“Millie Bobby Brown & Jake Bongiovi got married last week” links

Millie Bobby Brown, 20, and Jake Bongiovi, 22, got married in an intimate ceremony last week. I love that they didn’t turn it into an extravaganza. [JustJared]
Jesse Plemons won Best Actor at Cannes. [LaineyGossip]
The Dark Tower is difficult to adapt, but I would say the same about half of Stephen King’s books, to be honest. [Jezebel]
I appreciate the fact that no one is saying that The Phantom Menace needs to be revisited, because that film does not hold up at all. [Pajiba]
Do you have a “butterfly effect” moment in your life? [Buzzfeed]
Eva Green looked amazing in Del Core. [RCFA]
Recreating Met Gala looks for dogs. [Socialite Life]
Memorial Day throwback photos! [Hollywood Life]
God, I haven’t seen Sling Blade in so long. [Seriously OMG]
Maru, king of internet kitties, turned 17 years old. [OMG Blog]

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30 Responses to ““Millie Bobby Brown & Jake Bongiovi got married last week” links”

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  1. Milas says:

    I know it might be outdated, but my sister married at 22. Some people are meant to be. Best of luck, I know more about him than her as BJ fan.

    • bettyrose says:

      My main issue with young marriages is that I tend to think you need to kiss a lot frogs/learn to overcome personal obstacles before you know yourself well enough to commit long term. That’s especially true if one party is much older/more experienced than the other. But honestly these two crazy kids might be right for each other. Do I think this will last forever? Eh, few do, but it might last as long as they both want it to last and become lifelong friendship (a la Angie & Johnny).

  2. sevenblue says:

    Millie has classic stage parents. Although they are so young to get married, I think it can give her a little space and protection away from her parents. I am also so glad they are age appropriate. Genuinely, good luck to them.

    • Kokiri says:

      That’s my thoughts too. She seems very close with his family, which can be a good thing.
      Jake seems stable. I haven’t heard horrible gossip about Jon or the other bon jovis.

    • Danbury says:

      Yes I think so too! In a way I’m not surprised she married early, not only does it get her away from her parents, but also from predators like Drake. Plus, despite his early rock star shenanigans, the Bongiovi family seems like a pretty loving and supporting family unit, so it will be good for her as well.

      Edit: posted at the same time as Kokiri, totally agree!

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah for a time I was scared it could be Drake lol. I’m rooting for these two.

      • bettyrose says:

        Right? There’s no power imbalance here, and like I said above, whatever the future holds for them, they may always feel this was the right thing at the right time for them.

      • Bean says:

        I was just coming here to say that Drake must be heartbroken.

      • Ennie says:

        Maybe. Maybe not, especially if she is older not than his preference.

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    Congrats to the newlyweds – he’s a dead ringer for his father.

    Part of me things that MBB getting married this young is a means to break free from her family, esp her father.

    • lucy2 says:

      That’s my thought as well. Hopefully they really do love each other and make it work, and this wasn’t just an escape route for her. I can’t imagine the pressure she has faced from her family from such a young age.

    • bettyrose says:

      Oh, gurl, dead ringer? I can’t be objective about this but I just no. JBJ still makes me weak.

  4. CJW says:

    I LOVE Eva Green’s whole look. She is beautiful

  5. Flamingo says:

    I remember Henry Cavill talking about her wanting to have these ‘adult’ conversations. And he had to swat her down since she was only about 15 or 16 at the time. For the first Enola Holmes movie. But since she has worked since a kid, she is a bit wise beyond her years.

    She has had more work and life experience than most people at her age.

    I wish them all the love and happiness and hope for the best.

    • sevenblue says:

      From what I remember, Millie talked about that, not Henry Cavill. She didn’t understand why Cavill was putting these boundaries probably because she was “friends” with Drake at a young age. She said before, Drake was giving her advise about boys. So, a grown man telling her, it isn’t appropriate for them to talk about personal lives was weird for her at the time. She didn’t even understand why people were worried about her friendship with Drake, because she was so young.

  6. Kitten says:

    I don’t usually find Jesse Plemons attractive but those Cannes pics are really working for me. Yum.
    Also, I’m so freaking happy to see him getting the acting recognition he deserves. It’s about time. I fully support Jesse’s potential Oscar campaign.

    • lucy2 says:

      He’s such a talented actor, I’m happy for his success as well.
      He may not be conventional movie star handsome, but I think there is something very attractive about talent, and just being a decent, interesting, low key guy.
      Also a lot of the guys who are the movie star types usually are kind of a-holes because they’ve been treated like kings their whole life. Someone mentioned Suri in the Vivienne Jolie post a few days ago, I was thinking how both Cruise and Pitt turned out to be awful people whose actions have led to them to be absent fathers.

      • Kitten says:

        It’s so weird because I remember watching Friday Night Lights a LONG ass time ago and thinking (rather meanly) “this actor is so awkward-looking and not very talented. why was he cast?” and holy shit I have never been more wrong lol. He might end up being one of the best character actors of our time. And yeah, an almost uncanny ability to play really difficult/evil/unlikable characters is actually really attractive.

      • Jais says:

        Landry forever😂

  7. MsIam says:

    Congrats to Millie and Jake!

  8. K says:

    I wish them the absolute best. My Grinch heart is very touched by them.

  9. Thelma says:

    I haven’t heard of this Millie Brown. Young lady but wishing them the best. He looks a lot like his dad.

  10. Ladiabla says:

    Aww I’m rooting for Millie and Jake. I’m glad they had a private ceremony though I would’ve loved to have seen her dress. I’m still swooning over Naomi Biden’s dress, though I’m sure Millie’s would’ve been more youthful. Congrats to them!

  11. Jais says:

    Don’t think the phantom menace ever held up

  12. Sherry says:

    I loved Sling Blade. And John Ritter was so amazing in it.

  13. JFerber says:

    Stage parents/siblings can be remarkably tenacious. Poor Joan Crawford had to take care of her mother and brother for their entire lives. The mother even changed her name to Crawford when Lucille LeSeur’s name was changed to Joan Crawford by the studios. I hope Bobby Milly Brown’s parents will ride off into the sunset without her. They’ve lived off her long enough.

    • SarahCS says:

      Quite. As others have said, his family seem very solid and hopefully that’s helping her think about what sort of relationship she wants with hers and what suitable boundaries look like. I’m often sceptical of people getting married very young but in this case (from what I can see from the cheap seats) it makes sense for them. The lowkey ceremony also suggests it really is about them, not putting on some show for the world.

  14. bisynaptic says:

    Best wishes to MBB. Hope she has a good prenup.