Princess Beatrice can ‘help’ the Windsors but there are no ‘working royal’ plans

I’m developing a low-stakes conspiracy that Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi have hired some kind of PR consultant who guaranteed some prime, positive coverage in outlets like Tatler, the Telegraph and the Times. I’ve believed for several years now that Beatrice has been “auditioning” for a “working royal” position, to no avail. King Charles is fine with Beatrice at family events, but beyond that, the institution does not “want” Beatrice or Eugenie. Eugenie got the hint a while ago. Bea has not gotten the hint. Which is how we get pieces like this, in the Times: “Princess Beatrice: the new (unofficial) face of the royal family?” LOL. Some highlights:

Backup support: Beatrice, 35, may not be an official working member of the royal family but she is increasingly providing crucial back-up support for “the firm”. There is no suggestion that the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York will take on official duties or receive public money in doing so, but she is expected to be seen supporting the monarch and senior family members more frequently in the coming months.

Why Prince William invited Beatrice & his cousins to the palace garden party: A Palace source said: “It was very much that the Prince of Wales wanted to invite his cousins along because [he knew] it would be fun to see all of the young royals there and there was a real sense of excitement about the day that lifted the event.”

Beatrice plans to attend Royal Ascot: The garden party is not the only royal event the princess is expected to attend. Beatrice is likely to join her uncle, the King, at Royal Ascot and at other royal events when appropriate.

She was in New York in early May: She has proved that she can handle solo engagements, too. Her trip to New York this month was designed to promote a charity abseil event down the Empire State Building to raise money for the Outward Bound Trust. It’s a charity of which she has been a trustee since 2019 and a cause that was supported by the late Duke of Edinburgh, her grandfather. It is his legacy that she wishes to continue, she told ITV.

Beatrice will be needed in the future: The royal family clearly feel the same way and are likely to feel even more strongly about her input in ten years’ time, when they will find they are somewhat thin on the ground. By that time, Prince George will most likely be at university and the King, Queen, Princess Royal and Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will be in their eighties. The stalwart Duke of Kent will be edging towards his 100th birthday. With the Duke and Duchess of Sussex out of the picture, the only middle-aged working royals will be the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

She can “help”: An insider said: “It’s a case of ‘watch the gap’, and although there’s no plan for Beatrice and others to become funded, official working members of the family, she has shown she can definitely help.” The princess seems to fit this unofficial role well. At 35 she has good commercial and personal experience, is adept at public appearances, and is increasingly seen as a perfect ambassador for Team Windsor.

Ingrid Seward on Beatrice’s future role: “The Duke of York has always been keen for his daughters, who are the only of the late Queen’s grandchildren to be princesses and use the HRH style, to be involved in official royal engagements. Maybe using Princess Beatrice for some official engagements is a way forward. But she is not a working member of the royal family and I feel the King would be reluctant to make her so as it goes against his plan for a slimmed-down monarchy. The princess could easily have an informal role if the King wanted her to do so, as her working life does not appear to be too demanding. She would be a great asset as she is brilliant with people and has always had a naturally philanthropic side to her character.”

[From The Times]

As I said before, I believe some of this is coming from Beatrice and her “campaign” or “audition” to take a larger role. But let’s be fair – some of it is definitely coming from the media too. They’re bored, they know the Windsors lack glamour, youth and modernity, and they’re trying to publicly convince Charles and William to bring in Beatrice so they’ll have someone else to write about regularly. None of this is going to happen though – Charles can’t admit he was wrong about part-time royals and part-time royal William is too stupid to understand that the whole thing is a house of cards set to collapse on his watch. Also: “The only middle-aged working royals will be the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.” Prince Edward is 60, Sophie is 59. They’re not “middle aged.”

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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36 Responses to “Princess Beatrice can ‘help’ the Windsors but there are no ‘working royal’ plans”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Seward used Andrew as a reference for Beatrice being full time royal. Really Ingrid. I doubt charles will allow it
    Beatrice’s wanting to be a working royal shows desperation. Edo probably wants this badly.

  2. equality says:

    All I see here is that Bea is going to be doing what she has been doing for years and that it is okay for her to be “half-in” and make her own money while doing royal “duties” and that it is okay for her to do “royal type tours” in other countries.

  3. ML says:

    Paedrew, Sophie and Bea seem to have the same publicist, because all three of them use this same “job interview” tactic with KC via the BM.

  4. Josephine says:

    What’s with the toddler fashion in the salty island? Buttons, headbands, puffy everything. Those royals teeter between toddler-looks and old lady. Never sleek, sophisticated, fashionable. No wonder Meghan was such a threat.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    They literally say she can be “used”. So that’s exactly what they will do, use her. Too bad she’s not smart enough or self respecting enough to demand better treatment. It’s this sort of attitude which caused royals to expect Harry to fall in line when they mistreated him. It usually works on royals who are down the line a bit.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      We all know none of the cousins want anything to do with huevo. Nobody likes him. A real joke. An obligation to come out for him like that boring garden party, they’re all being used and they know it. none of it is done with heart. It’s not coming from a place of love.

  6. The Hench says:

    Actually I think there is every chance William will chuck out the ‘slimmed down’ monarchy malarkey and thrown his cousins into the working fray for two key reasons:
    1. He (and Keen if she is ever seen again) certainly don’t want to do all the work
    2. Making Bea et al working royals puts them firmly in his power as he becomes their main employer.

    Less work and more power is right up Will’s strasse. I predict Ed, Sophie, Bea and Edo all become f/t royals under King Will-I-no.

    • Tessa says:

      Edo is a married in not a royal something like tim laurence

      • The Hench says:

        Tim Lawrence is a married in without a title.

      • Tessa says:

        There is no monarchy in Italy. Edo does not have a title . He never used a title. He is not royal. The queen did confer a title on Armstrong Jones so his and Margaret children could have titles.

    • Eurydice says:

      I suppose William is lazier than he is cheap.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    “As her working life doesn’t seem too demanding” ouch. This is what you’re auditioning for though Beatrice. Snide comments in articles even though they would have literally nothing to write about if you didn’t do these events. I just don’t get what’s so appealing about it. Your cousin is unhinged and they probably know much better than us who only get to see snippets of what actually goes on behind the scenes over the decades. If you can use your title and no one but grudges it, can get into all the private clubs, can get into fashion shows in the front row, why do you want to shackle yourself to the whims of William and the British media?

    • bisynaptic says:

      Agreed. I can’t imagine why anyone would want this job.

      • Tennyson says:

        The husband wants a title. He really thought he was going to have one when he married her. I suppose they both want one for Sienna too.
        Both Bea and Edo want to be working royals. It means doing precious little and living lavishly. Also they want a royal apartment for peanuts.

      • Tessa says:

        The queen did not give Edo a title upon his marrying Beatrice. I doubt charles will or william.

  8. Jais says:

    At the end of the day, Beatrice, Eugenie and Fergie are all doing more royal-style service events than the heir. They already put him to shame. And Beatrice and Eugenie technically have jobs. Although I laughed at how Seward commented that Beatrice’s job is apparently not very demanding. Lol. But either way, they are already doing more than the heir. Honestly , it makes William look bad that Fergie is out there doing more service-oriented events than he is.

    • Tessa says:

      Ferg ie got to keep the duchess title after her divorce and uses it to write books and product promotion. Yet it is bad to the media when harry and Meghan use their titles. Ferg ie is no role model .And it illustrates the hypocrisy of the establishment when she uses her title.

      • Jais says:

        Not saying she is a role model. But the fact remains that she does more charity type events than William. She goes to charity events and speaks at events and makes sure to get pr for what she does. Sure, it also helps bring awareness to whatever she is monetizing. No doubt. But at the end of the day, she is doing more events than William does.

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    Dont mind me I’m just waiting for their house of cards to fall…😊

  10. Becks1 says:

    Sooo….beatrice can keep doing exactly what she’s always done, in other words?

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, in grammar school I had to wrote an 500-word essay on why I shouldn’t chew gum in class. I can say it was more substantive than this.

  11. Chantal1 says:

    @Kaiser With longer average life expectancies, Middle age is from 40-45 yrs old to 60-65 yrs old. I asked for a friend 😂

    C-Rex and Willie are too stupid and greedy to see what the slimmed down monarchy is doing to the RF’s ever diminishing image. The king is on reduced duties (now postponed until sometime after the election) and Special K’s return keeps getting extended further into the future. The king and his heir need more scapegoats, I mean dependent family members, to throw under the bus. Beatrice seems more than happy to comply while none of the others appear to be auditioning.

    • Danbury says:

      Yes, WHO recently changed their definition as well!!

    • Blithe says:

      Yep. I flinched when I read that! lol. I recently celebrated a birthday though, so perhaps I’m being a wee tad hypersensitive! Similar to @Chantal1, I think of 40 – 65 or so as “middle age”. I do get that it depends a bit on the person though. A few of the Windsors seem to have hit middle aged in their 20s.

    • Elizabeth Bowman says:

      The article says *in ten years* Edward and Sophie will be middle-aged. In ten years, Edward will be 70. They’re not talking about today when he’s 60.

  12. Tina says:

    My fav part is where they talk about how in a decade when George is in uni and all of these people will be in their 80s….um aren’t they practically already there? Charles is turning 76 this year and Camilla will be 77. In a decade they will be almost in their 90s if they are still alive. Anne is not far behind and I’m too lazy to google the Glocesters but they must be close to 80 already.

  13. Barbara says:

    Beatrice is an idiot if she wants to subject herself to all the future nasty briefings by KP, because if Sausage ever does return, she’ll be running to Sewer and Becky English with nasty stories about any other woman dumb enough to potentially take attention from her.

  14. Lulu says:

    The writer probably intended ‘mind the gap’ , I don’t believe ‘watch the gap’ is a thing. So that tells me that writer did no research at all, just told what point to make.

  15. julie jules says:

    Ugly Stepsisters to the rescue! hahaha yeah, that’s not going to work, Chuck

  16. Molly says:

    Sorry, but bringing in Beatrice isn’t going to up the glamor or modernity. That pool is pretty much empty with that lot.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, I think this the press rather than Beatrice pushing to be a working royal. She has the best of both worlds now and becoming a working royal will result in the loss of freedom and the press intruding into her life.

  18. martha says:

    “… as her working life does not appear to be too demanding”

  19. Lau says:

    Maybe Beatrice hired the same PR Firm than Sophie, it sounds like it at least. Beatrice, soon to be the new linchpin of the entire British monarchy.

  20. Square2 says:

    Anyone who’s “hugging friendly” with P!ss M0rgan can kick rocks.

  21. Leesa says:

    I think they are middle aged according to Google definitions: Dictionary
    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    (of a person) aged about 45 to 65.
    “the crowd was predominantly middle-aged”
    characteristic or typical of middle-aged people.
    “a novel about middle-aged angst”

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Beatrice has always appeared at many ‘events’. Of course she will be at Ascot. She always shows up. Frankly, I think part of Beatrice’s job is to be seen with the royals to keep the company brand in front of people’s minds. She’s good at it, so a win win. Do I think she would become a working royal and have the rrs demand to see Sienna? I just don’t see it.