Here are photos of Prince William and Justin Trudeau at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. King Charles and Queen Camilla attended the commemoration event at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer, and it was always the plan for William to spend some time honoring the Canadian troops who fought on D-Day. After this event on Juno Beach, William and Trudeau will make their way to Omaha Beach for the larger commemoration. They’re absolutely billing it as “William steps in for his cancer-stricken father” and the palace claims Charles is “delighted” that William will go to Omaha Beach in his place. Again: when Charles was PoW, he regularly did these kinds of events and he didn’t expect a gold star for global statesmanship for doing it either.
I find it interesting to compare and contrast William and Charles’s vibes and activities at these events. Charles wore one of his military dress uniforms and full military regalia, while William chose a slim-cut dark suit and with his medals. Both men gave speeches, but I have yet to find a full transcript of William’s speech (which probably means it was bad or unmemorable) while the transcript of Charles’s speech at the British Normandy Memorial almost brought me to tears.
William needs to figure out another way to talk to kids and people in wheelchairs. Bending at the waist and hovering over them menacingly isn’t working.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince of Wales is greeted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, ahead of the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal ahead of the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales speaks to veterans at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales speaks to veterans at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the Prince of Wales at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales, Prime Minister of France Gabriel Attal Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales at the Government of Canada ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, at Juno Beach in Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Courseulles-sur-Mer, France When: 06 Jun 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
He is terrible at being a global statesman.
@Susan Collins, to be fair, he is terrible at everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Water Lilly, too true 😂
Well, he is quite good and actually pretty consistent at being terrible at everything though, So there’s something LOL
Yes he is terrible at everything and he is consistently terrible.
At least he didn’t cosplay! I’ll give him that much. How could one wear an undeserved uniform, with equally undeserved medals, and parade about in it in front of the remaining veterans who dealt with and saw so much on D Day?
He wore a suit because the new guy is smart enough to know if he wears a uniform, he’ll be compared to Harry, an actual veteran.
New guy is also smart enough to know that Harry looked the most regal among them in a slim cut suit with medals. New guy is paying attention. Can you imagine going to a D-Day anniversary, with actual war heroes, in one of the ridiculous uniforms the royals always wear, if you hadn’t actually served in combat?
I just know that the true “statesman” and elected leaders have to just laugh their asses off when these clowns leave the room.
He lives for things like this, he wants to be seen among the “big boys”
Unfortunately for him the other boys are more important than him because they have actual jobs as politicians and are not just figureheads of a moderately wealthy, moderately important country.
It’s giving me Ivanka being tolerated at the global event when her dad was president vibes.
There’s a real babysitting vibe.
He leans over so his cereal box medals can dangle in the faces of veterans who actually earned their medals with deeds rather than trips to the market. He should be ashamed, says a lot about him that he isn’t.
What are the medals he is wearing? Coronation, etc?
I would be so embarrassed to wear party medals in front of people who fought their way up the beaches of Normandy.
Indeed but the Royal Family keep showing us they have no shame.
honestly, he just looks stupid, especially next to Trudeau who is carrying himself with confidence and actually looks like a world leader, even with zero medals.
I had similar thoughts Becks1 and how much gravitas and respect Prime Minister Trudeau carried, especially without fake medals. He showed he was there to honor heroes.
It looks even worse when an actual king (Willem of Holland) who has his own army is sat in the stands wearing a suit without a faux medal in sight. He’s also a king who made sure he had the IGs scheduled in his calendar and took time to meet with competing veterans.
If KCIII and William thought wearing their faux medals and dress up uniform to these commemoration ceremonies would make them stand out. Well they do stand out but, sadly for them it’s for all the wrong reason. They both looked bliddy ridiculous.
Break out the Zoot suit.
I agree 100% – “I would be so embarrassed to wear party medals in front of people who fought their way up the beaches of Normandy.”
The royal family has no idea that the world has changed and is leaving them behind.
I’m glad he is going to Omaha Beach as I believe a high ranking royal should be there. I wonder if he’ll allow himself to be photographed with Sir Keir Starmer? Behind the scenes William is probably screaming at his aides to make sure he gets at least one photo with Biden. If that doesn’t work I’ve an image in my head of William “photo-bombing” Biden! 😆
ETA: PM Trudeau didn’t need to wear medals to remind us of his importance! This is becoming a bit embarrassing for the royals now.
I’m sorry, I just can’t get over Peggy’s inability to wave like an adult. He’s in his forties, not a toddler! And JT, for all his misteps here at home, always knows what to say and do on any size of stage. It helps that he was raised in a political household. What’s Peggy’s excuse?
JT is featherweight diplomatically, embarrassed the country a number of times, has said many misplaced things on the international stage and is no different from William: entitled, rich nepo kid.
Lol, global statesman Willy. But listen, events like this are actually very important especially in a world that tends to forget it’s history. But he’s just so bad with people that he doesn’t do well at these events.
He seems incapable of just smiling normally and easily like all the officials. He’s grimacing or scowling in nearly every picture I see of him. I suspect he’s very introverted and hates his life, the social part, not the unearned money. Also, is it me or are his fingers starting to get sausage-like?
He’s void of any personality. No one ever looks at him when he’s leaning in to “engage” with crowds.
I realize many have mentioned this, but Peg’s chocolate medals aren’t fooling anyone.. We all know they’re unearned. It’s an insult to the courageous soldiers who fought those battles. It’s damned offensive!
So. Very. Offensive.
Look at the other gentlemen with heads full of hair. Lol
I know this is so sassy but Trudeau is 52 years old and Will is 41. Will looks a decade older than Trudeau honestly, it’s shocking.
Wait, What?!?!?! William is the younger person in these pictures?! I was just thinking that next to William, Trudeau looked to young to be a prime minster
Trudeau inherited the hair gene from his mother because his father Pierre Trudeau had a hairline similar to William in his 40s. Pierre Trudeau had a lot of charisma so it wasn’t commented upon.
He actually would have looked okay and fit in if he had left off all the unearned medals.
He wore the medals with a suit because Harry looks so good in a suit with medals (which the RF made him do at his mother’s funeral).
Exactly. It’s cosplay. William never used to have an insignia on a ribbon around his neck – only Harry did (is it the KCVO?). All of a sudden William has one. And the other men are wearing poppies in that first photo and he is not. Seems someone spotted this glaring omission and hastily gave him one.
I noticed last month that in the photograph of Prince Harry with the head of Nato, Harry was NOT wearing his medals, even though he wore them to the service. Time and place and appropriateness – Harry is very considerate and sensible on such matters.
This man is an absolute joke. All you read from press is how he hates his brother and he thinks others take him seriously. I think not. A pure lightweight joke.
Cue to the desperate bromance headlines from the British tabloids.
Oh look, two nepo babies facing actual men who earned everything they got.
Honestly, I could have tolerated our lightweight thicko PM NepoBaby at DDay but adding in the goldbrick was a bridge too far. I’m sure the veterans appreciated it but I would have rather had Anne instead.
Nepo babies is exactly the right terminology for these two clowns!
Not gonna lie until I read the comments Trudeau didn’t even enter my head. I immediately thought Charles and William. :blush: 😆 I agree with other posters even if you dislike him Trudeau unlike William and Charles he was democratically elected into his role.
Our Prime Minister was elected by his party in a leadership election. The Liberals won the election, Trudeau became Prime Minister…his name has national recognition but he was the one standing on the podium..not Pierre. If you don’t like the man don’t vote Liberal. But quit with the whiny b.s. and stop for the love of Timmies stop listening to Tucker Carlson..
Well said Rhonda!
Is Trudeau perfect? Of course not, he’s human like the rest of us. He’s still leaps and bounds better than Poilievre and his lot.
Trudeau didn’t even run for office until years after his father had died so while his name provided him with some recognition, it wasn’t what got him elected three times as PM.
He capitalized on Harper’s racist “barbaric practices” policies in 2015 and brought the LIberals from 3rd place to a majority government. That’s not even something his father did.
It’s not like Canadian politics isn’t filled with children of politicians, after all lets look at the Mulroneys and the Fords.
And Trudeau won’t be in office forever, which is the opposite of William.
Also Poilievre has been an MP for over 20 years and what exactly has he done? He has been an MP longer than Trudeau and was given a sure fire Tory riding that is impossible to lose. He actually has far less private sector work experience than Trudeau and has a wonderful MP pension waiting for him, funded by taxpayers who won’t ever see something similar.
Supposedly Prince William was a polyglot until he became Prince of Wales and we discovered his knowledge in Welsh after living in Wales for a few years amounted to cup of tea and a biscuit.
I’m French and again listened here to his bilingualism in my mother tongue. He said ‘Merci pour la liberté. Merci pour votre service’,with some difficulty at liberté. Just the way he pronounces merci and service make it obvious he doesn’t know any French, which would be OK but why pretend the opposite?
William can’t speak French in a way that is comprehensible to francophones He spoke when they were in Canada and his French was awful then. (Charles is much better in French).
He won’t ever visit Quebec (most royals haven’t in years) and so I guess he is fine with being so bad at it.
I’d actually say it’s not okay. His entire life he’s known he’s the heir. A basic, conversational proficiency in a few widely-spoken languages should be expected. But I guess that would have required adults to make him work, so…
Like others mentioned Willy Idle’s medals here, I can’t understand Brits (Royals) pin up their Jubilee (celebration) medals for display as if those meant you really did something meaningful like the military personnel & vet did? At least one of Prince Harry’s medal was real for his services in Afghanistan war. What have Charles & William done? Especially on this day & these events with all these real heroes risking their lives and being true Patriots serving in WWII? Shameful display of their (fake, to me) medals, that’s who you are, BRF.
Exactly @Square2 – the nearest QEII got to wearing a medal at these ceremonies were her fancy brooches. Those jubilees medals aren’t needed, neither are the uniforms. KCIII is the king and William his heir; everyone knows who they are. They don’t need all the unnecessary costumes and accessories on occasions like this.
He doesn’t give a shit about veterans, none of them do. They would have shown up for Harry’s Invictus event if they did. Will is trying to launch himself as Single Hot Dad, getting himself pictured alongside Trudeau
Mme Macron interacted with the veterans in a lovely warm way.
Imo, her warmth has put Camilla to shame. There was a video of Macron trying to hold Camilla’s hand and Camilla dropping it immediately. Apparently bc of royal protocol. Just this one moment has shown why the uk RF is seen as cold by the world.
I’m remembering when footage from 1933 showing the queen doing a nazi salute with her family at Balmoral was released. I’m thinking the royals should have stayed home, their nazi ties are disturbing.
Regardless of what’s happened to KittyKat, this is the outcome he’s sought for a long time– a single man on the global stage. I’m no fan of hers, but clearly, he was envious of her popularity. To be shoved aside, in this way, after giving birth to 3 children, I can’t imagine how painful this must be for her. Was it worth it Kate? Was it all worth Carole?
Exactly Proud Mary. Carole got exposed as a grifter and her daughter got thrown to the wolves.
Kate was done wrong! But
Justin Trudeau is Prime Minister of Canada and should be referred to as that. If you are using the titles of king and prince for Charles and William, then please use the proper title for the Erie Minister.
If Kate is conscious and cognitively functional, she will be so envious that she didn’t get to be at this event with JT, especially as he’s separated from Sophie now.
Again, an heir to a hereditary head of state doesn’t have a constitutional role, and to foist someone as ignorant and lacking compassion as William on people who are very old and frail veterans is wrong.
Hard to believe William is 10 years younger than Justin Trudeau. Justin looks fantastic in comparison. I also agree with the above, Kate is wishing she could be there to flirt with now single Justin.
William must be thrilled. He gets to be a global statesman.
Just two single guys, Justin and Bill.
Who is the third man in the photo walking beside them? PS William looks old AF beside Justin.
French prime minister Gabriel Attal I believe
Why can’t he crouch?!! Why must he awkwardly bend?
Thank you Cj! Came here to say just that—bend your damn knees, you are only 42. He looks ridiculous.
Justin Trudeau is a master politician and his full head of hair is practically flaunting itself at William’s bald head. On top of his other flaws, William has no business being bald. He’s such an asshole.
William looks old in comparison to Justin, who is 10 years older. I can’t imagine what William will look like in 10 years time.
Two lousy turds. Trudeau got to go
Is Trudeau as good looking in person as he is in pictures ?