Happy third birthday to Princess Lilibet, she had a party over the weekend

Princess Lilibet turns three years old today! Prince Harry and Meghan haven’t released any new portraits of Lili, which is fine and I wasn’t expecting them to do so. We haven’t gotten any family portraits or portraits of the kids in a couple of years, really. I think that will be the norm going forward, although I also wouldn’t be surprised if, at some point (maybe for Harry’s 40th birthday later this year), they released a family portrait. According to People Mag, the Sussexes celebrated Lili’s birthday over the weekend, with a small party at their Montecito home.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s little princess is turning 3!

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will mark the third birthday of their daughter, Princess Lilibet, on June 4, but they got the festivities started early with pre-birthday bash. The family celebrated over the weekend with a party at home in Montecito, California, PEOPLE confirms. Among the guests were close friends and family as well as some of Lili’s friends.

Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor was born in California after Prince Harry and Meghan stepped back from their royal roles and moved to Meghan’s home state in the U.S. with their son, Prince Archie, now 5, in 2020. Lilibet’s birth announcement, shared on the Archewell Foundation website, said that she was named after Queen Elizabeth’s family nickname while her middle name, Diana, “was chosen to honor her beloved late grandmother, the Princess of Wales.”

The birth announcement also referred to the newborn as Lili, a nickname that Prince Harry and Meghan have continued to call their daughter.

[From People]

They invited Lili’s friends too! I would imagine that means her playgroup friends or nursery school friends? Did Meghan make a cake? Did Harry grill? Give us party details! Was Tyler Perry there for his goddaughter’s birthday party? Anyway, I hope the Sussexes keep winning and keep driving the British media crazy by refusing to give them access to the kids.

Meanwhile, King Charles is a dogs-t grandfather who has only met his redheaded granddaughter once and made zero effort to see her again. Speaking of, “royal expert” Phil Dampier claimed: “It is amazing that she’s already three but there is this underlying sadness of course because of the rift that the King is not seeing his grandchildren.” Again, Charles can’t continue to play this card – he was “too busy” to meet Harry last month, and Charles has shown that he goes out of his way to put Harry in dangerous situations. Harry will not bring his children to see Charles, nor does Charles want to see them.

Photos courtesy of Netflix and Misan Harriman for the Sussexes.

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80 Responses to “Happy third birthday to Princess Lilibet, she had a party over the weekend”

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  1. Wagiman says:

    Happy birthday, Princess Lili! I hope you had a fun day.

    (and yes, continue to drive the Brit media nuts because they really want pics).

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    Bet little Lilibet’s party was much better than any boring garden party.🎉 I hope she has a wonderful birthday 🎂.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      I am sure Lil’s party was by far more fun than any stuffy event at Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace. It is so unfair that it doesn’t look like Archie and Lil will ever set foot in either palace in the near future and quite possible never. Those two kids are being robbed of their birthright and heritage. They deserve to be seen on the balcony just like every other royal child has for centuries.

      • aftershocks says:

        Knowing who you are, feeling comfortable in your own skin, and being nurtured with love outside of the poisonous tabloid media spotlight is way more important than appearing on the balcony of a very old building amidst toxic members of an archaic, dysfunctional family and institution!

        Any ‘unsalty, non-bitter’ Windsor family relatives who are kind, decent, and caring would surely be welcomed to visit with Archie & Lili in Montecito. Those who hesitate to associate with the Sussexes due to firm directives and to Peg’s incandescent rages are the ones missing out on something special. Not vice versa.

      • Kingston says:


        Thank You! It appears that its only folks with commonsense and a highly developed sense of self who can look at the royals and truly see them for the caged prisoners to their own greed and narcissism that they truly are. That is, those of them who continue the farce, unlike the Sussexes who fled.

        “deserves to be seen on the balcony?’ Srsly? Being show ponies is the price the royals pay and a constant state of begging that theyve locked themselves into, in the hope that the hoi polloi wont turn on them.

      • Katya says:

        According to what Prince harry told Jane Goodall before either child was born his kids weren’t going to be the waving, coach-riding-in, balcony standing type of kids ever.

  3. Em says:

    I like they shorted her name to Lili it’s so cute.

    • Kristen from MA says:

      IIRC, it has some significance on Meghan’s side of the family.

      • Hannah says:

        IDK about the connection to M. I do know the Hebrew/Jewish definition (Shoshannah / Lili) I do know obvs in this case, it’s Lilibet. I love saying Princess Lili Diana of Sussex (lil diana as in little)

        “Lili is a girl’s name of Hebrew and Greek origin. A gift to your home, baby Lili will always remind you of the promise of love and hope in the world, whether they are raised with faith or without. This floral name is used as an abbreviation for Elizabeth and Elisabet”

      • Christine says:

        It’s a spin-off of Doria calling Meghan “Flower” if I’m remembering correctly.

        Happy birthday, Lili!!!

      • aftershocks says:

        As well, on the Ragland side of the family, Doria’s great-aunt Lillie Ragland Evans is another namesake for Lili Diana. The house where Doria mainly resides in L.A. was passed down from her great-aunt Lillie, who was independent, entrepreneurial, and community-oriented. Lillie married William Demont ‘Happy’ Evans, Jr., one of Negro League Baseball’s greatest players.

  4. rosa mwemaid says:

    Happy birthday Lili, have fun.

  5. Becks1 says:

    Happy birthday Princess Lili! I’m sure it was a wonderful party.

    As for Charles….he could see his grandkids more if he provided security among other things. At this point its entirely his choice to not see them.

    • Nubia says:

      If they can fly under the radar to go to Spas in India and Skiing God knows where,they can certainly fly to Cali or even meet in Canada to see their grandkids.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes! I mean, I only learned recently–through this website–that Charles vacations in Transylvania every year! If he can go there two weeks at a crack every year, he can make time for all his grandkids & both his sons. But no.

    • swaz says:

      Charles is a deadbeat dad and deadbeat grandfather 🙄

    • The Mirror ran some big lie crying about how mean M and H are to not let Charles see his grandchildren. I just can’t imagine being M or H and having every moment of your life being lied about and twisted in the papers.

      Trash grandfather is right. Happy birthday little Lili!

  6. Nubia says:

    Happy Birthday to the little Angel.🎂
    I have a couple of questions,please bare with me,I know I can google but this sites readers are so knowledgeable.
    1. So the Sussex kids are in fact Mountbatten- Windsors also? I thought I read that they were Sussexes?
    2. Are the Wales kids also Mountbatten-Windsors?
    3. Wales and Sussexes are they just titles or names that appear on birth certificates.
    4. Lastly are Kate and Meghans official married names Mountbatten-Windsors as well or their marriage certificates only call them by their Duchess names?

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Any descendent of Price Philip & QEII are Mountbatten-Windsors.

    • Barbara says:

      People mag said that the kids go by Archie and Lili Sussex.

      • The Hench says:

        Yes, they use their titles as we would use surnames. Harry served in the army as Harry Wales because, at that point, his father was Prince of Wales. Now, George, Charlotte and Louis will be ‘Wales’ although they started school as ‘Cambridge’.

        A bit bloody confusing if you ask me. Mr Hench has an aristo as a relative. He came to stay with us shortly after inheriting the title. I’d always known him under his real name and surname but after inheriting he wrote just the place of his title in the visitors book – not even the title itself. It would be like Harry coming to stay and just writing ‘Sussex’ in the book. Nothing else – no ‘thank you’ or ‘what a lovely stay, nice to see you’. Lol.

      • Jais says:

        Not even a thank you or anything! Just the title🙄. Thanks @hench for this detail into the aristo world😂

      • aftershocks says:

        LOL! 😂😆 Sorta like Hugh Grosvenor visiting and signing as ‘Westminster,’ with an understated flourish because everybody who’s anybody would just know. I suppose a desultory, ‘Thank you very much,’ would be rather stuffily implied, without such a uber-wealthy, Norman-descended landowner or other snotty aristo having to exert themselves to write out. 😜

      • aftershocks says:

        Actually, to both H&M’s credit, they are known to sign with their first names in guest books, along with nice words of thanks! And as we know, Meg has excellent penmanship. 🫠

      • Isabella says:

        Very cute names. Easy to pronounce, spell and remember.
        Archie and Lili Sussex.

        I have not seen photos of Julia Roberts kids or George Clooney’s. It’s safer that way. Plus, unlike Harry, they can walk around unnoticed if they’re not with a famous parent. He never had that privacy.

    • Becks1 says:

      If members of the royal family do not have a title they are Mountbatten-Windsor (descendants of QEII and Phillip that is.) If they have a title they use that and are prince/princess. So Harry was Harry Wales, Beatrice and Eugenie went by York (so Beatrice York etc).

      Lady Louise, Sophie and Edward’s daughter, is Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor.

      This is why when both Archie and Lili were born they were listed as Archie M-W and Lili M-W because they weren’t prince/ss yet.

    • Lauren says:

      When Lili and Archie were born they weren’t prince or princess so their birth certificate most likely includes the surname mountbatten-windsor. Birth certificates for the Wales kids and marriage certificates for both couples likely have blank surname fields.

  7. sevenblue says:

    They always have the best family pics. I hope we get a new one soon, but I understand if they don’t want to share it publicly. Happy birthday to the little ginger princess, Lili!

    • aftershocks says:

      Check out artist, Amelia Noyes, on Instagram. She paints gorgeous water color abstract portraits of the Sussexes at their Montecito estate, using talent along with huge doses of creative imagination. 🌄

  8. Cassie says:

    I am sure little Lili had a wonderful birthday with her loved ones and little friends .
    I imagine she is the sweetest little girl and being brought up with good values .

    Charles has cut off his nose to spite his face and I hope he regrets losing this beautiful little family .

    • Kingston says:

      The thing is, as “king” and in fact, ever since he was born and therefore destined to be king, so…..for his entire 75 years, charles’ relationship with every other human on earth, aside from his mother who was obviously above him, was: It is YOU who come to me, not the other way around.

      And ever since his emancipation, circa March 2020, for Harry, its been: You want to see me, or any member of my family, thats gonna be on MY terms.

      And because its chuckythestnkingTURD and Harry the soldier and fierce protector of his family, never the twain shall meet.

      The End.

      • Jayna says:

        His father was an authority figure to Charles. It’s a bit hyperbolic to say for his entire 75 years on this planet, which includes his childhood years from birth, everyone answered to him except for his mother.

  9. swaz says:

    Happy birthday Princess Lili 🎈🎈🎈

  10. Amy Bee says:

    The sadness Phil Dampier feels is not for Charles who doesn’t give damn but for the press because they have no access to Lili and Archie. As for a family photo I’d be surprised if anything is put out for Harry’s birthday. I suspect he was never into releasing photos for his birthday.

    • Persephone says:


    • equality says:

      Maybe he will follow Meghan’s lead and do some sort of charity project.

    • Jayna says:

      Time flies. I hope she had a fun birthday. The time between two and three is a magical age as you watch their little minds develop.

    • aftershocks says:

      Right @Amy Bee. It is doubtful we will see a Sussex family photo released for Harry’s 40th. But I suppose we can cross our fingers and hope! 🥹 Still, we know that H&M have absolutely no reason nor obligation to release photos publicly. I am sure they send family photo greetings to their tight inner circle of close friends, though. H&M have left the toxic firm behind on salty isle, and they are living a happy, private life in California. It is an existence they diligently must safeguard and protect.

      Let’s also remember that when H&M did graciously share photos of young Archie, in addition to a 1st birthday video (in support of Save the Stories/ Save the Children charity), the photos were defaced online by derangers; the video was over-analyzed and ridiculed by haters; and Save the Story’s Instagram was swarmed by rabid bots and derangers. Quite swiftly afterward, H&M pulled way back and stopped marking Archie’s milestones with public photos. When they did share images of Archie, full views of his face were obscured.

      We were quite lucky to finally get a glimpse of Lili with release of the 2021 Sussex family Christmas card (the last intimate Sussex family portrait shared with the public). Following that, H&M were exceedingly kind to their followers in sharing Lili’s first birthday photo, taken at Frogmore Cottage in June 2022, during the family’s Jubbly visit. I think H&M shared that photo, taken by Misan Harriman, in grateful thanks to Sussex Squad supporters and their generous fundraising efforts and effusive birthday wishes, for both Lili and Archie that year.

      I believe H&M would occasionally be more forthcoming in releasing family photos, but the insane, deranged vileness that ensues is the main reason why they must protectively limit sharing details of their private lives. The outlandish response to the naming of their newborn daughter is a clear reason why no public photos of her were released sooner.

  11. Eurydice says:

    Happy Birthday, Lili!

    If Charles cares so much about his granddaughter, he could wish her a happy birthday, too.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      He probably has, but privately, it is only ‘working’ royals who get the public birthday greetings.

      • Eurydice says:

        The way it tends to work is that even if Charles sends private birthday wishes, “somehow” it gets leaked to the tabloids.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles complained about not having a daughter even though he could have had one with Diana. He has a lovely little granddaughter in the USA and can’t be bothered to see her

      • HeatherC says:

        He has a lovely granddaughter right there in the same country and he probably can’t be bothered to see her either. He’s just a shit person.

  12. Beverley says:

    Happiest birthday, Baby Girl! Your grandmother Diana would be so proud of you. 💐

  13. Meghan says:

    I know absolutely nothing about Tyler Perry, personally, but he just seems like the kind of godfather/uncle who is at every single event no matter what. And I imagine he would do the same for Archie, as well!

  14. ML says:

    🎂Happy birthday, Lili🪷💖

  15. Beach Dreams says:

    Happy birthday to Princess Lili Diana!

    Regarding Charles, I think Chris Ship let it slip a month or two ago that he’s actually never met her…which would mean that he lied yet again (no surprise).

    • Magdalena says:

      This is what I think too… Charles has never met Lili.

      In Spare, Harry said that when Charles decided to steal the home that he and Meghan spent their hard-earned money renovating, before informing the world that he was “evicting” them from Frogmore, Harry asked “Don’t you want to get to know your grandchildren?” or “Don’t you want to be able to see your grandchildren?” – something to this effect. The fact that they were pushed out of their secure home (and had their security yanked) demonstrated in no uncertain terms that Charles does NOT want to see or meet his grandchildren, so he can kick rocks and break all of his toes every single time he gets his mouthpieces to bleat about how much he misses them.

      I’ll just add that it became clear that at NO point was Archie granted security on his own while he lived in the UK (unlike the Wales kids), so Harry and Meghan had to always be taking this into consideration whenever they had engagements.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Magdalena: Harry didn’t write about being evicted from Frogmore in his book. The eviction came after the book came out and it was ordered by Charles in retaliation for writing the book. That entire story comes from either Hardman’s or Scobie’s book and Harry has never confirmed that the story true.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Magdalena, @Amy Bee is correct. Harry didn’t write about the eviction in SPARE. tI hadn’t happened yet. I do believe that Charles threatend Harry with the Frogmore eviction to try to keep SPARE from being released. Personally believe Harry was like, you’ve all f*cked me over. I’m sharing my story because all these years you’ve allowed these urinalists do me dirty. So, I’ll make my way somewhere else. Thanks for trying to bully me. Been there. Lived through it. Now people who I’m not related to have my back.

        Believe PEOPLE is snowballing here. Anyone of us could have written this article. Two days ago, when I remembered Lili’s birthday was coming up, I thought to myself, she’ll have a lovely party at her home in Montecito with close friends and family. The only thing that would have made this story plausible/confirmed to PEOP:E, was if they included what Meghan made for the party and what fun games for children were held.imo This article was a no brainer. The food details would be a better confirmation.imo LOL

    • Jais says:

      Agree. I don’t think he’s met her once. “It was reported” that he stopped by for a very quick visit during the jubilee right? But I don’t think it’s ever been confirmed despite being repeated that it definitely happened. Meaning there’s a fair chance that it did not.

    • ShazBot says:

      Agree. Royal reporters have tried to make it sound like “obviously he saw her during the jubilee” but they also made a point of saying how the whole family snubbed her birthday party.
      I don’t think he’s met her at all, but they now realize how horrible that makes him sound.

    • Gabby says:

      So he blew off her 1st birthday party at Frogmore Cottage during the Jubilee?

      Considering how fastidious he is, I can’t imagine he wants to be around children. Kids are messy, require attention and sometimes disrupt plans. You need to be able to handle that sort of thing to be around them, and those are skills Chuckes lacks. Plus, he couldn’t indulge his childish nature if surrounded by actual children.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yeah, I’ve never believed that Charles met Lili and I believe he’s only seen Archie 2-3 times.

    • 1960tlm says:

      @Beach Dreams, you are right. He has never met Lili. He lied again!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Agree @Beach Dreams. Charles never took time off to meet Lili. That’s on him. I also don’t believe the stories of them zooming/facetiming singing Happy Birthday to Chuckie Cheese. Might be wrong. Just don’t see it happening. My goodness, the BM were exhulting tha Charles couldn’t ‘spare’ time for Harry. Now we’re supposed to believe he made any time ever for the one grandchild who has Diana’s blue eyes? I’m hearing a stall being kicked in at the idea.

    • Princessk says:

      Charles has met Lili.

  16. Advisor2u says:

    Look at Lili playing host at her birthday party. Knowing Meghan, I’m sure it was a fun California (Sunday) party. As a family they have created their own world with their friends and family, no jealous Windsors around, thank God. The kids are growing up free spirited. I love that for them.

    Happy birthday Princess Lilibet Diana of Sussex🎉

  17. Normal_Islander says:

    Happy birthday, you cute lil’ ginge!

  18. Jais says:

    Happy Birthday Lili! 🌸🌼🌸🌼

  19. aquarius64 says:

    Happy birthday Lili! I hope she had a wonderful birthday party. The family that were invited maybe Spencers or Raglands; the ones that don’t run to the press. Sadly taking bets Toxic Tom and his demon spawn from his first marriage will complain to the UK media they were not invited.

  20. MsIam says:

    Happy birthday to darling big girl Princess Lili! I bet your mama baked you a delicious birthday cake. Enjoy! ❤❤❤🎂🎂🎂

  21. Bettyrose says:

    Lili has a very involved grandmother. That’s what she knows. It’s better that she never knows Charles than be hurt and disappointed by him.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I totally agree, Bettyrose. I’d shield her from her toxic British relatives as much as possible.

      Knowing how awful Charles is, I imagine he even resents Lili’s middle name.

  22. Sue says:

    Does anyone remember the stories swirling around Lili’s last birthday? Mainly the one where Charles had supposedly sent her a Wendy house for the backyard? The derangers went nuts pushing the idea that sweet Grandpa Charles was giving Lili this thoughtful gift that had a lot of meaning for the family blah blah blah. I am guessing even then at least some of the royal rota were starting to realize how crappy all the stories about Charles ignoring his California grandchildren made him look.

    I wonder if we’ll get a few more stories this time around about Charles sending pretend presents.

  23. Nanea says:

    I can’t believe it’s been three years already. Here’s hoping Lili has a fun day with her family and all the pets at Riven Rock.

    Too funny that the British press still won’t call out the reason for *the rift* and why CIII has never met the little Sussex princess – their king’s vengeful tantrums and his despicable behavior. It’s not like it’s a state secret – he picked his grandson’s birthday for his shiny hat conanation out of 365 days in the year, he took away their home and security, broke the terms of the Sandringham agreement before the ink was dry, prefers the company of Becks over Harry etc etc.

  24. GDubslady says:

    Wishing the little princess a Happy Birthday. Lilibet is a Nigerian Princess, an American Princess as well as a Princess of the UK.. Harry and Meghan split from the family bc of their children.. The Firm told her parents that they never wanted Archie or Lilibet to be called a prince or a princess and they wanted to change the law of succession before QE2 died so that it never would happen. The Sussexes made this plan public during the Oprah Winfrey interview and the left behinds are still angry the scheme was exposed before it could be executed. The Firm also made their children’s security a Sussex problem limiting their ability to secure their children’s movements within their own country. The Firm even tried to call her, Lady Lilibet rather than Princess Lilibet despite the King George’s law automatically making Archie and Lilibet, Prince and Princess. I wonder if the Sussexes had remained as working royals would the Firm argue that they turned down the honorific like they claim Diana turned down security. When you join the Firm you serve the desires of the Sovereign. QE2 was generous to her family. Charles has signaled that he will keep everything for himself and Camilla. William as well. Charles never wanted these children acknowledged or titled. They are always ignored.

    • aftershocks says:

      You are right @GDubsLady, except it was not the ‘law of succession,’ the firm & Chuckles desired to change. It was the 1917 Letters Patent ruling they spoke about possibly amending. That would have been the only way for Archie and Lili to not automatically inherit HRH Prince/ Princess titles, upon QE-II’s passing.

  25. Localady says:

    Happy Birthday 🎂 to Princess 👑 Lili Dia

    💗 🖖

  26. Bee says:

    I love how People magazine has been featuring these upbeat Sussex stories ever since the Nigeria trip. It’s so refreshing to just have a normal, positive story about them without any of the hateful stuff (or even without the defensive pro-Sussex stuff that rehashes all the hateful things that have been said about them). It’s just a nice, normal, cheerful story about a famous family having a birthday party for their darling little girl. It seems like the trip to Nigeria (which People got an exclusive on), has led to some really good coverage for them. I look forward to the American Riviera Orchard cover story soon (I hope!).

  27. Vixxo says:

    Princess Lili Diana will never know life on the British Royal Family. Love that for her. Isn’t it amazing 😍

  28. Nerd says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Lilibet Diana 🎈🎂❤️!!!! I hope that you continue to be surrounded by family and friends who truly love you.

  29. Over it says:

    Happy birthday Lili . Can’t believe she is already 3. Time goes by so fast . I hope you have the best day ever and get lots of hugs and kisses from your big brother and mom and dad and grandma Doria and all those amazing people who love and care about your family and your safety and happiness.

    Wanted a little space between the top and this. . There is a special place reserved in hell for dog sh-it Charles . Crap husband, crap father, crap grandfather

  30. Gingerbee says:

    Happy birthday to Princess Lili Diana 🥳🎉🎂

  31. Nerd says:

    I wanted to put my opinion of Chuck separate from Lilibet’s birthday wish. We have never had any confirmation from Harry or Meghan that Charles actually met Lilibet when they were in thr UK for the Jubilee, so I don’t believe that he has ever met her and his actions have shown that he doesn’t care about either of his biracial grandchildren, so they need to stop using these children to try and make this racist out to be a decent grandparent who cares and misses them. He took away security and finances away from baby Archie and his parents when he knew that there are other racists out there making credible threats against them. He refused them security in the UK and therefore prevented them from seeing the Queen one last time before she died. He took away the one guarantee that they could return to the UK safely and when they wanted or needed to, which is confirmation that not only does he not care anything about them but he also doesn’t care about their safety or if they live or die. His refusal to even acknowledge them publicly when he became king was a clear sign that he is a racist who doesn’t even acknowledge their existence.

  32. Deering24 says:

    “Did Harry grill?”

    I’d give lottery money to see that. 😎

  33. blunt talker says: