Jennifer Lopez wished Ben Affleck – and not Marc Anthony – a happy Father’s Day

Before Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck reunited, J.Lo was based in Miami. She and Alex Rodriguez lived together (sort of) and Emme & Max spent time with their father Marc Anthony, who also owns a home in Miami. Marc Anthony has lots of kids, and the impression I’ve gotten over the years is that he’s not a super-active father in their lives, although I think he did put a little effort into it with Max and Emme. Then Ben pursued J.Lo and suddenly she was based out of LA, and she’s indicated in her documentary and in interviews that she doesn’t have much of a relationship with Marc at this point, that she still loves him as the father of her children but beyond that, not so much. She’s also left some breadcrumbs about the volatility of their marriage, which I absolutely believe. The point is: she really doesn’t f–k with Marc anymore. So much so that she didn’t publicly wish him a happy Father’s Day. But she did publicly show some Father’s Day love to Ben Affleck:

I’m from the “Father’s Day tradition” where you simply wish all motherf–kers a happy Father’s Day. All of the dads in your life – your own father, your brother (if he’s a father), your baby daddies, your stepfather, your children’s stepfather, etc. Wish every father a happy holiday, it is their day. To make a pointed Father’s Day Instagram Story about your children’s stepfather… AND NOT THEIR ACTUAL FATHER is wild. It’s also wild to call Ben “our hero.” J.Lo is too much, but it’s funny as hell. I hope Emme and Max sent Marc a card or something.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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49 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez wished Ben Affleck – and not Marc Anthony – a happy Father’s Day”

  1. Ameerah M says:

    As someone who had a $h8tty father….I am 100% in favor of this shade. Especially since it’s clear that at this point in their lives, Ben is more of a father figure in Max & Emmy’s lives than Marc is.

    • Danbury says:

      Fully agree: I feel the same, but about Mothers day because of my $s8tty mom. We wish happy Fathers day (or Mothers day) to those who in our lives we want to wish it to. It is owed to no one. Team JLo and her father’s day shade

  2. I thought that a bit strange to wish Ben and Ben alone a happy Father’s Day when he isn’t even your children’s father.

    • Kate says:

      Including Marc wouldn’t give her the attention she desperately wants.

    • Green Desert says:

      She has been open though about the fact that Marc has not been much of a presence in their kids’ lives since they split. There’s an interview from the past few years in which she’s pretty candid about it but doesn’t sound like an a-hole toward Marc. I think people get a pass on this if the other parent really isn’t in the kids’ lives. This isn’t a Chris Pratt situation.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      It is strange to specifically wish happy father’s day to a man that isnt your father or the father of your kids. Like, just wish happy father’s day to all fathers. Also, our hero? Um, im gonna go with slightly overhyping the guy which is so cringe and is totally going to embarrass Ben lol exactly what he doesnt want, she knows very well, so this is a manipulative move. Jen doesnt recognize cringe, she cant read a room nor and she make her men picker work either. But she’s got everything else

  3. BeesRule says:

    A still from Pearl Harbor?! Shady

    • HeatherC says:

      I know! If you’re going to use an old movie of his as a hero, at least go for Armageddon! He looked better in that one (IMO)

  4. equality says:

    Here’s a wild idea. Why didn’t she just wish her dad a happy father’s day?

  5. Neeve says:

    I’m not telling any motherf**** happy fathers day that doesnt deserve it,unless it’s to make them feel shitty that they are in fact a crappy father.We have no idea why she didnt post him,he probably doesn’t deserve it.

  6. Jayna says:

    Jennifer is so manipulative. Ben is in another house. “Our” hero? Did the two teenagers ask her to post this? No. It’s all J-Lo. Max appears to want no part of social media and paparazzi these days and doesn’t do a lot of outings. It’s hanging on to Ben and dissing Marc at the same time.

    She and Marc were on good terms until Ben. But just like she used her kids for that post, “our hero,” she also used them for the A-Rod breakup. Marc was with the kids in Miami when news of her A-Rod breakup was released in March of 2021. Just hours later she posted a photo (screen capture) from a Facetime Marc did with her where he was comforting a crying Emme. She writes: “When they are sad but momma and daddy are there #coconuts,” she wrote. “I love you!! So proud of you.” I remember being turned off by the using of her children for something so personal.

    Here’s the photo and her comments.

    • Truthiness says:

      Emme was sobbing and JLo wrote #coconuts? wtf

      • Jayna says:

        That’s her term of endearment for the children ever since they were babies. She calls them her little coconuts.

      • Truthiness says:

        Ah, thanks Jayna. I hope Emme was fine with JLo sharing her crying, upset face with the world.

    • Kebbie says:

      My first thought was she’s trying to guilt him into staying like, “we need you, you’re our hero.” To be fair, it does seem like he’s kind of bailing and giving up on the marriage. Whether he’s justified in that, who knows.

      • Truthiness says:

        I think he’s fighting for his sobriety and to be a present dad. There’s a rumor that Jen G has been spending more time with him to support him not drinking.

        The Brady roast was knee deep in alcohol, athletes and shot glasses, I wasn’t surprised he had to gtfo after his speech.

    • Aurora says:

      Omg this woman knows no boundaries. This was a highly private moment for Emme. No wonder she seems to not want to be anything like her, and Max is fully out of her sm.
      I’m all for an empowered woman who leaves no oportunity pass by and hustles with all her being. But she’s so focused on her ‘brand’ that she regards her close ones as props or ambassadors for it. Now I really believe that Affleck got fedup by her narcissistic bs.

    • Jaded says:

      I cannot believe she’d post a photo of her own sad, sobbing daughter…oh wait, she included Ben’s private love letters in her stupid documentary for all the world to see. Never mind.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Eh not really. They don’t even have shared custody and it was hinted out without saying it, he was physically abusing her. It doesn’t even sound like he sees his kids much and didn’t ARod hint as much when he started seeing JLo?

      • Lens says:

        She took the kids from Miami a nano-second after getting back with Ben (and proceeded to look for a love nest for them and all 5 kids before they even got to 6 months back together although Ben held her off until a year had gone by). You’re right Marc doesn’t have equal custody but he was involved when they all were in Miami. Jlo even mentioned he took over when she spent months in the Caribbean filming shotgun wedding during Covid. Their relationship seemed to break apart when she went to LA. The twins have been seen only a couple of times with him in 3 years and didn’t attend his wedding. Maybe he’s just waiting until they outgrow their mother’s influence when they get to their twenties. His sons with Dayanara are close with him now.

  7. lisa says:

    “I hope Emme and Max sent Marc a card or something.”

    why? if the adult isnt making an effort, it is not the child’s job to reach out. this sort of assumption that everyone owes every sperm and egg donor acknowledgment is damaging.

    • DaveW says:

      I don’t follow Marc Anthony on socials or at all, but just because one of the parents doesn’t post to socials or do walkabouts with their kids in pap friendly places does not mean they are a bad or uninvolved parent either.

      • lisa says:

        the default shouldn’t be to assume everyone has a dad that deserves a card.if he does, they can send one. but people reading this who do not have such a dad, it normalizes acknowledging every dad on fathers day regardless of how they treat you.

      • Marvin says:

        There is no one size fits all. If you have/had a negative relationship with your father, those who didn’t should be allowed to normalize and share what their positive experience means/meant to them.

      • lisa says:

        but they are talking about a stranger, the default assumption that every mother or father deserves anything is antiquated and harmful

    • Marvin says:

      @Lisa you’re overthinking this. your personal experience has tainted your view on what mother’s/father’s day represents for millions of people.

  8. ariel says:

    I’m team- do what works for you.
    I had a great dad, he is long dead, i cried some on Father’s Day, but i also always get gifts for the nice man i live with from our pets. Yep, the dog and cats send gifts and sign a card. It is what works for me.

    Family stuff is complicated. No matter who you are.

    • Jayna says:

      It wasn’t from the kids. They probably did something for him in private. This hunky photo from 20-something years ago and “hero” Instagram post is all J-Lo.

  9. Grant says:

    I mean, Marc Anthony is a massive douche so I’m kind of here for this. I don’t expect Shiloh, etc. to wish BP a happy Father’s Day, so I’m not immediately offended by this either.

    • Ladiabla says:

      Yeah, I don’t follow him but trolling the Miss Universe pageant for the next young-enough-to be-my-granddaughter wife put me off him completely. It’s a shame because he can sing; I saw him in concert maybe like 25 or more years ago. He’s charismatic, he’s got pipes, but yeah, he’s a big time douche.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    JLo really loves Ben perhaps to her own detriment.

    • Mimi says:

      It’s more like Jen will do anything to keep this relationship from failing after investing $20 million into a project about how it’s the love story to end all love stories.

    • Truthiness says:

      …much to Ben’s detriment. She monetized and publicized tf out of the relationship while admitting he wasn’t comfortable with it at all.

  11. Somebody Nobody says:

    I don’t know if this was so much intended as shade at Marc or performative happy relationship. Or honest sentiment?

  12. Kokiri says:

    I certainly hope she discussed this post with both her children, her step children, Ben, & Jen1. Especially Jen1, who is the other parent to Ben’s children & shouldn’t have her place usurped for this flash in the pan marriage & woman.
    Somehow I doubt it she even though to have a conversation with any of them.

    Jlo’s lack of respecting boundaries is known (the entire documentary for example).

    She’s exhausting to read about. I cannot imagine spending time with her. I’d be worried she’d tell everyone what I said & show everyone my texts.

  13. Jayna says:

    Like I said earlier, she got along with Marc until Ben came back on the scene. Marc really liked Casper, who was with J-Lo for five years, and praised Casper for how he treated the kids. A-Rod and Marc got along great. J-Lo posted photos of them (JLo, A-Rod, and Marc) together at events for the kids. She wished Marc a Happy Father’s Day on Instagram and A-Rod came on Marc’s Instagram wishing him a Happy Father’s Day.

    A-Rod may be a cheater, but he is a very involved father. He was also very good to J-Lo’s kids.
    Below is her post to A-Rod for Father’s Day while they were together Those kids have weathered a lot of Jlo’s breakups with men who were father figures in their lives. Then one day it’s over. As teenagers, only actually living with Ben for about two years or so (moving in together in 2022), while they might care for him, he has his own kids, and he is their fairly new stepfather. It’s more the blending of families and breaking apart that is difficult. But Emme and Max were very close to A-Rod and his girls and that ended and J-Lo left MIami and moved them to LA. So they have already lived through losing two significant father figures (A-Rod and Casper). I feel for them.

    To A-Rod:
    “How lucky are we to have you in our lives…not only do you make us all laugh every day, you help us to be our best selves with a loving gentle hand,” Lopez wrote. “Being there and caring with a consistent presence that doesn’t ever waiver. Macho…I cannot begin to tell you how much you have come to mean to me and Max and Emme!! Seeing the father you are to Tashi and Ella is one of my greatest joys and they are so fortunate to have you to call Daddy!!! We all love you so much!! Happy Fathers Day!!!♥️♥️♥️”

  14. JMOney says:

    There was no need for a Father’s Day post. J.Lo did this to show everyone how much she loves Ben and that he is apparently a great dad. Did it shade her ex? possibly but that wasn’t the goal.

    It’s funny but also sad b/c Ben does not reciprocate in the way she wants. Granted he’s not on social media but he could easily say what a great mother she is but he has sung the praises of his ex as a great mother. Its clear J.Lo is more into this relationship and to speak in TikTok terms, she is the “golden retriever” and Ben is the “black cat”.

  15. JoanCallamezzo says:

    I assume the “Our hero” was sarcastic and there is so much shade using a decades old pic of him. She’d been working through the shock of him leaving (again) and now she’s getting mad. Bet Benny Medina leaked the rumor Ben is drinking again, with her permission.

  16. Jayna says:

    Ben Affleck’s issue with social media . An excerpt from a New York Times Events on-stage interview he did in front of an audience a year ag after announcing his new production company, Artists Equity. Possibly this also is what Ben struggles with as far as Jennifer Lopez wanting to use their relationship as this perfect love story.

    “Broadly speaking, my issue with it is that it cultivates — it prizes authenticity but cultivates inauthenticity. In other words, it asks you to put up an advertisement of your life and people naturally hold it up in comparison against the authentic version of their own life and against which one is necessarily going to feel, ‘Oh, I wish I was in Bali. I’m not living my best life. They’re so happy.’ Then you call them on the phone and your friend is like: ‘I don’t know. We’re getting divorced. I’m kind of depressed.’ You’re like: ‘What do you mean? I saw you with the coconut thing [on Instagram].’ “

  17. Carolnr says:

    The Pearl Harbor pic she posted of Ben also compliments the Father’s Day post for her dad. Didn’t she realize though that this was when Ben first met JG? I think she she so caught up in the pics being similar that she didn’t realize that.
    ( or she didn’t know)
    She needed to post something for Ben because she wants the public to believe that she & Ben are fine. I watched the TMZ special last night, which was very interesting. TMZ keeps stating that there is a divorce. I have seen other comments that Ben is letting her file first, but she is not ready. Apparently, she is still believes that “Ben will come around”
    Her bithday (July) & his birthday (August) will be coming up next. Should be interesting to see what she posts….

  18. JFerber says:

    I’ve heard Marc pays a hella of a lot more to JLo for child support than his former wife, who has two boys, one with learning disabilities. No question in my mind that the former wife needs it more.

    • Jayna says:

      I just looked it up. For the three or four years, however long their divorce took, J-Lo was getting more support than his first wife. But when the divorce was finalized, their agreement was J-Lo no longer received child support from Marc. I’m sure they probably do 50/50 on all of their education and health care costs, etc.

      HIs first wife took Marc to court wanting a lot more child support, and the court ordered her child support doubled, which was more than J-Lo had been getting for those years before the divorce was settled.

    • Pepper says:

      Marc Anthony is apparently worth $80 million vs JLo’s $400 million. It’s fine he doesn’t pay her child support.

      (Bruce Willis, before he developed his brain condition, left most of his money ($240 million) to 2nd wife and younger daughters, leaving eldest three just one million each. This is because Demi is also worth a lot ($200 million) and he knew she’d leave everything to them.)

  19. Carolnr says:

    An Airstream was apparently delivered to Ben’s rental house. Ben had said (in an interview while promoting the 1st Accountant movie) that he had purchased an Airstream back then. I think Ben is running away…

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