Prince William plans to include his cousins in ‘royal events’ more often

Last week, Prince William hosted a Buckingham Palace garden party and several of his cousins came out to “help” him. Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Zara and Mike Tindall and Peter Phillips all sloshed through the rain and tried to add some charisma to a very dull event. Royal reporters have spoken of little else since then – what does it all mean, are the royal cousins being added to the slimmed-down monarchy, does Buckingham Palace finally understand that they need some glamour? The thing about all of those “look at the cousins!” conversations is that if the Princess of Wales were well enough to be out in public, the cousins would be ignored and not extended any invitations. William and Kate’s whole deal for YEARS has been “we’re the only ones who matter.” Now that Kate is gone/absent, suddenly William needs backup. The Telegraph devoted yet another long-ass article to whether or not William will bring in his cousins as working royals. Some highlights:

William is close with his cousins: The “slimmed-down monarchy” this was not. Here, subtly, was a glimpse of the instincts of the future king – more visibly in line with his late grandmother than ever. Just as Elizabeth II relied on supportive cousins of her own generation, as well as loyal children and grandchildren, to join her at public events, so the Prince sought out the family he grew up with. The reaction from the public was encouraging. “The cousins are all very close and always have been,” said one source. “I think people liked seeing them being there together and supporting each other.”

No half-in royals though: Palace sources have been swift to downplay suggestions that any of the younger generation will be making an imminent return to official working duties. The “no half in, half out” rule still applies. Some, however, have detected an appetite for more casual but visible public appearances from the late Queen’s “non-working” grandchildren that until recently were thought to be a thing of the past.

William plans to include his cousins more often: The Prince of Wales, The Telegraph understands, would be keen to extend similar invitations again, in the spirit of including the wider family, as his grandmother once did. The King, too, has seemed visibly buoyed by the company of his nieces and nephews, rarely looking happier than he did clasping Zara Tindall in a hug at the Royal Windsor Horse Show this month on his way back from cancer treatment.

The fakakta balcony: [The king] must now decide what to do for this year’s Trooping the Colour, in which the state of the Royal family will be captured in that all-important “balcony moment” displaying who is in and who is out.

The slimmed down monarchy: Insiders reject the idea that it has ever been an official [working royal] policy, or that there is any plan to reverse it. Often, one of them says, the Royal family acts as any other family, inviting relatives along without any grand theory behind it. “They’re very willing to step up and do more at this current time, to help,” said one royal source, of the younger generation. “They’re very fond of their cousin and their uncle, and they want to do everything they can to support them. And they believe in the institution they grew up in.”

No plans for the cousins to become working members of the family: Peter Phillips, and Zara and Mike Tindall, are doing so on an ad hoc basis, when asked, and are sure to continue the tradition of Royal Ascot in a few weeks’ time. Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who have full-time jobs, are regularly rumoured to be on the cusp of being elevated back into the royal centre-stage. “I don’t think it means there’s a plan for them to be full-time working members of the Royal family and I’m not sure they’d want that?” said a source of the York sisters. “They have careers and families and they’re very protective of that.” But, they added: “I think the rest of the family respects their charity work. They haven’t ever really put a foot wrong.”

[From The Telegraph]

They’re just twisting themselves in knots to explain why William’s cousins are allowed to “do work” for the family but not be considered working royals because the cousins are half-out, half-in, but that’s not allowed except it is allowed in special circumstances! It’s all Harry and Meghan’s fault too, the Windsors never realized that the ridiculous “rules” they set up to snub the Sussexes would become the whole royal system’s undoing. As I said, this wouldn’t even be a conversation if Kate was around – Kate and William would be lording their specialness over the cousins and making a point to snub them too. Anyway, I still believe that William invited his cousins to this garden party mostly because several Spencer cousins came out to support Prince Harry at his Invictus service.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Prince William plans to include his cousins in ‘royal events’ more often”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Louise and James are of another generation born later I doubt they
    Are close to William. William wants to do this I think to spite harry. The derangers go on about Archie and Lily not seeing r
    Their cousins. I doubt Eugenie wants to step up to do royal work. Will could let Mike take center stage and he’d cause embarrassment

    • Nubia says:

      I would like to know if Eugenie has had ‘to chose’ she was close to the Sussexes and although we wouldn’t know if they are still in touch,I think their relationship has cooled after being seen with Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan.

      • Em says:

        Eugenie is as shitty as the rest of them and she will toe the line, if you’ve noticed they’ve backed off Andrew and fergie and are now giving the York family very good press. She isn’t going to trade that for the Sussexes. I honestly don’t think there’s any member of the Windsor family that’s team Sussex. There are some that are much better at hiding their hatred

      • Jais says:

        Weren’t Harry and Meghan seen in Portugal last year? Presumably visiting Eugenie and Jack? Although I will say seeing them share a plane with Clarkson was gross.

      • Tessa says:

        The media was always going easy on Andrew. Any dm Andrew article appears buried in the media no comments allowed. There are negative comments on social media about Andrew and ferg ie

      • Liz says:

        In Spare Harry noted that Eugenie was a lot less friendly to Meghan and him at a rf gathering. She changed when the others were there.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Please cite the page number where this reference appears in Spare. Thank you.

    • He wants to include or demand they be there to make it look like they all like him better than Harry. Everything he does is all about Harry.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Louise, James, Zara, and Mike (obviously) are not royal. Of the ones frequently mentioned, only Beatrice and Eugenie could be “working royals” if that’s what the King wants. Of course Charles (or eventually William) could, if he chooses, make any of the others “royal” with the waive of a pen, but I doubt that will happen.

      • Emmitt says:

        The only 2 who are not royal are Peter and Zara. Louise and James are royal but not styled as such. Louise & James could start calling themselves Princess Louise & Prince James if they wanted to and there’s not much anyone can do about it because it’s their birthright. They won’t but they could.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    Funny how the Spencer side of the family shows up for Prince Harry and all of a sudden Peggy is surrounding himself with his property dependent cousins. Like we don’t know he’s holding leases over their heads.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Oh, it’s not just the leases…now that the cousins are doing royal events, all of it will be paid for by the Duchy of Lancaster (Charles’ money pot, ie taxpayers).

      –Clothes (you think Zara’s new outfits are paid for personally by her or Anne? Or Beatrice? And what about Peter, Edo, Mike….)

      –Transport (helis, planes, chauffered cars….)

      –Security (which otherwise as “non working royals” they wouldn’t get). That will come directly from the taxpayers without having to go through the Duchy (but of course RAVEC will approve it)

      –Staff (Maybe Beatrice’s stylist will now be paid through the Duchy? Or Edo needs a new valet, or Mike? Etc)

      The money train keeps rolling….for everyone but H&M, of course.

    • Agnes says:

      William has to pay for companionship.

    • Lau says:

      I kind of wonder if after the Invictus service William tried to invite the Spencers to his little garden party (not Charles, he’s burn that bridge a long time ago) and they decline to come.

  3. Tessa says:

    Peter is the cool single dad. And bringing his daughters on outings with his girlfriend

    • Julia says:

      Does anyone actually see Peter Phillips as cool? Maybe a few royal reporters are trying to create some hype around him but I think the general public just see him as Anne’s divorced, middle aged son.

  4. ML says:

    That suit is wearing Huevo and due to his hunched posture it looks like he’s cosplaying an undertaker as opposed to hosting a garden party.

  5. swaz says:

    I wonder what is causing such desperation by the Windsors🤣🤣🤣 a whole article about cousins 🤣🤣🤣

    • Julia says:

      I found it funny when the article said the public reaction to seeing the cousins was encouraging. What public reaction? Nobody is talking about this apart from royal reporters and some online royalists. I don’t think the majority of the British public was interested in this wet garden party and uninteresting royal cousins.

  6. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Yes, it had a very “I have cousins too” vibe to the garden party. As time goes on, I’m finding William more and more boorish and tiresome.

    • Liz says:

      The cousins aren’t all that either. None of them are intelligent or articulate

  7. Tarte Au Citron says:

    Billy Idle is going to sit back and let Bea & Tindall do everything when he becomes King, isn’t he.

    Feet up, let the courtiers do whatever, send out the cousins & his kids to cut the boring ribbons, while he channel-surfs at home and prunes the rose bushes. He will be such a useless puppet king.

  8. Eurydice says:

    I thought Trooping was supposed to be the King’s official birthday celebration, not who gets to be in the Prom King’s court. What a trivial bunch.

    • Jais says:

      Right? The all important balcony moment that displays who’s in and who’s out. It’s so freaking high school. And here’s the Telegraph writing about this inane tax-funded high school behavior. This is not a serious system.

  9. The Hench says:

    They write ” The “no half in, half out” rule still applies.” and then they write “Peter Phillips, and Zara and Mike Tindall, are doing so on an ad hoc basis, when asked, and are sure to continue the tradition of Royal Ascot in a few weeks’ time. Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who have full-time jobs, are regularly rumoured to be on the cusp of being elevated back into the royal centre-stage. “I don’t think it means there’s a plan for them to be full-time working members of the Royal family and I’m not sure they’d want that?” said a source of the York sisters.”

    I mean…they LITERALLY just described the cousins as half in half out. And then praised them for it.

    Give me strength.

    • Jais says:

      Are they trying to redefine what half-in half out means? Bc yeah they just described it but then said that it wasn’t it. The gaslighting.

    • Eurydice says:

      Seriously. The piece goes on to say there’s actually no such thing as a working royal policy, but even though it doesn’t exist, they are not going to reverse it. And it’s capped off by saying they invite the relatives whenever they feel like it. An interesting way of saying that none of this matters.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Well, see, they’re not half-in, half-out; they’re more like… a quarter… or, a fifth in… 😁

  10. ELX says:

    That balcony—it’s like Kremlin watching in the 50s, except that mattered re nuclear annihilation. Maybe Huevo will be king, but I really think he’ll be the last.

    • Miranda says:

      I think the only real difference between the BRF and the 1950s Soviet Union is that the Soviets knew how to edit a damn photo.

  11. Miranda says:

    William sees them as (future) tenants. He’s an aspiring slumlord, not a cousin.

  12. equality says:

    Interesting how the rules are always different when Meghan is involved. Make it a little more obvious, RF. So Bea and Eugenie have never “put a foot wrong”? Interesting also how scandals get glossed over for anyone but Harry. This writer might want to revisit B&E’s involvement in Prince Andrew’s fraud scandal, Bea’s dating history and Eugenie’s nude scandal.

    • Tessa says:

      Edo broke up with his pregnant fiancee to date Beatrice. A sort of tom Brady scenario.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ There’s no proof that Edo was ever officially engaged to Dara Huang, despite the initial public claims by Dara and her parents after news broke in late 2018 that Edo and Bea were dating. In any case, Dara and her parents swiftly went radio silent.

        Also, please try to be accurate when referencing Dara’s pregnancy. FYI: Christopher ‘Wolfie’ Mapelli-Mozzi, the son of Dara and Edo, was over 2 1/2 years old when Edo began dating Bea in late 2018. At that time, Dara and Wolfie were living in an apartment where Edo had previously resided with them. While Edo no longer lived at the apartment full-time, he was frequently there in his co-parenting role to his beloved son, Wolfie.

  13. Innie says:

    The royal ascot thing is funny. Since QEII’s death they’ve put anyone and everyone into the royal procession, horse trainers, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Judi Dench, you name it. By Saturday last year they had Frankie Dettori (retiring jockey) in the last carriage. This year it’ll probably be a Kardashian.

  14. Em says:

    William and Charles are a bunch of fools. The cousins are going to get everything they ever wanted without outrightly asking for it, they will get clothes , money security , cars and houses and still do whatever they want all because William wants to spite Harry and Meghan. I’m sure they all have a group mocking William for being so stupid and gullible

  15. Jais says:

    The line about the cousins believing in the institution they grew up in… sounds like a reminder of their duty. The cousins are essentially monarchists who believe in the institution so when Charles or William say jump they must all ask how high regardless of whether they can personally stand the monarch and heir. It’s all about supporting the crown while holding one’s nose. They could still say no but they won’t. They want to keep their govt housing and not get thrown under the tabloid bus by an angry king. None of them want to get Harry and Meghan levels of press vitriol.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    William invited his cousins because the press told him to.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Exactly. The only reason his garden party got any attention was because of Zara, Bea and Eugenie. A little bit of youth and glamour. Without them it was just a bunch of soggy old people holding umbrellas.

  17. bisynaptic says:

    ‘[T]he Windsors never realized that the ridiculous “rules” they set up to snub the Sussexes would become the whole royal system’s undoing.’
    — I’m starting to believe there is a God… 😄

  18. TN Democrat says:

    See? Will-not has friends. He has extended family he can force to show up in the pouring rain if he threatens to revoke their lease agreements, buys them expensive new clothes, provides world class transport/security, doesn’t subject them to scathing Rota coverage as subterfuge to cover his antics, doesn’t make them do (boring) bread and butter events with the proletariat and doesn’t subject them to mean girl keen. Turning the balcony appearances into a who’s who to justify snubbing Harry and the only people of color in family says all that needs to be said about this lot. The wrong foot comment that consistently appears in these articles makes me cringe. Who leaks using that exact phrasing? The tax payer funding needs yanked immediately. The extended family aren’t working royals, but massively benefit without contributing. The entire system is antiquated and needs abolished.

  19. JENNIFER says:

    Interesting that the people who have real scandals, “have never put a foot wrong”
    Didn’t Peter use his royal connections to sell milk in China, using a facade of a house without the owner’s permission?
    Zara- uses royal connections for profit. Was in a public altercation with an ex-boyfriend.
    Mike- cheater and woman assaulter
    Beatrice- covers for her father’s criminality
    Implicated with her parents in some dodgy financial dealings.

    • Liz says:

      It’s a daft expression anyway ‘never put a foot wrong’. The best people are flawed and loveable. Like Diana.

  20. Brassy Rebel says:

    William cares about his cousins the same way he cares about everyone else. How useful they can be to him at any given moment.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    William is flexing as future sovereign to remind his cousins their status, living arrangements, money are dependent on him when he takes the throne. The downside for William: he’ll be responsible for Andrew’s security, livelihood and avoidance of the FBI.

  22. Louise177 says:

    Maybe I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that the cousins always attended a garden party or two. From what I’ve seen, they are going to the same events they always do but getting a lot more attention now due to the lack of working Royals.

    • tamsin says:

      I think you’re right. Beatrice and Eugenie have always appeared at garden parties, trooping and Ascot when their grandmother was alive, so nothing new about them appearing. I think the Tindalls and Peter appearing is the the new twist. I could be wrong, but Trooping and Ascot, yes, because they are there as family, but not the garden parties which is “work.” I think that William and Kate did not appear at garden parties for ages after they were married, and I remember at least one when Beatrice, Eugenie, and Kate and William were all present. Beatrice and Eugenie had to walk behind Kate. I’m not sure if Harry ever did garden parties, except the one after his wedding where he lauded his father, because he was in the army most of his adult life.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate must be miffed — if she has the capacity to read the British press — that someone else is being described as never putting a foot wrong.

    “I’m the never-wrong-foot-putter,” I imagine her crying to her mother.

  24. Lou198 says:

    Zara and her husband are on a cruise to Moroco now. I think it is a part of Charles plan. ,, William does not want to share his shine with anyone but the old uniroyals that he was standing with. Harry lives rent free in their heads.