Eden: King Charles should invite the whole family, minus the Sussexes, onto the balcony

For a week and a half, the Windsors have desperately tried to figure a way out of a trap they built themselves. Last week, Prince William’s cousins joined him for a soggy palace garden party and this became a larger conversation about why those cousins cannot simply “pitch in” and take on some royal work given the fact that King Charles and the Princess of Wales have cancer. The cousins can’t do “royal work” because the Windsors have spent the past four-plus years ranting and raving about how the Sussexes are no longer working royals and they should never be allowed the honor of royal busywork! They did all of that to snub the first Black duchess, and it boomeranged right back on to the left-behinds.

Speaking of, the Windsors have also spent the better part of five years ranting about how the Sussexes are “not allowed” on the fakakta balcony, one of the most idiotic and racist punishments designed by this cadre of morons. Now that the Princess of Wales is likely to be missing for much of the year and no one is saying much about the Wales kids, the Trooping the Colour balcony will absolutely be pretty sparse. Especially if they’re only doing “working royals.” Enter Richard Eden at the Mail, who thinks he has a brilliant idea: perhaps the balcony should just be for the whole family? Gee, why didn’t anyone think of that years ago???

With both King Charles and his daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, undergoing treatment for cancer, this has been a tough year for the Royal Family. Rarely has there been more need for an uplifting royal occasion – the sort of thing that Trooping the Colour might provide in a fortnight’s time.

Traditionally, Trooping has also been an opportunity to toast the extended Royal Family on the monarch’s official birthday. Inviting minor royals to join her on the Buckingham Palace balcony had been the late Queen Elizabeth’s way of thanking relatives for their support. Meanwhile, the public enjoyed a glimpse into what was, in part, a private family occasion. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed seeing the younger royals and how they’d changed in the past 12 months. They added a dash of colour, youthful appeal and even glamour.

When Trooping the Colour returned in 2022, it was a double celebration as the nation also marked the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – 70 years of her record-breaking reign. Although all members of her family were invited to join the party, including Prince Harry and Meghan, as well as Prince Andrew, only ‘working royals’ were invited to appear on the balcony. This meant that the Queen avoided offending either the Sussexes, who had quit royal duties, or Andrew, who had been stripped of them. Yet it also ended decades of tradition. The minor royals were now banished from view.

For me, there was something slightly sad about the sparsely populated balcony that remained – and still remains, as King Charles has decided to stick with this rather radical change after coming to the throne in 2022. Once again, we saw only the ‘working royals’ and their families on the balcony last June. This included the King and Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, Princess Anne and her husband Sir Tim Laurence as well as Prince Edward, Sophie and their two children. We also saw the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, who have stepped into the breach in recent months, the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra. In my opinion, this year should mark a return to the former tradition.

The King should invite all members of the extended Royal Family to join him and Queen Camilla when they step outside to acknowledge the crowds. What about Zara and Mike Tindall for example, who are so popular with the public? Or, the Duke of Kent’s children, such as Lady Helen Taylor, or even the duke’s glamorous granddaughters, Lady Amelia Windsor and her sister Lady Marina?

All, that is, except for Prince Andrew, whose presence would be an embarrassment. And the Sussexes, whose inclusion would be an insult to the Royal Family and its millions of supporters.

A full balcony would cheer the nation. It would be a fillip to the monarchy at a difficult time. It would be a powerful display of unity and strength.

[From The Daily Mail]

They twisted themselves in knots to explain why the Black duchess wasn’t allowed on their precious all-white balcony and now they’re not even keeping up the We’re Very Much Not A Racist Family appearances. “The balcony should be for the whole family, except Harry and Meghan!” Despite Eden giving the greenlight to the Windsors to throw caution and “working royal” pretzel logic to the wind, we’re once again confronted with the simple fact that Charles and Camilla are extremely worried that someone will steal their thunder. That, too, is why the balcony remains pale and stale.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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48 Responses to “Eden: King Charles should invite the whole family, minus the Sussexes, onto the balcony”

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  1. Josephine says:

    This is precisely what is wrong with the entire notion of royalty. All of this energy and thought about the most useless, stupid thing ever, standing on a fliipin balcony. You can crowd all of those people on there and it doesn’t make them “supporters” of Chucks and side-horse, it doesn’t “cheer” the nation, it doesn’t do a dang thing.

    • Oh my gosh they need to stop with snubbing of a couple who has moved on and isn’t part of the institution and hasn’t been for 4 years. Stop slipping them into your articles just for clicks from derangers. Write articles about where is Can’t people will click on those articles if you grow a pair and start revealing the truth,

    • Nutella toast says:

      This. I’m not British so I’m sure on some level I don’t understand but for my friends that are, my understanding is they would be much more cheered by a stable economy and housing prices that make the housing crisis in the US look like kids play. And that’s saying something.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Truly. Here in North America regular people have been fked by inflation and housing costs as corporations and billionaires profiteered from the pandemic. The UK has all that on steroids, plus drafty unheated homes and poop in the drinking water.

        It chills me that this hasn’t been enough to get the British to reject the monarchical system they’re paying for (tho it looks like they’re set to reject the Tories, yay! For Keir Starmer, ugh, but even the slightest improvement will come as a relief at this point).

    • These people are so petty and small, it’s so boring.

      They should learn to enjoy the power they have, while they still have it, and STFU about people who technically left over 4.5 years ago.

    • KC says:

      @Josephine, was just thinking the same thing. I can’t imagine my entire job and life being about who stands on a balcony and who attends or doesn’t attend a tea party. Someone please put these royals and courtiers out of their misery and abolish the monarchy already so these people can maybe go lead normal lives with hopefully meaningful or actually productive work.

      • Daisychain says:

        Agree wholeheartedly with these comments. I recently read a story (here I think) in which Camilla was credited with avoiding a massive kerfuffle because Charles absent mindedly got into “her” side of the car so she walked around and got into the other side of the car! What a portrait of diplomacy! Normies around the world have to worry about jobs that include work and budgets and food and shelter and on and on. It’s so . . . little.

  2. equality says:

    Those who aren’t “working” royals would be wiser to avoid this. What the media really wants are new victims. Some of the extended family likely have more appeal than the older “workers”. They would probably love to get more access to pictures of Eugenie and Bea’s children. Interesting how everyone gets a title before their names except for Sophie and H&M.

  3. Joyful Liluri says:

    Hey! We are having a huge party to celebrate xyz! Hope you guys can come!

    Will we be allowed on the back deck?

    ….. wtf? Of course. Back deck, front porch- whatever! Just come help us celebrate the happy occasion!

    (Normal people)

  4. Jan says:

    Dear Lord! Why can’t they write a story that does not include the Sussexes, who left more than 4 years ago.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      And what’s even more pathetic is they really think they are doing something by writing that the Sussexes should be excluded. They really think Harry and Meghan are crying into their toast and artisanal strawberry jam every morning at being excluded. It’s soooo pathetic.

      They really don’t understand that Harry and Meghan are HAPPY to be FREE of that family and the backstabbing machinations, the racism, the double standards, the lying, the being thrown under the bus. They don’t want to stand on that stupid whites-only balcony. They don’t want to go to Balmoral for the summer. They don’t want the Christmas stroll to church.

      You tabloid stenographers wanted them gone and they left, so just STFU now. Seek professional help for your Sussex obsession.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, I think the Sussexes are perfectly happy to not be in that balcony. Even if all the other cousins are I. The balcony I think they’ll still be good with the fact that they’re away from the drama. Will never Kate forget wearing that massive hat for Meghan’s first balcony appearance. Was that the same time she refused to move over and wiliam even had to nudge her to make room?

      • Blithe says:

        I think they DO understand. They don’t want their readers — whose tax dollars are supporting the monarchy — to understand it too.

  5. Miranda says:

    Nevermind who’s going to be on the balcony; who will care enough to show up and watch? I feel like they’re really overestimating the public’s interest in the RF these days.

    • equality says:

      That’s why they try to get big names for the concert so people will show and they can pretend it is excitement about the RF. Plus there are those who would show to support the military or who have relatives in the parade. And, I guess, some who come for the airshow. Hopefully there will be plenty with signs for another great shot of KC with the “not my king” in the background.

  6. MSS says:

    It would be smart to invite the wider family like the Queen did previuosly because if not it will look sad and empty, kind of like last year. The only reason they started emphasizing working royals on the balcony was so they wouldn’t look bad excluding Meghan and Harry. But Richard is an idiot, I’m not sure how including the King’s own son and his family would be an insult.

    • equality says:

      They would, of course, whine about it, but the BM would be ecstatic if H&M were on the balcony.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @equality: You’re so right. The press goes into meltdown everytime Meghan doesn’t go to the UK and like it or not their whereabouts during the Jubilee was the only thing the press cared about.

      • Debbie says:

        Of course! And, if they run true to form (which they do), this article is just a prelude to weeks and months of future articles stating that “Well, now that we’ve confirmed that all the extended family is coming, why not Harry and Meghan?” Then, more articles stating, “What about the Sussex kids? The king would LOVE to see them. He cries about not seeing his grandchildren.” Then, the trifecta, “Harry and Meghan are SNUBBING the royal leftovers.”

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Eden always has his knife into Harry and Meghan,

    • Blithe says:

      Well, you know, when a kid grows up, gets married, chooses to work outside of the family business, and moves away to support the needs of their own growing family — it’s an insult! An insult to the nation! /S

      Lol: I’d be very interested in seeing actual data confirming that “millions of supporters “ bit.

  7. First comment says:

    Never mind all that…what makes me wonder: are Zara and Tindall really so popular? 🤔

    • Libra says:

      Zara and Mike who?

    • Tarte Au Citron says:

      I wouldn’t think so. She’s known for being very horsey, and not much else. Tindall was a c-list sports zeleb at best. I’m very surprised (but-not-really) he didn’t get more stick for doing reality TV. I’m sure tabloids have a thick folder on him, just waiting to be dropped when the time is right.

    • Julia says:

      They have their fans, some royalists and rugby fans that enjoy Mikes’s podcast but outside of the UK they are relative unknowns. Even in the UK most people don’t care.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Most of the public don’t know who are the members of the Royal Family so this plea is being made on behalf of the press. Let’s be real the balcony scene is so that the press can get some pictures so I doubt Harry and Meghan care about being on the balcony. They won’t be coming for Trooping so why even mention them in this piece anyway.

    • Jais says:

      So yeah the press want more people on the balcony. But even if the public isn’t that interested or caring it would still be more interesting to see people up there under the age of 40 and not just Charles Camilla Sophie Edward and the Kent’s and glousters. If there is going to be a monarchy at least make it interesting bc it’s real purpose is to entertain the masses and help out the papers. But Charles doesn’t share.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      There is nothing quite so guaranteed to diminish and destroy the monarchy as the sycophantic tabloid press who think they’re “favourited and special” for having a parasocial relationship with the BRF.

      Every article Richard Eden, Richard Palmer, Penny Junor and the rest publish just brings the BRF further into disrepute, disdain, and disgrace. Even if (unbelievably) the BRF were “very much not a racist family”, the racism of the tabloid journalists, and their willingness to project that onto the BRF in every single Sussex clickbait article, has a collective negative effect on the popularity of the monarchy not just domestically, but globally.

      If they want to know why their jobs are dwindling, or why the monarchy is in crisis on the verge of a precipice, they need only look at their own article history.

  9. Nanea says:

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Sussexes need to do some grocery shopping on Balcony Day. Or get some flowers from the market, or anything.

    Does Maureen ever think before publishing his endless ranty word salads? Seriously, Shrek the Chav on the balcony? The harrasser of female TV employees? That guy is neither royal, nor married in, and I highly doubt his popularity.

    Who’s next? Queen Side Piece’s bratty offspring, the druggie cook?

    Or the purveyor of Windsor the dog’s kibble bribes?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Oh I’m sure the press will send out some paps for some photos that they can release just in time for Trooping.

      • Barb Mill says:

        They probably already have some paps that they are just waiting to print on the balcony day ready and waiting.

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    I hope they have an audience that is a sea of yellow signs… that is the photo I would love.. an empty geriatric balcony surrounded by “abolish the monarchy” and “not my king” signs. Let all the attention be directed solely on them.

  11. cel2495 says:

    oh here we go with that damn rusty balcony.. hope it just collapses lol

  12. Deanne says:

    Who cares if they aren’t invited? They don’t want to be there. Excluding people from something they don’t care about isn’t much of a flex.

  13. Kittenmom says:

    I’m sure everyone would love to get attention by having B&E there with their spouses, kids, and the convenient photogenic minority stepkid (SEE? Very much not a racist family!) but I don’t see how they can do that if Andrew is not on the balcony too. Unless Andrew conveniently falls “ill.”

  14. Mslove says:

    Well, I guess the RF should hire Richard Eden to stand guard at the balcony to keep all the black people & pedos away.

  15. Lulu says:

    Still a motley crew without the Sussexes. Good luck with that.

  16. KT says:

    No-one who is not already deranged cares one iota about this. No-one is bothered by Trooping the Colour – it’s just a military parade. It’s the sort of thing you whack on the TV in the background for a bit of noise while doing something else.

    Only the hard-core Royal Stans bother turning out in person for it. Most of the crowed will be tourists who have drifted by because the barriers and road closures make it obvious something is going on, and will stop for a bit to take pictures.

  17. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Every year they make a big deal out of who will stand on the balcony. Frankly, I don’t care. I don’t look to find out–if Kaiser posts a picture, that’s what I see.

    Note to brf/bm: Find something interesting to write about.

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    Do you know who’s really having a tough year? All those people with cancer who don’t have the vast resources available to them that the royals have.

    If Charles had any PR instincts, he’d bring onto the balcony the health care workers who have helped him and Kate through treatments. But apparently having normal people on that super-special and exclusive balcony just isn’t done.

  19. Tessa says:

    Petty. Is as petty does that is Charles motto . Andrew and ferg ie can be front and center

  20. Tessa says:

    Mike is not popular with the public