Princess Kate is ‘incredibly unlikely’ to attend Trooping, she won’t ‘upstage the king’

Trooping the Colour is coming up this Saturday. This is the annual “birthday parade” for the king or queen, and there are horses, carriages and an RAF flyover. As of this writing, Kensington Palace has not confirmed anyone’s attendance. It’s widely assumed that Prince William will attend Trooping, and I think Buckingham Palace has tried to confirm that. But KP hasn’t said definitively that the Princess of Wales will be absent. They likely want to string this along until the very last minute, because they know Kate’s absence will be THE story. For what it’s worth, it does sound like KP is letting people know behind-the-scenes that Kate will obviously not go to Trooping. One GB News commentator even said that it’s “incredibly unlikely” that Kate will attend, and that if she did attend, she would “upstage the king.” Yes, we can’t have a missing princess turn up at a public event lest a 74-year-old man have his thunder stolen.

The Trooping conversation has been interesting because it’s just further evidence that KP wants it both ways. They want to convince everyone that Kate is regularly popping out in Windsor and Norfolk, that she’s running errands and “doing better,” but they also want to say that she’s much too ill to even think about standing on a balcony or making a work phone call. The mixed messages about if and when Kate will “return to work” have gotten so strange in recent weeks. Speaking of, Katie Nicholl shared her thoughts:

Kate Middleton has “turned a corner” with her health recovery and will “100 per cent” be returning to work, claims a royal expert. Katie Nicholl, who is Vanity Fair’s royal correspondent, shared how Kate will “pick up as Princess of Wales” when she is ready and gets signed off by her medical team.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive Show, Katie said: “I’ve been told by sources very close to the Princess of Wales that she had struggled with the treatment initially. It’s preventative chemotherapy, it’s not a pleasant thing. No one wants to have to have this, you know, off the back of major surgery, a pretty long recovery period, and then she has to go through the treatment. I think it was a struggle initially and I was very, very relieved to hear from actually more than one source that she has recently turned a corner.”

The royal author debunked a story she had read which claimed Princess Kate will not be “returning to work in the same capacity again.”

She said to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson: “I really think this is not the case. Everything I hear is that she will be back to work. She’s coming back 100 per cent to pick up as Princess of Wales and do the great work she was doing before. It will just be in her time and she’s ready and crucially when she gets the sign off from her medical team.”

She added: “I think we all felt her absence very, very acutely over the past few days. Even Williams said she would have loved so much to be there [at the D-Day events] and she would have done so you’re feeling that for him there. It’s just all a reminder of, I think, how much weight and burden is falling to William. He’s playing the role of Prince of Wales brilliantly, perfectly, but I think it’s a huge burden on him at the moment. He is going through a lot. And I think in all of this, it’s a reminder that the Royals are just human like the rest of us.”

[From The Sun]

“I think we all felt her absence very, very acutely over the past few days.” Actually, in the past week, there has been a suspicious number of random reports that the monarchy is stronger than ever without Kate and that everyone is surprised by how smoothly it’s going without button-covered distractions. Nicholl’s sourcing used to be so Middleton-centric, but I’m starting to get the feeling that she’s been co-opted by William’s people. That’s happened a lot in recent years. It’s sort of insidious. It should be a story about “where is Kate, can we get any proof that she’s actually doing better” and it became a story about “William is so burdened and he’s handling all of this brilliantly.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Princess Kate is ‘incredibly unlikely’ to attend Trooping, she won’t ‘upstage the king’”

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  1. Hard to upstage the King when no one knows where you are and if you still are amongst the living. Gotta keep her name out there so no one will ask where is Can’t.

  2. Dora says:

    Kate can’t upstage anyone. Coma people don’t upstage anyone.

  3. Katie B says:

    She looks very downhearted in some of those photos.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    It is truly creepy watching all this play out in the British media..

  5. Sue says:

    When I read things like “he’s playing the role of Prince of Wales brilliantly, perfectly…,” I picture the writer sitting at his or her computer giggling madly. Because, seriously, does ANYONE really believe this?

    • Agnes says:

      Everything the Rota writes about Wilhelm has to be hyperbolic because the raw material is so drab. There are rumors circulating that he and the kids won’t be at the trooping either. Now THAT would be interesting.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        So, just Chuck, Camzilla, ol’ Ed and Sophiesta, Anne and Mr. Anne, with a few extremely elderly remaining working royals? The balcony will be scintillating.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I’m surprised KP hasn’t announced whether Kate is going or not. Are they just going to remain silent and let the public learn of her absence when she doesn’t show up for the parade?

  7. LadyE says:

    I will never understand the self-defeating rhetoric of upstaging used by the RF. Just so, so strange to me. KC’s probably best moment of “oh ok, stand up move, how lovely” was him walking Meghan down the aisle in place of her dad.

    Imagine the imagery of KC extending a hand, gesturing forward, even a gentle nod and maybe even pat on the arm, as Kate emerges on the balcony. That these people do not understand how to play off of each other, how to build narratives by working together and having group (family!) imagery and storylines is just so damn dumb.

    My dad, who has had Parkinson’s for 20+ years, struggled to stand and do the Torah reading at my nephew’s bar mitzvah. But, he did…with my nephew holding his elbow. And not a dry eye in the room. My dad did not “upstage” my nephew’s moment. Public love and support when people/family have struggled through illness or whatever is never upstaging unless you truly have no sense of family at all.

    • Water Lilly says:

      Thank you for sharing that lovely memory of your family, @LADYE. That is how it’s done.

    • Mario says:

      @LADYE, what a beautiful story about your dad and nephew. Thanks for sharing it. You are 100% right. In a true family dynamic, love and attention are not zero sum (when sincerely sought, given, and received).

      The royals don’t understand this which is why the “royalist” commentary pushing such narratives of family, sacrifice, and love ring so comically hollow to anyone but those brainwashed their entire lives through the repetition of such messaging.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      If Charles were to take Kate out onto the balcony, he would be playing a blinder. It would go down really well with Kate fans.

      • LadyE says:

        It would go down well with everyone! Because it would be a genuinely touching moment (no matter the sincerity). This bizarre rhetoric- either “cancer patient hides to not upstage Father-in-Law in public” or “Father-in-Law angry cancer patient may upstage him”- EITHER ONE is so wtf. Both are not only not relatable to anyone, but are frankly inconceivable as a normal family reaction to serious illness. I can only call it self-defeating because I don’t know how else to describe putting out a storyline of jealousy of a cancer patient. ESPECIALLY when the whole balcony things is essentially a very drawn out family picture for the country.

    • lamejudi says:

      Thank you for sharing such a beautiful family moment.

      Harry was so right when he talked about the business side of The Family coexisting with the family. And how that continues to not work.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Ladye – but you’re assuming this is a normal family we’re taking about, filled with people who love each other (like yours!).

      The British royal family is full of selfish, insecure, jealous, emotionally stunted, backstabbing assholes. That’s why they leak these whiny stories about the audacity of people who left 4 years ago daring to do charity work on a day Willy is also “working” by pulling pints and day drinking. Or why they let their rota rat stenographers write this drivel about Kate’s return stealing the thunder from Chuckles’s big day. They’re a bunch of petty losers.

    • bisynaptic says:


  8. Beverley says:

    It must truly suck to be Charles: a monarch, a billionaire, the head of the Church of England, and the undisputed leader of the royal leftovers…yet he’s so deeply unhappy and utterly insecure.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I mean! It’s shocking.

      And William too. To be heir to so much and be such a petty, small, cruel person. To have so many resources at your disposal to learn and grow and do wonderful things with your life…but instead you’re a paranoid, secretive, lazy turd who is in his 40s and still finding his voice/feet/way/interests etc. So very pathetic.

    • what's inside says:

      @Agnes. I have read your comments with great interest. Fits right in with “make your eyes bleed” comment from that reporter.

  9. Lau says:

    “Nicholl’s sourcing used to be so Middleton-centric, but I’m starting to get the feeling that she’s been co-opted by William’s people”, the Middleton are pretty much broke and proven grifters so maybe they’ve lost most of their sources.

  10. Cheshire Sass says:

    spin, spin, spin – wow!

  11. Jay says:

    Hmmm, there still seems to be quite a disparity between how official KP sources talk about Kate vs the “background” sources. According to this article, she’s making a complete recovery! She’ll be back better than ever! She’s working from her sickbed! She’s keen to return to full-time duties (even though she has never been full-time)!

    Which seems weird – William seems to be enjoying doing solo events and getting to use Kate’s health as an excuse for why HE can’t be full-time. Why put out this narrative that Kate is ready to get back to the grind? The only explanation I can think of is that KP knows how bad it looks right now to hint that Kate will never return, especially in contrast to Charles and his return to work. It would be interesting how this situation might be different if we didn’t have this direct comparison.

    In a way, KP is just doing what they have done for many years – talking a big game about how keen Kate is to go to work, and this is really, truly, for reals this time, the year she’s going to come into her own. I’m pretty sure Nicholls herself has authored a few of those stories in the past! Every year, we’ll hear about how much closer Kate is coming to “getting back to full-time”, but it’s not going to happen.

  12. Mslove says:

    A burden? Going through a lot? He went to France and attended a billionaire’s wedding. His whole life is attending posh events, making useless pledges and bullying the Sussexes. His legions of yes men take care of his burdens. No one feels sorry for Pegs.

    • Sue says:

      I am prepared to believe he’s actually feeling overwhelmed, his wife is undergoing treatment for cancer, his father has cancer, he is being made aware that he is perhaps closer to taking the throne than he had expected to be at this point. However, nothing he has said or done in the last 6 months backs this up. Nothing. He does what he wants, when he wants and not one damn thing more. This is not the action of someone stepping up and taking charge and being a global statesman, He’s still doing the absolute bare minimum and getting praise for it. Maddening.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        I agree, Sue. Even with the stress of people having serious illnesses, there is plenty he could be doing now to show he is ready. Instead, he just does what he’s always done. And he had all that time when no one was sick to figure out a plan but nope. He was living the good life thinking his coronation was many years away.

      • ArtFossil says:

        William isn’t just feeling overwhelmed, he’s feeling guilty. Eventually we’ll know why.

      • Mslove says:

        “Doing the absolute bare minimum and getting praise for it” should be Peg’s motto when he becomes king one day.

  13. Mooney says:

    Sick, comatose, missing (or dead) people don’t upstage anyone. Unless you’re Diana of course 😜

  14. rosa mwemaid says:

    ” it’s a reminder that the Royals are just human like the rest of us.”
    If they are just human like the rest of us why are we expected to bow and scrape to them? And what about this “god’s anointed?” How can they be human like the rest of us?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Sometimes they are human just like the rest of us and sometimes they are Godlike beings rising above us frail mortals. It’s a deeply conflicted and even contradictory narrative that keeps cropping up. But they expect us not to be confused because they will tell us what phase we are in as needed. Don’t expect it to make sense. It’s a royalty thing. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • bisynaptic says:


  15. Jais says:

    Listen, if Katie Nicholls is saying she will 100% be back in her previous POW role, I now believe it’s the exact opposite. She will not be.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      This got me:

      “The royal author debunked a story she had read which claimed Princess Kate will not be “returning to work in the same capacity again.”

      These people were the ones writing those stories! Rota rats!
      I swear we’ve gone from palace echo chambers to the Royal Rota yodelling up their own arseh-les.

      Every time Katie or Tom, Ingrid C-Word or the Richards sound off, the unbidden images of those medieval marginalia, of monks playing long trumpets out their bottoms, springs to mind.

      Kaiser’s right. They want both narratives to exist at once. Just as they keep trying to have with the Sussex/KFC narrative, of “Cluck misses the grandkids” but also “The Sussexes must be punished for existing”.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Jais – can you say more about why that makes you sure it’ll be the opposite? I’m just curious. I also think she’s never coming back but this reporting isn’t what’s confirming anything in my mind.

      Tiara – yes, they literally are their own echo chambers. One rota rat makes something up and then the others report it as fact, citing the first one as the source. It’s bonkers.

  16. Aimee says:

    At this point I am thoroughly convinced the reason we or anyone hasn’t seen her is because of her appearance. She’s lost her hair, she’s extremely frail, something to do with how she looks. We all know that’s the only thing she ever really had going for her.

    • Dee says:

      I would agree, but she’s worn so many wiglets and hairpieces in the past, that it can’t be her hair.

  17. Eurydice says:

    Kate wouldn’t upstage Charles if he behaved as if he were genuinely happy she was back on the balcony. If he showed some comradery like, “here we are, both making it through cancer,” the press would eat it up. But that’s probably beyond his capabilities and Camilla might not like it…nor would William…and…oh, never mind.

  18. HuffnPuff says:

    This definitely indicates that she is not in England and that she’s getting treatment elsewhere. And that her treatment is much more aggressive. Charles has been receiving treatment and has been out and about. He’s probably just doing homeopathic medicine though. Maybe that’s why Harry flew over. To try to get him to get real treatment. Who knows? If only we had a time machine to read the book that Charlotte will write to fund her life as a spare.

    • Flakk says:

      Rather than give credit to Kate for staying home – the excuse being that she would upstage The King of England if she made an appearance, KP could use this opportunity to show Kate as strong and selfless, pushing through illness and crawling out on that balcony to show support for her father-in-law as he battles his own health issues. But per usual, they chose weakness as heroic.

  19. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    How does someone “turn a corner” when getting preventative treatment? Literally, that makes no sense.

  20. equality says:

    She didn’t mind upstaging Charles at a flower show or making his dad’s funeral about her. She doesn’t mind pushing to get centered on the balcony to take attention. But, sure, she draws the line at this.

  21. TheCrankyFairy says:

    The chance that many, if not most, of these people know what’s going on and are taking the tack(s) their taking is concerning.

  22. JFerber says:

    Willy knows what happened to Kate, just as Charles knows what happened to Diana. They are complicit in their secrets and their villainy. William is the true heir to his horrible father. Harry is well out of there. I hope Diana is looking down on Harry, her true heir in wisdom and compassion.

  23. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    But if Kate doesn’t want to upstage Charles (or Charles is the one who doesn’t want that to happen), then does that mean she is *capable* of appearing, and is chosing not to? Then what is stopping her from doing any other work? Laziness?

    Or, is she still not capable of doing work, not even posing for a photo, and *that’s* why she won’t be there? If so, then just say THAT. (And they wonder why these b.s. messages are causing mass speculation? Idiots).

  24. Christine says:

    This is exactly how all of England looks to the world.

    “Yes, we can’t have a missing princess turn up at a public event lest a 74-year-old man have his thunder stolen.”

    None of us are being bitchy, this is just what it is, in Little England.