There’s a rumor that Tom Cruise is desperate to date Angelina Jolie, noooo

I barely keep up with Tom Cruise’s love life these days. For years now, he’s mostly been based in England, and he’s had a couple of girlfriends who are based in London or thereabouts. Most recently, he was apparently quite serious about a London-based Russian socialite named Elsina Khayrova, but they broke up in March of this year? If you believe any of that, God bless. One story I halfway believed was that Tom wanted to date Shakira after she left Gerard Pique, but nothing panned out. But this story is utterly bizarre – according to the UK tabloids, Tom is interested in Angelina Jolie.

Tom reportedly insists that Hollywood star Angelina is his ‘perfect match’ – according to insiders speaking to Heat World.

‘Tom raves about Ange’s intellect and what a strong, impressive woman she is. He loves that she’s never really conformed in Hollywood,’ the source said. ‘Plus, they’re both such superstars, only a handful of people can truly understand the life they live. That in itself creates a bond.’

They also claimed that Angelina has ‘seemed more open to getting to know him socially, too’.

The insider added that Tom is understood to be taking it slow with the actress, who split from fellow A-lister Brad Pitt in 2019.

[From The Daily Mail]

I’ve had a theory for years now that Tom has pretty much given up on ever getting remarried or having another high-profile relationship. Maybe he “dates” and maybe he has had some somewhat serious relationships post-Katie Holmes, but for most of the past decade, his life has been all about work/career. I don’t buy that Tom would want the heat and attention that comes with dating another big-name actress. Plus, Angelina Jolie wants no part of this – I have no doubt that Tom and Angelina have probably met many times over the years and they’re probably perfectly polite to each other, but there’s nothing between them. She’s had her fill of movie stars too. And yes, I would much rather see Angelina reunite with Jonny Lee Miller.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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65 Responses to “There’s a rumor that Tom Cruise is desperate to date Angelina Jolie, noooo”

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  1. MY3CENTS says:

    Because problematic deadbeat dads is her thing? Nope.

    • AuntRara says:


    • PEARL GREY says:

      The tabloid press seem to really enjoy linking Tom Cruise to any prominent woman in the entertainment world as soon as she becomes single or is in the news a lot. They did it with Sofia Vergara when she and Joe split, they did it with Shakira when she was in the news for her split with Gerard, now they’re doing it with Angelina after the recent increased press attention from the fallout with Brad and their children. It seems very much made up and bordering on Pete Davidson meme levels. If JLo and Ben call it quits, watch the press claim “sources close to Tom say he is eager to date her next.”

      • Lau says:

        It sounds like he’s trying to recruit them into scientology, which would explain a lot.

      • MsIam says:

        Well since Leah Remini and JLo are friends, I think that would automatically turn Tom off, lol. And vice versa.

      • CatMum says:

        they are ALWAYS trying to recruit.

        it’s true that JLo is probably SP… altho they have her dad and as we all know, the whales and the famous people get preferential treatment. so I doubt that she’s been declared SP officially. but I’m sure she’s considered sus due to being besties with Leah at the very least.

      • Christine says:

        It’s not the tabloids, this is Tom Cruise, cruising for another “wife”. This is a stretch so inconceivable, even he should be embarrassed.

      • Gennessee says:

        Seeing as how Sofia Vergara already went out with Tom Cruise on two dates or so before he met Katie Holmes, and then told any and all Spanish-Latin media who asked about him that he was “muy raro” or “so weird,” I doubt she would have been approached again after her breakup with Joe M. LOL

    • Christine says:

      One million percent THIS.

      I have no idea how Tom Cruise finds women who will agree to date/marry him, but Angelina is definitely not the move Tom should be making. It would be hilarious, though. Brad Pitt could claim that Angelina is an unfit parent for dating a sc$entologist, and their adult children will rain hell on him.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    This seems like an entirely random speculative pairing. I can’t imagine she’s even interested in costarring with him, let alone dating.

    I would also enjoy seeing her get back with JLM, although it sounds like they are dealing with each other without making anything official. They have the greatest chemistry and I’d love to see them onscreen together again too.

    • Shelby says:

      This isn’t random at all. Both of their sources were deploying Gossip Cop last year or the year before last, him courting her, and her rebuffing him. This back and forth even surfaced to regular trades online. After her rebuffing of him, a trade article randomely brought up the possibility of Salt sequel which immediately picked up my interest, and sure enough the next day I read from the same trade that source close to Jolie stated that Salt was a long time ago and she was not interested. The reason I suspected and immediately picked up the interest after the trade article about Sale sequel was that more than 10 years ago when Jolie just came hot from Salt 1 and Salt 2 was in the talk, Cruise pursued the project hard and there was a rumour already that he was obsessed with Jolie. Of course we also need to look at it from the lense that Cruise and Pitt were known nemesis in the industry.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Hmmm i remember salt being a film originally for cruise? And then that dropped and angelina was in? Im not into angie with Tom, but these 2 in an action movie, would move everybody to theaters. I’m 1000%in

  3. Eurydice says:

    Lol, I’m taking it slow with Henry Cavill.

  4. sevenblue says:

    Tom isn’t just some Hollywood actor, he is a cult leader. There is no way Angelina would even look at him especially after the abuse she suffered from a horrible man.

    • Eurydice says:

      This. Tom’s behavior isn’t a secret and Angelina isn’t an idiot. I think if she gets involved with anyone it will be some billionaire philanthropist.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    I like to think of Angel as being way too smart for that kinda low-brow hookup, but what do I know. On a different subject, Tomscientology just needs to fess up and tell us if he helped Bulliam to miscavage KittKat.

    • Mil says:

      I think Angie knows too much to get involved. Yet, Pitt’s smear campaign could have weaken her. He is a monster. And so is Cruise.

      Also, isn’t Tommy boy like 5 feet shorter than Angie? Not shaming his height, just being petty about cult co-leader

      • Jill says:

        Too bad Oprah is still not on the air. Remember him jumping around on the couch because of Katie Holmes. Certainly made a total fool of himself. I read that when he was married to Nicole Kidman she couldn’t wear high heels around him because she was taller. Don’t see Angelina catering to this or anything else.

  6. equality says:

    So he can’t see his own daughter because she isn’t part of scientology, but he can date someone who isn’t?

    • CatMum says:

      Of course he can. She’s not considered a suppressive person, and if he could recruit her he would do it in a heartbeat.

      However, she would never. She is way too smart for that.

      Tom gets the superstar treatment, but even regular scientologists can date anyone they want. However eventually they will be pressured to recruit their partners.

      I don’t think he will ever have another relationship, especially with someone high profile. We all know what happened to Nicole Kidman. And Katie.

      Look up Nazanin Boniadi if you want to see what the aftermath of dating Tom would be like for someone already in the “church.”

  7. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Oh no, I don’t want this but rumor is Tom knows how to woo the ladies. However, that he left Suri is not something that’s gonna swing well with Angelina. Please say no Angie.

    • Bettyrose says:

      He may have known how to woo naive starlets pre-Katie, but the jig is up. I don’t think anyone is naive enough anymore to think he’s good for their career, and Angie is not a woman looking for a high maintenance man.

  8. Lucille says:

    LOL! It’s the audacity for me.

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    Medical science saved Angelina’s life when she was tested for the breast cancer gene… I can’t see her dating a Scientologist especially since she is a domestic abuse survivor and would see a lot of similar red flags 🚩. I think someone was bored and came up with this narrative 🥴

  10. ML says:

    I just can’t see those two together. I mean, I hope this is some stupid rumor, but I honestly can’t believe that they could be a couple. She seems at the very least to date men and women with sex appeal. She’s fiercely protective of her children. Sure, they both act and fly planes, but beyond that..?

  11. crogirl says:

    LOL this is the funniest sh** I read in a long time

  12. maisie says:

    Oh Kaiser, that photo. He looks like a Muppet. LOL

  13. JP says:

    Is this Tom Cruise’s camp trying to like, manifest this relationship? Put it out in the world and see what happens?

    • lucy2 says:

      Yup. I think they throw something like this out there every so often to make him still seem desirable, but come on now, we all know who he is. No way would Angelina get pulled into that dangerous cult.
      I do find it fascinating that Katie Holmes bolting seemed the final straw for Tom and high profile “love interests”, no one has dared fall for that since.

      Funnily enough Brad Pitt’s PR team does the same strategy, remember all the stories about Brad and the MIT professor? And then Charlize Theron, who was like “uh, no.”

  14. HandforthParish says:

    Angelina would squash him like a bug.

    Seriously, this story is utter BS. There is no way TC would look for a strong and intelligent woman. He couldn’t deal with it.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Lol. True. Angelina is way too much woman for Tom Cruise. And I think he is everything that she would run away from at high speed.

    • Bettyrose says:

      That’s why there’s no truth to this. Tom only “dates” women he can control. He has contractual asexual relationships. He doesn’t for one second think Angie would sign a gazillion NDAs.

  15. Mia4s says:

    I think this is bunk, but showing my age a bit I think I know the origin of it. Huge grain of salt, allegedly, etc. But back at the height of “Brangelina” stories floated around that Cruise, who only cares about being *the* movie STAR was a bit envious of the attention and star power the couple attracted. So his people went about trying to set up their own version of the star super couple with…Katie Holmes 😬. That’s why there was such a push on Holmes for awhile to level up. Obviously, not so much.

    Not sure but I think this rumour has its routes there.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Good point. He tried to build that power couple dynamic with Nicole but the result was Nicole out grew him and came into her own power, and he couldn’t handle it. No way he’d want a woman who already knows her own strength.

      • lucy2 says:

        He was also being pulled back into Scientology at the end of the marriage to Nicole, I think, and she resisted all that. But I could also see him being threatened by the success she was having at the time.

      • Bettyrose says:

        No question he was threatened. Remember how he tried to destroy her reputation and accuse her of being pregnant with someone else’s baby? He tried to make it look like she was the woman who’d wronged Tom Cruise and turn public opinion against her. That backfired spectacularly but he did deny her access to her children. He wanted to destroy her and the rift with the children probably still hurts her.

        Yeah Angie gettin’ in on that offer? LOL. No.

  16. Titrate says:

    Every few months, they have these Tom-would-love-to-date-or-is-quietly-dating stories. It’s just the same old same old. Keeping up his leading-man image. He’s in love with being #2 in Co$ and that’s all. No woman can replace that.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t believe this story and she’s not going back to Johnny Lee either.

  18. Joanne says:


  19. Flamingo says:

    It’s funny to me that every 3-6 months his team throws out some wish list pairing of Tom. This week it’s Angelina. Which of course, never going to happen.

    Tom, we get it, you are not the G word. You are viral man who loves the ladies. Please stop already.

    Just go be with your love David Miniscule and be happy.

  20. Ameerah M says:

    No one wants to date that crazy old man. Including Angelina.

    • Eva says:

      If brad pitt found/hired someone after years of publishing similar news in the tabloids about his desire to date someone chosen by his pr , then shorty will also find someone, eventually. Don’t worry Tom, somewhere there is a desperate woman waiting who will “sincerely love” you.

  21. Michael says:

    I do not even know why Tom Cruise would allow his name to be out there as courting Angelina Jolie because he has zero shot at landing her. I do not think she would date him because of his age and his religion and his overall strangeness. Angelina has been low-key seeing multiple men over the years and some times she is comfortable being seen and other times she keeps it away from the paps. Tom and Angelina would be a circus with paps following them everywhere and I doubt her children would be down for that

  22. Eden75 says:

    Bwahahahahaha, she’d eat him for breakfast. No way that man’s ego could handle a woman who is that strong.

    Now, her and JLM back together would be amazing. I loved them then, would love them now. Although, with the way their relationship is reported to be now, maybe that works best and anything more would ruin it. Honestly, she should just be her own partner for now and be glorious on her own.

  23. Armoire says:

    I doubt even Angelina, who’s not the most swiped lady on Tinder, would get mixed up with a cult leading hoaxster. Cruise and his down to earth persona is all lies. I suspect his “workers” in Co$ are the ones behind sending the birthday gifts to his former co-stars.

  24. MsIam says:

    I can’t see Angelina getting involved with a control freak like Tom Cruise. She’s her own person and I can’t see him being with someone like that, he would be too threatened plus his beloved “church/mlm” would be up in arms too.

  25. tealily says:

    This will never happen.

    I just rewatched Hackers for the first time in for ever and she and Jonny looked so good together. Ah I miss those days!

  26. Veil says:

    I thought this was coming ever since she joined on to do outsiders lol. Please unless Tom is leaving scientology then this will never ever ever happen.

  27. Yonati says:

    Team Angelina and Mackenzie!!

  28. Fina says:

    In German tabloids there were rumors recently that she is low key dating August Diehl, because they were spotted hanging out in restaurants in Berlin together. Probably just old friends from filming Salt. But that would be great. He is also divorced father of teenage children I think and seems quite nice.

    • SolarBeanbag says:

      I just googled him, he TOTALLY looks like her type of dude. From your description he seems like a good match for her.

  29. Marcia says:

    It doesn’t seem like she’s interested in dating.
    And six kids is a lot to take on.

  30. VilleRose says:

    The only “relationship” I know of post-Katie Holmes was the Agent Carter actress Hayley Atwell and that was never confirmed. So maybe a fauxmance to promote the MI movie they did together.

    Angelina is too smart to get involved with Tom. After Brad, she will be very careful with whoever she lets into her life. And everyone knows about the toxicity of Scientology now, it doesn’t have the influence it used to have. She isn’t getting mixed up with that. Also given he has zero relationship with Suri, she would see that as a red flag/sign of abuse.

  31. sillyb82 says:

    I’d rather her and Jenny S but JLM would do as well.

  32. Titrate says:

    I don’t like TC, his affiliation with Co$, and how he’s allegedly abandoned his daughter.

    However, every time there’s a TC article on showbiz sites, there are posters who think it’s okay to make fun of his height.

    I think even anyone who dislikes TC intensely will admit TC and other shorter people, esp men, can’t help their height if pressed on the fact.

    Look up “Leg-lengthening surgery is gaining popularity among men seeking to be taller, doctors say”. There are people paying $100K on painful, risky surgery just to avoid hearing these jokes and insults.

    We’re all perfect until our choices in life prove otherwise.

    (I’m a woman of “normal”/average height.)

  33. Megan says:

    I doubt they’ll end up dating. Angelina can do better.

  34. Katie Beanstalk says:

    When Tom Cruise smiles he looks like a crazy person.