Princess Kate is ‘unlikely’ to attend Trooping the Colour, despite her recent ‘outings’

Something I keep coming back to is that in March, just days and hours before the Princess of Wales’s cancer-announcement video, royal insiders were insisting that Kate would absolutely be seen on Easter Sunday, and Kensington Palace courtiers were seemingly planning for Kate’s big “return to work” to happen in April. This was around the same time that The Sun and TMZ ran photos and a video of “Kate” speed-walking out of the Windsor Farm Store, amid palace-authorized reports that Kate had been out and about a lot that month. As I said this week, it feels like the palace has regressed back to that clownery. Suddenly, royal insiders are back to insisting (far and wide) that Kate has been running errands and she’s totally out with her family and absolutely no one got photos. As of yet, there hasn’t even been one independently confirmed sighting of Kate whatsoever.

Add to all of that, KP seems to be sending out trial balloons about “when” Kate might be seen in public. The Mail’s royal sources say that it could be autumn. The Daily Beast’s sources say Kate could be completely absent from public life all year. Vanity Fair said the “missing throughout 2024” isn’t true. What we all know is that Kate definitely won’t be seen at any June events. No D-Day in Normandy, no appearance at the Duke of Westminster’s wedding, no Royal Ascot. And no Trooping the Colour. That “royal expert” Kinsey Schofield claims that Kate is unlikely to attend Trooping and that William and Charles are not “pressuring” her to do so.

Kate Middleton isn’t in a hurry to return to public duties as she prioritizes her health. Kinsey Schofield, host of the “To Di For Daily” podcast, told Fox News Digital the Princess of Wales, who is being treated for cancer, has two important men in her corner backing her decision.

“King Charles and Prince William have repeatedly stressed to the Princess of Wales that she should feel no pressure to return to public duty until she is ready,” Schofield told Fox News Digital.

“She has been spotted around town, looking upbeat,” said Schofield. “Neighbors and her children’s schoolmates’ families have been protective of her and do what they can to ensure that she is protected from prying eyes. The palace won’t officially give us any indication of a potential Catherine return. It is up to their doctors and ultimately Catherine’s choice.”

[From Fox News]

This has been largely indicated for months, but it feels like a lot of royalists are only realizing it now: oh, right, Kate won’t be seen until autumn at the earliest. She won’t be seen at any events in June. No Trooping for Kate. Here’s the bigger question though: will the two younger Wales children be seen at Trooping? For the past several Troopings, all three kids have been on the balcony. I don’t think that’s going to happen this year, and I’m curious what the conversation will be.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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180 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘unlikely’ to attend Trooping the Colour, despite her recent ‘outings’”

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  1. Milas says:

    I am not kidding, I am really asking: is she alive?

    • Libra says:

      I think she has to be alive. How else could they walk back all those silly news reports that she is out and around with family?

      • Julianna says:

        They can say her cancer returned and that she declined or took a turn for the worse at a later date. They can say she had to go back for another surgical procedure and that the surgery did not go well. They can walk it back with any lie they want apparently given that they have gotten away with all their lies so far. Nobody has even held them accountable for their fraudulent photos and videos much less their lies. Even half of their “critics” make excuses for them and try to find justification in their clownery.

      • Shawna says:

        Every minute, hour, day that Kate is actually missing but no one cares, the various palaces become more empowered in knowing they can get away with whatever they want.

      • Underhill says:

        Excellent points Julianna and Shawna. Who is going to make the King and the Prince reveal what happened to Kate? No one. They have decided to use propaganda to conceal that and they are doing a half arsed job at it. But it still lulls the public. Very few people know the whole story, that is the only thing I am absolutely certain of.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        That wouldn’t work for the death certificate, though. Those are public record, and you’d have to bribe like 50 people to get a fake one.

        The whole thing is obviously super sketchy (though personally I think explained by serious health issues + separation + W trying to bench her and his camp briefing against her), but it’s not possible, if you know how the UK legal process is around death, to cover up a death. Not unless they’ve buried her body in a basement and plan to keep her missing forever.

        Besides her dying would be a PR win for William, there’d be no reason to cover it up. I think she’s either incapacitated or just not playing along or W is trying to get rid of her.

      • Liz says:

        Julianna – I agree. Maybe that’s why the Spanish journalist was told there’ll be another surgery in August.

        Pave the way for the sudden deterioration announcement.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @SamuelWhiskers: But remember how they altered Archie’s birth certificate? They can easily come up with a fake or altered death certificate.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Beaniebean, it was only corrected. Meghan’s own name was notably missing from their son Archie’s birth certificate. Originally listed as ‘Rachel Meghan,’ the document was later edited by Buckingham Palace to read ‘Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex,’ along with her occupation listed as ‘Princess of the United Kingdom.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        You guys, she’s gonna be “out” with william and all the kids on october 31st, yes that’s right, all dressed up, and all with masks, and we’re gonna have a ton of pics – wanna bet?

    • Bettyrose says:

      We’ve discussed in other threads that there’s no reason to cover up a death which can be carefully spun to a PR advantage. But if she’s in a dire condition from which she might fully recover and reappear as though nothing was ever wrong, best to keep everything on the DL until her condition can be confirmed one way or the other.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Remember in KP’s original official announcement, there was no statement to the effect of “Its is believed the Princess will make a full recovery.”

      • Bettyrose says:

        Yep. I have no sense of how a partial recovery will be handled, a reemerged Kate who is dramatically changed from the one we last saw. Questions will be asked and not answered.

      • Liz says:

        Samuel – the rf could have buried her in their back garden. A coroner will write what they’re told to write. The royals have coroners, medics etc on their payroll.

      • Popsicle says:

        I saw a comment on here on another post that Carole and Michael Middleton are separated or divorced? Is this true? If true it really blows up the whole narrative of the Middleton family being so close and such a tight family.

    • Lau says:

      They really need to understand how grim this all sounds from an outside perspective. The longer they drag this on, the worse it looks.

      • Underhill says:

        Well, it stinks on ice, doesn’t it?

      • Aurore says:

        She is just bloated and bald because of chemo. She doesn’t want to be an example for ill women around the world and show her face proudly. She doesn’t care. Vanity as it’s finest

    • Becks1 says:

      🙄🙄 Yes, she’s alive. In what kind of condition, no clue. But she’s alive. There is no point in KP covering up her death for months and months.

      • Blithe says:

        Wouldn’t that depend on the cause of death? I, personally, think —and hope — that she’s alive. But if Kate died violently, or suddenly, for example, I could imagine a lot of initial panic behind whatever information was initially released, which might then be impossible to correct, followed by a contradictory mess, leading eventually to an announcement once the general public has become used to her absence and even less curious about what was behind her lengthy absence. It would be difficult— but not impossible— to pull off, and possibly easier if William were King.

        It’s actually harder for me to imagine how she could be alive — yet so completely out of the public eye for so long. That she’s been in fully staffed hospitals
        and needing some type of care for months — with so little buzz or incontrovertible sightings — seems almost impossible to pull off between phones with cameras and what I imagine a picture or video would be worth.

      • I agree, it makes sense that she’s alive. If she’s not, that is so horrific I really can’t even imagine it. That would be so huge, I just can’t fathom a cover up that big.

        That said, I also agree that the way the press is operating, the palaces could get away with anything and that does alarm me.

        What are they getting away with right now? We have no idea, but we can see that the MaMiddleton PR machine has been suffocated.why, we don’t know.

      • sophie says:

        It really doesn’t matter whether she’s still with us or has gone to the happy hunting ground. The rf can say whatever they like and expect to be believed. Nothing has changed in centuries of rule.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Blithe we are still talking about who murdered the princes in the tower sometime towards the end of the 15th century, I doubt it would ever go away.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Blithe for me, part of the reason I roll my eyes so much at the suggestion that she’s dead is that one thing still has to happen – they have to completely fake a death certificate.

        What’s easier, to fake one when she actually died, or to fake one months later? One of those things is a lot harder and requires a lot more people complicit in the coverup. It’s not JUST the people who actually completely the death certificate. It’s Carole Middleton, its the three children, its the RPOs, its everyone at BP (because no way could KP even attempt something like that without Charles’ involvement.)

        If she died suddenly in January, they could have “just” faked the death certificate and said the cause of death was a surgery that went south. there’s a lot less coverup involved.

        KP can’t issue a press release without screwing up, but now we think they’re capable of completely covering up the death of the princess of wales? I just dont buy it.

      • Agnes says:

        @Becks1 what you say makes a lot of sense. I bet she’s in another country like Switzerland though.

      • Nic919 says:

        They could have said complications from surgery which is always possible and plausible especially for a complicated surgery.

        They didn’t. Plus I don’t see george being able to conceal sadness if this had happened.

        And William has acted like a single happy man in the last few months.

    • Emily says:

      Shades of the Monaco princess who went missing for a myriad of ailments

      • Nanea says:

        Charlène wasn’t really missing though.

        Everyone knew she was in South Africa, even if people doubted her mystery illness.

        But she posted to her Insta from time to time, selfies and reels and clips of her talking to the twins via zoom – and Albert took the kids to see her.

        Whereas here – no proof of life, no nothing but fakery and AI and lies and obfuscation.

      • bettyrose says:

        The Charlene situation has always been weird. She was held captive to breed genetically specific children. But I think at this point it’s more a negotiation over how much she gets to have her independence balanced with continued access to her children. I absolutely believe they’ve covered up mental health incidents in which she’s been out of the public eye for months on end, but this Kate thing is way more nefarious.

    • GTWiecz says:

      What many people are forgetting is that Charles and William have not been seen together since Christmas 2023. There’s a lot of implications in this. Neither has he spoken about his father having cancer.

      • Nic919 says:

        They were together for that recent military hand off. Although William did arrive 45 minutes after Charles.

    • Flynn says:

      She’s probably alive and practicing really hard for her piano recital in December

  2. Shawna says:

    I wondered what today’s about-face would be. Yesterday: “We swear she is doing errands.” Today: “But that doesn’t mean she will be seen in public.” Yawn.

  3. Oh for gods sake stop the lies. She was not seen or someone anyone with a phone would have taken a picture. She won’t be at trooping or any events ever again. He dear sweet and loving caretaker husband is moving on with his “special friends “.

    • maisie says:

      London has the highest number of CCTV cameras surveilling its population than anyplace outside of China. Plus, everyone has a camera in their pocket these days. Paparazzi wait outside the palace gates. If she had gone out in public there would be photos. without a doubt. So, pics or it didn’t happen.

      • bettyrose says:

        This is what I love about British mysteries. “He says he was home at 10pm, but we’ve checked the CCTV from a thousand different angles, and no way was he home.” I’m not sure how Britains can stand it, but dayum if it doesn’t add an extra element to those crime dramas.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      The fact they’re willing to tell such blatant lies really shows the arrogance and level of disrespect they have for their own citizens. Vile.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        I will say I’m not sure the entire army of crown defenders are bots. It does seem to me that Brits generally get very defensive and upset when anyone asks about all this.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      And didn’t another parent from school say she was NOT seen, only that there were rumors she was seen? Yet this story says the other parents are very protective of her — which doesn’t even say they DID see her, it only implies it. This whole thing is so shady.

      I’ve started to believe that she is getting treatment for cancer, which is more serious than they’re admitting, in a foreign country and they can’t admit that.

    • LittlePenguin says:

      The amazing forcefield that surrounds Kannot makes all cell phone cameras inoperable. It’s truly amazing how NOT A SINGLE picture can be taken of her running errands! (or doing the school run!)

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Kinsey is such a fraud. She has no insider information at all. I’m with the Daily Beast, Kate’s done for the year. As for Trooping, I’d wouldn’t be surprised if all 3 children are in a carriage with the York sisters.

    • ShazBot says:

      Optically, I think Charles would want them in the carriage with him and Camilla.

      • Amy Bee says:

        I’m thinking Camilla would want to be the only one in the carriage with Charles.

      • Lady D says:

        Wouldn’t having the Wales kids in the carriage with him only highlight how estranged he made himself from the Sussex children?

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Yes but they will blame it on the Sussexes. Like everything else.

      • Claire says:

        Both Charles and Camilla hate sharing the spotlight. There’s no way they’d want the Wales kids to be in a carriage with them. Remember the coronation and how they made sure the Wales kids were at the far ends of the picture, basically put of the shot?

    • Proud Mary says:

      I know, my heart sank when I saw that she was Kaiser’s royal expert. I mean, if Kinsey is being paid $1 an hour for her blatant, self-aggrandizing lies, she’s being paid 99 cents too much. Why give her any credibility at all? It seems any fly can be a royal expert, just by calling itself that. She said nothing here that you or I couldn’t have said.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Proud Mary, she’s not Kaiser’s royal expert. That gets owned by Faux News. This is just the latest on when Bone Idle will be seen. That it’s coming from Faux News tells us everything we need to know.

    • Maxine Branch says:

      This Kinsey woman is such a Meghan hater. She just make sh*t up because she does not get any push back. She needs to clarify how close she and P Diddy were.

  5. Nanea says:

    Oh, Kinsey Schofield is… someone, still, who can say something on Faux Noise. No matter that she’s only an expert in her own mind.

    Remember it was KS who had her face photoshopped onto Meghan’s head in one of the Frogmore engagement portraits and used that for years as her Twitter profile pic.

    • Jais says:

      I’m thrown by the fact that she has a podcast named To Di for Daily. Assuming that’s for Diana? Considering the way she speaks about Diana’s son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren she should really keep Di’s name out of her freaking mouth.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      From Diddy shows/videos to a Royal expert 🤨.. she has always come across as “a touch off”.

    • Square2 says:

      Yes she will always be the “I Wish It Was Me Engaged To Harry” Kinsey.

      Did she really is an expert on Hollywood? She is just a
      Meghan-basher & gossip.

      P.S. I don’t think we’ll see Louis at the Trooping. He can’t hide his feeling. (Too young)

  6. The Hench says:

    Mmm. I think we have established that the little rash of recent ‘out and about’ stories was based entirely on Rebecca English claiming so and other outlets then quoting her as their source. In other words – as the complete lack of secondary sources or a phone photo snapped of the world’s most famously absent woman suggests – nonsense. Did. Not. Happen.

    So that takes us back to the status quo – no Kate, no sign of Kate, no word from Kate, no posts from Kate, no posts by aides on Kate’s behalf, no photos released of Kate, no pap snaps of Kate (or her supportive family) and most ‘Royal sources’ saying don’t expect to see her before the Autumn.

    Obviously there are different reasons being given for that long absence but it seems to me that we absolutely are not getting any return until at least September…

    • Jais says:

      I can’t get over the stale playbook @hench. BS Becky claiming she’s been out and about and journalists just repeating that lame passive sources say she’s been seen out and about. It’s just not believable. Agree to not expect her until the fall. Now, if she doesn’t appear in the fall, I’ll be curious to see how the rota reacts. And what bs the palace will try. Please don’t let it be another bbc studios video😂

      • Harper says:

        They are now saying she was seen at Bakers & Larners in Holt, a deli. Of course, no pics. You can tell this was totally made up by all the men in the KP Panic Room because it was probably lunch time and they were hungry.

      • Jais says:

        Oh wow. Details! Someone’s gonna get paid a lump sum to tell us all about whatever sandwiches Kate supposedly ordered🙄

      • Proud Mary says:

        Why would the people at KP, who work for Kate (and William) be acting like they have to stake out places to see where Kate is showing up? If she is well enough to be in public, why can’t they just show her? Why all this loch ness monster type “sightings”? Do they at KP understand just how stupid this is?

      • CherBear says:

        I seriously doubt Kate’s cancer story. It fitted too neatly and mirrored Charles’s story. These Windsors are not creative – hence all this nonsense with conflicting stories, fake photos etc. the facts speak for themselves. They are hiding and covering something. A member of the royal crazy family going unseen for this long is a problem. Something is/was seriously wrong with Kate.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, c’mon! When Harry & Meghan go out, we know what everybody at the table ordered. Kate seen at a deli? WHAT DID SHE GET??

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Where were the children? It’s half term.

    • Jay says:

      What’s interesting is that Becky English (who seems to be the head of the royal rota) is pushing this narrative about Kate secretly going on lots of unseen and unphotographed outings. While it seems that other sources (I suspect from BP) are pushing the “she won’t be seen until the autumn, or maybe next year” story. That’s quite a split.

    • Becks1 says:

      We aren’t getting any kind of return until September at the earliest. This is KATE. Even when perfectly healthy, she disappears from Wimbledon until September. She’ll miss Trooping and Wimbledon and then will start her summer vacation, even if she is 100% healthy.

      • Moondust says:

        I might be mistaken but the reports of her going out and around are everytime before the school holidays. Then it’s typical for the Wales to disappear. I agree with Becks1 we won’t see her before September.

      • CatMum says:

        there is no way she is anywhere close to “100% healthy.” if they could produce her, they would have done it by now. something happened at christmas and she is in a bad way still. I’m convinced that William is the cause of whatever it was.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Catmum that’s why I literally said “even if she’s 100% healthy” which we know she isn’t. Summer is not Kate’s time to shine, work wise, in the best of circumstances.

      • Nic919 says:

        They have now confirmed she’s not doing the review so we won’t see her for sure until October, if she is seen at all this year.

        Also there is on Twitter a new AI video of Kate and it really makes one question the veracity of the bench video.

        I always assumed the bench video was real but perhaps enhanced. This new fake one makes you wonder about it all.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Nic, do you have a link to that video? I’m not on X.

      • @Feeshalori here you go! Be warned, it’s super creepy how much it seems like her

      • Interested Gawker says:



        👏👏👏💐💐💐 to whoever made that clip, my god…

      • @interestedgawker right? What really stands out is this was (likely) not done by expensive professionals like, say, BBC Studio, who have a whole AI push going on.

        I’ve never been on the complete AI train over that video, but this clip makes it look a lot more possible.

      • Feeshalori says:

        That’s one of the most eerie things I’ve ever seen and so chilling. The likeness and voice are amazing and it was much clearer and more in focus than the bench video. I’m moving more towards that video being AI generated after seeing this.

      • samipup says:

        Definitely fake, A.I.

      • Square2 says:

        Wow, this AI #WhereIsKate video has better pixels quality & clearer images than the bench cancer video! The voice sounded just like her.

  7. LadyE says:

    If it were just Kate having a health situation, I would really have no problem with the amount of time she is taking before returning to public events. Is it lazy and eye rolly? Of course. But, it’s also par for the course without a medical situation, so meh. BUT. I think the fact that Charles, who actually *has* cancer, has been out and about already for months and will continue to do so just makes this whole thing unsustainable and the current limited info bound to cause more talk.

    If what they’ve said officially is to be believed, Kate had a tumor that *after being removed* tested for cancer. She is undergoing *preventative* chemotherapy. There is absolutely nothing that’s been reported to suggest that Kate has cancer or that they did not remove all of it from the initial surgery. Of course, preventative chemo would prevent reoccurrence and I’m not downplaying chemo for anyone, preventative or not. I’m sure it sucks. But, I cannot believe that a round of preventative chemo would be so much more intense than Charles’ treatment, again because he actually has cancer. Not a doctor, so happy to be corrected, but the current explanation makes no sense to me when put up next to KC. It just doesn’t add up.

    • Magdalena says:

      100% agree. This is where I am as well, though you have phrased it far more elegantly that I have been able to. If I could upvote your post, LadyE, I absolutely would. People are losing sight if the only pertinent fact that we do know of. Charles is the only one who was confirmed to have “a form of cancer” which was still in existence while he was publicly seen, versus…. all that obfuscating noise from the other side.

      • Liz says:

        Someone on a Reddit sub has done AI videos of Kate too and they are so lifelike

    • The Hench says:

      I can buy that Kate’s adjuvant chemo may have had a more adverse effect on her than whatever type Charles is having. Chemo courses are different, people’s reactions are different. I could buy that her appearance is affected and she wants to hide away or that she is so ill that she genuinely needs to rest and recuperate for months.

      BUT – then she can’t be happily out and about running errands. This is the issue. It’s truly amateur comms hour from KP to try floating ‘she’s too ill to work for months’ alongside ‘ she’s out and about running errands around town right now’. Those two things cannot both be possible. Either she is NOT out and about but is genuinely ill OR she is out and about and she is being a lazy cow and using her ‘illness’ as an excuse to do nothing for months.

      • Harper says:

        Kate wasn’t getting adjuvant chemo while she was recovering from her successful abdominal surgery yet she was still completely hidden. No hospital visits, no thank you messages to the public, no being seen at all. No Middletons, no children visiting her, no fluff stories. Her disappearance is more in line with someone who is/was in a coma or mentally incapacitated than someone who just had a routine planned operation and then they found that cancer had been present. She stopped existing way before the “had cancer” bench appearance.

      • Becks1 says:

        @TheHench that is the issue for me. I can buy that she is very sick and I think people are putting too much emphasis on line “cancer had been present” to downplay her chemo treatment. It’s chemo. It sucks. And its possible she’s reacting very differently to it than Charles.

        But then just say something along those lines, don’t put out stories that she’s out and about looking well and she is back to the school run and attending events etc. Pick a lane.

        @Harper its possible the January surgery was not a “routine planned operation.” In fact, if she did say in the hospital for 2 weeks, then it probably wasn’t that routine at all. they said it was a planned surgery but that can just mean it was planned 24 hours in advance. But in general, my thinking has long been that she was home before the surgery was ever announced. So surgery early January, home after 2 weeks, then they announce the surgery. It explains William’s lack of visits, the Middletons absence, etc – they weren’t visiting her because she wasn’t there.

    • Erin says:

      Yes, Lady, you are inaccurate in a very big way. Cancer survivor here in my fourth year of fighting the damn thing back over and over again. Four years ago after eight hours of surgery, I then had a six week break before starting a six month round of preventative chemo. It’s still chemo! I had all of the usual horrible complications and symptoms: hair loss, extreme nausea, extreme fatigue, depression, etc. Then I had a year of complete remission but it came back, and I had to start another, different treatment that was vile to undergo just like the first one.
      I know there are lots of reasons not to like the current princess of Wales. But cutting her some slack with her situation would be the only humane, appropriate response. All I had to do was look at her photograph in the last video to see through make up and hair to recognize someone going through the hell of chemo. .
      Today I head out to an other, new innovative cancer program at a yet another hospital, City of Hope. My oncologist told me it will be a CAR-T treatment , kind of like dialysis and I will be an intensive care for 2 to 3 days! The stuff sucks, but you just have to reach deep inside yourself and depend on those who love you to find the courage and stamina keep on going,. it just pisses the hell out of me when I see how people treat Kate because no one deserves to go through this hell without some kind of compassion from the rest of the world. I’m sure Megan doesn’t sit at home and Montecito thinking that Kate got what she deserved!!

      • Jais says:

        Huh, @erin? @ladyE never said anywhere that Meghan is sitting in Montecito thinking that Kate got what she deserved. @ladyE also didn’t say that about Kate. Wish your health well. Please don’t attribute that kind of a statement to someone who did not say that.

      • Becks1 says:

        She’s not saying anyone said that, she’s just commenting in general about Meghan.

        @Erin I hope your new treatment is successful. Thanks for sharing your story – a lot of people here became chemo experts very quickly after Kate’s video was released.

      • Jais says:

        Guess the huh should be aimed at me😳Sorry for misreading!

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        I Hope your treatment works.

      • Tiny says:


        I will never cut Waity any slack.

    • GDubslady says:

      I wouldn’t be so quick to believe Charles has cancer. I really think Kate had colorectal cancer from Chrohns with a stoma requiring two operations. Something about both of them being in the hospital at the same time seems contrived. I think Charles may actually be phibbing. His procedure in London may have been a cover. Plus a sickly looking Kate would garner sympathy that William doesn’t want her to have.

  8. OliviaOne says:

    I am “confused” because all the news in the past was that the families at the school they attend are not happy about their attendance as it has increased visible security (to a rather easy going, outdoorsy school curriculum), but also because George is going around threatening other kids because his dad will be king one day and him too.
    Now suddenly they are mother goosing Khate?

  9. MaryContrary says:

    How many people do you know with cancer who are still out and about, working as much as they’re able, taking care of their kids, living their lives. I do not understand why she isn’t out there a little bit. I think people would understand if she can’t keep a full schedule (not that she ever has had one) but to just vanish completely from the public eye? I don’t think anything nefarious has happened to her. I just think they are exploiting her illness to duck all public duties.

    • Bad Janet says:

      The answer is, it depends vastly on the situation, where someone’s at in treatment, how intensive their treatment is, and what they’d be doing “out.” With Kate, she has another illness going on (allegedly). That may be keeping her hidden away more than the cancer.

      I have no idea what she has, but Chron’s, ulcerative colitis, and other bowel diseases that could result in looking unwell for a couple years before you finally have a resection (“abdominal surgery”) with revision surgeries can keep you on limited activity for a LONG time. Even if she were back to her usual capacity, that doesn’t mean Princess Kate is willing to be seen out with an ostomy bag.

      I normally loathe speculating on people’s health issues, but I also feel like they really screwed this up when they started lying their asses off and got people worried.

      • MsIam says:

        You do realize the bag is not on the outside of the clothing right? It not like an oxygen tank. My mother had a bag and it never stopped her from living her life to iher best capacity. I think its insulting that people think that Kate is too precious to use one too. Or that Kate thinks she is too precious as well if that is the case.

      • MaryContrary says:

        Oh yes-I had forgotten about whatever the original medical is-you’re right. But yes-they so bungled their messaging so it is hard to know what to think. I do want to extend her grace as she recovers-but since their entire MO has been to duck work, I guess I’m just defaulting to that as a bigger explanation.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        As Kate is so slim it would probably show if it needs changing. I have a friend with one and while she is out and about she doesn’t want to be far from a toilet, so it can be changed after she ‘goes’ there is no control as to when it happens.

    • Proud Mary says:

      That’s the thing, right? Unfortunately cancer is so prevalent, so ubiquitous, these days, that not many of us are lucky enough to say that we don’t have a family member, friend, or colleague who has experienced it. For some of us, it’s all the above. I’ve even gotten over my shock of working with someone who was undergoing chemo and barely missed a couple of days of work. So for all KityKat’s “supporters” who think her “preventative” chemo treatment means she can’t be in public, please. And the whole loss of hair excuse keep being repeated, even though it is not a necessary consequence of chemo for everyone. Stop being so gullible people. It’s not a crime to ask basic questions about why this very visible woman has disappeared from public view.

      • Yeah the disparity in treatment and the excuses made for why it’s fine that she vanished are simply disingenuous.

        Again and again it’s been explained by PR experts and comms people what is expected and normal in this situation, which are photos leaving the hospital, a photo opening cards, etc. we have not gotten any of that.

        What they are doing does not match what they are saying. End of.

  10. Tina says:

    This is the problem with floating stories that she is working on reports, running errands with family and solo (!!) why can’t she stand on a balcony? Truly she could skip the carriage procession part and inspecting the troops. Just walk out on the balcony, stand and wave. Thats it. She can’t or won’t do it. I’m also very curious about the Wales children. This is one of the biggest events of the year how could they not be there? Without Kate and possibly the younger two Wales kids that balcony is going to be grim. I’m here manifesting Harry and Meghan going on a walk in Montecito and just upstaging the whole thing (they won’t they are too classy but I am super petty so I would totally be launching ARO on this day).

    • Bad Janet says:

      Cause whatever is going on, I think, she worries that being seen in her current state (perhaps with her current medical devices) is worse than what people are currently thinking.

      Lord knows at this point, any pic would be dissected to death – if she IS attempting to hide an ostomy bag or something, it likely to not stay hidden.

      • Tina says:

        I get that and I have alot of sympathy for her if that is the case. Personally if I was in her shoes I’d be chilling at home too. But this is why the silly stories about running errands annoy me so much. She can’t be fine hiding her medical issues while getting groceries but not fine on the balcony for 5 minutes.

      • GTWiecz says:

        I don’t think she’s in a conscious state.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Harry and Meghan won’t do that but the daily fail has been known to sit on earlier pap pictures and print them like they just happened.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      It loves to mislead, as does the Excess. And that is being extremely polite.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    It seems that she is so well protected from “prying eyes” that she has been rendered invisible even when she is allegedly seen “out and about”. I think they’re working up to gaslighting us into believing that we see her although we don’t. “See! There’s Kate. Doesn’t she look lovely today?” The public: I don’t see anyone. British media: must be something wrong with your eyes. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      They may even be working on building a portable AI figure in buttons and wiglets that can walk around greeting people while pretending to work. So many possibilities for reappearing the disappeared Princess of Wales.

    • Oh come on. says:

      “Gaslighting us into believing we’ve seen her”

      Isn’t that exactly what they did with the fakakta farm shop video?

  12. equality says:

    Of course, she isn’t coming back at Trooping. That would steal all the public spotlight from C&C. If Charlotte and Louis are there they would also. How nice for her that KC supports her. Wonder why it is that he can support all these wide-flung family members but never H, M, A or L.

  13. Jais says:

    So I don’t like the idea of kids being paraded around if they don’t want to be. So if the kids don’t want to be in public this year they shouldn’t have to be. That said, the Wales have set the pattern that all 3 kids are at trooping and on the balcony. I feel uncomfortable saying this, but it would sure be reassuring at this point to see all 3 kids looking okay. I have a feeling we may only see George this year.

    • Tina says:

      What would the reason be for keeping them away though? They have been on the balcony every year since they were born. I agree they shouldn’t have to do it if they don’t want to but thats not how this (normally anyway) works. This is part of the job (and yes its gross since they are kids and should be spared from all of this nonsense). For me I’m interested in how they spin their absence if they don’t attend. Since Rebecca English just told us Kate is fine enough to run errands solo but she can’t be home alone for a couple of hours? Personally if I were sick I’d be happy if my partner took my kids somewhere for a couple of hours and left me with a quiet house (with my staff to take care of me of course).

      • Jais says:

        I mean yeah that’s the question. What would be the reason for keeping the younger two away? It will feel sketchy if not all 3 are there as they have been in the past.

      • Becks1 says:

        So traditionally William is part of the procession on horseback and Kate rides in the carriage. I know some years the kids are in the carriage with her but I also think some years they’ve just been at BP for the balcony (think when they were really little.) so it may be that we don’t see them in the procession but they just come out on the balcony with William.

        I think it would be a very strange look to have George there and no Charlotte or Louis. I think it will be all three or none.

  14. Jay says:

    Forget about what KP and the rota might want – does anyone think that Charles would stand for Kate to suck up all of the attention at Trooping? He seems intent on having the focus on himself and whether or not he can ride a horse or wave from a carriage. He does not want a repeat of Kate stealing his thunder at the flower show, and the first public sighting of her after her cancer announcement would definitely do just that. If Charles still has any pull at all, I don’t think we’ll see Kate on the balcony.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Yes, Kate would have to make a previous appearance prior to Trooping to avoid upstaging Charles and by the looks of it, that’s not going to happen. So no TTC for her. And obviously, no Wimbledon either if they’re saying she could be out for the foreseeable future

      • Jay says:

        I agree. Plus, the past two decades of non-work kind of speak for themselves, non? I can’t recall a time when Kate had an opportunity to avoid work and decided against it. She’s keen to be keen, but even when she was trying to compete with Meghan, she wasn’t doing back-to-back engagements. This is not someone who is chomping at the bit to get back and make a difference, you know? She now has an opportunity to lay low – she doesn’t want to work, and Charles, Camilla, and William are more than happy to keep her on the bench. So perhaps the question is not when she might return, but why she would ever want to?

        It may be unfair, but having been ill kind of gives her a free pass to be an occasional royal…forever. She’ll just do the events that she can get dressed up for, but everything else? Tours, joint appearances, state dinners? Nah. I think William will be flying solo from here on out, maybe eventually bringing George. He’ll also continue to use her health and the children as an excuse for as long as he can. Who could possibly do the school run if not for him??? It will also solve the problem of the Wails’ public appearances, where his disdain for her was becoming increasingly apparent.

  15. Em says:

    So remember when we used to see pics of keen bloated and her fans thought she was pregnant last year? I think Kate has some form of irritable bowel syndrome and she needed an intestinal resection and in the course of that a tumor was discovered and removed and she’s undergoing chemo to prevent it from spreading. I also think she currently has a temporary colostomy and will have another surgery to reverse it.
    I don’t think she’s ready to do any public appearances with a colostomy bag and with all the changes from chemo and diet which is completely understandable but the way they’ve managed it has been very terrible

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I think this is probably spot on.

    • JenCF says:

      I agree that the first public facing story is the closest to the truth. I’m not fully convinced about the cancer. I think there might’ve been a preventative treatment but that should be over by now. Also in 5 months if she had a colostomy bag, it should be integrated into her wardrobe by now and she should be able to make some sort of appearances. I think she has had a stroke, which would definitely disrupt her public appearances-even a mild one. That would be why the AI, fake family pics and the like were generated. KP is so deep in the deception that they can’t come out with the truth (it might’ve happened when W missed the memorial service) now without looking terrible. I think the cancer story has been blown up to keep the questions at bay.

      • Underhill says:

        At this point, I think yours is the “Occams Razor” version of events, the stroke being the reason she can’t be seen in public. The most likely explanation that covers all the facts we have. Calleja in Spain, who seems to have some inside info, says she is still getting chemo til August. Who knows if thats true.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        My thoughts are this: if they could have produced Khate via public sighting during H&M’s trip to Nigeria, they would have. They didn’t, so they can’t. And I don’t think chemo and an ostomy bag is enough to explain why she can’t be seen by the public in a limited capacity. And I don’t think the men in grey are just letting Khate take the year off from ‘work’ because of surgery/cancer treatment, not if she’s able to run errands with her family…at the very least, they’d force her to a Zoom call, clear car photo where she’s looking at the camera, etc.

        A recovery from a coma or possible stroke on top of surgery/chemo would possibly explain why she can’t be seen even in the most basic of capacity. It would explain her appearance in the car photo with CarolE (I do think hat’s her), the Frankenphoto, farm video, and suggestions that AI was used in the bench video (to clear her speech and hide any impact of stroke on her face).

        WHY they would feel the need any of this, I don’t know. But even if my theory is incorrect, and it likely is, I don’t get their behavior this year at all. The behavior doesn’t fit their stated facts or Will’s odd behavior throughout it all.

    • Oh come on. says:

      @Em all this sounds plausible to reconcile their official statements about her health, and she’d hate to allow any public conversation about her nether bits. But it doesn’t explain why they faked the Mother’s Day Frankenphoto and endorsed the farm shop fakery, and it doesn’t explain why there’s no Zoom call and no head shot, no waving from a car, no visible human interaction for her at all.

      If bowel surgery/preventive chemo is all that’s going on, she should be able to pose for a carefully arranged, seated family photo with her kids. She could do a Zoom video where she’s shown from the shoulders up saying “thank you for all the well wishes,” maybe right after H&M’s Nigeria tour, to steal thunder and shame them for succeeding when she’s sick. She could probably even stand up in public for a few minutes wearing something—maybe a suit with buttons and an unseen maternity-style waist—that tastefully shields any ostomy bag from view.

      It’s really out of character for her not to try to step into the spotlight if she’s capable of doing so. I find it sus.

    • May says:

      @EM: “So remember when we used to see pics of keen bloated and her fans thought she was pregnant last year?”

      Well, I am certainly not a fan of Kate, but I am one of those that thought that she was pregnant at the end of last year. She had a bump, she was highlighting the bump by the clothes she wore, and she was touching the darn bump all the time. Heck, nothing we know now says anything different.
      But your statement does clarify why I seemed to get so much hatred when I posted that theory here.

      Just because someone disagrees with you, @em, or posts an alternate theory, does not mean that person is incorrect and/or a “fan’ of a royal. BTW, the theory you just spouted has been the working one here for months now.

    • Bqm says:

      i agree and I’ve been saying something similar.

  16. bisynaptic says:

    Schroedinger’s Kat(e).

  17. EasternViolet says:

    There is a 00.00% chance that Kate is at trooping this year OR the balcony. William, Charles and Camilla would not allow Kate to steal anyone’s balcony thunder.

  18. Proud Mary says:

    Kate will not make an appearance on the balcony for the first time since her marriage to William, nor will her (youngest?) kids, and Kaiser is “curious what the conversation will be.” Here it is: “Harry and Meghan are insensitive, rude, fill in the blank, for not brining the children so we can scream about them being dangled from the balcony.” Or ,”How dare Meghan breathe air while Kate can’t be on the balcony!”

  19. Libra says:

    It’s common to receive steroids as part of chemo therapy to relieve inflammation and nausea. Perhaps she has facial swelling due to steroids which is part of the reason for avoiding being seen. In order to have the second stage of surgery she will be weened off steroids once chemo is done. This could take a while but why not just come out with the truth? Why the lies?

    • Proud Mary says:

      Facial swelling for over five months?? Seriously, folks like you act like Kate is the only person on god’s green earth to ever have had cancer, assuming she ever did.

      • Libra says:

        @proud mary; ” folks like you”. Be careful with your finger pointing. This “folk” is a former oncology nurse who also worked in the infusion clinic . I have seen long term chemo clients with steroid face. Yes, the swelling is real and can last for months.

      • Nic919 says:

        If we look back to the photo with Carole, that would fit because some thought her face looked a bit swollen. I also think that TMZ photo is the most accurate of all the photos we have seen. And the bench video could have smoothed out things for her.

    • None of this makes sense, though, when they could photoshop a pic of her to look anyway they wanted, as they have repeatedly shown us.

      (I mean photoshop as what it really means rather than how they tried to pass off the fake photo, which wasn’t photoshop but rather the creation of an event that didn’t happen.)

  20. aquarius64 says:

    Stupid stories like this keeps the speculation going re: Kate. But I think the powers that be want Kate to disappear and be under their control. The UK and US press are selling this BS and no amount of online complaints is going to change that unless a news agency nor tabloid drops the bomb loaded with receipts. Kate and the Middletons mistbbe disheartened that no one with power cares about her, and don’t care about her enough to reveal the truth.

    • Julianna says:

      My friend has a close friend that lives in London (I believe fairly close to KP) and I have been asking him to please ask her what she (and many) think about this Kate Missington circus. She said that “they” which she clarified to mean a vast majority of people over there “do not give a *f* about them” (Kate included) and she had little thoughts or cares about the details regarding her disappearance. The most she relayed to him was that she did not believe that she and Charles both had cancer and that they lie but that’s really as much as she knew I believe. To my understanding the majority of the population do not keep up with the royals or the supposed “most popular royal” Kate. She did say that the “majority of the public” also do not hate Harry and Meghan.

      When she gets in town I will get to meet her and talk to her personally and try to talk to her a little more.

      This seems to be why Kate has been able to literally disappear under strange circumstances, lies, fraud, contradictory and incongruous reporting and that she is definitely is not Princess Diana… This explains the one loan flower left at the gates for Kate Missington….

      • Liz says:

        Julianna – I live in Scotland and that’s the prevailing sense here too.

        Most people have very little interest. And if anything just say that’s a shame she has cancer.

        And the reaction here when Harry & Meghan left was good for them getting away.

        Diana was very popular. Kate isn’t.

        I wasn’t particularly interested in her appearances. But I must admit her disappearance is intriguing. And baffling.

  21. SALADSPINNER says:

    This all feels like a test run for the divorce. Like, she actually did go out, and they’re trying to flush out whether her new look, whatever it is, worked. Betting that in exchange for an ungodly amount of money, at least two houses, primary custody of her children, security for life, and getting to keep her HRH, Kate must go full Greta Garbo.

  22. Molly says:

    Illness just doesn’t explain the utter shadiness of the events since Christmas. She is suddenly taken via ambulance after *something* happened and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Kids MIA. Carole & crew MIA. William almost MIA and acting strangely/drunk when he does appear – always alone. KP and BP messaging all over the map, fake sightings, and on and on. Recent claims of “out and about” and “turning a corner” all suggest that it would certainly be possible to release a current photo with a message from her – if she was willing and/or able. Waiting for a hint of the truth to come out.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s why everything about this situation is suspicious, nothing they announced made sense or fit together properly and it was not conveyed as Kate’s situation alone, William had centered himself in the narrative as if spousal illness was the ‘new school run’ and so great responsibility to him he couldn’t possibly work. The repetitive need to insist Kate was bed bound when that isn’t the modern advice to the point of ‘working from her bed’, the 180 degree turn pretending she was tromping along in the farm store, carrying a bag of shopping and sat forward over crossed legs on a bench after purported abdominal surgery.

      One can argue those videos were real (I firmly believe they are both fake) but even if they were legitimate those clips just bring more contradictory weirdness rather than clarity and there is nothing to verify when either one was produced. The farm shop video should be formally retracted and the performers acknowledged. Proof of life for the POW is long overdue.

    • Scorpio says:

      It’s bananas. At this point I tend to think it’s more complicated than just multiple surgeries, given the utter lack of ability to predict timelines or properly milk sympathy for Kate.

      The Stepford-wife like video was imo, just creepy. No matter what she has done in the past, I really hope that she recovers and gets the hell out of that family. Something is seriously off and the recent reports of sightings are actually also creepy as hell.

    • Becks1 says:

      there is ZERO evidence that the ambulance on December 28 was her. It’s sort of fascinating to me how fast that got accepted as being a royal convoy and how everyone just assumes something happened on December 28. The posted video referenced Sandringham, which again made zero sense bc if something happened at Sandringham that needed London care, she would have been airlifted directly to a hospital or if it was an emergency, sent to a Norfolk hospital.

      I remember at the time someone did the heavy lifting on Google maps and said there didn’t seem to be any way the convoy would have been going from Kensington Palace to the hospital, it didnt make sense with the way it was turning etc.

      That said, I agree that the fake farm stand video, the frankenphoto and William’s behavior indicate that things are very messy behind the scenes.

      • I suspect that report by a royalist who hates H and M was taken as relating to her even though it doesn’t necessarily fit logistically because it resonates so much with the rise in family fights/violence/separations/emotional pain over Christmas.

        It just made sense to those who know how prevalent it is for issues to surface during the Christmas holidays.

        One thing suggested in the comments of that video which I think might make sense is it could have been a royal visiting someone in London hospital. (I suspect Kate was in hospital before they told us she was, but who can say.)

        Most likely a royal or Sunac moving at any rate.

      • Becks1 says:

        @WithTheAmerican one of my many theories here is that Kate was in the hospital and released before they ever announced her surgery. It fits with why we never saw the Middletons visit and it fits with not seeing her leave, etc.

      • @Becks1 I share that theory that she might have been in hospital earlier than they said and that is why we never saw visitors.

        The lies KP has told around this whole thing are insane. even now, I’m wondering WHY not just tell us when she went in to hospital. Obviously they know that’s what should have happened given how they tried to issue a statement about her in hospital with Charles.

  23. Underhill says:

    “It could be autumn” feels a lot like “sometime after Easter”. The goalposts have been moved so many times at this point, and so much propaganda has been flung by the RF and the RR that its all meaningless.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Yes, and they swear they haven’t once moved the goalposts.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Easter might have been OK before they found the cancer, of course the chemo. would put things back. But the fake photo and the Windsor shop were unnecessary, the woman was too healthy and the face too pointed. One of the look alikes has a slightly more pointed chin than Kate.

  24. Lulu says:

    KP forced the military to take Kate’s name off of Trouping in March (I think). They were selling tickets to the event with her name on it and KP threw a fit. I’ve now since then she wasn’t going.

  25. Lulu says:

    I have no words for what could cause this level of secrecy. I do not believe Kate has passed simply because her children are too old for a cover up to be effective long term, they would spill the beans in some way eventually.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      They couldn’t cover up forever and if she had died it would make more sense to have her death early on in the whole incident.

      • Julianna says:

        Unless she was on life support for an extended period of time or in a coma that wasn’t necessarily induced.

      • Lulu says:

        I still cannot understand why even life support would require this amount of, or any, secrecy. If it were me I’d be asking for prayers.

  26. Lady D says:

    There is no dignity left in the royal family. There is nothing left to look up to. Everyone of them assumes the public is beneath them and just a little dim too. There is nothing to admire. If they didn’t have a crown on their heads, they would be just another trashy Trump family.

  27. blueberry says:

    I agree that having any type of chemo and/or abdominal surgery can be devastating (it can also *not* be devastating, people are all different) But why has the messaging been off since January? The hasty press release about the surgery and everything (nothing) that was said in the following weeks? Not even a ‘thank you for your support -C’ tweet? Then the manipulated images started. If we had seen normal messaging (not even photos really) from January/February and weeks later she dropped out of sight and revealed a cancer diagnosis, then I’d accept it. Let the woman get her medical treatment. Whatever. But that’s not how this has played out. There are two possibilities that could explain this: they are completely separated and Will/KP didn’t know about the surgery until after the fact or she has a stroke/complications. It could of course be a combination of both.

    • Bqm says:

      There was no private Secretary in place for months. I doubt that helped. Especially if William was running things.

  28. kelleybelle says:

    What recent outings?

  29. QuiteContrary says:

    Not only is Kate still missing (though I firmly believe she’s alive — just sicker than they want people to know), but there’s still so much unexplained about William … why he missed his godfather’s memorial service, why he appeared with bruising around his neck, why he appeared to have been benched for a while.

    KP could clear everything up by being transparent and competent, but they can’t, so the speculation will continue.

    They couldn’t have made this messier if they’d tried.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      I think he missed the service because the cancer news had just come through, she would of course be very upset, the bruise is really interesting. Strange place to have a bruise, if someone had hit him is would surely be bigger.

      • Julianna says:

        Respectfully, I don’t buy for a second the cancer news was the reason he pulled out of his Godfathers memorial last minute. For one, the press out of no where claimed it wasn’t related to Thomas Kingston… Everyone said Thomas Kingston whooo???

        Second, the timelime does NOT add up. Any medical professional will tell you that it doesn’t. You don’t go in for a major supposed abdominal surgery and then not find out about cancer 2 (TWO) literal MONTHS later that it was cancerous. If the abdominal surgery is even true, at best they would have known during or nearly immediately after surgery that it was cancer. And it is more likely they would have known prior to the surgery what they were probably dealing with due to CT SCANS etc. They would have had some kind of suspician.

        Also, he showed up for that event 2 days after the memorial with that bruising. If someone had hit him the bruise could have been any number of sizes and shapes based on a lot of things…

  30. tamsin says:

    I find the stroke theory quite plausible, but then how do you explain the cancer video? There she is not physically incapacitated in any way, nor has her speech been affected. So if you accept the video, then she can’t be in a coma or had a stroke. If you subscribe to the stroke theory, then you would think that the video as AI generated. And if she truly needs more surgery, after awaking from coma/recovering from stroke, then the video as AI generated would still hold. However, all who are thinking beings are wondering what are they hiding with what certainly appears to be an elaborate subterfuge. Unless of course, they just told a little lie, it got away on them, and now they have to make up more elaborate lies to cover the original lie.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Videos of real people and events can be AI enhanced rather than generated out of whole cloth, which may be the case in the bench video. It’s Khate, but AI was used to clean up stroke-impacted speech or facial issues, in theory. If AI was used in that video, I’m thinking it was of the ‘enhanced’ variety then ‘made up entirely’ one.

      • blueberry says:

        Yes and I think the AI enhanced video is exactly what happened. Remember how everyone commented on how smoothly she spoke in the video compared to how we usually hear her stumble over words? How she kept her hands still too? Cleaning up a video as opposed to inventing onr would also make the production of the video more ethically palatable for the people who worked on it (I know BBC studios isn’t the same as the news, but still it’s a reputable organization)

      • Becks1 says:

        @blueberry I think that’s what happened, even without the stroke theory. Heavy editing could explain a lot of the inconsistencies in the video, it could explain why Kate spoke so well (they edited out all her “ums”) and they edited it to take away any evidence of a stroke.

      • GTWiecz says:

        You can totally create a new video on top of someone sitting in that same position. Just change face and voice.

  31. Henny Penny says:

    Instead of parading around a naked emperor, they are attempting to parade around an invisible princess. How long can this last?

    I have no idea where Kate is, but if they could have produced her for public consumption they would have during Harry and Meghan’s Nigeria tour.

  32. Flying fish says:

    If Kate is able to be out and about, why can’t she stand on the balcony at Buckingham Palace for a few minutes.
    Proof of Life is needed at this point.

    • equality says:

      She should be able to do that. After all they brought out QE and propped her up.

  33. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    What baffles me the most is how easy it would be to shut all these conspiracies down with regular SM posts signed C. The theory that she’s refusing to cooperate because of potential divorce negotiations doesn’t track. She is an employee of the firm. She has no power. They can post on the official SM accounts daily and sign her name if they want. And there is nothing she can do. Again, she has no power. And yet they don’t. If she were recovering as they say, she can certainly keep the public up to date with weekly posts of “Thank you so much for all your well wishes. I’ve had a better week, and am hopeful that I’ll be fully recovered soon.” Easy peasy. That’s all it would take to shut down most of the talks. And yet they don’t.

    Why? That’s the most troubling question. The answer is pretty grim: because she can’t possibly be posting herself, and the truth will out eventually and the world will know they were fake. I understand people asking why, if she can be out and about running errands, can she not sit for photos of her reading get well cards? If she can be out and about, why can’t she make a SM post thanking everyone for their concerns, and assuring that all is well? It’s the simplest GD solution available, and it can be achieved with 30 seconds of typing and then posting. Why aren’t they doing that? I mean, if it’s her vanity, then problem solved! No photos, just SM updates.

    Why aren’t they exercising the most obvious option? That’s a terrifying question.

    • First comment says:

      This👆👆👆👆! They are afraid that the truth will eventually come out and they don’t want to be caught lying!!!

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      It would be plain good manners to thank everyone who has sent a card or wished her well, the King did it, why can’t Kate if she can go shopping.

    • Anna says:

      I totally agree. Whatever is wrong with Kate, it makes it impossible for her to issue any statement.

      I am also thinking that they are letting those cancer/coma/intestinal resection theories float because it keeps everyone away from mental issues. Maybe Kate is physically relatively fine but has massive mental breakdown? At the beginning they were saying she’ll be back by Easter – considering their total ignorance re: mental health it is possible BRF thought: 2-3 months of medication and she’ll be fine. Turns out, not so much and they keep pushing the date.

      Anyway, we have only suspicions, no idea about the truth. Maybe “dire situation” means she had suicidal attempts and there is fear she will keep trying – she made her own bed but I feel for her – zero control over her life, children, finances, not one single person concerned about her well being without an agenda, even her mother has one. Another cautionary tale for young women who happily enter relationships with powerful/wealthy (wealthier than them) men and don’t realize that all is good unless he’s no longer interested. Never give up you own job, friends, interests – might literally save you in the future.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Not a bad analysis.

  34. Anon says:

    Mmm out of the eye of the public for some time – I smell a pregnancy

    • equality says:

      No reason at all to hide a pregnancy. Their racist “fans” and monarchists would be very happy about that because it would put PH and his children farther down the line of succession.