Brad Pitt is still trying to get sympathy because his children despise him. Or should I say: five out of six of his children don’t want anything to do with him. We have no indication as to how Knox feels. But the rest of the kids have made very public moves to distance themselves from Brad and his name. On Shiloh’s 18th birthday, she filed to change her legal name to Shiloh Jolie. Zahara and Vivienne have both edited out “Pitt” from their surnames in school and in playbills, although we don’t know if they’ve done any of that legally. Maddox and Pax clearly have had nothing to do with Brad in eight years. Shiloh’s name change seemed to be a turning point for Team Pitt, and he’s been throwing a tantrum about it for more than a week. The latest “Team Pitt salvo” is a ridiculous “himpathy” piece in Page Six. Some highlights:
Brad thinks this is all a conspiracy because he’s “winning” in court: Although Pitt, 60, has won a series of recent legal challenges against Jolie, 49, it is the actress who is winning the family war. Several of the Jolie-Pitt children no longer use Pitt in their surname, Page Six can reveal. “It’s extremely upsetting,” admitted a Pitt source, claiming, “She has used the kids as a weapon against Brad … she has separated them from him. There is a whole pattern: Any time he has a win in court, she hits back with something to do with the kids.”
Shiloh has been homeschooled this whole time? Now, their daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, whom Page Six is told was home schooled alongside her siblings, has legally applied to remove the “Pitt” from her surname. Multiple reports stated that Shiloh hired — and paid for — her own lawyer when she turned 18 on May 27. Page Six has seen the filing, issued on behalf of Shiloh by LA-based lawyer Peter K. Levine, which she has signed as Shiloh Jolie. However, Pitt insiders question who was really behind the move, telling Page Six: “Reasonable people should draw their own conclusions as to who was actually behind it.”
The other kids hate him: We can also confirm that the couple’s oldest son, Maddox, 22, who has been studying in South Korea and has no relationship with Pitt, dropped “Pitt” back in 2021 and just goes by Jolie. In the Playbill for the new Broadway musical “The Outsiders,” which 15-year-old daughter Vivienne helped Jolie produce, she’s listed as “Vivienne Jolie.” It is unclear if her twin brother, Knox, still uses their father’s name. The two turn 16 next month. Meanwhile, Pitt and Jolie’s eldest daughter Zahara, 19, introduced herself as “Zahara Marley Jolie” upon joining the Mu Pi chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority at Spelman College last November.
The plane terror: “Brad admitted that his behavior on the plane was wrong,” said the Pitt source. “He took steps to improve himself.” Indeed, Pitt told GQ in 2017 that he had quit smoking and drinking, adding, “I don’t have that ability to do just one or two [drinks] a day. It’s not in my makeup. I’m all in. And I’m going to drive into the ground. I’ve lost my privileges.” Still, an industry source who knows Jolie points out that Pitt has never actually apologized for what happened on the flight.
When does Brad see the kids? Twins Knox and Vivienne are the only minor children and the only ones who would be held to a visitation agreement with their father. However, when Pitt does see his children, “it’s very difficult,” admitted the Pitt insider.
The Chateau Miraval fight: Pitt insiders also feel that Jolie should have never even sold her share of Miraval and instead, help build it up for their children. “This is only for her benefit,” argued another Pitt source. “How does separating your children from their father help and how does selling your share of Miraval help them? Anything related to Brad has been directed or choreographed by her to inflict the maximum pain on him without any regard for the longterm damage it does to the family. She’s made Miraval into a thing about the family when it was just a business dispute and she introduced the family into it.”
Pitt has stayed silent this whole time, LMAO: “He has consistently refused to comment on anything relating to his children or to say anything negative about their mother despite all of these efforts to separate him from his kids,” said the Pitt insider. As for the future with his children, his friends have encouraged him to believe that things will get better. “As the kids get older and end up having a life as their own,” the Pitt insider said, “he can only hope that they will forget a relationship.”
I assume that last quote was a typo from the email sent by someone in Brad’s camp – surely it should read “FORGE a relationship.” I’m sure the kids will “forget a relationship” though, especially because Brad hasn’t seemed to care that much about them for years. He’s only mad when his image takes a hit – he already sold his Los Feliz estate (which was close to Jolie’s house) and moved to Carmel or wherever. As for the stuff blaming Angelina for what the kids are doing… it’s a dangerous game he’s playing, because I’m absolutely positive that one or more of the kids will eventually speak out if he keeps this up. He’s honestly more upset about Miraval than his children, let’s be real. And Jolie had every right to get out of that situation too.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Angelina Jolie with her 5 kids at the “Eternals” UK gala screening, BFI Imax Waterloo, Charlie Chaplin Walk in London, England, UK. Pictured: Angelina Jolie, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, Maddox Jolie Pitt, Knox Jolie-Pit BACKGRID USA 27 OCTOBER 2021 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Rome, ITALY – Angelina Jolie and her daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt enjoy ‘mommy-daughter time’ at the Maneskin concert for the world premiere of the “Loud Kids Tour” at the “Circo Massimo” in Rome, Italy. Pictured: Angelina Jolie – Shiloh Jolie-Pitt BACKGRID USA 9 JULY 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: Cobra Team / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Rome, ITALY – Angelina Jolie and her daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt attend the Maneskin’s concert for the world premiere of the “Loud Kids Tour” at the “Circo Massimo” in Rome, Italy. Pictured: Angelina Jolie, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt BACKGRID USA 10 JULY 2022 BYLINE MUST READ: Cobra Team / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Actor Brad Pitt playfully sticks his tongue out and gives thumbs up as he’s all smiles filming “Wolves” with George Clooney in Howard Beach, Queens. Pictured: Brad Pitt BACKGRID USA 13 FEBRUARY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: BrosNYC / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Actor Brad Pitt playfully sticks his tongue out and gives thumbs up as he’s all smiles filming “Wolves” with George Clooney in Howard Beach, Queens. Pictured: Brad Pitt BACKGRID USA 13 FEBRUARY 2023 BYLINE MUST READ: BrosNYC / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Sure Brad, because you’re SUCH a stand up dad and all around good guy. 🙄
Yeah, it’s not as if Jolie has been showing consistently through the years that she is a good, loving and supportive parent contrary to him. That guy will never shut up I swear, he’ll still say this nonsense even when the twins will have turned 18.
This situation kind of remind me of Woody Allen accusing Mia Farrow of having alienated the children from him. Surely Pitt and his people must realise that being compared to Allen is not a good look.
Typical narcissist, nothing is ever his fault. He thinks giving up drinking and smoking should have repaired the relationship with his kids because he gave up his “privileges” and they should be grateful.
I can’t even look at him since the plane incident. I knew whatever went down was heinous, and for her to cut all ties and file for divorce without a backward glance speaks for itself.
His children don’t want much to do with him because of what they witnessed that day, and no matter how he tries to spin it, he’s to blame.
The thing that angers me is he’s always saying he “took steps to improve himself,” and “he knows his behaviour was wrong.”
Yeah, and?
Nobody owes him ANYTHING. He abused and terrorized his wife and kids. Great, he admitted it was wrong. Great, he quit drinking. AND? And what? What does he think he is owed?
That’s the thing when you’re in the wrong – you don’t get to insist that the people you wronged owe you a relationship. You get to just sit back and eat whatever they shove your way. That’s how you take responsibility for the wrong.
the thing is he hasn’t ever really admitted what happened. His team has consistently talked around the incident because he clearly wants his fans to have plausible deniability that anything happened. So his kids have had to deal with years of him downplaying his abuse of them and their mother, as well as him constantly releasing articles like this, where he plays victim. You know what’s NOT going to make them think he’s changed and is sorry? The 5000th article on how this is all Angelina’s fault. He keeps driving them further and further away with his own actions.
I imagine that their children were home-schooled even when Pitt was with them due to their travel schedule. Why make a big deal out of it now? Instead of whining about Miraval he could help the children with endeavors that are of interest to them like Jolie is doing with producing a play with Vivienne. What makes him think that the children were interested in a winery?
Mad Sh!t and himpathy: Far too many people are out there who believe that Angelina Jolie turned their kids against him. There are also way too many people who are fixated on how much this abuser is going to leave his kids in his will when he dies (seriously!). The first part of this (kids hate me due to ex) was easier to spin when A. It didn’t seem like 5 or more kids were turned against him, and B. Shiloh hadn’t gone to the trouble to do so legally. Some people are starting to question why it’s almost all of the kids, but he’s still got a ton of gooey-eyed supporters.
The winery is just a smoke screen because he’s mad he can’t control her and keep her tied to him. But even if he did actually want the kids to get the winery, he can’t see that she might use the money to help their endeavours because they are an extension of him so have to like the same things he does. The classic “and sons” legacy that leaves someone beholden to continue a path they didn’t choose.
And of course he can’t apologise for the plane. He probably still believes that even if he drank too much blah n blah that she and the older kids pushed him to it and brought it on themselves. He’s an ass.
Also having 1-2 drinks A DAY is not what moderation means… that’s still a lot of drinking sir.
He’s a walking red flag at this point, any time his PR people speak it’s like a page out of Abuser 101.
That’s exactly what my abusive father told my mum when we wanted to drop his surname.
Yeah, I bet the drunken rampage on the plane had nothing to do with it.
“How does separating your children from their father help?” Uhhhhh….it helps because it separates them from their father’s abuse?? Like it’s not rocket science.
What a POS.
💯I came here to say the exact same thing. He’s a worthless POS.
Yeah me too, he’s a POS
3..2..1….we really did not expect Angie to get blamed for this right?
Yes. We all knew this was coming.
Brad blemas Angelina for everything. Stomach ache? Her fault! Stubbed toe? Her fault! Speeding ticket? Her fault!
It’s ludicrous.
Well, that was predictable. And it seems a little too early to say who is winning in court. As ever, BP is showing himself to be the vindictive POS that he really is.
Pitt can whine about this all day long, but I would bet my life that the meltdown on the plane was only the culmination of years of mental and physical abuse. People do not cut themselves off from their father on a whim. All of these young adults have given serious thought and consideration to this decision. It’s such a a difficult thing to do.
Not only before, but these almost eight years since the plane incident he continues to abuse their mother through courts and tabloid media with constant smear campaign. How can’t people see that these kids are reading this stuff, that their friends are reading what he puts out about their mother… and this is only public part, the part that we can see.
Love the total lack of personal responsibility and actually considering the children’s trauma and feelings.
Like- what- he said he was sorry and he no longer gets black out drunk- problem solved. He has done EVERYTHING he can do.
No. He has done the bare minimum for his public image. and continuing to financially abuse their mom- who always has their backs- which may just fly in the face of his- i’m a better guy now- claims to those kids.
You can almost hear him- demand- i am your father, you will love and respect me- you owe that to me!
That is the vibe he is giving here. I’m the dad. They must love me.
Who knew he was this big a POS?
(besides those of us who saw his cavalier, pr driven damage up close in New Orleans)
New Orleanian here, and…yuuuuup.
What Brad did to the people of New Orleans calls for vengeance to heaven. I hope someone finally pays for this. This guy has done so many bad things to so many different people… It’s truly terrible.
He should be in prison for what he did in New Orleans.
What dose this even mean?
{As the kids get older and end up having a life as their own,” the Pitt insider said, “he can only hope that they will forget a relationship.”}
Did Page Six or Pitt PR team not proof read.
“Did Page Six or Pitt PR team not proof read?”
Sounds like a Freudian slip by either or both teams: ‘forget’ a relationship vs. ‘forge’ a relationship.
Either way, doesn’t seem like Pitt cares about having real relationship with any of the kids. If he did, he wouldn’t be talking to Page Six.
Maybe, MAYBE, it’s his abuse keeping the kids away, not their mother?
“How does separating your children from their father help” Oh, I know the answer to this one! It helps the kids by keeping them safe and away from the raging, abusive drunk who terrorized them on a small plane.
“and how does selling your share of Miraval help them?” I know this one too! According to Angelina’s attorneys Brad has paid very minimal child support for his six children over the years, and the loan (not gift) of money he gave her for the house purchase, he charged her interest on. So I’m thinking unloading an expensive property she no longer could use helped pay for their lifestyle, college, etc.
He truly does not understand that being an abusive alcoholic has lifelong consequences. The lack of accountability is jarring. No wonder the kids are cutting their losts. He will never change.
He deserved to have criminal charges brought against him, I don’t blame the children or their mother for taking back control of their lives. I’ve been done with anything Brad Pitt for awhile, I’m now embarrassed to admit that in his early career years I actually enjoyed his work.
He’s playing with a bonfire. If they were ready to drop him legally then they will be ready to speak publicly against him.
Pitt keeps playing with fire. The elder kids just may decide to hold a joint press conference to set the record straight. What would his lying ass do then?
I firmly believe the reasons none of the children have publicly spoken against him is due to two of the children still being minors and they don’t want to do anything that could be used against Angelina in her court battles.
But when all children are legally adults and the lawsuits are over at least one, and maybe a few, will write a book detailing Brad’s terribleness.
Based on my experience, kids can totally come up with this on their own! Both of my kids expressed the desire to change their last names to mine. The thing that changed their minds was their dad dying while they were still teens. Now they want to keep what they can of him — but they sure didn’t feel that way when he was still alive and tormenting them!
My kids have my last name, their father gave them an ultimatum, change their last name to his, or he won’t see them anymore. They chose NC, and haven’t seen him since January 2019.
It’s disgusting when children are used as the rope in a game of tug of war between their parents. Period.
Agree with sentiment, disagree that anyone other than Brad is using his kids, and only when it suits his narrative.
OMG — my father (89 now, living in Europe with the much-younger wife he picked up as a teenager) does this horseshit All The Time. FIFTY YEARS after the fact, he’s still claiming he didn’t do any of the really shitty things I remember him doing, that I don’t remember that, that it was all my mother, putting evil thoughts in my head.
Not only does this deny your childrens’ agency, it’s just bullshit. If you want your kids to never trust you again, lie to them repeatedly, and tell them the other parent brainwashed them.
Brad will end up exactly the same. With a girl who is too young (eventually he will probably get bored with Ines and find a younger one), still blaming Angelina and still having no contact with the children. This press circus will end only a few years after his death, when people will start to forget him and writing about him every day will no longer bring financial benefits.
Um, the “kids” ARE older. Most of them are now young adults, maturely making their wishes quite clear. There is absolutely nothing stopping Pitt from reaching out to these young adults, apologizing for his abusive behavior, trying to build relationships with them based on his own diligently improved behavior, and patiently focusing on their needs and wishes instead of his own as he attempts to repair multiple relationships.
It sounds like instead he’d like to put the onus on the kids to repair their relationships with him — rather than address his own shortcomings as a parent and as a human being. Good on the kids for making healing choices for themselves and for distancing themselves from a source of ongoing trauma.
Brad’s public whining is the pits. (Sorry/not sorry)
This exactly. Four of these kids are legal adults now. Him still framing this like he has to go through Angelina to get to them is BS. He doesn’t want to put in the effort. He’d rather get high with his 30-year old gf and imagine some future where they come to him and assure him they now know their mom’s a huge bitch and he was right all along.
Repeat comment:
What he didn’t destroy of that family unit in Sept 2016 or the year leading up to that terrible flight he has completely burned down since.
I know people may not like it but I’ve been a child. I have kids and have been through a divorce w/ a lying man who blamed me for everything.
It’s sad, but kids see hear and read everything. They lived in the house and saw most of this stuff. Lived it. If he is lying and abusing their mom who treats them lovingly what does he think they will do.
They know what the media is saying and what his lawyers are doing. That would upset me too and he half azz everything with those kids. He doesn’t care
He is a major POS who will stop at nothing but to smear and blackball her but it is blowing up in his face gloriously
When I divorced, my kids’ reaction was, “It’s about time! We were wondering when you were going to finally do it.” They know, even if you think you’re hiding it from them. And none of the four have much (or anything) to do with him now.
In legitimate cases of parental alienation, children usually start to see through the manipulation by the time they are adults. The fact that the Jolie kids only seem to be more inclined to distance themselves from Pitt as they age is very telling. Telling on Brad.
This. He turned them against him with his own behavior.
It sounds like he sent these source qoutes in himself. Why are they so erratic
Uh … Brad Pitt hasn’t “won” any legal challenges against Angie. She was ordered to produce years and years worth NDA’s … under seal to the court. A foolish way for AJ to have to spend more money.
That doesn’t mean bupkis. Just Brad been a sac of green pus as usual. He lost the Dissollution hands down and has never completed the financial part of their marital issues so the Disso remains bifurcated. Angie had to go all the way to the state Supreme court to get his sweetheart custody ruling from a corrupt private judge overturned. Everything she has done has been for their kids.
Oh … and BP had cut her out of Miraval bot business and day-to-day after 10/16 so why on earth wouldn’t she sell?
l. It’s not her fault he is a narcissistic POS.
16? She’s been battling this douche since 2016? This lady be made of steel.
Maybe putting their mother through litigation hell for what feels like a decade, which is abusive in terms of their mother’s mental and physical health, is what prompted this. Look in the mirror, Brad!
It’s becoming more obvious that By the Sea was based on their relationship- she was sad and depressed and he was a drunk
I wish to God he’d keep his ex-wife’s name out of his mouth.
At some point he has to realise that continuing to attack Angelina continues to entrench the kids position not to see him, associate with him or even bear his name?
He clearly believes that the kids should just play along to preserve his pristine image.
Interestingly this very much mirrors Angelina’s childhood where her father abandoned his children when they were young and then started using them as PR until Angelia saw through it, started self harming and then fell out with him again.
What a mess.
He thinks he can hide behind using sources to trash Angelina then claim ignorance. Newsflash, we know its still you Brad. All this is doing is reaffirming the kids position as you said. Shiloh being the first to file is not surprising when you look at it from her POV.