VF: It was Princess Kate’s decision to attend Trooping ‘and hers alone’

All of the post-Trooping the Colour keenery has been interesting to watch, although I’m sure I missed some of it. My genuine happiness at seeing the Princess of Wales has shifted over to annoyance at the canonization commentary of “Saint Kate, who is better than the lesser mortals with cancer.” I’m also fascinated by Buckingham Palace’s very obvious shift away from Kate’s presence at Trooping and overemphasizing the importance of Charles being seen with his Wales grandchildren. All in all, a wealth of competing PR narratives and general weirdness. Well, Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair has a new piece. It looks like the Middletons are finally taking her calls too.

The announcement that the Princess of Wales was to attend Trooping the Colour came late on Friday, and it all but guaranteed a record turnout. The palace had previously indicated that the princess, who had not been seen in public since Christmas Day, would not carry out any public engagements while undergoing cancer treatment. Kate, who is Colonel of the Irish Guards, did not attend last week’s. However, after turning a corner on her health journey, Kate, who is undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy, decided that she wanted to attend.

“It was the Princess’s decision and hers alone,” a source close to the family told Vanity Fair. “Catherine discussed the idea with William and with the King after having the OK from her medical team. Thankfully she has been feeling much better recently and Trooping has been something of a goal for her to work towards.”

Immaculately dressed in a white Jenny Packham dress and Jimmy Choo heels, coordinating smartly with her children’s navy and white outfits, the Princess looked radiant and happy. Aware that the cameras would be trained on her, she smiled almost constantly, but there were occasional moments when she appeared pensive, and after standing for an hour to watch the ceremony at Horse Guards, she gratefully accepted a seat.

The King has been a pillar of support to the Princess following her cancer diagnosis and has confided to friends that their shared experience has brought them even closer. Their warm and easy banter certainly showed the closeness between them. Charles had told his medical team and aides that his appearance at Trooping was “non-negotiable” and he was delighted that his daughter-in-law was well enough to be by his side for the occasion.

[From Vanity Fair]

Variations of “The king was delighted that Kate was there” have been briefed far and wide, as if to block the narrative that Charles was mad that Kate’s presence pulled focus from him and she stole his parade thunder. I genuinely believe that Charles does feel like Kate stole his thunder (after all, he was reportedly furious last year when she turned up to the Chelsea Flower Show on the same day), but he also understands that Kate and the kids couldn’t stay hidden forever, and it was better to exhibit her in a controlled fashion, where he could get some personal mileage out of it (the “grandpa keenery”).

All of which to say, I seriously doubt that “It was the Princess’s decision and hers alone.” Whatever has been happening behind the scenes for the past six months, Kate’s Trooping appearance had the feel of something stage-managed and ordered by Charles and his courtiers. Remember, I’ve been saying that Buckingham Palace wrested control of KP’s communications in mid-March, after the frankenphotos and bizarre/staged “sightings.” BP has clearly been “in charge” of the Kate situation since March 18th or thereabouts.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “VF: It was Princess Kate’s decision to attend Trooping ‘and hers alone’”

  1. equality says:

    So what was this “record turnout”? Let’s have some numbers from this and previous years. And how many were there to hold “not my king” signs? Actual hard facts and not BS embiggening need to be included here.

    • JT says:

      The overhead pictures from the event show the exact opposite of a record turnout. Some would say the turnout was pretty low.

    • Miranda says:

      Sounds like BP recently hired Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway, right?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      It was “record turnout” by republicans, I gotta admit.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Record turnout? As if saying it would make it so…?

      “Kate’s Trooping appearance had the feel of something stage-managed and ordered by Charles and his courtiers.”

      Yeah, I think some directive from on high made it “non-negotiable”, only Kate was going to halt that headache for them. Even then aspects of her presentation that day were shady and now they’ve evaporated any good will they might have had with her return with the press whining about H&M and insulting cancer patients in their zeal to make Kate look so virtuous. They could have gained some ground after all the ‘where’s Kate’ hullabaloo but the BRF/BM can’t get out of their own way.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Perhaps the record was a new low? The lowest ever?

  2. Digital Unicorn says:

    Ruh roh – someone is being chucked under the bus in response to the backlash from the puke inducing coverage she got. Didn’t take Cams long did it.

    Am now not so sure we’ll see her for the Japanese state visit, as again she will go all out to steal the limelight on what should be a big moment for C&C. That new photo drop the night before was a pure Middleton move – she (and Ma) knew what they were doing when they pulled that.

    • Becks1 says:

      That photo the night before was so weird, it was definitely a Kate move. I think she was ordered to attend Trooping, and that was her reaction. If she was planning on attending, then why did she need to release a picture when we were all going to see her the next day anyway?

      • Blujfly says:

        The weirdness of that photo really is underestimated. She called an official like AP equivalent photographer to come take photos of her looking pensive so she could announce a public appearance

      • DDDDC says:

        She was likely told by William that she and her grifting family couldn’t attend Wimbledon without going to Trooping. Voila! You have the photo to announce it. Maybe that’s why William looked so angry on the balcony.

      • Mil says:

        She wanted to be there as much as Monaco’s princess enjoys being next to, surprise, another bald and troubling dude. No shade for bald guys, just a few chosen ones.

      • Nic919 says:

        That photo with the statement of her return the next day was just as narcissistic as the rest of that family. They are placing her in a pedestal that can easily be pushed down.

        It is hard to pull out the violins for her when you see Charles next to her, clearly experiencing harsher effects from chemo and working far more than her, with the added effects of being in his mid 70s.

      • ML says:

        I think K’s re-entry was planned and at least William was in on it. Searching for Kate’s new scar leads in part to this: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cm55x9p7nv1o.amp Next, Kate had a dress revamped (and possibly retailored to fit better) for Trooping. That also involves planning ahead.

        She stood next to a weeping willow tree. Initially I interpreted that as a tree of life. Willows are easy to grow from cuttings—rejuvenation symbolism. This is before I saw MayP’s link to the Getty image with the scar. There are three verifiable Getty images, all taken in sequence, where that scar is visible. In the willow photo, it’s not. It’s clear that KP is taking pains to disguise it. Willows often have negative connotations in symbolism. If she’s sending a (negative) message, and tbh I don’t know if she is.
        Combined with the squirrelly communication around K, however she acquired that scar is probably not something that they want out there. W hasn’t acted tender towards her and he pushed a sort of odd “healthy” K narrative. I suspect that he might be involved with how she got it either actively or passively.
        Then there’s the 5-wheeled car photo with a grim CarolE and an unusually swollen-faced K. Some people are saying that she got new veneers—most dentists aren’t going to do that during chemotherapy.
        Technically, we know from Meghan that it’s easy to silence someone in that family. The willow photo text sounds like K—I honestly don’t know if she was responsible for any communication before it. The apology for the Frankenphoto didn’t seem like her. The bench video didn’t sound like her either.

        She was awful to Meghan, but at the moment, she’s sort of slid into the spot of being the most-wanted royal for the clicks. I’m not sure she wants to steal the spotlight as much as she’s automatically going to do it if she’s around. If she’s feeling like crap due to stomach/ chemo/ MH/ Whatever issues, that has to suck. I don’t think she wanted to be at Trooping as much as she was told to be there.

      • DDDDC says:

        @Nic: yes to everything you posted.
        @Mil: I think it’s the other way around – William does not want to be near Kate and she’s just reacting to that.

    • bisynaptic says:

      But why steal her own thunder?

      • Becks1 says:

        I don’t think she viewed it that way. I think she viewed it as taking control of the Trooping narrative for the night and morning prior to the event. Before that, the general thought had been that she most likely would not attend, so I don’t think that many were expecting a glimpse.

        but by announcing it with the picture (which was just….weird. Like, who releases a picture like that to announce they’ll attend the parade they’ve attended every year for 13 years?) she made sure that all eyes were on her and Kensington Palace. they could release that little video, etc.

        anyway so my theory is that she was told she had to attend and that BP would announce her attendance. KP said no we’ll announce it so they released that statement from her and the photo. I don’t think BP knew about the photo.

  3. seaflower says:

    I suspect the potential presence of Gabriella Kingston also spurred Katie on. No ceding ground to another tall, slim blonde English rose.

    • DDDDC says:

      Good point and Lady Ella is royal, for real. She’s the great-granddaughter of George V. But Kate would think that classy lady is beneath her because Kate’s kids are the next in the line of succession and of course, Kate, the commoner, is married to the next King.

  4. She either got what she wanted from negotiations or she was going to get what she wanted but she had to make the appearance at trooping.

  5. Eurydice says:

    I agree – the Wales’ can’t be trusted to make decisions on their own.

  6. Inge says:

    genuine happiness? For real? All I could think of is how 1) as usual it became all about her and 2) how utterly rude it was towards the irish guards.

  7. Inge says:

    The BRF really is the most cosplayiest of all the royal families, so oldfashioned and outdated…

  8. ML says:

    Within a week of K’s appearance, W was talking about his “Harry Potter” scar. In a couple of the Getty images, K is sporting a really nasty scar that runs from her forehead, through her brow and alongside her eye. To me, this indicates planning ahead of time. If you search for the scar for her, you either get the hair extension one or W’s recent Harry Potter mention. This specific scar is being “erased.”
    So, given that the BRF was under a lot of pressure to produce K, that KC wanted attention and standing next to her was guaranteed to get it, and he had to combat a nasty grandfather image, I think BP (and possibly W) highly “encouraged” K to make the decision to attend TotC.

    • Tankerbelle says:

      Same. In addition to everything you said, the preventative SEO shenanigans etc, the way she walked indicated some ongoing frailty. Before William Kate was a strong, athletic, goofy girl. It’s shocking to compare the two versions of her now.

    • Sunny says:

      Completely agree ML . The whole thing was carefully staged managed and she and the kids did not want to be there but had no choice . That scar is such a clue to the true nature of her disappearance. I’m sure it will be scrubbed from the internet and she’ll be disappeared again for quite a while . Very disturbing.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That was too ham handed and intentional, after all the rest of KP’s internet shenanigans. There are people still trying to gaslight (gashlight) and insist that were aren’t seeing what we SEE. Joan Crawford in the carriage on the balcony, Vivian Leigh in the car, a noticeable NEW vertical scar, more teeth in her smile than she ever had before. Maybe the Spanish journalist was right ad the second operation was more plastic surgery to clean up the reconstruction but they were forced to make the best out of showing her before they wwer ready. Playing defense over that scar in the front end is too obvious.

    • jbones says:

      ML thank you for posting this! As of last night, try and google any info on her new scar and the hair extension scar or Harry Potter reference thoroughly dominates the results. Thought this was strange….

  9. Flower says:

    “Kate, who is Colonel of the Irish Guards, did not attend last week’s. However, after turning a corner on her health journey, Kate, who is undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy, decided that she wanted to attend.”

    Interesting write up essentially stating the obvious i.e. she couldn’t attend the Irish Guards but knew that Trooping would win her public support thereby buying her more leverage in her ongoing negotiations.

    More and more I believe the Alison Pearson article was a backhanded ‘hit piece’ much like the Tatler ‘Catherine the Great’ article. And the references to Eliza Dolittle and dressing her as such. Also all the articles about the Midds and not paying their Accountants in the same week.

    Someone is trolling Kate but Ma Midd has not yet got the memo.

    This is what happens when you have three kids for the future King, they are effectively no longer yours. And as they’re not Aristo’s with Diana’s background, money and class the Midd’s are finding out very quickly how utterly cruel the Royals can be.

    • Julia says:

      How can you turn a corner on your health journey while still undergoing treatment? That statement makes no sense. You can only know if you have turned a corner after your treatment is finished and tests conclude whether it was effective or not.

      • ML says:

        Thank you, Julia. Exactly this.

      • Flower says:

        @Julia which is exactly my point – she doesn’t care about the Irish Guards but knows that ToTC will give her max exposure to show the family how valuable she is.

        And then came the Alison Pearson article….

      • Dee says:

        The Irish Guards appearance would allow people to get a better look at her scar. Trooping puts a lot of distance between Kate and the photographers.

      • what's inside says:

        What happened to the “not out of the woods yet” statement?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Maybe, if the situation is actually working to correct her facial injuries, what we saw of her was the half way point in the process. If she needs her face to heal again, a second time, maybe the Spainish journalist was right and a second operation will correct that scar and whatever her hat might be hiding. Maybe she can’t Zoom because her injuries make talking difficult. (I know, I know, insert an Airly Yars joke) The grin in profile on the balcony was so misaligned looking; the teeth just strung through her mouth like a Christmas garland, very unlike before. She stopped herself holding her middle with her hand as she left the carriage too. ‘Not out of the woods yet’ might be the only true part of the statement!

    • The Hench says:

      The announcement that she would attend came only hours before she appeared – which is weird. Getting her ready for her first public appearance in 6 months would not have been a ‘grab something out the wardrobe and chuck it on’ moment. Hair and make up and outfit all involved professionals that would have needed to be booked more than a few hours in advance. So there’s no way this was a last minute decision by Kate.

      • Jais says:

        This. That took some orchestration. The picture in the woods. Retro-fitting a previously worn Packham dress and turning it into dolittle cosplay. It was not a last minute decision but they did say it was a goal she was working towards. Which was clear in the execution.

      • Jaded says:

        @The Hench & Jais — exactly. And that picture in the woods was air-brushed to the max, she wasn’t out on some random walk. These were meticulously planned out photos of her magical reappearance but all it seemed to reveal was the rigid distance and coldness between Mr. & Mrs. Wales, and their uptight, subdued kids. It revealed far more than they anticipated.

    • Lulu says:

      They even said last week it would be weird for Kate to attend the kings trooping since she didn’t go to the Irish guards.

  10. Mads says:

    She had to attend Trooping; no Trooping = no Wimbledon.
    I’m now of the opinion that they’ve played a long con with her health. Charles is clearly suffering the effects of chemotherapy whereas Kate looks as fresh as a daisy – and that’s not solely down to good makeup

    • Flower says:

      I think Trooping was about visibility and leverage. It’s also a very short event where she doesn’t have to do too much.

      I seriously doubt that Kate is dumb enough to do Wimbledon. The AP article this weekend has put a target on her back. Even if KP didn’t commission the article they sanctioned it by not asking the title be changed. The Telegraph got the attention they were seeking but Kate was not given any grace.

      I do not see Kate attending Wimbo, but I think she has made the point about her popularity relative to the other members on that balcony. The negotiations continue.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        But what point did she make re: her popularity? The rota certainly loves writing about her more than the others, but the crowd itself was dismal. There wasn’t really any buzz about her afterward, either, outside of outrage over that ridiculous ‘lesser mortals’ article.

      • Flower says:

        @TigerMcQueen you’ve just made the point – the Rota love to write about her. I’m not a Kate fan but even I acknowledge that her playing hardball and only showing up to ToTC gives her global exposure after all the ‘where is Kate’ rhetoric.

        The reality is that there are no young glamorous senior Royals ATM aside from Kate. That was the whole reason Kate got rid of Meghan and Harry, she wanted the limelight and now she has it she is using it to negotiate under very different circumstances to that which she envisioned.

        The BRF were tired of the where is Kate rhetoric so she was asked to come out, but mark my words that cost them something.

        The picture of the Wails car to ToTC spoke volumes, George instead of Louis positioned between them and everyone in that car looking like they’d rather be somewhere else. The carefully and positioned hat to block William out. They’re both done with each other and Kate is now playing the limited chips she has to secure her future.

  11. Seraphina says:

    I am sure “it was hers alone” – that does not mean anything because they spin this how they want. She could have been told you either show up or this happens….. and she decided (alone) to attend. If it is one thing I have learned, one must really read between the lines with this group and never take their statements at face value. They are spin doctors indeed.

  12. Carol Mengel says:

    So let’s see how long until she appears again. She’s milking this so. Lazy bitch just doesn’t want to work. I have stage 4 stomach cancer, went through chemo, was able to function daily. She’s simply lazy and disinterested. If that was Meghan still in England behaving like that, they would be calling for her head. Instead, it’s Saint Kate! Made 1 appearance in 6 months while feeding off the taxpayers.

    • Debella says:

      Carol, wishing you every bit of health and happiness. I completely agree with you, Meghan would have been utterly eviscerated for less. As it is, Kate is already lazy and entirely empty headed. I’d say the surgery was a lobotomy but there’s nothing left to scrape out between her ears except dust and a ticker tape that says Must Stay Skinny

    • DDDDC says:

      Agreed with both comments. Imagine if Meghan had done this – 6 months off with a mysterious and convenient diagnosis … wishing you the very best in health going forward.

    • Jaded says:

      As a fellow cancer sufferer you have all my sympathy and hopes for a healthy recovery. I think this was a simple case of bartering — attend the Trooping, make Pa look like a caring, concerned FIL and you can take the rest of the summer off. After that the whispers of a “conscious uncoupling” will begin to appear.

  13. Tessa says:

    I doubt charles and Kate are close.very much doubt

    • DDDDC says:

      I believe Camilla would loathe Kate, which means Charles also loathes her. But Charles is false anyway.

    • Jaded says:

      Charles used her to get eyeballs at the Trooping, nothing more.

      • Flower says:

        @Jaded – exactly this.

        Two birds – one stone:
        – Charles get eyes and global media engaged (most impt)
        – Proof of life of Kate

        And in return Kate gets and extra bargaining chip

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Looking at this all from across the pond it has a huge “ick” feeling. The embiggening is beyond gross now. She didn’t land on Mars, she stood on a balcony 🙄.

  15. Agnes says:

    Does anyone else feel like they have a nasty hangover from this whole farce? Six months of stupid fakery and misdirections and then Kate magically reappears, looking none the worse for the wear in her weird Eliza Doolittle costume except for a nasty new scar on her brow line. The palaces lies are trivial compared to all the unhinged political hype and obfuscations going on everywhere but they feel like that last drink too many before the projectile vomiting begins. Time for a nice long six month break from everything but old printed books.

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      Actually, at the moment the drama of the royal family serves to distract from the greed and lies of decades of Tory rule, so you’re right on target to compare them.

      And yeah, looking at Kate and William, Charles and Camilla is sickening now. Not a decent person among them.

  16. Linney says:

    She is well enough to attend this ceremony but can’t manage a single Zoom call with any of her charities? Interesting. I think there was so much negative coverage about Kate’s disappearance, they trotted her out to stop the “rumors.” There is no way she would have been there without Charles’ okay, and as much as he hates to share the spotlight, someone must have told him how crazy and dishonest they look with the disappearing Kate routine. So, voila! Kate returns! But for how long? I don’t want to fall into the same trap as these awful journalists who make (negative) comparisons, but can you imagine if this was Meghan? Instead of praising her to the skys and calling her an example to “lesser mortals,” she would have been slammed for pulling attention away from Charles. The double standard is just insane.

    • DDDDC says:

      Yes, but it’s a media tactic. Praise her up only to tear her down when the inevitable divorce comes. Even beloved Diana endured it, mostly after death. But even before, there was a lot of negativity, particularly in the last few months before her death.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      The media has been praising Kate and criticising Meghan for doing the same thing for years.

  17. February pisces says:

    I decided to do a tarot reading on Kate and why she’s been MIA for the last 6 months and what came up repeatedly was the fact something was going down between her and willie and has been negotiating regarding money. Anyway health wise she seemed stable, but i do think willie may have asked told her the marriage is over and she’s been fighting to keep her position. Whatever the outcome was, she feels like she’s won.

    It’s interesting that they hardly interacted with each other at Trooping the colour. Willie literally gave nothing,

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      February pisces, interesting. I’ve been thinking that she had some kind of health issue, but that she’s been rethinking staying in that fishbowl. She could have some mental health issues involved, too. I’ve wondered if she isn’t the one who has just refused to attend any engagements–it’s really the only power she has.

      At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s the one insisting on divorce and a settlement that she wants. It’ll be interesting to see if she gets a different house.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    Nah, she was told she had to be there, just like Meghan was a few weeks after giving birth to Archie.

  19. Mel says:

    These people can be read like a cheap dime store novel. For folks who aren’t supposed to “explain or complain”, they sure do a lot of it when you hit to close to home. Thanks for confirming everyone’s suspicions!

  20. Dee says:

    “the princess, who had not been seen in public since Christmas Day” So, this writer is acknowledging that the farmstand video is a farce.

    • Nerd says:

      Good catch. There have been several articles by various royal reports that refer to Trooping as her first time out since Christmas. I think they are too busy trying to praise her that they let it slip that the other sightings weren’t really her.

    • DDDDC says:

      Reports on the royal family are hardly investigative, let alone legal standard, so I think they just mean not “formally” seen in public.

  21. Anna says:

    good for her for feeling well enough to attend, and for showing not all cancer patients look invalid or weak or on death’s door. some of us have lives and live it and do things…with and without approval of others. sick of these borderline ableist attitudes towards cancer. you’re either too sick to do anything or you aren’t sick enough if you can do things, as if comparing cancer is the goal here.

    • Julianna says:

      @Anna She can’t even manage to do a simple zoom call with any of her charities. She couldn’t even give a simple shout out and thank you to the people running her “cherished” Early Years work. She sure will take all the credit from it though- ya know being the “driving force” and all behind it. But she will give herself a drum roll appearance to embiggon herself. Give me a break.

      No, what we aren’t going to do is praise “Saint Kate” for getting dressed up to the nines (for the first time in 6 full months) with half a new face and new set of veneers and stand on a balcony and wave. People who actually HAVE cancer and are actually suffering from it and the treatment they are actually receiving to stay alive or extend their lives don’t need the great white Saint Kate waving from anything to make themselves feel valid.

    • Jaded says:

      She spent hours getting makeup and hair done, got dressed to the nines, rode in a fancy carriage, put in an appearance on the balcony, and likely hung around after the RAF fly-past. If she can do that she do a zoom call or conference call with her charities, but nothing. She could arrange a donation drive to Cancer Research UK. She has responsibilities which she is not fulfilling in the least for what appears to be the flimsiest of excuses, and only did a minimal amount of work prior to her disappearance. There is a HUGE coverup going on here and the sooner it’s revealed the better. #AbolishtheMonarchy.

  22. Julianna says:

    I still don’t know what to think about all of this. Fake and Ai generated videos and photos, lies upon lies, etc. Kate finally showing up after 6 full months with half a new face plus a scar. The Harry Potter reference by William obviously is intentional.

    Kate showed up last year on quite a few seperate occasions showing off her finger splints and bandages & waving them like they were big blue at the camera.

    They obviously anticipated the scar(?) being seen but why is the press so complicit in photoshopping it out of nearly every picture. And was international media not there???

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “And was international media not there???”

      I found that interesting too, maybe Brexit headaches make it even easier to call it a day for other countries’ media wanting to be present live, just toss whatever BBC gives them to the public and call it a day. The lazy way much of the American magazines and online articles just parrot what ever the BM angle is has given the BRF a lot of cover in all William’s Kategate stuff.

      • Julianna says:

        I guess that does make sense. It all boils down to laziness in the press. Parroting one another back and forth…

        I have not seen any pictures that weren’t from the British photographers. Maybe I need to check all the American outlets.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        KP and the media deals they struck with the BM might also be crimping international coverage. If a media blackout means they can’t discuss the story and (seemingly) only TMZ and KP’s social media is announcing KP’s moves internationally before other media groups get to deal with the story most of the time, no Rota people getting any direct information they can admit to and then obediently pushing the talking points the palace wants them to say, maybe the other countries just shrug and don’t bother.

    • BooCamp says:

      Some of the balcony photos where she’s waving, you can clearly tan lines from the tape around her fingers. Its very strange.

  23. aquarius64 says:

    This follow up article from Nicholl is clean up from the Pearson mess . Thanks to Pearson Kate became Marie Antoinette 2.0. KP, BP and the Middletons are still idiots when it comes to PR, and their collective fumbling has a new unproven belief that Kate has faked a cancer diagnosis.

    • Jais says:

      The Pearson article really was an absolute mess. It overshadowed Kate’s rockstar return more than anything else.

  24. Nerd says:

    I also feel as if this was stage managed. I think that there was never any intention of her showing up for the Irish Guards, which is why there was that unusual poor grammar letter from “Colonel Catherine” just last week. She has never sent letters of regret for not attending events, otherwise she would have had enough practice to hopefully improve her grammar. She immediately returned back to using “C” as her signature after that unusual letter. She needed that letter to stand out because this whole thing was to get attention for her grand return, which was always going to be something huge and very public like Trooping.

    I’m curious how she knew days in advance that she would be well enough that she was going to attend Trooping? She shared late Friday that she was attending Trooping the very next day, but she supposedly talked to William and Charles about it while finding an unknown photographer to take her perfectly makeup photo days before that. How did she know that she was going to have that many “good days” to plan a full on comeback tour for Trooping?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “She immediately returned back to using “C” as her signature after that unusual letter. She needed that letter to stand out because this whole thing was to get attention for her grand return”

      That is a very good point.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      She’s probably having chemo on a schedule and knows she will feel rotten for however many days, and OK the rest of the time.

      • Nerd says:

        That can’t be the case because both the Irish Guards dress rehearsal and Trooping were on Saturdays. So if she assumed she would be well enough to attend Trooping on a Saturday because her good days normally fall on Saturdays, she should have been able to attend Irish Guards which was exactly a week prior, also on a Saturday. It’s not just that she knew she would be well enough in advance since her announcement the afternoon prior. It’s that she knew well enough in advance of Friday afternoon’s announcement to have a glam photo op days prior with a photographer to put out with the announcement. That’s multiple good days in a short period of time and the only thing we have to go on that she actually has bad days, is her word. Her word means nothing when she was one of the royal racist and she allowed a lie that she knew wasn’t true to be used against a pregnant woman who admittedly was considering suicide. She was okay with her lie or words linked to her to causing another woman’s miscarriage or worse her suicide.

  25. Mslove says:

    Keen was definitely made to show up. Taking a six month holiday is not a good look. The peasants might finally realize that this family has been breaking constitutional rules for their own benefit, that this isn’t tenable in today’s society. That they shouldn’t be supporting pedo Andy.

  26. bisynaptic says:

    “ …it all but guaranteed a record turnout.”
    — Actually, it didn’t, apparently.
    Also, how could the decision have been hers and hers alone, if she ran it past her medical team, her husband, and her FIL?

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Minor technicalities. Never let them get in the way of a good story.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Right? William keeps pushing ALL responsibility on to Kate when the public reacts negatively over decisions he likely made in these public facing Kate ‘interactions. Her staff has yet to hear from her but it’s her decision, her unprofessional correspondence and photographs. Any blowback from that Houston business -100% KP initiated- must also fall on her. It’s become very predictable. Even Sophie seeming to bolster William as they returned inside reinforced ‘Poor William’ rather than ‘triumphant return of your wife’.

  27. Nóinín says:

    Hah!! Stealing Thunder, I don’t think so. Not one of them wanted to be there. Charles was wistfully contemplating his latest garden plantings, fretting about the fragile young seedlings, Camilla was silently sending neighs and whinnies to her real friends back at the castle, William just wanted to be back in Norfolk staring at the sea, Kate was playing the song “Wouldn’t it be Nice” in her head whilst daydreaming about Roger in his tennis shorts, George and Charlotte couldn’t wait to put on normal clothes and watch some YouTube vids, and Louis desperately needed to run around Amner Hall a few times to get his energy out! The only thunder here was the sound of a big bunch of royals racing in dress shoes to see who could get off that balcony and back home first.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      They have been doing the same thing for years, it must get boring. But then work is boring for most.

  28. BeanieBean says:

    Y’all! What is George doing with his fingers?! Look at that last main balcony photo & his right hand!! What is with these kids & their fingers???

    • DDDDC says:

      William, for all his infinite wisdom, thinks he knows it all – and it suits his need for control against the peasants – by guarding his kids against media and public “intrusion”. The problem is:

      a) they are on the public payroll from birth;
      b) they will have public roles to varying degrees once adults; and
      c) George will be King if the monarchy survives; but

      they are not prepared when in public and act like frightened rabbits who begrudgingly wave to the public who pay for the opulent lifestyle of their family. It will backfire spectacularly, particularly for George. Even cutie Louis doesn’t look impressed.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Louis soon gets bored at these events, hope he finds something more interesting to do with his life.

    • A different hecate says:

      I think he was making a W with his fingers. Wales? Windsor?

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I used to do my fingers like that when I was George’s age. My dad could do it naturally (good muscle control) but I had to layer my fingers manually (using my other hand). I still can’t do it with out manually layering them.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Just tried it I can also do it one handed, either ring over index or index over ring mind you I have got long slim fingers which helps. What I used to do as a child was to cross all my other fingers over my index finger.

  29. Blujfly says:

    Kate *loves* prancing and preening and forcing people out of the way to appear on this balcony. And it’s an excuse for a new outfit, new hair, new makeup. Unless her physical appearance was affected in a way that couldn’t be covered up, she was appearing on the balcony.

  30. Kit says:

    Kate popping in here and there all glammed up or looking like she’s modeling for a Barbour ad isn’t going to endear herself to the public. Not after the pity poor Kate fighting for her life with cancer PR fest.

    People might feel sorry for a sick princess and excuse her absence from work for a while. But the constant rubbing in people’s face about the hardworking and devoted princess falls apart after the glam forest bathing photo shoot and the ridiculous OTT glam fest of Trooping. Especially after KP scolded MoD for it.

    I’m glad for all of this. The more these royals struggle, trapped in a net of their own making, the more it’s obvious to Brits and the rest of the world, what a bunch of cowardly, egotistical welfare grifters these royals are.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “Especially after KP scolded MoD for it.”

      Yes! It’s like KP needed to downplay it to insure less people would attend on the off chance of seeing her, knowing full well she wasn’t going to perform her role as for the Irish Guards, knowing that announcing it in the eleventh hour would be widely reported on KP’s own terms.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        Did anyone notice how she was over the top giddy? And how bothered William looked? I know that’s his standard look but he seemed more uptight than usual. Maybe it was a look of guilt? Or maybe he was worried that his wife was going to keel over in front of him and embarrass him?

      • DDDDC says:

        It was impossible to not see William’s attitude. Obviously, there is tension in the marriage. He’s done with her, not sure about whether she’s done with him.

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