Federal investigators are preparing a grand jury to hear Sean Combs’ crimes

Last November, Cassie sued Sean Combs in federal court. Her lawsuit was full of heinous information about Combs’ physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, in addition to trafficking. He settled with Cassie within 24 hours, hoping to bury all of it. Instead, Cassie’s lawsuit was the beginning of the end. Combs has now been sued by eight of his victims. In March, agents from the Department of Homeland Security raided Combs’ LA and Miami homes. Just a few weeks ago, CNN aired a 2016 video of Combs assaulting Cassie in a hotel. CNN now reports that federal investigators are prepping a federal grand jury:

Federal investigators are preparing to bring accusers of music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs before a federal grand jury, two sources familiar with the probe tell CNN — signaling the US Justice Department is moving toward potentially seeking an indictment of Combs.

Possible witnesses have been notified by investigators that they could be brought in to testify in front of a federal grand jury in New York City, according to one source. Bringing individuals who have filed civil lawsuits against Combs before a grand jury would mark a significant escalation in the government’s ongoing investigation involving the producer and Bad Boy Records founder.

Combs has been named in eight civil lawsuits since November – seven directly accusing him of sexual assault. One of the eight lawsuits, filed by former girlfriend Cassie Ventura, has been settled. Another lawsuit accused his son Christian Combs of sexual assault, and Sean Combs is accused of aiding and abetting. A spokesperson for the Homeland Security Investigations agency (HSI) declined to comment on the existence of a grand jury, but noted the investigation remains ongoing.

[From CNN]

Yeah, we all hoped that sh-t was hitting the fan when DHS raided his homes concurrently. These are not issues which should only be handled in civil cases – there are crimes being committed. Speaking of, Rolling Stone has done one of their infamous deep dives into Combs’ long history of abuse, stalking, sexual assault, drug abuse and indiscriminate violence. I could only get so far into the piece without needing a big break, but it’s worth a read – go here for the full piece. Some interesting pieces of news (to me): Combs was violent to women since he was 18/19 at least; he has a voracious sexual appetite; he tried to befriend Tupac but Pac thought he was a “corny executive”; Biggie was trying to extract himself from Combs and Bad Boy in the months before Biggie’s death; Combs had staffers stalk Jennifer Lopez on his behalf after J.Lo left him; Combs stalked and harassed Cassie and Kim Porter every time they left him; Combs literally tried to kill any man who had anything to do with Cassie and Kim. Almost everyone who has ever worked with him in any capacity thinks he’s a f–king monster.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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15 Responses to “Federal investigators are preparing a grand jury to hear Sean Combs’ crimes”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    Those Biggie and Kim Porter cases…

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    And we’re just learning about all of this now? Clearly, a lot of people have been covering for him, maybe out of fear but covering for him nonetheless.

    • Nanea says:

      NDAs combined with pay-offs, people looking the other way, people (mostly men) not believing women/the victims.

      Those who have money have power – and rumors, whispers need proof.

      Fingers crossed the cases will be resolved and Sean Combs won’t be able to escape justice any longer.

    • lucy2 says:

      Fear, money, power, proximity to fame. Same as it ever was. People turn a blind eye, especially for the rich/powerful.
      I applaud his victims for having the strength to come forward, and I hope they see some justice.

    • OliviaOne says:

      There was a blind some years back on a hip hop mogul who during Coachella had a male prostitute stripped naked and paraded in their booth/area/whatever and throwing things at him or some such. And the blind was verifying and revealed and no one seems shocked or bothered about it.. Out in the open, like Kelly, and Epstein and and and.. It is truly sad.

  3. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    It only takes 1 person to take their finger out of the dam and cause a breach and Cassie is that person. The fact that his shit was covered up and enabled for absolute years is, unfortunately, no surprise, but when karma decides to enter the chat, she comes full force with a vengeance
    Wonder who he will try to take down with him because he’s one who won’t go alone. Definitely not the type and reading about this seems there’s quite a few. Just a question of who’s willing to save their asses at diddler’s expense
    I hope Kim Porter’s family and Biggie’s as well as all the persons and families affected by this human stain get the justice they’ve been denied for so long.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    Just think of all those celebrities that loved to rub elbows with him in the Hamptons at his white party. His whole “Puffy” nickname was attributed to his terrible violent temper. This has been openly known for a long time

  5. Joanne says:

    There are videos on X of Diddy with a very young Justin Bieber that are extremely creepy and would go a long way into explaining Justin’s decline in mental health. They are very disturbing.

    • Mireille says:

      Don’t forget Usher too. Usher was very young when he was introduced into Diddy’s world and parties.

  6. Cheshire Sass says:

    This is a rhetorical post because I already know the answer – but is the $ windfall so important that these people not only sell any moral compass they may possess but also their very souls to protect this garbage human? How do you live with yourself knowing what goes on? I’m not just talking about Diddy, Epstein, Weinstein, Savile and so many, many others. How much money is your integrity worth? Idk, these things make me ill. I realize some people are in fear of their lives to keep quiet. But Others absolutely are all about the pay out. I’m not talking about the victims/survivors of the assaults.

  7. Fernanda says:

    I wonder how Cassie and her now husband managed to extract themselves from this situation. I am sure they were scared for their lives. Cassie is a true hero and I am glad she got herself a nice man who stands behind her.

    • Kitten says:

      She’s courageous for sure. I hope she has a lot of protection because this has to be scary AF for her.

  8. Mireille says:

    Yeah, this didn’t start with Diddy nor will it end with him. Nor did he do any of this alone — he AND his team of corporate and legal sycophants harassed, stalked, and abused his victims to keep scared and quiet. I’m thinking Diddy might confess the crimes of others just to get a deal. People who are higher up on the ladder in the music world and Hollywood. And I’m all for it. Just like Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider. It’s time to OUT all the criminals, abusers, and traffickers from the industry.

  9. Lisa says:

    Better get his passport! I can see him running to some place that doesn’t extradite! Just like Roman Polanski! Run Puffy Run! LMAO

  10. Serena says:

    Yeah they should also look into all the people who mysteriously died too, because it’s widely believed he had a hand in it.

    And I hope they get his sons too, we know the apple didn’t fall far from the tree in this case.