Princess Kate is not expected to take part in this month’s Japanese state visit

Note: the photos in this post are from last November, during the South Korean president’s state visit to the UK. For that visit, Prince William and Kate were put on display and expected to behave as the dignified Prince of Wales and Princess of Wales. Kate showed up in a giant red cape and flashed everyone. There hasn’t been another state visit since then! There was some question about whether a planned state visit for Japan’s Emperor and Empress would go through later this month. Given the dual health crises for King Charles and Kate, and given the upcoming British general election, it felt like the Japanese state visit was on the fence. Well, Buckingham Palace just confirmed that the visit is going ahead with some adjustments, and at no point should we expect to see the Princess of Wales. This is like a blaring advertisement for “Don’t Expect to See Kate Whatsoever In June.”

King Charles and Queen Camilla are preparing for hosting mode! Buckingham Palace announced on June 4 (local time) that the Emperor and Empress of Japan will pay a state visit to the U.K. from June 25 to June 27. Emperor Naruhito, 64, and Empress Masako, 60, will be the guests of King Charles, 75, during the state visit to London, hosted by the monarch and his wife, 75.

The Emperor and Empress of Japan are due to arrive in England on June 22 and conduct a series of private engagements. The state visit will officially begin when Prince William takes on a key role: welcoming the couple at their hotel on June 25. The Prince of Wales, 41, will greet the couple on behalf of his father and travel with them to Horse Guards Parade in London for their ceremonial welcome.

Prince William similarly led the royal welcome with his wife, Kate Middleton, in November 2023 for the state visit of the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, and his wife, First Lady Kim Keon Hee. Princess Kate, 42, has stayed out of the public eye for most of this year after announcing in March that she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy, and it’s unclear if she will participate in the upcoming state visit. Although Kate usually helps host state visits, she was not included in the itinerary. (The Princess of Wales will not take the salute at the Trooping the Colour rehearsal on June 8, Kensington Palace confirmed, and her attendance at King Charles’ birthday parade on June 15 remains unknown.)

King Charles and Queen Camilla will welcome Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to Horse Guards Parade with military pageantry, and the two couples will travel by carriage along The Mall to Buckingham Palace with Prince William.

That night, King Charles and Queen will reconvene with the Emperor and Empress of Japan for a state banquet at Buckingham Palace thrown in their honor. The diplomatic dinners call for a glamorous dress code, and royal women often slip on tiaras, meaning that Queen Camilla may pick a sparkling headpiece from the royal jewelry collection for the evening. Other members of the royal family are also expected to attend.

[From People]

There’s been so much focus on whether Kate will appear at Trooping the Colour (June 15), meanwhile Buckingham Palace is making it clear that Kate will not be seen at all during a state visit one week later. They’re not even playing the “maybe she’ll come out for a state dinner or the official greeting.” I wonder if we’ll still be getting all of those ridiculous reports of “Kate sightings” and assurances that she’s absolutely running errands and out and about. Hm. Also: if there’s a state dinner, you know Rose Hanbury and David Rocksavage are invited.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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159 Responses to “Princess Kate is not expected to take part in this month’s Japanese state visit”

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  1. SarahLee says:

    The first time I saw her in that red coat I thought she might be pregnant. Looking at it now, I still wonder about that.

    • Tessa says:

      William said no more children. I doubt there was a pregnancy

      • Newt says:

        Maybe William said no more children, but maybe it’s not his baby?!

        I’m kidding. I don’t think she’s pregnant or ever was.

        I guess we have to assume she does have cancer based on the video with her saying so. Time will tell how bad it is/was. I still believe they will divorce.

    • equality says:

      She could have been hiding many things, but a pregnancy is highly doubtful. The monarchists would be overjoyed if she had another child to push Harry further down the line.

      • Tessa says:

        It would not make the slightest difference if she had another one which I doubt.

      • equality says:

        How would it not make a difference? To H&M it wouldn’t matter, but the royalists and Meghan haters would have a field day so there would be no reason for Kate to keep a pregnancy secret.

    • Ginger says:

      She was last seen publicly at Christmas and didn’t look pregnant at all. I don’t believe she is pregnant but something odd is definitely going on.

      • Lily says:

        At this point i ask myself if she is alive at all. The tabloids already started with “her healt is worst then it was said to people she is realy realy sick”. They preparring the field to drop the bomb she is gone, and Cowmilla already besties with Rose, either this or they drop a divorce bombshell

      • Hninzi says:

        At the S Korean premier visit She was flashing her underpinnings like nobody’s business. There’s something wrong there above & beyond the supposed cancer. She &William were not even looking at each other/ at least 2 ft apart in the car and she had her skirt hiked up to there while sitting it the car. Very strange

    • maisie says:

      at her age, and with her long history of eating disorders, it seems unlikely. sure, IVF is possible but I’m doubtful. I’m also skeptical that she and William have much-if any-intimate relations.

      Ascites-common in abdominal cancers-can cause a bloated look that could ne confused with an early pregnancy, though.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      I absolutely wondered this and so did a lot of her fans. It’s a maternity dress.

      Btw that flashing stunt has got to be a sign of some kind of mental deterioration on her part.

      • Dee says:

        I thought the same. Big red flag there.

      • Ginger says:

        I don’t think it’s a maternity dress. She was wearing a form fitting coat dress at the Christmas walk ( her last official public appearance) and she had no bump at all.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        I mispoke because I was in a hurry— yes not literally a maternity dress but such strong maternity vibes/imagery. Rumors were flying when she wore this.

      • CatMum says:

        she looks absolutely grim in all of those car photos with the giant red bow coat.

        I would bet folding money that whatever happened was William’s fault, and that they cannot show her. I don’t think she’s passed, because if so they could just get everything over with already.

        I didn’t have “being concerned about Kate” on my bingo card for the year! but here we are. Schröedinger’s Kate. Kate Missington. OMG y’all! this is absolutely wild. and it has barely been a year since the QE funeral. apparently she really was the one holding the entire thing together.

        and, just to be clear… abolish the monarchy!

      • Princessk says:

        Can you imagine the uproar if Meghan during a state visit hadgot out of a car and exposed her thighs…and not wearing tights…? She would have been torn to shreds.
        This is Kate, the perfect Princess and Queen to be, who never puts a foot wrong.
        Even l know how to get out of a car without almost showing my fanny to the whole world. It must have been deliberate.

    • Proud Mary says:

      She was wearing a dress under the coat, remember? She removed the coat once inside the building.

    • swirlmamad says:

      Honestly, she had some noticeable abdominal bloating at a couple events late in the year, if you go back and look at photos. (The state dinner where she wore that sparkly pink dress, and then the navy cape outfit with William were more form fitting and you could see it.) I think that’s where the possibly pregnant theories sprouted from. I think this outfit was chosen to conceal whatever was clearly going on with her health by that point. But the way she exited the car and showed all that leg unnecessarily was totally bonkers.

      • Agreatreakoning says:

        Aside, from whatever bloated stomach issues, like you said, it’s bonkers how Kate exited that car. Because it didn’t happen naturally. It was a choice that Kate made. (IF) she’s been learning about being a future queen since W&K were tucked away in Anglesey, well Kate has (as a lot of us have recognized), has stepped multiple feet wrong. Over the years, ack, I’m unfortunately more familiar with Kate’s hoo ha and backside then my own.

        I drive an SUV. DH drives a good sedan type car. Yep, I’m an @$$hole. For fun, tried exiting both cars from the passenger side naturally with the left coming out Nothing natural about it. Had she left the vehicle from the left side, maybe the flashing of thighs/whatnots have. Even then, a lower to the ground car-maybe, made it possible. lol It’s awesome that derangers think Kate flashing her stuff is sexy and OMG, she has great Christmas Story Lamp Legs. Then, OMG, Meghan wore a dress that showed her back and children saw her bare back! Where is that scarlet letter? I think William has it in his pocket. 
        The big issue is people comparing Madame Duchess to Kate’s perfectness. lol For real.

        I don’t expect to see Kate until… idea. I’m not buying the story being sold. If proven wrong, so be it. Right now, there is nothing to suggest what’s been told is the truth.imo

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was just thinking how frail & thin she looked. Interesting how we can see different things in looking at photos.

    • Nic919 says:

      Every time she was pregnant she gained some weight in the face before they announced it. She hasn’t done that since she was pregnant with Louis. Any potential bloat could have been related to the reason for abdominal surgery. Fibroids can do that. (Frankly that is likely what this planned surgery was for).

      • molly says:

        Agreed on the fibroids, that has been my theory on the planned surgery and then they found the cancer. I schedule my mammograms yearly on Christmas Eve as there’s no wait time- so the Dec 28th surgery makes a ton of sense to me. Everybody handles cancer differently, I’m not sure I’d be out and about for this time to be captured for an eternity.

    • kelleybelle says:

      She and Will can barely stand each other. Besides, she’s too frail and thin for another child.

    • Agreatreakoning says:

      Why? Curious. At no time did I ever think she was pregnant. She simply looks like some who is terribly dressed flashing their thighs exiting the car because their a$$hole husband couldn’t wait to get out of the car. Hmmm. I don’t like giving Kate any amount of anything. The idea that she was throwing a FU to the lot passes my mind for a few seconds. Then I remembered she was flashing her lady parts since forever. They can’t blame that on Meghan.

  2. Nanea says:

    No tiaras, nor flashing of thighs or handmaid cosplaying?

    I am inconsolable.

    If the powers that be could only be convinced to make on (semi-) truthful statement instead of this “will she, no she won’t” bullcrap.

    • No kidding she won’t be seen. Where is Can’t.

    • Megan says:

      Obviously she won’t be there. She’s made it clear that whatever is happening, it’s long term. The palace seems to be in some sort of weird denial.

      • MsIam says:

        “Kate” hasn’t made any such statement at all. The last the world heard from “Kate” she said she was doing well and feeling stronger. Since then, we have heard messages that range from “she’s going shopping” to she’s in dire straights to she won’t be seen for the rest of the year to she might appear at Trooping. So I don’t see anything “clear” in that unless you mean its “clear” that something is not right.

      • Megan says:

        Well Kate not saying anything is one hell of a statement. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

      • Annalise says:

        I know I’m SUPER late to this conversation, but how ANYONE still believes that Kate is conscious and aware is beyond me.

        I mean, for God’s sake, get your heads out of the sand.

  3. Eurydice says:

    I have to laugh at William’s “key role” – welcoming the couple at their hotel. Isn’t that what a concierge does? Or maybe it’s more like being the usher at a wedding.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      The usher is the star of the show, didn’t you know? Of course, they will select Egg for the role, and the guests and hotel will be appropriately in awe of his ushering skills. Harry must be so jealous right now.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Nice one.

    • How would the U.K. survive without a royal to welcome people at their hotel? !? This is definitely worth tens of millions of pounds and multiple free mansions!

    • BeanieBean says:

      That cracked me up, too. I didn’t remember William ‘leading’ anything. Shoot, even the photographers tell him where to stand.

    • Lauren says:

      Based on state visits that occur in other monarchies this is the bare minimum William should be doing as the Heir.

    • Jay says:

      Laugh all you want, but given the types of public gaffes William has made in public over the years, he absolutely could say something insulting even though he has the smallest role.

      If I were a British diplomat or a representative of the foreign office, this is the part of the visit I would be white knuckling. Sure, you can try and coach him to say something normal and polite, and not to have special velvet slippers made to “impress” the guests, but goodness knows what kind of “joke” he could add on the fly. He is, to put it mildly, a charmless man!

      I also note that it appears like William may greet them at a hotel and just take photos, not a video or a speech (probably for the best).

      • Agreatreakoning says:

        William will offer them some words and his very odd smile. Hopefully, he doesn’t offer up a picture of himself. That’s one of the worst participation prizes. Ever.

  4. ML says:

    Gosh, no one has definitely seen K since last Christmas and we keep getting stories about when she MAY be seen, and that she definitely WILL NOT be seen. Not when she WILL be seen. And amazingly, this is how so many articles about other royals get published. Until she’s better or whatever the heck is happening is resolved, I think it’s obvious we aren’t going to see her? If they write about her it should be from the perspective “Where’s Kate?”
    This should technically have been about how KC and QCC are going to handle the Japanese visit. Edit: People should only have written this last part and skipped the Kate babble if they weren’t going to ask where she is.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Agree. State visits are about the monarch; it’s their show. Theirs & the palace itself & the choreography of the service, etc.

  5. Nubia says:

    I still cant believe she came out of the car like that!? She clearly doesn’t miss Leg day though lol

    • Eurydice says:

      My family and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to get out of the right side seat with the left leg first. You have to tuck your right leg under you on the seat and then swivel around and then try to hold onto something so you can stand up. A more likely solution is to get out of the car first and then arrange yourself in a pose to show maximum leg.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Eurydice, good point! I was always so focused on how inappropriate the photo was that I never realized how weird it was that she was exiting with her left leg first! How strange.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Etiquette books in the past said that a lady gets out of a car with her knees together.

      • Eurydice says:

        @rosa mwemaid – if you’re wearing a tight and/or short skirt, logic and human physics say this, too. You swing your bum around so both feet land on the ground and then just stand up.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Not to make everything about Meghan, but Jesus Christ if Meghan had worn a head to toe bright red outfit that exposed her legs to upper thigh, the British press would have absolutely crucified her and never ever stopped talking about it.

      • jenjamtx says:

        I have to admit that I probably spent too much time trying to emulate her car exit. It’s very awkward and downright impossible unless your intention is to show maximum leg. She definitely did this on purpose.

    • Elizabeth says:

      How does she still not know how to get out of a car without flashing everyone first?

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      I’m still trying to figure out how she got her calf-length dress to hike up all the way to her upper thigh area, at the most it should have been below the knee while getting out of the car. Plus, the roof of the car is tall enough for her to “walk” from her side to the door, no need to scoot across the seat.

      • MsIam says:

        I think Kate was high as a kite that day. You see pictures of her at that reception leaning on William. Now maybe it was painkillers or something else but I don’t think she was really aware of what she was doing. Or else she was too out of it to care.

      • Julianna says:

        She had 3 layers of clothing on and still managed to flash.

        And this reminds me. I watched a video of Eugenie’s wedding when everyone was exiting the church. Kate’s dress started to blow and she got this huge smirk on her face but never reached down to protect her dress from flying up like any sane woman would do. A few seconds later another gust blew and of course her dress flew up. Sophie was next to her and reacted faster than Kate to hold it down. She immediately started looking around to everyone and specifically William giggling and acting so *surprised* that it flew up.

        Something is seriously wrong with her.

      • Jais says:

        Kate does seem to have quite a few exhibitionist tendencies.

      • Practice makes perfect! Kate Middlebum strikes again.

      • Gabby says:

        For years, no one has been seeing her body in private. It made her desperate for the attention, so she brought it public.

      • First comment says:

        @Msiam, I was just thinking the same thing!!! She was definitely on something! The way she got out of the car and the way she make a curtsy to Charles were completely off. And all this, after she was photographed in the car with William… a photo with vibes from Charles and Diana’s trip to South Korea, if I remember correctly…side note: she was wearing 3 layers of clothes and she managed to show her leg! And everyone was praising her and her leg! I mean, we were definitely on twilight zone…

      • Emmy says:

        Maybe she’s in rehab?

    • QuiteContrary says:

      It doesn’t look like Kate, a supposed stickler for protocol, was wearing tights in those photos.

      The whole look is odd.

  6. sevenblue says:

    She looked so ridiculous that day, especially when photographed with people with neutral color choices. I don’t think we are gonna see her this year, maybe we may get another weird christmas photo if we are lucky.

    • Lorelei says:

      Wouldn’t she have smoothed it all out BEFORE she even attempted to get out of the car, in an effort to avoid exactly what happened in this photo??

      • sevenblue says:

        I think she was looking for attention (Diana’s “revenge dress” style). It doesn’t even look natural the way she left the car. I bet she thought this photo is gonna get all the headlines like her sister’s bum did. Unfortunately for her, nobody cared.

    • Liz says:

      That’s exactly what I thought Sevenblue. She was aiming for the sexy siren in the red dress look. Instead it just seemed inappropriate.

    • Nic919 says:

      Her outfit looked like a reject from a Harry Potter movie. It was bad enough she was wearing red while Charles and Camilla weren’t wearing bold colours but the hat and cape and big bow looked childish and a costume instead of a serious person.

      While Diana was fashionable, I don’t recall her wearing outfits that aggressive in a state visit , especially when the Queen was present.

  7. Becks1 says:

    Everytime I see those leg pictures I just shake my head. She had to make an effort to get out of the car like that so that her legs showed. At a state visit. Just completely inappropriate.

    • Tina says:

      It was so bad!!! And so many of her fans were saying it was so sexy and modern. Um what? This is a diplomatic visit! The effort to hike that long dress up and almost flash the royal vajaja. This plus the poor outfit choice and the miserable car photos with William said so much.

    • Lorelei says:

      She’s obviously had lot of flashing incidents over the years, but yeah, @Becks, I agree that this one is *so bad* for so many reasons. It does look like it actually took effort, lol.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The British press and royalists loved it. If that was Meghan, they would be screaming and throwing up about it.

    • Nic919 says:

      There was actual effort required to get out of a vehicle like that. Something was definitely going on there and her entire outfit was her wanting attention over not only William, but Charles and Camilla.

      How can anyone wearing a plate on their head and massive bow in their chest be taken as a serious person. A state visit isn’t a fashion show.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Those “drunken” bows irk me to no ended. They’re outdated, inappropriate and sloppy.

    • Bright red from top to bottom screams ‘look at me’, add in a deliberate flashing moment and it’s classic Kate.

      Her legs are the only part she can flash in her Handmaid Prairie Era since the dresses won’t fly up enough to show her bottom.

      Kate has always had pretty legs, but hiking her dress up to her thigh isn’t a regal or graceful choice and this was the wrong occasion for her to choose to flash people.

    • Princessk says:

      Maybe that is her way of providing the photographers with something to ensure that she is on the front pages and steals the limelight from everyone.
      That was a deliberate stunt from her.

  8. The Hench says:

    Oh they are still trying to fly the ‘Kate out and about’ story. Just this morning there was another article claiming Kate has a practice of sneaking out to things in the early morning – like runs and cold water swimming – and that she was doing that again now. And then – in the same damn story – they repeated the not returning to work until 2025. Again, media/KP/whoever – IT CAN”T BE BOTH!!!!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      She can run and swim in cold water but she can’t work till next year. Is that where we are now?

    • Tessa says:

      Like Williams alleged run through central park

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      If she is doing cold water swims and running she is fit enough to go back to work. And if her hair has all dropped out she would be praised for going out in public like that, it would be a great encouragement to others with cancer.

    • She “sneaks” out in the mornings. During the school run! Or during the nannies getting the getting kids ready for school part! But she can’t work because of the kids!

      But won’t she wave from a balcony! Kate’s been seen! But she can’t ride in a carriage because of the kids!

      (Please send kibble directly)

  9. Alexandria says:

    Yea we expect that.

    The truth might be the simplest explanation. She seeks the spotlight and validation since college. Patterns don’t suddenly change. I don’t think she is dead. She is incapacitated or visually not presentable in some way.

    • gah says:

      ITA. one of those two is it, possibly a combination of them. no way she has the self control to stay out of the public eye for any length of time given her thirst unless there’s a REALLY good reason. e.g. hair/face issues or physically cannot.

  10. Pinkosaurus says:

    But who will do the sacred school run???!?! (I know the kids are probably on break but I’d like to think William will pick up the visiting delegation and swing by the school to pick up the kids on the way).

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    Does this mean no possibility of a balcony appearance at Trooping? That was being floated just a few days ago. It’s hard to keep track of all the places where Kate will not be seen this month.

  12. AMTC says:

    The flashing of the royal rose bush. Happy times.

  13. BayTampaBay says:

    “Also: if there’s a state dinner, you know Rose Hanbury and David Rocksavage are invited.”

    I cannot wait to see what Rose will wear!

    • Jais says:

      Will she wear the tiara that actually somewhat looks like Kate’s tinfoil tiara 😂? Or does she have even more somewhere? They also mentioned other family members. Assuming they meant the glousters, Kents, or edinburghs but it’d be interesting if they recruited any of the cousins.

  14. K8erade says:

    I feel like this is turning into a Empress Masako situation. Masako endured the press asking where she was when her depression got bad and she had a lot of difficulties due to adjusting her life to marry the now Emperor. Yes, I think Kate truly has cancer but I also think the criticism she’s received has also put her in a bad spot where her mental health is concerned and so she’s retreated from the spotlight. There’s been rumors her mental health declined and she’s being treated for her mental health on top of her cancer. I think the emotional issues are a bit self-inflicted. She wanted to marry William so badly, she got what she wanted. I also have no doubt that William’s horrible behavior behind the scenes also led to her emotional issues too. I can’t imagine dealing with cancer and your mental health is fun. I’d feel more sorry for her if she wasn’t a racist who played a part in the Sussexes’ exile.

    • Murphy says:

      It’s a mostly different situation but it does have the similar isolation aspect–Masako was out of the game for years so I’m sure some connections will be drawn in the press.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      She hasn’t had a tenth of the criticism that Meghan has had to put up with.

    • Nic919 says:

      Did Masako set up her sister in law to be attacked daily in the media? And gaslight her choices when it came to giving birth?

      • Square2 says:

        Exactly. Masako did not treat her in-laws badly. It’s the other way around. The Japanese tabloids media & her in-laws treated her not well; it wasn’t until she & her husband moved out of the Royal Palace & got mental health treatments that she slowly getting better. The male heir situation didn’t help either & with a cut-throat SIL wanting the title… It was a mess for her to endure.

        KKKate is not the same as Masako. She is not on the same level as Masako in every way.

  15. Olivia says:

    Kate’s not coming back. She’s in her quiet divorce era.

    The bigger question is, has anyone seen the kids since Christmas? Will the kids be at Trooping?

    Sometimes I wonder if what happened between Will and Kate is similar to what happened to Brand and Angelina?

    • MsIam says:

      I think its even more sinister than that. At least Angelina never “disappeared”. I think the kids are ok, because I feel that the Daily Beast article would have mentioned if the kids were not seen at school. It mentioned that Kate hadn’t actually been seen, just rumors of people who claimed to have seen her.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The Daily Beast has been working overtime to tamp down speculation and support KP/William’s narrative. We have no idea what’s going on with the children, if times were normal that wouldn’t be at all odd but not being seen ‘because their mother is ill’ is not reasonable after nearly six months. If the children, who have been on the balcony since infancy, are not at Trooping I have to wonder:

        A: are Kate, C&L still in England?

        B: is there a darker layer about all this they are trying to keep hidden?

        C: Why do they insist Kate is ‘out and about’ if she isn’t?

        The easiest way to shut down all the speculation has always been to show Kate in an unambiguous manner, like CIII has conducted himself in public spaces repeatedly. William can easily escort all three of his children in public -unless he ‘can’t’, which then the question is ‘why’?

      • Nic919 says:

        The Daily Beast now has a Brit from the DM and NY Post running it so we can’t assume anything in terms of the kids. These UK tabloid people have no issue covering for the UK establishment.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Yeah, I think the kids are just at school, and the reason the younger two haven’t been seen is just that William always prioritises George and gives him special treatment. The younger kids aren’t really being seen less than the usually are. And I really, truly doubt Kate has the power to ever be allowed to take the kids, even if she was well enough to.

      It’s Kate that’s the issue here.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The children have missed Easter. The next public event one might reasonably expect to see them is Trooping. If all three children miss Trooping the Colour, or only George attends, that will be peculiar. It is not just Kate as the issue in this circumstance. Being unseen for nearly six months in both her case and C&L’s remains problematic.

        There is no reason that proof of life for BRF members after five months unseen is an unreasonable or intrusive demand, particularly if she’s been accompanying the children outside the home recently as the BM suggests. Now that George has been accounted for his siblings should be too.

      • Julianna says:

        The kids are being seen less. I see this getting repeated that they are not seen and its not true. Since before 2019 you can see a pattern of them in the public. The younger kids included are usually on average seen in some way shape or form at the very LEAST 4 to 6 plus times by now. They are either papped and/or intentionally photographed by their parents for PR. And they missed Easter.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        And not just easter, the kids missed mother’s day too. Because there’s no way William “took” a “photo” for a mother’s day picture that “Kate” edited and released in honor of herself.

  16. Blujfly says:

    Out of all her outfits, this one took the cake for garishness, inappropriateness, overdone and fussy. The giant hat. The giant bow. The color. To stand at the airport with your guests, dressed in muted colors because they are 1) professionals and 2) here to discuss the escalation of hostilities against them by the hostile isolated nation above them. Everything about her that day screamed lightweight. Crown Princess Mary would have never.

    • Very good point, for all the talk that royals should be laid because they’re soft diplomats, Kate’s behavior on this visit was more like a celeb walking the red carpet at The Met.

      There was no understanding of the tense, frightening situation her guests’ country face. Ideally, a diplomat would offer a comforting, adult, empathetic and reliable vibe.

      • Liz says:

        In that outfit I think she was hoping to get laid 🥹

      • @liz omg my typo is perfect. I meant paid, but you make an excellent point lol:-)

      • Liz says:


      • Christine says:

        It really is the best typo!

      • Cali says:

        Kate was just so off that day. I never thought she was a model of emotional wellbeing but she came across as actually being mentally unwell. The all red outfit with the incongruous leg display along with her weird facial expressions was bizarre. I felt embarrassed for her.
        And it seemed like that event was a real turning point in terms of the Royal Family turning against her.
        I hope she is able to overcome her health issues for her own sake and that of her children.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    I wonder if the protocol police are.going to be out that day. An emperor outranks a king. If Charles and Camilla don’t bow and curtsey to the imperial guests I want the same energy as if Harry and Meghan were there.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I don’t believe Kings and Queens bow to the Emperor and Emperor of Japan. They didn’t at his enthronement, only the Princes and Princesses did.

    • Liz says:

      Totally agree Christine!

  18. Interested Gawker says:

    I still can’t believe that Kate had her legs out like that, she surpassed herself that day…

    Proof of life for POW and her two youngest children, on the record with independent witnesses and no more faff.

    • Laura D says:

      We REALLY do not need to see the children. Those kids are going to be under enough scrutiny when they’re older. If we’ve learnt anything from Spare it’s that either or both of them will be thrown under the bus to protect George.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “We REALLY do not need to see the children”

        I was of that opinion until they missed the Easter walk and their birthday photos were clearly from the same set of images as the Mothering Sunday photo. Like their mother, Charlotte and Louis have not been seen in public since Christmas Day 2023. Easter and Trooping the Colour were traditional times when they were presented to the public. If they don’t participate in Trooping this year they will not have been seen for six months. Unambiguous video proof as a well check, live and viewed by both independent witnesses and non Murdoch international press for POW and her children is long overdue.

        So, yes:

        We REALLY do need to see the children to be assured of their welfare.

      • I don’t think a brief appearance would be throwing them under the bus for George, though.

        They are normally seen at these bigger occasions.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Look at it another way and C&L absence might actually BE them being ‘thrown under the bus’ and George a human shield too. We don’t know. We can’t know unless the facts come forward one way or the other. If nothing else proof of life is as simple as a wave from a passing vehicle, so long as its a verifiable sighting. CIII has had ample proof of his being ‘out and about’ this entire time. KP should be no different.

      • HeatherC says:

        I agree that we do not need to see the children. It feels gross to me to demand to see other people’s children. We all (rightfully) clap back at the derangers and royal rota who attempt to demand to see Archie and Lili after all.

      • @HeatherC while I agree with you to a point, let’s not conflate Archie and Lili w/ taxpayer funded heirs to the next monarch. Additionally, the Wales children have been on the balcony and other public appearances for years.

        So, it’s not that people are demanding to see someone’s children in a way that isn’t normal, it’s they are asking why that has changed this year.

        It’s odd that the children are no longer seen, when they were previously present at these big occasions. That seems like a fair question, but wouldn’t even be an issue had KP not bungled the PR part of whatever ails Kate.

      • Nic919 says:

        Seeing as how Louis and Charlotte have been at Trooping for years, it would be very odd if they didn’t attend and it would raise more questions.

        But in general they shouldn’t have to be seen. It’s likely because Louis in particular is not old enough to contain whatever is going on. Charlotte probably could, but there is some misogyny at work in that family in general.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “We all (rightfully) clap back at the derangers and royal rota who attempt to demand to see Archie and Lili after all.”

        The Rota want access and money. Derangers simply engage in their ongoing harassment of the Sussexes. This request (my username aside) is not to gawk and stare at them for ‘no reason’. Had the children participated in the Easter walk there would be no need. If they don’t participate in Trooping there is every need.

        Proof of life for the Princess of Wales, Charlotte and Louis shown to be sound and well, in so far as they are seen in a verifiable public setting is necessary after 162 days out of the public eye. We have no way of knowing if Kate has agreed to any of what has been purported to be her choice in this situation. Lumbering her with the ridicule of the Mothering Sunday photo credited to William was cruel. Do these reports that she’s ‘out and about’ reflect reality? We’ve seen George. Charlotte and Louis’ birthday photos were not recent images and said to have been taken by Kate -that was deceptive and they stopped KP handout photos to protect their scam.

        William and Charles have more power than Kate and the Middletons. Some talk openly about not caring about Kate as she is not royal, not caring because she was ‘the royal racist’, some insist she needs privacy. One doesn’t have to care a button for Kate but the fact remains she has not been seen since Christmas Day 2023 and KP has repeatedly lied and committed fraud in their attempts to lull the public into disinterest and then shame that public for purience over a sick woman. Her two youngest children have also not been seen. It’s been 162 days, that’s too long.

        If Kate can be out running errands a press conference should be no hardship. With staff and additional childcare and RPOs William can bring all three of his children out in public. KP and the BM could stop most of the outside speculation by doing this but it is particularly important for Kate as a woman at the mercy of an institution with more power than her and a second level of legal ownership over her children other mothers do not have to contend with.

        If William is putting out media stories about Kate that aren’t true she should have the right to say so and explain her position herself. If she can’t, for whatever reason, her family should have that right.

        There should be proof of life for the Princess of Wales and the public should see all three children, not just the heir.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        I don’t think we can really know anything until after Trooping.

        As pointed out above, the younger children are very rarely seen anyway, only at certain events like Easter and Trooping, and they obviously wouldn’t have been at the Easter service this year since neither of their parents attended (they could hardly attend alone without either or their parents!) and that’s probably more due to William being workshy and a-religious and using Kate as an excuse to avoid a boring church duty.

        But William really can’t avoid Trooping, and if he turns up without the children or just with George, that will say something.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    If she’s not going to participate in the State Visit, it’s unlikely she’s going to be at Trooping. Plus, as I said last week, Charles is not going to want Kate to make an appearance at Trooping because he and Camilla would be overshadowed.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I think they’ve known since January that she was going to be ascent, at least for the rest of the year. This started back when her birthday was practically ignored, and later when KP had a meltdown after some bloke posted that Kate would be inspecting the guards (or whatever medieval cosplay nonsense they still hold on to in order to maintain their outdated class system). They will just keep stringing the highly gullible along, with these announcements.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        That snippy directive to the army, that KP will be the one to announce if Princess Catherine will be there -as if the army was in the wrong for proceeding with their event by taking KP at their word that the date would not be a problem when they kept insisting she’d be back ‘after Easter’ was another sign something is deeply wrong in this situation. That so many international publications and websites reported Rebecca English’s fanfiction as news has been concerning. Why are the news media parroting propaganda instead of verifying facts? Who were English’s sources? Has she seen Kate herself, have actual on the record sources who did or was she simply directed to say the POW was ‘out and about’ by William’s henchmen?

      • Nic919 says:

        BP wished her birthday greetings but KP did not. That was the first sign of something odd happening.

        KP is running this poorly but then Lee Thompson can only do so much when William thinks he’s an expert.

        BP is letting them do what they want chaotic as it may be.

  20. Proud Mary says:

    Those photo are so incredibly cringe. The day Kate took her Meghan cosplay to a whole ‘nother level. Even her so-called defenders couldn’t twist themselves into pretzels to defend her. Come on CB, give us a timeline.

    • Some of them were proud of this moment! They think her legs are “better” than her SIL, so they don’t care that it wasn’t appropriate. very much giving off classless and desperate Trump Mar a Lago women. Everything is a gotcha with them, if it can give them an excuse to hate on Meghan, they’re happy.

      Kates fans are overlapped with Trump’s. Did you by any chance see that video of the British Trump fan lady who went to the courthouse during his trial only to be screamed at by Trump MAGAs the most obscene things? I haven’t laughed that hard since Four Seasons Total Landscaping. A royalist Trump fan FAFO.

      • Nic919 says:

        I don’t think the British woman was pro trump, but just wanted to see the circus since they were in NYC. She certainly got an earful though. Her husband was smarter and got her out of there when the MAGAs started yelling at her.

      • @Nic I thought she said repeatedly that she liked to watch Trump on TV and enjoyed him. I can’t imagine what would compel anyone to voluntarily seek him out to watch if not a fan.

        Either way, though, it was hysterical. Her poor husband kept trying to stop her from speaking to people with cameras, he is no fool!

  21. Gabby says:

    Can someone tell me what the purpose of this state visit is? Will any official business be conducted? It doesn’t sound like the Emperor and Empress will get to meet with the prime minister, or any other actual movers and shakers, due to the impending election. Is this really all just to watch a parade and have supper, then?

    • Princessk says:

      It is to cement diplomatic and economic relations between Britain and Japan. Top government and business people from both sides will be invited to the events to cement bilateral cooperation.

  22. Hypocrisy says:

    I can’t wait until someone finally has the courage to open the flood gates on exactly what her condition is.. I’m actually a little terrified that it has gone on this long. Six months and no verified proof of life for a so called “beloved princess”, not what I expected at start of 2024.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Yes, even a month was too long without some sort of formal confirmation. Who would have thought in February we’d arrive here: no proof of life for the most visible member of the BRF going on 162 days!

  23. Renee' says:

    I know pics can be deceiving, but she looks so unhappy.

    • She really does look unhappy. Her gurning got so bad the last few years and looked so desperate. As awful as she has been (and being racist toward a baby is peak horrible), I also can’t help feeling bad for her that she chose this life with this awful husband.

      William is just such a difficult person, though he does seem to be an engaged father.

      But then her people will come out with another “hardest thing she ever had to do was walk next to Meghan” or I see the photo of Meghan and Archie being frozen out and I give up. Kate signed up for this, she made choices.

    • Tiny says:


      Her unhappiness warms my heart.

  24. Lindsay Barrilleaux says:

    I suspect she has Ovarian CA and is very sick.
    The secrecy that worked previously for the palace will not survive the SM age.
    People have become more astute and expect more in exchange for adoration.
    I hope she is getting the best care, that her children are feeling as secure as they can and that she finds peace.

  25. Liz says:

    A guy on TikTok who says he has contacts in the British media says there will be an announcement on Mon 10th June. Not sure if it’s royal or political. Or even if he’s legit. Will see what happens

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Let’s hope it’s royal-related and not Rishi announcing his new plan to bring back hanging, or scurvy, or sending children up chimneys, or… hang on I should stop giving him ideas, shouldn’t I?

  26. Pork Belly says:

    I can’t stand this silly nothing of a human. What’s with these delaying tactics type of non stories. Just give me proof of life or shut up.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s what’s so peculiar, the easiest way to halt speculation is to show her, in absence of this why do they keep bringing her up?! What if KP made good on the original plan; that William would be on hiatus until ‘Kate was better’? What if they released the Frankenphoto but admitted previous older photo, not pretend it had been taken recently? What if they simply let C&C be the face of the BRF and shut up? Every nefarious thing about Kate being missing would still be suspicious, but only to people like us, royal watchers. Why couldn’t they do that?

      Why keep insisting she can go out shopping and being with the children in public, with no sightings of her by the public, but too unwell to do a live press conference in person or a zoom?

      Maybe they are trying to bait a second wind of negative attention so they can announce her demise after all the ‘godless mean online people’ railed against Kate’s laziness. Some seem befuddled that people who don’t care for her as a person are still concerned for her. Maybe the public and SM users aren’t behaving the way KP intended us to and they keep trying to provoke more reactions. Some writers are insisting Kate is being bullied online but most everyone is either fed up hearing about this or suspicious over the inconsistencies -not being rude towards her to any real degree and many showing a lot of concern she be well.

  27. Konspiracy says:

    I am not 100% buying this cancer storyline. There are far too many crazy inconsistencies & oddities that are adding up, ever since that emergency medical convoy left Sandringham on 12/28….Thomas Kingston’s mysterious death/”suicide”; William seen in public with bruises on his face & neck shortly after TK’s death; William bowing out of his godfather’s memorial service at the last moment; Strange photoshopped images being officially released to the media; Carole Middleton’s car accident that occurred & then didn’t occur; No sightings of the Kate coming/going to treatment or having visitors; Kate’s staff saying that she has not be heard from; The British Press’ soft-then-hard launch of Rose Hanbury…. It’s all so eery and foreboding.

    All is not well.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      I 100% agree that there’s very obviously weirdness around that cannot possibly be explained solely by a cancer diagnosis, but the “Sandringham ambulance” was debunked – it was a London ambulance filmed in London, a few miles away from KP and heading away from the hospital. London ambulances to not drive the whole entire way across the country and back; an emergency at Sandringham would either involve an ambulance to a local major hospital, or an airlift to London.

      There’s literally nothing to indicate that the ambulance filmed in London had anything to do with royals other than one weird tweet from a known troll.

    • Princessk says:

      Yes, there has been unusual silence about the mysterious suicide of Thomas Kingston.
      This is a story that will still be told……

  28. Liz says:

    💯 agree

  29. Gracie says:

    A couple of observations taking the most optimistic lens I can:

    – whoever put her in that red getup had no sense, and she certainly should have weighed in. We have had decades of experience with celebs, etc exiting vehicles right into cameras. Surely someone has put together a manual by now. If the fabric on the dress underneath was stiff, it wouldn’t have slipped to that degree and you’d still have the visual effect of the draping coat. It is a very odd way to exit a car, too – I would figure flip both legs out to ensure the dress is situated and stand, OR put knees together and swivel out with the right leg leading, then stand. I don’t believe she is an exhibitionist, but can absolutely believe she was a little woozy from something. Weird situation, and if she was nervous about the outfit, have someone standing outside the door to assist? It’s not “modern” to refuse help in these situations, it’s common sense if you are in this scenario.

    – could it be the case that there is some weird divorce situation where the crown gets the heir and she gets the spares temporarily? I understand the crown owns all of them, but just thinking aloud because I don’t understand. If I were in her shoes, I would put myself out even if uncomfortable to protect the children from being roped in. Easy to say “here I am, I feel terrible, I look terrible, but I’m okay. Please leave my children alone they are fine.” Why? All of this is so unnecessary. If it’s a mental health issue, she is the patron of mental health! Issue a nice and vulnerable statement. There is no award for not having struggles in one’s life.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “I would put myself out even if uncomfortable to protect the children from being roped in. Easy to say “here I am, I feel terrible, I look terrible, but I’m okay. Please leave my children alone they are fine.””

      That was a red flag from the first. Kate had the front to turn Prince Philip’s funeral into her own catwalk and no problem providing multiple years of ‘Kate’s Cuties’ calendars in the DM. Kate absolutely would have shown herself and kept a steady stream of ‘POW recuperates along side the royal children’ stories and if she wasn’t able MaMidds absolutely would have in her stead.

      Middleton embiggening silence has been deafening.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      “I don’t believe she is an exhibitionist”


  30. Digital Unicorn says:

    My money is on an announcement being made that she’s retiring from public life due to her health and then a divorce announcement later in the year/next year (they will divorce quietly and once its finalised it will be announced).

    One thing is crystal clear to me – it’s that she’s not going to be seen in public again. We are pretty much being told this now.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Agreed. I would not be surprised if she was being faded out of public life permanently.

      It will be interesting to see what happens when Charles dies (assuming Kate is still alive then), if the monarchy hangs on that long. I wonder if William would just be coronated solo?

    • sevenblue says:

      He can’t divorce his wife with cancer. It will ruin his reputation, no one can clean that sh*t up. They set up Kate as the white woman savior against Meghan. White people love her, especially old ones who are the main supporters of BRF. There is no angle that they can work it out. They are already living separate lives, just like what Charles wanted from Diana, Kate is silent while William is hanging out with his buddies like a bachelor. It would be stupid of him to ruin all that.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles wanted out of the marriage. He could not hide his contempt for Diana. Diana said her life was torture and Charles did name camilla.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Tessa, Charles wanted Diana to be a small woman following behind him and do what Charles asks of her. She was always the star, which was the main problem for Charles. In his eyes, she didn’t know her place as the wife. Charles didn’t want to marry Camilla at the time in his own words. She was the willing mistress and he was happy with that. When he figured that his marriage was failure, he made sure Camilla’s got ruined too, so he can get her.

        Kate is everything the firm wanted from Diana. She wears clothes, doesn’t say sh*t about anything, has no voice, no passion. They put her in public when they want to and she disappears otherwise.

  31. Anon says:

    I wonder if she was signalling with her earring choice in this and the Christmas Day pic. Very Diana and perhaps suggesting she knew she was not wanted and was being erased.

  32. Claire says:

    Interesting, because big royal news usually comes out on Friday afternoons (unless it’s time sensitive). I would guess any further news about Kate would follow the pattern and come out on a Friday before a long school break.