Stormy Daniels’ advice to Melania Trump: Dump him, he’s a convicted felon

This week, President Biden has made several on-the-record statements about Donald Trump. Last week, Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, in connection with the hush money and cover-up of Trump’s sexual liaison with Stormy Daniels. Pres. Biden is now referring to Trump as a “convicted felon” during fundraisers. Biden has also said that “Something snapped in this guy for real” after the 2020 election and “It’s literally driving him crazy.” I agree that something snapped in Trump after he lost. What’s driving me crazy is the collective amnesia about just how f–king dark those ratf–king months were, when Trump was sitting in the White House and literally trying to overthrow the government so he could install himself as permanent dictator of an American banana republic.

Anyway, something lighter: have you noticed that Melania Trump has been in the wind for all of her husband’s court appearances AND campaign trail appearances? Melania reportedly wants nothing to do with Trump’s campaign or his many legal issues. Well, Stormy Daniels gave ol’ Mel some free advice:

Stormy Daniels has some relationship advice for Melania Trump, and—spoiler alert—it’s not to go to couples counseling in an effort to repair her 19-year marriage to Donald Trump. Instead, the adult-film star and director, whose 2016 hush money payment led to the ex-president’s conviction in criminal court last week, has urged the former first lady to ditch her husband.

“I don’t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him,” Daniels told the Daily Mirror. “Not because of what he did with me or other women, but because he is a convicted felon. It’s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. He’s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.”

She added that she believes Melania was a no-show at the Manhattan trial because she wanted to shield her son from what was going on there, which Daniels also cited as the likely reason for Ivanka Trump’s absence. “I would not want to expose my children to that dangerous environment,” Daniels said. “And Melania and Ivanka are both parents—they’re mothers who have younger children, and that would be my reason. You know, if it was the other way around, even if I wanted to support my spouse or my family member, I would choose the safety and privacy of my child over attending court.”

In an interview that aired on Fox News over the weekend, Trump himself said the trial and conviction had taken a toll on his wife. “She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her,” he said, adding that, “in many ways, it’s tougher on [the family] than it is me.”

[From Vanity Fair]

I genuinely believe that Melania renegotiated her prenup/agreement with Trump circa 2016-17, back when she refused to move into the White House. She used that refusal-to-move to negotiate a better situation for herself, for Barron and for her parents (who now live in America). That being said, Melania’s intention has always been to be the final Mrs. Trump. She wants to be the Widow Trump, with all or most of the spoils coming to her. That’s just the thing – the further this goes on, the less Widow Melania will actually inherit. I keep thinking about the eight-figure verdict E. Jean Carroll was awarded. And the close to a billion in fines in federal court… Trump doesn’t have that money.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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34 Responses to “Stormy Daniels’ advice to Melania Trump: Dump him, he’s a convicted felon”

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  1. Yes trump just doesn’t have the money so she needs to find another millionaire to take care of her. I hear Justin Trudeau is available lol.

  2. Tessa says:

    Stormy should not be giving marital advice to mrs trump for obvious reasons. I think she will have a book coming. Of all trumps wives Marla was wise enough to get a,settlement and raise tiffany on her own. Melanie has some sort of an arrangement monetary wise. Not worth It

  3. Milas says:

    Dear Stormy, do not bother with that trash. I tried to give Melania benefit of the doubt. But, she is just like him. They are a perfect match. Hope the jurors and witnesses are safe, this orange freak is nuts.

    • Tessa says:

      Melanie got money for it but not worth it. She should leave like Marla did.

    • ML says:

      Is Stormy’s message to Melania (who is not going to listen to her—otherwise she would have already divorced him) or to women who vote for Agent Orange? I think she’s trying to make a point to the latter (not that I think it will work with many of them).

  4. AlpineWitch says:

    If she wanted to leave, she’d have done so eons ago.

    As Kaiser said, she wanted to be Trump’s widow but by the time she’ll be not much of his money will be left at this rate. She’d be clever to cut her losses and run away with Barron (or she doesn’t want shared custody and she is waiting for the kid to be 18).

  5. equality says:

    Barron is not a young child. He is 18 and just graduated from high school.

  6. TN Democrat says:

    The diehard tRumpers will never quit the orange clown because he empowers them to be ageist, sexist, racist and homophobic and somehow supporters in any of those groups don’t grasp he means them, too. Stormy is fabulous. Watch her doc.

  7. bisynaptic says:

    Everything depends on the election. Vote!

  8. Lau says:

    When that guy dies it’s going to be as much of a mess than when Murdoch dies but with far less money involved.

  9. The Hench says:

    Stormy – you and Melania are in the same business and she has already made a lot more money out of him than you did. She knows he’s a crook – officially convicted or not and, if he goes to prison, then she can have even less to do with him Win win.

    She should be giving you advice, not the other way around.

  10. Talia says:

    Melania has no intention of letting Barron be disinherited. She’s seen how Trump has taken out his dislike of Marla on Tiffany. If she has any sense, rather than just renegotiating her prenup, she will have got cash transferred to her at the time – since the transfer would predate his legal issues, she might well get to keep it.

  11. Bumblebee says:

    Stormy is married to a man who supports and defends her in the press. Trump is married to a woman who is silent and wants nothing to do with him. Tells me all I need to know.

  12. Cheshire Sass says:

    Melania already left him years ago, she just remains married in the very least sense where she can keep getting her monay$$$. She was practically a ghost during his tenure in the WH. As soon as she sees the writing on the wall that the cash has come to a screeching halt and he’s circling the drain, then and only then will she fly the coop with intact fortune. My thought is that he squirrels every single dollar he can that comes his way from the duped cult in offshore accounts that are covered by multiple shell companies. That is his forte. The cult is ready and willing to keep on giving. They crashed his website with donations upon his conviction. The delusion is real.

  13. Lynne says:

    I believe that if she quits (divorces) him she loses secret service.
    It has always been a business arrangement for her. She will probably renegotiate her allowance and also get increased $ in her trust for the future when he is gone.

  14. Danbury says:

    I wonder if there are off-shore accounts in her name as part of their arrangement, and that is why she sticks around as well.

  15. Flamingo says:

    I’m sure Trump has money squirreled away they won’t find. That’s what Melania is going to hold on to.

    She will never divorce him. She is in lock step with his insane ideologies. I think her endgame has always been Widow Trump.

    “I really don’t care. Do U?”

  16. Renae says:

    Someone might want to tell Melania that she will be fighting for her money until the day she passes.
    No way the three viper kids (Ivanka, Eric, Don jr) are going to want to see her get penny one!

  17. Murphy says:

    “and for her parents (who now live in America).”

    Uh her mom ain’t living anywhere days….she’s lucky she isn’t buried on a Trump golf course.

  18. Lindsay says:

    It brings me great pleasure to know BeBest Mel doesn’t have any options other to stay with her benefactor as she is as toxic and vile as he is.

    I’ve long believed he’ll be sentenced to house arrest at the Maro Lago and that one day we’ll read of his MI or CVA.

    I snicker when I read of her desperate attempts at crypto ‘art’ 😆

    And I truly enjoy Stormi and her triple D’s 🤟🏽

  19. Virtual Mode says:

    Melania is a MAGA true believer. She doesn’t care about her husband’s crimes or victims. She’s living the life she wants.

  20. JFerber says:

    Stormy is an amazing woman. More power to her. Melania only cares about her “real” family (Dad and son) and doesn’t give a f-ck about anyone else in the world. Very sure she has minimal to no contact with her “husband.” The Hench, I respectfully disagree with you. Melania is a terrible person. Easy to do what she’s done if you only have compassion for 3 (now 2) other people in the world. Stormy has courage, guts and, yes, class.

  21. Lucy says:

    At this point, I think it’s more likely Melania is starting because she’s his handler. I don’t think it completely started out that way, she wanted security and is fine with his beliefs, but I think at least since 2015 she’s been incentivized by money and threats from elsewhere to start and handle him.