Angelina Jolie’s daughter Vivienne dropped ‘Pitt’ from her surname in a playbill

Last year, Angelina Jolie’s daughter Vivienne convinced her mom to step in as a producer on a musical stage adaptation of The Outsiders. The adaptation was already on stage in LA, and Vivienne was a huge fan of the show, as she’s apparently a huge musical-theater geek. Vivienne dragged her mom to the production and Angelina enjoyed it too, so she offered to step in as a producer as the show transferred to Broadway. Angelina also hired Vivienne to be her “producer’s assistant,” which is basically an internship. Vivienne and Angelina attended the big opening night event in April, and Vivienne was included in the interviews and in many of the photos. All good, right? Right. Well, Vivienne is listed in The Outsiders playbill. And it looks like Vivienne has dropped “Pitt” from her last name, so she’s just going by Vivienne Jolie.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter Vivienne appears to have dropped the “Pitt” from her last name. In the Playbill for the new musical The Outsiders, which Vivienne helped mom Jolie, 48, produce, the 15-year-old is listed as “Vivienne Jolie” instead of “Vivienne Jolie-Pitt,” PEOPLE can confirm.

It is not immediately clear if Vivienne has legally changed her name.

Representatives for both Jolie and Pitt could not be reached for comment.

Vivienne Jolie-Pitt Is All Grown Up! Meet Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Youngest Daughter
Vivienne is not the first of Jolie and Pitt’s six children to go by a changed name in recent years.

While joining the Mu Pi chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority at her university, Spelman College, last November, the former couple’s eldest daughter Zahara introduced herself as “Zahara Marley Jolie,” a video shared by Essence showed.

[From People]

Yeah, it would not surprise me if all of the kids ended up dropping Pitt from their names. Zahara is already 19, she probably changed her name legally or she will soon. We’ve heard that Pax and Maddox have absolutely nothing to do with Brad and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already legally dropped “Pitt” too. Vivienne and Knox turn 16 years old this summer – it might be a few years before they can change their legal names, but there’s nothing stopping them from choosing their names for stuff like playbills and school activities. In case you’re wondering about the backstory on Angelina’s name – her birth name was Angelina Jolie Voight. She dropped Voight professionally early on, and then in her 20s, she legally changed her name to Angelina Jolie. So that IS her surname now.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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56 Responses to “Angelina Jolie’s daughter Vivienne dropped ‘Pitt’ from her surname in a playbill”

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  1. Milas says:

    If you read the full report, you won’t struggle with why. I am not saying AJ is the perfect woman, but he who shall not be named is disgusting excuse of a human.

  2. Vixxo says:

    I love seeing children growing up and making decisions that suit them. Whatever those maybe 💜

  3. Bettyrose says:

    Wow, Vivienne has her mom’s face and brains. She’s gonna do okay.

    • ABCD says:

      I always think she looks like a mix of her grandmothers, but agree that she is going to do okay!

      • Ennie says:

        She seems to have her grandma Jane’s smile. I am glad she is mostly protected from her dad’s behavior.

  4. sevenblue says:

    There is no way that night on the plane was the first time he acted violently against Angelina and children. It takes a few attempts for a person in an abusive relationship to leave. Angelina is really a strong woman to take care of her children and dealing with his abusive ass on the court at the same time. A lot of people would just sign the NDA in order to be able to move on with their lives.

  5. Sylindria says:

    Fair play to her… you dont owe a toxic parent anything.

  6. Angelina is so stunning that I gasped when I saw that first photo of her. She is exquisite. What an incredible mother – her children by all accounts seem to be very well-rounded individuals.

  7. Normades says:

    Aside from her obvious personal reasons, Vivienne Jolie has such a nicer ring to it than Vivienne Jolie Pitt.

    • Bettyrose says:

      AJ’s mom – I forget her name – was no fool when she gave her daughter a beautiful alternative last name to use professionally. Plenty of toxic fathers in that lineage, sadly.

      • square_bologna says:

        Her mom’s name was Marcheline Bertrand. 😎

      • Bettyrose says:

        Thanks! I won’t even name the father who doesn’t deserve credit and whose name AJ has never used.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Not suprising at all.

  9. GrnieWnie says:

    I’ve always been very ambivalent about my name…first I had my father’s, now I have my ex-husband’s. It never dawned on me that I could just drop a family name altogether and go with a given name, like Angelina when she went with Jolie. Then your kids just have…your name. That is amazing.

    • Polly says:

      You can change your name anytime you want! The rules aren’t real!

      • liz says:

        Sort of. You can ask people to call you anything you want, whenever you want. Professional stage names or pen names are commonplace.

        There are real rules for legal name changes. If you are under 18, you need the permission of both parents (assuming the parents are married or share custody). You always have to notify all creditors of a name change (credit cards, mortgages, student loans, etc.). You will need to give the court a reason for the change, but it can be as simple as “I don’t like my name, no one calls me by that name and I want my ID to match the name I actually use.” If you have criminal convictions or bankruptcies under your legal name, the court is not likely to grant the request unless there is an overriding circumstance.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @liz: none of which sounds any more complicated or onerous than when you get a change of address due to a move.

      • liz says:

        @BeanieBean – until you actually do it. Some of it is very easy – a school ID. And then you get to the tough stuff – amended birth certificates, new social security cards, passports, visas . . . . None of which are changed when you simply move. The birth certificate took 8 months and a trip to the Office of Vital Records. Social Security wanted all original documents, no photocopies or scans. For the passport, theirs was about to expire, so we waited until we had a new original birth certificate and simply requested a new passport (they were 16 and too young to renew anyway).

        Health insurance and timing those changes with prescription coverage can be tricky. The doctor’s office made the changes the same day. The pharmacy simply opened a new file in the new name. The insurance company took 6 weeks and in that time, two prescriptions were supposed to be renewed. They were declined because the person asking for the prescriptions wasn’t covered by insurance because the company hadn’t gotten around to updating the file yet.

        There are computer systems that are set up to only accept marriage licenses or divorce decrees as proof of name change and people who don’t have the authority (or ability) to override those systems. In those cases (the bank) it was actually easier to simply close the old accounts and open new ones with the new name.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Goodness, @liz, I stand corrected! I think it’s obvious I’ve never done a name change. That all sounds so frustrating!

    • Delphine says:

      I don’t think a lot of people know this but as a parent you can put any last name you want on your child’s birth certificate. It doesn’t have to be either parent’s last name. I chose to give my son his dad’s last name only because it went well with the first name I chose. We were already broken up and he didn’t get any say in my son’s name.

  10. CL says:

    I saw this report somewhere else and it was really disheartening to see most of the commenters blame Angelina and call her out for “parental alienation”. So many people still think she’s making this stuff up, when in reality, she has proven to be a very good parent who put her children first.

    • Milas says:

      @cl saw the same some time ago, closed all social media. I think he has a lot of bots, hence so much positive comments about abusive spouse and father. Like Depp. That Netlix doc literally said that most pro Depp accounts were bots.

      • Trilion says:

        Please listen to the podcast “Who Trolled Amber Heard”. I never followed the story just out of disgust and lack of capacity to divert my attention away from more pressing matters. My husband recommended this and I devoured it. It is so well done and chilling- a deep investigation into the political implications of bot activity – driving the narrative, dividing culture, sowing chaos, and impacting U.S. politics.

  11. Norvell Scott says:

    Maybe we shouldn’t read into this too much: “Jolie” sounds more exotic than “Pitt”, similar to Angelina not using her birth last name of “Voight”. She’s copying Mommy. Martin Sheen (Ramon Estevez) has one child that uses his stage name: Charlie Sheen. The rest of his children use Estevez.

    • Anna says:

      I’ve read that Angelina’s mother had given her the middle name (Jolie) to use in case she didn’t want to use Voight. She did the same for Angelina’s brother (James Haven). Both Angelina and her brother go by their middle names.

      Angelina’s followed the tradition. All her children have first and middle names in case they’d rather go by the middle name, like she did. I think it’s pretty thoughtful, considering. Plus, her kids have beautiful names:
      Maddox Chivan
      Zahara Marley
      Shiloh Nouvel
      Pax Thien
      Knox Leon
      Vivienne Marcheline

      • ABCD says:

        I once read that her Mother wrote her a list with potential names in hospital before she died and that Pax was named after one of her suggestions

    • Isabella says:

      Jon Voight is an awful father so maybe that’s one reason Angelina deleted his name.

    • Bad Janet says:

      I don’t think it’s a coincidence. We will never know until they speak about it publicly, but I’m pretty sure they dropped his name and not Angie’s for a specific reason. They don’t speak and he continues to use the court system to abuse their mother now that he can’t access her anymore. I’d drop his silly ass, too.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    It’s tragic when kids feel they don’t have a father they can love unconditionally. If BP loses his kids, he has no one to blame but himself.

    • Libel says:

      That’s why he is preping the ground work to have another child or more with his Heidi Fleiss look alike gf “Ramen” so he can prove to the world that he is in fact a good dad. He is POS.

  13. pottymouth pup says:

    according to some of the reporting on Vivienne dropping Pitt from her name, there are references to Shiloh also having dropped the Pitt (which is interesting considering how, just a month ago, Pitt’s people had the tabloids claiming that Shiloh was moving in with him when she turns 18)

    • ML says:

      Thanks for posting this, PottyMouthPup. When I wrote my comment below, I was not yet able to read yours. So all children who were female at birth have dropped his last name, and possibly so have (some or all of) their brothers.

      • Lauren says:

        So far too, the public knowledge all the kids but Knox that we know of have changed their last names

  14. ML says:

    We know of two kids who have changed their last names or are going by a different surname; we don’t know if they’re the only two.
    We often say, “Believe women.” We should also believe children more often than we do.

  15. Mel says:

    Until he can give a heartfelt apology and make amends to them , he gets what he gets. Even then, forgiveness does not equal reconciliation. He gets what he gets.

  16. PA_lady says:

    As a mom in a very similar situation, the kids pick up on more than we realize. Let them do what makes them comfortable and in control of their own lives ❤️

  17. tuti says:

    A pretty pit is still a pit. Jolie is better than Jolie-Pitt.

  18. Emme says:

    Could be very simply a double-barrelled name is too long for the play list. And frankly Joile is more recognisable and helpful than Pitt if you want to enter the entertainment business. Just saying…..

  19. RiaH says:

    I read that Suri Cruise had also dropped her name and goes by Suri Noelle. She doesn’t have a middle name, so she took Katie’s

  20. Lisa says:

    Just goes to show that wasn’t an isolated incident.
    Of note, the bots are out for him, I got put in timeout on threads for saying exactly this. Then I cancelled my account, Insta is my last social, used to love twitter before apartheid Elno.

  21. Midnightsun says:

    People often talk about the plane incident which a horrible in itself but not about what happened after. The children are teenagers now they all have access to social media and can see slanderous articles after slanderous articles about their mother planted by their father, they can see their father suing their mother and overall still harrassing her after all those years. Her lawyer said in the docs that all of this is putting a strain on the family and fucking up with their healing process.
    It’s sad because Brad Pitt played his cards so well to push the alienation angle no one cares about the truth. He did that himself. He alienated those kids with his behavior

    • Ivy says:

      Very good point. How many people articles has his put out saying he has great relationship with the kid knowing darn well it was lie. They’re sick of it. This was a subtle way to show their support and curb stories from being written about them.

    • Lucy2 says:

      That is an excellent point. Those kids have lived with a continued abuse from him for years now, they know who he is. And it seems that’s why none of them want anything to do with him.

  22. Facts says:

    Very good point. Remember he has the same fixer as Depp. Jolie has been blames and scrutinized since 2005 and he hasn’t done much to help by hiding and lying about his marriage and everything. He is a spineless coward who only cares about his image and wants to control Jolie and those kids to create a narrative.
    That gosh Wolly midwestern good guy facade is a complete lie. He is a manipulative narcissistic azzhat.

  23. Marie says:

    Interesting that so far as we know 2 of her daughters have done this considering they gave all the kids middle names they could use as last names as AJ did. Are they sending a message?!?!

    • Lauren says:

      All three daughters Shiloh also drop Pitt as well as the two oldest sons. Someone above posted a link talking about it.