“Sarah Paulson won her first Tony Award for lead actress” links

More fashion pics from the Tony Awards – Sarah Paulson looked amazing (minus the bows), and she picked up her first Tony, as did Jeremy Strong. [Just Jared]
Why was Kenya Moore suspended from RHOA? [Socialite Life]
I might have to resubscribe to ESPN+ to watch Serena Williams: In the Arena, her latest eight-part docuseries. [LaineyGossip]
Variety breaks down the best Disney fathers. [OMG Blog]
Andrew McCarthy, The Brat Pack and the wrong framing. [Pajiba]
Kerry Washington’s business skort is surprisingly great. [Go Fug Yourself]
Alicia Keys wore Gucci to the Tonys. [RCFA]
Gordon Ramsay was injured in a bike accident. [Seriously OMG]
How much plastic surgery has Lisa Rinna had? [Starcasm]
Miley Cyrus couldn’t drive for three days after one puff of her mom’s weed. [Hollywood Life]
Is John Mulaney married again? [Buzzfeed]

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25 Responses to ““Sarah Paulson won her first Tony Award for lead actress” links”

  1. Ameerah M says:

    It’s wild to see that Andrew McCarthy is almost exactly like his character in Pretty in Pink: an insecure, whiny baby looking for outer validation

    • bettyrose says:

      ROFLMAO! Why are you trying to hurt me? But he was so dreamy. I was ready to forgive Blane anything while secretly lusting for Steph and knowing Duckie was my soulmate.

    • StellainNH says:

      Andrew McCarthy plaus the same exact character in every film he makes..how is that acting?

      • bettyrose says:

        The only other part I remember was in Mannequin, and yeah that was similar, but it’s funny to think of his 80s character up against 90s Samantha from SATC. No way.

    • KBeth says:

      Haha, that documentary was cringeworthy. I never found Andrew McCarthy attractive or interesting, his eyes always looked blank.

      • elle says:

        I always liked him, but he does have shark eyes. I should probably pass on this documentary if I want to keep a relatively good opinion of him, huh?

    • Chaine says:

      McCarthy just seems like one more in a long line of grouchy late middle-aged showbiz guys using his last shred of fame to shout at the clouds.

      • Michelle says:

        You do know that he is a famous writer, director and producer right? So I think ‘his last shred of fame’ is a bit of a reach.

  2. bettyrose says:

    I’m picturing Sarah Paulson hittin’ the town after with BFF Pedro P.

  3. Hannah1 says:

    Almost works, but nope on that length as business attire (on anyone)

  4. good for her says:

    Angie Jolie also won a Tony and is now closer to being EGOT!

    • bettyrose says:

      I can see her getting an executive producer Emmy since she’s not doing much acting now and a voiceover/ebook Grammy, maybe for her own book at some point.

    • cws says:

      Luckily she didn’t make out with her brother to celebrate this win.

  5. Mil says:

    Sarah is an amazing actor, so more power to her. Lovely night, so many talented people, but women stole the show.

  6. Liz says:

    Also Daniel Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff winning was so heartwarming

  7. sevenblue says:

    Good for the Eldest Boy©. I wish some of these plays hit the some streaming platform like Hamilton. Also, can’t believe Mr Harry Potter won Tony. I would never imagine him having so much success after HP, considering that series was a huge success itself. He is just peaking again and again.

    • J.Mo says:

      I wish some of these would be streamed too. Jim Parsons perfectly cast in Jimmy Stewart’s Harvey role is forever gone. I hope they’re saving it for release.

    • Emcee3 says:

      I missed the chance for Equus, but managed to catch Radcliffe’s performance in the How to Succeed in Business revival [I *loved* that 60’s film version as a kid]. He was excellent, & his full commitment deserved at least a nomination that year.
      I truly wish H2SIB had been captured for streaming or DVD release, as was done for Christopher Plummer’s Tony winning “Barrymore” or the Tony-winning revival of “Company” starring Raul Esparza; Both of which I highly recommend. PBS could leverage Radcliffe’s mass appeal during their pledge drives, offering DVD bonus for viewers who cannot get to NYC to see his shows in person. Folks would pay up $$$ for that.

    • Jais says:

      Daniel Radcliffe is reaching top levels for me, like Dolly and Keanu.

      • North of Boston says:

        Miracle Workers is one of the projects that cemented him as one of my favorites. I’ve got to be in a particularly silly mood to watch it, but it’s funny and he shows he is absolutely game.

        Plus he seems like a genuinely good person, like Dolly and Keanu.

  8. Sass says:

    Just fyi I opened the Joe Alwyn piece from today and it says comments are locked on “old posts”. This is a glitch I’ve seen before. I know I’ve been MIA for several weeks, hoping everyone is well 🙂

  9. JFerber says:

    Good for her. I have adored watching her for years. Next: Oscar. It’s time.

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