‘Gossip with Celebitchy’ podcast #175: When will the public realize Brad Pitt is a POS?

Introduction: Minutes to 6:15
I loved the Fall Guy and am on the second season of AMC’s Interview with the Vampire. Chandra enjoyed Challengers. You can listen below!

Royals: Minutes 6:15 to 21:30
We’ve talked for years about this common narrative from the British Press where they’ll come up with something the Sussexes need to attend and cover it endlessly. They’ve done this with Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding since the invitations went out in December. Roya Nikkhah, a journalist who regularly gets exclusives from William, reported in The Times that Harry and Meghan weren’t invited, which was not true. Then we heard that Harry was invited, but he declined. Chandra thinks that story was pushback from Hugh and Harry to William’s narrative. They tried to spin it like Harry declined because William is going to be an usher and Harry is jealous or something. People magazine reported that Harry and Hugh talked on the phone and realized that it would be best if Harry didn’t come.

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We haven’t seen Kate since Christmas apart from her video announcement. We’ve heard Kate is not likely to be at Trooping the Colour on June 15th. She’s also not expected to attend any events around the state visit from the Emperor and Empress of Japan on June 25th to 27th. William was asked about Kate this week by a WWII veteran during events ahead of D-Day. William said she’s getting better.

Just last week People and US claimed that Kate was seen out running errands including making a trip to a chocolate shop with William. This is very bizarre messaging. It seems like Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace are not on the same page. Much of the narrative is to protect William.

Kate is covering US Magazine, and the article is getting a lot of attention because of the quote that “she may never come back in the role that people saw her in before.” Richard Eden in the Daily Mail said a couple of weeks ago that Kate might not be seen until autumn and then Tom Sykes in the Daily Beast reported from sources that she won’t be back until next year. It feels like a different narrative keeps taking over and being taken back.

Shiloh Jolie: Minutes 21:30 to 26:15
Shiloh Jolie, who is now 18, filed to have Pitt officially dropped as her last legal name. She hired her own lawyer and filed the paperwork herself. We’ve previously heard that Vivienne, who turns 16 next month, is only using Jolie as her last name, and that Zahara is only using Jolie as her last name in college. Brad Pitt and his children have been estranged for years since he abused and terrorized them on an airplane in 2016.

A source told People that Brad Pitt is “aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name. He’s never felt more joy than when she was born. He always wanted a daughter.” Brad and Angelina already had daughter Zahara for a year when Shiloh was born. All of Brad’s statements to outlets about this have been self-centered and lack any remorse or responsibility. We hope the public sees him for who he is soon.

Comments of the Week: Minutes 26:15 to end
Chandra’s comment of the week is from Miranda on the post about Trump getting convicted finally.

My comment of the week is from Kirsten on the post about Jennifer Lopez canceling her tour.

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10 Responses to “‘Gossip with Celebitchy’ podcast #175: When will the public realize Brad Pitt is a POS?”

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  1. TN Democrat says:

    White men rarely get held accountable for their bull@#$%. When actually held accountable, they scream some version of cancel cultute bigly bad and weasel out unscathed.

    • TCFKAG says:

      I was absolutely flabbergasted when I got kicked out of a FB group for Moms who practice law for the very controversial positions like (checks notes) believing that Angelina and Amber Heard were abuse victims. I was floored by the terrible things the women who managed the group would say about these two women and, by extension, members of the group who’d experienced something similar.

      I mean, they were also very uninformed about how domestic violence works, particularly the legal side of things. It came to a head when that article came out with all the extra details about the plane incident; one of them said something about how, “if” the stories were true, that the State should have taken the kids away from AJ for “failing to protect the kids” from BP. When I pointed out to them that AJ HAD tried to protect the kids by filing for divorce immediately and fighting him on custody (and that it was the court who mandated visitation) but none of it seemed to be getting past their blind hatred of AJ.

      Finally, I just told them that even if AJ is a celebrity who they don’t think deserves basic empathy, that they needed to remember that there were almost certainly members of the FB Group who was in the same position. And THAT was what got them most offended. How dare I suggest to them that they’d ever be that judgmental towards a member of the group. etc. etc. It was VERY telling to see how they think they behave towards other women (other “normal” women) vs. how they thought was okay to talk about a celebrity.

      Not to mention, what they were willing to believe to justify their continued loyalty to (or attraction to) BP. They also got super offended when I had the audacity to suggest perhaps their loyalty towards Brad Pitt was not based on anything other than his looks because, of course, they were being completely fair to all parties involved. lol.

  2. Nuks says:

    Just wanted to say thank you for doing another episode, I love your podcast.

  3. Christina says:

    I’m confused because I can’t find Jennifer’s comment on the post about JLo canceling her tour when I click on the link. I love reading the favorite quotes. Help!

  4. LongThymeLurker says:

    I woo-hoo’d when Spotify downloaded the new episode as I was leaving for a road trip! Perfect timing and loved the episode as usual.

  5. bisynaptic says:

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if, sometime after the last one turned 18, the Jolie kids all sat down for an interview, Diana-Sawyer-style, and collectively spilled the beans on Brad. That would be critical mass, right there. I’m surprised that he’s so unable to think ahead and cover himself for that eventuality.