (Sign o’The Times album).

    I guess the BM are desperately clinging to this latest false narrative bc the Sussexes are back in the states and who knows how long it will be before they make another public appearance for the BM to have more conniptions over. I am really enjoying the real time “fact checking” of these bs non scandals that’s been happening lately, which further decimates the BM’s increasingly limited credibility.

  14. Lili says:

    he was aquited of what wever charge was levied at him, but BRF don’t deal in facts

  15. Amy Bee says:

    This is lame. No wonder this story went nowhere.

  16. Irene says:

    Can’t be much of an issue for our (Tory) government as Air Peace has started flying into Gatwick, London.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Ohh be careful, one must not mention the Tories in any way but fawning. /s

  17. Eurydice says:

    I like how H&M’s comm team are hitting back right away now, instead of just letting stories like this fester.

  18. Brassy Rebel says:

    The YouTube algorithm is sending me deranger videos all day every day. They are big MAD about this trip. The really weird thing is they accept the whole premise of royalty to drag H&M but never question the privilege, entitlement, and arrogance of the Left Behinds. And many of these people are American! I can’t understand how they rationalize their love for the monarchy and their unwillingness to extend any grace to the Sussexes who were mistreated by it. It’s not just the British media spreading these toxic narratives as we all know.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Many of those people hold up the monarchy as a symbol of whiteness. Hence the hatred towards Harry and Meghan.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        True. Unfortunately, some of them are Black. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • sevenblue says:

        @Brassy Rebel, don’t some black people embrace the white superiority for many reasons (self hatred, money, attention, etc.)? There are many black commentators in USA who are talking sh*t about black people on fox news.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Brassy Rebel: Even some black people are white supremacists.

      • Beverley says:

        Some of the staunchest white supremacists are indeed Black. I can’t even begin to explain it (being Black myself). It’s a strange pathology.

    • sevenblue says:

      They hated Meghan when she was silent too. They are angry a black woman married into the family seen as the symbol of white superiority. That is why they want her and her children to lose their titles, so they can have their only white royal family again.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      I hate that it happens to me if I watch anything related to the Sussexes on YT. It’s like the Amber Heard h@te machine for profit. It’s sickening.

      I reported one channel that is after their kids. I don’t know how the Sussexes deal with this level of hatred for their babies. I would be in mama bear mode constantly and not want to leave the house.

    • Little Red says:

      This happened to me too after I watched a half hour clip of them in NYC last fall.

  19. Nanea says:

    … but it’s completely cool that Queen Side Chick took invaluable pieces of jewellery from Mr Bone Saw.

    TPB was in Nigeria only ~ 2 weeks before H&M… and probably walked everywhere. He’s lucky though no one ever demanded justice for his providing people with their drugs of choice. Shock horror, King Chorizo fingers’ stepson was a dealer. For years.

    And just don’t mention a government where so many people fail to pay taxes to the tune of several million, where friends of the Tories get contracts worth billions, where the King’s step-nephew has been doing shady deals with Russia that netted him millions.

    And the owner of the Fail is a non dom.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Nanea, I didn’t know that TPB was in Nigeria two weeks before the Sussexes. Why was he there? Nothing suspicious about that??????

  20. Jas says:

    Wow. They’re really digging deep and they’re still not coming up with anything much. The hatred is out the gate.

  21. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I think the bm should be a little careful about calling out people for supposed ‘crimes’. Let’s see, was Boris Johnson ever tried for his parties during the pandemic? What about good ole Simon Case?

    I guess the difference is that the UK knows about the crime but doesn’t prosecute. That makes it better?????

    You know what they say about living in glass houses.

  22. phlyfiremama says:

    I don’t recall (since I don’t read the Mail(, but were they this scandalized about Chump being liable for $450 million dollars of fraud money, or do they just have a problem with the black guy?? Hmmm.

  23. Madchester says:

    This is so rich while they mostly ignore Michelle Mone, the hundreds of millions of PPE scandal. House of the Lords issues
    Bags of cash. All the nonce associations, Andrew, Peter Ball, Mountbatten, Lauren Van der post, Saville etc etc
    But sure, the airplane

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    LOl, this all they got?

  25. Vanessa says:

    The British media has been trying to make a scandal of Meghan and Harry trip to Nigeria since the Announcement. The British media has try to make that check story into a scandal it fell flat within hours and the governor of California spoke up for Meghan and Harry .Then they try to make a big deal about Meghan and Harry getting gifts only for people to bring up all of the free cash Charles has accepted the iPhones that William and Kate got from apple . The British media try to use the same smeared playbook tacit they did in 2019 and it’s not working only the Karen crowd believe this nonsense narrative.

  26. Debbie says:

    I’d like to break it to the Daily Fail and Daily Beast as gently as possible, but do they know who else the U.S. government would like to have a word with? Why, it’s Prince Andrew. Or, as the BM would put it, “It can be revealed that the United States government wants to question Andrew in connection with his dealings with convicted criminal Jeffrey Epstein.” How’s that?

  27. bisynaptic says:

    “Dr. Allen Onyema, founder of Nigerian airline Air Peace, provided the Sussex’s (sic) with free flights…”
    —Do the editors of the Daily Mail also not know how to make nouns plural?