Jennifer Lawrence & other fashion ladies came out for the great Dior Cruise show

Here are some photos from Monday’s Dior Cruise 2025 show. The event was held at Drummond Castle in the UK and Dior got a great turnout. Many of their biggest-name brand ambassadors/Dior-loving fashion girls came out, including Beatrice Borromeo, Anya Taylor Joy, Maisie Williams, Alexa Chung, Rosamund Pike, Lily Collins, Emma Radacanu and Jennifer Lawrence. I’m including some of those ladies in this post but not everyone (because some of the outfits were boring). I will say this: this year’s Dior Cruise line is great! I really enjoy a lot of these clothes and that rarely happens with Dior. The coats are gorgeous, there are so many great trousers, sweaters and amazing animal prints. My least favorite outfit in these pics was Anya’s – the hotpants and exposed faux-garter tights are such a weird combination.

So, shall we talk about Jennifer Lawrence? By far the biggest-name Dior ambassador, although Anya is giving her a run for her money these days. J-Law got a great outfit and I’m scared to look up the price on the jacket. But it feels like every time we see J-Law at a Dior show, she’s gotten some new tweaks to her face. I know pregnancy changes people’s faces, but this is now a consistent thing for several years now, where she just looks tweaked or frozen or subtly different. Last year, Jen claimed that she hasn’t had eye surgery, she’s just “doing makeup” now. But… I don’t believe her.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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10 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence & other fashion ladies came out for the great Dior Cruise show”

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  1. Nubia says:

    Love Rosamunds outfit and Jennifer simply looks Frozen.

  2. Jais says:

    Rosamund’s classic black coat would be more in my wheel house. Assuming I could ever afford something like that. The animal print is good too but I’m just more likely to go with basic black than a print. But I’d also wear the same jacket in a deep green or jewel tone.

  3. Elle says:

    Need that leopard print coat! I love that. I cannot afford that so I will stick with my black coat I’ve had for years.

    I think when Jennifer Lawrence smiles she looks the same. Botox in my opinion but shoot, I get Botox and I’m not having people taking pictures of me. I think it’s well done, her eyebrows don’t look unnaturally arched. Everyone else featured here looks equally smooth.

  4. pyritedigger says:

    I recently rewatched the Hunger Games and Jennifer was so beautiful in those movies. I love dark hair on her.

    She is older now, so obviously she will look different than she did as a young adult, but I wish she would stop with all of the face tweaking. It’s taking away from her natural, individual beauty.

  5. BlueSky says:

    Honestly kind of liking Anya’s look, It’s giving low key 90’s punk/goth vibes…but a more polished rendition. I would have been all over this outfit in high school.

  6. Glamarazzi says:

    I sure don’t think “coats and long dresses” when I think “cruise” but maybe cruising is something different for the well-heeled?

    Now I’m watching this show on YouTube and it’s taking place on a giant estate somewhere, quelle ritzy.

  7. Grant says:

    I think J. Law just got Botox and a little bit of filler.

  8. alexc says:

    Love Anya’s outfit, very sexy/badass/punk. She’s a true fashionista who really works the look. The top half is ‘rich ladies who lunch’ while the bottom might be their husband’s dominitrix.

  9. Annalise says:

    All the outfits are cute EXCEPT Anya Taylor Joy, who I love as an actress ( im a huge horror buff and The VVitch is one of my favorite horror movies) but Anya definitely leans toward “edgy”/weird so no surprises there.

    Rosamund Pike’s middle part is really severe, I think a side part would soften her features.

    Maise Williams looks super adorable. I am LOVING the animal prints all around.

    I would definitely switch up Lily Collins shoes for something less chunky and more feminine.

  10. A25 says:

    I’ve recently realised the real big difference with J Law between now and 5 years ago…

    She doesn’t really smile any more. All her red carpets used to be smiley & jovial, and now you never see that. Always a closed mouth / serious smirk vibe. Always looks kind of sad tbh.

    So regardless of tweaks & makeup, thats what stands out as the biggest difference for me.