Telegraph: ‘We Americans are fed up with Meghan Markle,’ Brits should ‘take her back’

An American guy named David Christopher Kaufman wrote a column for the Telegraph, a British newspaper, about how “we Americans are fed up with Meghan Markle. It’s time for Brits to take her back.” It looks like Kaufman is a frequent writer and columnist for Murdoch publications, and he writes a lot of dumb “normalizing Donald Trump” political stuff too. He must have just learned that there’s a lucrative market in “hating on the Sussexes” in the British media. I can barely tolerate reading this asinine sh-t, but hey, it made it into the Telegraph, which should tell you a lot about the market. Kaufman even tailored his message to cozy up to Britain’s favorite talking points – “popularity polls” and “potential deportations” and “pretending like Meghan is a runaway slave who must be brought to heel.” Some lowlights:

Say what you want about Meghan Markle (narcissistic, self-aggrandising, out-of-touch) but her greatest misstep is one of missed opportunity. Despite the Duchess’s best efforts – her carefully-curated home goods line, that wanna-be state visit to Nigeria, a perfectly-plotted anniversary date night – barely one-third of Americans have a favourable opinion of Markle, far below Princes William, Harry and the Princess of Wales.

Armed with a new podcast deal and refreshed communications team, Markle is clearly continuing her relentless quest for relevance. But as the real royals in Windsor contend with double cancer crises, Markle has revealed herself as little more than the most infamous symbol of America’s high tolerance for low expectations.

No wonder Donald Trump has suggested Prince Harry could face deportation if it turns out the Duke lied about past drug use on his visa application. Harry and Meghan “broke the Queen’s heart,” said Trump during a lengthy interview with Nigel Farage in March. “I think they hurt her bad.”

…Markle, however, had achieved what many had assumed was impossible, diversifying a thousand year-old institution for whom change typically arrives via assassination or warfare. But six years on, both she and her prince have squandered what could have been a meaningful opportunity. It appears as if the Sussexes’ squandering shows no sign of stopping.

The problem for Markle is that she still believes in the power of her achievements long after she’s stopped achieving. She and Harry’s $100 million Netflix deal has delivered little more than a pair of self-serving biopics. Their equally ambitious Spotify tie-up resulted in lost millions and the couple being branded as “grifters” by one of Spotify’s own execs. As for the Nigeria trip, Harry and Meghan were apparently flown to Africa on airplanes owned by an alleged money laundering fugitive – unsurprising considering wherever they go they tend to live as big as possible while paying as little as possible.

If only they had remained in Britain. Not only would the pair be paid for living in a grand home, preparing traditional spreads, showing up at polo matches and embarking on world tours, Markle would have been doing work that actually matters. True, the spotlight would have been unyielding, the scrutiny possibly unforgiving – but is it any less so today, trapped, as the Sussexes are, in the simulacra of peerage while plotting out photo-ops?

As his ongoing Manhattan trial confirms, Donald Trump is clearly the last person to critique the comportment of others. But unlike the Sussexes, who’ve never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, Trump is a prime example of opportunism done right. After all, despite his vulgarity and potential criminality, Trump managed to wind up in the White House.

As for Meghan and Harry – they’re idling in Montecito exile in an overpriced villa paid for by daddy while they wait for their next American Riviera Orchard drop. Perhaps it’s time to return to Britain where they could truly be useful, and where the opportunities afforded by Harry’s birth are ultimately far more plentiful.

[From The Telegraph]

“They’re idling in Montecito exile in an overpriced villa paid for by daddy.” They paid for their Montecito home themselves, taking out a mortgage, signing a lucrative contract with Netflix, and you know, using some of the money Harry’s mother left him when she died. Charles didn’t buy their Montecito home and it’s peculiar that anyone is claiming that he did. “Not only would the pair be paid for living in a grand home, preparing traditional spreads…” Their “grand home” was Frogmore Cottage, a dilapidated shack which they paid to renovate and lease, from which they were evicted by “daddy.” There’s this whole sub-genre of the Meghan Hate Industry, where various dumbf–ks are basically arguing that not only does everyone despise Meghan, but Meghan should absolutely go back to Britain so she can work and be abused again. It’s psychotic.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix.

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33 Responses to “Telegraph: ‘We Americans are fed up with Meghan Markle,’ Brits should ‘take her back’”

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  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Murdoch and his vile stooges are terrified of Harry’s lawsuits and are flailing around saying whatever vicious lies they can think of to try to “win” in the court of public opinion. I hope the massive payouts they are forced to make to him and everyone else participating in those lawsuits bankrupts them.

  2. goofpuff says:

    I mean this guy is a trump supporter and they are all bottom feeders desperate for clicks to feed the $$$ beast. MAGA aka Republicans over in the US work with the Tories in the UK, so I’m sure there’s alot of synergy there with the white supremacist classist fascist power hungry political parties.

    They know they’re playing to their MAGA/Tory base who already hate the Sussex’s because they are too “woke” (aka how dare H&M support and believe in human rights).

    its just really shows you that the Telegraph is just another tabloid printing things that can easily be factually disproved just for the clicks.

  3. We Americans are fed up with the leftovers and want you to keep them over there and out of our papers. There I fixed it for you. We Americans are quite happy with Harry and Meg and it just kills salt isle.

  4. MSS says:

    1) Meghan is a U.S citizen born and raised so how can Britain “take her back” when she’s not from there.
    2) This person actually thinks that Meghan would only be doing things that matter while being a working members of the family. That’s ridiculous, working members of the family barely do anything that matters.
    3) This person seems annoyed that they have a lavish mansion in Montecito, so much so that they’re lying about Charles paying for it. They have a mortgage, Charles isn’t paying for that.
    4) If they wanted Meghan and Harry to stick around they should’ve been more supportive, that’s not Meghan and Harry’s loss, it’s the U.K’s.

    • Krista says:

      That comment about doing things that matter really got my goat. It totally diminishes and dismisses all the good work they have done since leaving – the Invictus work, the work to get vaccine equality, working with schools, women’s organizations….and those are just what I can think of right away.

      It also diminishes and dismisses those that have benefited from the work these two have done. “You don’t matter because we hate these two” is the message being sent.

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean, if a garden party, trooping, and Royal Ascot don’t count as “things that matter” then what does…… /s

      • Jais says:

        don’t forget Will’s football games in things that really matter😂

  5. MsIam says:

    I just can’t with idiots like this. Not today Satan, not today. Next!

  6. sevenblue says:

    I am surprised he didn’t say, go back to Africa. That is progress, I guess.

    • Miranda says:

      I was going to say that he probably did write it in reference to Africa at first, just sheer reflex.

      • Indy says:

        No, they don’t want Meghan to go back to Africa. She might be made a princess in another country.

  7. Agnes says:

    Meghan is an American citizen my guy, she took one good hard look at Salt Isle’s decaying racist Monarchy, and noped out. I bet even Bridgerton triggers her these days. Murdoch’s gonna Murdoch.

  8. Snuffles says:

    Regarding their comment on popularity polls. First of all, that shit only matters in the U.K. because they are supported by the tax payer.

    Secondly, 1/3 of the US population is over 111 million people. Your average celebrity or influencer would KILL for those numbers. That’s enough support to make them billionaires if they wanted to.

    These idiots don’t think their arguments through.

    • Julia says:

      If you go to American Yougov Kim Kardashian’ is liked by roughly 1/3 of people polled and disliked by over 40% and yet she has a billion dollar business empire. That should tell you how much these push polls about celebrities matter. Princess Anne is supposedly loved by a majority of the UK according to ‘polls’ and yet nobody seems remotely interested in anything she does.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      You’re not supposed to think when Meghan is being slated.

  9. Nanea says:

    Being a vile, misogynoir liar must pay handsomely.

    This screed is another bit of proof that shows the Torygraph has joined the trashy red-tops on the pile of irrelevance.

    Sometimes I wish the Sussexes weren’t as patient with these pathetic trolls as they are, but on the other hand I get why they are ignoring them.

    BTW, something always bothered me about this visa application of Harry’s and the FOIA request that might yet backfire on THF. Have we ever found out how that vile creature called RM qualified for citizenship? Or did he buy his way in?

  10. QuiteContrary says:

    Work that “matters.”

    Meghan does a lot of work for women’s rights, but yeah, that doesn’t matter to a**hats like this guy.

    Also, Google is your friend, my dude. Please do the barest minimum of fact-checking. “Daddy” didn’t help even a bit with the Sussexes’ purchase of their glorious Montecito home.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      She’s not shilling for their lord and savior Trump. She’s also not staying confined to her home barefoot and pregnant. And she’s not Aryan so yeah all of this means she’s not good enough for the deplorables. If anyone should leave this country, it’s the MAGA’s. They need to take up residence in China, North Korea or Russia.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    Charles left Harry penniless and without security, and now that Harry and Meg are thriving they are adding to their list of lies. Such a rotten bunch of nothings these tabloid bums.

  12. K.W. says:

    Which Americans did he “poll”? The attendees at a MAGA rally?

  13. Proud Mary says:

    A woman born and raised in America should return to Britain? Dumbf*ks on both sides of the Atlantic have been trying to unite through their racism. This shark won’t swim. Next.

  14. Square2 says:

    All these ill-wells, nastiness & other despicable wishes set upon Meghan, her children & Harry by these people will reverse back 3 times to the senders themselves.

    This is why I don’t give a sh!t about what happened to MissingKKKate & BRF. All low lives no matter how rich you are.

    P.S. Lies is default for these people.

  15. Elizabeth Bowman says:

    Notice how everyone else gets their formal title, Prince this, Prince that, Princess of Wales, super formal, but then Meghan is called “Markle,” “Markle,” “Markle.” Like she isn’t a royal duchess or isn’t married (because she always uses her married name and title or just “Meghan” herself). It’s disrespectful but it’s also attempted erasure.

  16. Jais says:

    Lol, this know nothing man. Their overpriced villa? By all accounts Meghan and Harry bought their gorgeous villa for a steal. Pretty sure it’s now valued at higher than what they got it for. Along with the mortgage, they likely used some of Diana’s money, definitely not daddy’s. I bet Harry and Meghan have been spending their free time in their gorgeous pool teaching Archie and Lili how to swim.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Does the guy even know that Meghan’s American? All this talk about what Meghan could have done if she was in the UK is ridiculous and unrealistic because we know that Kate and William were upset about the work she was doing and I suspect she would have been prevented from doing anymore if she and Harry had stayed.

    • Kelsey says:

      Those buffoons know that. It’s already been on the record how Meghan had to use her own contacts when she wanted to get things in motion for her Together cookbook (her first BRF solo project) because her staff was slow on the response times. They would’ve never let her prosper at TALL.

  18. Kelsey says:


  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “Trump is a prime example of opportunism done right. After all, despite his vulgarity and potential criminality, Trump managed to wind up in the White House.” I think the UK needs to stay out of US politics. Or, alternatively, perhaps Trump can go to the UK, get citizenship and run for office. Trump’s politics and the Tories’ seem to mesh.

    “Markle has revealed herself as little more than the most infamous symbol of America’s high tolerance for low expectations.” I’m getting more than a little tired of the UK looking down on Americans. If you find us so far beneath you then just IGNORE us. That’s what we do to you. (Yes, I know, we’re not talking about every person in the UK.)

    This is the US–we don’t do popularity polls. Good grief. Was this a poll? Yes, they do them here. I’ve told people to not pay any attention to those polls because they are as good as the people who paid for them.

  20. RL McGruder says:

    “Trump is a prime example of opportunism done right.”

    What in the EFF did I just read? Good lord.

  21. NikkiK says:

    Unhinged. It’s giving MDS. Meghan derangement syndrome. I truly don’t understand people who stay this obsessed with a woman they claim to not like. I don’t bother with people that I don’t like, that includes celebrities. Don’t care what they are doing and don’t care what they get up to.

  22. Grandma Susan says:

    The level of froth-at-the-mouth hate they have for Meghan never ceases to amaze and sicken me.

  23. Patricia says:

    So you think “We Ametican”are tired of Meghan?
    No, we’re just tired of schmedrics like you who can’t write decently, who don’t have the first idea of how to do basic research, who lie for a living, who spread hate and racism for a hobby, and have little, if any, knowledge of American history. You are despicable as well as pathetic. Keep the Sussex family’s names out of your mouth and kindly STFD and STFU.