People & Us Weekly’s sources swear that Princess Kate has been out with her family

May 25th was the five-month mark for the last time the Princess of Wales attended a public event and/or was credibly seen by anyone other than “unnamed sources” or a BBC Studios crew who gave no details about filming Kate’s cancer video. Five months is a long time for one of the most famous and photographed women in the world to go missing from the public sphere. The five-month mark also seemed to change the monarchy’s calculations about what they could or should say about Kate and her medical issues. We’ve been wondering how long they could kick the can down the road and push back the timeline for when Kate might be seen by the public. Well, it looks like the palace has decided to go back to an old strategy which did not work at all. Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace – I’m not sure which one – has now run around, telling American outlets that Kate has been SEEN out and about. The palace clearly said the same thing to Becky English at the Mail, and now the palace clowns have given special “exclusives” to People Magazine and Us Weekly saying the same thing:

Kate Middleton is stepping out amid her cancer treatment. The Princess of Wales, 42, has remained out of the public eye since publicly announcing her cancer diagnosis in March as she undergoes chemotherapy. However, Kate has recently been spotted out with her family and solo running errands, sources tell PEOPLE.

[From People]

And this from Us Weekly:

Princess Kate Middleton may not be returning to work anytime soon — but she has been spending time with her little ones . The recuperating royal recently has been spotted in public with her children, a source told Us Weekly exclusively. Kate, 42, shares three kids — Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6 — with husband Prince William.

[From Us Weekly]

I genuinely believe that American outlets are going to regret cosigning the palace’s lies in the long-term. There’s absolutely no reason for Us Weekly or People Magazine to put their “credibility” on the line just to parrot whatever lie they got straight from a palace briefing. This whole thing is suspicious as hell too and it feels like we’re back in early March, with all of these random-ass “sightings” and yet no one has any photos, and then when someone does get photos… the person looks nothing like Kate. Now, in early March, Kensington Palace didn’t bother to leak anything to the American outlets. So maybe this is some kind of plan being executed by Buckingham Palace. That’s the only way I could see People Mag agreeing to run with this – if they had what they believed was a solid BP source.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images. Covers courtesy of The Sun & The Mail.

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216 Responses to “People & Us Weekly’s sources swear that Princess Kate has been out with her family”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    Pics or it didn’t…no, never mind.

    • Abby says:

      Right, my exact thoughts.

    • seaflower says:


    • SarahCS says:

      I think with this story I think it’s pics AND rather than or. Who knows what nonsense they will try next.

    • Carmen says:

      She was wearing Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak, dontcha know.

    • nutella toast says:

      @Eurydice Yep. I googled “Kate Middleton shopping 2017” just to see what popped up and there are TONS of pics taken by regular people or paparazzi. Don’t tell me an entire island of people collectively all of the sudden got protective of Kate and decided to respect her privacy – $$$$ for pics be damned despite a very real economic crisis. I don’t believe that for a second. And don’t tell me the Rota wouldn’t be the first in line with pics for sale. If they took pics of Diana dying, they most certainly would take pics of Kate sick.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes! A random photo on somebody’s photo will be a huge moneymaker for that person–no way she’s been out & about with no one snapping a pic. There are far too many cameras (on phones) in the world for this to happen.

      • Kane says:

        @nutella I’m glad you wrote this. I ecosia Kate 2017 pictures. Her face didn’t look that bad. She really did have some sort of breakdown or anxiety thing about Megan or Harry.

        I remember Kate and her mom on the cover of an American tabloid talking about the Ducan diet bread to get ready for her wedding. Kate lost some of her looks around that time due to weightloss. But still she didn’t look scary until after Harry and Megan started getting press.

        I think she got scared they would take her magazine spotlight. It’s sad. You can literal feel the desperation in the pictures since then. It’s not like Meg was going to magically become the princess of Wales. Kate did all this for nothing. And William still seems to want a divorce.

      • Bad Janet says:

        Or, Kane, she has a disease that is causing weight loss. I know the ED theory is very popular, but the truth is a lot of things can make you unwell, some which are directly related to high levels of weight loss and eventually cancer.

        I’m not giving her a pass for the bad things she has done, but there has been a lot of ongoing speculation that might actually be better explained by something else.

    • Honeybee says:

      US media are trying to make the BP or KP spill anything. The photos stunt and fake Kate came after TMZ car photo.
      Think like this. You are absent from work but you instructed your colse friends to lie your boss, that you are attending a meeting and will talk to him after few hours. Your friends continuously updates your boss that they have seen you talking with the client. Now one of your other colleagues who often gossip about you, tells your boss that they saw you talking with client.

      Just think why your other colleague has to lie without your request? What if he/she further exaggerated your story? You may get caught. This what they are doing. May be Carol’s strategy.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Wait wait wait!

      How long after Colbert’s segment on Rose and William did the palace release “Kate’s” cancer AI video?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Ten days later.

        Colbert joke: 12th of March
        BBC Studios Kate: 22nd of March

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      One quick thing. Please can we stop this?

      It makes me ill the amount of times I have seen people – esp Americans – posting that their coworker was going through chemo and still coming to work, never missed a day etc.

      That’s sick and wrong.

      Just because as a society, we have laid the care of people suffering with cancer on themselves and their loved ones – doesn’t mean that that’s ok. Just because we have put the emotional, physical, financial and mental well being squarely on the patient and their loved ones – doesn’t make that ok.

      In America, people have to keep working. Most people are insured through their employer. If they don’t keep working a specific number of hours or days, they can lose their jobs and then their insurance.

      Even with excellent insurance, any serious illness is very likely to bankrupt them.

      And those people who do take time off – I’ve seen it time and time again, from people who has a stroke or an aneurism and worked hard to get back to functioning so they can continue to work, as well as cancer or a serious heart attack. First day “back” after recovering – they are fired.

      It happens all the time. Now they have no insurance for further tests and well check ups nor do they have any money to start paying off their medical bills. Or to pay for their own cost of living.

      Just because a coworker who had cancer comes into the office and acts like they are fine – that doesn’t mean that is the case. It means that they are trying to cause the least disruption so they don’t get fired if they survive.

      End stage capitalism is a bleeping horror show.

      • Henny Penny says:


      • DeeSea says:

        Co-sign your point about this. Some people can and do continue to work during cancer treatment. Some people can’t and don’t. And then there are lots of other types of situations between those 2 extremes. Unfortunately, I’m old enough to have seen all points of that spectrum first-hand in my family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances. I lost my beloved brother to cancer last month. He was one of the most determined and committed hard workers I’ve ever met, and even he had to take indefinite leave from his job months before he died. He just could not work, no matter how much he tried to will himself to. Luckily, he was able to take a leave, and I’ve also known people who didn’t have that option. There’s a full spectrum of experience among people who have jobs and also have cancer.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I don’t think it’s sick and wrong. Cancer touches everyone’s life and we all deal with it however we choose to deal with it, and for some of us, we WANT to go back to our lives as normal as quickly as we can. It helps us cope. People are posting these stories because we don’t buy what KP is selling. We all–each and every one of us–know someone with cancer & what they’re saying about Kate doesn’t ring true.

        And using your example of stroke or aneurism, my own brother had a massive stroke at age 42 & was off work for four months. He didn’t miss a paycheck due to his co-workers donating their leave. And he went back to work, he did not get fired. I remember he just wanted his life back, his routine, his work, his kids, his life as usual.

      • Becks1 says:

        so I get what you are saying (please note a lot of people here are NOT Americans, so its not a complete American thing) but this is another example of where KP is screwing up. Kate could have said in her cancer video that she is aware of her privilege and being able to stop working completely is a huge privilege that many don’t have, Americans or not (because you still have to pay your bills.) she’s not worried about wait times, scheduling appointments before work, losing her job, feeding her kids while she’s sick, etc.

        So I think KP acting like Kate is entitled to take as many months off as she wants for this is a huge misstep because they are completely failing to acknowledge that enormous privilege.

      • Kit says:

        Wow, so dramatic. It’s ironic of course to use Kate as a poster child for NHS type of care because the care she’s getting is for the uber rich and has no bearing on country or whether she has insurance what so ever. Kate is THAT special.

        Kate is so special that the press has multiple, conflicting reports/lies daily about her and provides no proof of life. Then the public who pays attention is guilty of paying attention and talking about Kate. Kate can take millions in public money and we aren’t supposed to ask any questions.

        Poor, poor Kate. She’s so, so special. We get it. She can have her cake and eat it too.

      • Eleonor says:

        I had to do an hysterectomy in April: I spent three days at the hospital, and I have been on sickleave for six weeks.
        I have friends who were perfectly fine within 2 weeks, I needed more, and that was perfectly ok. I felt fragile, tired, and honestly: I would have remained at home doing yoga, eating healthy and reading for at least three months, but I also wanted to go back to normal.
        I have recently seen the invoices and I have never been more grateful for the public healthcare system, which is far from perfect, but of I was in the US probably I wouldn’t have done the surgery, and even more frightening I’d have pretended to be ok to avoid going back to work in pain within 24 hs.
        I am sorry you think this is normal.

      • Nerd says:

        Joyful Luluri I don’t know what the majority of the posters are in this platform but regardless of what anyone’s nationality is, this isn’t solely about what other cancer patients have experienced. This has to do with the inconsistencies that the palaces, royals and media have fed us for five months. In this case, they go back and forth between her being so ill that she cannot return to work, then they share photos, videos or articles that are contrary to that. Most people have experienced cancer in their lives, either themselves, family, friends or coworkers, so of course everyone has different experiences but are still sympathetic to this situation. The issue is that this new article contradicts someone who is unable to return to work for months or possibly the remainder of the year. Someone who is taxpayer funded and therefore honesty is the least anyone should expect in this situation. Their continued stringing along people with contradictory stories is what most are talking about. Honesty is always the best policy because no one appreciates being lied to.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        End stage capitalism is also recognized by the worship of billionaires and royals, which is motivating the “how dare taxpayers expect anything from Kate, they shouldn’t even be allowed to speculate on a forum” narratives.

        There is no excuse for KP not giving legit proof of life and a detailed enough medical diagnosis that it makes sense of her not working but being out running errands at this point.

        It’s done for every other public person other than those in autocratic regimes.

        No one is saying Kate shouldn’t be allowed to rest if that’s what is best for her medically, so I’m not sure how you ended up arguing that straw man. It would be ideal if everyone had that right, but again, that isn’t the point.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        But Kate’s story is just so weird. She doesn’t actually have cancer (according to her), it’s merely preventative chemo. And the narrative is always they’re doing everything for the kids, but experts say the best thing for kids is to have a sense of normalcy, but this is completely NOT normal for the Waleses. And they allow video of her skipping at a market, but she was too ill to have a mother’s day photo taken. And why does she need to care of two (Filipino, per William) nurses? And complete silence for 5 months, no phone calls or video (other than the AI one)? All for preventative chemo? It’s not that people expect her to work, but the inability to even be seen or heard does not match with the story they told us.

      • LookieLou says:

        JOYFUL For the win!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

      • K says:

        We are all still kissing the ass of the American dream fantasy.
        This is absolutely the truth. If only we weren’t brainwashed as a country with this stupid shit. My only hope is the younger generation. They don’t seem willing to take it. I wish people would wake up and see how badly the American worker is treated.

      • Square2 says:

        @JOYFUL LILURI I didn’t read every posts, treads and relies on CB, and of course depends on any individual’s circumstance and healthcare system available to them, people take different actions after being diagnosed with cancer and/or other major diseases. Unfortunately we all do not live in Utopia.

        What most people here are concerned about, at least to me, is The Missing Princess, her people and KP IS weaponizing her cancer diagnosis (be it truth or not) to skip their responsibilities and to hit out at the Sussex. That’s despicable.

      • acha says:

        Pretty sure the only point that a lot of us who have been there, done that, are trying to make is that this is all incredibly sus, in part because it is not in line with our own experiences.

      • Becks1 says:

        Also, its worth pointing out that Kate has a far from typical job. She can zoom for 15 minutes and it counts the same as a three hour engagement. She is not working 8 or 10 hours a day, with a commute (I mean she’ll commute but its by helicopter etc).

        So in that regard, her complete absence IS notable and the argument of “other people work through chemo why can’t she” has more weight because…..she barely works. Her job requires minimal effort from her.

      • Kit says:

        @Joyful, If this is about the UK, and how better it is to have healthcare for all, then sure many would agree that’s a wonderful and enlightened system. Though my in-laws have consistently reminded me the current NHS isn’t the NHS they grew up with. The UK healthcare system has been reeling from scandals to scandals. It’s understaffed and good luck getting seen if you are sick. And if you have cancer, you definitely don’t get the kind of care Kate gets.

        But Joyful, that’s not what you are saying. You are conveniently trying to use a wedge issue to excuse the ridiculousness of MIA Kate. So you can grab straw man, let’s bash American healthcare system, to obsfucate the fact that Kate has been missing and the royal family and the press have been lying about it since.

      • Kathy says:

        The point is that these people have been lying. Fake pictures, fake timeline of recovery, fake hospitalization, fake stories about the school runs, fake stories about shopping, fake, fake, fake. So no one knows what to believe, but they sure as hell don’t believe anything coming from KP. My bet is she is on whatever Caribbean island these people hole up on and must have taken her 2 kids and her parents with her. But who the hell knows? And that is the point. The lying has been a disaster and they have proven time and time again that they are not to be trusted.

        Kate doesn’t need to get back to work. She just needs to show credible proof of life and the fact that has not and is not happening is troubling, to say the least, considering the history of what has happened to the married-intos …

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        @beaniebean – I’m glad your brother didn’t get fired after needing to take a 4 month break from work due to an extreme medical situation.

        But the fact that his coworkers had to donate their leave time for him? That is sick and wrong.

        All of us will die. Many of us will get horribly ill. That should be understood and society as a whole should be built to uphold its members who are suffering, in all the ways, shapes and forms that humans do.

        Yes. Many people do want to get back to normal. Which for many includes work. But many people want to just be. Be in their homes. Be with their families.

        Coming close to death is a traumatic thing and people should be free to do what makes them feel best at that time. (Provided it’s not hurting anyone else) but in America especially the whole – didn’t miss a day of work through chemo – should not be held up as the ideal or as amazing or inspirational. Those people were coming to work – maybe to feel normal – but their health crisis isn’t normal. They are experiencing trauma and an existential crisis.

        Please don’t try to make working while undergoing cancer treatments as any sort of hard working America ooohhh raaaah thing.

        It’s a flipping tragedy that so many Americans have to work through their children’s illnesses, their illnesses, mental health crises, the death of parents etc.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        @kit you must be knew here. Ive been here for 18+ years.

        I am not trying to distract from Kate being completely missing. In fact, I have and have shared detailed theories on what I think best fits this situation.

        Kate is missing. End of. No one is willing to go on the record to say that they have seen her. At all.

        Regardless of what the issue is, if she’s alive, she hasn’t been seen in 5 months.

        For the palace to state that she’s undergoing preventative chemo and yet not post a single video or photo or even have her do a visit to a cancer ward on one of her better days – that’s atrocious.

        She has one of the biggest platforms on earth and she could be doing and accomplishing so many incredible things. For families. For children. For humanity!

        But she has squandered her time, her limelight and she hasn’t contributed anything to anyone. All of the articles in the world cannot actually make her have achieved something.

        And what is incredibly insulting – and I’ve said it before and again – is that she soap boxes on about the early years. Yet hasn’t even done a single donation drive to a food bank or to help shelters for families who are unhoused. She has had every single advantage and she won’t use an ounce of her privilege to help anyone but herself.

        She has cancer (supposedly) and everyone is acting as though yes. Of course she needs an indeterminate amount of time off. Where no one will be able to pinpoint where she is, or what she is doing or who is taking care of her children.

        She’s beyond privileged to have someone to do absolutely everything. So if she is deeply ill – she also has the privilege of being able to spend all of her time with her family and children. While many people are forced to work through their worst days.

        All I’m saying is please – let’s not propagate this idea that people with cancer are just out and about running errands and hitting the gym and carrying on like normal becayee they are amazing. And anyone who can’t do that is less than somehow.

        Kate can and should be doing something with her life. She should have been doing so all along.

        But here we are.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Joyful you’ve said a few times that you’ve been here for years but I’ve never seen your name before the last two weeks, and if you posted before that I don’t recall bc you have a distinctive posting style. Usually when switching to a new name it’s courtesy on these interwebs to share your new name. But I’ve def never seen you on a royal post before these last two weeks.

        Which is FINE – new blood is great! But it’s weird you’re insisting you’ve been around for 18 years when that’s only try if you’ve been lurking or using a completely different name.

  2. Nubia says:

    At this stage they better just tell the truth or keep quiet. No need for fairy tales that will blow up in their faces.

    • SarahCS says:

      You’d think they might learn eventually but I for one am enjoying the repetition of the same mistake.

      Is it in the simpsons where you have someone who keeps stepping on rakes whatever direction they step in? That.

      • Shawna says:

        Sideshow Bob! The funniest part is the world-weary sigh he makes every time.

      • goofpuff says:

        That is so true! They never learn from their mistakes. That’s probably why they go through real PR folks like candy. They don’t bother listening to people who know what they’re doing. They are too confident in the stupidity of their base and that they control the global media.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Exactly these fantasy sightings are putting me squarely back in conspiracy theory land. They said she’s staying out of sight during her recovery. There is no need for these rumors. In fact they directly undermine their own story.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      It might that the theory she is getting treatment out of the country is true. It could mean two disparate things are true at once: (1l she really is not that sick, as they say, and (2) she truly cannot be seen in public, not because she’s very sick, but because she is physically somewhere else.

      So maybe she really is simply getting adjuvant chemo, but cannot work from a foreign country. If she’s ready to return home, the palace might be putting out these tidbits so it’s not a shock when she suddenly appears in public looking like she *could* have been working earlier.

      • CatMum says:

        she could zoom from anywhere. it’s cow manure. they are lying! like they always do!

        tbh I just hope I live long enough to find out what really happened. because whatever it is, they’re making things up for the public. which is why I think whatever happened was caused by her husband. (which also means that we may never know.)

  3. Dani says:

    I thought they wanted the consipiracy theorists to settle down?

    • Agnes says:

      It does seem like someone is deliberately fanning the flames of social media speculation. I can’t see what the end goal is. Proof of life or it didn’t happen.

      • Jes says:

        Someone else on cb yesterday or a few days ago said they believe that the palace is flooding the zone in non UK outlets with all sorts of inconsistent stories to creat confusion and distraction. Sure seems like it..

    • EasternViolet says:

      I think this is an offensive move (badly played) because questions on social media are getting louder and when that happened in late Feb/March, International media started asking questions which is when the photoshop fail, Pap photo and AI Kate were released in defense… after “Cancer” was invoked, the world press backed off. I think these reports are to prevent that from happening again.

      • Agnes says:

        They are better off saying and doing nothing than putting out A. staged fake photos/videos or B. unverified, unverifiable assertions. This latest is category B, and I wonder what camp is responsible — BP, KP, or Bucklebury. It’s all kind of hilarious until you remember an entire 5’10” skinny mother of 3, with all her wigs and buttons and coatdresses, has not been seen by anyone anywhere in over 5 months.

  4. Oh come on!! She has been missing for months and suddenly she is out in public and no one has an I iPhone to capture the outing. Nope more lies.

    • First comment says:

      Notice that we have the Kate’s sightings only now when everyone started to wonder where she’s after the royal briefing that she won’t return till the end of the year…they are getting pretty predictable 🤔

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Exactly my thoughts. The pictures of Sasquatch from the 1960’s are more believable than those grainy-ass pictures of Kate out there. Just how gullible do they think we are?

      • Lia says:

        FFS, Kate had preventative chemotherapy, which means it’s long finished and was probably a “soft” therapy. I’m pretty sure Kate is already reasonably fit again (at least her “bad” condition has nothing to do with the “cancer” that apparently used to exist).
        Either she really doesn’t want to work (as always… but now she has an excuse) or she still has problems with her stoma (never ever would Kate run around with a stoma even if you can live a very normal and good life with it). The cancer issue was just hyped up so that people would leave her alone.
        I think the biggest problem is her bowel disease/artificial bowel outlet or her mental breakdown and she’s using it as an excuse to have her peace and quiet and not having to work. Don’t forget, she’s still protected by KP and the BM!

        In a few months she’ll turn up as if nothing had happened when she feels like it… Even though i would prefer that the two of them finally get divorced and this farce stops. I wouldn’t mind if she didn’t show up in public again. Than her lunatic stans and the derangers would shut up.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        I don’t think she’s coming back.

        I sort of exactly called this specific scenario as the best way to go about moving Kate off the board. Like listed the time lines that I thought would work and scripts for the messaging.

        It’s really freaking me out to see it play out in real time.

        I had no idea KP/ BP was reading this blog at the time. But I do worry I created the blue print that they are in part using. I’m sure some staffer is taking credit for it. And to be honest – KP is such a nightmare that they mangled my explicit timeline, messaging and roll out of this all. Which comforts me.

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean, no, KP did not read a comment here and create a whole PR strategy around that, lol. I know we like to think that but I really doubt that.

        but in general, lots of people here have posted theories about how this would play out so even if KP is reading this blog, they’re not fixating on any one particular comment so don’t be too freaked out.

      • Nerd says:

        It’s also interesting that they always go the route of US media to put these rumors, photos or video out there. Before it was TMZ everywhere but now it’s People magazine which has been heavy royal propaganda about her since Harry and Meghan’s wedding. I know they have a UK editor that used to work there, I wonder if that is still the case and why they have gone that route?

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      This. A simple look at the very recent times Will (and Harry and Meghan) have been seen at public events, there are a ton of pics posted to social media. Yet we’re to believe that a multitude of people saw Khate out with her kids in public for the first time in five months and no one snapped a photo and shared on social saying “OMG is that who I think it is?” much less tried to sell it to a pap?

    • BeanieBean says:

      It really is the stupidest of lies. 🤦‍♀️

  5. Shawna says:

    Either Kaiser and Celeb*tchies have fantastic radars, or the palaces are taking cues from us now. We’ve been ramping “Where’s Kate” back up, and lo and behold.

    Hey KP, we don’t believe it. Can’t wait see what dumb antics you come up with in the coming weeks.

    • Nubia says:

      I just had a thought,what if she ends up like Shelly Miscavige who I’m sure has been missing for a decade at this point.

      • Lorelei says:

        Can you imagine if she really does end up like Shelly and we’re still having this same exact conversation in like ten years??

      • KASalvy says:

        I’ve been thinking for a while that this has massive Shelly vibes all over it.

        Wasn’t W fawning over tom cruise recently? Gotta wonder if he gave huevo ideas and the COE is going to start looking more like the church of scientology…

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        Ive been calling her Kate Midscaviage for a while now. It’s just a pain to write 😂

      • Interested Gawker says:

        🤔And who called CNN in the States, unbidden, to talk live on air about his take on the scandal of wild paparazzi chasing celebrities through the streets when Diana’s accident accident was first announced in 1997, later attended Diana’s funeral with his then wife Nicole Kidman?

        Tom Cruise.

  6. Miranda says:

    After all this time, with all this speculation, there is simply no way in hell she could possibly go out without being photographed by ANYONE. At this point, a person could probably retire or put a couple kids through college with the cash they’d get for a single photo.

    • Shoegirl77 says:

      I have family who live in Windsor. I must get them to start looking out 🤣🤣🤣

  7. ML says:

    Okay. BP’s messaging has been cancer, rough, recovery, staff grateful for K’s cards. KP’s messaging has been healthy-ish, one hospital visit, responsible for Frankenphoto, fine yet not working…
    KP also had W reporting to US publications with Earthsh!t in the past when he was attempting to take over America.
    This is from KP, no?

    • Shawna says:

      Definitely KP’s messaging. I guess this is William trying to wrest control from Charles. Oh, William, your octogenarian father runs circles around you.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes, this is definitely from KP because its like that mess from March – “she really is out and about! She goes to all the school events! She was at a farm stand this weekend!” and then two days later we had a video of the alleged farm stand visit.

      I think one of the reasons KP’s messaging has been so consistently bad is that William wants it both ways – he wants to downplay her illness for whatever reason, but he also wants the public to think that she’s so sick he can’t work because of the “school run” and “taking care of Kate.”

      I think what we’re seeing here is that Kate is so sick she can’t be seen in public until 2025 but hey she’s actually not that bad, she’s running errands etc!

      (and that brings us back to the question we all had in March – if Kate is well enough to be running around town, school runs, etc – why isnt she back to work in ANY capacity? A video message thanking people for those alleged well wishes, a quick visit to a local charity, a zoom meeting for her Early Years report for which she was the “driving force,” anythiing? Someone who is back to running errands around town and being seen increasingly does not sound like someone who cannot return to work for 7 months.)

      • Eurydice says:

        I think it’s a combo of William’s laziness and what we saw yesterday with the Spanish journalist. Kate is sick enough that William can’t work, but not so sick that William’s gallivanting with “special friends” paints him as super heartless – he’s just taking a well-deserved break from caretaking, not cheating on a wife with cancer.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        There is a certain inconsistency.

      • Shawna says:

        It’s so crazy because, for me, if I had an insanely wealthy friend too sick to work until 2025, I’d be telling her to let the servants run the errands while she gets her rest and heals.

        Sounds like KP/William is just playing “whack-a-mole” with any rumors and doesn’t care about consistency. Too short-sighted. I keep seeing William drunk in a tower shouting bullsh*t ideas he thinks are genius.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Replying to Becks1 above last sentence – imagine any of us being off sick (and on full pay) and our bosses spotting us out and about running errands.
        Really, this is insulting to all those off sick and struggling to manage on reduced salaries, or no salary.

      • Harper says:

        This supposed recovery is right on schedule for those of us who predicted she’d recover from this bout of surgery and “had cancer”, then have a setback with complications. The complications will require her to retire from the royal life or from living in general.

      • Julianna says:

        @Harper 💯

    • SarahCS says:

      100% KP. They do nothing but time and again prove quite how bad they are at this. i love it.

      • Lorelei says:

        They never learn anything from their past mistakes. Ever! It’s incredible.
        They HAD to know that leaking this would lead to people wanting to see photos of all of this supposed errand-running.

    • The Hench says:

      Quite. If she is well enough to be ‘out and about’ in public multiple times in May then she is not ill enough to be unable to work until the Autumn/2025. Her ‘work’ consists of showing up at a food bank or charity for an hour, walking about chatting or doing the odd zoom call. Neither of those things require more physical stamina than popping to Tesco’s or whatever it is that KP via Becky English would have us believe she is doing.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      This has KP’s fingerprints all over it. Bots were noticeably more present on twitter yesterday claiming up and down Khate had been seen recently and there were even pics! Now, who is it that likes to pay for bots???

      • Lux says:

        Just bizzare. And notice it’s about her and the kids, who she “shares” with William (I know that’s a common/awkward phrasing in their reportage but still weird that there is no emphasis on William being seen with her—what, was she watching the kids alone in her state??). Anytime they say Kate’s “family” I automatically think the kids and the Middletons. It also remains incredibly telling that when she filmed her “cancer video,” William was not waiting in the wings at the studio. He has nothing better to do…really no excuse for not being there then.

  8. Barbara says:

    Sure, sure, sure. What a weird world we live in where the monarchy we fought a war to break away from hundreds of years ago is dictating fairy tales to our own press. I guess I’m too American because I can’t figure out why a handful of inbred, terrible people have so much influence.

    • ncboudicca says:

      @Barbara – the American press is really p*&&ing me off with this nonsense. Our press should be leading the way with “yeah, look at how none of these stories we’re being fed make any sense”…at least commentary attached to every official story stating “none of this information was confirmed by independent sources”

      • Feeshalori says:

        I’m pissed off as well. Our media is reporting this garbage and acting all dewy eyed and breathless to what they think is a gullible American public. Get out of here, it’s so insulting. They should be doing better than this, demanding unimpeachable sources and proven pictures and blowing the lid off these shenanigans.

      • Harper says:

        There is no journalism. The basic tenet of journalistic reporting is answering the questions who, what, where, when, and why. Where was Kate seen? Windsor? Norfolk? What was she doing? Entering or leaving a store? What establishment was graced with her royal presence? Where is the interview with the shocked shopkeeper who couldn’t believe his or her eyes? What was Kate wearing? Who was with her? Did she speak? How were the children? Was Louis there thumbing his nose at her again?

        In reality, this is nothing but KP saying, “Look over there! It’s Kate! Oh, you didn’t see her? I swear it was her. Better luck next time, peasants!”

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Harper 🎯

  9. Steph says:

    This lie is insane. Do they really think we believe that people in the midst of a cost of living crisis respect the people living a life of luxury and excess off their hard earned money enough that they wouldn’t snap a pic and sell it to the highest bidder?
    This is coming out bc at usual Pegs is an f-up. This is trying to cover up for the backlash he’s getting by showing obvious favoritism to George.

  10. Jais says:

    Why even bother with this? It’s so freaking insulting. Unnamed sources swear Kate’s been seen out and about. How ridiculous. They need to stop treating the public like idiots. Was the unnamed source Becky English?

    • Debbie says:

      This is definitely a reprise of the earlier stories where “sources” said one person pinkie-swore they definitely saw Kate out somewhere, but no pictures were taken. (Trust us, though.) Next, perhaps an interview of someone who blinked once for yes/and blinked twice for no, when questioned about seeing Kate recently. This is usually followed by pictures of a half-eaten lunch Kate reportedly left behind three days ago, or pictures of a forgotten glove she no doubt left behind while shopping. (No, this time it’s for real because she’s been photographed wearing similar accessories from the same label 5 years ago.) Then, when people start adding one and one, the grainy photographs in some deserted place will start and, if they run true to form (which they will), the palaces will begin arranging photographs of “her” and William off to some appointment again. This will inevitably culminate in some brief video or Frankenphoto, this time manufactured by professionals – so that KP can deny it, of course. Hint: the role of the “professionals” may be played by the BBC or some other media sources with no pride. Rinse and repeat.

    • The Hench says:

      YES – @Jais- the unnamed source is Becky English. I’m so sad that I combed through the little rash of “Keen has been seen!!” stories in the press this morning from The Independent, People, Tatler and Vanity Fair for exactly this reason. Was there, I wondered, someone else claiming the same thing as BE? All of the stories in those publications were almost identical. Three of them quoted ‘sources’, one of them (I think it was VF) specifically said that the news of these out and about sightings had come from Becky English. Ergo – she is the source. None of the publications said ‘a Palace source’ or ‘ a friend of’ etc.

      • Proud Mary says:

        I think it’s really funny how yesterday, someone made a comment under the post about KittKat, saying they won’t trust any statement about her that did not come from a direct sources such as her medical team. I agreed and said “her doctors” not Becky “Refrigerator English.” Not even a day later, here we are, with so-called reputable mainstream media quoting the Fridge herself as the source for this later “sighting”.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Why do they call BE the refrigerator?

      • Underhill says:

        The Rota have their own little echo chamber going, where they act as each others unnamed sources and can say any ridiculous thing according to unnamed source. Silly people, trying to earn a living this way. They all should get an honest job.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Feeshalori, there’s actually an appearance by her, if I’m not mistaken, on the Mail’s YouTube channel, where she’s crying about how people on SM body shame her by likening her shape to a refrigerator. I abhor body shaming, but not when it applies to a Cretan like Rebecca. I especially like the moniker because way back in the ’80s, there was an American football player, William Perry, nicknamed “Refrigerator Perry”, because of his size. I think it tracks very well for her. So when she’s doing her usual capping for the crime, I simply don’t take her seriously as all. I just think of a fridge and laugh.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Thanks for the explanation, Proud Mary, I’m not into body shaming either but bottom feeders like these deserve their appellations.

      • Jais says:

        I’m not into body shaming names at all so I’m not into that name even for BE. I’d rather a name that reflects what she does which is verbatim repeat whatever the palaces tell her and claims she actually ran into William at the hospital. I’d rather just call her the stenographer or the harlequin lady for her weird comments about making eyes with William. Prefer names that reflect what a person does but that’s just me.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Jais, how about ass kisser? It’s broad enough to take into account her numerous orders from the brf.

      • Jais says:

        Ass kisser fits for sure. And I just realized that I have never had a problem when someone says horsemilla so ima selective hypocrite actually.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Jais, some people deserve these names more than others. Camilla deserves every single moniker that’s bestowed on her.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Kate is the new Snuffleupagus.

  11. Piper says:

    Wow – they really read your stuff Kaiser! You and so many commenters have said why doesn’t anyone see her?? Now this – 😂

    • Mimi says:

      Respectfully, don’t overestimate the importance of this site. There are many places online saying the same thing. If anything, the palace minions take their cues from the Sussex Squad, whom they have been obsessively following for years.

      • Shawna says:

        And they’re thinking they’re shutting down the Squad when really they’re letting the Squad dictate what they write about. Lol.

      • Julianna says:

        They definitely follow the Sussex Squad but they also follow this site, pillage Quora, Reddit, YouTube and even LSA forum. Dont underestimate the amount of tax money KP uses on stalking sites, stalking comments, stalking specific social media users, youtube and pillaging forums. And do not underestimate the amount of BOTS and even people paid to comment on Quora and other forums to push narratives and talking points etc.

      • Proud Mary says:

        They absolutely obsessed over the Squad. They listen to their podcasts and their YouTube channels. They’ve tried to get Squad channels taken down on YouTube. So pathetic that channels with a few thousand followers scare them so much. I love that they are so off kilter.

    • MelodyM says:

      Actually, I expected something like this after that most recent Spanish article about Kate’s health. They are so stupidly predictable! lol!

  12. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    Puuulleeeaase! Right now a photo of her out and about would be worth more than one of Nessy, Sasquatch, and Bigfoot in a goat yoga class together, and yet NO ONE got a photo in any of these outings? GTFOH!

  13. E.A says:

    Honestly she’s not my favourite person but she should be left alone, the same way people pick on Meg. I’m not fond of the way we treat public figures something clearly wrong with her let her be. I just wish Meg is afforded grace.

    • Steph says:

      She could be left alone. It’s her people putting it blatant lies about her.

      • Jais says:

        This. Her own people are out there saying stupid things like sources say she’s been out and about. How the hell is that giving her privacy.

    • equality says:

      No, not the same as Meghan. All sorts of racist lies were printed about Meghan by the same press that is generally giving Kate privacy and defending her right to it. Most people as far as Kate is concerned are worried about her since the RF has a habit of chewing up and spitting out married-in women.

    • Shawna says:

      We’re not “letting her alone” (actually, not letting William alone) because we don’t actually know what we’re letting her alone for or with. The lies and bumbling are suspicious. Sussex stans are actually some of the only people who are actually paying attention and are asking if Kate is okay. Leaving her alone may not be doing her a favor.

    • Mari says:

      I don’t see this as people picking on her. This is serious. If you notice, nobody is attacking her. However, its undeniable that not having a single credible picture, sighting in the wild or even a phone call since last year is bizarre for such a public figure who was ALWAYS front and center in the UK publications. This includes her mom and younger kids too. None of the explanations given make sense after such a long time. The lies and attempts at shutting down speculation do not help either. It is just plain weird and not necessarily a criticism on her.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Kate is hardly reading Celebitchy, so you can relax. After all, she’s not even reading her early years reports, she’s being told about them.

      Since you say you want Meghan given grace, Probably best to spend your concerned energy reporting the accounts trying to hunt down Meghan’s children, because certainly we can all agree that physically stalking babies is out of bounds.

      • Tessa says:

        And also they want harry to take the children away from Meghan and go back to his father and brother. So vile.that has never been said about Kate and the Wales children

      • Shawna says:

        Mic drop.

    • Eurydice says:

      It would have been a lot easier if they’d just picked a story and stuck with it. The faked photos were a huge miscalculation – now nobody believes anything they say.

      • Christine says:

        This. It was all idle speculation re: surgery until they put out the obviously fake photos.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “the same way people pick on Meg.”

      Technically, yes, that’s true; the bot and media ecosystem KP continues to use to harass the Sussexes has been repurposed by KP to push their lies and talking points into entertainment news and SM about the POW.

      The same tactics BRF has been using in their ongoing character assassination of Meghan (and Harry) are being used to suggest to the public that ‘Kate is well’ and all people questioning the glaring inconsistencies and demanding for proof of life for a woman who has not been seen in five months are as malicious as KP influenced Sussex haters as William and the BRF continue to obfuscate the true story and wriggle out of accountability for the gaslighting, fraud and lies KP has perpetrated to date.

      In the same way lies and propaganda are picked apart and refuted on H&M’s behalf we pick apart and question this ongoing scam to silence the Middletons and pretend Kate has agency and free choice to be disappeared from public life when it’s clear something sinister has happened and KP is lying about everything to do with Kate and her health.

      • Shawna says:

        Great analysis. It reveals how much moralizing does the work for these “journalists.” Instead of reporting facts or events, they decide on what emotion-laden value they’re going to push on. Sl*t-shaming? White supremacy? Patriotism? Anti-intellectualism? Family values? Stiff upper lip-ism? Loyalty? Conformity?

    • Tessa says:

      No it’s not the same thing. There are do many name calls and fake stories in dm comments. The dm no longer let’s people complain about posts. Kate does not get the intense level of dislike that Meghan gets. And harry is stereotyped . The queen and Charles should have stopped this ages ago.

    • EasternViolet says:

      We can’t paint all public figures with the same brush. Those in entertainment have control over their public narrative (see Beyoncé, Taylor Swift etc.). Kate married into an institution dedicated to public service. This is paid for by the British people, and the family’s existence is at the people’s grace and favour. The British public deserve more truth in who is representing them, and the Rota and the Firm are accountable TO THE PEOPLE. No one is asking for Kate to make her medical records public. But a straight answer is deserved. Since January we have been getting, ‘She has had planned abdominal surgery” and needs 14 days in hosp. She needs to recover. Is going well. Then to strange pap photos in a car, to her gallivanting at a farmers market, to the cancer announcement, to she is good, she is fine, she is recovering, she is doing early years important work but not working, to she is having a tough recovery, to she is fine and will be out maybe all year, but maybe not. King Charles has set a decent example. He chose limited engagements, he publicly thanked Britons for their cards and well wishes… BP has modelled good/discreet behaviour, but KP is not playing. WHY. Its not about Kate, its about what KP is trying to hide that is not about Kate.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Don’t equivocate an entire national press, royal institution and royal family attacking Meghan and Harry with commenters on a website.

      Can you tell yet which is the “ victim”? Hint: it’s not the people who are feeding stories to the press to destroy their brother and SIL, son and DIL.

    • Jais says:

      Well, I think the point is that she’s not being left alone. Not even by the palace who is supposed to be protecting her. Palace sources are the ones currently briefing the tabloids that she’s been seen out and about. Which is causing us here to eyeroll and call bullshit. The palace should stop these asinine unnamed source briefings then if they truly want her to be left alone.

      • Lorelei says:

        Exactly. Absolutely no one here is attacking Kate! We are questioning the obvious lies the palace is telling the public. Completely different than the media’s treatment of Meghan.

      • Jais says:

        The palace is playing games and we’re calling it out. All this coy “sources say” bs is insulting and no longer working with the public. We can see through it. They’re protecting themselves and not Kate.

    • Julianna says:

      Respectfully, no she should not. She is a public figure that recieves millions of tax money from hard working people to live a comfortable, lavish lifestyle. The public have a right to be updated on her “leave of absence” in a PROFESSIONAL manner.

      And what we have gotten so far has been fraudulent photos and videos, incongruent and contradictory reporting, and LIES. They continuously report on her through tabloids and unnamed sources instead of from her OWN communication team. And no one even knows if Kate is even the one asking for “privacy”. As Interested Gawker stated “Privacy serves WILLIAM” not Kate. We don’t even know if Kate is alive or dead, coherent or incapacitated, working from her sick bed, or running errands and skipping around Windsor Park.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        Professional being the keyword here. this has been a total clowning.

      • Julianna says:

        It seriously has… it’s insulting at this point.

      • Becks1 says:

        The public have a right to be updated on her “leave of absence” in a PROFESSIONAL manner.”

        This is exactly it. She’s not like…..well, most other people. She’s funded by the taxpayers to the tune of millions a year – housing, clothing, jewelry, etc, all of it. Her job is literally to be seen.

        And she hasn’t been seen since December? The public have a right to know more. It’s not about seeing her medical records, its not about seeing her in a wig, etc. It’s about what an actual PROFESSIONAL PR person would do in this situation. and this whole thing over the past 5 months? is not it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It really bugs me to no end that people like you would dare to conflate the public abuse of Meghan, to people merely questioning palace lies about Kate’s disappearance. In what world are those two things the same? It is simply the dehumanization of Meghan, the fact that her pain is not seen by people like you, that makes you bristle at mere suggestions that the palace is lying, because you equate that with an attack on Kate. In sum, it is the the premise that any amount of mud can be slung at Meghan, without cause, but nothing negative, even if justified, can ever be directed at Kate. Really disturbing stuff.

      • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

        So many amazing responses here, including yours and brava @Proud Mary and others! It’s not the same and, my opinion, is this is getting thrown out here to keep interest in Kate. It’s not picking on her, it’s clear she’s being given what was (sincerely?) asked for and not many have cared much that she’s out of site. Kate is no Lloyd Austin being held accountable for what occurs with public duties, and responsibilities, as a person paid from public dollars.

      • Julianna says:

        Thank you @Proud Mary. I should have known when she referred to her as “Meg”.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        BRAVO every word of this.

    • JP says:

      A small part of me thinks that the reason they are not being completely honest with her cancer and diagnosis is because it’s very bad and that is definitely not something they’d want out in the world with her kids so young. I have no idea though. They have no goodwill with the public from years of laziness, so they can’t fall back on that.

      • Jane says:

        This is my thought too. I think she is spending as much time as possible with her children. Maybe we are wrong though. I hope so. Not a fan of racist Kate obvs but it just feels quite dire.

      • Cassie says:

        People also came up with an old photo from last year of K and W with staff from a B and B they apparently stayed at last year on one of their tours .
        Staff gushing about how kind and lovely they were ..
        Kate looks very frail in the photo IMO,

        The media are getting desperate now with photos from last year coming out .

      • Jes says:

        Mine too. I now agree the video was ai manipulated— but there was a moment where she said “i am well” Re her kids, but her face and hands said the opposite. Very human (though yes, probably manipulated).

    • bisynaptic says:

      No one entirely under the thumb of William should ever be “left alone”.

  14. Kokiri says:

    Solo errands! Little ones! That’s generally how you describe the youngest kids.
    Shares with Willy!

    Totally separate lives. They’re just begging to say it out loud.

    • Jenna says:

      They basically did say it. The whole “Kate, 42, shares three kids — Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6 — with husband Prince William.” That line basically says it all, doesn’t it?

    • Miranda says:

      Good catch on the word choice, that she and William “share” their children. That’s definitely something that I’ve more commonly heard in reference to parents who are divorced.

      • Becks1 says:

        It could be deliberate wording to convey a divorce and shared custody, but I have also seen these outlets use that same language for the Sussex children, so I’m not sure it means a whole lot here.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “ I have also seen these outlets use that same language for the Sussex children”

        Exactly, it’s the same tactic to devalue the Sussex marriage and isolate Meghan from her own children in the public mind to further the campaign to have Harry and ‘his’ children be seen as apart from his wife and their mother. In H&M’s case it’s wishful thinking and insulting, in this case it may be an admission from a rota who know more than they are allowed to say.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        I have seen it used for ordinary couples who are not separated, I dislike the expression, to me it sounds like they are property or a box of chocolates, they are not, they are people.

      • Feeshalori says:

        I’ve seen this terminology used as well in the media for couples who aren’t separated or divorced. I find it strange wording and dislike it as well.

  15. Lolo86lf says:

    I am not buying these stories about Kate being out there. It doesn’t even look like her. The pictures are awfully grainy. So no, that is not really Kate. Sooner or later, the royal spokespeople are going to have to tell the truth.

  16. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Dueling palaces strike again!

    BP; she is recovering slowly but so grateful for all the cards from the plebs, her upper lip is stiffer than ever!

    KP: she is out with the kids, doing all sorts of stuff but don’t you dare expect her to work anytime some you heartless monsters!

    I have whiplash from the conflicting fairytales.

  17. Cassie says:

    She didn’t look well for a long time before all this happened .

    • Jane says:

      Agreed, she looked shockingly bad at the Remembrance Day ceremony last year. Almost like a different woman.

  18. WithTheAmerican says:

    Get ready for the Kim Jong Un clownery. we’re all going to have to start doing shots for every time they try the potato camera photographed a blurry missing princess stunt.

  19. Hypocrisy says:

    I expect another manipulated photo next.. love that they now are being “community noted” on the old photos being posted with these stories. They have lost all credibility, especially if they are running to us weekly and people mag. What’s next, the National Enquirer?

    • Shawna says:

      Twitter users were calling foul on Tatler for using an old photo to accompany the “out and about” story last night. Hilarious.

  20. Nanea says:

    These people are so unbelievably funny.

    Even if TPTB swore all parents, teachers and whatnot at school to secrecy, there are always casual bystanders around somewhere, especially if the Missington one is *running* errands.

    And yet no one has ever recognized her, much less has a phone with a working camera at hand?

    Or has Keen McButtons access to one of those MIB mind eraser thingies all of a sudden that also works on erasing memory/storage cards on camera-like devices?

    Do those KP amateurs really believe what they put out there? Do they truly think the general public, but especially the Squad are that gullible?

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      She’s running errands in the fancy updo and hat and jewelry she wore to huge occasions, she just didn’t want to face the camera! Trust!

      Oops, she’s literally running in the farm market with her husband, but she sure looks and walks differently! Happy and healthy!

      Oops, she’s being treated with preventive chemo. Won’t be seen again until she’s up to it.

      Oops, she’s working from home! Oops, she’s being shown early years reports.

      Oops, she’s not at home, she’s with her “birth family”, William is out with his “special friends”

      Oops, she’s out running errands as the invisible woman again!

      Insert here: one five wheel Audi, one fake Frankenphoto that gets blamed on her, and one fake Kate at the Windsor farm shop where no one even turned a head to see their missing princess.

      • Tessa says:

        And the photo shopped pictures of Louis and Charlotte and only George being seen

  21. San Diego says:

    I am in the camp she is not as ill as they want us to believe. Whatever is going on with her, she has the best treatment and ppl around 24/7 to care for her. The reason why I believe this is she was severely ill, Charles would have done much more to bring H back into the picture and stop all these tabloid stories about him. They know she’’ll be fine so they continue with there nasty behavior.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles never wants to admit wron
      g doing. Harry would not return without Meghan and the children if those are the terms of Charles reconciliation. Charles is stuck with keeping them away because he never has admitted he is culpable

      • equality says:

        Harry has also had a taste of what freedom is like away from the cult and has had more therapy. I bet he doesn’t want to return even if they apologized and included Meghan.

    • Shawna says:

      If Charles were capable of reconciling with Harry during a time of family crisis, he already would have done so. Nothing that happens to Kate will dictate how Charles treats Harry. Charles decided that treatment the second he saw Diana had birthed a second boy instead of a girl.

  22. OriginalMich says:

    Fool me once…

  23. Nerd says:

    If she is well enough to be out in public why can’t she work from home, do videos to support charities or encourage others with cancer or do some limited work publicly? Their whole reason for her not doing any work at all has nothing to justify it if she is able to go out publicly without concern of other people because of a weak immune system or concern with her being too sickly or physically unpresentable if she is actually going out publicly without any issues or concerns. The questions and conspiracies happen because people aren’t stupid enough to not see how the royals and their media friends continue to contradict themselves every time they mention her. You can’t imply that you’re incapable of working because you are too sick to be out in public or concerned about your outer appearance be different from the past then go outside in public. That’s why the farmer’s market video of the woman speed walking and happy caused conspiracy theorists to question them, especially when the contradictory cancer video came out shortly after that. There was no way that those two women were the same woman and this is just another contradiction of what is really happening, especially with no photos yet again. They managed to get clear photos of Harry and Meghan from a distance during the Florida polo match (that they weren’t invited to) but can’t get clear photos of Kate who they have admitted they have worked with to get photos of before? They actually pay for her and have an agreement with the palaces for access and photos, yet are unable to get clear photos to stop the conspiracies theories from happening? Why is it that the unclear photos and videos of Kate have only happened all of 2024?

  24. Tessa says:

    By family. Do they mean Carole or Kate out with the children. More fake photos of her shopping.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t understand why KP would go back to this failed PR strategy.

    • Lorelei says:

      It’s hilarious watching them make the same exact mistakes again just a couple of months later, and knowing how much worse they’re going to make things for themselves by putting out these lies.

  26. Mrs. Smith says:

    I do not feel sorry for any palace press office, but good lord the BP folks must be frustrated by the lame ‘power’ move of the KP team here. BP had been able to contain the Kate stories to some degree, then here comes the KP clown show to ruin a carefully crafted strategy. And it was a totally unforced error to claim K is out and about. They could just say nothing. I agree that it is unwise for US outlets to lend their credibility to this mess with NO photos or other proof that it’s true??

    • Feeshalori says:

      I agree, the US media should be better than this. They need to get their heads out of the palaces’ butt and report responsibly.

      • Nedsdag says:

        Sadly, there’s no such thing as a true “US media” anymore with megalomaniacs like Rupert Murdoch running media empires in THREE countries that march to his beat.

  27. EasternViolet says:

    A couple things I noticed on Twitter yesterday. I was using the desktop version in Chrome, typing in #WhereisKate. As you know, when you start to type in a hashtag, Twitter automatically populates suggestions of popular hashtags with the letters you are typing. You can type the whole hashtag WhereisKate and it will NOT come up as a suggestion. The other substantial thing is that the Marchioness of Messington was suspended. For those who didn’t follow, it was full of unsubstantiated blind items, coming from the Spencer camp, Unnamed Palace sources, friends of Kate etc. The details sometimes conflicted, but some of the blinds seemed plausible. It all had to be read with a grain of salt of course, but it was an account I would check in on DAILY. I find that super sketch and I hope this account sets up a shadow!

    • sevenblue says:

      The palace has an obvious relationship with Twitter even before Elon bought it. They would remove the trending hashtags mocking the royals (except H&M of course) all the time. People would screenshot the number 1 hashtag about some royal suddenly disappearing. Elon would no doubt support them too.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Yes… while accounts created to spread lies about H&M’s children are allowed to thrive. So gross.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Elon is on the side of the royal institution. A while back I read a report that they’d reached out to twitter about the Kate BBL memes, and he had sided with them.

      Can’t think of anything as pathetic as super wealthy powerful people like Elon and now KP feeling like victims if anyone disagrees with them or questions them, punching down if anyone lightly mocks them with a meme.

      That said that account seemed mostly full of crap, but Elon invites back posters who’ve shared literal ch*ld p@rn, and allows Harry and Meghan’s children to be targeted on his platform, so it’s all arbitrary. He’s a very sick person. Expect the worst from him.

  28. LadyUltimate says:

    What errands could she possibly have to run? Some milk from the store? New face creme maybe? New socks for the kids? Or perhaps a new charging cable? Or maybe she needed a haircut? New prescription from her doctor or the drugs from the pharmacy? This is so ridiculous!

  29. Oh come on. says:

    Can’t wait for Gabriella Munro Douglas’ next performance!

  30. Tessa says:

    This actually may be the end of the monarchy if Kate is hidden out

  31. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m getting whiplash. But I do wonder why, if she is well enough to do outings and “errands”, she can’t provide proof of life. Pretty sure there is another staged appearance in the works. It’s coming.

    • Julianna says:

      Oh it’s definitely coming @Brassy Rebel. Another AI video is coming only this time they will have studied everyone’s response about the bench video. They will be sure the background moves this time, they will change the single loop recorded bird sounds to a triple alternating loop, they will pillage her “voice” to make sure it matches her mouth, they will get rid of extra shadows and multiple rows of teeth etc.

      They already briefed one outlet saying they plan on most likely doing another video update because it quieted “conspiracy theorist” or something to that effect.

  32. Interested Gawker says:

    All of these articles, even Tatler has one, are based on the Rebecca English piece. ‘Out and about’ is in quotes. English is a rota fantasist who said she saw William buying Kate soup at the beginning of all this BS. The grey area BRF exist in as entertainment fodder is assisting them because these outlets carry their water and spread their talking points without much thought in it and don’t factcheck the claims. They should get more ironclad proof rather than parrot the KP propaganda.

    That English article was refuted less than a day later by the other statement that Princess Catherine may not be seen for the rest of the year but her rubbish got amplified by many other outlets.

    • The Hench says:

      Thank you @IG – you said this much better than me upthread but yes – that’s exactly right. The media are muddying the waters further by using other media reports as their ‘source’. They are just rehashing Becky.

    • Jais says:

      Honestly, it feels like RE was fed this bs and then she wrote about it in the rota whatsapp group and that’s why we’re reading about it in multiple places.

  33. Julianna says:

    Yes. Kaiser makes a good point. We are right back to early March when they started in with all the Kate out and and about stories, watching kids sporting games, and “friends” swearing they have seen her. Then it proceeded to all the fake sightings when people rightly called out their bluff by saying “pics or it didn’t happen”.

    I also appreciate these posts above. It’s patently clear to me that KP was involved in the TMZ 5 wheeled “Kate” just like they were with the TMZ Farm Shop video.

    This is getting really weird. They need to stop this madness. And shame on People and US Weekly for printing this garbage brief. I guarantee it’s a KP brief.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Absolute shame on the US media for sucking up to palace propaganda and RR media garbage and participating in this mess. For some reason, this in particular really has me riled up this morning.

  34. TN Democrat says:

    Will-not does not have good pr instincts AT ALL and is out of touch with reality. Everyone with a cell phone can get a paparazzi exclusive nowadays. If she had been out, she would have been photographed and seen by the masses. Keen has never ran an errand since before she married in. She is the ultimate mean girl snob who didn’t seem to realize how expendable everyone except the heirs are in that horrible family. The mixed messaging is bizarre. Will-not wants a year off because keen is so ill but also seems to realize he can’t divorce her if she is ill, but he wants the year off. He did manage to totally silence the embiggening Middleton PR which has been entertaining. Maybe he guaranteed People/US exclusives when keen reappears? It makes no sense for outlets outside the rota to participate in this nonsense otherwise. He is personally causing all the social media speculation because most people aren’t interested in her and have mercy for sick mothers and their kids, but become interested because of the obvious lies and inconsistencies.

  35. Cel2495 says:

    Very much doubt it. I believe Concha’s version is closer to the truth. Not that Kate cannot be out and about but very much doubt it.
    British journo boyfriend when I questioned if she was really sick or there was something else :” no, she is really in treatment for cancer and we knew a week before. We were contracted to stop the speculation and thinking pieces and told her cancer diagnosis and that they will be releasing a video stating why she has been out to the public” or something like that ( insert posh British accent).
    Also , reputable newspaper not the rags so I don’t think they told anyone in the rota and they found out when we did.

    • aquarius64 says:

      How can your contact be sure if the palaces are telling them the truth?

      • Julianna says:

        Exactly. Your contact can be lied to just like the public is lied to. Liars tend to lie.

      • cel2495 says:

        The palace lies and lies all the time but not sure they can lie about her cancer because I think Kate did it without their knowledge. I also think the cancer announcement put a stop to Huevo’s bachelor plans so I don’t think he was happy about it.
        Prior to that the Rota and all those so called royal experts where wondering where she was as well… even a week before, so they def were not informed, or at least i don’t think so. Anyhow, I don’t think she is out an about either… i think Concha’s version is closer to the truth.

      • Julianna says:

        That’s if you actually think that video was her and not AI generated. I happen to believe is 100% fake and I stand by that.

        And of course they could lie about her having cancer. I see no evidence Kate sat for that video without Williams knowledge. There was already a huge “leak” that there would be a “BBC announcement” days before it even aired.

        We still haven’t credibly seen Kate in over 5 months. The only updates we have recieved have been contradictory lies through tabloids. There have been no updates from Kate’s OWN communication team unless of course you count the blame for the Franken picture… KP has released multiple fraudulent photos and videos to the public. The Middletons have been effectively cut off from the British Press.

        And at this point, there is literally no evidence she sat on that fake bench at all.

      • Becks1 says:

        The “leak” that there would be an announcement makes total sense with what @Cel2495 is saying though. She’s literally saying that her boyfriend heard there would be a video coming out the following week.

      • Jais says:

        Can’t remember where I read something similar but I do think the roya did not know about the cancer diagnosis at all until just before the video was released. What’s interesting is the idea that William had no idea she was going to put that video out until it came out. Whether it’s AI or not, someone with connections would have to help Kate get that video out if she did so it independently. Charles? Idk, but it’s an interesting idea.

    • Harper says:

      It’s likely that they needed a week to ten days to deploy the “had cancer” plan. They were obviously desperate to stop the speculation, as your boyfriend admitted. I agree that dropping an exclusive with the press ahead of time doesn’t verify anything.

  36. aquarius64 says:

    Where’sKate trends again because of idiotic strategy like this from KP. What’s worse US media is co-signing. Whatever is Kate’s status, I think she and the Middletons are getting a wake up call that they are expendables commoners who no one would care about. Kate satisfied the prime directive of producing an heir and two spares, but she became a liability to the Crown by being outed as a bully top Meghan and commenting on Archie:s skin color. The Windsors shouldn’t sleep either because they and the BM are sending the Bat Signal to foreign enemies the BRF can be blackmailed.

  37. bisynaptic says:

    LOL “exclusively”!

  38. sparrow says:

    Re the garden centre skippy video. No way is that her. No way is that him. I’ve always concentrated on the duplicity rather than the arrangement. Did the photographer, who just happened to be nearby, arrange the whole shebang – the doubles, selling the video to the Sun etc? Up against the wall for not updating the public, the palace seized upon the fortuitous footage to prove she was OK, rather than denouncing it as tosh. Or did the palace arrange it from the get-go – doubles, photographer, Sun?

  39. ChattyCath says:

    The RF is being portrayed as an ‘ordinary family’. They’d never ‘run errands’. They get their staff to pick up a phone. And only the staff who are senior and have signed an NDA. Is Kate trying to be ‘Kate Ordinary’ again?

  40. JJ says:

    Come the f on! Really? She was seen but no photos in 2024! Where? What remote corner of the earth was she seen in that no one had a cellphone with a camera to take a picture? And if A photo does pop up, it sure as f shouldn’t be grainy because, as I previously stated, IT’S 2024!!! If the British people want to believe this bullsh-t, I have some miracle oil I can sell them that cures all diseases for the low price of $99.99.

    • sparrow says:

      In a porch on Mother’s Day, all cut up and pasted. In a garden centre, skipping around with a bag of turnips. Oh, wait a minute…

  41. QuiteContrary says:

    I think if Kate was well enough to be “out and about,” we would have seen her during H&M’s Nigeria trip … just to pull focus.

    Her complete absence during that time is what convinced me that she either looks far too ill to be seen in public or she’s physically unable to leave wherever she is. Because you just know that if it would have been at all possible, she would have posed for the cameras, to center herself in the spotlight.

    • Tina says:

      100% this. She would have been out. It could have been a grainy long distance shot where she could still hide alot of her appearance if vanity is the biggest problem but she would have been out because it would have gotten coverage. The fact that she hasn’t while Meghan and Rose H are out and about speaks volumes to me.

  42. Sue says:

    As long as the media and the derangers ignore the real issue here we’ll keep getting these silly stories. Bottom line is if Kate is well enough to “run errands” and socialize with her family then she’s well enough to do a zoom meeting or two or do some other “work” related activity. In the real world someone who is off sick but can still “run errands” and socialize is going to get fired if the boss finds out!

  43. DeeSea says:

    They can miss me with these meaningless passive-voice “reports.” Active voice or it didn’t happen. Tell us WHO saw Kate, WHERE they saw her, WHAT she was doing (context please), WHEN the sighting happened, HOW they knew it was her (pics please), and WHY they went running to your specific media outlet to report their incredible experience. DO YOUR FREAKIN JOBS, “journalists”!!!

  44. Square2 says:

    “There’s absolutely no reason for Us Weekly or People Magazine to put their “credibility” on the line…”

    Us Weekly & People Mag have no credibility whatsoever nowadays. US Weekly has always been run as a fluffy, gossipy and PR purpose magazine. People Magazine, like Vanity Fair Magazine, had some credibility when it did investigation reports decades years ago. Now both magazines are just a shallow step above tabloids gossip publication.

    If these briefings show up in American media (tabloid, entertainment programs, news organizations), 99.9% it’s from KP. Willy Idle might dislike Americans (especially that one black American female), he sure love Americans’ money & attentions. He hires Americans to work for him (Jason K, the former NBC PR guy etc.), so he can be adored in the USA.

    • kelleybelle says:

      At one time People was credible. Since they defended the Duggars and Tom Cruise, nope.

  45. Kateee says:

    If this sort of story is designed to counter the Spanish stories of her being practically at death’s door, that’s a miscalculation by KP. No one believes Kate is off running errands while the entire population at large is too polite and respectful of that to sneak a picture.

    But it’s interesting that KP is NOT trying to counter the narrative that William isnt with her or the kids and couldn’t be bothered with her care.

    The phase out of Kate Middleton continues apace. By Trooping she will just be included as a random, colorful factoid, like the number of bathrooms in the Sussexes’ mansion.

  46. chiclit says:

    To see the current head of state and the next one unable to synch up their respective administrative and comms offices is a bad look. Everyone knows Ma Midds leaks. The fact that she hasn’t, that Uncle Gary was allowed on reality tv long enough to trash Meghan and has now disappeared is just plain weird. The sibs had already contracted for dog food, books and to promote hubbys hotel in a array of expensive swim and beach wear. The fact that the two youngest children haven’t been seen publicly-and for that matter the fact Billy has barely been seen with any family is also poor optics. I believe something is going on with Kate, just not sure what. I think tamping down on speculation directly about Kate is probably wise-focusing on poor management and communications, what the children are up to, where are the Midds? are better uses of speculative efforts. I mean, isn’t someone following CarolE around? Someone knows something. I have never heard of not issuing health bulletins for someone paid for by tax dollars. Kates privacy could be contained as others have stated we don’t need to know details of treatment . The gob smacking thing is though is that she could change her reputation and demonstrate empathy and authenticity if she came forward while not a 100% healthy. She could truly find her comfort level in service. The fact that she can’t/doesn’t see this-and her media savvy/using family-aren’t encouraging her to leverage this opportunity raises a lot of questions.

    • Unblinkered says:

      So true.
      In advance of returning, it’s her only opportunity to acknowledge she didn’t behave well towards Meghan and indeed regrets how she behaved and would like that known.
      She’ll never have peace of mind until she does.

  47. ChattyCath says:

    Let’s face it. KP have an easy job because she’s so unremarkable and so meh. Plenty of woman could stand in for her, especially Gabrielle who lives in Windsor and admitted she shopped at the farm shop before all the hoohah

  48. sparrow says:

    Solo errands? They don’t do errands, and certainly not on their own without security. The closest they get to an errand of sorts of is the school run, with lots of security. Their press does more harm than good. People are waiting to see her, told they can’t, she’s off till autumn. And then they hear she’s been popping out to do errands. She can’t work for months but it’s OK, she’s been to Waitrose for milk and a twix. Good grief. Just recover and stop with the stories.

  49. therese says:

    No. They can’t stir me up anymore. @Unblinkered. That would be nice, wouldn’t it. The decent thing to do. I don’t think Kate is deceased, or they would have had her funeral and gotten it over with. So I think she is in some kind of serious condition. I feel for those babies.

  50. tamsin says:

    So two US gossip rags have now become court stenographers? They just print what’s given to them without question? They’ve become a part of the cover-up, the gas lighting, the conspiracy, whatever you want to call it? One thing is certain- the public is not being fed the real, entire, true story.

  51. what's inside says:

    No, she is not dead. Muzzled for sure as Billy Basher wants to control the narrative and is recalcitrant about dealing with it directly. IMHO she is simply dealing with her health issues, spending as much time as possible with her kids and thinking about how to save her marriage.