Nicholl: It was probably hard for Prince Harry to miss the D-Day events in Normandy

Roya Nikkhah at the Times of London got a big briefing from Kensington Palace over the weekend, all about how King Charles is no longer jealous of Prince William’s massive popularity or William’s gold-plated international statesmanship. As I said, it came straight from William’s camp and it was almost funny to watch as William desperately tries to bill himself as this global diplomat and immensely popular figure. Within that Times piece, there was a curious mention of Prince Harry and how Harry… wasn’t in Normandy for the D-Day anniversary. It’s been mentioned in several articles too, like “why wasn’t Harry there/Harry must be jealous of William’s statesmanship!” That too is coming straight from Kensington Palace. No one expected Harry to go to Normandy, and there’s absolutely no reason to even mention Harry’s name in the discussions of D-Day. And yet…

Prince Harry is to blame for missing commemorations to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day because he’s the one who burnt bridges with his family, a royal expert claims.

Katie Nicholl told The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show how it would’ve been a “hard” and “pretty stomach-clenching moment” for Harry to watch the two days of commemorations and know he wasn’t a part of it. Speaking to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson, the royal commentator explains that Harry’s fought in Afghanistan and is the only member of Royal Family to have fought on the front line twice, so on another parallel universe, he would’ve been there.

“Every time we cover the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, if there’s anyone that’s earned the right to be there and to lay a wreath, it’s Prince Harry because he fought for his Queen and his country in Afghanistan twice,” she says. “And I can only imagine, and we was talking about how happy is out in Montecito and I believe he is, he’ll be watching those D-Day commemorations. He was a soldier for a big part of his life as we know through the Invictus community and I think it’s a pretty stomach-clenching moment for him where it’s that realisation that despite what he did, he wasn’t a part of this because he’s not a part of the working class Royal Family.”

Matt goes on to note how the reality of Prince Harry being absent for the D-Day commemorations is simply the repercussions of him burning bridges with the royal family, to which Nicholls agrees.

“They are, they are,” she says. “Currently, we don’t know whether he did anything in Montecito, but if he did, he didn’t do anything publicly. And you’ll remember that one Remembrance Sunday when him and Meghan were photographed laying a wreath and that backfired on them so badly. So I think they’ve learned from things like that so it must’ve been a hard moment for him to watch these two days of commemorations in Normandy and in Britain and know that just like being a solider, he wasn’t a part of it.”

[From The Sun]

“You’ll remember that one Remembrance Sunday when him and Meghan were photographed laying a wreath and that backfired on them so badly.” In 2020, he requested that a wreath made for him by The Poppy Factory be picked up and placed at the Cenotaph in his absence. The palace refused, they leaked their refusal and tried to humiliate him publicly. Harry and Meghan spent Remembrance Day 2020 at the LA National Cemetery, laying flowers on the graves of Commonwealth soldiers. It didn’t “backfire” on the Sussexes, it made the point that Harry will always find a way to honor the fallen. What has backfired on the Windsors is their unhinged campaign against a veteran who served two tours of duty. What has backfired is the Windsors’ refusal to acknowledge Invictus veterans or Harry’s work with the veterans community. Instead, they keep trying to claim that William suddenly has a special relationship with the veteran community. William really wants to carve Harry’s face off to wear it as his own.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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48 Responses to “Nicholl: It was probably hard for Prince Harry to miss the D-Day events in Normandy”

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  1. The veterans know who is rooting for them and it is not Peg. They know that it’s Harry that is looking out for them. So this D Day outing for Peg was nothing more than to TRY to one up Harry but as usual it didn’t work. Peg looked like an extra that needed babysitting not like a global statesman or an activist for veterans.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Harry has never attended the D Day event as an adult. I think the last time he did was when his mother was alive. This is the first time I’ve seen TOB there as an adult. Frankly, William’s obsessed jealousy over Harry is scary.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        IIRC, the last event of this type, of this scope, that Harry attended was July 1, 2016. Centenary of the Battle of the Somme at the Thiepval Memorial, in France. Then Duke/Duchess of Cambridge were there as well. There’s one photo – of Will & Haz and Kate, the lads’ heads bowed in respect, and Kate looking like she’s trying to catch Haz’s eye or speak to him. Classless as always. Harry in another photo looks as annoyed as he did at his entire family during his last Commonwealth Service attendance in 2020.
        You can find the photos here:

        The event stuck in my mind because one of my favourite Scottish Gaelic singers, Julie Fowlis, was there on that day. As part of the commemoration she sang “An Eala Bhàn” (“The White Swan) – a Scottish Gaelic song written in the trenches during WWI by Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna of North Uist. The song can be found on YouTube; it’s very moving.

      • Christine says:

        They really should be asking why it took the HEIR so long to show up at Normandy.

      • therese says:

        @Where’s My Tiara – Thank you so much for your lovely post. Never heard of the White Swan before. So poignant, heart wrenching and moving. Time doesn’t erase the sorrow.
        One of my most prized possessions is a small book of poems by Joyce Kilmer published during WWI.
        Some people go about seeking to do good for other people, and some people wreak havoc wherever they go. I am speaking of the Royal Family, who I am well and truly tired of. One note singers.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Harry celebrates veterans every day. That is one of his most important life experiences. Harry doesn’t need one particular day to celebrate veterans. Harry has been celebrated by veterans a lot.

        Katie Nicholl is an idiot (seriously, these rr’s absolutely depend on H&M to pay their rent).

        Thank you @Where’sMyTiara. I’ll admit, I don’t know the words. Beautiful voice and haunting music.

  2. Shawna says:

    Get his name out of your mouth, Katie Nicholl. Both sides of it, if you please.

    • aftershocks says:

      Exactly! 💯 👏🏽

      My eyes rolled to the back of my head while reading this nonsense! All of these rota ratchets are unhinged and desperately caping for empty suit Willy.

      Meanwhile, Harry & Meghan are healed, well-heeled, booked, busy and unbothered in Montecito, living the life of their dreams. Lie more, cry more salty isle nonces. 🤥 😪 🤡💩

  3. Monika says:

    “working class Royal Family” what a funny term used by Katie Nicholl.

    Harry will always find ways to honour events and people important to him He did it with the anniversary of the late Queen and he will do it with the veterans as well.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      He honours them when he help the injured unlike the rest of the royal family who prefer to ignore them. On the day of the Invictus service, Charles was busy but William the next CIC was sitting on his backside at home according to the court circular.

  4. MsIam says:

    I think Harry has done an amazing job honoring veterans. And I think he’s breathing a sigh of relief at not having to spend time with both William and Camilla in Normandy. He would deserve a combat medal just for enduring that alone.

  5. Molly says:

    “if there’s anyone that’s earned the right to be there and to lay a wreath, it’s Prince Harry.”

    BOOM. Not you, Charles. Not you, Peg, Not you, Camilla.

    As for Harry, he’s found plenty of ways to honor veterans around the world. I think he’s probably sleeping just fine.

  6. 809Matriarch says:

    Why would it bother Harry? Just bc he has Invictus Games does not mean everything related to military has to be a Harry thing. Harry’s happy for others to have the limelight.
    This is more projection. It’s giving, “NO. NO. Harry will NOT have all the fun!”

    • AD says:

      Was just about to say the same thing. Projecting as always. They want it to be so. So petty. They have the limelight instead of basking in it, they are thinking about Harry. Smh the envy is real.

    • Debbie says:

      That’s true but, on the other hand, if there’s anything that’s guaranteed to drive William to a hole-digging or indeed any work event, it’s the mere THOUGHT of Harry. He’s still smarting over Harry’s last event. I think that’s why we’ve been getting all these “William is a stateman, I swear he is!” stories all of a sudden.

  7. Lau says:

    Maybe it’s just the ring-wing press trying to cover their prime minister’s *ss after he bolted from Normandy before everybody else and now everybody really realises that the British government doesn’t give a fig about veterans.
    They’ve used the Sussexes as deflection before.

    • Lauren says:

      It was definitely interesting optics for the Prime Minister and King to show up for the British specific memorial and not the more international one. Like does the King only show up he’s going to be treated as the most important? Does the British government care about the countries they have called allies?

      • Laura D says:

        I’m going to cut KCIII some slack on this one as he received treatment for his cancer only a few days before and insisted he would attend. As much as I disagreed with the ridiculous costume and the faux medals I respect that he made the effort and wouldn’t have expected him to have stayed all day under those circumstances. Even though we all know William was only there for the “photo-op” he is the heir and quite rightly stood in for the king.

        Sunak on the other-hand had no such excuse and embarrassed the country and showed a complete lack of respect for the veterans and the fallen. I still find it hard to believe that no-one told him it would be an insult to leave before the international ceremony. He is quite rightly being hammered on all sides and refused to do any interviews with the press over the week-end. Which is funny because his excuse for leaving was to record an interview with ITN. The man has no shame!

  8. Water Lilly says:

    “William really wants to carve Harry’s face off to wear it as his own.” That’s because his own face makes him look like a large, confused, very angry nutria 🙄

  9. Jais says:

    Ah yes the repercussions of freedom. Pretty sure Harry has no regrets from escaping the Windsor psychodrama.

  10. Truthiness says:

    Honoring veterans is not a competition. Harry’s life in sunny California is full, he doesn’t need to scour the globe hunting for veteran’s memorials to attend.

  11. ncboudicca says:

    I mean…this was a meaningful day for many and I’m sure that Harry – as any other veteran would – found it particularly moving to reflect upon the sacrifices on those beaches. This article is so incredibly stupid – even if Harry was still in the bosom of the BRF, this was an occasion for Heads of State, which he is not. Willy only went because Charles wasn’t fit enough to attend the entire day’s worth of ceremonies.

    • The Hench says:

      Exactly right. Even if Harry was still inside the RF and a working member, he wouldn’t have been in France for this. He would have been covering other events in the UK.

    • rosa mwemaid says:


  12. Chrissie T says:

    Its funny that I was just thinking about this over the D Day anniversary. I was really glad he didn’t make any statement. I think it’s something he might have done a couple of years back but he’s learned that’s not his role anymore and it removes the opportunity for the rats to make a big deal out of it. Also as said above he would not have been involved anyway as he is not head of state or the heir.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Why do you believe he would have made a statement 2 years ago? This is not the first D-day event since Harry left that Den of Vipers. This is about the vets, not about the royal family. They did not create this event. A true soldier would do exactly what Harry did– not make this about himself. William and Charles are so pathetic!

    • equality says:

      But okay for celebs and average “commoners” to put messages on SM and make statements? The RR is going to criticize ANYTHING he does. His motives should NEVER be what they approve or disapprove.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Why did you believe that Harry would have issued a statement for D-Day last week? When he asked for his wreath to laid at the Cenotaph in 2020 he was still a working royal, he was under the one year review. So at that time he was well within his right to issue a statement if he wanted to. He hasn’t issued a statement regarding “royal” events except when he grandparents died, since he stopped being a working royal.

    • Well, lots of people make statements on DDay, especially people with any connection to service.

      If Harry wants to do so, he is free to do so. It’s not the job of the royal family only. In fact, since Camilla made such an a$$ of herself this time, maybe the royals should just stay home.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    “ William really wants to carve Harry’s face off to wear it as his own”
    And he isn’t even ashamed enough to hide it anymore.. we may joke about Peggy but he truly is terrifying because some thing is seriously off with that man.

  14. Jay says:

    Harry doesn’t really need to be part of a public display to honour veterans, he does it all the time through his work. I would not be surprised if he took part in a low-key local event that we hear about much later, but we do know that his work with Invictus speaks for itself.

    Trust the Windsors and their media lackeys to try to make an event honouring WWII vets all about punishing Harry somehow.

  15. TN Democrat says:

    Will-not’s obsessions with one-upping his brother and inflicting pain on his brother should be concerning to the media and public. These stories are beyond creepy at this point.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    I would think that by now Harry has come to terms with the fact that he no longer represents the Royal Family and that he would not be invited to these type of events. Im sure he’s ok with that, it’s the press who are not ok. Plus, the reason he asked for his wreath to be laid was because knew it was already made for him. The press were upset because he found a way to honour the war dead despite the Palace and that they weren’t informed until after he did it. Anyway, if Katie had read his book she would known that his wreath was laid by the Afghanistan memorial by somebody in the Army.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      To the press these stories are just click bait, to sell advertising revenue, there is no humanity about them, they know what their audiences like, anything anti Meghan, how dare Harry fall in love with a mixed race woman.

  17. TIFFANY says:

    Harry kissing the head of the veteran will always be one of my favorite pictures. You just can’t fake that kind of sincerity.

  18. Kingston says:

    I strongly believe tht chucky not being there had nothing to do with his health. In fact I wdnt be surprised tht sunnak’s premature departure wasn’t also part of a conspiracy between the govt & the Firm for chucky & sunnak to clear the way for bully to get a clear moment on the global stage as part of this “global statesman” persona they’re trying to build for him.

    Do not underestimate the impact on those fkrs over there of the 1100-strong contingent of NATO to the Dusseldorf IG last year, wth H&M heading up tht delegation along wth the HEAD OF NATO ON THE GLOBAL STAGE. To be followed by the reception from one arm of the entire govt of the largest country in Africa. And theyre shaking in their boots with the possibility that more of tht is coming.

    So yeah. Chucky is clearly in the departure lounge & all those lizards know tht their way of life is dependent on propping up wee willy the rage-filled, unaccomplished bully. But he’s all they’ve got.

  19. Carman says:

    IiRC, a few years ago, Celebitchy Mary P assured us that TWO wreaths were laid on behalf of Harry by her military comrades after the shameful and disrespectful palace removal.
    It’s doubtful that Harry missed associating with his stolen valor father and brother.
    Service is universal, daily and humble – something the snubbing Windors will never understand nor achieve.

  20. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I wonder why Memorial Day is always forgotten when the bm start talking about something like this or Remembrance Day? Memorial Day in the US is when we remember our fallen. I went to all of the war memorials in our capitol–all of them sobering. In November, we have Veterans Day when we honor all Vets.

    They don’t know whether Harry goes to a cemetery on Memorial Day. Our Cemetary has an area just for service members and have a ceremony. That happens more often than not I suspect.

    It seems to me that the brf are invested in ceremonies. They have this D-Day ceremony and Remembrance Day. It seems the rest of the time they aren’t involved at all with service members active or inactive. Well, unless they have a horse and pony show. I think you know what I mean.

  21. Jaded says:

    Old Beaverteeth really won’t let this go will he. He dons his fake medals and dictator uniforms and thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips when his brother is clearly the one who did the hard work and who military veterans venerate. Give up Willbur, you’re only making yourself look more pathetic and desperate.

  22. yupyup says:

    Burn in hell for this alone “that just like being a solider, he wasn’t a part of it.”

    They disrespect veterans and the military every chance they get and still want to wear their fake ass metals. This is their brand. No real effort just colonizing what they find shiny. Clowns.

  23. bisynaptic says:

    Has Harry been to any prior D-Day commemorations? Why would he be at this one?

  24. Annalise says:

    Did he really say “WORKING CLASS royal family”????? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  25. GuestWho says:

    Lol. As if those valor-stealing, glory hogs would have let Harry have any kind of presence on D-Day if he had stayed in the UK.