Zara Tindall & the York princesses believe in the monarchy & want to support it?

Last week, Prince William’s cousins joined him at a rain-soaked palace garden party and the British media has not shut up about it since. To be fair, some of this seems to be coming from Kensington Palace as well, as they twist themselves in knots to explain why William wants his cousins to help him out constantly, but they can never be “working royals,” because of the Sussexes! Something has to give – the heir is lazy, the king is jealous and the cousins just want to be included at family events. Well, there’s yet another piece about how Zara Tindall and the York princesses genuinely want to help out this year, all to support their (p)eggy cousin.

Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie and Zara Tindall ‘want to support Prince William and King Charles’ unique circumstances’ and are ‘closer than most cousins’, a royal insider has claimed. The King’s nieces stepped up last week to help host a garden party at Buckingham Palace with the Prince of Wales – amid the monarch and Princess of Wales’ cancer treatments.

Zara, 43, Beatrice, 35, and Eugenie, 34, appeared in high spirits for the event and co-ordinated in matching pink-and-white dresses. Speaking to Hello!, a royal insider commented on the royal women’s bond and why they wanted to help William with the event.

The source said: ‘They are closer than lots of cousins might be – they have that unique shared experience and unusual life they all lead. This is an institution that they all belong to, perhaps in slightly different ways in terms of how they serve it, but they all believe in it and its future and want to do what they can to support it.’

According to the publication, Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie were asked to help at the garden party because of the ‘unique circumstances’ the Prince and Princess of Wales are facing.

Kate was unexpectedly taken into hospital at the start of the year for major abdominal surgery. She remained in The London Clinic for two weeks before going home to recuperate.

[From The Daily Mail]

“Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie were asked to help at the garden party because of the ‘unique circumstances’ the Prince and Princess of Wales are facing.” This is what I keep saying too – if Kate was up and around, the cousins wouldn’t have been invited to jacksh-t. Kate and William have spent years bullying the cousins and letting it be known that they (W&K) are the most important people around and they don’t need the Sussexes or the cousins. As many have said, it’s more than likely that the cousins were asked to do the garden party because the Spencer family came out for Prince Harry’s Invictus service. The Windsors’ big “we’re snubbing Harry, he’s all alone” scheme was blocked by the Spencers turning up at St. Paul’s Cathedral. This is William desperately trying to convince everyone that he has a lot of family support too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “Zara Tindall & the York princesses believe in the monarchy & want to support it?”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    Of course, they believe in the monarchy – what would they be without it?

    • Square2 says:

      With all the Royal benefits to enjoyed & also earn money left & right for their own gains, of course they support Monachy.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Right?! Talk about an obvious statement. They were born into it and are supported by it-why in the world would anyone think they would be against it??

    • Lulu says:

      If my granny were queen for most of my life I would likely support it too.

    • Becks1 says:

      exactly. They believe in the monarchy because at the end of the day, the monarchy benefits them as well as the monarch and heir. And someone like Zara is far enough removed that she didn’t experience the toxicity of the institution the way Harry did. And even with Harry, he still calls himself a monarchist.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    I didn’t notice how oddly high Zara’s hat was sitting on her head. How disappointing for the honored guests to be invited to BP only to be served damp sandwiches and meet Mike Tindall.

    • Lulu says:

      Thank you! I don’t think Zaras hats are ever right, either too small or don’t sit correctly. She is so pretty and to me it is distracting.

  3. I agree. They are incandescent with rage over the Spencer’s showing up to Harry’s Invictus Anniversary and they need something to make it seem that the family stands with Peg. I believe they use the Royal housing as a stick to demand they be there. Zara has always picked Peg over Harry but the cousins have always done things with Harry and that drives Peg insane.

  4. Iris says:

    I kind of buy this. I bet they do want to offer support because they believe the monarchy is valuable.

    You could see that in the documentary, Harry still believed in the of concept of monarchy. The discomfort on his face when Meghan talked about her disbelief that she had to curtsy to the Queen in private spoke volumes in my opinion. He’s done a lot of work on himself but it’s hard to completely detach from the cult. (Yes, I believe that the monarchy should be abolished!)

    • Dee(2) says:

      I agree, and I think a lot of their belief in and respect for the monarchy comes from their love for their grandmother and grandfather. Our outsider opinions aside on the monarchy, they did seem to genuinely have good relationships with them both and I’m sure some of that is spilling over to the institution in general and to their uncle. Not too sure that it has anything to really do with William though, because they always went to the garden parties, and jubilee events, and trooping so they aren’t really doing anything extra here. If they start officially doing events on behalf of the Prince and princess of Wales then I may feel differently. But right now it just looks like William is trying to co-opt the stuff that they have been doing since they were in their late teens every single summer as evidence of support for him.

    • Vera says:

      Just so hard to believe that if she was not so okay with monarchy and the related trappings like curtseying and bowing, why did she agree to have a date with Prince Harry in the first place, let alone marrying him? I believe the blind date was set up by the daught or daughter in law of Canada’s ex prime minister? She lived in Canada when she was working on Suits. She must have observed the decorum some Canadians showed to Harry when he was in Town. I mean if a dominion showed respect to a visiting prince, what did she think what it must have been like a full kingdom treating its sovereign, right? She didn’t have any clue?

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Vera: Do yourself a favour and watch Harry and Meghan’s docuseries or read Harry’s book. There’s no excuse for not knowing the true story of how Harry and Meghan met.

      • Jais says:

        My take on that moment has always been that Meghan was making fun of herself. Bc her experience of bowing was from medieval times or something and she didn’t actually know what she is doing. Assuming meghan married Harry bc she loved him. It’s pretty clear she’s gone for that ginger. And Harry and meghan set the record strait about how they met through both spare and the netfix series. It was not through a blind date set up by Jessica Mulroney, who I assume you’re referencing as the prime minister’s DIL. He saw her in a friend’s snapchat and asked if he could reach out to her. They texted for a while before they officially met at soho house london.
        @amybee gave some good advice😂

      • Eurydice says:

        The curtseying thing was only one particular instance, when she was meeting Elizabeth in what she thought was a private, informal setting. That’s different than the courtesies people give the royals in public and it’s not that she thought she’d never have to curtsey to a royal. Meghan may have been surprised by the many, many, specific protocols within the RF, but you don’t marry a prince without accepting the monarchy. Plus, she applied for British citizenship and took the citizenship test. She was prepared to be all in.

      • tamsin says:

        I agree, @Jais. It’s so clear to me that Meghan was making fun of herself. I don’t know how that can be seen as Meghan making fun of the monarchy, unless you bring certain biases to how you see things. And it isn’t unusual for anyone that is unfamiliar with royal protocol, that the royal family still curtsy and bow at family events. It was very thoughtful of Fergie to help Meghan.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Eurydice: Meghan never actually took the test but she was studying for it. I think she was willing to conform with the protocols because she was marrying the man she loved but nobody can fault her finding some of the rules odd. Heck even Harry found some of the rules and protocols ridiculous and he was born into the Royal Family.

      • Jais says:

        That’s true about Harry finding some of the protocols odd. There’s an old clip of Harry making fun of the fact that’s royals give framed pictures of themselves when they go on tour.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Vera, I agree with what the others have said. I would also like to point out that as an American I doubt she paid much attention to the royals. I know people seem to think that the brf is the biggest thing since forever, but that’s not true in many, many countries. The US doesn’t spend a great deal of time paying attention to them except for individuals who are fascinated by royals. That’s a pretty small percentage in the US (with the exception of Princess Di and now H&M).

      • Square2 says:

        @VERA The world has about 8 billions people and UK has 67+ millions in population. Why do you assume people should know all the rules regarding any Royal Families if they are not 1.) citizens of countries have Royal Families; 2.) people have vast interest in all things Royal?

        I didn’t. I knew there’s QE2 and Charles & Diana had an unhappy marriage with 2 sons named William & Harry. I didn’t even knew the Princes’ full names & have no interest in where they studied or whom they dated. I wouldn’t know I have to curtsy to the Royals, Lords & Ladies. (And I would never do that, not being British, handshake is all you’re getting from me.)

        People can have other interests & hobbies besides Royal Watching. It wasn’t until the foul treatments Meghan received in the hands of BRF & BM, that opened my eyes to the REAL Britain & Royal Family which are not pretty.

        Meghan had a wonderful life, job, delightful friends and millions dollars in her name. She is a romantic, she wanted a life partner and she wanted to be a mother, that’s why she went on a date with a “NICE” man who happened to be a prince. She married him because she loves him and he her, and Harry said they are soulmates. How many people in the world can say they are lucky enough to find their soul mates? And if you do, will you give him/her up just because who the in-laws are?

        Vera, at best you are a troll, at worst you are a deranger.

      • Jaded says:

        @Vera — Meghan was close friends with Jessica Mulroney, wife of Brian Mulroney’s son Ben. She didn’t know Harry and had nothing to do with introducing them to each other. Harry’s childhood friend Violet von Westenholz encouraged him to contact Meghan who she had befriended when Meghan was on one of her many trips to London. Harry had been talking about how his dating life was pretty lackluster and she thought Meghan might be someone he’d click with. They first interacted on Instagram before going on their first date. In Harry’s words:

        “Meghan and I met over Instagram,” Harry said. “I was scrolling through my feed and someone who was a friend had this video of the two of them, it was like a Snapchat, and it’s … with doggy ears and … that was the first thing, it was like who is that?”

        He added, “And then we got each other’s numbers and we were just constantly in touch, and I went, ‘Let’s meet.’ ”

      • Vera says:

        @Square2, because from all I’ve read from this site, I thought they met in Canada when she was working on Suits and he was visiting. Canada is a dominion. Granted they are not too invested in the monarchy thing, some protocols/customs regarding the royal family are still adhered. That’s why I mentioned the Canada bit when I wrote in the first place. Do please read before accusing one of being troll.

      • Eurydice says:

        @AmyBee – I’ve read some articles, most recently one in Harper’s Bazaar, that said she took the exam and passed it.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        You’re still loud and wrong, @Vera. Just own up to making baseless assumptions and move on.

      • Vera says:

        @Beach Dreams, why should I? Just because one isn’t in the Sussex’s @$$ and is only a general gossip reader?

      • Nerd says:

        @Vera you should admit that you were wrong because it is the decent thing to do and has nothing to do with being in anyone’s @$$, Sussex or otherwise. It has been known on this site and others since Spare (through reading) and the documentary (through watching) that they met after Harry saw Meghan on a post with his friend Violet and he reached out to Violet for Meghan’s name and information. They started corresponding by text messages and then talking on their phones. They eventually met for the first time in London at Soho House and maintained a secret relationship that didn’t become public until nearly five months. Meghan has always followed protocol and has never had an issue with curtseying to the Queen or anyone else in the royal family. Their first time meeting the Queen was a surprise to all of them (Harry, Meghan, Fergie, Eugenie and Jack) because on the way to finally meet Fergie for the first time they learned just before their arrival that the Queen showed up unplanned and so Meghan thinking that she was about to meet her as his grandmother was quickly asked if she knew how to curtsey, to which she was surprised because she assumed that the formality of royal life was only in public. She knew of the medieval curtsey so that is what she based hers off of, well that and what Fergie tried to teach her shortly before they walked into the room to see the Queen. It isn’t @$$ kissing to tell the truth once it’s been revealed to you and it certainly isn’t okay to insult people for trying to let you know that you were wrong.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Vera, just because she was working in Canada doesn’t mean she spent time learning anything about the brf. I live in a state which borders Canada. I like to visit because it’s beautiful and I like the Canadians (how could you not). The only thing I take note of regarding the royals is the money. That’s it.

        I understand that the royal family is important to the citizens of the UK. Please believe me when I say, the rest of the world just doesn’t care because they have no impact on our lives whatsoever. That tends to be a hard thing for people in the UK to understand. What we learn here is in school. We learned about the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. After those two wars, we don’t learn anything about any royal families. The exception would be those who CHOOSE to learn something about them. It’s not a very big percentage of the 330,000,000+ people in the US.

      • Vera says:

        @Saucy&Sassy, like I said Canada and US are totally different when it comes to these things. And I only asked the question that why she didn’t do the homework and agree to H’s courtship if she had a bone to pick with protocols.

  5. Missjo says:

    Zara knows how to navigate the world of Sponsorship, magazine and advertising deals, so even if she isn’t a paid working royal with a Title, she will be able to use the raise in profile by doing these Royal events can be parlayed into a Paycheck in other channels

    • sevenblue says:

      On one of the latest events, she was doing product placement with a product almost dropping from her bag. She is shameless. If it was before Meghan entered the family, the tabloids would mock her endlessly for it.

  6. Jais says:

    In what personal capacity do these cousins hang out with William? I don’t think they really do. But sure they’ll show up to events if he asks. Why not? It raises their profile for whatever way they’re making money or whatever charitable things they’re doing. Now what I really want to know is what’s getting discussed in the cousin WhatsApp. You know they’re gossiping amongst themselves. What do they know about Kate?

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Jais: I think they attend these events when William asks them because he’s the future King and they don’t want to frozen out of the family or smeared by him in the press.

      • Jais says:

        Agree. They are monarchists and support the heir and monarch when asked. It also can’t hurt them to have the exposure of being a royal though. Zara and Mike do lots of endorsements and its not solely bc of their sports activities. And yes none of them want to be the new scapegoat.

  7. Maxine Branch says:

    The narrative those delusional folks wanted to send was no one in Harry’s birth family supported him. This blew up in their faces because the Spencer family was there along with some cousin. Along with a ton of folks from the public waiting to greet this amazing young man. They were shook

  8. Amy Bee says:

    When Beatrice and Eugenie attended garden parties in the past there was no talk of them helping out the Queen. William is incapable of doing anything alone so here come the cousins. I agree if Kate was there they wouldn’t been invited. Heck if Harry was still there they wouldn’t been invited either. William always needs a scapegoat.

  9. Blujfly says:

    These “garden parties” (some party – standing up in the rain for hours to have a brief interaction with anyone of any proximity to the royals) have literally thousands of people attending and the portion featuring the royals only lasts an hour or two. The sheer fact is that if it’s that size with that time limitation it can’t just be 2 people going up and down the aisles. It’s basically 2 hours of “rope line” work if you’ve ever attended a political event. The Gloucesters also attended but the focus is on the cousins. Who else would be able to do it? Everyone else is ill or in their 80s. William probably wanted to be in and out of there as soon as possible.

  10. Steph says:

    “Kate was unexpectedly taken to hospital…” Thought the surgery was planned?

    • CatMum says:

      I caught that too! the goalposts and the “truth” are constantly moving.

    • Jaded says:

      There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip…these tabloid liars keep slipping in clues, either inadvertently or deliberately.

  11. equality says:

    They are all so close. I wonder if any of them get invited round to any of PW’s lodgings any more than PH ever did. Bet not.

  12. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    “Zara Tindall and the York Princesses believe in the gravy train and want a piece of it.”
    There. Fixed it! Ha!

  13. tamsin says:

    I think Zara and Peter do support William, and all of their children used to show up at polo games and play together. My guess is that they would all play together as kids during all those summers at Balmoral. William and Harry have both talked about how they rushed their last conversation with their mother because they were anxious to get back to whatever they were doing with their cousins. Also, of all his siblings, Charles does seem to be close only to Anne because they are close in age, and both much older than Andrew and Edward, so it would make sense that their children would play together. It seems Anne was close to her mother, so it’s not hard to assume she and her family spent a lot of time in Scotland.

  14. Micgui says:

    Chuckie has told them and showed them numerous times that he doesn’t want them “like that”. They all should’ve joined the military if they wanted a place. It was incredibly stupid not to do something. I’m especially surprised zara didn’t do anything. She could’ve even trained as a nurse or a short emt course!