Princess Kate is ‘considering’ standing on the balcony for Trooping the Colour

As we discussed, it was confirmed on Thursday that the Princess of Wales would miss a pre-Trooping the Colour event called the Colonel’s Review. The Colonel’s Review was set (and is set) to take place on June 8th, and since Kate is the Colonel In Chief of the Irish Guards, she was supposed to do the “review” in London. Kate took over the Irish Guards patronage from her husband, because as Prince of Wales, he had to take an honorary position with the Welsh Guards. That transfer happened last year. Since Kate has been Colonel In Chief of the Irish Guards, she’s missed the St. Patrick’s Day parade and now she’ll miss this review.

The palace is now confirming Kate’s absence during a week in which the palace is also running around, trying to convince British and American outlets that Kate has been running errands and seen out in public with her family. Royal insiders swear that Kate’s treatment has turned a corner and that she’s out and about with some regularity, despite a complete lack of witnesses, photos or videos. I’m still at a loss to explain wtf is actually happening here or why it feels like a regression to early March of this year, with chaotic clownery around the palace messaging on Kate’s health. Back then, royal sources insisted that Kate was likely to rise like Wiglet Jesus at church on Easter Sunday. We know what happened there. Now royal sources are insisting that Kate is considering making an appearance on the balcony for Trooping the Colour.

The Princess of Wales is considering making an appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony after the Trooping the Colour ceremony, it was claimed today.

Royal officials confirmed yesterday that Kate will not attend the Colonel’s Review on June 8 – which is the traditional rehearsal for Trooping the Colour, held on June 15.

But the Daily Mirror reported that the Princess is understood to be considering walking onto the famous balcony in a fortnight’s time if she is feeling well enough.

Kate, 42, who is also undergoing cancer treatment, would have been due to take the salute on June 8 in normal circumstances in her role as Colonel of the Irish Guards. But she continues to stay away from public royal duties during her chemotherapy while resting at home, and will only return when doctors give her the all-clear.

Lieutenant General James Bucknall, former commander of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, will be the inspecting officer on Kate’s behalf for the Colonel’s Review.

Buckingham Palace also revealed yesterday that King Charles III will travel in a carriage with Queen Camilla on June 15 and will not be on horseback.

MailOnline understands the attendance of other Royal Family members at Trooping the Colour events will be confirmed nearer the time of each one.

[From The Daily Mail]

It would be a huge moment if Kate came out on the balcony just shy of six months since her last verifiable public appearance. Like, beyond the conspiracies and absolute weirdness of the past six months, I genuinely hope that Kate is conscious and able to walk onto a balcony and wave at people. It would be huge international news. That being said… everything around royal comms is shambolic right now and I just don’t believe any of the sh-t they’re saying.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.

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115 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘considering’ standing on the balcony for Trooping the Colour”

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  1. aquarius64 says:

    Trooping is theonarch’s official birthday and I doubt Charles wants Kate to steal the spotlight.

    • equality says:

      Probably not, but if she is on the balcony where he is he can pretend the crowd and enthusiasm is for him. Like the royals do when they get celebs to appear at their events.

      • ThatIsTheThing says:

        Yeah, she’s not showing up for this and the palace is going to play “will she be there?! Show up to find out!” in order to pump up attendance.

        The Middletons are too busy negotiating the divorce terms and nursing their abused daughter back to health and keeping her alive.

    • And I’m considering becoming the Queen of the universe but that will never happen and Can’t isn’t considering anything.

      • esquire says:

        The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club awaits her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales, as patron!

    • LadyAlbert says:


    • JeP says:

      Second this, no way Charles would allow that. He couldn’t even handle sharing the garden party spotlight!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly, Aquarius! No way will she be allowed to be the center of attention or take any focus away from Chuckles and his mistress queen.

    • Jan90067 says:

      I’d bet pretty much everything I own that IF we see “a” Kate on the balcony, it will NOT be a closeup; it will be a “Fake Kate” as in the other video. AND she’d be in a window, so as to not get a clear/close up view of her.

    • Harper says:

      This must mean that one of the dupes of Meghan’s Nigerian tour outfits has arrived in Norfolk!

    • EasternViolet says:

      I agree 1000% Aquarius. My hunch is KP is briefing the press that they are considering she is going to make a Balcony appearance, or at the very least, her in shadow behind a curtain in a window. I think if she is going to make an appearance, its going to be in a window …not on stage so to speak. And even then, an appearance at the window will still pull focus from those on the Balcony… so my guess is that BP isn’t going to let Kate steal the show on “Charles'” Day.

    • Feeshalori says:

      I said in a post yesterday that Kate has to put in a prior appearance before putting one in at Trooping. So I doubt very much she’ll show up there. Even lurking in the background heavily veiled in sunglasses will focus all attention and eyes on her. There’s no way Charles will allow her to overshadow him on his very very special day.

    • Becks1 says:

      I 100% agree. If Kate plans to make an appearance on the balcony, we’ll see her beforehand in some capacity or another.

      Its also possible we’ll see her like we saw Meghan at the jubilee trooping, just inside a window, and if she’s a few feet back in the shadows… could be hard to see anything definitive.

      • Christine says:

        I really hope they do this, because we have all of the crystal clear pics of Harry and Meghan in a window from the Jubbly for reference. They will have to (FINALLY) produce a clear photo and video.

    • Underhill says:

      Can’t won’t be there, but they will put out a collectors edition photoshopped commemorative photo showing her on the balcony, to make everyone happy.

  2. Libra says:

    If true, proof of life at last.

  3. Barbara says:

    HA! No she’s not. Period.

    • Laura says:

      I agree with you, Barbara. It’s just a way for these people to get clicks. Nothing has changed.

  4. Josephine says:

    I’m not ready for the “she’s so brave” nonstop crap for someone who dares to stand on a balcony.

  5. equality says:

    So the troops will be inspected by someone who has actually served in the military and is qualified for the job. What a novel idea.

  6. First comment says:

    “The Princess of Wales is considering making an appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony “. I have 2 theories about it: either it’s a completely lie perpetuate by the Rota to generate interest about Trooping ( which is rather bland and boring, thus Eden demanded the presence of other royals) or there would be a very brief and from far away appearance by Kate or her double ( more possible)

    • ML says:

      First Comment, This makes sense to me.
      If it happens and it’s her, I expect distance, lurking inside a door or something like that, sunglasses and a huge hat.. and frankly something similar if they go with a double. Then I expect the “benevolent KC” stories, because he’s going to be forced to give up the spotlight.
      More likely, given some of the information out there hints at very serious health issues, this is the RR begging for a huge story. And KC is not usually benevolent about giving away “his” spotlight.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        I think they will roll a mannequin forward with hat and dark glasses. Someone will be hiding in the background to raise an arm with a gloved hand to wave at the crowd.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The Rota are champing at the bit. Also, there’s been a surge of social media chat about her “needing to be on the balcony” for Trooping. I suspected the palaces would float this as a trial balloon.

      But here’s the thing: IF they commit to this, it has to be HER. Actually her. No Weekend at Bernies schemes, no body doubles. Otherwise they’re about to blow the monarchy apart.

      1. They already have a gaping credibility crisis – not just at KP, but BP as well, because they’re seen as having cosigned onto all of the clownery and jackassery from January up till now. People are angry at how the palaces have handled the entire situation, and how they now seem determined to write Kate out of her own story. She’s a grown woman, put down the AI and let her speak for herself.

      2. If Kate herself is not clearly seen, on that balcony, as she has in past balcony events, after this trial balloon/pseudo-promise to produce her on Trooping day…they might start seeing protests. It’s been talked of on a couple of social media platforms recently, and not by the extremist crowd either. Some folks are renewing calls for investigations to find out what happened to Kate, why is she being sequestered, and whether Will, Camilla, or Charles is behind any of it.

      The palaces have a credibility crisis as deeper than the Grand Canyon right now; they’re about to have a full blown Constitutional crisis if they keep playing these ‘Schroedinger’s Kate’ games with the public. Folks are already pivoting back to “What did William do” and bringing up the Treason Act of 1351 again. The palaces need to finally be upfront and honest if they don’t want it all to crumble around their ears.

    • Amyb says:

      On one hand given they forced a 94 year old woman dying of bone cancer to take a helicopter ride and to walk out on the balcony during the Jubilee, forcing Kitty to show up and wave for 5 minutes seems a minor ask. But on the other hand mo way does Chuck have his birthday news dominated Kitty waving,

      • MaryContrary says:

        I don’t believe for a minute that the Queen was forced to do anything. That was all her-showing up as monarch until her dying day.

    • Jais says:

      Please just don’t let it be a brief and far away appearance. One in which you have to squint to see her and then argue for weeks over whether or not it was really her.

  7. Square2 says:

    Are they planning to hire that Windsor Farm video girl or use a hologram? /S

    • Square2 says:

      P.S. Looking at the un-smiling pictures on this post, I think the artist of the Tatler portrait did a good job making she prettier in the drawing.

  8. Joyful Liluri says:

    I don’t care for her.

    But that aside. She is a mother to three young children whose lives the palace is going to destroy for their father and for the next heir.

    I hope she is able to recover, to work on herself and to fight for her children. To keep them from becoming canon fodder in whatever sort of Royal eat royal family she has married into.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I marvel at how smoothly Kate has morphed from veritable mean girl, to Kate the victim and saintly mommy. Gone are the memories of that day when Kate enlisted her 7-year-old daughter to troll Meghan, after Meghan was seen in the “Harry and Meghan” docu-series talking about wearing muted colors to avoid clashing with more senior female royals. Not only that, on multiple occasions, Kate openly participated, along with William, in parading those babies before cameras, to deflect public criticisms for whatever faux pas they stumbled into — like for example, that time during covid when they happened upon the brilliant idea of a train tour to Scotland. I have a long list. Empathize with her condition, whatever it is, but please do not beatify her. Unlike Meghan and Diana, Kate is no victim here, just stupid.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I’m not sure it is that smooth, I do think part of the problem KP is having is the fact that some people on SM are coming to this as a missing person story with no Royal or Sussexit backstory at all. I’ve seen some people comment that ‘Maybe Kate is hiding at H&M’s’ with no idea that’s a non starter- not the deranger sort that want H to care about her at M’s expense just people who expect ’a BIL might help…’ as if the Windsors are a normal family.

        Kate lived by the sword and, now, may have died by it -figuratively and perhaps even literally (I remain Team Incapacitated/disfigurement) . Some dislike her as a person for her actions but keep her children front of mind as a reason to keep questioning, want to mention that caveat from the start because they aren’t Kate supporters and take the stance that *any* woman who goes missing for months with only her husband’s say so for her wellbeing should have more scrutiny on her behalf.

      • Underhill says:

        Kate is or was a member of good standing in the “Leopards Will Never Eat MY Face” Club. She laughed at others when the Leopards ate their faces. Now that it appears that her face may actually have been eaten by those Leopards, one struggles to find the sympathy.

    • Josephine says:

      She signed on to provide cannon fodder to that corrupt organization. She willing gave them children to do with what they will. I doubt she has a suddeen change of heart. She would have to give up way too much to stand up and protect those kids now.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Is Charles going to want Kate making her debut on his day? I’m doubtful. What’s clear that the pressure is on for Kate to make an appearance.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Agreed! I think that’s not going to happen unless she makes an appearance somewhere else first, because there is no way in hell Cluck and Cloppy are going to stand for being upstaged by Wiglet Jesus on that balcony on “the King’s birthday”.

      It’s just another round of Schroedinger’s Kate, bait and switch… along with the usual annual nonsense of “The Sussexes are being SNUBBED, do you hear? Snubbed!” Like wtf ever the Sussexes are gonna take their kids to the beach and not give a single thought to the King and his Nag.

  10. Chantal1 says:

    New plausible deniability tactic by the BM/KP. K’s thinking about it but later it will be reported that her Drs advised against it. They had to say/invent something after all of the “rare and recent sightings” of the missing princess and W and increased interest on SM.

    • Belinda says:

      Yes, absolutely agree. They will lead up to it with carefully placed titbits of “we are hoping she feels well enough”:and then a saccharine statement of how her doctors knew she would have liked to, but they gently would advise that it’s better not to.

      Psy ops tactics. Gets it out there that she’s getting better, but not actually committing themselves to her actually being involved in the decision, but being very squirrely with the wording.

      After all, they could have just gone into her room, asked her if she wanted to (with her being deeply unconscious) and then walked out muttering that they wouldn’t advise it.

      Every statement that has been out there since this started has been very carefully worded. Not one direct statement from her, just a play on words.

      How long they can carry on with this is debatable.

      (Also wanted to comment on the cosplay military coat outfit that Kaiser posted at the top of this article. I have made dresses, coats etc for many years, and the black coat she is wearing has been tailored very very carefully to hide her extreme thinness. Coats in heavy wool fabrics add pounds to anyone, and this, in my opinion has been interlined at least twice, along with lining, to “bulk out” the coat, whilst at the same time keeping the sleek lines. Very cleverly done, and expertly done. But definitely done to hid the skeletal frame of Kate imo).

      • ShazBot says:

        Belinda – yes! She was much sicker than anyone knew through the fall, I swear. She wore tons of very structured clothes like this to hide her frame, and it’s when the hair pieces turned into full wigs. Whatever she is going through, it was definitely impacting her since the fall.

    • Jay says:

      Honestly, it’s the same template as the stories they used to write about the Sussexes – will Harry and Meghan fly to the U.K. with their young children during a pandemic? (No) Will the Windsors invite them/ban them/snub them, and if they do, will it bring Harry back? Then several rounds about why Harry needs to beg forgiveness and why William won’t forgive him blah blah blah, rinse and repeat for every major event. They assume that the world is waiting with bated breath to see which of the leftovers appear on the balcony.

      I think even the rota has stopped beating that dead horse, but they are desperate for content – it’s hard enough being a professional stenographer for the royals, but even harder when there’s nothing to write about. So, expect lots of speculation and “sightings” of Kate for the next couple of weeks.

  11. Agnes says:

    The pitch of questions is rising again and no one knows what to do. They’ll get crucified if they release another AI video or look-alike shopping spree or Frankenphoto or back-of-head-in-car pap shot in lieu of verifiable proof of life. So “they” (KP, BP) are just going with that old “say anything” obfuscation propaganda technique. Where is Kate?

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I still think she’s recuperating or, more darkly, in a vegetative state at Wood Farm. If she’s in a persistent vegetative state it would explain why they can’t so much as have her sit up for a photo nearly 6 months after a surgery.

      There was an article in Vanity Fair (Sept. 17, 2020) about Philip & Elizabeth using Wood Farm as a bolthole in the early days of the pandemic.

      This interesting sentence in that article jumped out at me: “So while it’s now where Philip and the queen are choosing to go for a bit of privacy, for more than a century it was also the place the royal family went to hide many things—from illnesses to ex-wives—that they wanted out of public eye.”

      Illnesses and ex-wives? You don’t say? Well, we know all about Fergs being relegated there b/c Philip couldn’t stand to have her in the house at Sandringham proper at xmas… but it is also where they stashed Prince John, and where Philip retired to. Apparently when he moved into Wood Farm in 2017, he had the kitchen and the bedrooms overhauled & updated. And they likely moved in durable medical equipment to make him more comfortable in his final days. So it already has everything it needs to look after a Princess that’s been damaged and has to be hidden from the public eye.

    • Agnes says:

      I agree it’s more likely she’s vegetative than dead. Otherwise they would have dragged her out by her wig to calm chatter. But I doubt she’s in Britain. My pet theory since first realizing she was MIA is that she’s in lockdown in that Clinic des Alpes in Montreaux, soaking Bald Bill for 40k/week. Because whatever she’s going thru, that asshole drove her right into it. Allegedly.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Totally Normal Bill is too damn cheap to spring for 40k/wk. Also the flight would have been seen leaving an airport – Heathrow, Gatwick? And no such reporting was made. No evidence from any witnesses on social media either.

        I think she’s just never left Sandringham.

      • Underhill says:

        If I had to guess where she was, I would guess Wood Farm, as well. It seems to be quite private, but convenient to Sandringham. Not all that far from London. There would be places for her therapists to stay, and those two nurses from the Philippines.

      • Harper says:

        Way back in the beginning of KateGate, someone on the internets said they had noticed the royal plane flying into France. So it could be they flew Kate to France then hopped a private plane sent by Clinic des Alpes to get to Switzerland. The owner of the CdA is a Brit and I imagine would be committed to ANYTHING Kate needed.

        On the other hand, with Kate out of commission, Huevo may have seen an opening and whisked Rose away for a french holiday and some CLOTHES shopping.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Whatever has happened to her these articles are just to keep her name out there. This is a woman who hasn’t been seen for almost six months and there is zero public outcry, if it wasn’t for social media and these unconfirmed and unverified sightings would anyone even care? Her entire mystery cancer, surgery and disappearance are more of a morbid curiosity thing for the public, no one is holding their breath to see her that she will be seen anytime soon.

    • Julia says:

      The fact that this story in in the Mirror, a tabloid that has been churning out a lot of click bait nonsense about the royals recently suggests it’s not true. I’d be more inclined to believe it if it was from a pet royal reporter like English, Kay or Nikkah. The Mirror is not a trusted source of information.

      • Julianna says:

        Neither is Kay, English, or Nikkah for that matter. They lie just as much as the Mirror. They peddle out whatever lie they are told to say by KP or BP.

  13. MY3CENTS says:

    She’s very Keen to be seen. Let the keenery begin!
    Yeah it won’t happen, highly likely we’ll only see George as well.

    • Blithe says:

      And that, I think, would be the opposite of reassuring. In the past, all three of the Wales kids have appeared on the balcony. Even if Kate is absent, there is no reasonable justification for not including all three kids as they usually do. The balcony lineup will be beyond boring, and those who’ve been concerned about Kate’s well-being will be even more concerned about the kids.

    • Agnes says:

      A new way to harness that keen energy! Lol, how many years will Kate be keen to be seen.

  14. Tina says:

    The only way that happens is if she does another appearance in advance. If this is her first time seen then all of the covers will be on her the next day. Didn’t William give out a photo of him and the kids last year right on Trooping Day so that all of the papers the next day had him on the cover? Yah thats not going to happen for a second year in a row. I hope Kate is able to stand and wave but we’ll need another appearance first. These stories like the running errands story are just out there so that people won’t question why she hasn’t been seen in 5 months.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Yup, no way Trooping is her first appearance, not on the balcony, not from a BP window.

      I’d forgotten about that stunt with the photos last year. No way Charles would deliberately allow someone to upstage him, but I’m curious if Will has plans to pull something similar.

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    Seems like a balcony appearance would be distant enough to fake with a body double. Or maybe they’ve completed the AI figure that walks which I suggested yesterday.

  16. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    So Madam might consent to grace the peasants with her presence? How pretentious 🙄

  17. Ameerah M says:

    All I can say to this is “Sure, Jan.” I will believe it when I see it.

  18. Harper says:

    Last week’s Tom Sykes article has them running scared again. It must have been close to the truth and it really blew up on social media. Kate “considering” and Kate “out and about” is their response. But, unlike in March, they are severely limited to words only–no visual trickery. The casual observer/peasant will take in the surface statement and move on.

  19. Mslove says:

    I hope Keen steps out on that balcony dripping with jewels and wearing her tacky coronation crown. Chuck deserves to be overshadowed on his big day.

  20. Eurydice says:

    They managed to wheel out Elizabeth for the last Trooping and she had bone cancer. No reason why they can’t prop up Kate somewhere on the balcony. Ok, that sounded harsh, but this “Kate in limbo” story can’t go on forever. Nobody’s going to believe these invisible “sightings” to markets and chocolate shops. Just slap a giant hat on her, some shoulder pads, a dozen buttons and send her out for 5 minutes. Then everyone can relax, including her.

    • OliviaOne says:

      I won’t lie, your comment gave me Weekend at Bernie’s vibes, but I didn’t hate it 😛 🙂

    • Christine says:

      It’s exactly what they should do, which means they absolutely won’t do this.

  21. Julie says:

    Oh, she will be there and too far to have a clear picture of her. Bunch of clowns.

  22. Kokiri says:

    I doubt she will appear.
    It might be they are negotiating some appearances in the separation agreement but I doubt it.
    It’s just a carrot so the media lays off for a bit.
    She’s gone. Has the kids she can keep (ugh so sad) & that’s why she’s out & about (if she actually is). It’s just her camp getting ready to launch her “new beginning new life” plot lines.

  23. Jay says:

    This feels like a desperate attempt by the rota to try to drum up interest for Trooping, dangling Kate as a carrot of sorts. Maybe they could take that birthday portrait from last year where she looked like a Victorian ghost and prop it up at a window somewhere for the cameras. Hey, isn’t that photo in black and white, you ask? Yes, it is, and it may still be more vibrant than the actual Kate.

    But as we said yesterday, Charles is intent on making Trooping about himself and whether or not he can ride a horse(?). He will not appreciate Kate trying to steal his thunder!

  24. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    No she is not. The end.

    See. This is why the will continue to make up these “stories.”

  25. equality says:

    It’s getting amusing. KC can’t win either way. His trooping will be about whether or not H&M will be there and whether or not Kate or the younger children will attend. Either way, any of them attending or not attending will overshadow his big day. I love that for him.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      A roll of toilet paper in the street could manage to overshadow the King.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Bit like Harry not going to the duke’s wedding, because the media would make it all about Harry and Meghan, not the bride and groom, despite Harry’s gentlemanly refusal to attend the wedding the media are making it about Harry and Meghan anyway.

      • Christine says:

        Not this time! William has managed to be loud and obnoxious enough that no one is going to forget his starring role in other people’s wedding.

  26. Maida says:

    I think that the palace has done a terrible job of communicating about Kate’s illness.
    At the same time, I think speculation about her condition has become needlessly ghoulish. She has cancer, she’s getting treatment, and all the horse-race “will she or won’t she” coverage about possible appearances is to me the sign of an unhealthy press environment.

    • Laura D says:

      @Maida – as much as I agree with you about the mess the Palace(s) have made in communications. However, we were told by Kate in her “official” BBC video that she no longer has cancer and she’s receiving preventative treatment. As much as I dislike the “will she won’t she” stories it doesn’t help when one day we’re told she HAS cancer and must be treated with kid gloves and then the next we’re told she HAD cancer and must be treated with kid gloves.

      For the sake of her children I wish the woman a speedy recovery but, it would help stop all this needless speculation if these people would get their stories straight!

  27. Kim says:

    At this point, I think the only way she’ll “appear” is as a cardboard cut-out in a window.

    • Annalise says:

      omg I could TOTALLY see them trying to put a cardboard cut out in the window, or maybe requesting Madame Toussand build a wax Kate, or perhaps an uber realistic blow up doll, made in Kate’s likeness 😆 Or maybe they’ve been stalling all these months because they’re growing a clone of Kate in a lab somewhere 🔬🧪👩‍🔬

    • Liz says:

      You’re giving them ideas!

  28. TinkerF says:

    Am I the only one getting a “Weekend at Bernie’s” vibe from this so-called news? 🫣

  29. Lady Digby says:

    C and C are photographed leaving church every Sunday so “when the moment is right” how about having W and K join them demonstrating how united they all are? It doesn’t have to be as big an occasion as Trooping the Colour, just something ordinary and low key like the Sunday church visit? Reintroduce her in a brief and casual way like they did with KC going to church and show some sensitivity rather than intensify the pressure and yes William if you make any sort of “chop, chop” motion at your wife to encourage her to walk quicker you are going to look awful!

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Actually, your comment makes me wonder why Kate (who, unlike Charles, doesn’t HAVE cancer, she only HAD cancer and then “preventative” treatment, is not attending church? Wouldn’t a cancer scare make the family attend together even more than usual?

  30. Over it says:

    I am also considering giving up carbs. Guess Kate and I will have to see who makes it first .

  31. HeatherC says:

    This is actually brilliant marketing. I’m sure that was unintentional lol. But how many people who weren’t going to watch will now watch to see the “miraculous resurrection” of Kate? (Bonus points if she wears a papier mache tiara crown or makes her own military ribbons)

  32. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I’ve been convinced by other posters that Kate’s disappearance is because she’s getting treatment in another country, and wants to hide her privilege. So it could be she’s not THAT ill, but could not appear or be photographed b/c she’s not physically present (photos could risk metadata giving her location away).

    If that’s the case, then she could appear at trooping or Wimbledon. Either one would work because I think she’d like her first appearance to be somewhere the crowds can cheer for her (so, not church or a private event).

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      She needs to do some work before going to Wimbledon. Trooping could be considered work.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Charles will not stand Kate upstaging him at a first appearance at Trooping. She has to make a prior appearance elsewhere in another capacity. Only then could she attend Trooping and Wimbledon if that’s even happening at this point.

  33. Julianna says:

    Kate is definitely not going to be at Trooping. They need to stop with the clownery.

    • Feeshalori says:

      They’re dangling this like a carrot before a donkey, and at the last minute yanking it away. Much like the Easter fiasco.

  34. Tashiro says:

    They’re getting desperate. Hope they know what they are doing, if KP has put this out there they have to deliver. Falling back on well we said it was just a possibility is not going to fly. If this is the RR forcing their hand I say keep it up 🙂

  35. smee says:

    I bet they think they can pull off a brief appearance on the balcony with a faux KM in a big hat. Sadly, they don’t have what it takes to pull off even a simple deception…

  36. Lola says:

    Sitting here remembering how went to work for six months while on chemo with no hair and worked as a magistrate and I would take three days off every other week

    Pretty sure she can handle hauling herself out to a balcony to raise her hand and wave

  37. Oh come on. says:

    She’s feeling much better. And far too sick to be photographed. And working on Early Years, and out shopping, but far too sick to visit a charity or be seen in public. But considering attending the Trooping. But probably won’t be seen before autumn. Now stop asking questions.

    • Unblinkered says:

      We all realise this, how long before the UK press start alluding to it? I sense Carol M’s hand at work here.

      I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the Middletons have made an international mockery of the UK royal family.

  38. QuiteContrary says:

    Oh dear, however will the Irish Guards manage to rehearse for Trooping without their colonel in chief??

    Such a farce.

  39. Saucy&Sassy says:


  40. Annalise says:

    Lol. Yeah, right.

  41. TN Democrat says:

    Someone who has never served in the military, never had a full-time job before marriage, and has spent her entire married life slacking on royal duties receiving military titles/patronages is sickening for the people who actually sacrificed and served, especially since she couldn’t bother to consistently show up pre-whatever has been going on for the last 5 months. If she is so hidden that random pics have not leaked since Christmas, Charles isn’t going to share the spotlight with her during what could be one of his only troopings.

  42. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    Yes, and the “faux” officers are allowed to cosplay in their uniforms while actual combat veterans are not. These phony military titles and uniforms remind me of the Scientologists’ SeaOrg, and their own phony “freedom medal of valor” they award themselves. Either that, or just a dumb mascot like the San Diego Chicken.

  43. Lulu says:

    So, the plan is pretend to have inside information that every possibility will happen, then
    they will always claim to have been right. Kate won’t go to trouping, Kate might be seen at trouping, Kate won’t be seen for the rest of the year, Kate was seen in a chocolate shop.

  44. Aurora says:

    I can see Charles coattailing on ‘having been the one who made Kate go out in public’. But at this stage, only a live presence, up close interaction with her and the children will convince people that she’s indeed ok and actually her.
    I’d really wish her to be relaxing at Norfolk, Mustique, at a Swiss clinic or at some other alternate paradise that reeks privilege, only because that’s the only context of her absence that is not ominous regarding her well-being, Charlotte’s and Louis’.

  45. Kat says:

    The world has kept on turning since she was last seen.

  46. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    I wonder if the younger children will make an appearance. I think it would be very strange if they weren’t there given that they have always been on the balcony and a great deal of fuss was made to assert that it was their place to be but not for the Sussexes or their children.

    Stranger still if Charlotte and Louis are absent but Camilla’s grandchildren are there.

    I do expect George to be there. He’s been consistently seen.

    • Tessa says:

      The queen usually had Anne and Charles seen together when they were children. Harry and William were seen together as children . Is is odd that now the trend is that only George be seen. He seems to be Williams favorite. This is not fair to any of those children.

  47. Mina_Esq says:

    If she shows up and is able to stand and wave, next the public will expect her to smile and shake hands at engagements. She can’t do that, you guys. Being the first woman to ever experience cancer, she can’t possibly think about other people right now.