BBC: Prince William, almost 42 years old, still needs to ‘find his own voice’

Prince William’s 42nd birthday is coming up on June 21st. He’s still being called a “boy” in the British media, and they’re still treating him like he’s new to the “job,” like “how can a boy of 42 be expected to have a longterm vision for his role as Prince of Wales and king?” It’s always been insane to watch the media’s willingness to infantilize both William and his wife. Well, I think this new BBC piece is some birthday keenery for Huevo: “Prince William’s role is changing – what does he really want to do with it?” There are several mentions of Prince Harry and Meghan, who have f–k all to do with “William’s role,” except to show that the man is full of violent rage constantly. Some highlights from the BBC:

William’s 2024 struggles: “There can’t be too many people whose wife and father have been diagnosed with cancer so close together. It must feel as if he is in a lonely place at times,” says royal commentator Richard Palmer.

Sharing the burden with his father?? While the King has returned to work with a burst of energy, it’s unavoidable that there will still need to be adjustments for his health. That’s going to mean Prince William being pushed ever more clearly into the role of heir, sharing the burden. “It must feel like the weight of the world is on him. The future of the monarchy rests on his shoulders,” says royal author Prof Pauline Maclaran.

Family problems: It doesn’t help that there’s an ocean-wide gap between Prince William and his brother Prince Harry. And swirling around the Princess of Wales’s illness, as she continues with cancer treatment, has been a toxic swamp gas of social media gossip and crazy speculation.

What does William actually want? At the centre of this storm, what does Prince William himself want to achieve? If you turn off all the background noise about the royals, what does he want to do with his role? The key word, according to sources close to the prince, is “impact”. Rather than ribbon-cutting, photo opportunities and easy gimmicks, he wants to deliver projects that make a tangible, measurable difference. “He’s asking: ‘How can I use my platform for good, to create positive change,” says a royal source. “He has big ambitions for what he can deliver.”

Community Impact Days: In practice that means his projects to reduce homelessness, promote mental health issues and support environmental business through his Earthshot project. Prince William has described his role as “social leadership” and his visits have been labelled as “community impact days”.

Criticism of William’s projects: The anti-monarchy group, Republic, called his homelessness projects “crass and hypocritical… given the excessive wealth we gift him”. There’s also the accusation that any ambition to tackle housing problems will always ultimately depend on political interventions which are outside his remit. “It’s a tall order and it’s not entirely clear how he’s going to achieve it. But many people will think he should be applauded for trying,” says Richard Palmer.

The rival California court: Another nagging friction is the tension between Team William and Prince Harry and Meghan, who can almost seem like a rival Californian court. While William was digging away in Cornwall, they were getting the rock star treatment in Nigeria. Prince William has the challenge of getting serious ideas across, when he’s caught up in an improbably scripted soap opera.

Finding his voice??? “The next few years will see him thinking through what kind of monarch he wants to be and what kind of monarch the country will need to have in the mid-21st Century,” says historian Sir Anthony Seldon. “He has been defining his own agenda, much of it overlapping with his father’s interests and passions.” But it’s at a time of so many unknowns for Prince William, who has such a big public platform but now has to find his own voice.

[From BBC]

The wider view is that a nearly-42-year-old man, the current Prince of Wales and future king, still hasn’t found his own voice and that he’s being overshadowed constantly by his younger, more charismatic brother. The same brother who was supposed to do all of the work and credit William, the same brother who was supposed to stick around forever just so William could hide behind him. I like how there’s not even a mention of Earthshot either – that was supposed to be William’s big thing, it was organized by his staff and given to him fully formed… and he’s already bored with it and few people give a sh-t about it.

Also: those “community impact days” are so funny – William and Kate were in their 40s before they realized that they should give money to local groups when they were visiting various British towns. And even then, they’re only giving away a few thousand pounds and attaching all of this bureaucracy to the money.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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159 Responses to “BBC: Prince William, almost 42 years old, still needs to ‘find his own voice’”

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  1. seaflower says:

    “Rather than ribbon-cutting, photo opportunities and easy gimmicks, he wants to deliver projects that feature” football matches, fawning celebrities and easy gimmicks.

    • His own voice is to hate his brother and try and make his life miserable ( which he is failing at) 24/7. He will never have anything like Invictus or The Prince’s Trust because that is work and he doesn’t work he just hates his brother 24/7.

      • Snuffles says:

        This. And he’s probably convinced himself it’s his god given right and it’s to “save the monarchy.”

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Perhaps it is a good thing that he didn’t take over the Prince’s trust when his father became King, It has actually did some useful work, it would be a shame if it just faded away under William.

      • aftershocks says:

        LOL @Seaflower! Your rephrasing Is spot-on. And, right @Rosa Mwemaid, Peggers was never interested in following in his father’s footsteps in terms of doing actual work, albeit Peg lamely ‘overlaps’ i.e., piggybacks on many of “his father’s interests and passions.” Chuck knew early on that he’d have to rely on someone else to take over the management reins of The Prince’s Trust, now called, The King’s Trust, and The King’s Foundation.

        BTW, @Kaiser, the article on Huevo does briefly mention ‘Earthshot project,’ under the ‘Community Impact Days’ paragraph you highlighted. Not that it truly matters as something Huevo spearheaded (because he didn’t). Thus, your points are well taken.

    • Molly says:

      I wonder what BP thinks of him reducing decades of QEII and KC work to useless gimmicks.

      • Jais says:

        Right? He’s really dismissive towards the queen’s way of doing things. And considering how mostly beloved she was within her own country, he should maybe reconsider that stance. He claims he wants to make measurable impact. But who’s measuring? The tabloids? What’s there to measure?

      • Lorelei says:

        @Molly, and it’s such an arrogant attitude for him to have. Maybe ribbon cuttings won’t save the world, but with each one, there was a community excited to meet a royal coming to open their new hospital (or whatever), and the people who support the monarchy keep those memories forever.

        It’s so dismissive to refer to it as “gimmicky,” not only because it’s what his grandmother spent her life doing (and Anne still is) so he’s insulting her, and it’s especially obnoxious because we know the main reason he doesn’t want to do it is laziness.

        Plus, newsflash for William, Earthshot isn’t making a difference either. And he’s not going to “eradicate homelessness” in the UK or end racism in football no matter how many grandiose statements he makes, so maybe he should be a bit more realistic with his so-called goals.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Jais: “He’s really dismissive of the Queen’s way of doing things…”

        True. I think this is largely because Huevo’s handlers are trying to make it seem like he is a ‘modern heir’ carving out some fresh, new territory and ‘improved’ ways of doing things, in order to appeal to a younger generation. 🙄 This is obviously a huge FAIL, because the overall approach is purely one of trying to embiggen William. Thus, it all amounts to empty p.r. strategies and hot air, rather than any genuine interests or real desires by the heir to the throne.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      The only thing I ever envy about any of these people is the platform and funds they have to create opportunities and change, to improve people’s lives and the world.

      Like I dang near turn into a green eyed monster if I think about it too long.

      Creating a database of charities with constantly upgraded resources that they are in need of, with ways to literally straight up Amazon shop buy and ship to the foundation from the website.

      Having an online fundraiser and every 10K raises, I get doused with ice water. After x amount- I won’t know it’s coming lol. And I would match or double match all donations.

      That’s just off of the top of my very tired non caffeinated head. For non “political” ways they can could make an immense difference.

      Can you imagine seeing PoW on a website type excel sheet and that he bought an enormous jungle gym and is funding the development of a playground? Or a playground specifically for children whose parents or siblings are sick with cancer?

      Just …. So much good to do! And none of it’s getting done.

      • Befuddled says:

        Joyful Liluri,

        Those are wonderful ideas. You’re right, he could make an enormous difference with minimal effort.

      • Angied says:

        Meghan and Harry have already done this. They were the ones who had the ideas in that family. Too bad jealousy took hold of WanK.

      • I agree, we saw Diana go in blazing guns and then Meghan. But both of them were mistrusted for it.

        The problem with your excellent ideas (love the ice water challenge, what a fun/easy way to get the public on your side) is they are centered in giving back, and the British royal family are careful to never suggest they should be giving back. Instead, They do these ticky-tacky basic appearances like Will and his shovel, to address the homelessness/rough sleeping that tops any other developed country. Yes, they need to build more housing, so his project is symbolic of that, but will hardly even put a dent in the issue.

        The British monarchy hasn’t evolved from the notion that they are entitled to yachts and castles while the peasants starve, which is based on the concept that they are divine and superior by blood. There’s absolutely nothing modern about that and it seems ridiculous on its face, especially when we see them in action.

      • Kingston says:

        Seems to me that the goal should be to work steadfastly toward the elimination of charities altogether.

        Now I know that there are folks who believe that, as the bible says: “the poor will always be with us.” But there are societies where income and other taxes are high BECAUSE the revenues go towards social and capital expenditure that benefit society at large (like every decent Democracy seeks to do).

        Education; HealthCare; good Land & Housing policies; Small-Business Support (& of course, Defence) – these are where the bulk of govt revenues should go. Charities, then, would exist simply to take care of those who fall between the cracks.

        Instead, in the UK for example, its as if their charities are the foundation on which the society is built.

      • Anna says:

        The worst is that W&C don’t even need to come up with ideas themselves, just hire capable people and give you face to the action. They cannot even do that. They are lost cause.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I am not trying to be ableist or shame anyone’s lack of intellect. I’m also not trying to shame anyone for mental health issues.

      But what is actually going on here? I cannot fathom this. He’s been in this same holding pattern since he graduated college. He’s thinking and planning and studying to decide what area he wants to work in.

      He doesn’t have to choose. He doesn’t have to rebuilt the wheel. Hell! He doesn’t even have to leave the house!

      Pick organizations. Put their needs out to the public in a way that people can track the items and money needed and being donated.

      Pick one charity every three to four months. Hell! One a year!

      The goal is to fund their operation for the next 5 years. Offer free storage for the supplies they need to operate that come in but they aren’t able to house on site.

      Match or double match the amount donated.

      Throw in a thing that your researchers uncovered that is a need that hasn’t been asked for – such as laundry facilities or a playground or vehicles.

      Pay for it/them, their installation, operation and upkeep from a separate fund set up by you and you only and make sure it’s being overseen by someone who is extremely capable.

      Make videos about the charity. About the people they serve and the extent of their reach. About their current limitations due to xyz. Show meetings on how to solve their limitations and expand their reach. Set up goals with the charity. Then launch it to the public with said videos.

      • Eurydice says:

        Is there such a diagnosis as mass narcissism? In order to do good for others, one has to acknowledge others. How many times have we seen W&K show up to a charity with empty hands? It’s as if they feel their presence is gift enough.

      • Becks1 says:

        That requires caring and it requires work/effort. I honestly think that we underestimate how lazy he is – and we all think he’s pretty lazy.

        Also, this is just part of the problem with the monarchy. He doesn’t have to do anything. Sure, being more involved in charities would be good and beneficial for society, but he doesn’t need to do….well anything like I said, lol.

      • Kingston says:

        @Joyful Liluri

        As useful as these ideas might be, the royals WILL NOT deign to do any of it. And I’ll tell you why.:

        First of all, in addition to all the narcissistic reasons that they have for wanting H&M to disappear (e.g: “steal spotlight;” “overshadow”) theres one specific reason and that is: as royals who were globally admired when they were within the control of the institution; and still globally admired now that theyre outside of it (despite the best efforts of the Machiavellians in the institution to smear, abuse & destroy them) H&M have shown – now that they are out – that:

        – the royals can earn their own money (or live off the massive wealth they already have) and if they want to be philanthropists, they can do so like any other philanthropists in the world.

        – therefore, the british peasants should not have to donate so much of the country’s revenues to ONE british family at the expense of the entire country;

        -the “work” that the royals say they do (be britain’s soft power in the world/ ‘promote’ charities/bring some glamour and distraction to the dowdy, everyday lives of the avg brit/provide pomp & circumstance to break up the monotony of daily life in britain/etc) is no different from what philanthropists, VIPs & Celebrities do, minus the pomp & circumstance & cosplaying of their ancestors bit (none of which, BTW, is germane to everyday life);

        But the royals have existed for 1000 years on the premise that they are ordained by god and are superior to everyone else and, therefore, they CANNOT and WILL NOT be otherwise.

        To do otherwise would be to reduce their wealth and their sense of superiority.

        Therefore, for the sake of the preservation of the monarchy and the RF way of life, which is and has always been their raison d’etre, they WILL NOT adopt your suggestions or do anything that will further erode their already far-eroded “mystique.”

        So heres what I believe are some of the actions theyre prolly planning as part of their long term vision to mitigate some of that erosion:
        – they will continue to undermine and seek the destruction of H&M, their offspring and descendants and their legacy;
        – they will ensure that no other royal seeks to leave or succeeds in leaving, as H&M hv done;
        – and they will continue what they have already begun to do, regarding H&M i:e slowly, persistently and surreptitiously erase them from the RF historical records.

        Theres this Jamaican proverb: “If Yuh get Yuh Han Inna debil mouth, Tek time Tek i out….
        English translation: “If you are caught up in a bad situation, be cautious when extricating yourself.”

        Thats what H&M have been doing, despite the impatience of some naive supporters who want H&M to take bigger and more definitive, endgame-type actions against the RF. Harry, more than anyone, knows how dangerous the evil forces he’s fighting against are – rmbr, in Spare, he told us that he saw and was told, reluctantly by the investigators and experts, the details & findings of the investigation into his mother’s death. These findings and reports are NOT public knowledge. And H did NOT reveal any of it in Spare.

        But he knows.

      • Moniquep says:

        Psssssst! Check out the Montecito Royals! I think you just described exactly what they are and have been doing. The problem is all of this requires real ” work” which is anathema to willy workshy. I cracked up at the ” while William was digging away? Harry was getting the rock star treatment.

      • TRex says:

        Joyful… I’d hire you!

    • Maxine Branch says:

      William is just plain dumb. I wonder if he believes the world is flat. He is so self centered and worried about perception of himself until he just falls to the lowest denomination, rage. It is kind to use the word incurious with him, let us just call him what he is dumb. His whole being is trying to one up a brother who has moved on. He knows Harry is the better man, the gutter rats know Harry is the better man, their father know Harry is the better man, his countryman knows Harry is the better man. It was easy when Harry was young to point to his many faux pas’s as proof he was dumb. That is no longer the case. Even in his younger years, Harry lived life with his full chest, both athletically and when he was womanishing. Harry owned his truths. In his younger years Harry lived loudly. William did the same yet he was allowed to hide behind Harry while the press covered for him. I imagine part of William’s fear now is there is no Harry to shield him, no Harry to deflect the blame to, it will be all him now. I think this is why he is paralyzed, it is fear. When he gets the throne, he will own the good, bad and ugly that comes with being the face of a dying institution. My wish for him is what he has been trying to do to his brother

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Why does he want to do the heavy stuff obviously the whole world knows he’s not cut for it. Do the ribbon cutting, the easy breezy. Even the wife is not cut for it. The monarchy ends with you Willie, why try to make yourself what you are not

  2. Lady Baden-Baden says:

    I’m nearly 47 and feel like I still need to find my own voice

    • Kokiri says:

      I’m 52, & because of being raised by a narcissistic mother, I didn’t even know I could have a voice, let alone use it.
      It’s been a decade & I’m still finding out.

      But that’s not what we’re discussing here.
      His “finding his voice” is about the legacy he wants as King. He has no idea yet? He still has no idea how to exact meaningful change?
      He has absolute unlimited resources to do absolutely anything & yet, he does nothing. He’s never going to “find his voice” because then he’d be expected to actually do something.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yes but hopefully you don’t rely on the general public of your country to support you living a lavish and unearned lifestyle. And hopefully you didn’t abuse your younger sibling and expect them to be your wingman and sidekick for life who would do all the work while you received all the praise.

      Not to mention that William has known what his role would be since the moment of his birth and has untold wealth, time, unlimited resources, and hundreds of staff members and servants to figure out what he wants to do or what he feels passionate about and take care of all the tasks of daily living. It’s a bit different than the average person still trying to find their voice in the midst of trying to earn a living, pay for an education, household chores, etc.

      • Proud Mary says:

        This! Whenever people come up with the “but me too” statements, I have to remind them that know one cares what you do or don’t do, as long as you aren’t sucking 20 million pounds per year from the public teats. Not only that, as you say, the guy has been in training all his life for this role. Yet his younger brother, who has not had the benefit of the resources and training, has found his voice.

        Fact is, William is lazy, untalented, and filled with hateful rage. Nothing anyone can do about that.

      • Annalise says:

        Proud Mary,

        20 million pounds from the public teat??? I thought it was more like 100 million……..

    • Subvers says:

      At 72 I do too! But at 38 I had both parents dying of cancer and a husband in hospital in a coma, not knowing if he’d come out after a major head injury. Also I didn’t know if he did what would that be like. I still had to go to work every day to pay the bills and I didn’t have 60 staff or bum wipers, and I had no one else helping. So poor baby willy. No one gets your torture about your loathed father and almost ex wife.

    • Pajala says:

      @Lady Badén-Baden, I understand what you’re saying. I for one did not have the courage to *express* my voice with certain relatives until after my parents died when I was in my early fifties. Still, I think if you look back on your twenties and thirties, you’ll identify interests and viewpoints that have created a through-line to your values today. I think we’re more consistent than we realize.

  3. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    In the 18 months that Meghan was in the UK, she created 2 projects that delivered real and tangible results. William has been a “working royal” for years and still hasn’t delivered 1 tangible result. It’s really time for him to give up on this and go cut ribbons, attend county fairs and open hospitals.

    • The bottom line is he, like Kate, doesn’t like to work. It’s always been this way and he’s just not going to change. The next King and Queen feel entitled to all of the spoils with none of the work, except once every 6 months, show up to hold a shovel and periodically attend a fun sporting event or celeb filled event.

      • Angied says:

        That’s why they wanted her to be 50% less. They wanted her to work less so they wouldn’t look bad. That’s like a slow death to a high achiever like her. Those two are getting the Karma they deserve. I feel for the British citizens they are stuck with them.

    • Christine says:

      Three if you consider the addition of a wing at Mayhew. It was built and dedicated since Meghan left England, but she worked with them as a royal.

      I’m assuming the other two are the Hubb cookbook and SmartWorks?

    • Surly Gale says:

      And more importantly, her projects are ongoing and still going strong. They are stronger for her involvement.

  4. Jais says:

    So they’re saying he doesn’t currently have a voice? Sounds about right.

    • Liz says:

      Never mind his – Where’s Kate’s?

    • Farallon says:

      They’re laying the groundwork so that when Wills does inherit the crown, he/BP can buy at least five years of “new king still adjusting” sympathy.

      • booboocita says:

        Why do I get the feeling that Willy’s first five years of kingship — assuming the monarchy exists after Chucky Boy — will be him complaining about Harry, briefing about Harry, blaming everything that goes wrong in his reign on Harry, and trying to destroy Harry? As for the five years after, I’m hoping he either dies of an apoplectic fit or the people of the UK summarily dethrone him.

  5. equality says:

    “There can’t be too many people whose wife and father have been diagnosed with cancer so close together.” Actually there could be thousands given the incidence rate of cancer. And if you add in other close family members and not just wife and father up that estimate. Charles, as POW, founded the Prince’s Trust at 28. PH was 21 when he co-founded Sentebale and 29 when he founded IG and that was without control of all the money the Duchy of Cornwall generates. What is PW’s holdup? He has control of the funds now.

    • Sue says:

      Yes, I have absolutely loathed this continuing narrative that no one but William in the whole history of the world has suffered the way he has. No one else has had to deal with a spouse with cancer and a parent with cancer and having to make the school run every day. It’s just unbearable for him. Kate and Charles – the two who actually have cancer you note – are rarely mentioned in any context other than how bravely William is coping, Aaarrrggghhh.

    • Eurydice says:

      He has control of the funds for now, but can he do whatever he wants from them? The Duchy will go to George eventually, won’t it?

      • equality says:

        Charles supposedly used duchy funds for his charities. You would think that if PW started something similar it would be approved (if he needs approval).

      • Elizabeth says:

        Huevos controls the annual funds, which I think are more than 20 million pounds. That money is supposed to be used to fund their office and houses and pay for Kate’s wiglets and buttons.

    • Magdalena says:

      Great points. I think Harry was even younger though (and being abused by the rest, as we now know) when he co-founded Sentebale – wasn’t he 19? And still managed to do good, create positive change and tangible objectives. Not only that, but William was being lavished with material riches that entire time while Harry was not.

      William simply dreams about being praised for doing such things without actually doing them. The gulf between them in terms of accomplishment and intellect is so huge.

    • Couch Potato says:

      The closest comparison would be Crown Prince Haakon of Norway. CP Mette Marit is struggeling with idiopathc pulmonary fibrosis, which leaves her unable to do as much “work” as she wants. Haakon’s father, King Harald has been on sick leave a lot during resent years for various reasons including low heart rate, and he’s now got a pacemaker. No one is writing article after article about Haakon having the weight of the world on his shoulder, that the monarchy rests on his shoulders, or that he’s lonely. Everyone knows he’s a grown man, who’s been taking on more and more responsibilities from his parents as they’ve grown older. It’s the way things have been done for generations. Willnot’s grandmother had be queen for years by the age of 42 but poor boy Willnot can’t handle being an heir.

      In addition Haakon’s sister is marrying an american POC. He’s never uttered a negative word about Durek to the press, or had his minions run to the press with how he feels about him.

    • Jojo says:

      Has she been diagnosed with cancer though? It annoys me that they keep saying this when there has been no confirmation of any specific diagnosis at all.

      She said that “….following the surgery, it was determined that “cancer had been present.”

      “Tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,”

      ***tests after the operation***
      ***cancer had been present***

      Were these tests done on her or were they tests performed on the removed tissue? If cancer HAD been present then is it no longer present?

      If cancer IS present the chemo treatment wouldn’t be preventative but actively killing/targeting cancerous cells. If cancer is NOT present then what is the chemo actually doing? Being applied to healthy cells just in case?

      It makes no sense.

      • Louisa says:

        This is what I have asked numerous times. From her “bench speech” it sounded like cancer had been present but removed and now she having preventative care. Is chemo a treatment for PREVENTING cancer? I honestly don’t know. It’s all very strange.

      • Belinda says:

        This! Cancer has many different forms and although all cancer is terrible, there is a vast difference between, say pancreatic or esophageal, as opposed to Basal cell carcinoma.

        I am in no way minimising any cancer, it must be truly terrifying to receive a diagnosis.

        But what if Kate had a basal cell carcinoma removed, so that they could say she had cancer? Technically she had. But she could have lived with it for many decades without it spreading.

        I’m sure they could have found one to remove, hence the “cancer” diagnosis. Many sun worshipers develop them, and she certainly loved her sunny holidays.

        But I still think she also has something else going on, imo a vegetative state after something very serious happening.

  6. TQ says:

    “He’s asking: ‘How can I use my platform for good, to create positive change,” says a royal source. “He has big ambitions for what he can deliver.”

    Answer: This is not a hard problem to solve. Take a page out of Mackenzie Scott’s book. Give away all your ridiculous duchy money to great groups and organizations who actually know what they’re doing. It’s not about you, Peggs. Selfish prick.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I do not have the money nor the platform to create change on the scale he was born with.

      And I still have endless ideas on ways I would be financing projects, starting projects, getting involved with amazing orgs.

      Cuz that’s the thing. Incredible organizations already exist, lead by people with passion and vision. Since he lacks both of those things, why not “adopt” them and funnel money into they do they can increase their reach and the scope of their projects?

      I just … it hurts me to think of alllllll the things this world needs and this man with all the power and money at his fingertips…. And he’s still prattling on about how hard it is to find his voice.

      Screw your voice! Just support current organizations publicly and blast it on social media!

    • Debbie says:

      If you read between the lines, the reports of William’s constant navel-gazing about what he wishes he could do, or his Big Boy ambitions, it sounds more like someone who wishes they were known for something, or someone who wishes they had tangible accomplishments. That’s all it is. I’ve never heard of someone so rich, so privileged doing so much public daydreaming.

  7. K8erade says:

    I’m sorry but the picture of Peggy in the goggles reminds me of Wayne from Letterkenny. Actually, comparing the two is an insult. Wayne has 1000% more charisma than this balding manchild ever has (and if you’re familiar with the character, that’s saying something). The picture just has “End of the laneway” vibes.

  8. Unblinkered says:

    How about someone in the UK media compares W’s workload – pre cancer announcement – with what his father, Charles, was doing at 42 years old c1990 ?
    That’s the answer to the question being mooted

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I’m very sure someone could. I’m also very sure no one will. *siiiiiigh*

    • nic919 says:

      Charles and Diana did hundreds of engagements per year, even with young kids. The numbers Charles was doing pre pandemic, which was around 500 ish, was basically what he was doing in the 1990s.

      William and Kate are just very lazy people who have never had to act like mature adults. Philip was actually hoping to retire a few years earlier but William got his part time abulance job and that delayed it until Philip basically said fuck it and retired in 2017. William and Kate were supposed to step up then, but Kate was then pregnant with Louis within months of Philip retiring and William maybe added 30 more engements to his numbers.

      THis was a mess they knew was coming for a while.

  9. Kokiri says:

    I thought his mission in life was peace in the Middle East?

    It’s pathetic. One meaningful thing he could do is learn Welsh, & he can’t even do that. I know some think language is the least important thing about a culture but I disagree. Learning language is a sign of respect.
    Of course, he doesn’t respect anything. Not one thing.

    • equality says:

      Charles’ failure in that also. He knew that PW would be POW one day and that he would be running the duchy of Cornwall. He should have had him in training for both from childhood. Learning a language is easiest as a child.

      • K8erade says:

        Yah. If my child were heir to the throne on the British Isles and I had their money, I’d be getting them a Welsh, Irish, and Gaelic tutor from a young age. Hell, that child would be learning whatever language was spoken there past and present.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        I agree. I cannot fathom the way William was educated. Or rather, not educated. I mean – just wealth management alone. How to manage large estate. Land management and conservation. The benefits of different public works and their impact across generations.

        The languages are the bare minimum.

        And i understand that everyone learns differently. But my god. Being brought to housing projects. Seeing them with your own eyes. Learning the stats behind who lives there and why. The other factors at play involved in poverty. Lack of affordable child care, vocational training. AS A CHILD OR TEEN.

        These people keep failing the next generation. On purpose so they aren’t “outshone”. What a sad life.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, K8erade. Irish and Scottish Gaelic and Welsh should have been the bare minimum for William.

    • Libra says:

      The old adage ” you can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink” applies here. Charles did indeed try to have him take made to order classes but William dropped out, according to old news accounts ( which I remember because I’m old).

  10. Dee(2) says:

    How is it a burden when this is the job you are supposedly literally born for? How would it be more work for you to have to share the workload with your father than doing it by yourself as the king? I’m not old enough to remember first hand but I can’t imagine they described Charles this way in any manner. William is in his 40s this isn’t unexpected work he’s had to pick up. Did he think Charles would live to be 115 and he wouldn’t be king until he was in his 80s or something? They know that this dude is chronically, tragically lazy and are just trying to lower expectations because there’s no other job where someone has been involved for decades in some matter, and supposedly doing it full time for close to 10 years and you’re still supposed to give them grace for figuring it out?

    • nic919 says:

      There were never stories of Charles needing Andrew or Anne to be future king. Mostly because Charles had a messy personal life but he was doing engagements and setting up charities and other things. He figured it out so there isn’t any reason for William not to. It’s because he doesn’t want to.

    • Lorelei says:

      And William CAN always walk away if the “burden” becomes too much. I know the process wouldn’t be easy or pleasant (to say the least!) but it *is* an option for him— especially now, while he’s still “just” the heir.

      Who wants to listen to his constant complaining for decades? Take as much £ as you can and walk the fck away from the role if you hate it this much. Go live on a beach somewhere.

  11. Joyful Liluri says:

    He’s 42. He was threatening people at the age of 4 that when he was king he would punish them.

    So it’s not as if any of this is new to him. He’s known his whole life this was going to be his role.

    His younger brother was setting up organizations at 21. William could have done the same.

    Even if he had established a charity every 5 years, he would have made an immense impact and have a considerable legacy.

    What on earth is wrong with him? Honest question

    • aftershocks says:

      Harry got the idea to help the orphans in Botswana when he first visited the country at age 18. Chuck suggested that Harry wait until after he graduated from Sandhurst before pursuing his grand idea. Harry refused to wait because he knew the young people needed immediate help. Harry was inspired by his mother’s work and encouraged by Prince Seeiso’s similar ideas, ambitions, and affections for his own mother’s life work. Thus, Harry at age 19, joined with Prince Seeiso to create Sentebale. It was officially launched as a philanthropic charity when Harry was 21, but the groundwork was laid years earlier.

  12. Becks1 says:

    He’s 42 and he’s still finding his voice… embarrassing for him.

    I think this comes down to something we talk about a lot – he doesn’t have any passions, besides maybe soccer/football. If you have something you love, then its easy to kind of use that to attach yourself to causes or charities. Camilla does this – she loves reading, so literacy has long been one of her big causes and now there’s the reading room on IG. Her mother suffered from osteoporosis, so Camilla is attached to charities/organizations related to that. Charles loves gardening, nature, organic farming, so Duchy’s Originals stems from that.

    William is so boring – maybe its just out of desperation for privacy, I don’t know – but there just doesn’t seem to be anything that you can say “he does this because he loves that.” They tried to make that happen with Earthshot and William being an environmentalist, but at the end of the day that just fell flat, mainly bc he’s acting like he’s the first royal to ever care about the environment (remember his stupid documentary?) His homelessness work is from his mother, which is fine generally speaking but again, it feels like there is no there, there.

    And as a result of this he still can’t find his passion project, he can’t find his “voice,” or however they want to put it, because what does he really care about? It seems he cares about working as little as possible and that’s about it.

    • sevenblue says:

      Honestly he doesn’t even need to find a passion. He can approach his status as a job. Go outside and attend events 4-5 days a week, 4-5 hours a day. They have hundreds of foundations looking for a royal patron. He can visit them, share a few pic, make a donation of a few thousand pounds. That is it. Not everyone loves their job, but they are still good at it because they do it every day. You can’t be good at something if you never spend your time perfecting it. I would love to have his job if it came with his bank account and real estate.

      • Becks1 says:

        oh he can absolutely do that! Stick to the bread and butter events, churn out a couple hundred a year, and he’d be fine.

        My comment was more about how he’s trying to find his voice like the article talks about. If he’s trying to find a significant project that will have a meaningful impact, he should start with what he really cares about. and we don’t see anything like that from him.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Becks1, I found it really disrespectful he also belittled this kind of work on one of his award events. I don’t know who made a point to him that a passion project is more important than everyday royal work, but he keeps repeating it and like you said he is a blank paper, no passion, no foresight.

      • Eurydice says:

        @sevenblue – I just deleted my reply here because it said essentially what you’re saying. Being king and properly representing his country is the only passion he needs. If William were out there now, supporting and representing Charles (without a hangover), then we wouldn’t be seeing articles about him finding his voice.

        The problem is existential -being King is supposed to be the pinnacle of importance. If William needs an outside passion in order to have “impact,” then what’s the point of the monarchy?

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        I agree so much.

        I am not trying to be ableist or shame anyone’s lack of intellect. I’m also not trying to shame anyone for mental health issues.

        But what is actually going on here? I cannot fathom this. He’s been in this same holding pattern since he graduated college. He’s thinking and planning and studying to decide what area he wants to work in.

        He doesn’t have to choose. He doesn’t have to rebuilt the wheel. Hell! He doesn’t even have to leave the house!

        Pick organizations. Put their needs out to the public in a way that people can track the items and money needed and being donated.

        Pick one charity every three to four months. Hell! One a year!

        The goal is to fund their operation for the next 5 years. Offer free storage for the supplies they need to operate that come in but they aren’t able to house on site.

        Match or double match the amount donated.

        Throw in a thing that your researchers uncovered that is a need that hasn’t been asked for – such as laundry facilities or a playground or vehicles.

        Pay for it/them, their installation, operation and upkeep from a separate fund set up by you and you only and make sure it’s being overseen by someone who is extremely capable.

        Make videos about the charity. About the people they serve and the extent of their reach. About their current limitations due to xyz. Show meetings on how to solve their limitations and expand their reach. Set up goals with the charity. Then launch it to the public with said videos.

      • Joyful Liluri says:


        Ohhhhhhh the existential question! That was incredibly well put.

      • Harper says:

        His passion is men’s professional sports. He should abdicate and be a commentator. Problem solved.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Harper I totally agree and I’m not even kidding! (Assuming anyone would hire him to be a commentator)

      • aftershocks says:

        @Becks1 was right in her first comment when she points out that all William “seems to truly care about is working as little as possible.” He doesn’t really have passionate interests, just pretend interests for p.r. purposes. We already know that William is lazy, self-centered, angry, and mean-spirited. It’s just empty p.r. rhetoric about him ‘finding a voice.’

        Ironically, this is a key phrase that happens to be associated with something Meghan once said, in response to a question she was asked at the February 2018 Royal Foundation event. “Women don’t need to find a voice, they have a voice and they need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen.” In lazy ‘Billy Idle’ William’s case, he doesn’t really need to find a voice. He already has a petty, awkward, useless, rage-fueled voice that his handlers have been trying to hide, to mute, to re-fashion, to polish up, and to give some false heft and ‘global significance.’ Their task is as useless and lame as Willy’s limp, boring, selfish personality.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Joyful Liluri, while your ideas and suggestions for Willy are obviously sincere, well-meant, and heartfelt, my stance is, Why bother giving useless Willy any ideas at all? We know that rota and KP staffers often come here to suss out our suggestions and talking points, which they sometimes implement and employ to their advantage, again for Willy’s p.r. embiggening purposes, not to actually benefit the U.K. populace! 🫤 🤦‍♀️

    • Eurydice says:

      He has a voice – it’s rude, petulant, lazy and resentful. The thing is that William doesn’t need a cause or outside passion, being king and properly representing his country should be passion enough. A couple of environmental summits and two dozen housing units aren’t going to help once he’s faced with his coronation. If he was out there now, helping Charles and being his representative (without the hangover), then there wouldn’t be all this talk about William’s Voice.

      • Eurydice says:

        Sorry @sevenblue – I thought I had deleted this when I realized I was saying the same as you.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Eurydice, no need to delete, I love to read other people’s opinions. It feels like someone (like a brand manager) told him that is your brand, a man with a passion project, so he is trying to fit himself into that box. He just isn’t that guy. Being a King in 2024 seems to be so meaningless, he feels the need to embarrass himself so much by these articles. Just go to work, dude.

      • Jais says:

        That’s a fair point @eurydice. He does have a voice. It’s just rude petulant and entitled. When he is allowed to speak, it’s usually a f*ck-up, like with the BAFTAS and the Middle East. Could be that the people around him are asking him to actually speak less😂. But he’s not out and about enough to get a real sense of who he is. And if he was, it might be worse. But yes @sevenblue, either way, he should be out and about more rather than being the wfh prince.

      • Lorelei says:


        “He has a voice – it’s rude, petulant, lazy and resentful.”

        👏 🎯 🏆

    • ShazBot says:

      100% nail on the head.
      He has no interests or passions.
      What was that article/interview with someone fairly recently that said he doesn’t read or do anything, he just likes watching box sets of action movies and tv shows. And there’s nothing wrong with liking those, it’s just that that was all the person could say about him. Everything he’s tried to do is someone else’s interest. And now we know even Kate did that with Pippa and the early years.
      Just a couple of vapid narcissists with no interests outside of themselves.

      ETA: he should be embracing traditional bread and butter royal work. Easy, no homework, no passion needed beyond smiling and not insulting anyone (that one is difficult for William, I know)

    • nic919 says:

      At lot of William’s issues are because he never got the therapy he should have had immediately after his mother’s death. This led him to what he’s doing now, because he lives a coddled existence with no external need to change. It also did not help that he married a co-dependent woman who never faced the outside world in any real way either based on her parents treated her. So they both have enabled each other to be worse and not better versions of themselves.

      • Unblinkered says:

        And Carol Middleton’s malign influence on him from the get-go encouraging a ‘don’t do it if you don’t want to, you don’t have to’ attitude – I believe has been a significant factor these last twenty years. Encouraging the never ending exotic holidays taken each year by W&K. Shameful.
        The polar opposite of The Queen and Philip’s beliefs and work ethics.

      • aftershocks says:

        Bingo, @Nic919! You hit the nail on the head! 🎯 💯 👌🏽 A very accurate, precise and thoughtful assessment. ITA! You are exactly on the button, too, @Unblinkered regarding CarolE Middleton’s negative influence on Willy, as a direct result of her own grifting ambitions.

  13. Lady Digby says:

    How do you solve a problem called William?
    How do you make him stay?
    And listen to what you say?
    Maybe the “boy” needs a strong dose of national service like the Tories are proposing?
    My late mother used to say, If you haven’t found yourself by the time you’re 40, quit looking around and concentrate on making the best of what you have!

  14. seraphina says:

    The play book used by the BaRF 100 years ago cannot work in 2024. Wills needs to rethink EVERYTHING and stop thinking the world revolves around him and that everyone will help him “find his voice”.
    And unfortunately if this was 2, 3, or 4 hundred years ago he would be trying to fight for keeping his throne and not still trying to find his voice at this age. Spoiled, pampered and lazy that is what I see him as.

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    He’s the fourth character in The Wizard of Oz in search of something. 🥚 looking for his voice. Maybe the Wizard can help!

  16. Lili says:

    We’ve heard Williams voice and its all about his brother. he squandered all the good capital he had being Diana son’s, to being incandesnt with rage about all the things his brother is doing. Funny i think Harry is more like his Dad setting up his charities at a young age and seeing them through. Willy couldnt even take over his fathers charity to the point Kc3 had to rename it to the kings trust.

    • Christine says:

      I am forever going to LOL that Chuck didn’t want any of the Prince’s Trust good works associated with William. He should have renamed it King Charles III’s Foundation, because William will eventually be king also.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Perhaps it is a good thing that William didn’t take it over, it has done plenty of good work. The big question should be, who should the King pass it on to.

  17. Nubia says:

    Earthshot was mentioned, but as a brief aside,not his defining project. Lol

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      And EARTHSHOT could be amazing. The ideas I have for it….

      But it’s not. Because William does things to focus all the attention on him, to make himself look important. Instead of being important.

      It’s such a waste, it makes me sick.

      • windyriver says:

        If all he did was visit the projects of some of the Earthshot finalists – there’s been 45 so far – that in itself would be interesting and worthwhile. He tacked a visit to an ES project in Wales with that church visit to mark one year since QEII’s death, but I think that’s it? (IIRC the oyster project in NYC wasn’t ES, but still environmental.) Easy peasy, get some PR, get your picture taken, maybe do a little travel, while highlighting what’s going on. The projects are pretty spread out, but no need to see them all, just a handful a year on a regular basis would make an impression. There will be another 15 to choose from to be selected this year.

        It’s right there in front of him. He’s the ES founder and president. But – nothing.

  18. Laura D says:

    What a load of nonsense! The guy doesn’t need to find his voice, he just needs to get up of his lazy backside and start cutting some ribbons! He knew from a very early age he was going to be king so he should be content with that. QEII didn’t really go on any ground breaking crusades she just turned up smiled, shook a few hands and then went back to her palace(s). Seriously, all this bigging up of the role is just to pander to William’s ego. If William had really wanted to change the role of the monarchy he would have done so by now. He would have briefed a clear plan as to what will change and how he would change it. The problem is there really isn’t that much he could change. The job doesn’t need the skills or intellect of a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon. All the monarch has to do is just get out and meet their subjects. So all this talk about “finding a voice” is clickbait to hide the fact that after 42 years the future king isn’t capable of doing the basics of what is essentially a basic job!

    • Eurydice says:

      This is really about Harry and Meghan. If Harry didn’t exist or was a different person, nobody would be clamoring for William to have “impact.” William would just be the PoW and putter around until he became King. But Harry, and then Harry and Meghan, are people who want to make a difference and the comparison is obvious, no matter how much the press tries to belittle them.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Eurydice, it’s also about his Dad, because of the projects King Snubby has done as POW.

        I think he should get together with someone who can teach him public speaking AND small talk. He really needs the help to learn to know what to say to people. This is where QE2 and King Snubby went so wrong. They had Harry doing all of the heavy lifting. Harry was the one who learned to be the statesman, but Billy Idle was the one who needed to learn it.

        He doesn’t need to find his passion. He needs to really learn his job and how to interact with people he doesn’t know. That’s it.

  19. The Hench says:

    Ah but you see the article already tells you what he has already ‘done’ to make his work impactful. To quote –
    ” In practice that means his projects to reduce homelessness, promote mental health issues and support environmental business through his Earthshot project. Prince William has described his role as “social leadership” and his visits have been labelled as “community impact days”.

    Literally – right there – ‘in practice’ what he has done is rename his role as ‘social leadership’ and rename his visits as ‘community impact days’.

    I mean, this would be comical if it wasn’t for the fact that the taxpayer is supporting him to the tune of £127,000 a day whilst he wanders about renaming things.

    • Jais says:

      This. It’s all in practice and in theory with very little action. And a whole lot of jargon. So much jargon that it obscures the nonsense, which seems to be the point.

    • First comment says:

      ‘rename his visits as ‘community impact days’, @hench, I’ve completely forgotten these many were they? Two, three? And they or better, he had neither visited nor organized a community in almost a year!!! Yeah, very impactful…./s

  20. mycatlovestv says:

    Of course, I sympathize with poor William. I mean, really, he only found out he was going to be king one day very recently. How could he possibly prepare? And it’s not like QEI or QEII had to find their voices in their 20s or anything. Oh, wait…

    • We never heard any crying from QEII when she was thrust onto the throne at an early age while grieving her fathers unexpected death in her 20s.

      It’s just pathetic to keep reading these stories about the 42 year old infant.

  21. Tarte au Citron says:

    As a basic benchmark, Tony Blair was 43 when he first became prime minister. Sure, he was called ‘youthful’ at the time, but nobody called him a boy who needed to find his voice.

    Billy Idle looks so dull in comparison.

  22. Julie says:

    If Willie was concentrating on his role and responsibilities instead of his brother, he might find a voice and do good. If he was to publicly acknowledge how well his brother and sister-in-law represent the UK and was to put an end to the UK toxic press hate strategy, then maybe, he would be perceived as a leader with a voice. But he is a 12 year old bully who forgot to grow. 

  23. Linney says:

    William was born into a family that is constantly fawned over and waited on. He knew he was the “golden boy.” However, he never understood that his mother was so loved (and she had many faults) because she took her work seriously and tried to make a real difference. William thinks that just EXISTING is enough for everyone to love him. I am not saying Charles was a good father, but we don’t know how much he tried to get William to stop being so lazy. But William, being an arrogant, self-centered jerk, felt he could get away with doing next to nothing. I really thought that once the queen died, he would improve. But what has changed? He spouts big words and plans, does nothing and then has fun at sporting events. If he hasn’t figured out what his responsibiities are by now, he never will.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I don’t like William. I think he is a terrible human.

      But I WANT him to be better, to step up. Not so that he looks good or for PR. But because so many people need help and he is in the position to actually help them.

      I have organizations near me that I work with as a volunteer and try to impact in a positive way.

      But I have a list of things I would do if I ever won the lottery or had a significant amount of money. And some days I spend much more time than I should thinking of ways to help fund these things without the lottery. But the amounts are just too massive.

    • A Magi says:

      To add to all the comments: William is either extremely incompetent and superficial (as well as lazy, entitled, unprepared, infantile, a bully…..) or his staff is incompetent and hates him. Or both. Imagine going to the BAFTAs and not preparing. Does his staff not at least put together a synopsis of each movie nominated (actors in it, plot, high points) or does he not bother to read it because he thinks he can make ridiculous and insensitive comments based on the title of a movie. He needs to hire professionals (and pay them). He needs to do his homework. Is he truly so unintelligent?

    • Tessa says:

      Diana did not have many faults l i nney. She was sought after by an older man who needed heirs. She thought he loved her since he proposed. Diana was human and nobody is perfect but I disagree she had many faults. Charles sympathizers like Ingrid make negative comments about her to try to bolster Charles and camilla.

      • Liz says:

        I agree Tessa. I see Diana as someone who had more stellar qualities than the rest of them put together

  24. rosa mwemaid says:

    I read the piece on the BBC site yesterday, you can tell the Tories have put a true blue Tory in charge of the BBC, the piece is too syncopathic, I used to trust the BBC but not any longer.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The guy who wrote this piece was given the story that Harry and Charles were going to have a phone call for his birthday by KP. I guess this piece was his reward.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    William’s problem is he’s competing with his brother. He feels that he has to have big projects and charities like Harry when all he has to do is ribbon cutting and hospital visits. If he wants to have impact, he can gave away some of his duchy money but the better thing would be give his tenants ownership of their houses and land.

  26. Magdalena says:

    “Rather than ribbon-cutting, photo opportunities and easy gimmicks, he wants to deliver projects that make a tangible, measurable difference. “He’s asking: ‘How can I use my platform for good, to create positive change,” says a royal source. “He has big ambitions for what he can deliver.””

    Ambitions – that’s all he has – and not much of that either. William wants praise and glory 24-7-365 simply for existing. He is as dim as a brick and lazy as hell so he cannot come up with original ideas and is never going to work for anything.

    He was NEVER interested in “using his platform for good” or “creating positive change” or “delivering projects that make a tangible, measurable difference” until HARRY AND MEGHAN not only did that, but stated their aims and ambitions USING THOSE EXACT WORDS. Smh. These people aren’t even subtle. So his wife rips off Meghan’s Archetypes colour scheme and font and suddenly starts talking about “Together” and here comes Willy boy talking about “tangible” and “measurable” and making “positive change” and “doing good”. Ha! KP’s minions have been reading every word Sussex Squaddies posted on Twitter praising Harry and Meghan for their delivery of tangible solutions to the communities they support, instead of just turning up for photo ops like the rest, even before they left for “overseas”. They have simply co-opted the terminology and assigned the motives to jealous William. And as we saw with Earthflop, even when they present him with a project tied up with ribbons, and surround him with hype men, he still cannot make the grade. I love this for him.

    At this stage, I should not be surprised to see KP suddenly re-make its website to look exactly like the Sussexes’.

    • First comment says:


    • Jais says:

      True. It’s more of the superficial copykeening.

    • Amy Bee says:

      So true.

    • Couch Potato says:

      This a 100%! You can also add plattform to the list of words he’s adopted from H&M.

    • HeatherC says:

      William is as ambitious as I am about my backyard. I can talk a big game, the gardens i’m going to plant (other than my herb garden and strawberry plant), maybe a sitting area with a fire pit…

      Never happens. But at least, unlike William, I mow my lawn.

  27. Jaded says:

    What a useless waste of space he is. His voice doesn’t exist other than to whisper a constant stream of spiteful drivel about his brother and SIL into the rota’s ears.

  28. aquarius64 says:

    William became of age to become sovereign when he turned 18. He had 24 years to get ready. It was telling that Charles didn’t appoint William as regent. And it:s more embarrassing that other European monarchies have their throne heir(ess)es acquire regency powers on the 18th birthdays.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      18 year old Crown Prince Christian of Denmark is better prepared to be King than 42 year old William is. That’s just beyond sad. His grandmother wasn’t even 26 yet when she became Queen, and she had two toddlers at the time. Then went on to have two more children. William is pathetic.

  29. Hypocrisy says:

    Even commenting on this man is boring 🥱… can’t imagine he wouldn’t be of much interest with a “voice” either.

  30. bisynaptic says:

    @Kaiser, the article did mention Earthshot. It just didn’t make an impression. 😁

  31. Lau says:

    Well he does have as much hair on his head and throws as many trantrums as a toddler let’s be honest.

  32. Mslove says:

    The public did hear Peg’s pathetic voice when his wife disappeared. It was petulant, arrogant and full of rage that the peasants dared to question him. It does not bode well for the future, so maybe abolish the monarchy and use tax monies to fund hungry children instead.

  33. TN Democrat says:

    Will-not refusing to do more than 2 engagements a week has nothing to do with his brother’s “rival court.” Will-not failed to launch and the media actively helped for tiny amounts of access. No adult should be expected/allowed to scapegoat a sibling (or anyone else) their entire life. Will-not having no interests other than failing at micromanaging his pr, planting negative stories about his family as it suits him in the media, day drinking and trimming rose bushes is all on him. Actively report how much he directly and indirectly receives from the tax payers versus his actual productivity. What is the press afraid to say out loud?

  34. CC says:

    Look, a sea witch tricked him into trading away his voice. If he was 47 or 48 I could understand the mockery, but at a measly 42? Cut him some slack.

  35. Henny Penny says:

    Diana commented after the divorce something to the effect that the Palace had taken over raising William, but she needed to stick around to make sure they didn’t ruin Harry too.

    Whelp. Here we are. Harry is free and living his best life with Meghan and the family they’ve created together, while William’s life appears to be coming apart at the seams.

    Poor William (a very handsome young man) was told from a young age that he’s super special and can do no wrong, especially compared to his “ginger” younger brother whose only purpose was to prop him up.

    Then William started losing his mother’s good looks (really all he had going for him), was forced to marry a woman he didn’t love, in clothes he hated, at a Church he despises, and make children he didn’t want. But at least he got to be super rich with tons of privilege, and institutionally shielded by a brother whose sole purpose was to make him look good.

    Then seemingly out of the blue to William, one day his whipping boy younger brother walks in with a beautiful and accomplished woman on his arm (the likes of which he’d NEVER be able to snag), wearing a chest full of medals (he’d never tried to earn), carrying a résumé of legitimate accomplishments (he never bothered to achieve), heralded by a wide world of applause (he’d never worked to garner).

    Now he’s forced to helplessly watch from the sidelines while this younger brother freely walks across the world stage with the sort of ease and confidence one gains from true personal achievement, having all the things William wants and was told he couldn’t have.

    And now his face has frozen into a rictus of rage. Poor William. And poor George. That little boy doesn’t look well to me.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      “Then William started losing his mother’s good looks (really all he had going for him), was forced to marry a woman he didn’t love, in clothes he hated, at a Church he despises, and make children he didn’t want.”

      Don’t forget, having to shave his beard, that Harry got to keep for his own wedding.

      • Henny Penny says:

        Thank you. I did forget to mention that part about his beard. Imagine being a grown-ass man and not having any say in a single element of your wedding. You’d think they’d have learned their lesson with Charles and Diana.

        While William is certainly a villain, he didn’t get there all by his lonesome. I believe Harry when he says that Camilla is the true villain of our story and did and said things to assure the brothers would hate one another and thereby never present any coordinated threat to her schemes. It’s all worked out exactly as she’d planned for her. And her glee is palpable.

        The English Monarchy has clearly passed its sell-by date. The only one who seems genuinely happy is Camilla, and damn does that POS seem thrilled these days. She is really living her best life and doesn’t seem a bit bothered by the bodies–both literal and figurative–that litter her road to the throne.

      • aftershocks says:

        Yes @Henny Penny. I feel very sorry for Prince George. I think he initially experienced a happy childhood, judging by some of his smiling mischief and fun-spirited antics with his cousins in his much younger days. However, George’s whole world view, his sense of self, and his existence quickly changed around ages 7 to 8, when he was apparently told he would be king one day. That information unavoidably affected his relationship with his contemporaries at school, as we have heard in anecdotal snippets.

        Sadly, George was taken on the Xmas walk at Sandringham at age 6 and Charlotte was only age 4. Way too young for both of them, but it happened, in part, because Meghan & Harry had already departed for their stay on Vancouver Island, and the firm needed WanK to use their young children to extract some shine and storylines to appease the rota ratchets and tabloids.

        George seems to be sensitive with a creative mindset which may initially have been nurtured at school, but is seemingly withering on the vine at this stage, especially if he follows in his father’s plodding, boring, self-centered footsteps by being sent to stodgy Eton! 🥺 It was not the right school for Harry either. Hopefully, there will be some divine help for George to be able to carve out at least some semblance of a fulfilling life beyond the constraints of the gilded cage.

  36. LOLikes says:

    Quick question? And probably off the subject? As an American, I’m curious as to what happens when wiLLiam is king?? What happens to the King’s Trust/Foundation? When he becomes king, can he come in & just fleece all the money for new shiny “box sets” or “helicopter slippers”?? Are there any checks or balances? And with his power over the BM, will we have endless articles about how KEEN he is?? Can he ban H&M from the country completely?? Untitle H&M, A&L?? Throw out prince andrew, camilla etc. forever?? He’s king, so can he do whatever he wants? Is this how this works? Enquiring Anerican mind wants to know??

    I have a friend who pays absolutely no attention to the royals. So when Prince George was born, she saw a picture of wiLLiam & asked, “why doesn’t he get hair plugs & he’s so ug_y??” IMO, I told her that wiLLiam didn’t have to do ANYTHING. He will be KINg one day & he is already at the TOP! And IMO that is why he is lazy, incompetent etc. wiLLiam probably figured out from birth, that he doesn’t have to DO ANYTHING bcoz he will be KINg & RULe!!

    Sadly, with the arrival of Meghan, both wiLLiam & kkkate found out, too late (bcoz I think they thought they were almost at the finish line) that they would have to rethink this strategy, but bcoz they’re both basically brainless & clueless, they’re just twisting in the wind.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Lolikes I am British and I would also like to know the answer to these questions. Can Will literally be King and do like the absolute minimum as he sees fit? As in enjoy the perks, male sports matches, drinks with celebs but ditch the rest and set fire to the red boxes?

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Not sure he could set fire to the red boxes but he could get somebody else to read them, or probably just ignore them. As long as he signs the acts of Parliament he should be OK, he doesn’t need to know what he is signing. It’s only a ritual.

    • Jais says:

      I think and I’m mostly guessing that Charles has appointed people to be in charge and run certain things. Like the duchy of Cornwall for example. Pretty sure someone competent has been assigned to run it while William gets the money. Am going to assume someone will be assigned to run the king’s trust. But at some point once William is king I’m thinking he can assign whoever he wants to run these things. Maybe he will decide he doesn’t want the person his father assigned to be in charge of it and will assign his own person. So it will depend on whether he chooses wisely and picks good people. So as long as other people are in charge, he can choose how he wants to spend his time. Tradition suggests that are govt and parliamentary things he must do but I can see William blowing a lot of things up. Particularly anything that suggests he must do something other than what he wants to do .

  37. BeanieBean says:

    ‘There can’t be too many people whose wife and father have been diagnosed with cancer so close together.’ Lazy journalism. There most certainly can be and is.

    And this?: ‘Prince William being pushed ever more clearly into the role of heir.’ He was BORN the heir! How much more clear could it be??

  38. QuiteContrary says:

    Crown Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi of Genovia had more impact than Willy.

    And she’s fictional.

    • HeatherC says:

      Mia had Joe though.

      William has……Kate? A Tory on his staff? No comparison for preparation and bolstering.

  39. Square2 says:

    “…he should be applauded for trying…”

    What’s this? Kindergarten’s Participating Awards? They really treat him & his wife like 5 years old.

  40. Lady Digby says:

    When Willy talks about making an impact I remember him shoving both his mother and brother in different situations. Does he intend to continue lashing out at family either using his fists or bitchy briefing? Is that the kind of impact he wants to make?

  41. Kathalea says:

    That was a mildly diss. Very mild

    They’re doing anything to flush Can’t out

  42. Brit says:

    I misread this as ‘he needs to find a voice rather than fawning over celebrities’ and thought ‘but that’s all he wants to do’

  43. JFerber says:

    I’d rather he find his beautiful hair that the gods (or goddesses) snatched away from him when it was clear he was (or would be) such an a-hole.

  44. HuffnPuff says:

    “ It doesn’t help that there’s an ocean-wide gap between Prince William and his brother Prince Harry. And swirling around the Princess of Wales’s illness, as she continues with cancer treatment, has been a toxic swamp gas of social media gossip and crazy speculation.”

    Wow – both problems of his own making. Poor Eggo! And yeah his thing is “impact”. Everything listed is stuff Harry already does. Eggo is all talk and no substance.

  45. GDubslady says:

    William has a voice. It’s anti feminist, anti woke, anti West, Anti NATO, in the closet, emotionally immature and compromised as is Charles. It took a lot of work, muck and blood to get Charles and Camilla on the throne. Not sure how many bodies will be sacrifice to get William there. I’m not sure the UK wants to pay that price.

  46. Lulu says:

    Oh please, the weight of the monarchy. FFS, show me one thing he or the king does than a high schooler couldn’t do.

  47. Lulu says:

    Willy wants to get things done that will impact lives? That’s an elected officials’ campaign.

  48. samipup says:

    OMG! Kaiser…those photos! Your imagination is genius!

  49. Kimster says:

    British Media continues to make excuses for Prince William AND Kate, who is still “coming into her own”. Both seem emotionally fragile and lacking in leadership attributes. I don’t recall the BM extending any explanations for and understanding to Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan. The BM expects everything from The Sussexes and expects nothing from the King-in-waiting and his wife.

  50. Grace Yancy says:


    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly! 🎯 💯 The entire ‘soap opera’ began due to Chuck’s, Camz’s, Willy’s and Kate’s jealousies and mean selfishness. 🙄