Quinn: King Charles is sending a message to Harry about coming back to Frogmore

It’s still completely wild to watch the Windsors and the royalist press twist themselves in knots over bullsh-t rules THEY MADE UP. The “working royal” situation is something invented specifically to snub and punish the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. QEII never really gave a sh-t, and she welcomed the whole family to family events and even allowed for various “non-working royals” to step in and do some vague royal work. King Charles is different though. Even by the accounts of royal experts on Charles’s side, his “working royal” rules make zero sense. According to Tom Quinn, Charles is currently sending Prince Harry a “message” that Harry will never be allowed to live in Frogmore Cottage again, because royal residences are only for working royals. Except Charles wants to force Prince Andrew – who is no longer a working royal – to live in Frogmore. Nevermind all of the non-working royals who also live in royal residences.

King Charles has seemingly sent a message to his son Prince Harry “that he will never be allowed back to Frogmore Cottage”, according to a royal expert. A year after the Duke of Sussex, the King’s son, was evicted from Frogmore Cottage, the monarch is sending him a stark message, according to royal author and expert Tom Quinn.

The expert spoke exclusively to The Mirror, revealing: “For King Charles, forcing Andrew to move to Frogmore solves several problems at once – it sends a message to Harry that, as a private citizen and no longer a working royal, he will never be allowed back to Frogmore.”

Quinn added: “It sends [a] message to Andrew that having disgraced himself, he can no longer expect to live in the grand style. And, finally, it means that a suitably grand residence can be made ready for the royals who really matter – William and Kate. Charles is determined that Royal Lodge is the only residence on the royal estate at Windsor that is big enough and regal enough for his heir.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

They keep going on and on about how unimportant Andrew is, but then why does Charles want Andrew to live in Frogmore Cottage, a home which seems to be designated solely for working royals, huh? As I’ve said before, so much of what Charles and William do and say is for an audience of one: Prince Harry. They’re consumed with hatred, jealousy, fear about Harry and they’re publicly twisting themselves in knots to “show” Harry. It’s an insane way to live if you’re the goddamn king. Also: Quinn is saying it plainly, that this is all about getting William into Royal Lodge. This has been consuming William for years, his desire for his uncle’s mansion.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Netflix.

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63 Responses to “Quinn: King Charles is sending a message to Harry about coming back to Frogmore”

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  1. ncboudicca says:

    I don’t get William’s obsession with the Royal Lodge – he’s gonna be King soon and have several, much larger residences to choose from.

    • Krista says:

      Right? Apparently it needs a ton of renovations – why would he want to move into that mess?

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        The messaging that Royal Lodge is falling apart only appeared when William decided he wants it to cover for the millions of tax funds he wants to redo it, after spending tens of millions to refurbish his “forever home” at KP.

        If there’s anything we know, Charles does not give a 💩 about ensuring the comfort and care of his children in appropriately regal settings. Even fans of Charles (Camilla?) know this last sentence is a blatant lie. William’s obsession with getting Royal lodge is getting both boring and deranged.

      • Wagiman says:

        I wouldn’t want to live where Andrew lived unless it was gutted and well fumigated. Ugh

      • Flower says:

        Because it has two wings, which have allowed Andrew and Fergie to live in the same residence separately.

        It’s possible that at this stage Bill wants to be separated from Katherine but wants to maintain the illusion of normalcy and coparenting that Andy and Fergie have.

        Only issue is that Andy and Fergie actually like each other and are good friends – despite not being together. Andy for all his horrible and disgusting faults has always protected his ex wife and children and not thrown them under the bus even when the rest of the family rejected or abused them.

        It’s also possible he wants Royal Lodge for his spares one day. So a little forward planning.

      • Tessa says:

        Ferg ie squandered her money and it is out of necessity that she stays there. They were not faithful to each other after the divorce. Ferg ie should feel sorry for the trafficked young girls

      • Laura D says:

        @Tessa she may have squandered her money but, she still had enough left to buy a pair of flats in Mayfair from the Duke of Westminster! According to the land registry she bought the property without the need for a mortgage. The grift is real with these people.

      • Isabella says:

        In fairness to Fergie, you cannot be “unfaithful” after a divorce. You are not married anymore.

    • seaflower says:

      He’s always wanted what others have.

    • Dee(2) says:

      He wants it because someone else has it. That seems to be his driving motivation for most things. He’s the heir and if it looks like you’re enjoying it then he should get it and how dare you put up any fuss. Just tragically behaves like a 2-year-old for the past 40 years.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      He’s feeling middle class poor with only 4 homes?
      Solving homelessness one home at a time.

    • Becks1 says:

      Well according to this, its about CHARLES wanting RL for the heir, not william, no no, william is perfectly content at Adelaide with his wife and children, this is all CHARLES.

      The reality is that I don’t think charles gives an eff where William lives and probably thinks that William has enough houses as it is.

    • FloridaWoman says:

      WELL. Who knows what Uncle Andrew got up to in the royal lodge? Maybe William wants access to the royal dungeons, or whatever.

      OK I winced at my own sentence.

      But truthfully, maybe it has some interesting features that we don’t know about, like a back door for the mistress. ( NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY BIRDIES )

    • Yes Harry knows not to go back to Frogmore because HE WAS EVICTED. My god stop beating this dead horse.

    • Nadia says:

      Not to mention he already has a collection of what… 5-6 homes already? Why does he need another?

    • Elaine says:

      Maybe Camille’s kids need newer accommodations .


  2. Agnes says:

    All of your stories are well written but sometimes I just look at the pictures! These rule.

    • Advisor2u says:

      Can we stop taking any commentaries by this “royal expert” Quin seriously? Lately, like clock work, the Mirror seems to roll him out of his bed in a geriatric elderly home to spit these BS that makes zero sense.

  3. wolfmamma says:

    Wow… just.. wow and SMH and pity
    A once Royal Family and monarchy is disintegrating rapidly in front of our eyes .

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      It’s happening so fast now, I can barely believe it. I never particularly cared for QE2 or Phil, but now I see that they both offered balance and stability and a bit of media savvy. They kept the royal train on the tracks and running on time, no matter what was happening behind the scenes. But this is just the ugliest mess now, with no way out. Each remaining “working” royal is petulant, immature, racist, and they all look terrible in photos. I just can’t believe this is their strategy

    • Flower says:

      ^^ Yep this 100%

      The rot set it FAST after Liz died and it’s taken such a ferocious hold that my previous estimate of 30 years has now been revised down to 10-15 years.

      I think Chuck will finally get what he wanted – the BRF will become irrelevant or have at the same level of relevance as the European Royal houses.

      One Bill & Kate finally announce their divorce the magic will well and truly be over and the BRF will be dwindle into irrelevance.

      The only hope now are the Cambridge kids but by then the BRF will be completely irrelevant.

      • SarahCS says:

        I remember a few years back when we were speculating on what would happen when Liz died and the consensus was that the wheels would come off pretty quickly but it’s still fascinating watching it all play out. These are clueless and terrible people in an outdated and unnecessary institution.

        Here’s hoping it’s gone in my lifetime.


      • booboocita says:

        Once the monarchy is well and truly toast, I wonder what will happen with H & M. Already, there are faint stirrings in the BM and among the RR, saying that Meghan was abominably treated and there’s no reason for her to come back to the UK. If things continue on their present course, will there be a hue and cry from the UK media for them to return? And to do what? Be regents until George attains his majority? Wallpaper over the cracks? Serve as cannon fodder for the press?

        (I don’t believe for a second that H & M will ever return to the UK as working royals, not even as 1/2 in-1/2 out royals. But I can well believe that the BM and RR will raise a stink about getting them back, particularly if Willy and Kate divorce or if Willy takes a dive off the deep end into a bottle of booze to the extent that he can’t function.)

    • Eurydice says:

      Elizabeth and Philip (and the BM) were just the wallpaper covering up the rot and mold. As Harry said, this mess is generational.

      • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

        I agree Eurydice, the Firm believed that the “affection” people had for the late queen was the same as people having “affection” for the monarchy and that just wasn’t and isn’t true. Now they Lizzie is gone there’s no one else who can wallpaper over the cracks and mold to make the monarchy look presentable, certainly not in this day and age.

  4. Ohwell says:

    Quinn again. This guy is just making up stories.

    • Jais says:

      Making up stories that make no sense. Like Kaiser said, Andrew is not a working royal either. So how can he live in FC if it’s about no working royals living in royal residences. King Petty and the Prince of Petty. Their brand is petty and vindictive and jealous. Such babies.

    • Lau says:

      Yes, he’s once again acting as if Harry is begging for scraps which is not the case.

    • Cara aponti says:

      Quinn is an irrelevant, pathetic little man writing imaginary stories to pay his bills.

  5. Ariel says:

    I keep going back to 2 things
    1) that prince harrys very existence as a successful man outside of the royal fold is an existential threat to the royal family.

    2) what harry said about William being jealous. Always wanting what harry had. In spare he wrote about some situation – William ways married, had a kid, a big royal residence and harry was doing something (possibly Africa related) and William was like – no you can’t – that’s mine. And harry wrote / you’ve won, you have everything.
    But everything isn’t enough for that man in search of something to make him feel whole. He wants anything that is deemed a prize, deemed the best, the grandest.

    Bless his heart. None of it will make him happy.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The day they tried to say that the photo for Lilibet’s birth announcement was manipulated using the trees as an example and then seeing; no, that really is their property here’s the original in colour, ruined William’s life for at least 48 hours. You know William’s jealous of his brother’s home.

      • Jais says:

        Their montecito home is truly gorgeous. I can believe they were ready to snatch FC back as soon as they saw Harry had such a nice home. Spare gave them the final push.

    • booboocita says:

      Someone created a TikTok with video clips of Harry and Willy when children, and Willy just slapping Harry down (metaphorically, although I’m sure he wanted to hit Harry). The famous clip of Diana holding Harry and trying to get Willy to go inside with her, then giving up and saying, “All right — Harry will have all the fun,” and Willy charging after them and screaming, “No! Nooooo!” A clip I hadn’t seen before of Diana, Chucky Boy, Willy and Harry playing with a rabbit. Willy pushes the rabbit away, and Diana picks it up and gives it to Harry to pet, at which Willy starts screaming, “Can I hold him now? Can I hold him now?” The family (D, C, H & W) standing in front of photographers, and Diana encouraging Harry to smile and wave (he looked about 3 or 4 years old). He does, and Willy starts to wave too, then tries to guide Harry away from the photogs. There were other clips I don’t remember, but it appears that this jealousy has been festering since the brothers’ early childhood.

  6. Aurore says:

    Harry escape this hell. When I look at the way King Charles treat his brother , i understand Why Harry left. And why William is angry by Harry’s escape! William wanted his little scapegoat puppet. It’s sick

    (Hear me, I dont like Andrew)

    • Kane says:

      William messed up by not protecting his brother from the outside world. I was in a similar situation. Once I knew for a fact that I was on my own my mind started shifting. I bet Harry had the same awakening. He seemed to not have ANY protection.

  7. Molly says:

    I think they keep saying “Harry is not allowed back” to drown out the silence of Harry not asking to.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Exactly. Harry is NOT asking. He is NOT begging his wretched father and wicked brother for anything! Charles and William still cannot believe Harry chose his wife and kids over them. Why would he want to live in a tiny little cottage when he can dwell in a palace by the beautiful Californian sea. I truly hope William chokes on his titles, his throne, his palace and all the billions of pounds.

      • Renstewart says:

        What are the odds a prince would meet a bi-racial American commoner and decide she is his happily ever after. But wait, there’s more. She’s social conscious as well, with connections in UK, US and other parts of the world. He, through her, gained access to a much larger network than he could access while still in the BF guilded cage. Not to mention both are good communicators, intuitive and adept users of technology. It’s good they could see the writing on the wall and that they fled before their wings were clipped or worse.

  8. bisynaptic says:

    They’re running out of BS to write.

  9. TN Democrat says:

    This story is about linking Harry’s name with someone who actually did bad, bad things. It is about subtly smearing Harry by association.

  10. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Funny, because of course many of the “non working royals” live in KP, St James, or other royal residences. But it’s only Harry that’s not allowed.

  11. Flower says:

    Forcing Andrew out of Frogmore is NOT about punishing Andrew.

    Rather it’s more about taking Royal Lodge from him and forcing the continued connection between Andrew and Harry & Meghan as the outliers in the family.

    It’s also about getting rid of Eugenie and Jack who live/ lived there part time. It’s about Chuck showing who is King.

    I’d say have at it because sooner or later when Bill cannot feed the Rota, the winds will change and someone will query why he has so many residences…. with Royal Lodge William will have FIVE residences, which is just INSANE.

    • Chrissy says:

      Just wait for his kids to grow up as he’ll want residences for all three of them too!

  12. Eurydice says:

    This sounds like a fake pushback against the fake story that Harry’s looking to buy a home in the UK.

  13. Kane says:

    When this first was playing out I assumed Chuck was going to give Harry a lease to Royal Lodge.

    It seems par for the course.
    Harry chooses frogmore or – did he really. Get Harry and Megan to fix up frogmore. See that Meg did a good job. Get rid of Andrew the brother you got tired of in the 80s. Move Harry to royal lodge so him and the wife can fix that up. Laugh at Andrew. Work on harassing Edward.

    When the press described frogmore I never thought Harry would stay there. Andrew and Edward have palaces while Harry is tucked away in a cottage Mansion.

    Even if Chuck doesn’t like Harry I don’t see him letting the little mansion stand while Andrew is living it up at Royal Lodge.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    I see the war of the vain and greedy has begun brewing 🤨.

  15. Seaword says:

    They do not want Harry to be Regent should William be unable to take the throne. Harry must be domiciled in the UK to assume Regency until George is 18. So they deny him a home. Charles having Parliamentary meetings about constitutional issues followed by William meeting with the security services may also have to do with this issue. If William is responsible for Kate’s disappearance, things may come to a head soon, given the coming change in government.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Seaword, what’s interesting is that I think that Harry doesn’t want to be regent. The next person in line is Andrew. Let them deal with that. I guess it’s possible that King Snubby could get it changed so that Andrew (and Harry) wouldn’t be next–perhaps that’s what the Parliamentary meetings are about.

  16. GDubslady says:

    Domiciled under the Regency Act means that someone was born in the UK . It doesn’t require Harry to live in the UK. William is in trouble and compromised. We don’t know what’s happening with his wife. It only takes a majority of five specific members of government to determine William unfit to serve as sovereign. There is a chance Harry could be Regent

    • Seaword says:

      Fair enough, my point being Charles is trying to force Harry out for reasons other than revenge. By taking his home, and security arrangement away, he pushes Harry to declare permanent intentions of domiciling in the US. I think Harry is smart enough to know this is a battle about the monarchy and his potential future role in it, which a few years ago may have been academic but with Kate’s disappearance it’s being brought into sharp relief. There is a very real possibility Harry will be Regent. Wouldn’t that be interesting!

    • Glamarazzi says:

      That would be something, after all the sound and fury around him!

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Harry’s moved on. He’s no longer resident in the UK.

  18. therese says:

    Message to Charles from Harry: Yeah, you said that already. Listen, I have to go, I’m in a meeting.

  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Sometimes I really do wonder about the reading comprehension of the bm. King Snubby evicted H&M from Frogmore Cottage. I cannot imagine that H&M even think that living in Frogmore Cottage is a possibility. I doubt they even think of it.

    I don’t think that Harry wants to have to deal with the brf, grey men or the bm again, so the thought that he would want to be regent? I don’t see it. I wouldn’t be surprised (if circumstances existed) if he said ‘no thanks’. Why would he go back to the gilded cage so that his wife and children would be annihilated by the bm? Why does the bm think that is appealing in any way?

  20. Purley Pot says:

    I can’t see Harry ever moving back into a royal residence. They kicked him out once, what’s to stop them doing it again. He’s learned a lesson well, don’t trust them.

    • Kingston says:

      I can’t see Harry ever moving back into a royal residence because if you are unconscious in their presence (as in, sleeping) or if you eat from them, you could be murdered.

      Harry knows this very well, which is why he has never stepped foot on royal property since 2020 unless he had his private bodyguards with him (on those fleeting times when he’s been back for business.)

  21. robin samuels says:

    Those who read Spare can recall Harry’s conversation with the Queen regarding larger living quarters. They were not interested in the larger spaces made available because they required lots of work and would be expensive to upkeep. They loved Frogmore Cottage; in their mind, it would be their forever home. Fast-forward, and they live in the USA. Harry has something that he never imagined: his own home, a mansion, to be exact, with all the amenities. Frogmore Cottage was their haven in the UK. Charles knew that when he took it away from them. Placing the blame on Anne was a short-lived lie. With all that has happened since they left, I’m not sure they want to return to the scene of the pain.
    Last week, Quinn reported that Harry is looking for a residence in the UK so his anti-Meghan friends can visit him. It’s safe to assume Quinn didn’t read the book, either. Harry lost friends after they stepped back, and those who he retain, we have seen them with him in California. Quinn’s task is to create multiple distractions.
    Using Harry, Archie, and Lilibet’s name is pure clickbait.
    Harry has drawn the line in the sand. The issue is Charles, William, Andrew, and the Royal Lodge. Charles is impulsive, doesn’t rationalize, and often finds himself in a quagmire. Andrew is ready to play hardball. Camilla is one of many with media ties. The Kevin Spacey story concerning Charles’ support is not coincidental. The forlorn grandfather wanting to see his grandchildren is another distraction. It would be a miracle if Charles left this planet with his integrity intact.

    • Kingston says:

      Well, @robin samuels: he has no integrity and he’s still here on the planet so…..no miracle in store then.

  22. Isabella says:

    In fairness to Fergie and Andrew, you cannot be “unfaithful” after a divorce. You are no longer married.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      If the King really wanted his grandchildren there he would offer them Frogmore back so this story contradicts the one last week about him wanted to see the grandchildren. I can’t see them ever agreeing to it though. Not after all the mess, unless of course the messages are not coming from the King and are being made up by the media.

  23. Well Wisher says:

    The leaks and reporting has reached the level of a “dark triad” mental disorder…
    Harry has every right to be able to visit his homeland with security…..
    He just have to avoid his father and brother…