Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez reunited on Sunday for Samuel’s basketball game

Good lord, there are so many strong opinions about Bennifer these days. Strong opinions about Bennifer the couple, and strong opinions about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck individually. For what it’s worth, I’m still rooting for Bennifer as a couple but I acknowledge that both Ben and Jen can be (and often are) enormously problematic. That being said, there’s way too much bullying of J.Lo these days and it’s giving me flashbacks to the original Bennifer relationship, where there were all of these racist dogwhistles thrown around about Jen, and she was given sole agency over a complicated relationship and failed engagement. Jennifer is an a–hole… but so is Ben.

Last Friday, Jennifer announced that she was canceling her planned tour in support of her flop album, This Is Me… Now. The ticket sales were in the toilet and very few people wanted any of this. Instead of refusing to acknowledge that and barreling ahead with the tour, J.Lo waved the white flag. She clearly wants to spend this summer working on her marriage too, which I think is a good idea.

On Sunday, Jen stepped out with Ben at his son Samuel’s basketball game. Jennifer Garner was there too, but everyone arrived separately. Ben and J.Lo greeted each other with air kisses, but… they left together and Ben drove them to Jack In the Box for lunch. It’s all very suburban. J.Lo used to like that about Ben, that he was a normal guy from Boston who loves his Dunkin and his fast food. Does she still love it?

Also: I f–king LOVE J.Lo’s jeans in these photos. They’re so retro! Like, she wore this kind of cut during the original Bennifer relationship. Everything about her style here is so 2003 to me.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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56 Responses to “Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez reunited on Sunday for Samuel’s basketball game”

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  1. Danbury says:

    I love the jeans but hate the length! Why can’t rich people hem their pants properly? Drives me bonkers

    • Ley Ley says:

      Didn’t know puddle jeans were a rich people trend…they literally sell styles like this at Banana Republic.

    • Nicole says:

      That’s been JLo’s thing. 1) I think she’s hella petite, but 2) I think she loves an extra long pant so she can wear platforms. I notice (mostly with Ben) that she usually wears at least a 5 inch platform. Mad props to her girlie girlness. My feet ache just by watching her in her footwear.

    • lisa says:

      I’m 5’1 all my jeans are tailored to that length too to accommodate a platform shoe

      • Danbury says:

        yes, I’m super short too (just under 5’2) but I don’t wear platforms. I just get all my jeans tailored as they are always too long, so that they don’t drag on the ground when I walk.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      Her pants ate her feet.

    • Kebbie says:

      Jessica Simpson is what comes to mind when I see jeans scraping the ground. That’s her favorite. I think the intention is for it to be elongating. It looks silly on Jessica, but JLo is actually pulling it off here, IMO.

    • Polly says:

      Them being “too long” is the style. You have to get big shoes to wear them. I used to wear them all the time…I still love the look!

  2. Bros says:

    So eyerolly all of these orchestrated pap opps. With the gleaming basketball and the kisses that look really forced.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. The basketball really feels like a bizarre prop, unless Ben is a coach in some capacity.. I have been to countless kid sports events and managed to never wander around with a ball, and I love sports!

      • Jayna says:

        Ben’s son always carries the basketball out. Ben came with his mother. His mother left with Jennifer Garner and Sam. Ben probably took the basketball to his house because his son was coming over later or maybe the basketball stays at Ben’s house. I don’t think Ben was using it as a prop.

      • Jayna says:

        I mean to say Ben’s mother left with Jennifer Garner and Sam.

    • Carisel says:

      You can see his wedding ring when he has the basketball in his hands. Based on the first pic, it appears that she’s not wearing hers.

    • Farallon says:

      JLo canceled her tour to focus on family. So now instead of updates on her career we’re going to receive updates on her ‘healing’ time with hubby and kids.

      • UpIn Toronto says:

        I would cancel my tour if it was nothing but sweet love songs about the guy who just moved out on me

        They feel done, that kiss… Ew. That’s a Hate-kiss. Wow.

        Truly, they both are problematic, this all feels like front, but who knows…they have surprised us always

  3. Lenn says:

    The kiss speaks volumes..

    • Barbara says:

      I know pap pictures don’t always capture reality but he looks like he’s contorting his face just so he doesn’t have to kiss her on the mouth. Weird. If things were okay, wouldn’t you expect a peck on the lips at least?

    • Milas says:

      It looks ok on video. The clip is just so normal compared to the photos. I dunno what to think. I want them to work out cos she seems to love him. And unlike her ex or Pitt or Depp, Ben’s a present parent, so I cannot be a total b toward him.

      The only thing i like about him is his height. And that he’s not abusive it seems. Wow, low bar.

      As for women complaining about being short, I am a giraffe. And at least you can hem your skirts, pants, whatever. I need to buy tall, and that’s pricer and uglier.

    • Christina says:

      Yeah. This makes it seem like she is an ex already and that Affleck is done. He is accepting her tries, he loves her as a friend, maybe still a friend with benefits. But he doesn’t seem to want an intimate association in public with her anymore.

  4. Eleonor says:

    Maybe they are working in their marriage?
    But I think it’s nice that they try to be there for all the kids.

  5. Serena says:

    That kiss is telling enough.

  6. TN Democrat says:

    It is a disgrace that two 50 plus year olds who have been in show business 30 plus years are dragging their children into their paparazzi drama. The faux loved up paparazzi shots can easily be arranged elsewhere and not make their children even bigger targets of the paparazzi. Leos are exhausting.

    • Gabby says:

      This. Is she just going to keep showing up to his kids’ events long after the ink dries on their divorce? It will become creepy.

    • Christina says:

      Agreed. This is all so dumb. Nice to support the kids, but stop the cries for attention. Leaving together? Meet at the stupid Jack and the Box. Sheesh.

  7. seraphina says:

    Together, these two are like a car accident – and I can’t look away. I love them together more than when they aren’t. They are drama and for their sake I hope no matter how this ends, I hope the ending will be whatever is best for them for their health and mental well being.

  8. DH says:

    Okay I am also obsessed with her pants! However, I can’t imagine sitting in them with a tight shirt but I also don’t have JLOs body lol, I need some high-waisted jeans these days with a little give. Also cannot imagine wearing heels all the time but you do you.

    The kiss is so awkward, that’s how I kiss my parents…

  9. LBB says:

    The kiss is odd, the whole thing is odd. This reminds me so much of when Jen G. and Ben were ending their marriage, together, not together. But I hope they are both ok, Ben does actually look happy in these photos.

    • Lens says:

      I was thinking that just this morning. I hope they don’t take 3 damn years like both their previous marriages took to end. All the pap strolls! Looking happy! Then Not happy! Will they get back together or not? It was endless. We will know it was all Ben’s idea if it happens like that again. But I admit it’s like a car accident happening. Can’t look away.

  10. msmontclair says:

    Taking a Kelly bag to a high school basketball game feels very JLo.

    • blacktoypoodle says:

      It’s a Birkin, and alligator AND the small size (25 I think). Easily over $100k due to demand. thats celebrity in floor seats at a Lakers game. Not for high school while supporting kids and being “one of the parents”. I highly agree. Screams for attention. I’m looking at it!!

      • Jayna says:

        A $100k purse at a kid’s basketball game? Wow! Even for J-Lo, that’s overkill. I can just imagine the rolled eyes happening in that gym, even from moms who are financially well off. It’s a 12-year-old’s basketball game FFS. It’s not even a high school game. LOL

  11. JenBanana says:

    The inner child of divorced parents in my psyche will never forgive them if they divorce and will refuse to watch any of their movies ever again. The adult me wishes them the absolute best and as much inner peace anyone can muster in this short life.

  12. A Guest says:

    I used to follow JLo on social media and she seemed much more lighthearted and self-deprecating with she was with Alex Rodriguez.

    Perhaps “Bennifer” just bring out the worst in each other,

    BTW – there was a thread on Twitter about how rude she is and how she’s a bad tipper. As someone, who was a server while in school, I’m like and so are a lot of “regular” people. But that seemed to start to pile on with her.

  13. Carolnr says:

    That air kiss reminded me of the scene in Gone Girl when Amy comes home & she asks Nick to kiss her when the cameras are rolling, lol!
    JL wears her jeans super long & wears platform shoes to accentuate her height.
    She cannot & ( I don’t know who can) walk in those shoes in great distances. She looks like she is struggling walking up the stairs & Ben did not offer her a shoulder to lean on. Her feet must be killing her but it is all about the look not comfort with JL…

    • Christina says:

      She looks great! This is casual for her. She is being clowned for her bag, but that is her casual style. She has always been this way. She’s a New Yorker and she is successful. She is into looking put together, and there is nothing wrong with that. No shade for how she wants to look when she walks out the door from me.

  14. Ameerah M says:

    I high key love those jeans as well. But she had to have been wearing an INSANE platform with them.

  15. elizabeth says:

    Just here to say I love her jeans! They remind me of ones I used to wear back in the day. It’s hard to hem them because then you lose the flare and the proportions are off.

  16. Amy says:

    I love her jeans too! I had a great pair of jeans that I actually LOVED from J.Lo’s Kohls line back in the day. I wore them all the time before they stopped fitting **crying** but they were so flattering.

    • Mcali02 says:

      I had a pair of JLo jeans from Macy’s back in the day. LOVED THEM. They were so comfortable and flattering. Those jeans are why I buy everything she sells – especially Delola. So good.

  17. SpankyB says:

    I’m loving the 70’s bell bottoms over the platform shoes. I loved that look so much but was too young to wear it, my mom wouldn’t let me wear platforms (I was 10). LOL My aunts all dressed like that and I thought it was so cool.

  18. Mcali02 says:

    I guess my marriage is in trouble because this is how my husband and I kiss when I am wearing lipstick. 🤣

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      Lol. Yep.

    • Jayna says:

      J-Lo always has lipstick on. Google “Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez kissing” and click on “Images.” There’s a ton of these two kissing since getting back together. Lipstick wasn’t the reason.

      • Mcali02 says:

        Who cares! I kiss my husband on the cheek all the time. Sometimes it’s just easier.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    The picture of them kissing doesn’t tell anything unless it’s accompanied by the video.

  20. Aidee Kay says:

    Still rooting for them!!! I am hopeful that JLo canceling her tour means that they will have the time — and take the time — to work it out between them, even if it means living separately sometimes, for the sake of work, mental health, or just b/c space can be good for a relationship. I believe that they have the kind of love that will last and last even if they break up, so they may as well figure out a way to be together rather than mourn or resent each other for the rest of their lives.

  21. Jayna says:

    I love J-Lo’s umpeenth pap walks, because I love her day fashion a lot even if some of it isn’t for me. She can rock most anything. She’s been wearing sky-high shoes the majority of the time for quite a while now. One day she is going to fall and break her ankle or tear ligaments. The hem looks ridiculous. I can’t imagine going up bleechers with that hem and high platforms that are super super high. Still, she looks great.

    She must spend an absolute fortune on clothes, because she is rarely seen in the same outfit twice except for favorite jeans. IMO she considers any time she steps out of the house her chance for a pap-walk appearance and is camera-ready at all times, with no repeat outfits, and styled from head to toe even for very casual wear.

    • Joey says:

      actually celebs don’t have to spend a fortune on clothes. Brands send them clothing for them to wear and be photographed. It’s advertisement for them

  22. Kathalea says:

    They should just stop with the facade. Its exhausting

  23. Pancakes says:

    Still think they’re more likely over than not and this is just a slowed rollout to show they took the marriage seriously and weren’t divorcing in a hurry like other flippant HWeird couples.

  24. Michelle says:

    Jen can’t do a documentary about her life then turn around and complain she has no privacy. They have the same issues they did the first time around.