Prince Harry & Hugh Grosvenor spoke on the phone as friends about Hugh’s wedding

Over the weekend, I saw that the Times of London’s royal editor Roya Nikkhah was still insisting that the Duke of Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, had not invited Prince Harry to his wedding. Kensington Palace spoon-fed Roya that version last December, and she’s still claiming it, even after every other publication and royal reporter has quietly acknowledged that Hugh DID invite the Sussexes to his wedding and the Sussexes declined. Speaking of, the Times’ Kate Mansey did yet another story which acknowledged just that, because they’re still desperately trying to wring as much melodrama from this as possible:

[Grosvenor] is one of only a few friends who has remained close to both the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex despite the brothers’ increasingly bitter public feud. The duke’s godfather is the King and, in turn, he is godfather to William and Harry’s eldest sons, Prince George and Prince Archie. But with William and Harry barely able to sit in the same cathedral without the rage being visible, the royal rift has threatened to overshadow the Westminster wedding. So, which of them to invite?

It is understood that a civilised understanding was reached between the duke and Harry over the phone. It’s a long way to come from California, after all. Harry was invited but then agreed to stay away. The duke’s diplomacy then cleared the way for William to perform the role of usher during Friday’s ceremony — a job that would have been beyond awkward if he was obliged to show Harry to his pew, even though he might enjoy telling him where to go. The Princess of Wales, meanwhile, will stay away as she continues her recovery after revealing this year that she is undergoing chemotherapy.

[From The Times]

“If he was obliged to show Harry to his pew, even though he might enjoy telling him where to go…” Ha, it’s so funny to joke around about an abusive psycho telling his brother to go to hell. Hilarity! Again, this directly contradicts The Times’ reporting from six months ago, which came via a very obvious Kensington Palace briefing. Prince William has centered himself in the Duke of Westminster’s wedding for months and it’s one of the tackiest things I’ve ever seen in my life. Anyway, in case you need it underlined, People Magazine ran a confirmation of the “Hugh invited Harry to the wedding, actually” version:

Prince Harry was invited to Britain’s wedding of the year, but both parties recognized the challenges of his attendance. PEOPLE confirms that the Duke of Sussex, 39, was invited to the upcoming wedding of Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, to Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral in northern England on June 7. However, there was an acknowledgment on both sides that it would be difficult for Harry to attend. Meanwhile, Prince William is expected to serve as an usher at what is regarded as the society wedding of the year.

It was an “understanding between the two friends,” a source describes the conversation between the two dukes. An insider close to the bride and groom tells PEOPLE that Harry and the Duke of Westminster mutually made the agreement.

The decision certainly avoided the inevitable clamor had estranged brothers Prince William, 41, and Prince Harry both attended the nuptials, eliminating the possibility of the big day being overshadowed for the couple.

Transatlantic travel to the U.K. is fraught for Harry due to security challenges in his home country. His official support was removed after he and his wife, Meghan Markle, stepped back from their royal roles and relocated to her home state of California in 2020. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex can also no longer use Frogmore Cottage, their former home in Windsor Great Park, as a base during stays in the U.K.

Moreover, Prince Harry’s RSVP removes any difficulty of being shown to his seat by his brother, who will welcome guests and help them find their place in the church’s pews on Friday.

The Duke of Sussex sends “his love and support and admiration for the couple” for their wedding day, the source tells PEOPLE.

[From People]

Something similar was briefed from Montecito or the Grosvenors’ people last December, as a subtle contradiction of William’s very obvious briefing – that Harry and Hugh had spoken on the phone, that Harry declined the invitation but that Hugh and Harry are still fine. Yet I guarantee that throughout this week, there will still be royalists insisting that “Hugh snubbed the Sussexes and they’re mad about it” and “Meghan would kill to be at the society wedding of the year!” The amount of copium these people need to get through the day is astounding.

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54 Responses to “Prince Harry & Hugh Grosvenor spoke on the phone as friends about Hugh’s wedding”

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  1. Tessa says:

    I think harry would enjoy telling William where to go. William fans think his being an usher is a great honor

    • Lau says:

      I’m really curious to see if he’ll actually do any ushering given that he’s allergic to any kind of work.

      • Cathy says:

        Will William phone it in?
        Will he be ushering via zoom?
        Is the ushering soon to be seen as work for Will and will it count for the yearly round up?
        But what about the school run? Fifty million toilets in Montecito have questions!

      • Teagirl says:

        I’m wondering if he will attend the wedding rehearsal (apparently he didn’t attend the rehearsal for his own wedding!) and if he will turn up early as ushers are expected to do.

      • samipup says:

        I like how the article is very clearly pushing back the dream Willy had about being the Best Man, not the ….groom.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Well, “usher” is the sort of “job” that if he dips, or someone else covers for him, it won’t be noticeable.

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Dear lord. This story is endless.

      Thank god the wedding is almost here so we won’t have to deal with hearing about William’s rigorous usher training and how he basically went through boot camp so he’s just as good – if not better – than Harry. Im waiting for the briefing that William had to learn to fly an Apache in case the groom gets cold feet and needs a quick exit.

      Sigh. I also don’t think Harry said anything. Williams actions are not a reflection on Harry, only on William.

      I think hugh had enough and reached out to correct the record closer to the wedding date. He was tactful enough not to throw William under his Rolls Royce but to make it clear Harry was invited – and for “reasons” (that are currently screaming from the roof top of KP that they are the super star of Hugh and Olivia’s wedding) decided to skip the happy occasion to keep the focus on the newly wed couple.

      I mean – if Harry said he was going to go, the media circus around the wedding would have been appalling. Drones, paps in full shrubbery costumes trying to unobtrusively sneak across the open lawn.

      “I say Hugh, why is there a shrubbery of indeterminate species moving slowly across your lawn? It’s just not the done thing, old chap. A splendid topiary could do something as audacious as move about of its own free will but a shrubbery should know its place. Have your man speak to the gardening staff. What a shocking display.”

      Hugh ….. “I think I’ll ask William to direct the shrubbery to its seat”

      Random aristo “well I say! Bloody well done Hugh! Ha! Aha! Ahaha! Marvelous. *glances around* did he actually show? I haven’t seen him in this crush. Ehhh we can check the dark corners for him later, eh? Just text him about the errant bush and let’s leave the upstart foliage to the man of the hour, the super star, William the usher. Ha!”

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      An usher is a staff job, why is it considered an honour?

      • fabulous says:

        Usher? I thought Willnot was supposed to be a groomsman. Hahahaha

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Harry would have been the one with the groomsman’s job and harry wouldve won again. William is close enough to Hugh to be an usher. We’ll hear willie huevo whine about it once the wedding is over 💯. Anyway, all of this and other sussexes briefings to deflect from trooping the color in about 2 weeks without Kate because where the fck is she?

  2. I believe Harry and Hugh had the conversation and both agreed this would be best and less intrusive but then Peg decided to make it all about himself.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    It’s interesting that the Duke of Westminster’s side is talking because according to Roya Nikkhah he likes to keep a low profile but perhaps he felt he had to after William made the wedding all about him.

    • ML says:

      Yup. Someone is taking the time and effort to point out that Hugh and Harry are friends in multiple publications and it’s not coming from Harry.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      I read that Harry declined because the press would make it all about H and M not the bride and groom, of course that reason is rather embarrassing for the press.

  4. Izzy says:

    I feel kind of bad for the bride and groom. This day is supposed to be about them and Willy Wanker is making it all about him instead.

    • Kingston says:

      Yeah. If this is “the society wedding of the year” howcome theres not one word about the bride & the usual coverage leading up to the big wedding……the cake, the flowers, who’s designing the dress, who are the bridesmaids, pageboys, etc.

      Oh well. Perhaps its all in tatler along with all the other brit mags and rags that i dont care about.

  5. Beverley says:

    Copium stock must be through the roof in the UK lately. They’re desperate for Harry’s return/public degradation. But he keeps refusing to capitulate!

  6. Jais says:

    The wedding is Friday right? I look forward to this story being done. As for roya, I can imagine that hugh and Harry talked and decided it would be best that he didn’t attend so thus no invitation was sent. So she’s using that to say he wasn’t formally invited. Which is splitting hairs and essentially a lie. But she is known for it so.

    • Nanea says:

      Funny of you to mention *splitting hairs*, as Roya is known as Split Ends among some Squaddies.

      That said, everywhere the Sussexes showed up to would be all about them, they’re the biggest moneymakers for the 🐀🐀🐀 after all. That’s why they need to be mentioned everywhere, even if the story should only be about the Left-Behinds or the royal-adjacents, aristocracy and nobility.

      I mean, who would honestly care about Hugh Grosvenor on an international level, despite him being an unpopular landlord, a multi-billionaire not through his own work, but of the generations that came before him, and the heir of a property and estate portfolio with questionable provenance?

    • Becks1 says:

      I think this is what happened – we heard he was sent a Save the Date, but it might have just been a verbal one. I can see Harry explaining his rationale to Hugh and not just sending a “no thanks” response. I mean even without Harry going William’s making this wedding all about him. Imagine if Harry was attending!

  7. s808 says:

    I’m sure they can’t for whoever superficial reason but I would tell W he can stay home too. I can’t believe the he’s made a circus out of SOMEBODY ELSE’S wedding. I’d be SO annoyed if I was the bride.

    • Steph says:

      Why can’t you believe it? They did the same for H&M’s wedding. Remember Kate even wore “white.”

      • S808 says:

        That was the Sussexes, there’s no bottom for W&K’s treatment of them but wow I thought for an extremely rich, seemingly powerful aristo, W would try to act less like an ass. Apparently not.

      • They are truly the couple everyone wants to avoid. They spoil weddings they’re invited to by centering themselves, smearing the bride and groom, William snapping at his wife while she chats with a bride, and more.

        So much for soft diplomats.

    • Renae says:

      S808, the perfect excuse is there for the taking: Will is to be at the D-day ceremonies and has to have separate transport to make both the wedding and Normandy. What better excuse from either party!

  8. Miranda says:

    I know it’s not surprising in the least, coming from William, but I am still so incredibly appalled at the way he has made another man’s wedding all about himself. I just cannot comprehend the lack of self-awareness. This is true entitlement, the result of not having one single, solitary person throughout your entire life who is willing to tell you when to sit down and STFU.

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    William’s constant need to better the better brother shows exactly why these brother’s are estranged. Harry being the more emotionally intelligent brother knows how to put others needs above himself.

  10. GDubslady says:

    Interesting that Grosvenor set the record straight and refuses to play sides. That might be the default position of the Lords of London. Perhaps William is seen as a shaky proposition among the most powerful aristocrats. Also Camilla’s petty feud with Hugh Grosvenors mother can’t help. A Queen should be gracious not hold onto 20 year grudge. As a mistress turned Queen, Camilla should be more circumspect instead of stirring up trouble behind the scenes. Perhaps William just wants to carry favor with one of the wealthiest men in the country.

    • Anna says:

      “Perhaps William just wants to carry favor with one of the wealthiest men in the country.” If that were the case, you’d think William would know better than to make someone else’s wedding about himself, but that’s probably asking too much.

      “Camilla’s petty feud with Hugh Grosvenors mother can’t help.” Oooh what’s the tea on this?👀

      • kirk says:

        I’m probly the worst person to respond since I don’t follow royals behind trying to figure out what that godawful bizfam is doing to Meghan. But there was an 8/23/22 Vanity Fair article ‘How Prince Charles Sought Revenge Against Princess Diana and the Palace’ about reactions to Chuck’s book by Dimbleby, where Natalia Grosvenor asked Chuck why he’d confessed to affair with Camela. Chuck blamed his private secretary.
        Then there’s the snit over Grosvenor’s correctly placing Camela at Lady Tamara Grosvenor’s wedding (Chuckamela didn’t go):

  11. tamsin says:

    Charles created a brouhaha at one of the Grosvenor daughter’s wedding over where Camilla will sit. Like father, like son.

    • Lulu says:

      Oh, I just read about that. Protocol wouldn’t allow her to sit with Charles. Apparently, that’s when Camilla said she wouldn’t be treated that way anymore and they married.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      And dipped out at practically the last minute. Had to make up an “urgent engagement” inspecting the troops (who of course can be called on last minute for cover). It actually was quite a “snub”.

  12. maisie says:

    Meghan has made it pretty clear that there is nothing that will get her to step foot on that island ever again. Other than the Windsor Transit Lounge, which is technically outside the bounds of the UK.

  13. Lady Digby says:

    Who is going to be Will’s plus one? Peter Phillips or Thug Tindall or David Beckham or “Lucy”?

  14. HT says:

    The idea that this is an “increasingly bitter feud” is laughable given that there is only one side publicly stewing and gossiping around this. Harry has likely accepted this rift for what it is and is moving on in a healthy way; William is the one becoming increasingly bitter that he can’t control his brother.

    • Sue says:

      That’s what’s so bizarre about the latest round of articles. They always make it sound like William and Harry are publicly feuding. The ‘rival royal court’ being the latest nonsense. But honestly when is the last time Harry spoke about his brother or his father in anything but positive ways? When they go for quotes they always have to dig back into the vault for Harry, for William every article is daisy fresh.

  15. Nivz says:

    There is a reason Hugh has the luxury of not taking sides – billions of reasons actually. It’s the poor cousins and importunate friends who have to bow and scrape for Huevo’s mercy.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Free ice cream is being offered to anybody who visits Chester on Friday for the big wedding!

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      That makes the Duke sound like a nice person for thinking of it.

    • Jais says:

      Huh. So that suggests they either anticipate crowds and want to thank them or want crowds to come. I do think it’ll be a big deal with or without free ice cream.

  17. Kingston says:

    “The Princess of Wales, meanwhile, will stay away as she continues her recovery after revealing this year that she is undergoing chemotherapy.”

    ^ This is the reason for the AI cancer bench announcement vid and also the reason for the no-husbandly support at such a critical time: its for when the shidt hits the fan and they start blaming everything on her. Recall that there have been stories that her staff didnt know that she was going in for “scheduled abdominal surgery.”

    Yeah, she “blindsided the king.”

  18. wolfmamma says:

    If the Sussexes went there would be endless screaming about disrespecting Kate.
    I m actually surprised we haven’t heard that yet. Maybe it’s telling that the focus is on William instead

    One more thing – someone needs to tell Huevo that the wedding is supposed to be about the bride and groom .. not the 🤬 usher

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I am sure the British press have some sort of picture of Meghan going about her low key business to trot out for “the day” so they can scream at her about Kate again.

  19. QuiteContrary says:

    Harry is a grown-up. Willy is a child.

  20. Where'sMyTiara says:

    “But with William and Harry barely able to sit in the same cathedral without the rage being visible…”

    WHOSE rage, Mansey? Because it feels kinda freaking important to mention that.

    It’s not Hazza’s rage – he’s moved on. He’s mourned the relationship he wanted but can never have with his brother, Huevos Rageros. The rift was not of Hazza’s making. The rift was the result of Billy Bellend’s narcissism, plus his undeniable inheritance from his father, the Windsor Jealousy Gene.

  21. Pork Belly says:

    Apropos of nothing but how is Grosvenor pronounced?

    • Lady D says:

      Grove-ner. Youtube has sites that pronounce words for you. I use them all the time.

    • aftershocks says:

      Apparently, the ‘s’ is silent:
      I only know this because I heard it properly pronounced on a recent YouTube documentary about the history of the Grosvenor family, which is quite fascinating.