“Austin Butler met Cher at the LA premiere of ‘The Bikeriders'” links

Austin Butler met Cher at The Bikeriders premiere in LA. [JustJared]
Neil Jordan’s assessment of Tom Cruise is pretty dead-on. [LaineyGossip]
Scooter Braun is retiring from music management, he will not focus on the C-suite of the music industry (which is probably why his clients left him). [Hollywood Life]
Can Armie Hammer just be over and done? [Socialite Life]
Almost 200,000 people traveled out of state for abortions. [Jezebel]
Selena Gomez posed with her older gentlemen friends. [Seriously OMG]
I’m not surprised that Inside Out 2 had such a huge opening weekend, the first film is so good. But they should have brought back the original actors. [Pajiba]
Blake Lively wore Balmain & Valentino. [RCFA]
Ladies, do you trust your husband with your best friend? [Buzzfeed]
Miss Piggy is a fashion icon, and everyone copies her. [OMG Blog]

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32 Responses to ““Austin Butler met Cher at the LA premiere of ‘The Bikeriders'” links”

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  1. TN Democrat says:

    1. I ❤️ love the Muppets. I added Disney Plus to binge the original show. The Muppets have always been clever and charming. 2. I have low key hated Tom Cruise in everything I have ever watched him in. He has dead eyes and isn’t a great actor. 3. IF you can’t trust your best friend with your spouse, you should find another spouse and best friend. Life is too short. 4. Women are literally going septic during miscarriages from lack of care and the wingnuts still won’t modify the draconian laws they have passed. I can’t imagine how much worse care can get. The states restricting abortion also tend to have @#%#ed up medical care in general because many of them also refused to expand medicaid. The medical system here is overwhelmed to the breaking point. People delay care until they are catastrophically ill or end up severely ill because care and follow-ups take so long.

  2. Kane says:

    I still love Tom cruise movies. My first mission impossible was the Thandie Newton one and I loved it. The Irish movie him and Nicole Kidman made was THEY Irish American month movie for african-american schools. For some reason states cut out Irish month but for YEARS that movie was the official movie.

    Now, That I think about it I think only black schools celebrated Irish month. Did you guys celebrate Irish month? We read books, watched Tom cruise and occasionally Mel Gibson, had a food feast, and did crafts. The high schools would offer Ireland trips. It was in fall and then moved to winter, then settled in March.
    They stopped Irish things about 15 years ago here but it was earlier in a lot of states.

    • lisa says:

      I have never heard of Irish month in school! this is so interesting to me. I live in SE PA and you could say every month is Irish Month here. The Irish diaspora center is about 2 miles away.

      • Kitten says:

        I grew up in the most Irish town in America and yeah, it felt like every day was St Patty’s Day. What Kane describes sounds really fun though…more fun than drawing leprechauns and making watercolor shamrocks.

  3. Kane says:

    I liked the Shannara Chronicles but can’t figure out if Austin butler is a good actor. They use a lot of camera angles for him.

    Norman Reedus went on a tangent a few years ago and I cant unsee it. Him, his current wife, jensen ackoles, and the -American that looks like Javier bardem- really had a meltdown. A lot of it has been scrubbed from the internet but woooo. I can’t unsee it.

    • sevenblue says:

      @Kane, omg, what kind of meltdown? I never heard of it. Also, Jeffrey Dean Morgan really looks like Javier 😭

    • HeatherC says:

      I need the tea on this! Jensen Ackles was one of my first TV crushes (Days of Our Lives) and I adore Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

  4. Mil says:

    I love Butler. He does it for me, I am not sorry.

    • Kitten says:

      So hot but I wish he would make a different face in pics.

    • Flamingo says:

      Butler was always so bland to me. Like a walking pancake. Then I saw Dune 2. And OMG I Get IT!

      • HeatherC says:

        I think he’s the type of face that fails in photography, it doesn’t capture him if he’s not in motion or talking because in pictures he just falls flat and vacant to me.

  5. Chaine says:

    I guess im too old for the appeal. To me, Butler always looks like he needs to be hosed down and scrubbed and then have an extreme makeover.

    I looooved early TC in the 80’s. He hit his pinnacle in the 90s and early 00’s, the era from The Firm through Vanilla Sky and Minority Report. The last thing I saw him in was Last Samurai. The film was very cheesy and I was having a dawning awareness that there was something really really wrong with centering a white dude in a movie about historical Japan. Then the next year (I think) was the start of all the bizarre stuff with Katie Holmes and I was really turned off by him.

  6. JFerber says:

    Butler loves to pose, “I am a hot boy.” His eyes always look dead, like a Madame Tussaud waxwork.

  7. bettyrose says:

    First of all, the next person who says Interview came out 30 years ago is gonna hear from my lawyer about emotional distress. Second, yeah, I trust my husband with any of my friends. Why would anyone be married to or close friends with people they can’t trust around their other loved ones? I’d hate to be in my 20s again, though.

    • Mario says:

      Yes. In my 40s, all that stuff is settled. I don’t mess with folks I can’t trust and they don’t with me. My partner of 15 years can be friends (and alone) with anyone they need to be for whatever reason they deem appropriate, as can I. Especially family and friends. No Lily Allens in my circle.

  8. Flamingo says:

    I always thought Lestat was as close to who Tom Cruise really was. Lestat was a petty, vain, mean, vindictive, tantrum throwing Vampire. Swap Vampire for Scientologist and voila! you have a Tom Cruise.

    I had no idea Neil Jordan was writing a memoir. And I am looking forward to reading it.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      IIRC Anne Rice had always envisioned Rutger Hauer when she wrote Lestat – he was too old when they shot this. He would have been fab in the role but Cruise pulled it off and was better than I thought he would. Pitt was meh as Louis – River Phoenix would have been better in that role if he had lived. Slater was good as the reporter.

      Antonia Banderas stole the movie for me – he was just perfection as Armand.

  9. Abby says:

    We watched Inside Out 2 on Sunday with our 10 and 8 year olds and we loved it. We had a 20 minute discussion afterward where the kids unpacked all the new emotions, and what they mean (like what is anxiety and how its different from fear, how are envy and jealousy similar but different, what does it look like to express different emotions, and what other emotions could they include in future stories). I wish they’d had some of the previous voices, but the whole time I thought the voice for Anxiety was Emma Stone. Turns out, it’s Maya Hawke and she did a GREAT job!

    I would love more of these movies (a la despicable me) if they’re this quality. Really good. My brother in law and his wife are both therapists, and said so much of both movies are beautiful imagery for things in their field.

  10. Bookie says:

    Butler needs a new stylist. He always looks too try-hard. Like, Timothee can wear anything and look effortless.

    This is the opinion of a 57-year-old woman, so maybe I just don’t get it. But Butler doesn’t appeal to me at all. Neither does Timothee, but he can wear interesting outfits and not look like a tool.

    • asdf says:

      Agree that Butler needs a new stylist, but I disagree with the idea that Timothee Charlemagne makes it look effortless. It looks tryhard on him too. There are few male celebrities that can make experimenting with male fashion feel natural.

  11. Jailbird says:

    I am not into Butler as a sex symbol or as an actor, but I love the kind of unabashedly thirsty he is. Like his whole award campaign for Elvis. He allegedly changed his vocal cords surgically to sound more like Elvis?? That’s the kind of messy thirsty award campaigns I like. No “I’m so Brave™ for playing a Gay™ 😔” my queer ass hates. Just pure parched messy drama.

  12. sad says:

    I like Tom Cruise as an actor and as a movie star. He’s so deep in that cult, though. I hoped he would leave one day, but it seems he’s not just the poster boy. He could be the head of Scientology one day. It’s so unfortunate.

  13. no thx says:

    Armie Hammer is too rich to ever go away. I didn’t know how wealthy and powerful his family is until I watched the documentary.

    Also, he is not a cannibal. He is a RAPIST. He raped women! All people talk about is the bondage and the cannibalism when the rape is what was actually despicable about the whole situation.

    “In 2023, following his fall from grace due to the #MeToo movement, reports surfaced that Robert Downey Jr. offered Hammer temporary housing and financial support until he could regain stability.”

    Disappointed but not surprised. First, Mel Gibson, then Chris Pratt, now Armie Hammer. Something something the company you keep…

    • Mario says:

      I’m don’t necessarily take as dim a view of Robert Downey Jr. given his history and personal experience. This is a man who was so deep down the drugs and mental illness rabbit hole he broke into other people’s houses, dressed in their clothes, and was an all-around terrible person to those he loved on any number of levels (including twisted relationships). He peaked early and fast, it seemed, and was a horrific mess for it.

      Then he accepted responsibility, was sentenced to literal prison, sorted out his mental health, beat drugs, and found healthy, lifelong exercise, relationship, therapy/medication, and spiritual practices that worked for him and kept him in balance and went on to have a career redemption and second act more lucrative than he ever could have imagined.

      I suspect his position is no one is beyond redemption if they are willing to do the work, and feels a particular responsibility to reach out and be the first non-judgemental hand held out when folks with potential mental illness/alcohol/drug issues hit a public rock bottom and experience the (often well deserved) public shunning that comes with it. Downey got a one in a million opportunity to change his life and redeem himself and took it.

      Now whether others do anything with Downey’s “chance at a second chance” is up to them, and I suspect he’s disappointed more often than he is validated, but I can see why he feels he has to try, to pay it forward, when no one else will. I don’t hold that against him.

      • oh. girl please says:

        I can understand RDJ’s complex relationship with Mel Gibson, since he helped RDJ when he was down. However, it’s funny how RDJ’s “second chances” are only given to white men.

        He kept awfully quiet when Brie Larson was sent death and rape threats. He kept awfully quiet when Chadwick Boseman was victim of racism on social media. He only cared when Chris Pratt had a tantrum over an E! online poll on Twitter.

        Arnie Hammer is the grandson of an oil tycoon that has parks named after him. He is also a rapist. RDJ offering him a home and some money for him to “get back on his feet” is ridiculous. It’s giving Francis Ford Coppola helping convicted pedophile Victor Salva.

        Stop making excuses for white men. Stop making excuses for rapists. Stop making excuses for racists. STOP.

  14. the vampire leslut says:

    Might give it a shot and read that Neil Jordan book. Daniel Day Lewis saying no to playing Lestat because then he’d absolutely need to sleep in a coffin is a hilarious anecdote.

    And speaking of Interview with the Vampire, anyone watching AMC’s Interview with the Vampire show? IT IS SO GOOD. I like the Jordan film, but this show is everything I wanted as a longtime fan of Anne Rice. It’ll be available on Netflix soon, and right now it’s available on AMC+ through Amazon Prime and on the AMC+ app.

    Check it out if you love queer horror, toxic romances, and vampires of color! Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid were robbed. Everyone working on that show deserves an Emmy.

  15. Tursitops says:

    Calista Hendrickson was HRH Miss Piggy’s original dresser. She would insist on real buttons, and real zippers because to her, The Muppet Madonna was a real person.

    The porcine prima donna is the ne plus ultra of stardom. She always could and still can out-diva them all.

    This Chappell person should be so lucky as to have the Sequined Sow as her inspiration.

  16. Aubrey says:

    But did he know it was her?