Toronto restaurant calls out Zachary Quinto for bad brunch behavior, ‘made our host cry’

Remember back in fall of 2022 when James Corden was banned from NY eatery Balthazar for being horrific to the waitstaff, then the ban was rescinded when James called to apologize within hours of the Insta post, but then Corden spoke with the New York Times about another project and managed to get himself banned all over again? And all that boomeranging happened over about a week. Well, Mr. Corden, Zachary Quinto sees your NY celeb hotspot ban, and raises you a ban from a Toronto neighborhood cafe. Also for being a d!ck to the staff. Over the weekend — which happened to include Quinto’s birthday, more on that later — Quinto was so rude to the staff at Manita that the restaurant called him out for it on their Instagram page. You have to behave pretty badly to make some good-natured Canadians use strong words against you on social media, eh?

A Toronto restaurant is calling out Zachary Quinto for his alleged behavior at the eatery.

On Sunday, June 2, Manita on Ossington Ave shared a message on Instagram Stories, calling the Star Trek actor “an amazing Spock, but a terrible customer.”

“Yelled at staff like an entitled child after he didn’t reply to two texts to inform him his table was ready and refused to believe the empty tables in the dining room weren’t available for him despite being politely informed they were spoken for,” the message read.

“Made our host cry and the rest of our brunch diners uncomfortable,” continued the eatery, which describes itself as a “mediterranean-ish bistro” on Instagram.

“Mr. Quinto, take your bad vibes somewhere else, we have many lovely celebrities join us at Manita, but you are NOT one of them,” the message concluded, tagging the actor.

The eatery then released a second message on Instagram on Monday, June 3. “To expand upon yesterday’s story re: Zachary Quinto: This isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last time an irate guest has taken their frustrations out on our staff,” they shared.

“Manita is deeply grateful for our mostly incredible, friendly, gracious guests … who may give us constructive feedback from time to time,” they added.

“To all the other Zachary Quintos out there, on behalf of restaurant workers everywhere: We aren’t above criticism, but we are above being demeaned,” the restaurant concluded.

Quinto’s rep didn’t immediately respond when contacted by PEOPLE.

Quinto celebrated his 47th birthday on June 2, and shared some pictures and videos of himself marking his special day on his Instagram Stories.

The actor headed to Canada’s Wonderland theme park, posting a photo of the attraction’s entrance. “Thank you for such an incredible birthday adventure!!!” Quinto wrote, adding a mind blown emoji and tagging the theme park.

He also posted a video on the Drop Tower ride, as well as another snap of himself posing with a birthday cake inside a restaurant.

[From People]

I thought it was a classy move for Manita to start off their post by calling Quinto “an amazing Spock,” … before ripping into the many ways he acted like “an entitled child.” Look, I love myself a good brunch (here’s the Manita brunch menu Quinto missed out on; I’m salivating over the Breakfast Sandwich, Croque Madame, and Shakshuka, yum). And yes, I can get into a poor headspace when I’m hungry. But I’m also, you know, an adult. And I know how to keep my hangry monster in check. If I haven’t had enough fuel that day, it isn’t anyone’s fault but my own.

Of course, this is assuming that Quinto’s tantrum was a hunger mood swing. Maybe he really believes he should get whatever table he wants despite reservations and not responding to text updates from the restaurant when his actual table was ready, and if a host devolves into tears, well then they’re just no cut out for the cutthroat world of brunch. Please, GMAFB. Unlike James Corden, Quinto hasn’t apologized or responded in any way to Manita (as of this writing). The real poetry of the story, though, is that the restaurant brands him “an entitled child,” and then it turns out he celebrated his (47th) birthday … at an amusement park! It’s just perfect, no? Anyway, kids, be nice to people, it’s really not that hard. Or at least halfway decent and not outwardly hostile. To everyone, but maybe also especially to the people who are feeding you.

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Photos credit: Roger/Backgrid, Getty, JosiahW / BACKGRID, and via Instagram

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45 Responses to “Toronto restaurant calls out Zachary Quinto for bad brunch behavior, ‘made our host cry’”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    He’s not an amazing Spock, either.

  2. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Entitled a*sholes gonna as*hole.

    Pretty funny if he pulled the “do you know who I am” card when I don’t think he’s anywhere near famous enough for that. He looks just like every other random Toronto hipster out there.

    I also like that the higher ups at the restaurant had their staff’s backs, though I am also aware putting him on blast like this gets their establishment free press so *shrug*.

    • Megan says:

      Sending texts isn’t necessarily receiving texts. I often get texts hours after they are sent. If he didn’t get the texts I can see why he would be disappointed to lose his table, but throwing a fit is never good form.

    • Christine says:

      This is purely anecdotal, but I can absolutely see all of this coming from Zachary Quinto. I live in LA, and have seen many celebrities out and about, but Zachary Quinto stands out, even though we only exchanged a glance and no words. Generally speaking, celebs blend in, and it’s more of a double take situation. This guy really wanted to be noticed. From half a block away, I could feel the need for attention. It was one of the most bizarre things I’ve experienced here, and I never manage to describe it well.

      He was wearing these really bright green jeans, but that wouldn’t stand out in LA at all, it was more his entire being was broadcasting that he was *important*. It was at the very end of Heroes, possibly right after it ended, my son was still a baby. I actually sat on a bench with my baby and watched because I couldn’t look away from the preening that was happening.

      Anyway, this is a lot of babbling for not much information. All I took away from it is he is a guy who very much wants to be noticed and appreciated for being famous. I have met FAR more famous people, and none of them carry themselves the way Zachary Quinto does. It was more than a weird affectation, it was the entirety of his being projected all over the place, and I have never seen anything like it before or since.

      • Mochacat says:

        I actually think you’ve described it really well.
        His vibe/energy that you picked up on.

      • North of Boston says:

        It’s interesting that he gave off such unusual vibes.

        I remember way back in the day, when he was on Heroes there was a group of cast members who appeared to hang out socially, post on SM all the time. ZQ, Kristen Bell and others (can’t remember if Milo V and Adrian P were in that crowd or if their SM posts were separate). Some of it was show promo, press tour stuff, but there was a lot of hanging out in downtime.

        I used to love the silly videos and updates, but at a certain point it was like the cheery funny goofy personas started to slip and I was like “I don’t think these are nice people” Don’t remember specifically what it was that gave that impression. He was one of the ones who gave that “not really nice IRL” vibe.

        I thought he was good as Spock in the first of the Star Trek reboot films. The later ones, I didn’t love, but that’s more down to JJ Abrams and his team that anything else.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        He’s a fake wannabe celebrity azzhole. The rich don’t need to get attention for being rich: they ARE rich no matter what we think. This dude is a d list and wanrs to get recognized with azzhole moves. Not smart. I love that he gets called out for being unkind.

    • Eleonor says:

      I have no idea on why he is famous.
      Once I read about a fan who met Keith Richards.
      I mean Keith effing Richards, introduced himself “hello I’m Keith”.
      So yeah Zachary WHO?

  3. Nikki says:

    Being unkind is the BIGGEST turnoff there is, and truly kind people raise their attractiveness amazingly. I have no use at all for unkind people.

    • NJGR says:

      Especially being unkind to customer service people, who can’t tell you to go to hell.

  4. Tursitops says:

    You’ve done it now, Q. Toronto suddenly turns into a very small town when it comes to gossip, especially when it’s about famous foreigners misbehaving.

    • mazzie says:

      Toronto is definitely a bunch of villages squished together (in a good way). Also, that part of the city is BUSY, especially this time of year when everyone’s out to enjoy the whole 3-4 months of good weather.

  5. kirk says:

    Maybe Quinto pulled a mindf*ck on the host like his character Sylar on Heroes. Dude could be really scary. If he fixed his beady stare on me, I might even cry. Nice Canadians to compliment him on one of his acting projects, but truly unnecessary.

  6. ML says:

    I’ve never heard of Zachary Quinto before in my life. As an American expat I cringe when my people misbehave in foreign countries: We’re not all like that and I’m sorry that the staff of Manita had this guy darken their doorstep. Awesome that they pointed out his entitlement and hopefully they’ll get tons of decent customers.

  7. Bettyrose says:

    $20 for avocado toast? $26 for veggie burger? Dayum Toronto. I’m in the Bay where we’re no stranger to taking on second mortgages to eat brunch and yet those prices are hurting me.

    From the messaging though I get the sense this is a place that pays staff a living wage.

    • Nick G says:

      Toronto food prices are no joke. I nearly had a heart attack when i was charged $21 for a bagel and lox pretty close to where this restaurant is. Ok, it was the best I’ve ever had NYC included and could feed 3 people but still A BAGEL

      • BlueSKy says:

        Canada has the best bagels (the Eastern side anyhow). I have lived in the US my entire adult life but still dream daily of the Montreal sesame seed bagels I ate for breakfast each morning during high school. NYC bagels do the best they can.

      • Dandelion2 says:

        @Bluesky Montreal bagels for the win!

    • Danbury says:

      I mean it’s Canada so they have to (pay a living wage, I mean)

    • Eurydice says:

      $20CD is $14US, so that sounds better.

      • Jen says:

        Exactly! Don’t compare the USD to CDN.

      • Bettyrose says:

        But that’s the exchange rate. For a Canadian it’s $20 toast unless Canadians earn 25% more than in the US for equivalent jobs.

    • Sunny says:

      Food is more expensive in Canada than in America in general and we have a higher minimum wage in most places. That translates in higher prices, especially in places like Toronto and Vancouver.

      Manita is very good. Can confirm the breakfast sandwich is delicious.

      I can see this story happening. Ossington is a very crowded restaurant strip, especially when the weather is nice(like this past Saturday).

      • Mika says:

        Not to mention, the food industry is much more regulated than the US (but worse than the EU) for chemicals/preservatives/hormones so we are getting higher quality food (but lower quality than the EU).

      • bettyrose says:

        Toronto is high on my bucket list. I’ve been to BC & Montreal, but I’m feeling like I need a culinary tour of Toronto.

    • Nic919 says:

      Ossington is one of the newer strips where there are a lot of choices for brunch on a weekend. Those prices are a little bit higher than many, but not completely out there. Also the cost of renting space in downtown toronto especially for commercial spaces is very high. Often restaurants close once their lease ends because the landlord jacks the rent too much for it to be sustainable.

      If people stop attending they will lower their prices, but it’s a new enough restaurant that people will likely flock to it for a while.

  8. atorontogal says:

    Manita is a great restaurant and obviously the management take care of their staff.

    Regardless if you’re famous or not no one has the right to treat people like shit to the point where you are making them cry.

    Yes we are a polite and tolerant society but I doubt Toronto will miss ZQ and his diva ways. F*ck that guy!

  9. molly says:

    And… I still have no idea who he is.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t think his name is on everyone’s lips. He was in Heroes like 15 years ago, and he’s played the young Spock in the Star Trek reboot movies, some TV and movie roles here and there, also some theater. He works, but he’s not a star.

  10. Ameerah M says:

    This isn’t the first time Zachary has been called out for being an a-hole to people. It seems to very much be a pattern of behavior with him.

    • Nanea says:

      I live in Europe, in a non-English-speaking country.

      I don’t work in film or anything related, but a friend of the family let me tag along.

      I’ve witnessed ZQ be rude to people twice.

      Once at the biggest film festival in my home country that is famous for its generally laid-back atmosphere, the other time at a film festival in another non-English-speaking country that is infamous for its general… Well, it’s a huge festival, and it takes place in May, and even the security think they’re better than the melanated stars.

      Both times I was taken aback by his feeling entitled, his being condescending, the typical “don’t you know who I am” attitude — when there were much bigger names around who were much nicer people.

      I’m a bit surprised that he’s not been talked about negatively more often.

    • Bettyrose says:

      It’s disappointing. I know who he is and have followed his career from early on but he’s hardly diva level famous-not that it’s acceptable for divas either, but he isn’t a big enough name to carry a production so you’d think he needs a decent personality to continue working.

      • Ameerah M says:

        Well I think there is a reason why his star status hasn’t gotten any bigger over the years…

      • Christine says:

        I’m with you, Bettyrose. I was bordering on being a superfan of Heroes, and it sucked to learn he was a total douche.

  11. Qatar2 says:

    This guy has major cocaine eyes.

  12. Square2 says:

    Was he spending his birthday alone? Is he single now? ZQ, I guess the open relationship policy did not work so well for you? Or maybe I was wrong and you still love playing around.

  13. Kitten says:

    If he doesn’t issue an apology, it will be further proof that he is indeed an asshole.
    I mean, how hard is it to show some grace and humility by tagging the restaurant in an apology? “I’m sorry I lost my cool and upset the staff. I was hungry and frustrated so I behaved in a way that was not respectful or kind. I will do better in the future.”

    So simple and most people would forgive him.

  14. Jaded says:

    Never, EVER, mistreat servers in a restaurant. They will do gross things to your food.

    • Lisa says:

      No, you don’t do it because it is wrong!!

      • Jaded says:

        You’re missing the point. If you sh*t all over your server of course it’s wrong but they WILL get their revenge by effing with your food (NB: I’ve heard this from several servers who have had to deal with obnoxious clientele).

  15. Lisa says:

    How you treat people who work in restaurants and stores or any services situation says everything about who you are as a person. Famous or not. Clearly this guy is a vile human being.

  16. Bev says:

    This story is disappointing, but not surprising.

  17. Annalise says:

    True story, I used to hang out in a bar in Washington DC called the Asylum, that was (at that time, late 90s) known as a biker/bike messenger bar. One day, Harrison Ford, an enthusiastic motorcyclist, showed up. He was filming a movie in DC, and, I’m guessing, saw the motorcycles parked outside the bar, and decided to drop in. Long story short, he was FUN AF, seriously one of the most fun drunks I’ve ever seen, he was laughing and joking with everyone, doing body shots off the attractive female bartender, was totally cool about being inundated with questions about his movies, co workers, etc. At the end of the night, when the bartender called out “LAST CALL!!”, Ford picked up his motorcycle helmet off the bar in a dramatic, theatric motion and goes “Let’s Ride!!!!”

    Now THAT is the GOLD STANDARD for celebrity behavior when patronizing a business, imo, and no I do NOT condone the apparent drinking and driving, ONLY his exceedingly enjoyable presence in the bar. And judging from his later issues flying his plane, I seriously have to wonder if he graduated to drinking and flying.