“Ariana Grande radically changed her speaking voice in one minute” links

Happy Juneteenth, we will be back to a regular schedule tomorrow!

I’m obsessed with this clip of Ariana Grande speaking in her normal voice, then remembering that she needs to do her “sexy baby” voice. [Socialite Life]
Lily Gladstone went to a premiere! [LaineyGossip]
The MAGA cult is super-salty at The Boys. [Pajiba]
Matt Bomer in Milan… hot. [Go Fug Yourself]
Katy Perry is trying to launch some kind of comeback. [OMG Blog]
Georgia May Jagger is pregnant! (She looks so much like her mom.) [Just Jared]
Lupita Nyong’o wore pink tweed Chanel. [RCFA]
Jimmy Smits has been around forever! [Seriously OMG]
This is some Lizzie Borden sh-t. [Starcasm]
Gisele Bundchen is still with Joaquim Valente! [Hollywood Life]
What happened to your high school’s most likely to succeed person? [Buzzfeed]

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29 Responses to ““Ariana Grande radically changed her speaking voice in one minute” links”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    Next thing Ariana is going to tell us she didn’t have any work done.

  2. Emily says:

    I have no idea if this is true or not but someone on X suggested she does the baby voice to preserve her upper register for singing. It is weird regardless to watch someone slip in and out of a character.

    • Atticus says:

      I think this is true, actually. When she was on that Sam and Cat show, it was said she talked in the high pitch voice in character to preserve her vocal cords. Apparently Michael Jackson did the same thing? I can believe it…I can’t imagine the strain on the vocal cords for a singer, especially one like Ariana Grande who can hit the really high notes.

      • Fabiola says:

        At the beginning of Victorious she talked in her normal voice but then changed her voice to a baby soft voice as her character changed to a dumber version. She has kept that voice ever since.

    • TeamAwesome says:

      Voice teacher here! This is absolutely a thing. Many vocal issues come from the speaking voice, not singing. Many of us speak at a pitch that is lower than our optimum voice. If I’m vocally tired I make an effort to speak higher. She’s also using her air differently, with more flow.

      • Nanea says:

        Took singing lessons while at uni, and still sing in our church’s choir.

        Hence I support the lower/higher thesis. Until I got professional help, I was convinced my voice range was alto. Not only was I not a mezzo, but a soprano. Color me surprised!

        And if I’ve practiced a lot of singing, my speaking voice changes too, to a higher register, and others tell me it sounds more melodious.

      • Anonymous says:

        Former professional singer. I used to be able to hit the whistle register. In my mid 20s I decided to prioritize my lower register. I haven’t been able to comfortably go higher than a high C for about 15 years now. I’m still a soprano, but I’m glad I chose to deepen my range. It’s made it possible for me to sing a larger variety of music. I still perform – not for money, but because I love to sing. I hate flying, but singing to me is how I imagine it feels to fly for people who like flying.

    • Lemons says:

      I definitely felt like I could not comment because I know nothing about professional singing.

      But this definitely feels like what happens before a psychotic break 😅 Not really…My voice changes depending on the language I am speaking.

    • Nic919 says:

      And yet Mariah, Celine and Whitney don’t / didn’t use a baby voice. And Aretha. Or opera singers.

      • WithTheAmerican says:

        Yeah and voice register does not equal baby voice. One can have a high voice or choose to speak in upper register without sounding like a baby.

    • J says:

      I am a singer, semi-professional, had to stop singing as much due to a voice disorder where my muscles are tense and voice gets easily fatigued. Speaking higher in my register helps me maintain my voice and not lose it as often. Definitely a thing. Maybe her voice is a bit fragile and less robust compared to Mariah etc. The ‘lower’, ‘normal’ version of her voice sounds quite throaty and might lead to fatigue (same as mine), so she purposely changes it. Just a guess from my own experience.

  3. H says:

    I would like her to go away for a couple years and get intense therapy before she is back out there

    • Justjj says:

      This is what I think. Infantilizing herself to the degree she does and insisting others do so with the constant body checking and the creepy baby voice, going after other womens’ partners, hopping from one relationship to the next with constant overlap and a ton of messiness, her new album entirely lacking any meaningful insight or self awareness, etc. …it all adds up to a pretty clear picture of a lot of untreated mental illness. I look at her and I just see such an unhealed, insecure, desperate person.

  4. CL says:

    Seeing MAGA finally catching on to The Boys is hilarious. It’s so sad that it’s taken them four years to realize that their faves are the bad guys.

  5. Boxy Lady says:

    I always thought that Georgia May looked more like Mick and that her sister Lizzie looked more like Jerry, but in that picture, Georgia May definitely looks like Jerry with a bit of Mick. And her partner looks like a young Charlie Watts! Mazel tov to them on the coming baby!

  6. MY3CENTS says:

    How long does it take her to change her ethnicity?

  7. Stef says:

    Is anything about her actually real? So much about her seems contrived and fake, especially her speaking voice.

    Hope she gets some real therapy, she’s a mess.

    • Nic919 says:

      I didn’t watch the documentary about Nickelodeon but she was definitely used inappropriately even if she wasn’t the most victimized. So much of her nonsense now can be traced to how she didn’t grow up in a healthy environment.

      • Stef says:

        Have often wondered about that with her, as a child star. She just seems super malajusted, infantalized, and out of touch. This would explain a lot…

  8. Ilsa says:

    Penn seems like a decent guy, but if I were his wife I would be keeping AN EYE on Ariana right now.

    • Juls says:

      Scoot over, I’m sitting with you. This is where my mind went first too. Stay alert, Penn. It’s about time for Ari to be on the prowl for a trade-in, and she only goes after committed men. And she was looking at him like he’s a snack.

  9. Peanut Butter says:

    I’ve never, ever understood Jerry’s appeal at all and feel the same about Georgia May. But, Matt Bomer, my god, that man is beautiful and also seems like a genuinely likeable person.

  10. Danbury says:

    Matt Bomer looks good in everything he wears. Gorgeous!

  11. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    Thank you to all the singers for the explanations. I didn’t know that and it was very interesting. The only additional comment from me is that preserving her voice doesn’t explain the change in mannerisms and almost in character as she speaks. I went back and watched the video again and it’s not only the register of her voice but it’s her mannerisms and expressions and faux coquettish- ness baby speaking that is peculiar. Not sure if I’m expressing myself properly.

  12. Eve Pave says:

    Yawn. She getting too old to play Lolita.
    And her music sucks now. I was looking forward to her new songs.
    It’s time to be a grown up and a look to match. It’s just getting sad now