Jason Kelce: We’ve been fed ‘diabolical lies’ by Big Soap about washing ourselves

For some reason, I always believed that professional athletes were diligent in cleanliness. Most athletes spend their jobs sweaty. Football plays are surrounded by other sweaty men, dirt, grass and more. Like, don’t they all go to the locker room and take a nice shower and make sure that everything is clean after a game? Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Jason Kelce decided to fall unwashed-ass first into the long-running discussion about celebrity bathing habits. On the dirty-ass spectrum, it looks like Jason Kelce falls more on the “Jake Gyllenhaal” side of things. Jake clearly believes that less is more when it comes to showering and soap. At first, Jason Kelce was like “who washes their feet” and then it turned into something even grosser.

“Hot spots” being… groin, ass and pits, I’m assuming. For Jason in particular, that’s leaving a huge part of his body just… unwashed. He’s a big guy with a big abdomen and big back and big, thick legs. Is he saying that he really doesn’t apply soap to all of those parts? Like… I’m sorry, but this man is a husband and father. Role model cleanliness for your children! Respect your poor wife enough to be CLEAN.

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94 Responses to “Jason Kelce: We’ve been fed ‘diabolical lies’ by Big Soap about washing ourselves”

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  1. Linds says:

    “Big Soap”? I’m officially over the Kelce family. I need 90% less of them.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I wonder if that’s like Big Pharma? It’s probably a thing but Big Soap seems pretty harmless. I shower every single day no matter what Big Soap says. 🤗

      • Dutch says:

        Procter & Gamble and Lever have the soap market pretty much cornered. So they aren’t totally off-base.

    • Emily says:

      I’m quite certain he’s joking about big soap. The diabolical lies line is ripped from Butker’s speech. Not everything is serious.

      • Mcali02 says:

        Agreed. I watched the podcast episode where he talked about this and it was funny.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        He’s definitely joking about Big Soap.

        He’s kidding. Kylie wouldn’t put up with an unwashed man. And I don’t think Travis would either.

      • Bettyrose says:

        Yeah I thought this was funny? Big [fill in the blank] is a common way to mock conspiracy theorists, and the “diabolical lies” fool name checked Travis in his speech. The Kelce’s might just be good at trolling.

      • Enny says:

        This is 100% a joke

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      I thought his first two were jokes and I laughed. And then the third made me go – he he …he?

    • janice says:

      yes, they all need to go away for awhile

  2. Elizabeth Bowman says:

    Honestly I find both brothers pretty gross. I haven’t liked Jason since he “joked” (?) about forbidding his wife from getting a kitten.

    • Mcali02 says:

      Lol I thought the cat banning conversation was funny. My husband also has banned cats from our house. Some people don’t like cats and that’s ok.

      • nic919 says:

        Unless there are allergies, it is not funny or cute to “ban” things that your partner wants. It’s also a red flag.

      • swiftcreekrising says:

        I agree, Mcali – I think that people are taking this way too seriously. I’ve “banned” my partner from bringing any more random machining equipment home. He’s “banned” me from bringing home more animals. (Which, by the way, he doesn’t take seriously. We took in a pregnant stray a couple of months ago and are caring for her and her kittens – and even though this started with the agreement that we would be finding homes for all, we are keeping mama and two of her four kittens. The other two are going to my bestie, who is literally the best cat parent in the world.)

        Sometimes things are hyperbolic, like using the word “banned”. Sometimes there are things that one partner really does/doesn’t want – people are confusing boundaries for red flags. Given that this was said in a joking conversation started by talking about TSwift’s cats where he shared concerns about the smell of cat urine in the house (which *is* gross) and then said he liked outdoor cats and that they have TWO Irish Wolfhounds, it doesn’t sound like he’s being tyrannical.

      • Mcali02 says:

        swiftcreekrising Agreed.

  3. Mslove says:

    There’s nothing worse than a dermatologist in bed with big soap. lol

  4. Square2 says:

    My only reaction to reading this: 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮

  5. equality says:

    I thought feet were one of the “hot” spots, especially for an athlete.

  6. Shelly bean says:

    He is right though. Most dermatologists recommend only washing “hot spots” with soap and just using water for the rest of your body as soap dries out your skin.


    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Water dries out your skin too, especially hard water. A moisturizing body wash can reduce dryness.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m sure the folks who wrote this aren’t enduring whole body, thermo-nuclear hot flashes that make my entire body sweat copiously. I use a moisturizing body wash because I have to clean the sweat off my skin but don’t want to dry it out. I sure hope he’s washing the food out of his stanky beard.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Generally speaking my feet sits in water anyway (I shower in a bathtub and water rests there before flowing away) and I don’t really use soap on feet anyway unless they’re very dirty or in the summer when I’m not wearing socks.

      Once a week I use a pomice stone to take away some of the callouses parts.

      I don’t see anything majorly wrong with what he said

    • bubblegum dreams says:

      I like smelling nice and flowery. So Big Soap is going to have me as a customer for a long time.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Tell that to black people who have to be scared to either not wash and or send their kids to school with only “hot zones” washed. Being able to just be smelly is some white privilege crap because if a black person does it, it calls into question if they are poor and or being abused. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house without washing and changing my socks and underwear.

      • Hannah1 says:

        I bet if this were researched it would be found that black people on average have the highest hygiene standards.

      • Bad Janet says:

        Absolutely not denying the premise of the argument, but a person can smell nice without covering themselves head to toe in soap.

    • Bad Janet says:

      I am on team hotspot. Anywhere your skin rubs together or sweats is a hot spot (definitely including feet – I’m more detailed about washing my feet and my scalp than anything else). If you’re a big sweater, maybe everywhere is a hotspot. But, also, soap runs…. There is probably more soap getting around the body than we think.

    • Abigail says:

      I’m also confused here because it seems he meant you don’t need to scrub your feet every time you shower which I agree with – unless you’re walking around in sandals or barefoot all the time. But if you’re wearing socks and shoes why would you need to scrub your feet every single time you shower?? Unless you don’t shower often…

      Also find it bizarre people apparently scrub their entire body thoroughly every time they shower – really? I shower daily, sometimes twice a day, and apart from the “hot spots” lol, I mostly focus on the torso area. I don’t really scrub my ankles or kness or shins…LOL. But then I wear pants all the time and don’t sweat on my legs anywhere in general so…

      Maybe every person is different. If you don’t really sweat in an area and smell, and don’t expose it to dirt, it seems logical you don’t need to scrub it every 12 hours…

      I mean I don’t wash my hair every day either, and that’s more exposed than probably any other part of my body other than face and hands…

  7. RMS says:

    I am officially calling BS. I had 2 stem cell transplants, where your immune system is wiped out and rebuilt. I was required to shower every day in that hospital bubble unit using Hibiclens and a pile of washcloths and there was a whole long tutorial on how to wash (top down) and swapping out washcloths for every spot. Because bacteria THRIVES on a body with no immune system. And you better believe the patients that were lax got ALL kinds of nasty infections. Clean your feet dude. The toe fungus on him must be epic.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Yep. I had to clean with medical grade soap before medical surgery cause of the fear of a staph infection down the line. He’s an idiot.

  8. All I can say is ewww.

  9. Fifee says:

    I’ll be honest, I stopped washing my legs a couple of years ago other than once a week when I do my hair in the shower, I still shower daily and it’s all of my torso not just ‘hot areas’ as I’m a big woman and need all of that washed.

    The way I look at it is I’m not out doing manual labour or even out and about daily, I’m in the house so I’m not exposing my legs to dirt or grime and what’s built up over the day is washed off with soap running over my legs as I rinse and I particularly take care to rinse thoroughly with warm water between my toes. For me it makes a lot of sense as a diabetic with very fragile lower leg skin which needs a fair bit of protection and I don’t like taking off the body’s natural oil on my lower legs as little as there is. If my GP or the nurse that specialises in diabetics told me otherwise sure I change back.

    So you can all say ewww, I don’t care what you do to your body, so why care about mine or anyone else that does the same?

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Now I rarely use soap under the knees too, unless I was out in the garden or walked in sandals. Scrubbing the last part of my legs often led to broken skin so no thank you…

  10. Lady Rae says:

    Big Soap! I couldn’t stop laughing when I read this. Big Soap as in Big Pharma! You can literally make your own soap. He sounds so gross, how can you be getting that sweaty as your job and your not to washing regularly? How can you say that people are weird for washing their feet when that’s literally what he was using in his job – surely he would want to take care of his feet. These crusty-ass celebrities over sharing their lack of bathing habits. For me lack of bathing is always an indication of low mood and depression so maybe they all have that going on.

    • Deering24 says:

      There are lots of places to get hand-made soap–Etsy, for one. And Amazon has a nice line of Amish soaps that last a long time and smell nice. Big Soap is like Big Bread–there are plenty of alternatives…

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    I don’t like the long beard look which is in style now. It makes a man look dirty even when he’s not. But JK is leaning in, apparently. And I certainly don’t get men literally bragging about not washing. Gross!

  12. ML says:

    I’m with Linds: Until Taylor started dating Travis, I had never heard of the Kelces. I wish I could return to that time.

    I’m sure they’re charming to many people. I just dislike the amount of alcohol, the explaining that they don’t agree with Hairy Butt kicker and then saying he’s a nice, respectful guy, and now this. Huge combo of TMI and not my type.

    • Mslove says:

      I laughed so hard at Hairy Butt kicker. Jason’s probably too hung over to wash properly in the mornings.

    • Yup. Although I think/hope he might have been kidding about this story, I am so over both of these brothers. But tbf, I’m over football in general.

      I don’t think the Taylor and Travis thing will end well, but she might marry him before she figures it out.

  13. Lemons says:

    I’m just so glad these people aren’t in my life daily.

  14. Nikomikaelx says:

    I agree that you dont necessarily need to scrub every inch of your body with soap every single day. Especially if you havent done anything sweaty etc.

    But then again i work/study from home and spent most of my time not doing anything that physical. I do wash everywhere when leaving my home haha.

  15. Snuffles says:

    The not washing your legs seems like a white people thing. I’ve seen a number of man on the street interviews and, like, 90% of white people said they didn’t wash their legs and thought it was strange.

    I remember being horrified when I went to Versailles and learned that these people rarely bathed, peed and pooped in corners and used perfume to cover up their funk instead of washing. It was to same all over Europe.

    • equality says:

      Well, in their defense the climate can get cold and lodgings were drafty and they had no indoor plumbing (the one thing I am most thankful for in a house).

    • Desdemona says:

      @Snuffles … You are aware that in Versailles not bathing happened in the 17th and 18th centuries?
      I’m pretty sure cowboys in the 18th century in the Wild Wild West didn’t shower daily either…

    • nic919 says:

      It’s more recent then that. My mother said when she was a kid it was a thing to bathe once a week and otherwise it was a hot spot wipe. Part of this was because most families only had one bathroom with indoor plumbing. Things changed a lot in the 70s and beyond, so the white people barely bathing or showering are just doing what their parents and grandparents did 50 years ago.

      • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

        As a kid in 70s/80s NZ, we’d have a proper bath on Wednesday and Sunday nights, and compulsory basin and flannel wash on all the other days. Any more just wasn’t practical. We didn’t have a shower or mains water hook-up until well into the 80s, and depended on a rainwater tank, and it’d get really low in summer, and you just couldn’t waste it filling a bathtub. In summer we’d be in the sea and swimming pool every day, so didn’t get overly dirty.

  16. lisa says:

    I just assume that grizzly Adams stinks. I am mad at Taylor swift for bringing this whole family to my attention I want to go back to when I had no idea who they are. this tool actually lives in my town and I had no idea he existed and now I know I can smell him from my house.

    • Hell Nah! says:

      fyi @lisa I am on the floor rolling over this.
      thank you for the belly laugh!

  17. Ameerah M says:

    Big Soap?? That’s not a thing you giant stinky lughead. These dudes are DUMB. And yes I am including Travis in this.

    • Lauren says:

      Right because soap has been around since 2800 BC and people outside of the western world have been bathing regularly some daily in rivers and lakes, valleys, and streams and using stuff equivalent to soap for centuries.

      Yet people like him saying it’s propaganda. 😂

    • seaflower says:

      i had assumed he meant the companies who manufacture these things like Unilever, J&J etc. There are literally about 10-12 companies who own all manufacturing of consumer goods etc.


      So you think you are buying from a variety of companies but you aren’t. Hence big soap.

    • Wilma says:

      I think the Big Soap part was a joke, a play on the fact that people think the Kelce brothers are paid by Big Pharma.

  18. Lau says:

    His poor wife, we definitely need her side of the argument.

  19. Miranda says:

    My brother-in-law is also in the “soap dries out your skin” camp, and he once used “Big Soap” in a tongue-in-cheek way when making his argument to me (I was not entirely convinced, myself. And my BIL lives in f–king Florida, so I definitely think he needs to reconsider). So I’ll give Jason the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was joking about that part at least. As for the rest, well, I’m just glad he doesn’t live in NYC and I probably won’t be stuck on the subway with him. I’m only 4’10, so my nose is roughly pits-level to most men.

  20. ShazBot says:

    I do think there’s an interesting sociology aspect to this. In the WASPy pivot to cleanliness and hygiene in the 1800s (thanks to Prince Albert), it became a class and race thing. All the rich white people were obsessed with being clean, and poor people and POC were seen as “dirty”. I do wonder if there’s some intergenerational internalization of cleanliness now, proving someone poor or non-white is not, in fact, dirty, and now 150 years later all the rich white people are like “actually soap sucks lol”
    I’m sure someone far smarter than I am could put this more eloquently, but it’s not the content of the message, it’s who gets to give it.

    • ML says:

      IDK, I have family members from Western Asia and they are definitely proud about soap and washing! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleppo_soap
      I have atopic skin and use an eczema-friendly, unscented product, which technically is not soap, but I use it to get clean. I also use an eczema-friendly lotion afterwards. 100% dermatologist and allergist recommended!!!
      I think this guy is in the Aaron Rodgers-Goop-etc spectrum of cleanliness that believe their germs fight germs instead of vaccines or something.

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      Makes a lot of sense that it’s cycling around as a class thing. In the 19th century when rich people were sneering about the ‘great unwashed’, they had zero understanding that it’s easy when somebody else gets up early and heats up the water for you and lays out the soap and towels, whereas soap at that time didn’t really work in cold water, and for somebody who’s just done a 14 hour shift on their feet in a factory, lugging water up the stairs in a tenement is just an exhausting task too far, especially if you don’t have the facilities to heat it.

  21. amy says:

    Why can’t these guys stop talking? I need about 95 percent fewer NFL players talking in my life. And I’m 100 percent Kelce’d out at this point.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Ugh, me too. The only reason they’re getting any attention is because of Taylor Swift. Shut up already. I wash my feet.

  22. Lurker says:

    “Big Soap” made me laugh out loud

  23. Nanny to the Rescue says:

    I would assume the contrary, that these “manly” sports people are less concerned with cleanliness, not more. Probably because they’re used to falling down into mess, rubbing against other people’s sweat, stinking when basicly working etc. So they’d be less squeamish about smells and some dirt.

  24. Abby says:

    I don’t know y’all, this sounds like he’s joking, honestly. The tone feels like he’s messing with people to get a reaction. Which… he’s getting.

    My husband was a pro athlete and he takes several showers a day, and definitely washes everything. I feel like if your job is as physical as Jason’s, there’s no way you don’t wash well.

    • MinnieMouse says:

      The “diabolical lies” Big Soap bit is 100% a joke, aimed squarely at pointing out what an idiot Butker is without unduly messing with his brother’s locker room

      As to whether or not he actually washes his feet specifically, no idea, but also I find the weird “how often does a celebrity wash themselves” discourse that pops up every 18 months deeply uninteresting.

    • Aninny says:

      I read an article in The Athletic a few years ago about hockey players showering like 4 times a day. I was itchy just reading it, no idea how they do anything on the ice except scratch!

  25. atlantababe says:

    disgusting. this kinda reminds me of serena williams having to teach her husband how to properly wash himself.

    • Square2 says:

      US military has a class to teach new cadets how to (properly) take a shower. That tells you the hygiene problems in part of the America.

  26. Marcia says:

    The parts of the body you have to make sure are clean are the mouth, the pits, the entire undercarriage and the feet.
    And if you’re a woman and you sweat, the underboob/bra area gets icky.

  27. Lili says:

    Kaiser, killed me with this one I’m reading this in stages so i get to “He’s a big guy with a big abdomen and big back and big, thick legs” then i start scrolling down and see him in all his glory Yikes! just imagine him not washing the expanse of his body. what is this wave about not washing, it doesnt make any sense, its not like they are doing it to save water or the environment.

  28. Kc says:

    Am I the only one who read it as sarcasm? I thought the “diabolical lies” was a tongue-in-cheek play on Buttface’s commencement speech

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Just you and me, apparently.

      And the commenters asking why he has to comment on everything. LOL, he has a hugely popular podcast. He and Travis talk about all kinds of things.

      I’m a leg-scrubber — African net cloths for the win — but I heard Travis say this and he was JOKING.

    • Abby says:

      @KC and @QuiteContrary agreed I really think he was kidding … also they have a podcast where they just chit chat for 2 hours a week, and people listen just for stuff to put in news stories.

  29. Nicole says:

    Eh, I had a lazy football brother, too, so these comments don’t surprise me. What did surprise me that my brother found someone to love and marry him in spite of this 😀 Not sure how his wife puts up with it, but they’ve found something that works and it’s not my business. My poor mom tried her best but some personalities can’t be bothered.

  30. Boxy Lady says:

    I remember Jason talking about the “hot spots” a few months ago and Travis did NOT agree with him. And the whole “who washes their feet?” thing is especially gross from Jason cuz Jason wears flip-flops practically everywhere.

  31. Cali says:

    I listen to the dermatologists and use soap sparingly. Definitely the smelly or sweaty areas like pits, underboob, navel, groin, and feet including between the toes. I also wash around my ears. But not everywhere else unless I have some sort of buildup like heavy sunscreen on or if I’m exfoliating. I’d rather take an extra daily shower to rinse off rather than over soap.
    My skin dries out too much with soap or body wash all over. And water rinses away normal sweat from legs and arms.
    In Jason’s case though he is pretty hairy so yeah he should be soaping up those areas.

  32. MsIam says:

    He ain’t my man so do you bro, do you. Big Soap is a hoot though.

  33. Cate says:

    I have sensitive skin and many soaps and body washes are irritating and dry my skin out. I find under most conditions a quick shower in lukewarm water is plenty to keep my body feeling clean and not smelling. Depending on the season, I do not always shower every day either though usually at least every other day.

    I remember my freshman year of college I was told that body wash was “essential” so I bought some and used it daily. I spent all of first semester itchy AF and no moisturizer really seemed to be enough. Once I dropped the body wash, my skin stopped itching!

  34. Luna says:

    Well, given The high levels of hormone disrupting and carcinogenic phthalates and fragrances in soap, it’s probably better that he doesn’t coat himself in it every day. We absorb some chemicals very well through our skin (think about transdermal hormone replacement patches; bisphenol a has also been shown to reach the bloodstream via contact with skin on the fingers)

    It is really hard to find unscented soap and there is mounting evidence that toxins in our environment, including our personal care products, disrupts our hormones and promotes weight gain. Yet I notice companies are marketing more and more scented products (laundry, scent balls?!, air fresheners, Swiffer solution, Even stinky odor neutralizer in a vacuum cleaner) boasting of long acting strong scent. These products are filled with phthalates and other hormone disruptors and carcinogens. And they are marketed heavily towards poor people. Plus they all end up in our water supply.

    Researchers did a study last year on the healthcare costs of phthalates, emphasizing their role as a plastic softener. They looked only at the endocrine disrupting properties and not the cancer-causing ones, and found it added up to something like 240? Billion dollars a year.

    My shampoo and conditioner are not totally clean, but all my other personal care and cleaning products are. It’s really not hard to switch once I figured out what to buy. I also use glass containers. Unfortunately it’s really hard to avoid things like microplastics because they’re in everything (packaged and even farm grown food, air, water) now.

  35. JanetDR says:

    I am really offended by the ‘whole body’ deodorants and hate that they are being advertised on tv- I just want to whisper in their ears “Try a shower instead” .
    Same for this 😃 except I do think he was joking.

  36. VPS says:

    Um, I don’t really have a dog in this hunt, but I am pretty sure he was kidding? The diabolical lie thing was a dig at Butker.

  37. stormyshay says:

    We need to know a bit less about one another.

  38. martha says:

    I’m assuming he’s joking – his wife doesn’t strike me as someone who’d put up with that nonsense!

    (He’s gotta learn to measure his speech now that he’s a celebrity! And – because he and Travis aren’t complete jerks, they’re now targeted by rightwing loons)

  39. Tanisha says:

    The great unwashed have somehow become the Flat Earthers. I need a link to this “study” cuz I know this mofo is lyin😒😒

  40. Alaqaday says:

    God, he’s joking about ‘big soap’ and riffing off Butker’s diabolical lies BS. Can nobody joke on Twitter anymore? And there’s actual science/advice to back up his position, so… whatever works, we don’t need to live with him.

    That said, I think both bros need to realise they ain’t just football famous anymore. I think Travis is working that out and starting to tone down the bro behaviours a little – he seems to be drinking less at public events – I wouldn’t be surprised if people involved in his gameshow got in his ear a little. Or maybe it’s linked to how it ends up reflecting on Taylor. There’s a fair bit of engagement and/or breakup speculation online around the pair of them at the moment with him stateside and her on tour… the next couple of months will be interesting.

    I absolutely cannot see her in another long-term relationship though without it ending in at least an engagement though, given her last album was all about the pain of a long-term relationship not ending in marriage and then having a stupid fling afterwards with someone who made empty promises and ghosted. I mean, on a human level I hope they are happy and in love, but showbiz is showbiz, and I can’t help but think Taylor Swift Ltd probably realises that her primary audience is ageing into marriage and motherhood if they aren’t there already and if she’s going to remain her strange combo of relatable billionaire-superstar-next-door she’s going to need to branch into that material. (Plus she likes a conventional success marker – and the only one she hasn’t really hit is that…)

  41. Queryeverything says:

    Wow Celebitchy… I’ve been reading your posts for about fifteen years now, yesterday I posted a comment for the first time ever. It was factual and rational and in direct disagreement with the majority of your commenters who are swept up in this ridiculous notion of scrubbing every square inch of their bodies at every chance they get. I respect the right of every individual to form and hold their own opinions and credited you guys with being similarly broad minded. It’s a shame to see that you hand pick the comments to support your perspective of the “correct” side of the argument. Which sadly in this case is not supported by scientific evidence. It’s a shame because you have a platform, a large audience and the opportunity to actually dispel a lot of misinformation and stimulate thoughtful debate. Something which you regularly criticise celebrities for not doing. Instead you cherry pick the comments that support your views, like an sm algorithm. Someone commented the other day about the quality of the stories on here taking a slide in recent years and I have to say I agreed with them but I still kept coming back out of habit and to read the thoughts and insights of some of your more intelligent commenters. However observing this scew first hand only adds to increase my disappointment in the curation and writing on this site. At a time when I am looking for reasons to cut my digital time down you have just given me perfect opportunity to stop reading this site once and for all. I may be one person but I click and read a lot and judging by the other comment on the quality of some of the writing I’m not alone. Its great to be able to step away and focus my mind on more constructive and positive things. Thank you for showing your true machinations and characters.