Kim Kardashian didn’t like spending her b-day with her kids: ‘I was stuck watching YouTube’

North West just celebrated her birthday. She turned 11 on June 15. I remember when North was born, and Kim’s scary health situation in which she developed preeclampsia. It’s wild to think that all of that happened 11 years ago! This year, North’s birthday party was held at the American Dream mall in East Rutherford, New Jersey. That mall is crazy! It has an indoor amusement park with roller coasters, a ropes course, pool, ice rink, and more. I could see why a kid would want to have their birthday party there. I hope North had a great day.

Speaking of birthdays, last week’s episode of The Kardashians takes place just after Kim’s birthday on October 21. During the episode, Kim, whose other kids are now eight (Saint), six (Chicago), and five (Psalm), is talking with her mom, Kris Jenner. Kris asks Kim how it went celebrating her birthday with her kids. Kim being Kim responds by complaining that spending time with her kids and doing what they wanted to do was torture.

The conversation started when Kardashian’s mom, Kris Jenner, asked: “How was your birthday with the kids?”

“I thought my birthday, I’d have the day to myself,” Kardashian replied. “I was stuck doing everything that everyone else wanted to do. I was stuck watching YouTube unboxing videos on my birthday, I had a FIFA tournament, Color Me Mine — you should see the ugly thing I made.”

“Like, this is not what I wanted to be doing on my birthday,” she continued. “I need to sit my kids down and be like: ‘This isn’t Mother’s Day, like, this is my day. Do you think a mom wants to go to Color Me Mine one more time? On her birthday? Whose birthday is it?’”

“I was tortured,” Kardashian concluded. “Just make me breakfast, that’s a great birthday.”

In a confessional, Kardashian was then asked what her “perfect birthday” would have been, to which she replied: “To lock my door, not get out of my bed, and eat cookies and cream ice cream all day long. That’s what would have been my dream, but no, no one cares about my dreams. Not my kids, at least.”

And her comments struck a chord with viewers at home, who discussed Kardashian’s birthday woes across multiple Reddit forums — with many saying that it was inappropriate for her to share her feelings on TV, meaning that one day her kids may see.

“I would never in a million years say that around my children or on a platform they can see it. It may just be ‘complaining’ to you, but to them, it hurts,” one person wrote.

“I don’t know what Kim is trying to do or achieve, but this is something that should’ve been kept on the editing floor and not shared at all,” another agreed. “Every episode she’s complaining about her kids, it’s too much, it’s not cute. She’s opening and setting her kids, especially North, up for harsh criticism and that’s not fair.”

“I get wanting to do what you want to do on your birthday, or wanting time for yourself. But, can you imagine, thinking you’re finally spending some quality time with your mum and she sh-ts all over you like this,” somebody else wrote. “My heart breaks for those beautiful children.”

Another fan couldn’t help but compare Kim’s mentality to her older sister, Kourtney Kardashian’s, pointing out: “Only Kim would describe spending time with her kids as torture. Kim is the complete opposite of her sisters. Kourtney last year spent her birthday with her kids and step children and she was the happiest of all!”

While another sassily threw Kardashian’s infamous 2022 quote back at her as they wrote: “No one wants to parent their kids these days. Get your f*** ass up and work!”

[From HuffPo]

”[N]o one cares about my dreams. Not my kids, at least.” Yikes. Like, holy sh-t lady, you are a parent of elementary-school aged children. Why are you acting like you are the same age as they are? My younger son and I have birthdays a day apart. I have not had my own birthday in six years, and that’s okay! Kids grow up and they aren’t going to always want to hang out with you on your birthday. I understand wanting a day to yourself, but can’t you treat yo’self to a day in bed while they are at school or camp or with a nanny? Enjoy the time that you have with your kids now. Make a plan ahead of time, letting them know what you want to do! Nothing’s stopping her from saying, “Hey kids, I’d love it if you made me breakfast and then we watch one of Mommy’s favorite, kid-appropriate movies!”

I totally understand being disappointed that you didn’t get to spend your birthday the way that you wanted to. Let’s take away the fact that spending your birthday doing the things that your young children are into kinda comes with the whole parenting territory. Kim’s human, I’ll grant her the right to feel disappointed and tell her mom her feelings. What I think is absolutely awful is that she did it on TV! Like, North, Saint, Chi, and Psalm are going to hear her say this one day. If North hasn’t already read about it online, I’m sure one of her friends has told her what her mom said. I don’t even want to imagine what Kim complains about when the cameras aren’t rolling.

photos credit: IMAGO/Chris Emil Janssen / Avalon, BauerGriffin/INSTARimages and via Instagram

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26 Responses to “Kim Kardashian didn’t like spending her b-day with her kids: ‘I was stuck watching YouTube’”

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  1. equality says:

    She is supposedly the parent. She could have planned something and said this is what we are going to do. She surely has days alone when the children are with Kanye.

  2. Barbara says:

    I haven’t done anything special or unusual for my birthday in probably 30 years. That’s what happens when you’re a grownup!

  3. Lau says:

    One day hopefully these kids will get to go see a therapist and tell that sort of story. What a wild day at work it’s going to be for that person.

  4. CL says:

    What an awful thing for her to say! And how can she say that, knowing it’s being recorded and that her kids can see that one day?

    If she wanted to have cookies and ice cream, she should have told her kids, “hey, it’s cookies and ice cream day”. Not impossible, Kim.

  5. Ale says:

    Lets be real, that woman has everything, can do anything she wants, go where she wants, buy what she wants, eat what she wants.
    she has no limits, in money, in horizons, not even in good sense!
    Every day is her birthday.

    • Mimi says:

      Right?! The day before her birthday … is her birthday. The day after … is her birthday. She can hop on a plane and go anywhere. They celebrated North’s birthday across the country, just for the heck of it. Kim really needs to shut it. This is so out of touch and not nice to her kids.

      • Viktoria says:

        This is such a ridiculous comment omg unlike us mere peasants she has absolutely every help at her disposal if she wants it and probably often does and then complains publicly about her children like that? I guess narcissists do what narcissists do and Kim only cares about Kim. She also should consider that her kids are small now so no having the perfect bday experience isn’t a permanent thing. They will grow up. You’re a mom. Make sacrifices. Statistically most children spend all but 90 days with their parents for the rest of their parents‘ lives once they move out of home to attend college etc. she should be grateful they are around now because the way she repeatedly complains about them they probably won’t be around much when she is old and irrelevant….my god this woman. At least those kids will be able to attend all the therapy they want!

    • Anna says:

      Exactly – she has huge mansion with multiple nannies and can hide from her kids and do whatever the fuck she want whenever she wants. Why have 4 kids when it’s such torture? To compete with her sister?

  6. Neeve says:

    They share everything on social media and have cameras following them all the time. Why such a long turn around for their show to be watched,October ? That is 8 months ago,its not like they are editing some investigative piece and need to authenticate and approve their footage.

  7. Well if that’s not what she wanted send them to grandma for the night or don’t have children if you can’t handle it but don’t say it on film so they one day hear how it sucked for you to spend your day watching YouTube with them.

  8. girl_ninja says:

    Kim is not a nice/good person. I stand by this.

  9. Andrea Riordan says:

    I don’t like the petulant way she expressed this but I have never agreed my bday with my kids. I celebrate theirs to the umpteenth but I don’t think it’s compulsory to share your adult bday with your children. I don’t get why a mother should have to celebrate her own birthday in relation to her kids. I go out with my friends and my sister. My kids do not need nor have ever expressed a need to be a part of that day. All holidays, kids’ bdays, vacations, etc, are for sharing as a family. KK can hire a hundred Nannie’s. She goes out partying all she wants. She’s complaining for complaint’s sales

    • Oh_hey says:

      Hard agree. Kim is evil in so many different ways but I’m not about to jump on to the trad wife or old timey “YOUR KIDS ARE YOUR LIFE” train. So many women deal with mom guilt internally and externally and I’m not about to reinforce that idea that because you’re a mom your life, especially your own birthday, belongs to your kids.

      As a parent, but especially as a parent to a girl, I’d never want to send the message that my life as a separate human ended when their’s began. Especially when that’s almost never the expectation we have for dads. I’m for sure not about to put that on any woman even the messy, selfish, hateful ones that I don’t like.

  10. lgt says:

    Geez. My birthday is on Christmas…it has never been just about me, and I’ve always been ok with that…this just highlights another reason I am a proud member of the “I have never watched even one Keeping up with the Kardashians episode” Club.

  11. Yup, Me says:

    This is stupid and women/moms need to stop doing this to other women/moms.

    Just because you have kids does not mean you need to be chained to them for the rest of your life and you don’t only have to say nice things about them all the time.

    Kim was joking and also giving “fuck them kids” energy. Her kids are fine. Clearly they are comfortable expecting her to do Color Me Mine and watch unboxing videos on her birthday and she did it.

    Women need breaks and we are in a society that is furiously trending toward women’s sole function being to make and raise babies. A woman saying “I spent MY birthday with my kids doing shit I did not want to do.” is not selfish or cruel. Kids are not that fragile. She did the shit, it just wasn’t her preference.

    I’m not trying to be a Kim apologist but this is ridiculous.

    • Jilliebean says:

      Love this comment!

    • poppedbubble says:

      Hard agree. I am the opposite of a Kim K fan and wish the entire clan would go away, but am struggling with the outrage people feel at her saying that she doesn’t want to spend her birthday doing all of the things her kids want to do. If people were like, “Puhleeze gurl, you could have multiple birthdays every day and travel to a resort without your kids, no one is forcing you to do that,” I would have understood more. And no, her kids are not going to fall apart hearing that when they are older.

    • lixxyloo says:

      Came here to say the same! I watched the ep before seeing any backlash and totally took it as some lighthearted joke – I would find it funny rewatching my Mum say something like that at the time or being an adult looking back at it. The tone should be taken on board with how she says it.

  12. McGee says:

    Those were the “fun things” the kids knew of that they wanted to share with their mom. From their perspective, that is a cool thing to enjoy!

    (I get that quiet feeling of disappointment that who you are and what you like is lost in the shuffle on what is supposed to be “your special day”; but these are children being children, and she is a grownup with the ability, knowledge and means to create her own special day. “Momma had SUCH a thrill enjoying all our family fun that I’m gonna take Tuesday to have a private sleep-catchup day while you guys get to X.”)

  13. Becks1 says:

    The only thing I expect for my birthday is to be able to pick the restaurant where we eat. Does watching Youtube unboxing videos sound fun? Not at all, but birthday or not, I’m still the parent so I’d say “nope, not doing that.”

    If she wanted to stay in bed and eat ice cream all day – first, the kids probably would have loved that, and second – she’s an adult with endless funds and access to childcare. She could have made that happen for herself.

  14. Kelly says:

    She’s a trash person. This is just another leaf to unfold. Her kids are a reflection of her and, God forbid, one of them is unattractive, shy or nerdy as they grow up. And to think that their other parent is Kanye. Poor kids.

  15. Oswin says:

    I didn’t even recognize that face in the header as being Kim’s. What has she done to herself? It looks painful…

  16. Jayna says:

    In that photo, Kim’s nose is disappearing into all of that cheek filler.

  17. vespernite says:

    The fact that she had Ivanka Trump at her birthday party really says it all. She is completely out of touch. And her kids are just another accessory she believed she “just had to have”! Kourtney is lame and ultra religious but at least she is a good mother to her kids and to Travis’ kids. Kim is living on another planet. But I really do believe fame and wealth to the degree that she has it, can warp the mind. To complain when you have all this access and money is just absolutely ridiculous. Ship the kids off to boarding school like other ultra rich people if you can’t bother to raise them yourself. But she won’t because optics, and how her family would side eye the hell out of her for it.

  18. Veronica S. says:

    Child YT is mind numbing content, but you know…she has control of that lol. Take the iPad away and have some fun at a theme park or something. These are babies, not teens who are starting to grow into some awareness of the world beyond themselves, much less mature adults. Really, why do some people even have kids lol.