Woman apologizes to Kylie and Jason Kelce after drunkenly confronting them

Last week, Kylie and Jason Kelce took their three daughters to the Jersey Shore for a Memorial Day Weekend family beach trip. One evening, they went out for a dinner date. According to witnesses, a woman approached them for a photo. Kylie politely declined, saying that they were on a date. The woman, Pennyslvania business owner Andreé Goldberg, may or may not have had too much to drink, because she went off on the Kelces. Kylie handled it like a true Philly girl and took care of business. When Goldberg told them, “You’ll never be allowed in this town again,” Kylie responded by telling her, “I can smell the alcohol on your breath, you’re embarrassing yourself. Multiple witnesses came to Kylie’s defense, saying that she did nothing wrong and that this lady was in fact harassing them over a damn selfie. In the very viral aftermath, Goldberg realized that she was in the wrong and apologized for her actions.

A viral video in which Kylie Kelce is confronted by a heated fan in Margate City, New Jersey may not tell the whole story. Key moments from the Memorial Day weekend incident were not captured on camera, an eyewitness exclusively told Us Weekly.

“The viral video people viewed was taken out of context,” the source at the scene told Us. “There was definitely more to it.”

Viewers watched Pennsylvania resident Andreé Goldberg get into a verbal altercation with Jason Kelce’s wife after the couple reportedly declined to take a photo with her. But after the heated exchange occurred, the eyewitness said Andreé’s husband, Bryan Goldberg, had a 10 to 15 minute conversation with retired NFL star Jason, 36, off camera.

“Andreé and Kylie were just two mama bears,” the eyewitness explained. “Apologies were exchanged and witnessed by multiple people. That’s the part of the video people haven’t seen.”

For the couple who have suddenly found themselves in the national spotlight, the eyewitness said, “It’s a done deal and the issue had been smoothed over. Hopefully it’s the same for Kylie and Jason.”

After enjoying a date night at the Jersey Shore last weekend, Kylie, 31, and Jason found themselves in a tense moment with Andreé. “You’ll never be allowed in this town again,” Andreé shouted in the video first posted by Philly-based podcast “Word to the Wise.” Per the footage, Kylie shot back, “You’re embarrassing yourself” while her husband stood to the side.

Days later, Andreé apologized for her actions in a statement to Us Weekly. “In a heated moment, I said things that were out of character for me and that I regret and for that, I am sorry,” she told Us on Friday, May 31. “My anger, and my actions, are not who I am.”

“As an adult and proud member of my community, I should have recognized and respected their right to privacy from the onset,” Andreé continued in her statement. “I am deeply appreciative of the grace and understanding shown to me by the Kelces and wish them nothing but the best.”

[From Us Weekly]

I think I speak for all of us when I say that everyone’s been in situations in which they’ve said something or acted in some way that was embarrassing and regrettable. And, when you add alcohol to the mix, everything gets magnified. Goldberg felt entitled to a picture and reacted really badly to the Kelces setting boundaries. Good on her for apologizing. I don’t know how much it was “taken out of context,” because a lot of people who were there all had the same basic story of what happened, but I’m glad both parties talked it out. I do take issue, though, with the reporting describing the women as “mama bears,” and implying that things were smoothed over because Andreé’s husband and Jason had a conversation after the incident went down. It’s giving “Oooh, the emotional women got into a fight while the level-headed men talked things out.” It kinda feels like whoever this “source” is may also be taking things out of context, too.

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21 Responses to “Woman apologizes to Kylie and Jason Kelce after drunkenly confronting them”

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  1. Mcali02 says:

    No one owes you a photo. The entitlement is crazy. Drunk or not, this lady is an a-hole.

    • Jilly says:

      My favorite part was how Jason stayed to the side out of it. He knew Kylie was taking care of it herself and needed no ‘rescuing’.

    • FancyPants says:

      I think alcohol brings out a person’s true self.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        And this is why taking control of your drinking is part of adulthood. A LOT of boozers in middle age experience a life changing humiliation that is very hard to come back from.

        I’m sober at 43 because I could tell I was cruising for embarrassment. Not Karen entitlement (I would like to think) but something icky.

  2. Noo says:

    It’s says a lot about where we are at as a society in 2024 that what Andree said actually counts as any form of apology.

    It is an excuse masquerading as an apology. Zero accountability.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Did we read the same statement? She absolutely apologized.

      • Noo says:

        @marycontrary maybe the second part of it is a little better. But starting with “In a heated moment, I said things that were out of character for me and that I regret and for that, I am sorry,” she told Us on Friday, May 31. “My anger, and my actions, are not who I am.”

        Is just saying, “I got really frustrated and acted in a certain kind of way, but I’m a good person.”

        That’s my point exactly, if this counts as an apology to people today that says a lot about our society. She’s only apologizing because she got grief from her friend circle and wants to minimize the damage.

        Vs. “I acted totally inappropriately and did not respect the boundaries of Kylie and Jason, who were just trying to enjoy a night out on their own. I am deeply sorry for my inappropriate and obnoxious behavior and I am going to take some time to reflect on why I acted the way that I did, as that is not the kind of person I aspire to be.”

      • Cass says:

        Saying that your actions are not who you are… is not an apology. She went viral for being an ass and that’s what she’s feels bad about.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I completely agree with you @noo there is no ownership of her actions anywhere in there.

      Who cares what is typical of her character. Were to believe that she had no signs that this was something to get under control? She looks to be in her 60s. Please.

  3. Mcali02 says:

    Agreed. If he got involved then it would be “Jason Kelse verbally attacks woman in parking lot” or “Jason Kelse refused fan photo…”. He is smart to have stayed out of it.

    • Jennifer says:

      He just signed with ESPN no way is he doing anything to lose that coin. Nor did he need to Kylie handled her business just fine.

  4. Amy T says:

    She probably did have a bad moment. They do happen. Her apology felt genuine – hopefully she learned from it and it never happens again.

  5. MaryContrary says:

    As there were no children involved in this, the whole “mama bear” narrative (which is gross even with kids) doesn’t remotely apply.

  6. Molly says:

    This “apology” is qualified – “I said things that were out of character for me and that I regret and for that, I am sorry,” Sorry she said dumbass shit when she should be sorry for disturbing strangers, her gross entitlement, her trashy behavior, and so on. “My anger, and my actions, are not who I am.” Au contraire, I think it’s exactly who you are.

    • Noo says:

      So with you @molly!

    • Snaggletooth says:

      It is shocking to me how many people think her apology is meaningful. Newsflash folks, 99.99999% of very very bad things in this world are done by people who are “good deep down” but have never taken any steps to examine their motives and behavior. And let’s not forget this woman has a public-facing business. I would NEVER accept an apology like this from anyone near me and I have no idea why everyone here is so eager to forgive her. She is a wealthy, privileged woman FFS. This is as enlightened as she’s managed to get in this life? Pretty pathetic.

      • MaryContrary says:

        Wow, some of you are absolutely unreal with your critiques of the “meaningful” and appropriate ways to apologize. Seems to me that you’ve deemed her “wealthy and privileged” so therefore she gets your full dislike and you’re holding her to some kind of perfect standard.

  7. Bumblebee says:

    Just asking for a selfie was rude. They are not at a public event. They aren’t working. Famous people are not property. Don’t go up to strangers and act like they owe you something.

  8. Kate says:

    So I looked this person up to see what her business is and found this article from Philly Mag which explains the “apology” was prompted by a reporter going to her chocolate store to ask for her perspective on the altercation. Her husband kicked him out of the store, while recording him on his phone, and they received this statement from their PR person a few hours later.

    Makes it seem less ‘she came to her senses and apologized’ and more ‘she was afraid of negative press about her newly opened store and didn’t want any more reporters coming by’


    • Amy T says:

      Oh, ick!!! I revise down my earlier comment. Truth be told, I am still horrified at myself for a recent something I did – not that public – for which I am genuinely and deeply remorseful, but in light of your comment, I have something new to apologize for!

  9. Kwisatz says:

    As a year round Margate resident, this Andrée lady is why we hate the summer. Entitled nonsense that makes the summer’s miserable here. And the worst part – “you’ll never be welcome in this town again”…woman, who elected you mayor? You ain’t even from this town, so please sit down.