Shiloh Jolie filed paperwork to drop ‘Pitt’ from her surname on her 18th b-day

On Monday, we discussed Vivienne Jolie-Pitt dropping the “Pitt” from her surname in the playbill for The Outsiders. Vivienne worked as her mother’s assistant on the Broadway production, and Jolie stepped in as a producer as the musical moved to Broadway from an LA theater. Vivienne will soon turn 16 years old and “dropping ‘Pitt’ in a playbill credit” is not some huge legal issue. That being said, I was surprised by how many old-school Brad Pitt defenders came out of the woodwork to claim that this shows that Angelina Jolie “alienated” her children from Brad Pitt. Keep in mind, all six children were witnesses to and victims of Brad Pitt’s terror and abuse on the plane in 2016. As Jolie’s statements to the FBI indicated, Brad wasn’t just assaulting her, he pushed and punched one child and strangled another. None of those kids have wanted anything to do with Brad since then. They’re terrified of the man who abused them and hurt their mom. Speaking of, Shiloh just turned 18 years old. She celebrated by petitioning the court to drop “Pitt” from her name as well.

Brad Pitt’s daughter, Shiloh, apparently wants nothing to do with him — or at the very least, nothing to do with his last name … ’cause she’s dropping his surname officially.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt — who just turned 18 a few days ago on May 27 — filed paperwork requesting a legal name change … specifically, dropping the “Pitt” from her last name and making her new name simply “Shiloh Jolie.”

Mind you … this doc was literally filed on Monday, which was on Memorial Day … and also happens to be her 18th birthday. So, it seems this was one of the first things she wanted to do as an adult.

Of course, it’s incredibly telling … it’s no secret Brad has had a strained relationship with some of his kids since he and Angelina filed for divorce in 2016 — an ugly split that has dragged on in court, even to this day.

Shiloh’s request for the name change has yet to be granted — but it’s only a matter of time before it becomes official. As you know, Shiloh is one of Brad and Angie’s three biological children … they have 3 other adopted children, including 19-year-old Zahara Jolie … who also doesn’t use Pitt in her name these days.

[From TMZ]

Last year, Zahara joined a sorority (Alpha Kappa Alpha) and she introduced herself as Zahara Marley Jolie. I said at the time that I didn’t know if Zahara had legally changed her name. Given this Shiloh story, I think if Zahara dropped “Pitt” legally, we would have heard about it, right?? As for Shiloh Jolie… I’m happy for her. All of those kids have been given the space and time to do what they feel is right for themselves. Shiloh, Zahara, Pax and Maddox have all made it abundantly clear that they want nothing to do with Brad. Vivi doesn’t want his name either. Knox is a mystery!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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80 Responses to “Shiloh Jolie filed paperwork to drop ‘Pitt’ from her surname on her 18th b-day”

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  1. NJGR says:

    The “old-school Brad Pitt defenders” might be bots.

    • crogirl says:

      Unfortunately not all of them are bots. If you wanna lose faith in humanity read page six comment section about this.

      • CJW says:

        Christ, reading those comments is depressing, they completely disregard the kids feelings, and ignore what he did. Pitt destroyed their family yet Angelina gets all the blame. Disgusting!

      • otaku fairy says:

        Some people just can’t accept or take seriously the fact that a woman they’ve been socialized to hate was abused. They have to armchair diagnose her with whatever buzzword-y personality disorders and mental illnesses come to mind so they can say her abuse was a lie, and attack the children for acting based on their own lived experiences too. It must hurt to know your mother was abused by your father and see people turn your mother into the cartoon villainess in that situation.

    • Kate says:

      His PR certainly works overtime. They bought a post yesterday on an account I (used to) follow showing his endearing and gracious response to Shania Twain subbing someone else’s name in for his in a performance of ‘that don’t impress me much’ with a caption of hearts and love emojis. All comments were about how hot he still is.

      • Vera says:

        Of all the Holywood stars, I find Pitt really into the PR thing. I am in a non-English speaking country, and I’ve found Pitt’s PR constantly on one of the local social media, paying bots/local accounts to praise his fashion, his star power, etc. Quite vomitting. I sometimess called out on those bot accounts and they in term would attack me like those deranged Swifties.

  2. sevenblue says:

    Hmm Brad’s team was just saying since Shiloh is turning 18 soon, she is gonna have a relationship with her father. Apparently, according to his team, she wanted to see Brad, but Angelina didn’t allow her. It might be, the paps were following her moves closely in case she reaches out to Brad. It is all bullsh*t obviously. But, Brad needs to turn Angelina into the bad guy, so the public wouldn’t question why none of the kids wants him in their lives.

    • Pam says:

      Last we heard she wanted to move in with him. I bet what happened was, she had a typical teen tiff with her mom, asked her dad if she could come stay, he IMMEDIATELY ran to the press saying she was moving in with him, Shilo was horrified he did this and it opened her eyes to how terrible he actually is.

      • crogirl says:

        Oh please she never wanted to move in with him. That was his PR, always singling her out and making it seem they have a special bond.

        Her eyes were opened 8 years ago or maybe even before when he abused her or her siblings.

      • sevenblue says:

        I doubt any of the kids talked to him for years. Why would she want to stay with a man who abused them and was an alcoholic since they know him (which he admitted in interviews)? All the children seem to adore their mom. Young children, teenagers can’t fake that in public (remembering Ted Cruz’s daughters hating on him in public..). Also, Angelina can’t prevent the children from seeing him after 14-15 since they would have a say legally if they want a relationship with their father.

      • atlantababe says:

        why are People still believing tabloids (or his PR) in 2024? this was clearly fake. none of these kids want anything to do with him, they witnessed him trying to k*** their sibling on a flight and abuse their mother for years.

      • CL says:

        All the stories about Shiloh moving in with him specified that she was moving into his house in LA that is near Angelina’s. The same house he sold LAST YEAR. The stories were total BS.

    • ML says:

      In any case there were a few articles recently about BP having contact with Shiloh. And no this seems to contradict that story.

      Believe kids when they speak out.

    • ariel says:

      I saw that story too- i bet he pays his pr team a lot- and she just ruined the narrative they have had going for the last year or two.
      Kind of love that for him.

      Awful situation- that he did that to them, and they all have to deal with that and heal from that. I’m glad their mom has their back- and i’m glad the court did too. The court is who ordered all visitation be monitored.

    • Kika says:

      In my country there was a story, that Shiloh packed her stuff and moved in with Brad. And people would defend this like crazy 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. Barbara says:

    Have any of the kids even seen him in years? Good for Shiloh for dropping his name, he’s not her “dad” anyway.

    • Carmen says:

      I haven’t seen a single photo of him with any of the children since Angie dumped him. If he’s such a devoted dad, you’d think he would want to advertise the fact.

    • LadyE says:

      Yeah, to me, this seems probably maybe not as important as Brad’s violence, but still relevant to this decision. It really seems like Brad has done zero work in repairing and rebuilding a relationship with his kids. Of course, I don’t know the details or how the visitation is organized, but if your kids don’t want to see you during visitation time and have the choice not to go, seems like a parent who cared would take that seriously and do everything necessary to make it better. Pitt really seems to have done nothing but whine about his kids not seeing him and lying (?) about his relationship with them. I also wonder if there is not just as much protectiveness and anger about Brad’s DGAF attitude to her older (adopted) siblings, particularly the boys, that is impacting Shiloh. I can totally see him thinking Shiloh, as his “bio” kid, would come back to him and writing off Pax and Maddox thinking she also wouldn’t hold that against him.

    • Alexandria says:

      Not seen one. If the children were concerned about defending dad’s image they would be seen with him. Enough said.

    • Jay says:

      It’s not merely about him seeing the children (well, being seen WITH them, more like). As far as we know, the agreement that mandated any visits to Brad with the minor children be “court-supervised” still stands. He had to prove that he was sober and be accompanied by a court-appointed therapist at all times, which would be subject to the therapist’s evaluation.

      I don’t know if that precluded being seen with the kids in public, or if Brad didn’t want the optics of it, or if, indeed, he just hasn’t tried to see them under those conditions. But I feel like his team would have shouted from the rooftops if he had graduated to non-supervised visits, don’t you?

      • Christine says:

        They really are doing a lot to push a narrative that is clearly false. SIX siblings have ALL decided they don’t want a relationship with Brad Pitt, or even his name. The likelihood of that is really slim, just think about all of the begging and cajoling he must have been doing behind the scenes to get them to help rehab his image. The bribery has likely been off the scales.

        And all six still shut him out? That’s a Brad Pitt problem, not Angelina.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Agree @Jay. Instead, over the last ? number of years, since they plane situation, we’ve been fed stories about Angelina is bad and all these others want to f*ck Obvious is obvious.

        If their children wanted to spend time with him, they would and all would be crickets. Brad Pitt is a d*ck. I hate there are movies that I enjoy that he happens to be in. I’ll stick with that.

        My JLM & AJ heart wants to see them together again. If not for real, would love a Hackers 2 movie with them.

  4. North of Boston says:

    Good for them. Well done!

    They can’t control who the man is or how he behaves.

    But they can control their own names and keep living their lives.

  5. Laalaa says:

    OMG, I am old.

    Good for her!

    • smcollins says:

      Right?! I’m more shocked about her turning 18. 18!! I can still clearly picture her birth announcement on the cover of People.

  6. Lucy2 says:

    I wish all these kids peace. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go through all of this, and then to have it be so public as well.

  7. Milas says:

    They all know what happened. That’s why they are choosing to remove him from their lives.
    Sorry, Brad’s fansgirls, pr gurus and bots, but kids know him, and they are going to tell their story one day.

    • Flowerlake says:

      I don’t think he has many fan’girls’ left.
      I saw a post by a magazine about a year ago, which was pro-Pitt and hundreds or even thousands of responses were all sneering at the magazine and taking Angelina’s side.

      Most of them were female.

      • Ivy says:

        He has his mini van squad on Facebook and around the maga squad but I’ve seen so much more support for her lately. His PR was always going to fail in the end. The kids were going to grow up and be loud about their mistreatment

  8. Carmen says:

    Holy cow, that child hit the genetic lottery. She is absolutely beautiful. She looks like both her parents. She has Brad’s eyes and Angie’s mouth.

    There was a fake report — possibly put out by Brad’s camp — that Shiloh planned to move in with him and his girlfriend as soon as she turned 18. I wonder how they are going to spin this.

  9. Mireille says:

    This coming from TMZ, the post appears rather neutral in tone. Huh. Most of the time they like to trash Angelina and serve as Golden Boy’s mouthpiece. Well, well, well. Trump’s convicted and Shiloh celebrated both her bday and Memorial Day by dropping Pitt from her name, possibly life. Shiloh Jolie has a nice ring to it too. I’m envisioning Brad enraged and calling his PR bitches as I write. Get him some good press!!! Go after the kids now!!!

    Happy Birthday Ms. Shiloh Jolie!!!! Wishing you and your lovely family many more years of happy birthdays.

  10. Anna says:

    I can imagine that if Zahara dropped “Pitt” in her name it wouldn’t have been seen as a big deal because the focus seems to be on how his “real” read: “biological (white)” kids feel about him vs what Pax shared and how the rest of the kids have presented themselves post-Brangelina split.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      This is exactly what I was going to say – the press isn’t as interested in Angelina’s non-bio children so I can imagine they’d not even bother keeping tabs on whether Zahara legally changed her name.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    I thought all the kids had to see him due to court mandated visitation as well as seeing a therapist? People can believe that she ” alienated” them but they had the opportunity to still see and interact with him for the past eight years. If none of them want to after they were no longer legally required there’s a reason. I mean he didn’t even know Z was going to Spelman and looked shocked when he was asked on the red carpet about Shiloh’s dancing, so I don’t get the feeling he’s that involved with the older ones anyway.

    • North of Boston says:

      I think the “required” visitation in many (all?) situations cuts off after a certain age. The kids can choose whether they want to participate at that point.

      • Dee(2) says:

        You’re correct and I believe that’s why Maddox hasn’t seen him. He was already 16 or 17 when the plane incident occurred and chose not to. You see Angie with those kids everywhere so I don’t think it’s an issue with them not wanting to be photographed, it’s odd that I really can’t recall seeing him with his kids at all, any of them in the past 5 years.

      • Carmen says:

        In California a child can choose at 14.

    • Mireille says:

      Angie bought a house close to his so that the kids and their father can have easy access to each other. Even after everything he put them through, she still wanted to heal the rift between the kids and their father. What does he do? A couple of years after the divorce, he decides to sell his compound and move farther away. He’s had ample opportunity to reach out and rebuild those relationships. He chose instead to focus on his own interests, including revenge tactics against their mother. I doubt he spent any quality time with the kids over the years. His PR team is just blowing smoke up the media’s ass.

    • HeatherC says:

      I remember in high school one of my good friends had court mandated and supervised visitation with his father. He was an expert at malicious compliance. He would bring a book to read or his game boy (dating myself here I know) to the visits, set a timer for exactly 60 minutes (the minimum court ordered time weekly) and when the timer went off, would snap his book shut and go meet his mom in the parking lot until the day he turned 16 when he petitioned on his own merits (and was granted) to not be forced to see his father any more.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Good for her. Shiloh looks just like her mother.

  13. Amberil says:

    She witnessed her father attacking her mother and her siblings on that plane but he didn’t stop there and kept harrassing her mother in the press and sued her. How people can be shocked those children want nothing to do with Pitt ?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I highly doubt that that was an isolated incident. No one truly knows the trauma those kids went through so no one else’s opinion matters. This was a pretty big statement, I am just glad all Jolie children are safe from him now no matter what last name they choose.

  14. sunny says:

    Good for Shiloh and for the Jolie kids in general. Brad had years to apologize, seek help, make amends, and rebuild a relationship with his children after the horrific way he treated them and their mother. Instead, from all that we’ve seen, he has continued to drag out legal proceedings and hurt their mother at every opportunity and act like none of this happened.

    I hope Shiloh and her siblings continue to thrive.

  15. Vee says:

    I can’t ever find any reason to celebrate a child not wanting to see a parent. This is a broken relationship and as anyone who’s ever been in this situation will tell you, the long term affects can be devastating. I wish the entire brood the best but for the moment, all I feel is sadness.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I have found out during my whole life that abuse in families is quite common, the ones without any abuse are the minority.

      Why would you be sad to see a child thrive post-abuse?

      I utterly dislike the expression “blood is thicker than water” because it implies a parent gains respect and affection only due to genetics.

      My father hated me and we were estranged for countless years before his death. I not only dropped his last name 20 years ago but even freely went to court to reject the inheritance and passed it to others even though I was unemployed.

      You cannot imagine the relief and freedom you feel when you finally put the years of abuse behind you.

      • Sister Carrie says:

        The entire quote is “the blood of the battlefield is thicker than the water of the womb” so basically it’s the opposite of what most people think the quote means. Drives me crazy.

      • Whitecaf says:

        This is a sad way of seeing it. I believe every person has a right to protect themselves from a toxic relationship or a toxic person. If that toxic person happens to be your father or mother, then the long term effects and damage can be even more intense. My partner was raised by basically narcisstic and toxic parents, and he has no relationship with his own father (who also doesn’t bother to heal their relationship). So I support any kid like Shiloh to the protect herself from her toxic parent.

    • Blithe says:

      You can’t imagine how freeing and how self-affirming it can be to find the strength to step away from a controlling, abusive person? While the long-term impact of a broken relationship can indeed be devastating, the long-term impact of maintaining an abusive relationship instead of protecting yourself can be even more devastating.

      @Vee, I don’t think you can speak for “anyone who’s ever been in this situation “. There are many of us out here who have had painfully difficult relationships with difficult parents — and, as individuals, we can speak for ourselves.
      I hope you can find comfort for your own sadness.

      • Vee says:

        I said I’m sad about a child/parent relationship not being able to find resolution. I said nothing about the cause of the rift or the obvious benefits Shiloh will enjoy.

    • North of Boston says:

      Yes the long term effects of being abused by a parent or parental figure can be devastating, ripple through a child’s life long into adulthood (look at the ACE study for one analysis)

      But being able to prevent that parent from further cruelty, from abusing you again, rebuilding a life without that sucking black hole in the center can be incredibly healing, allowing you to move forward.

      Sure, you grieve the absence of who that parent *should have been* in your life, but that ship sailed as soon as the parent was abusive, and kept sailing each and every time it happened and each and every time the parent dodged accountabilty. The child has no blame in that and no what that change their parent’s actions.

      Moving on without them can be freeing and healing. There’s no sadness in that.

    • LynnInTx says:

      Your statement makes it sound like you think the scar is more damaging than the stab wound that caused it.

      The “long term effects” aren’t from the estrangement itself, but from everything that *led up to* the estrangement. You think people just decide to drop their parents because of a minor issue? While I won’t say it never happens, the vast, vast majority of people aren’t going to cut someone off because of one small thing that doesn’t go their way. It’s the ultimate culmination of being violated a thousand times in a thousand ways and finally being able and willing to put your own well-being first. THAT – the mental/physical/emotional abuse, the violations of your own humanity – is what leaves lasting effects.

      I’ve been through it. I was lucky, because my parent was devastated enough by the estrangement to *finally* look inwards, and get therapy and work on their own self. I had some therapy as well. We reconnected after a major crisis in my life allowed me to be open to accepting a very heartfelt apology and a promise that was followed up by action. We have a much healthier relationship now.

      It doesn’t always work that way. Some people will never be open to reconnecting, no matter what, and that is okay and that is their right. And some people will never own up to their own damaging behavior that prompted the estrangement in the first place, much less change their ways and make amends.

    • Ameerah M says:

      My father was much like Pitt – a narcissist, pathological liar who spent most of his time gaslighting me and talking crap about my mother. Cutting him out of my life when I turned 18 was the best decision I have ever made for myself. I am now 43 and I still feel that way (and subsequent behaviors from said parent reaffirmed that choice). Why would you feel sad about children choosing to break away from abuse or toxic parents?? Blood is NOT thicker than water when said blood is emotional, physical or mental poison.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yes it is traumatizing but children feel much safer and happier when the abusive parent is out of their lives.

    • Jaded says:

      Maybe you should celebrate the children having a loving, doting mother who made sure they all got the best therapy to erase the bad juju out of their lives, and who’s on board with their decision to drop Pitt from their names as a result. When you’re dealing with a manipulative, aggressive narcissist (an alcoholic to boot), especially when it’s a parent, the best thing to do is go no contact. Pitt had a lovely family and he blew it spectacularly — he doesn’t deserve to have a relationship with any of them if that’s what they choose, and I think all of them will drop his last name as they come of age.

    • North of Boston says:

      Thinking about this again, because something’s been bugging me:

      Why is it that the “blood is thicker than water” and “but family…” and “why can’t people just get along” “don’t do xyz, you’ll regret it!!!” stuff ONLY gets brought out when someone who has been a victim of abuse, or witnessed abuse of a loved one or otherwise been put in a difficult situation by an abusive or neglectful or self-involved parent, relative tries to establish boundaries or distance … but it almost never is trotted out when the abuser, problematic person is harming others in the first place?

      Why are the victims, witnesses the only ones expected to keep up “but family!” stuff?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        It really is food for thought, isn’t it? A lot of expectation is put on victims in our society.

  16. Cheshire Sass says:

    It says a lot when the literal first thing she does on her 18th birthday is
    file to permanently scrub the “Pitt” stank.

    • Ameerah M says:

      This. An 18th birthday is a milestone for a lot of reasons and the fact that her first act as a legal adult is to permanently disconnect herself from her father’s name speaks VOLUMES.

    • JTh says:

      Shiloh and her siblings are signaling that these are all lies:
      a) Brad has kept a good relationship with the kids,
      b) Shiloh wants to live with Brad.

      Brad is a loser who cares for his ego and image so much more than he does for his children and wife.

  17. Ameerah M says:

    This makes me laugh when I think of how just a few weeks ago Pitt stans were spreading the rumor that Shiloh wanted to live with Brad. Not only does she not want to live with him – she doesn’t even want the man’s name.

  18. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    Thanks for saying this. As an adopted person growing up, I well remember all the print and media that constantly pointed out if a kid was adopted into a family. Made me feel like I had an asterisk indicating “not really a part of a family* next to my name. Not great for a kid’s mental health. And yes, even more pernicious for mixed race families.

  19. Kokiri says:

    Bravo to the children breaking free.
    Vivian Wilson, Shiloh Joie.
    Gone are the days where “it’s family” equals a license to abuse.
    If I had not taken my husband’s name (to be rid of my birth last name) I’d legally change mine now, even at 52. I’d go as far, & still consider, legally changing my first as well. Time to be done with it.

    If you need to hear this, because I do today: forgive yourself for not forgiving them. You deserve your life to be yours. It’s not your fault you weren’t born to the family you deserved.

    Now: she’s so absolutely beautiful. She’s breathtaking. Her happiness radiates from her, it’s so heartwarming to see all the Jolie children thriving. Angelina, you did it. You broke the cycle, from your own father to Brad. Bravo, brave woman.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I took my husband’s name to drop my father’s (in the UK) because I also wanted to be rid of it at 18 but Italian legislation never allowed for a surname change after birth (very extreme cases allow it, but it’s exceptional), even if you want to get your mum’s.

      ETA: thanks for saying such kind words ❤️

      • Kokiri says:

        I keep coming back to this thread. I need it badly this weekend.
        My father is dying, won’t last the weekend. I can’t go to see him, for so many reasons. All of which are so completely valid, yet I find myself crying anyway.
        I made the right choice. It’s been almost a decade of freedom. I have full support of my children & husband.
        Yet still tears.

        So thank you to everyone posting & supporting Shiloh & letting go to escape abuse. You never know who is reading & i so need it right now.

    • Wagiman says:

      Kokiri, thinking of you. It’s a difficult time. My partner had a very violent, abusive father. Classic nice on the outside. Someone had to make medical decisions for him when he was dying and there was literally no one, so my partner had to. His brother didn’t see him. My partner did what had to be done but with no emotional engagement, he hated his father. But unlike his father, my partner treated him with that kindness at the end (btw his father had also disinherited him, and he knew that).

      And I went back to some Jolie posts and you named Brad Harry Styles Sr which was classic and hilarious and I hope that makes you smile (if you see this comment).

  20. Ohwell says:

    Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise

    Two deadbeat fathers who receive no flack for ignoring their children.

    The way Jolie and Pitt got together, showcased their family for public consumption, all while alcoholism and abuse was going on behind closed doors. Misogynists kept their focus on Jolie as the tormentor but it was Pitt all along.

    When ALL 6 children want nothing to do with you, that’s not parental alienation. All 6!!!!!

    • LeonsMomma says:

      @Ohwell: Exactly.
      (Though Tom does seem to talk to the oldest 2, but only because they are Scientologists.)

    • Jaded says:

      Tom is still close to Isabella and Connor but that’s because they are diehard Scientologists. Suri is considered a suppressive person, therefore doesn’t deserve his attention. Thank Dog Katie got her out of that cesspool cult before any damage was done.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Former high-level Scientologists have spoken about how they brainwashed Isabella and Connor Cruise into considering their mother Nicole a suppressive person (they literally kept telling them their mother was a sociopath), and that they had to cut contact with her. She lost her two eldest children with the divorce. It must be so painful for her.

  21. Serena says:

    He can spin all the fake stories he wants, the fact that their children won’t have anything to do with him -even his last name- is telling enough. Honestly, good for them! I’m glad they distanced themselves from that manipulative lying abuser.

  22. Veronica S. says:

    A shame he chose to double down into addiction and abuse instead of getting help and trying to atone. Six kids is a lot of family to discard and destroy. Someday, it might hit him what he gave up, but it’s doubtful given his career field. Hollywood surrounds people with yes-men who don’t really drive self-reflection. I’m glad Angelina was a victim with the money and resources to protect herself and her family. Not everybody gets that.

  23. Mina_Esq says:

    If earlier reports were true, she was considering moving in with her dad after 18th birthday. Then her dad chose to prioritize his much younger girlfriend and have her move in instead. And now his child doesn’t even want to be associated with him even in name. But sure, it’s Angelina’s fault. Ugh. Brad’s the worst. A walking midlife crisis.

  24. blueberry says:

    Aww Zahara is an AKA 💚🩷 these kids have been through so much. Wish them health and happiness!

    • Marie says:

      I guess Pax was on to something when he wrote on his insta how the 3 youngest are terrified of him. They probably read what his team says about their mom and are pissed too. So of course his next move is a movie with Clooney to make everyone forget and Hollywood will follow suit.. even the “feminists”

  25. Jennifet says:

    This is textbook parental alienation. Even Angelina Jolie’s original attorney quit because of Angie’s disgusting behavior. Not that I’m expecting y’all to post this comment since it delineates from the status quo.

    • Lauren says:

      Hi Brad 🤚😆😆

      Yes, that is why she moved five minutes away from him and court documents show that she made every attempt to help mend the bond between them. The court ordered supervised visitation, he had with them up until each child turned the age of 15 and could decide for themselves . All of those kids witnessed him verbally and physically abuse his mother and siblings and you believe that’s not going to affect how they feel about him. Along with him still attacking their mother in the media over the last 8 years.

      He kicked AJ and the kids out of the house the kids were raised in, sold it, and moved three hours away. Not to mention he never went to or complained about his anger management classes, but people like you don’t work with facts backed up by court documents. Father of the year right here then again you probably think Kanye , Tom are great fathers too.

      Also shiloh hired her own lawyer, but nice try.

      FYI Jolie fired her old attorney again nice try.

    • Facts says:

      @Jennifer Wasser didn’t quit she stepped down, or what she said publicly, after Angelina casually fired her. Wasn’t ugly just issued a statement that she was going with a family court lawyer.
      After which Menacing Harvey Levin put that BS out and the spin and tabs went to work. Saying no lawyer in La wanted to work with Angie. Because she was trying to destroy Pitt.
      When Angelina told Salma Hayek in a text that she didn’t trust anyone, I understand why. Her own divorce attorn was working to help
      Cover up Pitts mess because LA law was covering for him and wanted her to go quietly sit in a corner and behave. That’s how powerful men operate. Reason why Aniston ran to aid him, she was told to. Pitt was a power in HW. He was the face of one of its biggest production companies. This was gonna hurt bad. He not only hurt a woman but children jeez.
      All the hit pieces. Spending millions to cover this stuff up hurt Angie and their kids who can see and read.
      They are now as adults saying fk off.