VF: It’s ‘inaccurate’ to say that Princess Kate will be out of sight all year

As I’ve noted a few times this week, we’re seeing a new strategy unfold in real time with the mysterious disappearance of the Princess of Wales. Kate has not been credibly seen in public in over five months, although palace sources seem especially keen to run around, claiming that Kate has been out and about and running errands in recent days. The Mail’s Richard Eden got that tip last week, then the Mail’s Becky English got the same information, then People Magazine and Us Weekly ran suspiciously similar stories about “Kate is out of the house, we can report exclusively!” Well, it looks like Katie Nicholl was also on the same email chain, because Nicholl has returned to Vanity Fair with this exclusive:

Following reports that Kate Middleton has been seen out and about with her family in recent days, speculation has turned to when the princess will return to official engagements.

Reports claiming that Princess Kate is unlikely to be back at work until next year are inaccurate, sources tell Vanity Fair, and while the Daily Mail has reported that Kate could be back as soon as this autumn, no official return date has been planned.

VF has been told that Kate is in no hurry to return to work, with her focus being entirely on her recovery. According to one well-placed source, “There is no timeline, and there is certainly no hurry. It will be when Catherine feels ready and when she gets the greenlight from her medical team. But she will 100% be coming back to work, of that there is no question.”

Princess Kate has not participated in an official public engagement since Christmas Day. Her long absence from the spotlight is understood to be one of the reasons that she was keen to deliver the news about her cancer via a video message. According to insiders, Kate wanted people to see that she was doing okay.

Sources close to the princess have told VF that the royal, who is going through a course of preventative chemotherapy, has “turned a corner” with her treatment in recent weeks and is feeling a lot better.

“It has been a great relief that she is tolerating the medication and is actually doing a lot better,” says a family friend. “It has, of course, been a very challenging and worrying time. Everyone has rallied around her—William, her parents, and her sister and brother.”

[From Vanity Fair]

If you ask me, two concurrent events scared the palace: the five-month mark of Kate’s last public sighting and that very strange Daily Beast piece, where sources claimed that Kate probably wouldn’t be seen for all of 2024, and she was being looked after by her “birth family.” I also feel like we’re seeing a Buckingham Palace-versus-Kensington Palace issue. BP took over the messaging on Kate back in March, after KP kept getting caught in lie after lie. I haven’t worked out exactly what is happening, but I’ve seen enough this year to say with confidence that the KP team is not on the same page as the BP team. So… yeah, it’s interesting that “sources” are insisting that Kate won’t be gone all year and that she’s 100% coming back to work.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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99 Responses to “VF: It’s ‘inaccurate’ to say that Princess Kate will be out of sight all year”

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  1. Mooney says:

    The only source I trust now: concha calleja .

    • StellainNH says:

      I agree. Photographic evidence from the palaces are not valid. We need to see her physically interacting with other legitimate humans.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      💯 this

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Absolutely agree.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah no. I don’t trust any of these sources. Respect that she puts her name on record to what she’s saying. But at the end of the day, who knows if she has it right either. I’m just not putting all my allegiance into what one person is saying

      • Feeshalori says:

        I now wonder too at what “unimpeachable” source she’s getting her info from. You just can’t trust anyone anymore.

      • Jais says:

        Listen, Camilla Tominey went on the record that she had an unimpeachable source when she wrote the Meghan made Kate cry story. And we know how that turned out. It may come out in time that concha has been right about everything. Or that she’s right about some of it or right about none of it. Who the f knows?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais exactly. I was trying to make that point yesterday. Everyone is now taking Concha as gospel but…..why? nothing she has reported has been verified or turned out to be true as far as I know.

        It doesn’t mean what she’s saying ISN’T true, but I don’t really have any more reason to think she’s 100% accurate in her reporting than other reporters. We’re just accepting it because it lines up with what many of us thought anyway.

        At the end of the day, some of these stories are going to be wrong and some are going to be right, and I think it will take a while before we know which are which, if we ever do.

      • Jais says:

        I know people keep saying the truth will eventually out and I sure hope it does. But it’s also likely we’ll never know exactly what has gone down. I wish we could know! But at this point, what’s going to happen? A journalist is going to blow everything wide open with definitive evidence? Yes please, fingers crossed. Kate is going to turn up again at some point and everything will continue on as if nothing ever happened? In some ways that would possibly be the best case scenario for her and her kids. Otherwise the palace will eventually go on record to say something, she’s worse, she’s retiring from public life, there’s a divorce. Something will be said officially, likely in the fall. Won’t mean it’s true bc they’re proven liars who lie. Till then it’s watching them scramble with more lies on top of lies.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais I agree – we may never know. Honestly at this point its just as likely she shows up for Trooping as it is that we don’t see her again for months. (I doubt she’ll be at Trooping but I mean….its not impossible.) And she may show up in a new Diana cosplay outfit and that will be that and we’ll never talk of these 5 months again.

        It’s not probable, but its possible.
        Like you said we will eventually hear something official about her, but that won’t mean its the truth.

        The press doesn’t seem invested in holding the royal family accountable really at all so this may be all that ends up being said.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Jais, meanwhile we had read that Kate bought Meghan flowers to apologise. It would have been a something or nothing story if the Palace or the press had just left it alone, completely forgotten in a few weeks.

      • Jais says:

        I mean yeah, @rosa, it should’ve never been a story. Meghan never would’ve leaked or planted that Kate made her cry right before her wedding, to the point that she was so out of line that even she felt she needed to bring flowers. And yet these assholes thought it would be cute to plant the reverse story. Truly terrible people.

  2. OriginalMich says:

    Perhaps there are three different camps briefing? BP, KP, and Carole?

    • Shawna says:

      With the Rose shenanigans, Camilla makes a fourth player here, in addition to whatever role she plays in the messaging from KP.

    • Wesley says:

      I think ots time to ignore Kate. These stories are in response to the successful tour of Nigeria for Invicyus. If people don’t engage they’ll either ramp up AI Kate, or go back into hibernation. Either way they’re keen to keep her in the public eye & control the narrative.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        ‘Ignoring Kate’ when her husband and in laws hold so much control over the media is not an option. Ignoring her absence when she had been the most front facing member of the family up to this point is unwise.

      • vpd4 says:

        @ Wesley, I wish we could ignore all of them. But the BM will not stop. I’m so sick and tired of this crap.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      So. I was digging.

      Carole go into a serious car accident in March. She was taken and was admitted to hospital.

      That was reported on in the media.

      There has been absolute silence ever since. We don’t know when or if she left, etc. Nothing. On the mother of the next queen.

      • Becks1 says:

        do you have a link? I just googled and all I found were a few articles that didn’t seem to be that well sourced, that said she was hit at an intersection and treated for minor injuries. didn’t seem like a big deal at all.

        generally speaking though, I don’t think we need more information on Carole’s health. She’s not funded by the taxpayers (not officially anyway), she does not have any public role, and she’s not in the line of succession.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Liz I found that one and one other one, but nothing in the tabloids etc. but i can’t access that link on my computer.

        It doesn’t seem like its some huge massive conspiracy coverup though.

      • Julianna says:

        @Liz. This is indeed interesting. I wonder if this was true and the British press held off on printing this. And what are the odds she ends up in a serious car crash and air lifted… in relation to this family of course.

      • Becks1 says:

        the Birminghamist article references a Middleton spokesperson and a Daily Express story but says nothing about Kate’s cancer. It was posted on March 2, 2024 and Kate and her mother were papped on March 4. the only other article I could find about it said Carole had whiplash, nothing about being airlifted or in critical condition.

        If anything it seems the story about her being in critical condition is completely made up and someone just ran with it after seeing a fender bender in Bucklebury.

      • Jaded says:

        I got a “dangerous webpage blocked” message when I clicked on the link. This is clearly more manufactured nonsense from an untrustworthy website that is either phishing for information or depositing a nasty little virus in your computer. Better run a spyware/malware check.

      • Proud Mary says:

        If this is true, then how does it gel with all the stories they being telling about how she’s taking care of Kate. God, these people lie so much! How do you believe anything???

        Not only that, but on a “quiet country road?” One i’m sure she’s traversed many times? Was she drunk? (thinking of that famous image of her at a public event imbibing from a brown paper bag), or was she trying to unalive herself. Could be both.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        It seems rather odd, surely Kate’s mum would have reached the national newspapers. No reason to hush it up.

  3. Water Lilly says:

    These pushback articles seem very reactive. Did Concha Calleja’s interview hit a nerve?

    • Hopey says:

      Ding ding ding. Yup.

    • Chloe says:

      In my opinion they are releasing these contradictory talking points specifically to get people talking about her. She loves the attention and the idea of being “missed”.

      • Hopey says:

        I believe this too. But if that’s the case, why weren’t they briefing to to tabs this entire time? It’s been radio silence for months.

    • Jais says:

      That combined with the DB article about her birth family supporting her.

      • The Hench says:

        “Everyone has rallied around her—William, her parents, and her sister and brother.”

        That ‘everyone’ is quite thin, no?

    • EasternViolet says:

      I also think that palace courtiers are noticing that the social media questions are getting louder.

    • Harper says:

      I’d say they are now entering their obfuscation era. The palace is throwing so many different stories out there about Kate that the casual observer takes in the loudest narrative and then gives up. Rebecca English said Kate was out and about in an article last week about a different topic—maybe the garden party–and her comment pretty much went unnoticed.

      But now, after the Daily Beast and Concha Calleja paint much different pictures, there is a concerted amplification of the out and about narrative. If they had planned to really amplify that fact wouldn’t they have fed it to the Sunday papers? But they did not. However, now it’s being trumpeted all over because the weekend was full of bad news about Kate. We should prepare ourselves for a fake Kate photo incoming.

    • Liz says:

      Becks and Julianna – the article and it not being reported elsewhere is just more of the strangeness surrounding this whole drama. Possibly it’s totally made up.

  4. What a load of horse sh*t. She won’t be back she will be back. She hasn’t been seen now she has been seen but with no evidence. They will keep this crap going as long as they can. I don’t for a minute believe that she will be back with Peg going to events ever.

  5. Tessa says:

    More repetitive stories. I doubt William lives in the same residence. Maybe more fake pictures will appear

    • Lau says:

      We really are stuck in a circle with that story : people start questionning why Kate is simply gone, we get no informations, the spanish press starts talking, the palace starts panicking. Given that the last circle ended with Kate revealing that she has cancer I wonder what will come at the end of that current circle. Whatever it is, it won’t be good.

  6. ML says:

    There are so many royal reporters, that I get confused over which of them have the best sources with which royal. English is usually KP. Nichols and Eden?? Because it seems like BP and KP are not on the same page, this is something I would like to know.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think Katie Nicholls used to be in Kate’s camp, not sure where she falls these days.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Any bottomfeeder knows you stay where the power resides. William for the long game.

      • Proud Mary says:

        When it comes to Katie Nicoll, caveat emptor! The woman lies when her lips are moving, so buyer be ware.

    • Jais says:

      RE is just a go-to for both KP and BP. She reliably repeats without question. Eden just likes to stir shit up regardless of where it comes from. Nicholls knows next to nothing imo except for whatever she gets from some press WhatsApp group. But that’s just me guessing. I think everything is up in the air after the weirdness of this past year

  7. Shawna says:

    The earliest is early autumn but January 2025 is not a possibility? Come the f*ck on. Early autumn will become late autumn, and then they’ll be off for the children’s school holidays.

    But that’s just how the reportage will go. Reality? She’s never coming back as a working royal.

    • The Duchess says:

      I agree. I think her time in the public eye is up, but a part of me is still expecting her to waltz into Wimbledon without a care in the world. On the contrary, the Spanish tabloids are making much more sense with their reporting. Not to say it’s completely accurate, but it fits. Something big has happened and this delayed return to public life is going to get longer and longer. They can’t hide the stinking egg forever.

  8. Nanea says:

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Karma will eventually kick all these sycophants in their asses, and the 🐀🐀🐀 will rue the day they decided to hand in their last remaining bits of critical thinking.

    I also hope that this blatant ignoring of the most basic journalistic standards will be the end of royal reporting as we know it when all facts will finally come out.

    And they will. Even if the facts and the truth will have to take a detour via Spain and/or other countries.

  9. Diana says:

    Lol. I see they are clearly trying to walk back the Daily Beast article from last week. Where they made it sound like she was on deaths door..

    • Hopey says:

      I think the Spanish report hit a nerve. They are reacting to that moreso because they know people are paying attention.

  10. WithTheAmerican says:

    “ VF has been told that Kate is in no hurry to return to work” <—- this is not breaking news.

    The queen knew Kate was workshy, the tabloids knew it, everyone knew it. She was never in a hurry to work, and neither was William. They avoided work for years, claiming they couldn’t work like every other senior royal did, because they were having children. Never mind they have a staff of 60 including several nannies, chef, maids, etc.

    Who else had children? The Queen. The actual Queen. QEii.

    There’s always special circumstances for Kate to avoid working. She thanked the public for letting her have time off to raise kids, etc. so of course she won’t rush back to work now, whatever “work” is.

  11. Becks1 says:

    This is definitely competing messaging but from whom? If we consider we have William/KP, Kate/Middletons, and Charles/BP – who would want it out there that Kate is doing well and might be back by the autumn? Is Charles trying to force her return and is nixing the idea of Kate taking a full year off? Is team Kate trying to put it out there that she’ll be back soon? Does William want people thinking Kate is just fine so when the divorce drops in 6 months its not as dire?

    I honestly dont know. And at this point, I don’t think its as easy as saying “English is KP’s mouthpiece” – English is the head of the rota, which means she has plenty of contacts at BP as well. And its easy to dismiss Eden as being the Middletons mouthpiece since he likes his free dog food but he could have KP’s messaging here. There’s a fair amount of different people with various narratives so it does feel like BP and KP are both trying to get to as many RRs as possible.

    But why? what’s the endgame here?

    • Shawna says:

      All hands on deck to prevent Where’s Kate gate 2.0, with Carole against KP, BP, and Camilla. Horsilla is her own separate force as well as sometimes part of BP. I wonder if William sometimes goes off solo in ways distinguishable from when he delegates leaks through a KP mouthpiece.

      • BeyondTheFringe says:

        Yeah I tend to think of Camilla as some sort of chaos demon just sewing discord everywhere she goes and sometimes she aligns with BP by accident.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think Camilla protects herself first, then her family, then Charles. And she’ll destroy whoever she has to in order to make that happen. so yeah, chaos demon is probably right.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      There’s only so many articles kibble can buy.

    • Eurydice says:

      I think Charles wants Kate back as soon as possible. William isn’t taking up any of the slack and even when he does appear, nobody pays any attention. I think William wants Kate to be just sick enough for long enough so he can blame his lack of work on her and also blame her for an eventual divorce. And I think Kate, like any normal human being, wants to get well.

    • A says:

      If I had to go breakdown who’s who based on the shenanigans from the beginning of the year till now I’d say this:
      1. Times(Roya)/Dailybeast (Sykes)= William and his lackeys
      2. (English)\most Uk tabloids = Camilla and Charles
      3.Us weekly/ Dailybeast (usually when it’s Sykes plus one other person)= Kate and Carole
      4.Nicholl’s, Eden, Bower= whatever there contributing editor tells them to say!

      While this breakdown doesn’t perfectly line up, and occasionally you might see some teams working together(mainly to take aim at the Sussex’s) and/or just trying to protect the institution from itself (i.e the sun with the farmshop video).

      • Proud Mary says:

        Her eminence, Rebecca “the Refrigerator” English, is the president or whatever of the royal rats rota system, so it’s hard to say where she lies (and I mean lips are moving lies), but lately it seems she’s reporting for KP. I mean, all those fake sightings — remember the one where she claimed to be walking by the hospital and saw William driving away with or without Kate. She was the only one out of 60 million people who witness that miracle. What a clown.

    • Sunday says:

      I agree that there are multiple royal spoons stirring this chaotic AF pot, and IMHO this is yet another instance of one of those factions within the firm ignoring every single other factor in their comms narrative other than competing with Meghan.

      We were told American Riviera Orchard would be launching sometime in May, and that clock is quickly winding down, so I’m sure the entire firm is on red-alert frantically bracing for Meghan’s next superstar turn in the press. The royals can’t actually parade Kate around to compete, but they’re precisely craven enough to parade her through amenable tabloids instead, regardless of her current health status (or consciousness, for that matter).

  12. Alex Can says:

    My guess is that reports she’ll return this year are coming from Buckingham palace. Charles seems to push the Waleses to do more work.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      The press threw it in KC’s face how the slim down monarchy plan is a failure. Apparently, KC and Cam want to prove them wrong. I think BP is trying to course correct after KP soft launched that Keen would not be seen this year.

  13. JP says:

    They’re still not being up front about what’s going on. If she’s been receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for months, it indicates that her medical situation is very serious.

  14. Belinda says:

    God, I wish the late, great Christopher Hitchens was with us still. He used to write a column for Vanity Fair many years ago, and they were pure gold with regards to the 2000 election in the USA. It was why I then subscribed to VF (internet in its infancy!) and also his article when he underwent waterboarding to expose what the Bush administration was allowing. Truly horrific, and Christopher Hitchens was an amazing journalist.

    If it was still 1990s/2000s then I would trust Vanity Fair implicitly with this information about Kate.

    Does anyone know if Vanity Fair is still at the top of the journalistic integrity tree?

    • Elise says:

      I used to have a subscription to Vanity Fair and couldn’t wait for it to come in the mail.
      I loved Christopher Hitchens and thought late 90’s /early aughts as when VF was at its height.
      I never read it anymore .

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It’s one step up from a tabloid now. Christopher Hitchens took on Mother Teresa. He feared no one. I fantasize about what he could do to the royals.

    • AMTC says:

      @Belinda, I absolutely loved The Hitch and yes, he would have eviscerated the lot of them. I also recently read Inside Story by the now late Martin Amis. Retells their great bromance. Gave up my VF subscription years ago.

      • Belinda says:

        Thanks AMTC, Brassy Rebel and Elise for your replies! So sad VF has fallen so far down. Agree that Chris Hitchens and Dominic Dunne would have solved this mystery quickly and told us all with integrity, truth and their indomitable way of writing!

        AMCT, thanks for the recommend about Inside Story, will def read it! Hitch 22 was amazing and Martin Amis and Chris Hitchens were such good friends!

        Brassy Rebel, The Missionary Position!!! Exposed that horrible old woman so well!

        Elise, completely agree, the 90sand early naughtiest were when I subscribed, and sad to know it’s gone so downhill.

    • Liz says:

      I liked CH too. His brother Peter still writes articles in the Daily Mail.

      Which are about the only thing worth reading in it.

  15. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    UK MEDIA doesn’t want to tell the truth and admidt Kate won’t be seen ALL of 2024 because they do not want the public to walk away. They know Kate, of the left behind Royals, is the only one of them anyone possibly worth watching. The want to string everyone along. Other than Kate it will be 100 percent Sussex’s.

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    I won’t believe anything that comes from that family until there is actual verified proof of life.

  17. sparrow says:

    Someone posted a very informed timeline on here yesterday, I believe (sorry, can’t remember the name). It was: she had bowel surgery and was fitted with a temporary bag; she healed enough from that surgery to start the adjuvant chemo programme necessary to cater for the cancer found; the bag will be removed after the chemo, when she is strong enough to face the next step, ie a final surgery to complete the resection. This would account for months out this year. I think this is a reasonable assessment. Thanks to that person!

    • Jaded says:

      I agree @Sparrow. And this ties in with Concha Calleja’s article about how Kate is actually sicker than many of us believe and that she will have further surgery in August. As you posit, the likeliest explanation is surgery to reverse a colostomy post-chemo.

      • sparrow says:

        Hi Jaded. Yes, until someone explained it out like this I was beginning to think, it’s cancer but something’s gone wrong, such as the stroke theory. But when yest’s poster put together a proper timeline, it made sense. It would seem she’s continually recovering from one step to the next. Hope you’re doing well, Sparrow.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Jaded and Sparrow, I think she was supposed to have the rest of her chemo by August and then the surgery after that. I supposed that meant when she had recovered a bit from the chemo.

  18. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    Back to “work” or not, Kate will continue to have no impact on anyone’s life, no one’s life/suffering will be eased, no tangible benefit will be felt, just the same old, same old.

  19. Ameerah M says:

    But what does Concha say? Because she’s the only I believe lol.

  20. WithTheAmerican says:

    There’s so much focus on what illness Kate has and how if she does have X, it explains her 5 month complete absence.

    Fact is, There’s no legit reason why she isn’t seen going to an appointment or a photo of her opening cards.

    These are basic things done for every public person in any kind of democratic system. Except Kate.

    • Julianna says:


      That’s what KP wants – people squabbling over stomas, reversals, colectomy, hysterectomy, or whether she is terminal, etc. It reverts attention away from the fact that she hasn’t been credibly seen in over 5 months. And none of those excuses are even remotely valid for what we have witnessed so far with this clown farce.

    • Nic919 says:

      If she is actually running errands and spotted around town then she can do brief engagements. They are playing with fire pretending that she can run about town but somehow she can’t do anything remotely related to work.

      • Becks1 says:

        this is exactly the mistake they made in March. She’s doing so well, she’s at school events etc except wait, no she isn’t.

        At the time it seemed very clear to me that William was pushing the narrative of she’s doing so well and then Kate and her mother pushed back with the cancer video. We’ve heard several times that William did not want her to do that and that he wasn’t even there.

        I dont know what’s going on here but its weird.

  21. Julianna says:

    Look… these are just more lies. This is KP talking here.

    They originally said Kate would be back after Easter and when people started questioning all the weird behavior and contradictory reporting they turned around and backtracked by lying some more. They then said Kate would come back with a “bang” on Easter. But cmon. Did Kate come back at Easter? No, they dropped an AI cancer video announcement instead.

    This is the same thing. This is KP lying. People started questioning what in the actual hell is really going on if she won’t be back until the end of the year so now they are doing the same thing they did previously. Lying some more and backtracking her appearance to Autumn (notably when Concha said another supposed surgery). And I am still on the fence about Concha but it’s still notable they said “Autumn”.

  22. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    You know this is really irritating me on a whole other level now. As someone who has been off work for medical reasons 3 times in 26 years, I too would’ve liked to have “just been able to focus on my recovery” and be “in no rush” to return to work. Instead I had documentation up the yin yang, people expressing concern about my files (I’m a prosecutor – and one of the times I was off with PTSD/burnout from the horrors I see) and the knowledge that some victims of crime wouldn’t see justice if it didn’t come back. It was awful. And I’m one of the luckier ones in the sense I have mandatory paid sick leave for a certain period of time etc. When Mr ExPat had cancer surgery i slept in a chair next to his bed and went to work the next day as I had a witness testifying from jail on an attempted murder that the court was refusing to delay unless I shared his diagnosis with them which he didn’t want (we work in the same field).
    Sorry for the rant – and as I said I know I am still luckier than most – and in an ideal world EVERYONE would have time to rest, recover and heal without worry – but that’s not reality and so if I hear one more “poor Kate – she can’t do anything else for months and months and months” I am going to scream.
    Rant over.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mtl.ex.pat, I hope you and Mr. ExPat are now both doing well. I’ve helped with two members of my family with cancer. I agree that they need to stop this entire line that Bone Idle needs to have 9-12 months to recover. IMO, all they’re doing with this continuous story is to make people start resenting her/brf.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        @saucy&sassy – thanks for the kind thoughts – very much appreciated. So far, touchwood, things are improving! And hope your family is doing better now too.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Agree. No-one in the UK workforce receives open-ended sick leave on full pay, and God forbid that in the five months she’s not been working she’s found to have been on luxury holidays. It would give Marie Antoinette vibes.

    • Iolanthe says:

      What work?? She isn’t working on the rail road ..just needs to be dressed up and prettied up , none of which she needs to do herself…show her face , bare her teeth and wave to the peasants. If they say she is out and about , she can blooming well do some of her useless duties that she is amply paid for .

  23. Mslove says:

    The logical response would be Keen & Chuck riding together in the same car, on their way to a dr’s appointment. That would put most of the speculation to rest and the Brit’s can focus on their election.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      You raise a good point. If the royals really care about not distracting from the election, they’d tell the truth about Kate. Mysteries draw more interest and speculation than boring reality.

      Unless the reality is disturbing.

  24. Scorpio says:

    I get the resentment toward all the special treatment (as someone who worked from home the day after I had a week stay in the hospital from major surgery including an error that put me in the ICU for a few days).

    That being said, I tend to think that there is something bigger going on than multi-phased surgery, just based the fact that the easy normal appropriate things, a pic of Kate reading get well cards, is not happening. The royal family is squandering good will and that is very off brand. Is it due to a stroke or mental health treatment ? No idea, but the weirdness continues.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I honestly think this all could be stemming from an ED which wreaks havoc on the system and originally caused by a MH condition. That’s just my conspiracy thought for the day.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    I’d be surprised if she comes back this year.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    @Agreed Amy Bee. Will looked very smug at last week’s football match because “everything is coming up roses for him!” KC is back being his workaholic self so FK can continue to coast. Kate is being cared for by the Midds and will be retired on ill health grounds eventually. In addition to being jealous of Harry and Meg, Will resents sharing the limelight with Kate. This turkey probably has the gall to imagined that Kate is dragging him down when they are both equally inept at pretending to be interested in other people. Maybe he wants another shot at being part of a power couple? Is there, gulp, another Camilla out there willing to take on FK and get him to the next level?

  27. Kathalea says:

    Ah yes, the Middletons had to correct the narrative

    ‘Its hard to say when’ (after the ‘new’ negotiations are finished)

  28. Square2 says:

    No one should pay any attention to what Nicholl said or wrote. She was one of the “reporters” who used phone hacking/blagging materials to write her articles years ago. (There was concret prove of her wrongdoing.)

    • Scorpio says:

      I hate to make this comment, but the weasel hackers historically tended to be in the know.

  29. tamsin says:

    “Inaccurate” is such a weasel word.

  30. Rocket123 says:

    We are in Canada and can’t believe what’s going on over there with Kate-the fake photos and AI videos, why all the lying?? It couldn’t be more obvious.
    I can see how William would want to protect his children after his awful experience with the death of his mother, he is going to protect them at all costs from the media.
    I just don’t think he realizes that the truth has to be way better than what is being said now. If his kids saw what is being said about them all it would be devastating for them.
    Why not just be honest ? What is there to lose? It could not be any worse than what is being said now. The rumours would stop and everyone would be wishing Kate well.
    Unless there is actually something to hide just update the world honestly and get on with it. Enough with the gaslighting and charades, you owe the public that much. They will love you that much more for it and then you will have the worlds’s support as it sounds like you could really use it.