Gwyneth Paltrow was happy to see Princess Kate, which means Goop hates the Sussexes!

Last summer, there was a “silly season” where the British media convinced themselves that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were on the verge of divorce and that no one in Hollywood liked them. And something something about how the Sussexes were on the verge of being poor as well. It was a weird time and one which might get repeated this year. There seems to be another effort to claim (out of nowhere) that American celebrities are “dropping” the Sussexes from their elite circles. Please. The Sussexes are fine and they still have plenty of celebrity friends, they just understand that advertising those friendships is pretty tacky. I bring all of this up because Gwyneth Paltrow was happy to see that the Princess of Wales was doing well enough to attend Trooping, and people have turned that into “Gwyneth hates the Sussexes” and from there… well, you get the idea.

Millions watched as Kate Middleton joined the royal family at Trooping the Colour on Saturday – and even Gwyneth Paltrow weighed in on her triumphant return. The Iron Man actress commented on an official photo of the Princess of Wales on Instagram saying “So happy to see you looking so happy and well.”

The unexpected message showed support for the Princess of Wales and could show she is “taking sides” with the royal family, according to a royal author. Previously, Goop-creator Gwyneth appeared to be getting close to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry as they were spotted leaving a Michelin-star sushi restaurant in Montecito in May 2023. However, the relationship appears to have cooled off, according to Closer Magazine.

They claimed: “The actress-turned-entrepreneur [Meghan] was excluded from the intimate Goop dinner – held at her Montecito home last month.”

Royal author Phil Dampier told Fabulous: “Gwyneth Paltrow is the latest celebrity who seems to be taking sides in the Wales v Sussex standoff. Meghan is said to have based her new lifestyle project American Riviera Orchard on the actress’s own products and she admires her greatly so this will hurt. Gwyneth didn’t have to make any comment about Kate being at Trooping the Colour but the fact she has means she fully supports her, and like the rest of us, wants her to make a speedy recovery.”

Phil added: “It comes after other well known people like David Beckham, who was once friendly with Harry and Meghan, have very much pinned their colours to the royal mast.”

[From The Sun]

Gwyneth has actually always rolled in royal and royal-adjacent circles. I still remember that time she partied with Prince Philip. There were rumors, more than twenty years ago, that she dated then-Prince Felipe of Spain. In addition to all of that, Gwyneth lost her father to cancer. Isn’t it far more likely that a woman who lost a beloved family member to cancer is simply happy to see a “princess with cancer” doing well? Isn’t it possible that Gwyneth can wish Kate well and still be friendly with her Montecito neighbors, the Sussexes? All that being said, I am starting to believe that the Firm told David Beckham that he would never get his knighthood if he remained friends with Prince Harry, and so David ended the friendship, all because they dangled that honor in front of him.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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49 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow was happy to see Princess Kate, which means Goop hates the Sussexes!”

  1. Wagiman says:

    Why would goop have skin in the game? I’m sure she floats with the tide.

    However becks 100% does have skin in the game and would drop anyone for a knighthood. He’s so desperate at this point he’s a laughing stock /lap dog.

    The Sussexes are fine. It’s such middle school garbage these royals play at. None of them ever grew up.

    • ML says:

      This. goop is someone who barely tolerates the masses, but she doesn’t seem out to get people she considers on par (or higher, though I don’t know if goop thinks of anyone as being above her) with herself. Heck, I’m no fan of K, but think it was good she showed up in public and agree that she’s recovering from something(s).

    • PEARL GREY says:

      It’s always funny to see the pathetic excitement the rota rats have whenever a “hOllYwOoD” celebrity gives the slightest acknowledgement to the Wales couple while simultaneously denouncing the Sussexes for having actual friendships and acquaintances with said “hOllYwOoD” celebrities.

    • DK says:

      Kind of a tangent from your main point, but I can’t help but think: does Becks have any self respect at this point?
      Like, everyone knows he’s been gunning for a knighthood for years (decades?!). Everyone knows he has been jumping through every hoop (drop Harry, etc) William sets for him.

      Yet, despite handing out knighthoods like candy to any one with a suitcase of cash for Charles, they continue to dangle it over Becks’ head.

      At what point will he realize they are toying with him like my cat with a lizard, and realize it’s not worth looking like such a fool over?

      • Yup, Me says:

        After watching that docu-series about him, I’m going to guess never. Maybe it’s something that he believes will prove something to his dad or soothe his OCD.

      • Normal Islander says:

        Don’t forget the leaked email where Beckham criticised the decision to award Kathryn Jenkins a damehood. Real or not the BRF have probably blackballed him. They’re petty, prideful and vindictive people and they won’t forget a thing like that.

        They’re also not above such behaviour- Charles had Professor Colin Blakemore blackballed for ten years before he was finally awarded a knighthood.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        Dave and Vicki are tacky! For heaven’s sake, they’ve appeared in a food delivery commercial on American TV. Dave looks more boxtoxed than his wife. They sold their UK home and moved to Florida! One could ask whose side they are on. And is a knighthood a thing any more? Chuckles has given them out so freely to whoever brings the biggest bag of cash they no longer mean anything. But I guess if you’re not getting the respect you think you deserve, getting tapped by Chuckles and making everyone call you sir…sure, Dave.

      • aftershocks says:

        All of this is childish and ridiculous.
        #1, H&M do not need Gwyneth Paltrow to like them or to be besties with them. #2, If Gwyneth has something nice to say about Kate that does NOT mean she dislikes H&M and will never eat out with them again. 🙄 #3, H&M having publicly shared some of Kate’s negative behavior toward them does not mean they hate her or want her to suffer from disease. H&M already publicly wished Chuck & Kate healing.

        H&M are not vindictive. They have long ago moved on from dwelling on the dumpster fire of tabloid + royal firm machinations. At the same time, I’m sure they would like these needless, childish, vindictive attacks against them to stop! By now, though, they are probably not holding their breath.

        Apparently, the reported lunch at the small sushi restaurant took place in May 2023. Not only was Gwyneth there with her partner, Brad Falchuk, Cameron Diaz and her husband, Benji Madden, were seen in pictures with H&M at the restaurant. Gwyneth & Brad were shown leaving separately from the other couples. Another reported lunch participant is Bumble founder, Whitney Wolfe Herd. This could have been a business friendly lunch or just a casual lunch among Montecito area neighbors. No big deal in the first place to write OTT, fictitious narratives about. 🤦‍♀️

  2. Dee(2) says:

    They think it has to be one or the other because that’s how they behave. Either you’re in or out, isn’t that what they told Harry at Sandringham? Also because the BRF and their BM flying monkeys hold an inflated sense of self, they think that everyone is behaving in support or in snub of them. But most people just….. don’t care? This lets me know that Kate’s return didn’t have the ” break the Internet” impact they believed because if it did they wouldn’t be tripping about being overshadowed by jam, and how a celebrity not wishing death on someone is a targeted attack in either direction.

    ETA- I see they are going after the others now too. Beatrice for being in Sweden and Zara for going to see Pink. You see what sycophancy gets you in that family?

    • PEARL GREY says:

      The only thing Gwyneth’s online comment about KKKate shows is that despite the abhorrent treatment they have received, Harry and Meghan still don’t feel the need to walk around privately badmouthing the Wales couple to anyone who will listen, demanding their friends to “take sides” and punishing/cutting people off if they dare say one kind word in the Wales couple’s direction. Unlike Charles and Camilla, who publicly reward and cosy up to people who use their platforms to call for physical and mental harm against Meghan (Jeremy Clarkson, Piers Morgan, Eammon Holmes, and countless others), William who goes on briefing sprees about throwing away decades long friendships because that person “took Harry’s side” (Tom Bradby), and KKKate who allegedly gave her Christmas Busy Work Concert to ITV instead of the BBC because they aired the Princes and the Press documentary that helped expose the dodgy bedroom deals the then-Cambridges have with the media. Harry and Meghan let friends and associates have autonomy and act accordingly, the British-based royals seek to censor and control anyone who doesn’t blindly worship them and act as attack dog to the Sussexes so they can keep their hands clean.

  3. equality says:

    How has Meghan based her products on what goop sells? M hasn’t even announced what her products will actually be. I don’t know anything about goop, but I bet she doesn’t sell jam. She likely doesn’t even eat it. Who really cares what “side” GP may or may not be on anyway?

    • sevenblue says:

      Goop was selling “vagina candles” at some point.😭😭 If she said anything nice about Meghan, I am sure they would mock her endlessly for her products.

      • ML says:

        Yes, somehow linking exploding vagina candles, very (very!) personal scents, and a ridiculously out-of-touch Christmas list to the BRF is kind of hilarious.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I guarantee you Meghan will not be selling Vagina eggs or moon dust. You should find that clip of Stephen Cobert going after Goop for the quackery they peddle.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    Wow, this is just a horrible story to put out there😳

    • kirk says:

      Yes it is a horrible story, as well as idiotic, and proof that britmedia is a PR Associate of BRFCo. Can you believe a so-called ‘journalist’ would write an article about “taking sides” in W-K’s one-sided war against Harry and Meghan. Gwynnie manages to maintain friendships with most people and especially with her former husband and father of her children. Recall that Harry gave special thanks to Chris Martin in Spare.

  5. Eurydice says:

    KP is desperate to attach itself to Hollywood, so they’ll latch onto any kind word.

  6. Flower says:

    Just f*cking hilarious. This is what the BRF is reduced to?

    • PEARL GREY says:

      They are desperate to have the same interest and association with American Hollywood celebrities while deriding American Hollywood celebrities at the same time if said American celebrities dare show any interest and sympathy to the Sussexes. This is why they went on an unhinged propaganda campaign about how KKKate is “America’s Favourite Princess” and “William is Oh So Popular in America” and how crowds were going to line the streets of Boston in scenes reminiscent of “Beatlemania”, despite both drawing small turnout, were booed when they last visited the US and embarrassed and shunned by athletes who didn’t care about their presence at sports games. William’s New York visit made even less waves than the pond he was wading in.

      Compare and contrast with Prince Harry who has long been embraced by the American military and NFL crowd and cheered at games, American philanthropy community (Kevin Costner, etc) and with his book being a huge hit among Hollywood’s elite. No wonder the rota rats are giddy over an A-List actress wishing Waity well. A crumb is a meal to them. But they should be happy that Hollywood stars like Kevin Spacey love the royals and they love him back ❤️

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        PEARL GREY, if this is what the bm is going to do if a celebrity makes a kind comment about a member of the brf, I have a feeling the celebrities will keep their thoughts to themselves. Who needs this crap?

  7. rosa mwemaid says:

    If nothing else can be said for Kate, it is better that she is better for the sake of her children.

  8. Becks1 says:

    This tells me that the Sussexes don’t make people choose, and they feel that someone can be a business associate or a friend of theirs and also can say something nice about Kate without damaging that association. Remember Meghan herself said, “if you love her you don’t have to hate me” and vice versa and I genuinely believe that’s how she thinks, even at this point in time, and I think that’s how she feels.

    That said, I 100% think David Beckham was told to cut ties with H&M if he wanted a knighthood, especially if he wants one from William down the road.

    • Libra says:

      @becks1; I completely believe that Beckham was told to dump Harry. I also believe the same for Eugenie; no more Montecito trips if you want to continue living in a crown property.

      • Julia says:

        Was Beckham ever close friends with the Sussexes? I’ve only ever seen him and Harry together at work events when Harry was a working royal. The Beckhams weren’t invited to H&M’s evening wedding reception which was for close friends only. Where is the evidence of this friendship? As for Eugenie there is no evidence she has cut ties with the Sussexes other than an article in the Mirror that contained no actual sources. Are we believing things because the tabloids tell us now?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Julia while I do think Beckham and the Sussexes were more work friends than anything, we do know that the Sussexes were invited to the Beckham/Peltz wedding so that friendship carried over to some level after they left. Maybe it is still there, we obviously don’t know, we’re just speculating here.

      • Tessa says:

        The Spencer’s have embraced them.

      • aftershocks says:

        @Tessa, it is not a matter of H&M being ’embraced’ by the Spencers simply because the Spencers showed up publicly to the Invictus celebration. I’m sure that Harry’s Spencer aunts, uncle, and cousins have always been supportive and loving toward him bts, especially since Diana’s passing. It’s always been reported that Harry is closer to the Spencers than Willy. I’m sure Diana’s siblings see a lot of her in Harry, too, which would also be endearing for them. Without a doubt, the Sussexes keep in regular, close touch with the Spencers from their home base in Montecito.

        The Sussexes are not in the business of publicly advertising their familial and friendship interactions. They have no need to prove anything to anyone regarding who likes them or who might be keeping them at arms length. Nothing of this nature would be giving either H or M sleepless nights.

        In regard to the Beckhams, I totally agree that it is not clear that H&M and the Beckhams were ever very close. If anything, their connection is probably more of an acquaintanceship. The rest is just speculation and fiction made up by the tabloids. Just because the rota say that Beckham is keeping his distance from H&M to get a knighthood, does not mean Beckham was ever given such a directive. For sure Beckham looks like he’s kowtowing for a knighthood, and being led around by the nose by Chuckles & crew. But since he and Victoria were never tight besties with H&M, there’s not much reason they would be publicly in contact anyway. This does not rule our the possibility of casual contact bts, especially between Meg & Victoria, since Meg has often worn outfits designed by Victoria.

        Such a big Nothingburger! 🤦‍♀️ And FGS, C-Rexy da Turd, give David Beckham his deserved knighthood already before one or both of his parents kick the heck off, you cruel a’hole!

  9. Schrodinger's Kate says:

    For some reason I’ve been into relaxing with old tv shows and movies from my childhood and so I’ve seen a lot of Blythe Danner recently. I always thought Gwyneth looked so much like her mom but they sure did diverge upon aging. Blythe aged very gracefully. Gwyneth is doing well by Hollywood standards in that she’s not doing anything weird like Madonna did. But she does look like she had something done that didn’t settle quite right.

    And that’s about all there is to say about her at this point in time. There’s literally nothing interesting unless you drag the Sussexes into it somehow. And maybe that’s part of why she spoke out in regards to Kate. Or maybe she was just being nice. Oooh squirrel…

  10. Moniquep says:

    So to use this reasoning, if an ant crawls across Kate’s foot, that means the entire insect world chooses and adores her and hates Meghan. Got it!
    The rank smell of desperation coming from this sewage soaked island is mind boggling.

  11. Maxine Branch says:

    I guess anyone who wishing that woman well is a supporter of the monarchy. This reeks of desperation.

  12. Altea says:

    It’s not mandatory to take sides, you can be polite to both. If someone has a problem, it’s their problem, not yours.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Yes, exactly! 💯 This is commonsense, which the royal firm has seemingly always been in short supply of, or in fact, never possessed. 🤦‍♀️ Moreover, the world does NOT revolve around the British monarchy. It never has!

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Has it been confirmed that Meghan and Harry are friends with Gwyneth? I know they’re friends with her ex husband. I don’t believe that Harry and David Beckham were ever friends. He was invited to the wedding by the Palace. It’s funny how the press were all snobbish about Meghan having celebrity friends when she was a working royal but now they’re eager for Kate to have celebrity friends.

    • aftershocks says:

      In May 2023, Gwyneth and Brad Falchuk were pictured at a sushi restaurant, reportedly to have lunch with H&M, Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden, and with Whitney Wolfe Herd (Bumble CEO & Founder). Diaz and Madden were shown together with H&M leaving the restaurant. Gwyneth and Brad were pictured leaving separately from the others. It could have been business-related or just a casual outing among friends and neighbors.

  14. Kateee says:

    I mean, I love the sussexes and I was thrilled to see Kate out and about and safe. Because I am a human being with empathy and compassion (on my good days, at least), and she is a human being in a difficult situation with young children. No deeper message required.

    Tell me you think you’re the center of the universe and everyone’s every action is only about you. Gross. Desperate. Pitiful. I feel sorry for Gwyneth to even be dragged into it.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly! The rota’s/ tabloids’ entire glomming on to Gwyneth’s kind message is borderline comical, and at worst, seriously deranged. Gwyneth is either choking on laughter or shaking her head in annoyance. Either way, she may be deciding to never speak out kindly again toward Kate, so as to avoid her sincere words and kind motivations being co-opted and twisted into a diabolical pretzel. 🙄😬

  15. 809Matriarch says:

    In Endgame Omid tells how he’d be excluded from William’s engagements as retaliation for telling the truth, or refusing to provide advance copies of parts of Finding Freedom.

    An aide to William told Omid that there’s no necessarily two different sides but there is A SIDE TO BE TAKEN.

    Willy is a ridiculous little man baby.

  16. Jais says:

    The Sussexes wished Kate healing and privacy from the beginning. So gwyneth is essentially doing the same. That’s about it. But trust the BM to turn into a story about middle school mean girls and cliques.

  17. Mel says:

    Why are you folks going to make defend Gwynnie? I don’t think she cares and she’s just talking. She has no skin in this game. This is a woman who didn’t even recognize her costars from the marvel movies. Save the Goop hate for something else.

  18. Lili says:

    just waiting for the Gwyneth’s intvitations to tea, wasnt there a story about her inviting dolly to tea. they will have to build on this

  19. Grant says:

    This is so effing stupid. I’m a Meghan stan and I too am glad to see Kate at the Trooping or whatever TF that stupid nonsense is called (just my opinion). Most of us are compassionate humans who grieve at the possibility of a parent succumbing to illness and leaving behind children.

  20. lanne says:

    There’s an old crude joke with the punchline, “with friends like these, who needs enemas.”

    The British media is doing their job to create a Montecito royal court. The Sussexes are living their own lives while the British royal cheer squad keeps petty scores and make playground bullies look like UN statespersons. The royals and their ratchets look moldy and stale, which makes the Sussexes look more gracious, aspirational, and attractive. I pity the Wales children. How many years do they have before the attacks begin, likely launched by their own parents?

  21. bisynaptic says:

    These people are so desperate… 🙄

  22. Anonymous says:

    What has Gwyn done to her face this time? No, really. It looks so weird somehow.

  23. martha says:

    So silly. I don’t think ARO is gonna be like goop. At least I hope not!

  24. EllenOlenska says:

    Here Royal Rottweilers is your next spin ( just think how many column inches you can crank out!)
    1. Was Goop secretly reminding the king of Spain that she’s available?
    2. How Goop would have been a better “ American divorcee” for Harry if he just couldn’t marry an English rose. ( see! We’re not picking on Megan just because she was divorced and American! Oh wait…what does that leave, scratch that! Try again!)
    3. How gracious and regal Goop would have been ( ignore the vagina candles and the divorce strategy)
    4. How goop is royal adjacent due to her prior dating history. Did she ever keep a poster of Egg on her wall? Discuss.

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