Prince Harry was in London for three nights two weeks ago and he didn’t see his father, and the royal establishment cannot shut up about it. I’ve lost count of how many different stories/lies have been briefed to royal reporters, suffice to say that King Charles’s story keeps changing. King Charles refused to meet with Prince Harry because of Camilla, then Charles hated Harry and would never allow a rival royal operation on his doorstep, then Charles was mad that Harry didn’t beg to see him, then Charles was mad that he was being forced to brief against Harry constantly, then Prince William’s people even said that Charles was gaslighting Harry, then after all that, the palace was like: we even offered Harry a place to stay and Harry could have met his father, but Harry chose not to. Well, the Telegraph has an exclusive piece with yet another version.
The Duke of Sussex turned down an invitation from his father to stay at a royal residence earlier this month because of security concerns, The Telegraph understands. Prince Harry, 39, spent three nights in London when he flew from California to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games but did not see the King. He is said to have made several personal requests for a meeting but on arrival in the UK, issued a statement stating that he and his father would not meet. He suggested it was because the King was too busy.
However, Charles, 75, did agree to a request from his younger son to stay at an undisclosed royal residence, aware that he no longer has an official UK home. Had the invitation been accepted, it may have provided an opportunity to spend some time together outside of their hectic schedules.
The Duke declined because the offer did not come with any security provision, meaning he would have been staying in a visible location with public entrance and exit points and no police protection. Instead, he chose to stay at a hotel, as he has done on all recent visits, meaning he could come and go unseen.
Royal residences are among the best protected properties in the country, with armed officers stationed at the gates. However, the Duke’s primary concern is the level of security he is afforded outside.
The Duke remains devastated about the withdrawal of his right to automatic police protection, which has become one of the biggest barriers to reconciliation with his father.
I have no idea if this is coming from Charles’s people or Harry’s people, but I suspect it’s a little bit of both. Buckingham Palace clearly ran to Roya Nikkhah at the Times after Harry left town, and they planted the seed of this, that Charles did invite Harry to stay at a royal property. Given what the Telegraph claims now, I would guess that Harry was offered a room in St. James’s Palace rather than Buckingham Palace or Clarence House. There is more foot traffic around SJP and the lack of security would have made for a dangerous situation for Harry. The security issue should not be underestimated here – given Charles’s visible panic and fury, he would absolutely put Harry in a dangerous position to “teach Harry a lesson.” Harry saw the trap and the risk and stepped away. The fact that Charles’s people were briefing the press about Harry staying at a hotel while Harry was physically in the UK tells you all you need to know about how little Charles cares about his son’s safety.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.
- King Charles III speaks to guests attending a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, London. Picture date: Wednesday May 8, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Garden.,Image: 871230151, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jordan Pettitt / Avalon
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arriving at the Invictus Games 10th Anniversary Service at St Paul’s Cathedral in London, England. UK. Wednesday 8th May 2024 -,Image: 871355456, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NORESTRICTIONS, Model Release: no, Pictured: Invictus Games 10th Anniversary, Credit line: JW / Bang Showbiz / Avalon
- King Charles III during The Sovereign’s Creative Industries Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, London, in celebration of the Creative Industries of the United Kingdom. The Garden Party will bring together approximately 4,000 representatives across culture, art, heritage, film, TV, radio and fashion. Picture date: Wednesday May 15, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Garden. Photo credit should read: Yui,Image: 873330398, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Yui Mok / Avalon
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla during The Sovereign’s Creative Industries Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, London, in celebration of the Creative Industries of the United Kingdom. The Garden Party will bring together approximately 4,000 representatives across culture, art, heritage, film, TV, radio and fashion. Picture date: Wednesday May 15, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Garden. Photo credit should read: Yui,Image: 873330423, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Yui Mok / Avalon
- Guests arrive to attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Prince Harry Duke of Sussex attending a St Paul’s Cathedral service to mark the Invictus Games’ tenth anniversary in London, UK. Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
Definitely a trap. Definitely tried to put Harry in danger. Why are they admitting this?
Trap. And they are admitting it because they aren’t smart or strategic.
Most of us were worried before this even happened, like months before, that this was going to be their attempt to trap Harry into a dangerous position.
Welp. Looks like we were right again, kids
One of the post-view babbles stated that KFC, Side Queen and Huevo do NOT want Harry or his family in the UK at all—that little gem sounded a whole lot more like the truth than anything else that bunch have screeched to the tabs.
I am so weary of these demonic cult members trying to off those who escaped the cult. Harry had discernment as i believe they want him dead. I would not put it past those demons.
He does not trust them! Not even his own raggedy A22 father! I don’t blame him!
They wonder why Meghan doesn’t voluntarily put herself in danger by going to the UK to stay longer than a few minutes at the airport to catch her next flight to somewhere else.
I agree it was a trap. They want him gone like Diana. They know very well he needs security and they offered none.
Harry already knew they would offer something unacceptable so went with his own plans as it was supposed to be all along. They made it so clear that he is not welcome, why the hypocrisy?
I personally don’t believe Harry asked to stay at a royal residence and don’t believe Charles offered anything. Also, don’t believe he’s been staying at a hotel. At all. If he was, the BM/BRF would quickly name the place.imo
They want to know where he’s staying and giving him protection. Harry is sticking his fingers in his ears saying, “I can’t hear you.”. Blablabla you MF’ers.
I’m sure Charles felt all his probelms were solved when Diana died 😒😒 The Windsors are so predictable, they keep using the same old playbook 😒😒
Harry needs a sabbatical from visiting there.
Please, he’s barely ever there. Harry knows what he’s doing.. He goes when HE chooses and stays where he wants. How many days in the last 4 years has he been there? The longest was when the Queen died. He knows better than any of us do.
Thank you @Wagiman.
Im so annoyed when I see gullibility on display and evidence of the extent to which the attention-span of human beings is being reduced to that of a gnat.
People cant seem to hold info on their brain for too long a period.
Jeebus Christus! Help us!
Anyhooooo, after reading Spare I hv no doubt that:
– Harry the soldier, who pointed out that the leftovers and their collaborators in the shitmedia had begun to use the language of war in reference to him and his wife leaving;
– Harry the soldier who was trained in the art of war;
– Harry the Prince who told us many truths BETWEEN THE LINES of the tales he related in Spare and about the relatives he grew up with, one of which was how he made sure not to drink/get drunk/become in any way diminished in awareness at his own stag party because Bully had threatened to shave him, with help from his sycophants; and another of which was the detailed steps he took to investigate his mother’s death and the things he DID NOT tell us about what he found out;
– Harry the man who has not allowed himself to eat or sleep on royal property since leaving;
– and Harry the husband and father who said he will never bring his family to visit britain until and unless he has the security he wants;
will always be steps ahead of his enemies because he knows them and their playbook way better than they know him.
absolutely correct, Kingston and Wagiman! and let’s not forget what happened in NYC. they are trying to Diana him. and it is not going to work.
One day there is too much .
I don’t want to say yes, but I can’t say no.
So did Harry request or was it an invitation? I dont get it,anyways good for Harry,his own security probably stand outside of his doors and are in adjacent rooms to make him feel safe. Who knows what cameras and bugs would be placed in Royal accommodations to monitor him.
Neither. Harry has always had safe/secure places for him to stay. He hasn’t been asking for a place to stay. That’s covered. Charles isn’t offering him a place to stay because he knows Harry would say no thanks, you evicted me from Frogmore Cottage, a place my wife and I loved and rehabbed. No other place feels right or safe.imo
Does Charles think he’s doing something here? Bc this makes him look worse. Yeah, he offered Harry a place to stay but it wasn’t secure as soon as Harry walked out the door. And he has no security the second he steps out that door. Yeah, this is not a good look for Charles. And why does he need a place to stay? Bc Charles evicted his family from a house that now just lies there empty and presumably loses the crown estate money every month someone is not paying rent.
Because H&M paid rent for the use of that home. The money they invested in restoring to a habitable family home. That money was not offered to be returned. So the pissy crown got a total overhaul of an uninhabitable crown property and lease paid in advance with no refund. They are dodgy crooks even with their own family
Harry feels safer staying at a hotel than in one of the royal residences. And this is what Charles wants the world to know?
Lets not swallow the narrative pushed by the usual suspects on Shithole Isle that H stays in a hotel whenever he visits britain.
If that were true, by now they wd have ferreted out that hotel. I am sure the vermin hv checked every possible hotel in London and its environs and hv realized that in fact, he does not stay at hotels when he visits.
Both H&M but especially H have hi profile friends in england who operate under the radar so there are any number of highly secure homes that H could stay at when he visits.
Agree with @Kingston. Pretty sure Harry does not use any hotel there. They would have found out a long time ago. Harry knows where to go and whom to trust..
Let’s not forget that Diana chose the not have security from the Firm because they were not to be trusted.
In her case a damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Harry knows and refuses to allow the Firm to win.
The only thing a Cult will not forgive is leaving the Cult.
This is more BS from the Firm and its Partners in Crime.
Why are they still talking? Harry’s a grown-ass man and can decide where he wants to stay.
Why are they still talking? Right? They should really know when to quit but they just can’t help themselves from digging in deeper. The more they talk is just indicative of how mad Charles was/is.
They clearly wanted to park Harry in a place where the press could monitor and harass his coming and goings and turn his visit into a circus that would overshadow IG. Harry has also spoken openly about how triggering the flashes of cameras and being chased are for him. So on top of triggering him and endangering him they were also planning to work with their press pets rub in how they were snubbing the event. As always with these people the cruelty is the point.
Harry side stepped all of it. As soon as he landed his spokesperson killed speculation by stating he would not be seeing his father. He stayed at a unknown hotel so we only discovered some of the things he did like visiting Scotty soldiers after he left the UK. The rest of his visit was private and peaceful. Additionally the Spencers showed up and highlighted what a shitty family the Windsors are. The Spencers attending the IG thanksgiving event and the veterans themselves were the lead story not Charles and his manufactured mess.
They had a plan for how they would ruin his London trip and it failed. Then the Sussexes had a great time in Nigeria while Charles looked like the shitty dad he is. They can’t stop talking about it because they are insanely pissed by their failure, how powerless they are to hurt the Sussexes, and that the Charles and Willy continue to look bad because they can’t control the narrative anymore.
B, I said in a post sometime in the last few days, the brf thought they had the power in the relationship with H&M. The Spencers and Nigeria taught them differently.
Exactly @Saucy&Sassy! They are no longer in the power position and have no idea how to conduct themselves. They are still swaggering around bragging about snubs and not inviting Harry and Meghan to this and that like it means something. All that does is increase their irrelevance because the world doesn’t care what they do if its not connected to the Sussexes.
He travels with his own, unarmed security detail. Perhaps they were denied lodging adding to the security risk. If true, this was a set up.
Those burly guys I see with H and M are unarmed!!??? Geez,I thought they were just denying him their protection I didnt think they ones he uses personally go unarmed.
Harry’s security can be armed in the US and some other countries, but not in the UK.
That’s the Catch-22 iirc, Why he wants to pay for his own security.
Only the Met security officers are allowed to be armed in the UK and Harry was denied the use of armed security by none other than his own f*cking father and that lizard Sir Edward Young. Even though Harry offered to reimburse all costs. SMH…
More proof of Harry’s intelligence and C-Rex’s idiocy. Keep outwitting those morons, Harry! None of them can be trusted. Everybody’s a suspect!
An “unfortunate accident” certainly would have happened after the palace briefed the BM and the BM ran 50-11 articles stating Harry’s exact location with a handy map and directions. Chuck would keep on playing a doddering old fool confused as to how an accident could have happened. Willy Nilly would lay claim to Invictus and Africa. Camilla would throw a special Adulterers Unite party for her press buddies and also invite her ex husband and Rose.
C&C, W and the BM are truly evil. And Charles sucks all day everyday and twice on Sundays.
@chantal1 “ Willy Nilly would lay claim to Invictus and Africa.” Nothing ever sounded more truthful than this. And it would be considered a respected motif, I believe.
Invictus is its own entity complete with a board of directors. If anyone gets ownership of it, wouldn’t it be Meghan or a board member? I don’t see how Willie can just walk right in and take over.
KC3’s insecurity about his precious status is pathetic.
Have there been such stories from other crown princes & kings about their children? I haven’t heard of any.
I think Harry is far better off making his own arrangements from a practical perspective & the added bonus of winding up Chaz & Billy Idle. 😉
Who would have thought that CIII is aware that Harry no longer has a home. It’s not like he didn’t take Frogmore away from H&M, or something.
As to the rest of the story: H spokesman said something while H was in London, and hasn’t reacted since.
But BP, mainly, have been putting out a new story nearly every day since. Or, like H said, the BM don’t report the news, they create the news. Some paper gets a tip from someone, another gets a tip from someone else, so a third paper combines those stories, and this inspires another person at BP/KP to react, which then results in version 4.
Rinse and repeat.
The BM really must be bored out of their minds, as the UK seems to be nothing but sunlit uplands with blue skies, clear rivers and streams, and fields bursting with fresh produce right now – or they’d have to do some serious reporting about corrupt Royals and Tories destroying what’s left of the UK and similar unsavory stories.
“But BP, mainly, have been putting out a new story nearly every day since.”
And they’re going to KEEP putting out a new story every day, until one of them manages to gain traction. All of these stories are just evidence that BP is aware that no one is buying their fairy tales, and they need to come up soon with a tale that’ll absolve Chucky Boy of his worthlessness as a father and make Willy look less like the narcissistic sociopath he is. What they refuse to acknowledge is that a turd encased in Lucite with a platinum stand is still a turd.
All I know is Christopher Anderson or Tom Quinn lied. They claimed claimed the Windsor had disowned Harry, etc.
Not even 2 days later we gave another Windsor leak. Smh
I’m sure PH takes the advice of his top security detail on how to conduct his matters.
Yeah, I’m sure that Harry’s security team did the assessment and advised Harry against staying in the royal accommodation. And Harry is smart, so he’d heed their advice.
Charles needs to tell his people to stop talking – they are winding themselves in knots and it just gets worse and worse for him.
It makes you wonder why he was offered a place to stay without security. The rats 🐀 are talking iabout it as if people are stupid to read between the lines. What was their endgames and did they think that they would get away with things???
And no doubt the BM would have been tipped off about Harry’s location and hounded him for their money shots.
You can’t convince me that the royal family didn’t either directly, or by creating very predictable and foreseeable situations, unalive Diana. Not anymore. She was internationally massive, obliterated Charles and even QE2.
H&M are actually*less* transgressive than she was (by their actions. Megan is seen as shocking just for being black bc racists. Diana was hugging AIDs patients, cradling babies in Harlem, walking through landmines – rich public ppl didn’t do this in the 80s! Most STILL don’t!)… Where was I…😂
Ok yeah h&m aren’t doing anything earth-shattering. They’re just doing everything better. And there’s TWO of them, so it’s harder for RF PR dogs to create a narrative like “crazy Diana”… There’s no one-size-fits-both storyline which is why it’s like they’re throwing spaghetti on a wall.
Anyway, yeah. Same playbook. Harry sees it. UK taxpayers funding a Mafia family.
They don’t have to create a narrative that both H&M are crazy. The narrative is that Meghan is an evil narcissist who controls Harry. If Harry dies, they will find a way to blame Meghan.
100% @Lurker25 and that’s how you know what a serious issue racism is for these people. Meghan is doing philanthropy largely behind the scenes, podcasts where you only hear her voice and will debut a lifestyle brand that will focus on food and entertaining. None of this is edgy, transgressive or new. But the fact that its Meghan doing it means they will paint it as nefarious.
I have come to the conclusion that Diana’s death was no accident. For a long time I couldn’t believe that someone high in the establishment would have her killed. But it’s getting harder and harder to dismiss this.
@Brassy Rebel I second this. Everything that played out since Meghan met Harry provided nothing but valid reasons – if not even very likely possibilities – to believe Dianas death was not much of a tragic accident.
Agreed. They are gleefully validating all her “paranoid” statements only with H&M. If anything they’re giddy it worked so well the first time.
I’ve been wondering myself about this. If one deliberately puts another person in harm’s way by withdrawing or denying security despite knowing the risks, is that person then liable if harm comes to that person? (Diana and Harry)
Actually in most states you can be convicted of murder/manslaughter for acts of Commission OR Omission. Here’s an example: husband and wife go out drinking, get home but wife falls in the snow on the way in. If husband does nothing to assist her and she dies….he can be found guilty. (Its a true case). There are other examples.
Agree. It’s actually screaming for a proper investigation from international, independent investigators. Of course, that can’t happen until c and c depart. And probably Will, too.
One day, history books will write about this evil family’s criminal doings and the “press” that covered it up.
I’ve become more convinced of this ever since the NYC visit where the Sussexes were hounded by blacked out cars for 2 hours.
I have been convinced of this ever since it happened! I was roundly mocked and called paranoid (ooh, I have something in common with Diana! ha)
including here on this site. the NYC car chase incident proves it imo. also the Paris investigation did not ever add up.
so, who did it benefit to have Diana out of the picture? the crown, and her exhusband, that’s who.
I don’t believe this story. I don’t think harry asked to stay or brf offered. Harry announced he was going to Nigeria a week prior but didn’t let his family know about it. I don’t think he would put himself in his family’s reach where they could listen in to his conversations to try garner any info about the trip.
This is at least the tenth version of Harry’s stay. Everything from Charles didn’t know he was coming to can’t wait to see him. I actually do think that Charles offered a place to stay but it was the worst option available. Just Charles wanting to say he offered but Harry refused. Also I know Harry and Camilla are a no go but it’s not mentioned that Charles offered Harry to stay with him. I don’t understand the claim that Charles would have seen Harry if he was at a Royal residence. Harry would still have to go to him no matter where he stayed.
If Harry were to stay in a royal residence, the room(s) would be bugged and/or have hidden cameras. Stay away, Harry, stay away. In fact, it’s probably for the better that they’re not in Frogmore anymore. The grey men’s thirst for control never ends.
Why couldn’t Charles go see Harry in the hotel? If they are that discreet, wouldn’t it have been safe for all parties involved?
The bigger the lie, the more versions there are. Next we will learn that Charles even offered Harry a chance to sit on the throne and wear the crown but Harry REFUSED! Just stay away from that awful place Harry. Lord I hope that the next Invictus is not in the UK. Sorry to the UK vets who have done nothing to deserve this but here we are.
This -> “Royal residences are among the best protected properties in the country, with armed officers stationed at the gates.” is a BLATANT lie.
There has even been a documentary, I believe, about how bad the security people where, how drugs and alcohol plagued them, how there was scant check ups on people coming and going (which was part of the whole Well Andrew slid past them to bring in people like Maxwell and Epstein all the time).. gambling, sleeping on the job etcetc.
Exactly! The Firm would have come up with their own 2024 version of Michael Fagan, the man who made his way into the Queen’s bedroom. I don’t understand why Harry would ask to stay with his tormentors, so I believe this story is made up.
Yeah, don’t forget bow-and-arrow guy who managed to get on the grounds of Windsor Castle. So, no guarantees of safety even when they supposedly have the royals’ best interests at heart. And we know that is not true in Harry’s case for sure.
Charles and the courtiers suck without us saying Charles wants Harry dead.
Charles won’t provide security for Harry and that leaves his security detail at a disadvantage. They have provided him security before, so who freaking knows why this time it was a no, and the time he flew in and for the coronation it was fine.
Also, at least he did offer him lodging. I do agree though that Harry is allowed to say no for whatever reasons. Honestly for me it wouldn’t be about security, but about the courtiers, his brother, and others using that knowledge to tell the press which would spring on him without any notice.
Saw screenshots of this article and it gives more details about his security. Almost every request Harry has made for security from RAVEC has been denied. The only times it has been given was for a specific royal event they wanted him to attend, like the coronation. When Harry visited in February he was given security on the way to visit his dad but not on the way back to the airport. Why would he be given security on the way to see his dad but not on the way back to the airport? I have no idea but that seems weird.
Charles wanted something from Harry in February. I don’t know what it was but he asked for something and Harry said no. They’ve been throwing tantrums since.
I didn’t know that Harry had no security on the way back?! Sounds like whatever request chucky made was denied by harry and chucky reverted back to his usual petty self.
I’m more convinced than ever that Charles asked Harry to come back to help because of the cancer issue and Will and Kate’s disappearance and Harry turned him down. Charles has been on the warpath since.
Jais, agree. It makes zero sense why sometimes he gets it and sometimes does not. But at least we have here, he got offered lodging and he said no. The whole Charles shunned him and Harry presumptuously asked to stay thing was such crap it made zero sense. I also think we all just need to agree he does talk to his father. He may suck (HE DOES HARRY) but he obviously wants a relationship with him and is jut doing it on his own terms now though.
I think Harry are laying out the receipts to show why IG will not go to the UK.
aquarius64, for a country that (supposedly) wants IG in 2027, I find it astonishing that they didn’t provide Harry with security for his trip for the 10-year anniversary. Are we to extrapolate from that that he will not be given security if the IG was held there in future?
Charles would have leaked his location if Harry had agreed to stay at a Royal residence and there was no guarantee that they would have met. I suspect the Palace was giving Harry the run around regarding the meeting and at the same time telling the press that they were going to meet and so Harry decided to release the statement saying that Charles was busy.
I don’t believe he offered Harry a place to stay. This is all about changing the narrative because the optics around the IGs service was so terrible. The universal briefing to the press was KCIII snubbing his youngest son and no-one from the BRF was going to attend the service. Those were the headlines that went all across the globe. If Harry had turned down KCIII’s offer of had a place to stay (regardless of security) the men in grey would have made sure everyone knew about it. They would have had “Harry snubs his cancer ridden father” headlines going to every news outlet under the sun before Harry had put a foot on the steps of St. Paul’s.
Another day another article that tries to make Harry look bad but only succeeds in reminding us all that Charles is a terrible person.
It’s a day that ends with a “y,” so yes, this.
Yes and Camilla, who is trying to keep her name out of the ongoing strategies.
The last couple weeks have featured so many different spins on “The Royals will never, ever get back together with ‘Arry” story. I wonder if it is kp/bp competing or a complete breakdown between Will-not, courtiers, camilla, chuck, and the press? Hiring an pr professional based in the UK was a boss move for Harry. The royals and their hangers on are spinning themselves into butter.
I had a deep down feeling this was a set-up to harm Harry-if they did offer him lodgings you can be sure it would be a less secure place-bugged to high heaven-and probably would have tried to put Harry’s US security somewhere not close to him-I remember Diana talking about the grey men which sounds very scary-HARRY KNOWS these people and their tactics-he knows what good security is and lax security is-by making his own arrangements and not telling the royal family who would leak it to the press is the right for Harry to move with stealth.