Yeah, Prince Andrew doesn’t really care about King Charles’s latest threats

Over the weekend, the Times decided to do a revival of the “King Charles wants evict Prince Andrew from Royal Lodge” story. The same story has been around for the better part of two years, and the latest version is that Charles is threatening to withdraw his funding of Andrew’s lifestyle and security, something around $5 million annually. The money comes from the Duchy of Lancaster, which is the monarchy’s “personal” piggy bank. This was the deal worked out by Charles and his mother – when she died, Charles would continue to bail out and finance Andrew, and in exchange, QEII gave her blessing for “Queen Consort Camilla.” Charles promises that he will still fund Andrew’s lifestyle, just not to this degree – Charles wants Andrew to move into Frogmore Cottage, the home which the Sussexes renovated at great personal cost, then they were promptly evicted.

As this story goes on and on, I have to think that Andrew is waiting for his brother to make him a good offer. “Eviction and a downgraded house” is not a good offer, especially given that Andrew has a valid lease with the Crown Properties or whatever. The more I think about it, I genuinely believe Andrew is telling Charles to buy him out of the lease with an eight-figure settlement and Charles has balked. I would too, in Charles’s position, quite honestly – the Duchy of Lancaster provided the money for Andrew to settle out of court with Virginia Giuffre, and Andrew still hasn’t “paid back” that money either. Still, Charles doesn’t want Andrew making a horse’s ass out of himself or selling out the family secrets, so some deal will eventually be made. That’s also what Andrew is holding over Charles’s head: Andrew knows where the bodies are buried, etc. Andrew knows that ultimately, Charles isn’t going to do jacksh-t. Which is probably why Andrew has been photographed a lot in recent days, looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world:

Meanwhile, there continues to be a weird focus on Frogmore Cottage, which has apparently been standing empty for a year. If you believe that, if you believe that *someone* hasn’t quietly moved in already. The Mail ran this piece over the weekend: “Andrew WON’T move out, much to brother Charles’ frustration – which means that William CAN’T move in….so WHO will end up living in Harry and Meghan’s Frogmore Cottage?” That piece is just a history of the three properties (Royal Lodge, Adelaide Cottage and Frogmore) and a summary of what is already known, including the fact that Prince William is the one really pushing for Andrew’s eviction from Royal Lodge.

One of the wildest parts of this whole thing is that everyone involved is behaving like Frogmore and Royal Lodge are the only two homes in the Royal Windsor estate. Like… there are several mansions, castles, forts and palaces on the larger estate. These people are just obsessed with gloating about how they evicted the Sussexes and now the king is going to force a human trafficking dumbass in that home. I still don’t understand why Prince William won’t move into any of the other properties either??

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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62 Responses to “Yeah, Prince Andrew doesn’t really care about King Charles’s latest threats”

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  1. Nubia says:

    As the new Monarch he has a right to establish his own ways of doing things but Charles just blatantly doesn’t respect his dead mothers wishes,he has turned on everyone the Queen loved Sussexes,Andrew,Angela and those are only the ones we know,who knows how many others have been kicked out or fired. I would be scared.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      But they are very much not a lease breaking family!

      I thought that the York sisters attendance at William’s soggy garden party would have bought their father more time in the press. Perhaps they were told these articles are just for show and promised their father and mother would stay where they are. I CAN’T imagine trusting a Royal promise but what else can they do?

      But I really think William is this dense and doesn’t see the connection between them showing up for him and his continued attempts to have their father thrown out of his gifted home. He doesn’t care about his father – was loudly planning his coronation to the press during his fathers actual coronation- and frankly wants the man dead.

      I don’t think he is stressed about being king. Why would he be? He’s always been fine no matter what he didn’t do, or what he did do that he should not have done. Buried bodies indeed.

      Where is Kate btw?

  2. Amy Bee says:

    William won’t move into any other properties because he wants Royal Lodge. It was the Queen Mother’s former home and nothing else will do. William or Andrew are never going to move to Frogmore because it’s too small and the last person to live there was a black person. In the Palace’s view, Meghan didn’t deserve anything better than the servants quarters. I just hope she was reimbursed the money she put into it to renovate it.

    • Libra says:

      @amy bee; I read at the time of the eviction that no plans were in place to refund the money spent on renovating Frogmore.

  3. equality says:

    I don’t think it is really about William wanting to move in or Charles being concerned with moving Andrew out (unless Charles does have some rich person in the wings wanting to lease the house). It is just noise to make it seem that Charles doesn’t approve of Andrew and his lifestyle. If he is more worried about Andrew spilling the beans than he was about PH then what Andrew knows must be truly heinous. What was Charles involved with that Andrew knows about? Since when PH and PW were both involved in something and only PH’s involvement would be published to protect the heir, what does that say about KC and similar predilections to Andrew’s?

    • sevenblue says:

      Harry already said he has some hundred pages of Spare which didn’t get published because he knew that his family would never forgive him if he did, but he told his ghostwriter the full story in order for him to understand Harry’s point of view. Andrew wouldn’t hesitate to go for the jugular if they come for his lifestyle, he told through sources that he can also write a book as a threat and they all backed off the last time after that.

  4. Shoegirl77 says:

    Yes, Kaiser!! That is the wildest part. Windsor Estate is huge. I have family who live in Windsor and it’s not called the Long Walk for nothing. And that’s only what you can see from outside the castle and the accompanying estate where you can look up the driveway and see the guards. Media will literally use anything to shoehorn H & M into the story to get more clicks.

  5. ML says:

    The recent story (which in addition to the wash- rinse- repeat- crud of KC being tough and wanting to evict PA) had a few new details. PA and his ex have collections (Teddies and teapots) and feel soothed by lots of “stuff” around them. Also that RL is in a bit of disrepair and Frogmore is in great condition thanks to the Sussexes.
    My read on that is that PA, who sits and watches TV when not riding horsies with PE (according to the article), might be a hoarder. If this is the case, there is absolutely no way in h3LL that he will agree to leave. No place, even if bigger, would be acceptable because the stuff cannot be moved. The reason I also believe this might be the case is that he’s really particular (story from years ago) about the placement of his teddy bears.

    • Agnes says:

      WOw. Yeah hoarders are some kind of special kray. One guy filled his whole house with ROCKS.

      I do think we’re getting a spate of Prince Andrew stories because WHERE IS KATE? If drawing attention to the (known) pedo on estate is seen as preferable to a single verifiable proof of life photo of Kate, somethin ain’t right

      • ML says:

        Agnes, You’re right that the family is not keen on Prince Andrew articles. They may have no issue with Peadrew, but they do seem to realize that the public thinks differently. Could this be the media pressuring the RF? Kate, even absent, gets more attention/ clicks than the rest. ITA that something is not right.

  6. Simone says:

    So from memory, William & Kate wanted to move to Windsor Castle after the Queen died because Charles wasn’t going to use it. They moved to Adelaide Cottage thinking the Queen’s death was imminent & so the kids could start school. Once QE died, Charles got cold feet & decided they could’nt move in & he would sometimes use Windsor Castle instead. So William & Kate decided to take Andrew’s place. My point being that Charles caused all of this mess because he didn’t want W&K setting up a court at Windsor Castle. I think Andrew is a terrible person, obviously, but it’s not normal for a billionaire family to financially abuse their relatives like this. QE should have created trust funds for her kids so they had millions each & weren’t at the mercy of the heir. But of course she left her son penniless so Charles could abuse him. Narcissistic family systems love to use financial abuse to humiliate & demean their scapegoats & make their family members jump through hoops. This is one sick family.

    • sevenblue says:

      QE bought private house to Andrew and Fergie after they got married as far as I remember (Someone please correct me if I am wrong.). He sold it after some time for a profit. Whatever QE left/would have left him, he would spend it in a few years. He and his ex-wife have always had spending problems.

      • Proud Mary says:

        you are right, sevenblue. Andrew sold that home in a money laundering scheme. The buyer bought the house for way more than it was worth and never moved in. The house became dilapidated and was scrapped. Can you imagine the press that would have been generated if this were H&M?

      • Kristen from MA says:

        It was more than a profit. It was an abnormally large sum, especially since the property had fallen into disrepair by the time it was sold. Very suspicious.

      • The Hench says:

        Yes, they had built a modern monstrosity called Sunninghill Park. When they divorced they tried to sell it for years until, oddly, an oligarch paid them £3m MORE than the asking price. To quote Tatler:

        “A Kazakh oligarch rather curiously paid Prince Andrew £3 million more than the asking price – of £12 million – for his marital home of Sunninghill Park in Ascot, Berkshire in 2007. A surprising amount given the house had been on the market for five years and had been rather unfavourably compared to a Tesco superstore.

        It was later reported that the Duke of York had been acting as a fixer in Mr Kulibayev’s business deals. Andrew – who is close to the tycoon’s father-in-law, enjoying goose-hunting trips with him – denied any impropriety.”

        I’ll bet he did….

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I’m sure W&K would have taken Windsor Castle but I think William ALWAYS had his eye on the Royal Lodge. I’ve heard it’s completely away from the other houses and public view. Supposedly he and Kate admitted leaving KP for Windsor because they were being “overlooked” (aka were observable) too much by other KP residents, KP employees and even their own staff.

      William may be fine leaving Kate and kids in a cottage if they aren’t allowed to move into the Castle but I’m sure William will be living in the Lodge with just his friends and special friends staying over. The one thing I’ve taken away from this whole “where’s Kate “ boondoggle is that W&K’s KP staff have no idea what they are doing or where they are most of the time. I’m sure it will only get worse if William moves to the Lodge.

    • The Hench says:

      A lot of it is also due to avoiding tax. There are many archaic rules around the British royal family and one of them is that Monarch to Monarch inheritance is not taxed. At all. So Charles inherited over half a billion of PRIVATE money from QEII and didn’t pay a penny on it. Had she divvied it up into different pots for different relatives, it could have been taxed. So she chose to hand the whole lot to Charles and no doubt they ‘agreed’ who and what some of it would then be spent on.

      Charles gets his Duchy of Lancaster income (@£20m pa) AND the money from the Sovereign Grant (@£147m this year) IN ADDITION to all the money he is raking in from a half billion private portfolio that nobody has any sight of. Even at a modest 3% return that gives him another £15m a year income…

    • Magdalena says:

      No. Windsor Castle has always been the “weekend residence” of the monarch so it was never going to be available to William as the heir. There has never, to my recollection, been any stories about Charles not liking Windsor. It was Buckingham Palace that he could not stand. That’s why it was such a surprise that there were suddenly all those stories about William “and Kate” moving not just to Windsor, but into the castle itself before William became king. The powers that be clearly shut that down because it was so freaking presumptuous.

      Was this part of the separation negotiations – that if Kate couldn’t get a more expansive property than Adelaide Cottage then nothing less than the castle would do? Did William think that it would be easier to hide the separation if they lived in the castle? Who knows. Either way, the stories about “wanting to be near the Queen” never rang true because all indications were that the queen could not stand William and Kate and barely tolerated them.

      No doubt this was part of the reason for the unhinged jealousy at H+M: the Wailses clearly envied the Sussexes’ closeness to the Queen and decided to foster a similar narrative by moving closer – while simultaneously using such stories to cover up the separation.

      • Nic919 says:

        Let us not forget when the Queen publicly blanked Kate and William after they returned from the Covid choo choo tour.

    • Lindsay Barrilleaux says:

      Simone, you are so spot on.
      Significant dysfunction as well as concerning physically ill family members.
      It’s as if they’re all sitting in a high pressure Insta pot at the combustion point 👀

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    It’s all rather sickening imo. If they can break a valid lease that the Sussex’s had, they can certainly do it for the Pedos lease. I hope with the upcoming election that the voters push to have the entire family evicted.

    • Amy Bee says:

      With Keir Starmer at the helm of Labour, the monarchy will remain in place.

    • Alexandria says:

      They won’t. Pedo is safe until he dies and he will still get an allowance. I firmly believe he will snitch on Chuck or ManChild or any suspicious UK politician or aristocrat if forced to. He will live where he wants until he dies. Sorry taxpayers.

    • Talia says:

      They were different sorts of leases – a short lease (like H&M must have had) is different to a long lease like Andrew’s. It is much, much easier to break the former.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        The Sussex lease on Frogmore was a shockingly short lease from the beginning.

        It was obvious that the queen had planned things poorly. Either on purpose or at the advice of some vipers.

        Andrew’s home is very well protected. It’s not under the dominion of the monarch for one. Unlike Harrys.

        The queen knew Charles better than almost anyone. She knew he was petty and spiteful and cruel. And yet she didn’t provide better protection for Harry and Meghan.

        I don’t claim to know why. Or that she even realized the extent to which she left them unprotected. She had looked after her own siblings and children. But the way Harry was treated – clothes bought once or twice a year during a tj maxx store like sale – would have been obvious. Very obvious. And I do wonder if she had even been inside of nott cott. Ever. She seemed to think it was delightful from her advisors. God …. She failed so hard.

    • Couch Potato says:

      As @Alexandria said, it’s a different kind of lease. It’s leased from the Crown estate for 75 years. If the lease is given up / Andrew is evicted during the first 25 years they’ll have to pay him back some of the sum he (a.k.a. his mum) paid to upgrade it. After 25 years they don’t have to pay anything to get him out. The 25 years is almost up, so Chuck is probably waiting. Andrew has to pay an annual rent to the CE and right now Chuck is footing that bill. I bet he’ll be less generous when the 25 years have passed.

  8. windyriver says:

    Anyone who moved into Frogmore on any long term basis would potentially have the same problem H&M did – no protection from eviction by the monarch, because of its unusual status. So why would Andrew move there, when he’s covered by a valid long term lease for Royal Lodge? If someone wants him out of RL, they’ll have to give him space elsewhere with a similar lease arrangement

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      That’s a really excellent point. Why would anyone want to take a lease on Frogmore when the royals thought nothing of breaking that lease? For their literal child and fellow royal? Nope. No way.

      Also. Didn’t will and Kate originally want to move into some fort? That was leased out in a decades long similar fashion? And they were roundly told no, they have a lease, we like them, we aren’t kicking them out just because you want another home.

      The move to Adelaide was the beginning of the end for them.

      • Jaded says:

        William and Kate had their beady eyes on Fort Belvedere for a while (Edward VIII’s home until after he abdicated) but the leasehold is privately held by the Weston family, hugely rich people who own the Loblaw Companies in Canada. Galen Weston passed away some years ago but Hilary Weston still resides there.

      • windyriver says:

        Yes, as @Nic919 mentioned a day or two ago, and I believe @nota has said in the past, my understanding is that Frogmore Cottage is considered a royal peculiar, meaning, not technically part of the Crown Estate, but allocated at the discretion of the monarch. That’s why H&M had no recourse once Charles booted them.

        Given the timing, I continue to believe Charles kicked the Sussexes out in retaliation for what Harry said in Spare, particularly, that Camilla was dangerous. It’s exactly the type of petty, vengeful, knee jerk reaction that matches what we know of Charles’ character. The Andrew story that popped up after that sounded like KP seeing an opportunity to press Will’s case for how to get Andrew out of RL. I’m not convinced Charles cares; he’s fine with the status quo, which has been serving the purpose of keeping Andrew quiet.

      • Nic919 says:

        Galen Weston jr currently runs the Loblaws empire in Canada. From grocery stores, to pharmacies and because the Ontario government is conservative and corrupts, he’s getting Loblaws involved in health care trying to by pass the current public system.

        So no one is moving Hilary Weston from that building. She is also the former LG of Ontario.

  9. Tina says:

    This is just another episode of the Windsor drama show. Andrew will never willingly leave RL. He will sit there as it rots with his teddy bears. If they kick him out he will just have shady friends who help him out and that would likely be worse. Charles is super cheap and is not going to pay big $$ to buy him out of his 50 year lease. I know that Charles inherited the full estate but I still can’t believe that the Queen (and Prince Phillip) did not leave their kids any money. Phillip left an estate of around $80m so who did it all go to (beside the mistress and the likely extra kids). I mean the Queen could have just handed over a private stash of jewels to Fergie and Andrew for them to pawn at a later date.

    • The Hench says:

      It was for tax reasons, @Tina. Monarch to Monarch inheritance is not taxed. If QEII had left money to anyone but Charles it would have been taxed in the normal way…

      • Tina says:

        @The Hench I totally get that but this family is so shady with their money. They have enormous financial resources that no one knows about and no one would hold them to account if they did break any rules. I mean they have accepted bags of cash from sketchy people. Why not take a bag of cash and pass it to Andrew? Couldn’t she gift private jewels to Fergie before her death? Philip’s will is going to be held secret for 100 years or so. Who got his money?

      • The Hench says:

        @Tina you make a fair and probably entirely true point!! Maybe she did? Maybe Andrew and Fergie have already caned through what they were left? They have form on that front. Tales of Fergie’s out of control spending are numerous.

  10. Becks1 says:

    Andrew isn’t giving up that lease and moving out unless charles makes him an offer he can’t refuse. And he’s not giving up Royal Lodge to move into Frogmore Cottage.

    It’s been clear though that William wants Royal Lodge and the press keeps emphasizing that, which I just think is a big breadcrumb to follow in terms of the Wales’ marriage – William wants royal lodge because its big enough for him and Kate to have separate wings.

    • Magdalena says:

      But if the separation was a prelude to a divorce, especiallyt as they appear to have phased her out (or are in the process of phasing her out), why do they need to have separate wings, as opposed to the separate residences that they have now?

      • Rnot says:

        William may want Royal Lodge because he can make it into his own Thornfield Hall. If she’s suffered a stroke/brain-injury then he can’t divorce her. If she’s alive but too debilitated to appear in public, she could “retire from public life” in her own wing with a team of nurses and become a complete non-entity.

    • Shawna says:

      I have a psychological interpretation of this – William wants Royal Lodge because a spare has it. In his mind, all spares must be humiliated and evicted.

  11. Piper says:

    I would love to know the financial aspect of this family. So does no one have their own money except the King and POW? I would have assumed that the everyone had a trust fund or at least an inheritance from the Queen. It is so Lord of the Flies – I guess Diana’s death really saved Harry since it gave him some financial freedom.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      All I know is that Anne turned her private property gifted to her by the Queen into a business and built housing for her children on the estate, so she seems to be fine. Edward has some sort of lease on an enormous property that seems like a complete money sinkhole. Andrew had a property built for him by Mommy but, unlike Anne, he didn’t make it self-supporting, he sold it for way more than it’s worth in a very shady deal and it was eventually torn down. Then Mommy gave him a very long lease and money to pay “upfront” for the very long lease by renovating it completely when he moved in.

      • Jais says:

        I think you’re right. It’s the privacy of RL that appeals to William. He can do as he wants with less eyes upon him. It’s huge and near Windsor but not a part of it. Are there any other royal homes like that? There was talk of Fort Belvedere but people actually live they’re that can’t be easily pushed out.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        @jais yes! Fort Belvedere! That’s what I remembered but the name of the place sounds so…. Well porny. So I assumed I must be misremembering.

        It’s wild how the inhabitants of the fort had a lease and simply said – we have a lease – and that was that.

        I truly think that to a large degree the wales search for a home was a middle finger to the Sussexes. As does the continued claim – Andrew (non working royal, sexual abuser, child trafficker and pedophile) has a valid lease! He can’t be moved! HE HAS A LEASE!

        I think it’s to show how very much the Sussexes were hated as Charles did not blink at yanking away their home with its valid lease and yet holds up his hands and says – I would love to move Andrew but he has a valid lease!

        All this talk about royal lodge is a distraction from “where is Kate”, a big continued middle finger to the Sussexes, and William genuinely wanting royal lodge for himself. It worked well for Andrew and Fergie. I think it’s in part to seem like William wants more room for him and Kate abd the kids. None of whom have disappeared.

      • The Hench says:

        Actually Royal Lodge is not that private – it’s surrounded by land accessible to the public. You can walk/ride/cycle right past the front gates in the Park so if the media wanted to stake it out and photograph people coming and going – unless they arrived by helicopter every time – you could do. Properties on the main Castle estate are within one large security perimeter so visitors could be going to almost anywhere to see many different people inside. Much harder to keep track.

        RL is however big enough for two separated people to live ‘together’ in though – as Fergie and Andrew have demonstrated for years.

      • Jais says:

        Ohh interesting. I thought it was more private than that. Honestly, why does William want it then? Just bc it can house 2 separated people?

      • Nic919 says:

        The Weston family is one of the richest families in Canada and they have power. Their lease won’t be affected because Charles would be foolish to piss off that level of money.

  12. Proud Mary says:


  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    These stories about all these royal residences are just obscene. All the money already spent on them and how much everyone wants to leave. Obscene. People are living in cars and tents on this side of the Atlantic and I imagine it’s the same on that salty island. Do the royals and their media sycophants ever consider the optics or don’t they care? It’s giving Let Them Eat Cake vibes.

    • Turnawry says:

      Agreed, Brassy Rebel. While Wills adorns himself in French tailoring and feuds with Sir Noncelot over which mansion best suits unchecked grandiosity, the House of Commons reports that 18% of people in the UK, including 25% of children, were in absolute poverty after housing costs (60% below median income) and 11%, including 17% of children, live in food-insecure households. (See Poverty in the UK: statistics, House of Commons Library, 08 April 2024)

      A round of listening and learning may be in order regarding the rise of another French practice that cared little for the drape of a silken collar.

  14. Tessa says:

    Andrew knows too much. Charles is just blustering. If Kate and William divorce I doubt he would let her live at royal lodge

  15. aquarius64 says:

    The most satisfying point is when William becomes king he will be responsible for Andrew, Sarah and the rest of the York messiness.

  16. Blujfly says:

    If Charles cut off Andrew, Andrew would go back to hanging out with Epstein and obligarchs in a heartbeat. Fergie would be back to selling access.

    William and Kate caused this. Their nastiness to Meghan and Harry caused Meghan and Harry to want to move to Windsor. William and Kate spent close to 10 million pounds on their “forever home” of Kensington Palace and have spent less than 5 years living there, total. William and Kate demanded to live in Berkshire and set a timeline based on the school year.

  17. Lady Digby says:

    Willy has a list which he will be regularly updating until he becomes King and then he will be grabbing everything for himself. If Pizza boy doesn’t have a cast iron legal arrangement about support then he is very much at the mercy of his nephew down the right. All current and prospective “working” members need to factor in Will as their future boss at some stage. Chuck chucked his OWN son, DIL and grandchildren out of F Cottage because they were on a short term lease. He is a ditherer and he is still having treatment for cancer, is freeing up RL really a priority for him just now?? Is it just a blackmail threat to get York sister to shun Harry? Are the RR just recycling BS for their weekly podcasts?

    • Julia says:

      I think people overestimate the power William will have when he is king. Heirs to the throne talk about the reforms they will make when they are monarch but soon realise all the bureaucracy and restrictions means they have less freedom than they did previously. I don’t think Andrew has anything to worry about.

      • HeatherC says:

        If Andrew is being supported by Charles’s personal piggy bank then he has something to worry about. The spout being turned off by William, no security, no allowance, etc. As far as anything involving government, yeah they can’t do much.

    • Nic919 says:

      Andrew knows where the bodies are buried. And he knows William’s secrets too. William won’t push him out because as king he will have access to all the properties. He won’t need Royal lodge. He will be able to stash kate in many other properties. Including Highgrove.

  18. khadi says:

    I don’t think Andrew is worried about whatever. He knows his Mother had his back and continues to have it and KC3 will do nothing. Just my guess.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    If I moved into Royal Lodge after Andrew, I’d need that place to be fumigated and thoroughly, industrially cleaned.